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"Her smash-mouthed assault on His deity, sovereignty and infallibility brought more GodSmacks upon her..."
If you're trying to fathom the twisted reasoning behind picketing Elizabeth Edwards' funeral (by the Westboro Baptist Church), the hateful text is here.
Elizabeth Edwards,
Westboro Baptist Church
७२ टिप्पण्या:
The reason? Publicity.
What are you talking about? We told you the company you were keeping. We even specifically mentioned those who picket funerals.
Don't back away now. This is who you are.
Just when I was certain I had absolutely no sympathy for EE, these idjiots have to go and prove me wrong
Only God decides who goes to heaven or hell.
God created every kind of lunatic you can imagine.
His works are infinite.
His purpose is often difficult to comprehend.
Crack, let it go.
These people (the Westboro crowd) are seriously sick. They are the only people with a sufficient lack of class to picket a funeral.
(at least until Darth Cheney dies)
Crack, you've been reduced to a whimpering little bitch.
All Ann did was note that Elizabeth did not include an apology to her own people for misleading them.
For that, you pretend she has common cause with Fred Phelps?
You've lost it.
(The Crypto Jew)
The Westboro Baptist Church “argues/insults Up.” Paco Wave has it EXACTLY right, “publicity.”
Drill SGT: Just when I was certain I had absolutely no sympathy for EE, these idjiots have to go and prove me wrong
No kidding. Funerals are for the living. They are to help family and friends find closure and move on with life. Phelps deliberately handicaps these people for PR and lawsuits.
I really don't understand why these people are still alive. One grenade in their midst would have stopped them long ago.
Hey, these piles of steaming dog-shit are from just down the road. Most people do not understand their gig.
Most of their income comes from lawsuits, and settlements in the face of threats of lawsuits.
They do this picket things with the intention of pissing people off, and -- they hope -- inciting a vigorous reaction.
If you look carefully at any Westboro demonstration you will always find at least one, perhaps two, videographers. Their job is to document opponents' reactions.
They have other people incognito whose job it is to follow reactors back to their cars, take the plate numbers, and research their home address.
At which point they're sued, usually for "mental anguish" or some other such trumped up charges, and so on.
Settlements of such things are their major source of income. That's they're intentionally outrageous.
It's a classic shakedown gig in the best traditions of Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.
I amazed no one has yet to kill one of those Phelps assholes. Does anyone believe there is a jury in America that would vote to convict?
Fuck them.
Also, from your "blog"
Crack: John and Elizabeth Edwards have proven themselves the perfect match. On the one hand, you've got a lying, hypocritical, power-hungry narcissist. And then there's her husband.
You're a fucking hypocrite.
Not a word, Fen, not one word.
"But he will reply, ‘I don’t know you or where you come from. Away from me, all you evildoers!’"
Luke 13:27
The Westboro Baptist Church “argues/insults Up.”
They have no other option. Who's beneath them?
Crack: Not a word, Fen, not one word.
Of course not. There are no words to defend your distortion of what Ann said.
Fred Phelps, the publicity whore of Babylon.
I checked Google and This guy came up with it first. He even applied it to Fred.
John "Ambulance Chaser" Edwards
Fred "Antagonizer" Phelps
Geez John, you want to repair your image. You've got the skills to take down this bastard. Just do it.
Oh, Fen, great point. Wouldn't it be sweet for Edwards to sue their sorry arses for "mental anguish"?
Fen, your prediction is coming true. People are using EE's corpse for political purposes. It's just not Democrats doing it.
I agree that JE going after Westboro would be excellent.
the twisted reasoning behind picketing Elizabeth Edwards' funeral = $$$
Tick off enough people thoroughly enough and some of them will smack you. Then you sue them. That's the Westboro way.
Fred Phelps and Westboro Baptist Church are the same as Medea Benjamin and Code Pink: cheap publicity whores.
I think the MSM is making a mistake by publicizing their presence at the Edwards funeral.
Though I did wonder why they were picking on the Edwards family -- Reille Hunter can provide proof that John is not and has never been homosexual. So I followed the link and now I see that Phelps and his disfunctional crew are distraught over the couple's decision to have more children after their son Wade died.
Donchya think that's kind of thin?
My husband went to one of these protests ten or so years ago (one of the ones with the "God Hates Fags" theme) to counter them, and the police told him that the Westboro people were scam artists who incited people to violence and then made money by suing.
Nothing, it seems, has changed.
People are using EE's corpse for political purposes.
Is this "political"?
Even Christian singers write songs against Fred Phelps
It's not ideology, it's not religion, it's not fame. It's greed. Pure, unadulterated greed.
And the media narrative that it's about something else just feeds it.
They don't even have to get you to hit them. They make money also by suing cities who deny them protest permits and that sort of thing. It's a settlement money gravy train.
Just like the trolls, don't feed them. Stop paying attention to them and they should dry up and blow away. They can't be insulted, they will just race to the courthouse, with inhouse attorneys leading the way.
Notice that the Phelps family is filled with attorneys.
"Notice that the Phelps family is filled with attorneys."
I've been told countless times that our legal system is the envy of the world.
Westboro Baptist and its members should be ignored with abandon.
I amazed no one has yet to kill one of those Phelps assholes. Does anyone believe there is a jury in America that would vote to convict?
I few years ago, I drove past a bunch of them protesting in front of a local church. It was perhaps the first time in my life that I regretted no longer having access to hand grenades.
There was a story a few weeks ago about how their van tires were slashed in one town and everyone refused to repair their tires. Gotta good chuckle out of that story. I'm honestly surprised that no one has burnt their so-called church to the ground with them in it. I guess their local police department is on the ball.
The Phelps family conclusively demonstrates that you can get pregnant from anal sex.
Speaking as a member of the Church of FSM, at what point does a purported religion lose credibility as such, and lose protected tax status?
I mean, I can't just declare myself a high priest and my house a temple. What's the threshold? Is there some required number of followers? Is there some measure of religiosity that makes something a church, and not just a club of like-minded people?
Because these idiots must certainly be pushing the envelope.
At this point, having the WBC protest at your funeral is a badge of honor.
Fen wrote:
All Ann did was note that Elizabeth did not include an apology to her own people for misleading them.
For that, you pretend she has common cause with Fred Phelps?
That's not all she said. She also said we should have less sympathy for her because she was successful and her husband was well endowed and she ONLY lost one son. And we should use our sympathy on people who actually deserve it, namely those less fortunate than her.
Only how do I know that they aren't cheating on their wives or husbands, and or have well enowed husbands or aren't asshole bosses, or dont have multiple kids and are less fortunate than Elizabeth Edwards, but more fortunate than the homeless guy living on the corner.
Only he should get our sympathy.
Fen wrote:
I really don't understand why these people are still alive. One grenade in their midst would have stopped them long ago.
A hand grenade isn't needed. Rather it should play out like the scene in Witness where the bullies in town start picking on the Amish people and Harrison Ford marches over and proceeds to punch one of them in the face for being an asshole. And the Amish elder says "It's not our way, Book" and Harrison Ford replies "No, but it is mine".
Someone at the funeral should simply walk over to the Phelps gang and pop one of htem in the mouth repeatedly.
The Crack Emcee said...
What are you talking about? We told you the company you were keeping. We even specifically mentioned those who picket funerals.
Don't back away now. This is who you are.
Honestly, I don't understand why you are so despondent over Elizabeth Edwards death. What are you trying to defend here? She had cancer, so what? Did her cancer stop her from suing her husbands assistant as being the reason for her marriage crashing and burning at the hands of her husband and his nutty NewAge documentarian? Did her cancer drive her to castigate her staff constantly and threaten them with pulling their benefits if they didn't put out the spin to lie to the press to stop her husbands infidelity from reaching the press and ultimately the public? Did her cancer drive her to write two books and profit from them?
Seriously, what the fuck are you defending? You aren't billy badass, your attempts to paint those who criticize bad behavior as being callous falls on deaf ear from my point of view. Outside of Fen basically shoving your bullshit back in your face, I'd rather hear and expose the ugly truth about what is instead of paint a rosy picture because of someones afflictions. Get over yourself.
I guess their local police department is on the ball.
On the ball, or on their payroll?
I really don't understand why these people are still alive.
I don't either. Our ancestors were made of much sterner stuff.
Fen, your prediction is coming true. People are using EE's corpse for political purposes. It's just not Democrats doing it.
Well, technically it IS Democrats doing it, since Phelps is a Democrat.
But it isn't the Democratic Party doing it for political advantage.
mariner said...
I guess their local police department is on the ball.
On the ball, or on their payroll?
If I had to guess, I'd say on the ball. A significant percentage of police officers are military veterans. They probably hate them as much as anyone but want to keep the peace in their town. I don't envy them for the job they have to do - it's almost enough to qualify for a segment on Mike Rowe's "Dirty Jobs." However, there are probably some things even Mike won't do. Time to pick up road kill or clean out a sewage tank, Mike's on it. Time to protect Phelps and his "church", well, sometimes the stench is just too bad for sane human beings.
WV: efing - if that isn't a fitting verification word for a post about Phelps, I don't know what is.
I amazed no one has yet to kill one of those Phelps assholes. Does anyone believe there is a jury in America that would vote to convict?
I would hope there would be. Being a raging asshole doesn't carry the death penalty.
I would hope there would be. Being a raging asshole doesn't carry the death penalty.
If it did, perhaps there would be fewer raging assholes. Stupidity should be painful.
Thank goodness you're not Fen, or else I couldn't answer, and, since no one but his dumb ass has asked, I now get a chance to explain myself:
Honestly, I don't understand why you are so despondent over Elizabeth Edwards death. What are you trying to defend here?
As I explained the other day, I got a sense of her in an interview - not a planned speech but just "talking" - and, even for a Democrat, she was likable, smart, and engaging. Someone I would've been glad to talk to one day, as many have pointed out. Is there really something wrong with recognizing someone's humanity - forget the partisan politics for a second - and recognizing that an otherwise pretty decent person (somebody kinda "normal" amongst our celebrities) caught a few bad breaks at the end, on the public stage, and thinking, maybe, we should just put her in the ground quietly and walk away?
She had cancer, so what? Did her cancer stop her from suing her husbands assistant as being the reason for her marriage crashing and burning at the hands of her husband and his nutty NewAge documentarian? Did her cancer drive her to castigate her staff constantly and threaten them with pulling their benefits if they didn't put out the spin to lie to the press to stop her husbands infidelity from reaching the press and ultimately the public? Did her cancer drive her to write two books and profit from them?
Now, this is one of those offensive straw men Ann started. No one - not one person on any of these threads - has brought up EE's cancer but Ann and her idiot lapdog, Fen. They just made it up and attached it to me, with Ann trying to use it to accuse me of being cultishly NewAge myself. As I've said earlier, it shows that she'll do anything, say anything, make up anything, to defend herself, even if it has no basis in reality. I found everything she said, regarding this topic, to be delusional and disgusting. And accusing me of being a cultish cancer creep was one of the worst. For Ann Althouse, I think it's revealing - she's a NewAger - and for a professor, I think it's shameful.
Meth - Cont'd:
You aren't billy badass, your attempts to paint those who criticize bad behavior as being callous falls on deaf ear from my point of view. Outside of Fen basically shoving your bullshit back in your face, I'd rather hear and expose the ugly truth about what is instead of paint a rosy picture because of someones afflictions. Get over yourself.
Now you're doing it, too. I'm amazed at how often some of you will replace the reality of me with your assumptions - without remembering assumptions are for assholes - and are usually wrong.
Just as I said to Ann the other day, the smart person would ask why I call her a NewAger (something she still hasn't bothered to do, preferring to go by her own assumptions of what I'm getting at) I'll say to you, if the term The Macho Response confuses you, then why not ask what it means to me? Why assume I'm trying to be "billy badass"? Why ever assume anything?
People here have assumed, and insisted, I hate women. Kinda stupid since it's obvious I like Ann, Synova, Freeman Hunt, Sarah Palin, and others - ain't they women? But - and this is what's important to me and my studies - once these things are put in your heads - by you, not me - there's nothing I can do or say to shake it. All of a sudden, I'm faced with a group of people engaged in cultish thinking (or group-think) who refuse to recognize A) they're doing it, or B) they're doing it together, or C) it's completely a lie, or D) it's completely unfair, or E) it's the very phenomena I'm constantly complaining about. I mean, come on:
In an attempt to defend herself, Ann Althouse has accused me - ME - of being a NewAge cultist.
If you ask me, it doesn't get more disingenuous than that. And, even after all this time, knowing my personal story, and reading my blog, not one person here said Ann's charge doesn't add up - he's The Crack Emcee - he talks about cultism and would kill himself before he fell for it. Instead, you guys fell for that obvious ploy (and a lame one at that) and you even give Fen credit when he's done nothing but parrot the same delusional nonsense Ann threw out there. That's sad, man.
As I've said before, there are some days when you guys can disgust me, and it's this very aspect of our society's modern cultism that does it. It's not just on this blog - it's this society. You can see it best in the AGW shit - everyone saying we're all going to die, as Al Gore buys more huge houses and sets up a way to make money off of it - and he's still walking around, respected, when he ought to be on trial for trying to con the entire Western World. And, now that it's over, you're also going to let him walk free with all of our money - just as you're giving Fen credit for leading you astray about who I am:
I've been here a long time - longer than Fen, I think - don't you know by now?
Crack: I got a sense of her in an interview - not a planned speech but just "talking" - and, even for a Democrat, she was likable, smart, and engaging. Someone I would've been glad to talk to one day, as many have pointed out.
I see the same thing in her. So whats your point? Clinton was charsimatic but he still sexually abused the women on his staff.
Is there really something wrong with recognizing someone's humanity ...we should just put her in the ground quietly and walk away?
Certainly. But if *you* are going to make up lies about her life, under the cover of sanctity for the dead, then you should expect pushback.
No one - not one person on any of these threads - has brought up EE's cancer but Ann and her idiot lapdog, Fen. They just made it up and attached it to me
Uhhh NO. You need to read the threads again. Her cancer was brought up by those who were outraged that Ann noted EE didn't apologize to her base for misleading them.
BTW, most of your problem is that you misread everything in those threads. Its why you refuse to provide quotes to back up your assertions of vileness - they don't exist. When you get over your meltdown, you really should go back and review the thread without all that emotion clouding you.
And accusing me of being a cultish cancer creep was one of the worst.
Look back on this, I think you'll be embarassed by how you knelt down at the Altar of Saint Elizabeth because you were charmed by her in an interview. The Cultish cancer creep slam was not far off. Your normal logic was replaced by gross sentimentality. You kinda turned into a fanatic.
Coupling this recent behavior with your constant harping about cults, I can't help but wonder if its all because you fell prey to some charlatan who abused you. You seem prone to it.
I've been here a long time - longer than Fen, I think - don't you know by now?
Summer of 06, just in time for the Valenti breasts. Not that it matters "who was here first".
Personally, I have no respect for John or the Sainted Elizabeth, as both were/are perhaps the Poster Children for the Worst Excesses and Shamelessness of the Baby Boomers (so too, the Clintons).
However, even if she was a rotten person in life, I don't feel the need to piss on her grave. She did, after all, have children and they didn't get to choose their parents.
Have some class and some sympathy for them. They're not responsible for the actions of their parents.
These Westboro folks are despicable, and I'm certain the Invisible-Man-in-The-Sky-Who-Knows-And-Sees-All-and-Is-Omniscient-But-is-Somehow-Always-Broke will have a special playpen reserved for them, complete with pitchforks, fire and brimstone, and demonic tormentors.
And no, I don't mean Detroit.
However, even if she was a rotten person in life, I don't feel the need to piss on her grave.
But no one's been pissing on her grave.
What people *have* been doing is confronting EE supporters who took advantage of the solemnity surrounding her death to re-write her history.
For example: I wouldn't bring up Mary Jo the day Ted Kennedy died, UNLESS the libtards were trying to pretend Mary Jo commited suicide.
Fen: Er no. Sorry but the facts are he drove her into the drink and fled the scene
Libtards: Wah! You're dancing on his grave! You evil callous wretch
I wonder how tolerant our court system and conservative pundits would be of the Westboro Church's 'free speech' if they were Islam and not Baptist.
Not one word, Fen, not one word.
You've lied, and you blew it.
Methadras wrote:
She had cancer, so what? Did her cancer stop her from suing her husbands assistant as being the reason for her marriage crashing and burning at the hands of her husband and his nutty NewAge documentarian?
Did that new age nutjob in fact sleep with her husband? If in fact she is bothered by it, wouldn't that potentially be grouns for ruining her marriage? Should she or should she not have sued?
Did her cancer drive her to castigate her staff constantly and threaten them with pulling their benefits if they didn't put out the spin to lie to the press to stop her husbands infidelity from reaching the press and ultimately the public?
I don't know. Did she? Or is that the story being told by her staff who wrote a book about their exploits after going along with the charade that the love child was theirs and not Edwards FOR MONEY. I don't in fact know that those facts are true, nor the true degree to which she did in fact know ANYTHING about the affair prior to it coming out in the Enquirer. And if she is a bitch at the office and berates her employees, is that any different than countless other bosses around the country?
Did her cancer drive her to write two books and profit from them?
Oh wow, so now the fact that she profited from books makes her an evil person? Books she wrote about her ordeal surving cancer? Which she later died from? I'm trying to find the controversy there. Are you suggesting she didn't write the books. Was wrong to write a book and make money from it? That it wasn't written by her? That she lied about her ordeal?
Fen wrote:
What people *have* been doing is confronting EE supporters who took advantage of the solemnity surrounding her death to re-write her history.
I'm wondering if the "facts' that everyone is quoting as facts, are not merley conjecture. Like Althouse not realizing that she and John Edwards were still married and not divorced. Oh pray tell, you're going to be completely rude about how she's not worthy of pity and then not have the basic fact on hand that she is in fact still married to her husband? If you don't know that basic fact, how much else don't you know?
Hey Fen how many times was Edwards with Rielle? And lay out the course for us of what Elizabeth knew and when and her precise handling of said facts. How,precisely did she engage in the cover up, as opposed to John lying to his wife.
Lay out all the details for us. And where are you getting your info?
This sounds an awful lot like the hatchet job done on sarah Palin over how she used her influence to fire her brother in law that all the libs brought out as PROOF that Palin was crooked and evil. Are you really doing anything all that different? When what it turned out was they were arguing "facts" that weren't facts at all. Prove to us that your facts are in fact "facts".
"What people *have* been doing is confronting EE supporters who took advantage of the solemnity surrounding her death to re-write her history."
Do you really give a shit? In the grand scheme of things, Elizabeth Edwards was a vain,greedy, petty person of no great import, and in this attention-span-measured-RPM's society, was already on the way to being forgotten before she died and the press reported it asif it were a) a shock, and b)a great tragedy.
By next week, the average moron's attention will be back on Snooki, Monday Night Football, and Mad Men.
John Edwards has been so thoroughly discredited that ifhe ever tried to parlay his wife's death into politcal office the way he did his son's untimely demise, no one would with the same sense possessed by a retarded Irish Setter would be buying it.
Personally, as much as I hated Elizabeth Edwards and her obvious sense of entitlement, I hate self-righteous religious dickheads even more.
The way to solve this problem is to let the EE's of the world -- and the dingbat Godbots who protest them -- fade into obscurity by denying them the attention they crave so much, if only because shooting them might be messy and requires justification if you don't have a badge.
jr565: Oh wow, so now the fact that she profited from books makes her an evil person? Books she wrote about her ordeal surving cancer? Which she later died from? I'm trying to find the controversy there.
You really don't comprehend what you read. You use Elizabeth's cancer as a disqualifer, Methadras responds that she managed to do quite a number of things while she was suffering from it.
And you read into that "she's evil profiting from the books she wrote"...
WTF? Are you on prescription medication? Posting while drunk? English not your first language?
Or are you simply this stupid?
Almost every single objection you've raised in the 4 EE threads is like this one - based on your inability to understand what you read.
Crack: Not one word, Fen, not one word. You've lied, and you blew it.
Thats alot more than one word.
And you'll find that surrendering the field will only make things worse.
Of course, its prob for the best. We've had enough of your racist lies, ethnic slurs and fantasy violence.
[yes Crack, that was a false assertion unsupported by evidence. Do you like having your own tactics used against you?]
So, you need to start quoting the EE related posts you claim are vile and offensive. I think you don't because you realize how silly you would look once people see the actual quotes you've been hyper-ventilating about.
If you continue to misrepresent and distort what others said, expect me to play by the same rules whenever your name comes up.
Matthew: Do you really give a shit?
I didn't initially. This was my first post on the subject:
I have nothing good to say about her, but I hope Wade is waiting to guide her to whatever comes next. Thoughts and prayers for her family as they endure this.
I was prepared to leave it at that, UNTIL the libtards here started claiming that:
1) dying from Cancer is a free pass for all prior bad behavior.
2) anyone who objects to that is a cruel heartless bitch dancing on Elizabeth's grave.
3) we can't provide any evidence that you bashed Elizabeth, so we'll just condemn you with shit we made up.
My British acquaintances, being all gay themselves, find the insanely distasteful and purposefully ugly Westboro Baptist protest signs particularly compelling, black on neon orange/yellow/green, and eminently Photoshopable.
The Crack Emcee said...
Thank goodness you're not Fen, or else I couldn't answer, and, since no one but his dumb ass has asked, I now get a chance to explain myself:
Honestly, I don't understand why you are so despondent over Elizabeth Edwards death. What are you trying to defend here?
As I explained the other day, I got a sense of her in an interview - not a planned speech but just "talking" - and, even for a Democrat, she was likable, smart, and engaging. Someone I would've been glad to talk to one day, as many have pointed out. Is there really something wrong with recognizing someone's humanity - forget the partisan politics for a second
No. Not at all. I'm sure she was a nice person to talk to about all sorts of things, but in the end she chose to be a public figure along with her husband. She leveraged the death of her son, her cancer, and her moronic cheating husband for her own political purposes during different stages of their political lives for personal and political gain. I have a real problem with that. I always have. It isn't honest outside of the fact that you can see the transparency of trying to attempt such a thing. They were not honest people. They were both vindictive, vengeful people who would use and exploit you for their benefit and leave your desicated husk to the crows once you were of no value to them.
I understand what you are saying about wanting to push aside politics for a persons humanity and dignity, but I don't operate that way. That is a problem for me. I try to see the totality of a person, their ideas, ideology, their actions, their words, what they stand for, how they go about doing it, and how they've lived their lives. This woman and her wedded swindler wanted to be my ultimate representative, thank god they failed and failed miserably.
You can't separate and partition individuals in these tiny, neat little compartments as if those individual facets operated in their own universe. The totality, the sum of a persons measure has to be taken on the whole. The truth of a persons life is more important than the contrivances of humanity and dignity regardless of their infirmities. That's how I expect to be judged and that is what is more important to me.
I can't forget about partisan politics because those politics affect me, they affect you, whether you choose to ignore them or not. These people wrapped themselves in their politics and they were defined by them. So no, I can't forget them or set them aside because of her illness.
Now, this is one of those offensive straw men Ann started. No one - not one person on any of these threads - has brought up EE's cancer but Ann and her idiot lapdog, Fen. They just made it up and attached it to me, with Ann trying to use it to accuse me of being cultishly NewAge myself. As I've said earlier, it shows that she'll do anything, say anything, make up anything, to defend herself, even if it has no basis in reality. I found everything she said, regarding this topic, to be delusional and disgusting. And accusing me of being a cultish cancer creep was one of the worst. For Ann Althouse, I think it's revealing - she's a NewAger - and for a professor, I think it's shameful.
That's a fight not with me. I felt the same way about it because I saw it for what it was. Ann wanting a death bed apology from Elizabeth Edwards isn't what I cared about. I just didn't want this woman to be become propped up as some saintly type because of the maudlin nature that leftards take with one of their kind when they fall ill like she did.
now you're doing it, too. I'm amazed at how often some of you will replace the reality of me with your assumptions - without remembering assumptions are for assholes - and are usually wrong.
Bullshit. I'm calling out your whining about defending this woman, which is your total right to do, not who you are as a man or the experiences you've gone through. However, I won't roll over and nod my head in agreement with you, when I really disagree with you about Mrs. Edwards. You see something in her that I don't and never did. She was cruel and calculating with those outside of her circle of trust, not this encompassing sweet motherly type.
Just as I said to Ann the other day, the smart person would ask why I call her a NewAger (something she still hasn't bothered to do, preferring to go by her own assumptions of what I'm getting at) I'll say to you, if the term The Macho Response confuses you, then why not ask what it means to me? Why assume I'm trying to be "billy badass"? Why ever assume anything?
Again, your fight with Ann is with Ann, not me. And again, I'm not questioning who you are as a man or what your experiences as a man are. I'm attacking, your direct defense of Elizabeth Edwards and your indirect attack on me for being callous and mean in the time of her death. The truth hurts and sometimes it is pointless to fight it, but you are insisting on fighting and again, I ask you why. I know why you were drawn to her, but outside of a sentimental projection or if you knew her personally, I don't get it.
People here have assumed, and insisted, I hate women. Kinda stupid since it's obvious I like Ann, Synova, Freeman Hunt, Sarah Palin, and others - ain't they women? But - and this is what's important to me and my studies - once these things are put in your heads - by you, not me - there's nothing I can do or say to shake it.
I've never accused or even thought you were a woman hater or a misogynist. Don't label me in that camp.
All of a sudden, I'm faced with a group of people engaged in cultish thinking (or group-think) who refuse to recognize A) they're doing it, or B) they're doing it together, or C) it's completely a lie, or D) it's completely unfair, or E) it's the very phenomena I'm constantly complaining about. I mean, come on:
I fall in none of those categories. I'm am the master of me. No one tells me how to think, how to act, how to talk, what to say, how to say it, when to say it or why to say it. I don't follow the herd. I did that in my younger leftard days and that's what lead me to be here today to defy everything that poisonous death ideology stands for. I almost succumbed to it. People like Ann is leftard lite. Trudging the line on the ideological fence that suits their fancy and saying stupid shit like, Oh, I didn't vote for Carter in 76, but I did it in 80, which leaves one bereft of the question of WHY!!! Then to watch her bemoan voting for Obama and not getting what she voted for and people have the nerve to call her a conservative? I spit in their face for telling such a lie.
In an attempt to defend herself, Ann Althouse has accused me - ME - of being a NewAge cultist.
If you ask me, it doesn't get more disingenuous than that. And, even after all this time, knowing my personal story, and reading my blog, not one person here said Ann's charge doesn't add up - he's The Crack Emcee - he talks about cultism and would kill himself before he fell for it. Instead, you guys fell for that obvious ploy (and a lame one at that) and you even give Fen credit when he's done nothing but parrot the same delusional nonsense Ann threw out there. That's sad, man.
Don't project your distaste for her spiritual leanings on to me. That isn't cool and would be totally unfair.
As I've said before, there are some days when you guys can disgust me, and it's this very aspect of our society's modern cultism that does it.
Who the fuck is you guys? Do you think you are the only person railing and fighting against cult think, newage? I think you and I are on the same team. You fight it in your own way, I fight it in mine.
It's not just on this blog - it's this society. You can see it best in the AGW shit - everyone saying we're all going to die, as Al Gore buys more huge houses and sets up a way to make money off of it - and he's still walking around, respected, when he ought to be on trial for trying to con the entire Western World. And, now that it's over, you're also going to let him walk free with all of our money - just as you're giving Fen credit for leading you astray about who I am:
I've been here a long time - longer than Fen, I think - don't you know by now?
I've been around a bit I think. Long enough to make it matter for me that I can call myself familiar with the local cast and crew. Look, I want to squash the ideas and ideals of leftism. The totality of the umbrella that has allowed the very things that you fight against, cultism/newage, an accepted aspect of that ideology. I go for the root, you go for the branches. That's fine. I'm not your enemy, nor do I have to cowtow to your emotional whims either. I'd rather us be on the same side, but not at the expense of mutual disrespect. The one thing I can say about being here is that you've at least earned my respect, but at the very least if I haven't earned yours that I reserve the right to criticize your thoughts and ideas as they are noted here. If you don't like that, then you can kiss my ass.
jr565 said...Did her cancer drive her to write two books and profit from them?
Oh wow, so now the fact that she profited from books makes her an evil person? Books she wrote about her ordeal surving cancer? Which she later died from? I'm trying to find the controversy there. Are you suggesting she didn't write the books. Was wrong to write a book and make money from it? That it wasn't written by her? That she lied about her ordeal?
Are you fucking retarded? I use the issue of her two books that she wrote as a political calculation to drum up sympathy for her and her husbands presidential campaigns. They were used as wedges to get onto TV, Radio, and any other numerous venues to shamelessly promote herself and her husband. The fact that she profited from it isn't my problem, nor do I care about whether she did or not. But your a fucking nut to suggest that I've made some sort of conspiratorial accusations that you just laid out in that I question if she wrote the books. How in the name of fuck did you even come to that conclusion?
How many other people who have had cancer and talked about it have written books or profited from them and gotten on the media airwaves for their benefit? Now, I have to ask you, what the fuck are you defending here?
If it did, perhaps there would be fewer raging assholes. Stupidity should be painful.
I dunno, if I shot everyone I thought was an asshole I'd end up spending a LOT of money on ammunition...
I think you, and all the EE haters, misread me. Like saying my beefs with Ann are accusations I'm throwing at you - when I was just talking - I don't get that. You know what we were talking about, why make the leap? I wouldn't. I think it's a weird thing to do that screams, "I'm sooo insecure!" Whatever:
I've NEVER gone the "Saint Elizabeth" route - Fen even pulled up a quote from my blog proving I understand every charge leveled against her (in a stupid attempt to paint me as a hypocrite, of course - that guy is incapable of thought) but there are such things as "decency" and "understanding", and I'm appalled that in this case - as opposed to, say, that woman in Iran who was supposed to get stoned, and who no one here knew in the least but many got all emotional about - there can be no acknowledgment that "decency" and "understanding" might be called for. EE was a pol who, in almost rapid succession, got hit with a series of the big ones - hard knocks that would floor anyone. I say she wasn't all bad, and let's let her die in peace, that's all.
Instead, what I get in return is a series of lies at high volume - Oh, you're a sucker for her cancer! Oh, you're in the cult of "Saint Elizabeth"! Oh, you're just walking around clueless! Oh, you're wearing blinders for _______! Oh, you're a NewAger! Oh, let Michael "Fen" Moore (that great font of wisdom) appoint himself to tell the story of anyone who's decided to err on the side of "the good" (as Jews define it) this time, and see how many buy the new definition! He knows no bottom so he's definitely the right man for the job!
Just as when Ann Althouse dies, I wouldn't be prone to starting my eulogy with this incident, focusing instead on the facts she was kind to me - even said she loved me - and gave me a free birth here, I think pissing on Elizabeth Edwards' grave, when we saw how she died, was wrong. Like I said, she wasn't all bad, and handled her scumbag husband's lies and indiscretions better than Hillary did.
Yes, I felt for her, and I'm not alone in that, so, at the time of her death - as with anyone else's who wasn't a murderer or a total creep - I think that fact should've allowed for our memories - and her children - to afford a little grace.
That's what most of us call the decent thing to do.
Crack: Fen even pulled up a quote from my blog proving I understand every charge leveled against her (in a stupid attempt to paint me as a hypocrite, of course - that guy is incapable of thought)
?? I never pulled a quote from your blog. I made up a quote to show you why its wrong to damn people for comments they never made. But now you think its an actual quote you made? You're so dazzled that you don't even know what you did and didn't say?
I think you, and all the EE haters, misread me.
We don't hate EE. And I think you misread everyone.
Crack: Oh, let Michael "Fen" Moore (that great font of wisdom) appoint himself to tell the story of anyone who's decided to err on the side of "the good" (as Jews define it) this time, and see how many buy the new definition!
This is where jr565 chimes in to damn you for denying the holocaust.
Thats pretty much how this entire conversation has gone. You guys can't read.
Hopefully someone at EE's funeral will have the requisite knives for the tires.
Oh, did I say that out loud?
wv: mentr. Just as there's on I in 'team', there's no O in 'mentr', at least if you want to be mentred on how to be a good leader.
Arghh! "No I in 'team'!"
Hopefully someone at EE's funeral will have the requisite knives for the tires.
No, the Westboro pukes will be looking for that. Hell, they would hand you the knife. They've got lawsuit abuse down to a science.
They have to be taken out all at once. No survivors to sue for pain and suffering.
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