... a robot dances for joy at the Nueske bacon topping.
Talk about whatever you want, but if you want more stuff for pizza, get some Bob's Red Mill Semolina, a good pizza stone, and a pizza peel. And here's the music we're playing.
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
४६ टिप्पण्या:
Damn that looks good.
Needs to be about six times bigger, though.
Day 1 of the 6 day Kwanzaa celebration. I have not seen any recognition of this event among Althousians.
Racism here, or just too busy celebrating?
Or perhaps it was just bad luck that the birth of baby Kwanzaa was only one day after Christmas.
What about the sauce?
There is not much sauce on the pizza.
And I hope I don't see tomato "chunks" in that sauce.
Pizza sauce should be fine grated tomatoes so you have no chunks.
Chunks are bad. And no onions, please. Onions are so gross.
Thank you.
Or, aternatively for "the morning after" you could have sprung for Eric Satie or The Incredible String Band--take your pick--"modernist" classical fugue piano or late 60s-early 70s British progressive folk-rock/ballads..
I got a plane ticket to India from my husband for the "holidays".
Heading out first week of February.
It is 70 in Bangalore and will be similar temp in February.
He also told me he has more gifts for me when I get there. Hee Hee.
He's rich and it makes life so much easier.
We also received a fab card from the Artist Loft where we stayed in Brattleboro, Vermont. Run don't walk to this magnif loft on the Ct. River overlooking some mountain. It's only like 250-300 a night, with a three night minimum. If you go there make sure to check out the visitors book-my husband and I wrote in it. And a bunch of dykes celebrated their wedding crap there. You can't swing a cat in Vermont without hitting a meat curtain muncher. And the Green Mountains are so beaut and delish.
We slept in the same bed where lezzies ate each other's pussies.
How weird.
wv: torta
Everything I need to know about making pizza I learned from Chip Ahoy while I danced for joy in a completely non-robotic fashion and when I say non-robotic fashion I mean - yes - I got down, funky, and real.
Because everyone knows if you wanna get down, then you better be funky and if you wanna be funky, then you gotta be real.
You make your own pizza as you dance to progressive jazz! You skate and ski past the snowdrifts as you take Hallmark quality photos of the glistening countryside! And you wed Tea Party Libertarianism with creamy hippie chick Liberalism topped with a sweet butter cream frosting of romance!!
Is there anything the Meadhousians can't do?
john said...
Day 1 of the 6 day Kwanzaa celebration. I have not seen any recognition of this event among Althousians.
Racism here, or just too busy celebrating?
Or perhaps it was just bad luck that the birth of baby Kwanzaa was only one day after Christmas.
Probably because the baby Kwanzaa was conceived by a black separatist felon as a sideways version of Hanukkah.
Frankly, I think the only people who even remember Kwanzaa are a few uptight white Lefties looking for an excuse to scream, "Raaaacisstt".
john: Day 1 of the 6 day Kwanzaa celebration. I have not seen any recognition of this event among Althousians
Racism here, or just too busy celebrating?
Heh! Some of us say "Happy Holidays"; it's the "Merry Christmas" people who hate blacks.
"Because everyone knows if you wanna get down, then you better be funky and if you wanna be funky, then you gotta be real."
More like a real * good * dancer.
Now if you want to dance like that robot? Maybe you should consider punk, instead of that funky music, fly boy.
Jason (the commenter) said...
john: Day 1 of the 6 day Kwanzaa celebration. I have not seen any recognition of this event among Althousians
Racism here, or just too busy celebrating?
Heh! Some of us say "Happy Holidays"; it's the "Merry Christmas" people who hate blacks.
Yes, we all know how those bitter clingers have broken up the black family and put them on the welfare plantation for the last 50 years.
PS Not sure, but I'd bet more black people say, "Merry Christmas", than, "Good Kwanzaa".
Wasn't in the mood for pizza today, so I had chile verde from my local Mexican takeout. I can't say I really liked how the pork was seasoned, but with the rice, refried beans and salsa it was edible.
I find it odd that Swahili was chosen as the language for Kwanzaa when almost no African-Americans have Swahili ancestry.
It would be like choosing a language for an official Asian-American holiday and settling on Thai.
I find it odd that Swahili was chosen as the language for Kwanzaa when almost no African-Americans have Swahili ancestry.
It's about general celebration of African cultures. That current blacks have nothing to do with current Africans is beyond the point. These days you've got people with 1/8 Native American blood thinking they're members of the tribe. This ethnic identity crap is just that, CRAP.
"Heh! Some of us say "Happy Holidays"; it's the "Merry Christmas" people who hate blacks."
Jason, that reminded me of an uncomfortable holiday moment.
It's Christmas Eve. and I'm in line at the Starbucks drive-thru window for my vente coffee black...Just like my favorite barista, Tegan.
She's taking orders at the intercom, and then she greets me at the window too.
That never happens...it's one station or the other.
I decide that she wants to talk to me...or something.
Anyway, I get my coffee, she wishes I was spoiling myself with the usual sweet to go with it. She says, "I won't see you until next week. I have off for the holiday."
I say, with GENUINE feeling, "Happy Holidays!"
Then I dribble on with, "Or Merry Christmas!" or "Happy Kwanzaa!" or "Whichever you prefer..."
I only hope she heard me the first time. Right before I lassoed my feelings into the politically correct arena.
What I hope for, even more, is that she enjoyed her time away from being the damn best barista at my local Starbucks.
"These days you've got people with 1/8 Native American blood thinking they're members of the tribe."
Only when it "suits".
Ha ha Honestly, I get a kick when I hear someone jump in to do their, "I'm more native than YOU, routine."
And, face it, that is exactly the context of all that jumpin' jive.
Hurray! My heart is filled with joy.
I saw Mozzarella di bufala once at Whole Foods but at the time I couldn't justify the cost just to test the difference. But I was not making pizzas then. Now I am eager to try it but I haven't seen it available, and I've asked around. The original place said it is a seasonal thing for them. I am still looking, and when I do see it, I'm snapping it up, cost be damned, to try on a pizza.
On Michael Symon's Food Feuds, the Food Network, when the chef/owner of Regina's said they age the dough (at least three days!), I knew if all other things were near equal then they would win over Santarpio's, and they did win. I am certain because their dough was aged, even though it lacked semolina. Even aging the dough overnight, the difference is impressive.
Penny: Then I dribble on with, "Or Merry Christmas!" or "Happy Kwanzaa!" or "Whichever you prefer..."
I always assumed nobody celebrated Kwanzaa, and the whole point of the holiday was to expose the white people who were clueless to this fact.
The Whack's Y-Ball and the Moleskine sketch book turned out to be our younger son's favorite gifts! Both found via the Althouse blog.
This from Moleskine flyer tucked in the back flap pocket encapsulates the essence of both gifts and the little blue man...
flexible and brilliantly simple tools for use both in everyday and extraordinary circumstances, ultimately becoming an integral part of one's personality.
There was supposed to be a Kwanzaa parade in LA today, according to MSN.Here is a clip of last year's Kawanzaa parade. Looks like about 10 people total, including someone who resembled Whoopie Goldberg.
Jason -
A few years ago my daughter's soccer coach (a lawyer, a leftist, but otherwise OK) wished her team a happy holiday with (to the white girls) "Merry Christmas", (to the jewish girl) "Happy Hanukkah", and (to the black girl) "Happy Kwanzaa".
To coach: Christians get Christmas, Jews get Hanukkah, Blacks get Kwanzaa, and her life is more fulfilled with the comfort of knowing that blacks finally have an occasion for celebratation.
No link to help us buy the China?
How will we track down that stuff on our own?
So... is it coal-oven fired establishments that you lack out there or actual people of Italian descent and heritage?
Anyway, nice job on that stone dish. My mother's cousin does one of those jobs pretty often himself.
If you want to send the gardener into a real tizzy though, let's see how he does on the gelato.
And no, that's not the puppeteer who made Pinocchio.
"and the little blue man...".
Have you introduced us, MamaM?
Some of us appreciate our "usual ways".
Not that I figured you'd care, Revenant, but very few Africans themselves have Swahili "ancestry". It just became a lingua franca in the region for various reasons that I don't remember, but in spite of the small population of native speakers, rather than because of it.
From Ann Coulter's Kwanzaa: A Holiday From the FBI.
It is a fact that Kwanzaa was invented in 1966 by a black radical FBI stooge, Ron Karenga, aka Dr. Maulana Karenga. Karenga was a founder of United Slaves, a violent nationalist rival to the Black Panthers and a dupe of the FBI.
In what was probably ultimately a foolish gamble, during the madness of the '60s the FBI encouraged the most extreme black nationalist organizations in order to discredit and split the left. The more preposterous the organization, the better. Karenga's United Slaves was perfect. In the annals of the American '60s, Karenga was the Father Gapon, stooge of the czarist police.
Despite modern perceptions that blend all the black activists of the '60s, the Black Panthers did not hate whites. They did not seek armed revolution. Those were the precepts of Karenga's United Slaves. United Slaves were proto-fascists, walking around in dashikis, gunning down Black Panthers and adopting invented "African" names. (That was a big help to the black community: How many boys named "Jamal" currently sit on death row?)
I got good results with Alton Brown's pizza dough recipe. That might be mostly because he insists on making the dough the day before. My biggest problem is planning that far ahead.
My favorite toppings are an asian sweet chili sauce for the sauce part applied thinly enough that it's mostly just a shine, followed by "Hawaiian" toppings, but not too many. I have to keep reminding myself or I get everything on way too thick. Less is more.
"Penny: Then I dribble on with, "Or Merry Christmas!" or "Happy Kwanzaa!" or "Whichever you prefer..."
"Jason: I always assumed nobody celebrated Kwanzaa, and the whole point of the holiday was to expose the white people who were clueless to this fact."
So do you get my personal angst then, Jason?
Tegan isn't just a Starbucks barista to me, anymore than I am just a customer passing through to her.
We made a connection, and I think that matters to both of us.
Granted, I flubbed on Kwanzaa, but she also flubbed on checking and double checking that I didn't want my sweet treat.
All in all, I think we'll figure it out...because we made a REAL connection.
Not that I figured you'd care, Revenant, but very few Africans themselves have Swahili "ancestry". It just became a lingua franca in the region for various reasons that I don't remember
I don't know why you put "ancestry" in quotes.
As for Swahili being a lingua franca in "the region" -- what "region"? It is widely spoken in central eastern Africa and spoken hardly at all outside of that. English and Arabic are each spoken by about twice as many Africans as Swahili is.
I got a pizza stone for a wedding gift but only recently got a pizza peel.
What I figured out was to form the dough on a circle of parchment paper so that I could slide it onto a cookie sheet to get it into and out of the oven. Sure, it's not cornmeal, but it works great, so I'll probably still use parchment paper even with a peel.
Have you introduced us, MamaM?
@Penny...No need for introductions, Penny. According to the TwitterBird you and I are considered by some to be one in the same. Either that or we are both puppets in black socks, creepy males who think alike and are committed to trolling for trouble. ("Penny and MamaM are males. They have very masculine qualities") But by far the most nefarious and complimentary suggestion is this: you and I are none other than The Meade himself! ("...Penny and MamaM are both Meade. Amazingly pro AA.")
Never underestimate the power of a woman. I've spent almost two years here being no one other than my self, strange as that may seem to some. Before finding the courage to comment, I spent a goodly amount of time silently reading comments and forming impressions. My first contact with you came through your late night quirky connections with Lem (another gem who often makes me laugh). Little blue men are everywhere, and things are often not what they seem; but whatever and whoever you are, how you present traces back to someone real. Again, no need for introductions.
My first contact with you came through your late night quirky connections with Lem (another gem who often makes me laugh).
Thanks.. Its nice to hear that.. We are buried in snow.. Not happening here.
Interesting website dedicated to making pizzas of all sorts:
I meant to say 'not much happening here..
Mama do you have any tit pics?
Sexual harassment is so entertaining and au courant!
That was a nice card Palladian.. thanks to you too.
MamaM, your comments don't amuse me.
More importantly, they don't enlighten me.
MOST importantly, you have set out to consciously confuse good people, and we will tell you, there is no reasonable excuse for that.
Penny, my comments weren't meant to confuse, amuse or enlighten you. They were made to state that you and I are two separate commenters with two separate histories that go back several years. I don't know the "we" for whom you are speaking, but I have consistently represented myself and have not set out to consciously confuse anyone, least of all you. The fact that others have mistaken me for you or publicly assumed either of us to be sock puppets does not sit well with me. What you do with that is up to you, but I am not the source of this confusion.
Alex said...
These days you've got people with 1/8 Native American blood thinking they're members of the tribe.
If a tribe considers 1/8 of Indian blood ok for tribal membership, then that's the rule.
All blacks I know react like you are making fun of them if you wish them Happy Kwanzaa.
Kwanzaa is the Esperanto of holidays.
I've never tried making the pizza on parchment paper, I'll have to try that.
Since Meade's being funky and real, I'll just say RIP Teena Marie. She just wanted to be your lovergirl.
Nueske...NUMMMS! Sent the dearest MIL a Nueske ham (with complimentary applewood smoked pound 'o bacon) for her snowy Indianapolis Christmas and she said was MOST delicious. They're having a 20% off some things sale at the moment...ham for New Year's, anyone? Sounds just like what we need here in frosty Pensacola, FL at the moment.
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