३ डिसेंबर, २०१०
Hillary says: "I think I will serve as secretary of state as my last public position."
Oh? You "think." You don't know. And that's "think," in the present tense. So it's your current vision of your future? Is there anything that could possibly cause you to think differently, in the future, about how you see your future?
८५ टिप्पण्या:
Excellent catch, AA. Trust a Clinton at one's own peril, in any tense, in any context.
What about you last public position Mary?
Are you currently in it and going to be retiring soon?
Let's hear about your future.
Yes, the power of NOW is most important but what about later?
A future of endless freezing winters in Wisconsin in your future? I guess not.
Waunakee Wisconsin has some amazing large mcmansion homes-fyi.
Hugs and loves and big clumber kisses.
Of course, if the masses insist...
The Clintons are very much about serving others.
She also "thought" Monica was lying, so let's not give her too many points for prescience.
Too many possible comebacks, way too many.
Whether she means it or not, she's probably right. Her stultifying incompetence at State, capped off by the WikiLeaks revelations, have pretty much killed any Oval Office moves..
She is part of the Obama admin. Once the GREATEST DEPRESSION hits, and it will hit, her name will be MUDD (both of Star Trek and the Civil War fame.)
I'm sure the Clinton strategy team has its heads together figuring out how to overcome the defection of blacks after She Who Must Be Obeyed first challenges and then bests Obama in the 2012 Democrat presidential primaries. My guess is that Hillary will bang away at legitimating the illegal alien Mexican invasion as the first order of business in a HRC administration in order to stimulate a huge hispanic pro-Hillary turnout in the general election.
Is there a future tense for "think"?
Would "I thought I would serve as SoS as my last public position?" be a more informative statement?
Is there anything that could possible cause you to think differently, in the future, about how you see your future?
No. My years of public service has been fulfilling but there is an aspect of my life that is missing.
I want to stay home and bake cookies.
So she's gonna serve as SOS again after being President?
Thread winner.
It is an interesting choice of words. I wonder what sort of non-public position(s) she might be considering.
She'll have a lot of extra time to take in some NY Yankees baseball games. She's like the biggest fan. I wonder if she still has the hat?
More free time for lectures at the Y.
WV: consused - Like a Sarah Palin new word. Obama and Palin got into a fight, and Obama ended up consused.
Wow! Deep, AA!
"Think" is in the *present* tense -- as opposed to all those past, future, and perfect tenses she could have used.
"I have been thinking that...."
"I would have thought that..."
"I will be thinking that..."
Stay diligent!
She also "thought" Monica was lying, so let's not give her too many points for prescience.
With that in her background, I have a hard time understanding how she holds public office now, or would even be considered.What she and Bill did to Monica was depraved. I would appreciate anyone explaining it to me. I don't understand her appeal. Ann?
It just seems unreal to see her talked about like an innocent person.
She "thought" she would fulfill her second term as Senator. Plans change. Pronouncements such as this are pretty meaningless.
Obama has popped up in Afghanistan. Are we supposed to believe this is less of a photo op than anything W did?
@Leland: Would "I thought I would serve as SoS as my last public position?" be a more informative statement?
"SoS will be my last public position." would be more definitive. That she didn't say that is what (from a Clinton) is provocative.
My bet is still the SCOTUS.That is not considered a public position, is it?
That will all depend on what the situation looks like in the spring of 2012 - if there still is a world then.
That will all depend on what the situation looks like in the spring of 2012 - if there still is a world then.
I thought we were supposed to be dreading December 2012, not spring.
I couldn't find the exact quote, but is it not true that HRC has fallen back on the word "inoperative" to explain away a obvious lie, deceptive policy, broken promise, etc?
The best thing that ever happened to Hillary Clinton's electability was Barry Obama.
Compared to him she is starting to look like a moderate as crazy as that seems.
Does losing records at a law firm qualify one for SCOTUS?
I vaguely recall an incident in 1994 when Hillary's leadership of what was euphemistically called "healthcare reform" exploded in her face like a joke shop cigar. Caught in a lie HRC dismissed press queries with something like "that's no longer operative."
Does anybody recall the details?
I think the only person who would not want to see Hilary in a new position is Bill. Just sayn'
It costs a lot of money to run for office. How much money do the Clintons have? Didn't Hillary have trouble paying her campaign staff last time around?
There's a lot of money in lectures. She could also sell a lot of books. Maybe also, a reality show is in her future...
Obama has popped up in Afghanistan.
Wonder if he'll see my nephew.
Does anybody recall the details?
Hmm...too early to be "mispeaking" about sniper fire....
Can someone please explain the difference between mispeaking and outright lying? Is it elected office?
Here's my prediction for HRC:
Sometime next spring we'll hear of Bill Clinton's deteriorating health -- cardiopulmonary something or other -- which will become a topic of concern on Chrissy Matthews, Rachel "Bob" Maddow, Blanderson Cooper, etc.
After this stews for about six weeks HRC will announce her retirement from the Obama admin in order to "spend more time with my family." Chissy, Bob, Obly and others will hail her heroic sacrifice for the sake of hubby Bill's health (not long for this world, poor guy). HRC will be back in New York by August 2011.
Quietly and under her strict supervision a "Draft Hillary!" committee will form. It will be based in some blue state metro area not in New York to better keep a distance (illusory of course) between the talking head spokesmen and the real force behind the committee, HRC herslf. George Soros will funnel in well-laundered seed money.
By Xmas, 2011 HRC will have had at least one speaking engagement in Iowa.
Her last public position will be supine.
Agreed, Crack.
Not sure which book it was, but one of the Clinton Presidency post-mortems had all the details on Hillary's crusade to destroy the women her husband had fucked.
It was sick.
Hillary Clinton is the Conservative movement's Richard Nixon. The great white whale of politics.
Hillary Clinton will not run for national office again. She is old news and represents a rapidly shrinking consituency. Her failure to defeat a back bench Chicago ward healer in 2008 demonstrates that she is loser. Her decision to quit the Senate for SoS and then her failure to resign when the President demonstrated his total lack of understanding of international affairs taints her as dull witted and tone deaf. She is both un-nominatable and unelectable.
She is both un-nominatable and unelectable.
Probably true. But she is also very pleased with herself and her evident destiny.
Once, a couple years ago, I got my first big news scoop when a friend of mine that works for Hertz car rentals found the working draft of Larry Craig's resignation speech after his little scandal. She vacuumed one of the Expeditions that his caravan rented.
Anyway, on the draft, his team crossed out, "I will resign" and replaced it with, "It is my intention to resign."
Little qualifiers like this are second-nature for politicians. It lets them make a convincing point in the present while giving them wiggle room for future events.
I predict:
1) Hilary resigns over Wikileaks
2) Biden becomes Sec State, resigning as VP
3) Obama taps Hilary as VP
4) Obama steps down
5) Voila! President Clinton the second.
Or, more probably given Hilary's entire history, bio and resume up to now, she has the title of President but Bill calls the shots.
John Henry
"Does losing records at a law firm qualify one for SCOTUS?"
And you can take that to the bank!
(preferably Stanford International Bank)
If by supine you mean horizontal in a coffin, I disagree.
As crooked as she is, she will have to be screwed into the ground like a corkscrew.
John Henry
They taught her well at the Rose Law Firm.
Well that and having to deal with Bill's excuses over the years.
Besides anything else that can be said, good or bad, the Democrats are an elderly party. Besides THE ONE himself they have no one on the horizon who combines stature and relative youth. If the unemployment rate is north of 9% by next August Obama is going to have at least one primary challenger. HRC is the only one with an organization in being. She will make a play for the White House -- count on it.
wv: mullyst - Sigmund Freud when he tended to brood over things
Evan Baye will run from the right and get nowhere and there will be a challenger on the left but if Obama chooses to run then there is no alternative for the simple reason that no other Democrat is electable including HRC. The African-American voter will stay home and worse for the Democrats some may pull the Republican lever in a snit. Hillary, like everybody else knows that without the black vote the Democrats are doomed.
Ah, the mystery of the Rose Law Firm billing records, will that one ever be solved?
Evan Bayh - no stature to speak of
Andrew Cuomo - ditto double plus
If unemployment is 9% or more by August Obama's best polling will be south of 40% approval. This is will be red meat to a ruthless harridan like HRC. Also by August we should see a few Republican toes in the water. Depending on who is attached to those toes a Hillary bid could look even better. Remember, it was the feminist/metrosexual axis that deserted Hillary in favor of Obama, due to his superior narrative -- black beats female in the downtrodden derby, that swung the nomination to Obama. Obama, like a dead cow in the summer sun, is growing more rank by the hour. By next autumn the black vote will be fungible -- as always the majority will go for the Democrat no matter who it is.
Completely off topic here. Does anyone know what the flock of ~60 large white birds next to Picnic point is? Swans? I'm not close enough to make them out.
Second Quaestor's scenario; we have not heard the last of Ms Clinton (but for Gaia's sake lose the orange pants suit! Her butt is so big golf balls orbit around it)
You are dreaming. The black vote will of course go for the Dems. But it also requires numbers. If the Democrats dump Obama and even his decision not to run will be considered a betrayal forced upon him by the white establishment, turnout will be insufficient to win the election. That's a fact, not a scenario dreamed by an HRC obsessed Republican. It's Obama or nothing for the Dems.
Hillary will not die until someone drives a wooden stake through her heart and covers her with garlic.
Obama will never step aside for Hillary. Not gonna happen. Nor should he. If she wants it she will have to run against a sitting President like both Ted Kennedy and Ronald Reagan did. One never made it but the other ran later and won two terms. So she has a 50/50 shot if she runs against him.
I don't think she will. Much better to quit for "Family reasons" and undermine Barry from behind the scences.
Remember, they didn't find any fingerprints at Fort Marcy Park. Just sayn'
Re the comment that she will resign because Bill is sick. He does appear feeble looking to me when I see him on the news- like he has a serious illness or is just aging prematurely.
You always look thin and haggard when you having too much sex while your wife is out messing up America's foreign policy. The poor guy is just spent.
It's called Hugh Hefner's disease.
You know just like Lou Gerhigs disease with out the heart warming stories.
Quaestor said...
Here's my prediction for HRC:
Sometime next spring we'll hear of Bill Clinton's deteriorating health
Anent AJ's riposte ("He does appear feeble looking"), you're both right. More to the point, he moves like an old man - reminds me of Teddy Kennedy a year or so before he died. If Willie lives another 5 years, I think it will be no small miracle.
Besides anything else that can be said, good or bad, the Democrats are an elderly party
Along with taking as many state houses as they did, that's the big Republican take-away from the election. As Dick Morris noted, an entire generation of Democrat up-and-comers was wiped out on the 2nd. The Demos really have no bench except for a few too familiar faces, while the Rs have Rubio, Christie, Rand Paul, and so on.
The PIAPS will primary Obama if she has to. She wants the presidency so bad she can taste it and at her age she only has one more shot.
Even the dems know that Obama is damaged beyond repair and only a cataclysmic event could change that.
Oh wait!
Maybe she believes she'll be appointed Secretary of State again after a term or two as President...in which case her statement is perfectly cromulent.
I think the best thing for Hillary to do is quit this lousy job as Secretary of State and go on "Dancing with the Stars."
It could be her pathway to the Oval Office.
The fact that no one but Lincolntf answered my question explains how this works, I guess:
A delusional public just ignores the obvious and keeps talking, talking, talking about her like she's a worthy candidate for something - and she exploits every opportunity they give her.
She could be covered in blood and you guys would still be debating her chances. It's bizarre. And, yet, many of you still don't see what I'm getting at on my blog? It's like being surrounded by zombies, or some other form of the walking dead - what's wrong with you people? Hillary Clinton is "qualified" for one thing:
Tar and feathers.
You guys have got to understand:
I've been too close to this kind of mindless behavior not to notice when it's happening, and this thread is a fine example of it. Now I respect you guys, so I'm going to ask you again:
Why are you ignoring the obvious for this woman?
jerryofva wrote: turnout will be insufficient to win the election. That's a fact, not a scenario dreamed by an HRC obsessed Republican. It's Obama or nothing for the Dems.
There are few facts more factual than those frustrating future facts.
I agree with your estimate of HRC character. She deserves that tar and feathering you suggest quite royally. And I agree she isn't remotely qualified. However...
Is it not also true that lack of qualifications is no disqualification for the White House?
She'd say that if she really doesn't want to run for president in 2012, and she'd say that if she was desperately conniving to run in 2012.
From the Off Topic But Cute department:
Via John Hinderaker at PowerLine
The AP reports that [former Associated Press White House report Helen Thomas] received a standing ovation at the "Images and Perceptions of Arab Americans" conference. Yesterday was a big day for her; she was also "the guest of honor at the Arab American National Museum, where a sculpture of her was unveiled during a private reception."
Inquiring minds what to know how one can distinguish between a statue of Helen Thomas and large pile of petrified dogshit?
The Crack Emcee
You're completely nuts and your blog is, if anything, batshit crazy. Good for a laugh anyway.
I'd take Hillary as President over any politician you can name right about now.
Crack: "Why are you ignoring the obvious for this woman?"
Because the obvious doesn't apply, she's all they've got.
"I'd take Hillary as President over any politician you can name right about now."
And YOU are calling others "bat shit crazy"
OK then....
Someone above says I wonder what sort of non-public position(s) she might be considering.
Secretary General of the UN? (Nope ... that's for Barack. And after Wikileaks, probably a no go for her.)
President of Wellesley?
That would let her age gracefully into near oblivion. She'd be honored. She could speak to students and Democrats and make a lot of money.
Re Helen Thomas in Detroit
Not that cute when Helen Thomas can retract her apology for her anti-semitic remarks.
And get a standing ovation.
I can't picture Hillary winning the Presidency, and it is unlikely she'd run again for Senate... so, yeah, this is probably her last public position.
Helen Thomas and Charles Rangel both get standing ovations and some would deny that this country has a enemy within.
The mind reels.
I think Hillary looks to old for the electorate. An unfair double-standard, yes. But women simply don't age as gracefully as men, and a significant portion of the public is swayed by looks (age, height, weight, etc)
Althouse thinks Hillary is gonna pull a Dr. Laura!
You're completely nuts and your blog is, if anything, batshit crazy. Good for a laugh anyway.
Ah, another defender of homeopathy and "The One". Who's crazy again?
I'd take Hillary as President over any politician you can name right about now.
I'll see your Hillary and raise you a Chris Christie.
He, at least, as never demonized anyone his spouse defiled.
Defiled? I think the a more descriptive verb for what Bill does is pork.
As for Hillary, funny those spouses that blame the other person when the spouse is out for a frolic.
I hear you, and don't really disagree. However, with a family that will argue the meaning of "is", then you need something stronger than "will":
"SoS shall be my last public position."
Fen was listening to Rush in 2008.
That statement is only designed to stifle any speculation when she steps down from State in January. Of course she will run. Her only hesitancy has been whether Obama's popularity would hold up. That question was answered in spades on November 2.
Her minions like Carville have been zinging Obama for six months now. Husband Bill has been playing the party loyalist, offering inducements to outclassed Dems to drop put of races. But he utterly detests Obama for having played the race card against Hillary twice during the primaries.
It's all a game.
Triangle Man -- I didn't see the birds, but I have seen plenty of egrets in Mendota in the past. Maybe a flock was there today?
If anybody needs some batshit crazy, I've tried to provide.
and the sillypants gotcha "gotcha" award of the year goes to this thread.
what would you rather be said:
"i'm certain..." then the observation would be that no one can predict the future, or
"i will not be..." why just 'will not'? the comment would then be "but you didn't rule it out possitively" or
"this is my last public post" then the comment would be "aha..you are a politician at heart....the sentence isn't finished..."
i can't wait to go to a law lecture filled with absolutes.
That statement is only designed to stifle any speculation when she steps down from State in January.
Its is interesting when you look at it from the Clinton angle. We already know they would leak national security information (China-Loral) for cash. Why not power? Is Hillary behind the leak? Is it an attempt to sabotage Obama while playing the victim?
@Fen "China-Loral"....
What BS rattles around in that noggin of yours? You know that there was no such "leak" and Hughes/Loral were investigated and fined and that Clinton didn't take data from Los Alamos. did you once again take "facts" from http://www.iamaconspiracyshithead.com?
She didn't kill Vince Foster either you fruitcake.
I read that Bill has become a vegetarian. That may explain his unhealthy looks lately.
HdHouse: You know that there was no such "leak" and Hughes/Loral were investigated and fined and that Clinton didn't take data from Los Alamos
Thats nice. But the fact is that the Clintons traded China tech in exchange for campaign cash from the Chineese Army. So we know they are not above leaking to wikileaks in exchange for power.
I don't think they are the culprits, but they would be my first set of suspects because this is their MO.
Bill Clinton's heart is really bad. He's not in good health.
If I had to put my money on it, she's getting in position now for a run.
Her stiff demeanor, love/hate poll numbers work against her.
THe Clinton shine is still strong on the Left, and it depends on how Obama does with the economy (or how the economy does without Obama screwing it up too much).
It depends on the Repub candidate too, and all sorts of other unknowns.
No more Bushes or Clintons please.
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