The Washington Post staff writer — Hank Stuever — doesn't know what to make of Sarah Palin's reality show.
You're flipping channels and you randomly land on "Sarah Palin's Alaska"... It's a show about . . . hmmm.Stuever is imagining "you" flipping channels and arriving at this show, but for "you" to have this reaction, "you" would need not to recognize the celebrity or the celebrity-at-home genre of reality show. Maybe 10 years ago, this hapless "you" would have puzzled over a show like that, back before "The Osbournes" was the next big thing. But now? Come on, "you" is dumb!
About a busy mom with a sporty husband. Their many offspring run from a soldier son in his 20s down to a mentally disabled adorable toddler and an unexpected grandson with curly blond hair. But quick enough it seems to be a show about a woman who fancies herself as something of a nature enthusiast who wants to take advantage of the short-but-sweet Alaskan summer. So is it about the li'l town where she lives? Is it about flowers and birdies and double rainbows? Is it like "Northern Exposure" meets "An American Family?"
You still don't know....
(Mumbled "fuck" warning.)
२१३ टिप्पण्या:
213 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Sticking to my guns on this one. Bad idea.
This guy says, "it seems to be a show about a woman who fancies herself as something of a nature enthusiast who wants to take advantage of the short-but-sweet Alaskan summer".
Fancies herself as something of a nature enthusiast? The woman is a dead shot, can clean and dress a moose, and ran her own fishing business.
Oh, I get it. You're not a real nature enthusiast unless you big into global warming, or whatever the Lefties are calling it this week.
Sort of like you're not a real woman if you don't applaud at abortions.
PS This has less to do with politics than restoring her family finances after the frivolous Lefty lawsuits. I still say her best destiny is RNC chair.
I have no idea why this woman sends liberals into hysterics.
She's pretty. She's tough. She was a great athlete in high school, and she seems to be trying to maintain her athleticism in adulthood.
She appears to be a great mother and wife. She's an outspoken Christian.
I know that the liberals will go crazy and tell me how dangerous is this fascist Palin.
Looks like a pretty ordinary, if exceptionally accomplished, woman to me. If I were a young guy, sure as hell I'd ask her for a date and try to make her mine.
I saw this without regard to her political ambitions or future.
It's just Palin Derangement Syndrome. Pay it no heed.
Go, Sarah!
No candidate in the history of the world will have been as well vetted as she has been and is being. And nothing they have thrown at her has hurt her.
Obama would have melted into a puddle in the face of what she has endured. Even now he reacts as a petulant child, and views us as 'the enemy."
As it is she nails him on every f-ck up - with the simple truth. Something with which he is unfamiliar and something we desperately need.
So what woman would Hank Stuever visualize as the ideal woman? Madonna? Lady GaGa? Boy George?
Of course this elitist pussy has no idea what this is about.
He is one of those television critics who claim they don't watch teleivision.
You should wear the disdain of this dumb fuck like a badge of honor.
And soon everyone in America will have their own reality show.
Palin has shown herself as good as anyone at spinning media myths-- more power to her. Just don't look too closely at the details of how this is accomplished because then you might find those dented cans.
The more we see of Sarah and her family on this show, the more the elitist scumbags like this douche and hd and AlphaLiberal and vicky will hate her and her family.
And the more everyday normal Americans will see that she is not what the scumbag elitist mainstream media is trying to paint her to be.
The more we see of Sarah and her family on this show, the more the elitist scumbags like this douche and hd and AlphaLiberal and vicky will hate her and her family.
And the more everyday normal Americans will see that she is not what the scumbag elitist mainstream media is trying to paint her to be.
The great Diversity Crusade only seems to run in one direction, doesn't it? Doesn't seem to be much room in the wonderful mosaic of diversity for a good Christian Mom with a traditional family. Because?
This guy says, "it seems to be a show about a woman who 'fancies' herself as something of a nature enthusiast who wants to take advantage of the short-but-sweet Alaskan summer".
You've got to remember that this was written by a guy who 'fancies' himself a journalist.
No, she and her family are a paragon of family values, ;like the Obbornes or Jon and Kate. This is perfect for her. Pays a lot more than governing [also] too.
"The great Diversity Crusade only seems to run in one direction, doesn't it? Doesn't seem to be much room in the wonderful mosaic of diversity for a good Christian Mom with a traditional family. Because?"
Because those people are the enemy.
Not vicious barbarians who want to cut your head off and stone you for being an infidel.
Those people we should respect and kowtow to and try to understand.
Regular normal Americans are bitter clingers who you need to see as your "Enemy."
You heard it from the belly of the beast.
"This fruit bat in fleece"?
Who wrote this shit? Hunter S. Thompson?
Fucking brutal.
(The Crypto Jew)
Palin has shown herself as good as anyone at spinning media myths-- more power to her. Just don't look too closely at the details of how this is accomplished because then you might find those dented cans.
Say R-V will this be one of those “Palin lies, ‘Google it’” exchanges? I think you get schooled on these regularly. So let’s cut to the chase, what “myths” are you purporting and how do they NOT accord to the “reality”, hence “spin”? Trot’em out…
"Just don't look too closely at the details of how this is accomplished because then you might find those dented cans."
Those cans sure don't look dented to me.
I mean these deluded liberal elitist college professors can accuse Sarah of a lot of things but "dented cans".....shirley you jest.
And I just called you shirley.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
"I have no idea why this woman sends liberals into hysterics."
She is a Christian. A serious Christian. She serves Christ. The people who become hysterical do not serve Christ.
It's fun to watch YouTube videos of young women shooting AR15s, piercing the tranquillity of the Louisiana paradise.
It goes with out saying that these same critics hate Kate who turned a fecund womb into a hell of a lot of money. They just hate family life unless it is a trophy kid they adopted from Africa or something.
So what if Kate's kids turn out all fuckded up. It never stopped the Kennedys.
I bet if this was a TV show about some Kennedy spawn in the Amazon saving the rain forest or something they would be coming in their pants.
When reading these hit pieces written as if they are objective observations it is good to remember that to these "out there rebel"types she must be challenged simply because she represents their 3 big enemies in life. 1)She is an example of clean living, and 2) she does not favor violence, and 3) she uses bold spoken truth to destroy their best lies worked up for over 30 years.
Ya know, I'm starting to think maybe the Washington Post doesn't much like this Sarah Palin lady.
Big Mike, I think you're on to something.
Crack said: "Who wrote this shit? Hunter S. Thompson?"
Hardly. Here's the HST quote most relevant to this thread:
"Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a cheap catch-all for fuckoffs and misfits, a false doorway to the backside of life, a filthy piss-ridden little hole nailed off by the building inspector, but just deep enough for a wino to curl up from the sidewalk and masturbate like a chimp in a zoo cage."
I wonder if Thompson ever met Hank Stuever; or at least caught a glimpse of him curled up in his little hole.
"Mumbled 'fuck' warning" is the next big phrase. I foresee it on hipster t-shirts within the week.
Good band name too.
screaming 'Tahhd! Tahhd!'
Where is Mrs. Loopner?
Traditional Guy is correct but I would add a fourth thing that infuriates the left. The left believes in only one thing truly and deeply and that is abortion. The fact that Palin so obviously elected not to abort her youngest son is an offense that cannot be uttered but which can be manifested in a sputtering rage. And that is what we see.
Oh, and her credentials were equal to or better than Obama's at the time of the presidential election.
And No link?
Sarah Palin pierces the tranquillity of the Liberal paradise.
And for that, je l'adore.
Palin has shown herself as good as anyone at spinning media myths-- more power to her
Palin and Beck may insult common sense, but common sense seems to have lost all its validity. Charlatans like these two use hatred to mobilize an already fearful and angry populace, offering them a twisted and fucked up emotional consistency in their chaotic and uncertain lives they are forced to live in.
Garage, your side invented political correctness. Possibly the greatest affront to common sense in human history. Try again.
Palin and Beck may insult common sense, but common sense seems to have lost all its validity. Charlatans like these two use hatred to mobilize an already fearful and angry populace, offering them a twisted and fucked up emotional consistency in their chaotic and uncertain lives they are forced to live in.
There is no connection between Palin and Beck that I know of. You just invented that.
What is this "hatred" that you accuse Palin of employing. I've never seen or heard that from her.
I haven't encountered this "... already fearful and angry populace" in my travels. This is just a figment of your imagination.
Let's shorten your statement to its concrete content: "I hate Sara Palin's fucking guts."
Oddly, you're rhetoric seems rather seething, hateful... and shall I say... fearful.
Maybe you're just projecting.
Michael...You are correct. IMO abortion is perhaps the worst violence that can be practiced since it is done to a person who is totally weak and helpless. I see the violence of Muslims who bind up men and women to make them weak and helpless, and then slowly saw off their heads or stone them. Abortion is worse violence to the weak and helpless than that.
Hee hee, garage just made the "bitter clinger" argument. Just never gets old, does it?
"Charlatans like these two use hatred to mobilize an already fearful and angry populace. . ."
And "ignorant," Garage. Don't forget we're ignorant, too.
Maybe be term "reality show" actually fits this one.
I suggest a Wife Swap show with the Palins and the Osbornes
Hee hee, garage just made the "bitter clinger" argument. Just never gets old, does it?
And this is why I think the Democrats are facing a fairly long stint in the Congressional wilderness: people have a way of forgiving/forgetting bad decisions that don't have an immediate impact on their daily lives.
However, people like garage, Obama and Pelosi have done something (and continue every day to do so) that literally NO OTHER politicians in American history have done: they are personally insulting millions of Americans.
Telling people they are too scared to think straight, that they're too stupid to understand basic facts, that they're racists, that they're bigots, etc. These are PERSONAL insults. And people don't forget them easily.
Think about your own personal history. Which negative memories stick in your craw the most? Not the ones where people did something you didn't agree with. That barely rates on the memory scale. It's the ones where you were personally attacked and insulted.
And THIS, more than anything else, is the big mistake Democrats are making. It's the one thing that Clinton never did. Bush never did it. Reagan never did it. Hell, even Carter was smart enough to wait until AFTER his presidency to do it. But it's something that today's Democrats absolutely REVEL in doing. They're so smart and smug that they just can't help themselves but to ooze disdain for everyone else.
Even if Democrats do EVERYTHING right between now and Election Day 2012, I still think that they're in for a bad November day. And people like garage can't help but remind remind people EVERY DAY why people voted en masse against Democrats this year.
Victory is a hand!
The fake Sarah Palin led the Republicans into a trap. They are just where we want them for 2012.
The election last week may look like it put the republicans into a position of strength but it is really a position of weakness. They have shot their wad and have nothing left.
My polls and other sources predict a turnover of more than 200 seats for the Democrats. republicans will be measured in dozens in 2 years.
Victory is a hand!
By all means libs, keep digging. We'll make sure you don't run out of shovel-ready shovels.
Victory is a hand!
America's do realize that you posted as "Toledo," right?
Try to keep your alts straight...
And "ignorant," Garage. Don't forget we're ignorant, too.
Some are. The ones that knowingly pass this grifter and her moronic gibberish off as intelligence are. Many are good people susceptible to this manipulation. What else could explain millions following Glenn Beck's nightly ravings, as someone else pointed out, is close to playing with his own shit.
Garage, two words: Biden, Olbermann.
What else could explain millions following Glenn Beck's nightly ravings, as someone else pointed out, is close to playing with his own shit.
Probably the same type of people that gave ManBearPig and President Obama Nobel prizes. Talk about buying into bullshit. On the one had you have someone who's specific points have been debunked, over and over again, and on the other a man who gets a peace prize with no accomplishments at all and follows it up by sending 30,000 troops into a war zone.
Buying into it, indeed.
You going to tell people where you cribbed this from?
Palin and Beck may insult common sense, but common sense seems to have lost all its validity. Charlatans like these two use hatred to mobilize an already fearful and angry populace, offering them a twisted and fucked up emotional consistency in their chaotic and uncertain lives they are forced to live in.
That doesn't sound like you.....
Does garage's handle usually go to "profile not available"...
I really don't think this is garage.
A while ago there was a video posted here of Michelle Obama dancing with children. I was relieved to note that only a small minority of the commenters here thought that Michelle's dancing should be the occasion for a put down. Compare that with the left's monolithic reaction to all the days and works of Sarah Palin....Of the many conceits of the left, perhaps the one about them being tolerant is the most blatant lie. I think that in the end what the left finds most offensive about Sarah Palin is not that her life is admirable, but that it is enviable.
I had to go to the dictionary on this one:
1. a person who operates a side show at a circus, fair, etc., esp. a gambling attraction.
2. a swindler, dishonest gambler, or the like.
You've gone rather wide of the mark, garage, in your venomous hatred.
The complaint against Palin is that she's too much the ordinary, plain vanilla American middle class woman.
So, you messed up here.
She really pisses you off. So far, I haven't been able to figure out why, beyond that you just hate her fucking guts.
As is clearly pointed out here daily by both sides, our political leaders are far from our best and brightest. Therefore, why would we want them from either side to have more power rather than less. You people on the left, who tear down Republicans, are simply helping make the Right's argument as well as they are.
BTW, Palin holds no political office, in case you didn't know.
The name PALIN to guys like garage has the same effect as saying BLUCHER to the horses.
It really has nothing to do with her IQ and everything to do with her having conservative values. Biden proved his IQ is somewhere south of the boiling point of water yet the garage mahal's of the world cheerfully pulled the lever making him #2 in line to the Big Boy chair only because he's a liberal.
Thanks trooper. Ad hominem attacks are always my favorite. You prove that a little knowledge can make a jackass out of anyone.
Don't hate Sarah.Don't admire her, but I don't hate her. Hate is saved for people who do real harm, who are evil. I reserve hate for people like Rumsfeld, Rove and their ilk.
Oh, and it is Vicki, not Vicky, jerk.
Vicki from Pasadena
And thank you for proving Jim's point, Garage.
You know, there are a number of valid points to be made against Sarah Palin. I like her, myself (not least for the sputtering rage she incites in the left), but I am also quite aware of her shortcomings - a somewhat undistinguished gubernatorial career, a tendency to an annoying folksiness, some blind spots in foreign policy cred, among others -yet it is impossible to rationally discuss Palin with someone like you.
"Grifter." "Moronic gibberish." Frankly, G, for someone who supports Little Black Narcissus (whom, as we have seen, is incapable of even a 15 minute speech to the Indian parliament without suckling on his teleprompter), you're treading on thin ice. As has been pointed out ad nauseam, had Obama been christened Barry O'Bama, young white senator, he would have been laughed out of the presidential race. Palin's experience is at least comparable - if not exceeding - Obama's experience at the time he threw his hat into the ring.
But you and your ilk just can't help yourselves. We're dumb, we're racist, we're bitter clingers. We worship Palin as our Mommy Goddess. We're just mesmerized by her tits. We're fools.
Give me a post about Palin and why she should not run for president. Give me a post as to her unreadiness for the Oval Office. If you can do that without insulting the millions of people who actually like her (and Glenn Beck, too, though I admit he leaves me cold), then I'll concede you have a point. Otherwise, take your smug "good people susceptible to manipulation" elitism and shove it. Hard.
How about a "Sarah Palin is like Ozzy" tag?
Hilarious. Nice post, yet again.
Ok, I've gotta remark on the wv this time:
not kidding. Try mumbling it.
"Michael said...
Traditional Guy is correct but I would add a fourth thing that infuriates the left. The left believes in only one thing truly and deeply and that is abortion. The fact that Palin so obviously elected not to abort her youngest son is an offense that cannot be uttered but which can be manifested in a sputtering rage. And that is what we see."
I think this is exactly right. And what this show will illustrate is how Trig is loved. By his parents. By his siblings. How he is treated in everyday life by people who love him and don't think he should have been aborted.
This is will drive the barren womb brigade batty. Their have to marry their biological clock because no one else would have them.
Normalcy drives them mad.
I want to appolgize to you Vicki. I did not mean to spell your name wrong.
But a simple review of you posts about Sarah Palin shows you are a hater. Pure and simple.
it seems to be a show about a woman who 'fancies' herself as something of a nature enthusiast who wants to take advantage of the short-but-sweet Alaskan summer
I don't think he understands the meaning of the words he wrote. Palin doesn't just pretend or fancy herself as a nature enthusiast. She IS a nature enthusiast. She has lived the life, walked the walk and is allowed to talk the talk. She loves Alaska and wants to promote the beauty and wonder her State of Alaska.
I hazard a guess that the closest this bozo has come to nature is a stroll around Central Park while being guarded by the police.
Similarly, most 'greenies' and eco-nazi, tree hugging, nature lovers from the cities wouldn't recongnize real nature if it clawed them in the face. (I wish it would) They sit in their ivory towers and imagine a woodland full of Disney characters. Their food magically appears in shrink wrapped packages at Whole Foods.
I also agree with Scott M. Not a really good idea politically to do this show.....but....hey...maybe she just doesn't care to be boxed into a politically correct straight jacket.
Is it like "Northern Exposure" meets "An American Family?"
Forty years ago, reality TV began with the Louds:
The fact that Palin so obviously elected not to abort her youngest son is an offense that cannot be uttered but which can be manifested in a sputtering rage.
Let me see if I understand this: Liberals hate babies and they hate the handicapped. The Special Olympics are routinely picketed by liberals who have forgotten their origin in the liberal Kennedy family. The term "bleeding-heart liberal" is a savage misnomer -- stone-hearted liberal would be more like it.
Their food magically appears in shrink wrapped packages at Whole Foods.
Only conservatives can afford to shop at Whole Foods; liberals shop at Trader Joe's.
DBQ the worst thing she could do is listen to her critics, especially the ones in the dinosaur mainstream media.
Facebook, twitter, reality shows. Crap she should text the voters, one by one. That would make them crap their pants.
Don't fight the last war and don't do it the way your opponents expect you to act.
Only conservatives can afford to shop at Whole Foods; liberals shop at Trader Joe's.
Damned near the funniest thing you've posted in days, FLS. I suppose that was a legion of conservative World Food customers that were up in arms when John Mackey didn't get on board with Obamacare?
I've been in a few of these stores and have always noticed that you can cut the smug with a knife.
The term "bleeding-heart liberal" is a savage misnomer
No, it is quite correct. The bleeding heart is for the abstract object of pity d'jour.
The homeless, in general, but not for the particular individual (keep that reeking bum from their neighborhoods. don't build a homeless shelter HERE!).
Oppressed minorities, as long as the individuals are kept at arms length and they keep in their place.
The poor and middle class workers, as long as they don't raise their heads above their station like Joe the Plumber; question their betters and try to advance their 'station'.
The list goes on and on in the hypocracy of the bleeding heart liberals.
"Do you only care about the bleeding crowd? How about a needing friend? I need a friend?" Name that tune.
The term "bleeding-heart liberal" is a savage misnomer -- stone-hearted liberal would be more like it.
Yes, precisely.
The bleeding-heart liberal is beset with pity for the poor and great intentions for saving them. The reality of what the liberal does to the poor doesn't matter.
So, the bleeding-heart liberal set out to put as many blacks on welfare as possible in the hope of saving them and encouraging them to vote Democratic. Result: Near total destruction of the black family and generations of welfare dependency.
So, yes, the result of the bleeding-heart intentions in the real world is stone-hearted disaster.
"Let me see if I understand this: Liberals hate babies and they hate the handicapped. The Special Olympics are routinely picketed by liberals who have forgotten their origin in the liberal Kennedy family."
The Special Olympics was started by a guilt ridden Eunice Kennedy Shriver because of her sister Rosemary who old Joe Kennedy lobotomized and threw in the crazy house. She was mildly retarded but an affront to the old man.
The fact is abortion is the be all and end all of all liberals. Without exception. The mere existance of Trig is a deadly affront to the barren womb brigade.
One word describes the result of bleeding-heart liberalism in a stone-cold world:
@madawaskan - garage seems to have taken some choice phrases from this remarkably hysterical Chris Hedges op-ed and done a little rearranging to make it "his own".
Good catch.
Oh, and it is Vicki, not Vicky, jerk.
In French they'd spell it Vichy. For obvious reasons.
I also extend my sincerest congratulations on the re-election of Senator Babs Boxer and Governor Moonbeam. I truly believe California is on the correct path because they say, addicts really have to hit rock bottom before they realize they have a problem. California isn't quite there yet but the election pretty much guarantees they will be.
"garage mahal said...
Palin has shown herself as good as anyone at spinning media myths-- more power to her
Palin and Beck may insult common sense, but common sense seems to have lost all its validity. Charlatans like these two use hatred to mobilize an already fearful and angry populace, offering them a twisted and fucked up emotional consistency in their chaotic and uncertain lives they are forced to live in.
11/11/10 10:25 AM"
Garage Mahal,
Please do not re-post copyrighted works from the Truthdig (truthdig:drilling beneath the headlines) Web site without proper attribution.
On Nov 8, 2010, Truthdig published an article by Chris Hedges titled A Recipe for Fascism. The third paragraph of that article reads
"All sides of the political equation are lackeys for Wall Street. They sanction, through continued deregulation, massive corporate profits and the obscene compensation and bonuses for corporate managers. Most of that money—hundreds of billions of dollars—is funneled upward from the U.S. Treasury. The Sarah Palins and the Glenn Becks use hatred as a mobilizing passion to get the masses, fearful and angry, to call for their own enslavement as well as to deny uncomfortable truths, including global warming. Our dispossessed working class and beleaguered middle class are vulnerable to this manipulation because they can no longer bear the chaos and uncertainty that come with impoverishment, hopelessness and loss of control. They have retreated into a world of illusion, one peddled by right-wing demagogues, which offers a reassuring emotional consistency. This consistency appears to protect them from the turmoil in which they have been forced to live. The propaganda of a Palin or a Beck may insult common sense, but, for a growing number of Americans, common sense has lost its validity."
The portions of the text you lifted without attribution have been highlighted in bold.
Truthdig provides widgets to automatically share articles via email, Twitter, Facebook, and other social networking sites with proper attribution.
If you choose not to use these automated tools, you should either provide a direct link to the article you are quoting or include the author's name, article name, and the Truthdig Website URL to ensure that your sources receive proper credit.
I suppose that was a legion of conservative World Food customers that were up in arms when John Mackey didn't get on board with Obamacare?
The "Boycott Whole Foods" group on Facebook has 31K members. Whole Foods has 391K friends. So, what, eight percent of Whole Foods shoppers were liberals? I stand corrected.
The "Boycott Whole Foods" group on Facebook has 31K members. Whole Foods has 391K friends. So, what, eight percent of Whole Foods shoppers were liberals? I stand corrected.
That's even better than the first comment. Bravo.
I actually tried to read some of that...
What do you call that-hyper socialism?
"garage" didn't even quote it straight.
Happy Veteran's Day.
If you can do that without insulting the millions of people who actually like her (and Glenn Beck, too, though I admit he leaves me cold),
Serious question but do any of the regular conservative/libertarian commenters here actually listen to Beck? I mean I don't ( in fact I don't listen to any of the cable punditry for that matter) I'm asking because the only ones who seem to be able to quote chapter and verse of Beck is liberals like garage.
I can't believe that guy you linked to avoided the word-"hegemony"...
Serious question but do any of the regular conservative/libertarian commenters here actually listen to Beck?
I don't. Never have. But since it's evidently fair to tar all political opponents with their more extreme pundits, I will expect a full and complete accounting from garage, fls, et al, for Dylan Ratigan, Ed Schulz, Keith Olbermann, Randi Rhodes, digby, Markos Moulitsas, Jane Hamsher, et al.
Don't worry: I won't be holding my breath thought. Intellectual honesty and consistency have never been their hallmarks.
Serious question but do any of the regular conservative/libertarian commenters here actually listen to Beck?
Not I. His radio show, way back when, was good but I appreciated as someone who was also working in radio at the time. Nowadays, he's just too dramaqueen and doom-and-gloom for me. This isn't to say he's always right or wrong, inashmuch as it would be silly to say Bill Clinton is always right or wrong.
I try to judge statements by politicos/pundits one utterance at a time and in a vacuum. It doesn't always work, but it's always the first attempt.
I'm not real smart myself, but I got to think that since we all want a successful, rewarding life with a great family and lots of money in a beautiful environment, that to accomplish such must be some sign of intelligence. If so, Palin is one sharp broad. Way past my I.Q. Talk about your overachievers. She literally has it all.
Anyone making fun of her intelligence from their basement, or from their barren, broke or unchallenged life, is a fool.
I don't listen to Glenn Beck. In fact when people started dogging him I wondered "Why does every body hate Bruce Beck? I mean he sucks as a sports reporter but there are a lot of guys who are a lot worse."
"but do any of the regular conservative/libertarian commenters here actually listen to Beck?"
No, nor any other cable news show on either side. And the only radio politics are NPR.
Nope, somehow I have a bad reaction to the combination of chalk and tears....
I had enough of that after my third grade teacher Sister Micheal Mary Rosirita or somethin'...
It really has nothing to do with her IQ and everything to do with her having conservative values.
No it doesn't. I like Christine O'Donnell. I can't stand Sarah Palin, for reasons cited.
"Serious question but do any of the regular conservative/libertarian commenters here actually listen to Beck?"
Rarely, but he is correct on a lot of principle. I'm not religious, so I part with him there, but ambitious religious people don't scare me anywhere like ambitious secular ones.
You can usually convince the modern religious ones to leave you alone on what you disagree about, but the secular want control and submission.
Islamists are the exception to the general tolerance of modern versions of old school religions.
No it doesn't. I like Christine O'Donnell. I can't stand Sarah Palin, for reasons cited.
As said, you haven't cited any reasons, other than that you hate her fucking guts.
Since you don't really know her personally, I think that says a lot more about you than her.
I don't like Obama's policies. I think he's dangerous in a lot of ways.
I don't assume that I know him personally, so how can I hate his guts?
Serious question but do any of the regular conservative/libertarian commenters here actually listen to Beck? I mean I don't ( in fact I don't listen to any of the cable punditry for that matter) I'm asking because the only ones who seem to be able to quote chapter and verse of Beck is liberals like garage.
My theory is that most liberals do not listen to anything to the right of NPR. BUT some do, and my guess is that it is for the "gotchas". If you were young and liberal and wanted to make a name for yourself, I would think that one of the best ways to do so would be to catch someone big on the right saying something that doesn't sound correct to you. Then, you publish it by email, facebook, etc., and you get street creds if you were right. And esp. if you were right and it got picked up by those up stream. And, esp. if you become a goto person for this sort of thing.
And, then, all the rest of the libs just quote what those few caught, which is why you get the same misquotes or out-of-context quotes of Rush, time and time again.
I will admit to listening to all of those names on the Right when I drive, and, sometimes late at night on TV.
Beck is the weird one. Not formally educated. But really into reading all sorts of things that bear on our political society. I switch away when he gets into religion, but when he talks about the Federalist Papers and the like, I sometimes listen.
I catch maybe one short segment of Rush in the morning if and when I drive into work, and that is it. By now, he is comfortable. Probably like Oprah for housewives, and all those old guys who used to anchor evening news.
You don't have that reaction to Christine because she is a lightweight and is not a threat.
Sort of like Kirsten Gillibrand.
You recognize that Sarah is a threat because she is playing your boy Obama like a fiddle.
People like Garage hate Palin and Beck because of their influence and it's power. I understand that. O'Donnell has none, so she's OK. This makes sense to me.
I saw an interview with Hillary and a couple of dudes from Australia where she loosened up and seemed like a lot of fun. Ironic, witty and fun.
If that is the "Real Hillary" she should let it out more. You know if she did a reality show with Bill and showed that side of her personality, she would slaughter Barry in the primary. Just sayn'
Can you just imagine a reality show with Bill and Hill. I think it would be a lot like the Kardashians.
Hill will be all busy and saving the world and stuff and Bill will be hanging around playing golf like Bruce Jenner.
And the shots of Bill checking out hot chicks when they are out at the supermarket or at church or something. Now that's entertainment.
Imagine Hill talking to Barry on the speakerphone and making faces at him and giggling like Jill Zarin on "Real Housewives of New York."
I definitely think Hillary could take it from Obama if she wanted it. Even an Althouse hillbilly like me considers her competent and sensible by comparison. Our current President seems neither and painfully so. I admit I wanted him to fail, but not to be the embarrassment he's been.
Serious question but do any of the regular conservative/libertarian commenters here actually listen to Beck?
Beck, rarely and only for a few moments if I happen to be scrolling through the programs. He does have some interesting historical facts that prompt me to look up information on the net.
I also don't listen to O'Reilly or Hannity except occaisonally with half an ear, while I'm cooking dinner. My husband watches. I can't stand Hannity....he just keeps repeating the same things over and over. I also don't particularly like O'Reilly. He is either a wimp and trying to compromise or is constantly and rudely interupting his guests.
I do like Fox Business shows and analysis, Neal Cavuto, Judge Napolitano (although he is much too strictly a libertarian for me.) Greta has some interesting guests and I like her interactive questioning technique. She actually is thinking and engaging her guests like an attorney, instead of robitically repeating talking points.
I refuse to listen to any show where the guests are all talking over each other.
I also don't listen to Rush since he is on when I am generally working. I do sometimes read the transcripts of certain segments.
We tried to watch Maddow, and that lasted for about 30 seconds. Same thing for Matthews. Can't stand to see a grown man slobber.
VW: dibble (snort ha ha)
Or Hillary turning over a table at a White House dinner and calling Carla Bruni-Sarkozy a "prostitution whore" for flirting with Bill.
Chris Wallace is pretty good too.
Used to watch Meet the Press, but it has become much too partisan.
Can't you just see Bill hanging with DJ Pauley D and the Situation as they bring some chicks back to the White House Hot Tub?
I can't stand Hannity
Shrill, broken-record punditry.
The ferocity of the left's hatred for Palin never ceases to amaze.
I don't think she has any intention of running for anything, though I could obviously be wrong about that. It may be that all she intends to do is slowly kill every leftist in the country by driving their blood pressure through the roof and causing them all to have strokes. Their hate for her seems to know no bounds.
And really she's just absolutely normal, at least out here in flyover country. I could introduce you to 100 women just like her, though perhaps not as pretty as she is, at our next church fish fry.
You could see Bill and Hill fighting and breaking up and making up like Ronnie and Sammie on Jersey Shore.
After every fight Bill will go "Well I am single now" and he can start making out with bimbos three at time at the club.
Hannity is like a lot of Right Wing radio in that it's just cheer leading. I don't care for that, it's boring. O'Reilly is crazier than Beck in my book, and Beck can often be funny and seems genuinely happy when he's not crying.
FLS: Dude, have you ever been to a Whole Foods store? Your observations regarding the demographic are absurd and hilarious.
As to abortion, there is nothing more sacred to a liberal. You are clearly too stupid to understand the concept I articulated. Here it is again. 1. Liberals love abortion. 2. Abortion is convenient and cheap and makes it possible to have the "choice" to eliminate Trigg-like creatures. 3. Palin knew that Trigg would have severe disabilities. 4. Palin chose not to abort Trigg. Now, FLS, pause here for a moment. Nothing I have written indicates that liberals hate handicapped kids. You with me so far? 5. Trigg is born with a handicap. 6. Liberals are furious with Palin because she had this child and more furious still because she "flaunted" him, actually brought him in front of t.v. cameras to like annoy liberals. (name a liberal who hasn't trotted out his kids for the camera?). Liberals don't hate kids with handicaps, they hate the mother who "chose" to have the child. Not complicated.
Vivky: Hate is saved for people who do real harm, who are evil. I reserve hate for people like Rumsfeld, Rove and their ilk.
Oh bullshit. You don't have any legit reasons to hate them for "doing evil". You just make their "evil" up to justify your partisan spite.
Vicky: Oh, and it is Vicki, not Vicky, jerk.
Got it. You prefer Vicky. Now go fuck yourself, hater.
My, my Ms. Palin surely gets the juices flowing.
"I have no idea why this woman sends liberals into hysterics."
If liberals truly despised Ms. Palin the would treat "Sarah Palin's Alaska" the same way
Tom Vlasic's Iowa
was received.
(don't tell me you didn't watch)
It's not "Hill & Bill" (oh, I'd pay to see that reality show), but I saw an ad for this just the other day: Inside the State Department.
So Hillary, like Palin, *is* doing reality TV (of a sort), using that medium to reveal/ perform certain facets of herself as a character. Getting some of the spotlight, center stage. (She's been kept pretty much in the background of the O admin, hasn't she?) Palin has her reasons; I'm sure Hillary does too…
I set the DVR last night to record all episodes. Can't wait.
As for the snarky preview, I'm related to lots of those self-crowned elitists (NYC branch). They sit on the sidelines of life and pass judgment on everybody else. Everything European is superior. And nobody with a midwest/southern accent can ever be considered intelligent. Or anybody remotely different from them. Liberals embracing diversity and tolerance is a total myth. (Makes Thanksgiving interesting though.)
Abortion is convenient and cheap and makes it possible to have the "choice"
I don't know about convenient and cheap, but the word "choice" implies at least two alternatives. Women want alternatives.
Nothing I have written indicates that liberals hate handicapped kids. You with me so far? 5. Trigg is born with a handicap. 6. Liberals are furious with Palin because she had this child and more furious still because she "flaunted" him, actually brought him in front of t.v. cameras to like annoy liberals.
Liberals do not hate handicapped kids, they just hate seeing them exploited on national TV. Got it.
I don't know about convenient and cheap, but the word "choice" implies at least two alternatives. Women want alternatives.
How don't you know about it? The alternative is infinitely more expensive and inconvenient
Women want alternatives.
First of all, how can you possibly speak for "women" who are anything but monolithic on this issue? Further, despite the words you choose, you are saying that women should be able to end the human life growing inside them, based on nothing other than their own decision, right? Please answer that question.
Finally, do you extend that choice to men? Why not?
Liberals do not hate handicapped kids, they just hate seeing them exploited on national TV. Got it.
OK, help me out here. If Palin bringing her kid on stage at the Republican convention equals exploitation, then Obama bringing his kids on stage at the Dem convention equals what?
This fruit bat in fleece and Gore-Tex?
Fruit bats aka "flying foxes" have sharp teeth and a powerful bite and much to the left's chagrin, so does the foxy Palin.
My whole life I've been trying to talk, really talk, but no one wants to listen to me
TradGuy and Michael came up with good reasons why the left hates Palin - and, frankly, I think the abortion issue is THE point that sticks in their craw - but I just now thought of another thing that infuriates the left.
From the outset, she was concerned not with the color of Obama's skin, but the content of his character. Instead of mumbling the appropriate PC vomitus - "how wonderful to have a black man running for the highest office, Dr King would be proud, America is shedding its racist past," and so on, she called him out for what he is - a whiny, thin-skinned, affirmative action, faculty lounge America-is-always-to-blame parlor Marxist.
She blasphemed against The One. And for that she will never be forgiven.
but the word "choice" implies at least two alternatives. Women want alternatives.
You know there's a risk of pregnancy when you have intercourse, yet you CHOOSE to anyway
You also know that birth control is not 100% effective, but you CHOOSE to take that risk anyway
Sounds like its less about choice and more about facing the consequences of bad choices already made.
...then Obama bringing his kids on stage at the Dem convention equals what?
Family values?
If Palin bringing her kid on stage at the Republican convention equals exploitation, then Obama bringing his kids on stage at the Dem convention equals what?
And all those photo ops where he was buying ice cream for the girls?
And the whole "What will they choose?" drama over picking the family dog?
Because Leftists have nothing except pretending that their REAL problem with Palin is that she's not their proto-typical feminist and THAT CANNOT STAND.
Without their traditional advantage with women, the Democrats cease to be a party that can win elections on a national level. They CANNOT ALLOW women to see successful and happy Republican women not beholden to the Democratic Party.
The proof? Look at the 2010 election results. Look at how women voted in 2010 compared to 2008. How did that turn out for Democrats?
The merest thought of a FEMALE REPUBLICAN running at the top of the ticket scares the hell out of Democrats for that reason and that reason alone.
Between seeing Black Republicans in the House, a young and charismatic Hispanic in the Senate and the possibility of a conservative female in the White House; the Democrats are facing the loss of every single constituency they have spent decades scaremongering into supporting Democrats on the national level.
All the bleating you hear about Palin (and mark my words) and Rubio and West and Scott are about keeping the rubes from opening their eyes to the lies they've been fed for decades. And THAT CANNNOT STAND.
FLS: Maybe the liberal customers of Whole Foods are just not that dedicated to their causes. I mean an organic tomato in the hand is worth two uninsured young people after all.
Maybe the liberal customers of Whole Foods are just not that dedicated to their causes. I mean an organic tomato in the hand is worth two uninsured young people after all.
Of course, that can't be. If you didn't immediately run out and become a fan on Facebook of some page run by persons unknown, then you obviously can't possibly support the cause.
Remind me again how fans Obama has on Facebook? Because according to fls' logic, then he won't get any more votes than that in 2012.
Interesting to see how folks links dented cans and Palin when I actually was referring to this incident: The intensity of Palin’s temper was first described to me in such extreme terms that I couldn’t help but wonder if it might be exaggerated, until I heard corroborating tales of outbursts dating back to her days as mayor of Wasilla and before. One friend of the Palins’ remembers an argument between Sarah and Todd: “They took all the canned goods out of the pantry, then proceeded to throw them at each other. By the time they got done, the stainless-steel fridge looked like it had got shot up with a shotgun. Todd said, ‘I don’t know why I even waste my time trying to get nice things for you if you’re just going to ruin them.’ ”
Only conservatives can afford to shop at Whole Foods; liberals shop at Trader Joe's.
Yeah, that's why most conservatives refer to WF as Whole Paycheck.
You really do have your head up your ass.
FLS: To be clear, you think it is fine to bring out your happy and healthy kids as a politician, but if you bring out your happy handicapped kid it is exploitation.
You have, again, proved the point.
Here is the thing about the people who hate Palin because she didn't abort Trig: If she had aborted, then they would hate her for being a hypocrite.
There is no pleasing some people.
Here is the thing about the people who hate Palin because she didn't abort Trig
Nobody hates Palin for having Trig. Repeat, nobody. Not sure how this sick fantasy got started, but I have to assume from the minds of sick people.
dbp: You are right, of course. While abortion is the foundation of liberalism, liberalisms only sin is hypocrisy.
Nobody hates Palin for having Trig. Repeat, nobody.
That's a pretty bold statement considering I have two in-laws that cite that very thing (having a child she knew was going to have a handicap) as why they hate her. They consider it child-abuse on par with the two deaf lesbians that were trying to find a doctor that would make the fetus deaf so it would be like them.
Spooky, huh?
"roesch-voltaire ......
The intensity of Palin’s temper was first described to me in such extreme terms that I couldn’t help but wonder if it might be exaggerated, until I heard corroborating tales of outbursts dating back to her days as mayor of Wasilla and before."
Oh roachy!
Who told you that? The reporter who moved next door to the Palins?
I realize that as a tenured professor at a liberal arts college you job is to peddle lies to muddleheaded impressinable freshman so I forgive you. But I think you need to up your game.
It is just not credible that you know anyone who has the faintest connection to the Palins. Or Alaska. Or reality shows. Or reality.
All the best
Your Pal Trooper
(The Crypto Jew)
Wellther's ONE, keep this rate we'll have at least two before midnite.
@Michael said:
"The fact that Palin so obviously elected not to abort her youngest son is an offense that cannot be uttered but which can be manifested in a sputtering rage."
Nah, it is uttered all the time. The judgment is completely out in the open.
Some of my greater family is perfectly okay with instructing their elementary school age children that it is *unacceptable* to have more than two children. I can recall a very close friendship that almost ended because an over 35 mom refused to get tested when pregnant with her second child (so she wouldn't have to know). It is considered stupid, cruel, and ignorantly bad reproductive hygiene for want of a better term.
Someone who would knowingly have a Down's Syndrome child is looked upon as not fit for an advanced society - like a conservative would look upon - oh---maybe OctoMom if she were an illegal, lived in Section 8 housing, and survived completely on public assistance.
I think it's amusing actually - these two kinds of intolerance meeting each other in the Arena of the Great Outrage.
One thing about bobos though - they love their fleece and Gore-Tex and rock climbing. Heh.
I also apologize for always putting "you" when it should be "your" but the r key is kinda screwed up on my computer.
I hope you don't take off extra points for spelling when marking my litany of patronizing insults.
Once again,
All the Best,
Your Pal Trooper.
It's deeper than women turning out to vote. Women were at the forefront of the 2009 rebellion against spending. We organized and drove the Tea Party. Not only are women now the majority equity holders and the majority small business owners; we're the gender majority.
The left lost touch with ordinary American women and I don't see how they will win us back as they currently have nothing to offer that we want.
yashu, I think a lot of people would pay to see the Bill and Hill reality show.
We could put it on pay-per-view.
I already sent an email to Andy Cohen and Mark Burnett.
"MumbledFuck", wasn't he a character in the Harry Potter series? If not then I will use that name for my next band.
Spooky, huh?
I see nothing that tells me conservatives are concerned with the welfare of children period, let alone disabled children. As I said, it's sick fantasy dreamed up by sick people. It's the old "love the fetus hate the baby" hypocrisy.
I don't know why but I find the brand name "Gore-Tex" endlessly amusing.
It sounds like a feminine napkin invented by Al Gore to save the planet from Global Warming
Sort of a green Ko-Tex.
Which is much preferrable to stumbling on to a red Ko-Tex.
Sorry, that' enough third grade jokes for now.
Back to you garage.
Nah, it's already been done with Whitney & Bobby.
btw- is just me or is WV churning out Italian malapropisms today?
Garage: It's the old "love the fetus hate the baby" hypocrisy.
No Libtard. Try "its a human life, even if I hate it."
Geez, you brownshirts are so transparent. There must be a hole in your soul, else you would have known its wrong to kill what we hate.
I see nothing that tells me conservatives are concerned with the welfare of children period, let alone disabled children. As I said, it's sick fantasy dreamed up by sick people. It's the old "love the fetus hate the baby" hypocrisy.
Now, you've descended into meathead stupidity, garage.
Want to take it back?
You really want your pseudonym attached to that kind of meathead idiocy?
Ah Trooper so the only sources that give credible accounts of the Palins are positive and those that are negative well they can't be valid? And the way to debunk them is throw up some cliched distortion of how "liberal" professors teach? All that I am suggesting is that we should be a bit critical of the myth making that goes on by all our pols from Obama to and including Palin!
I see nothing that tells me conservatives are concerned with the welfare of children period, let alone disabled children. As I said, it's sick fantasy dreamed up by sick people. It's the old "love the fetus hate the baby" hypocrisy
Another broad brush stroke lumping in all conservatives and labeling them all "sick". Excellent painting, Garage, however impossible it is to back that claim up and certainly suspect in light of the gap between charitable giving between the sides.
What I, as a conservative, am against (for example), re children is the concept that spending more money per kid in public education is somehow going to make that kid a better student. Many on the left cling to $-per-student as some sort of holy grail and constantly complain about lack of funds while protecting bad teachers, bad administrators and bad results. The US public education system used to be one of the best in the world...and then the left got their hands on it. may claim the left "cares" about kids and you may well be proven out to be correct...that they "care". But the actual results of that caring leave a shitload to be desired.
" garage mahal said...
Spooky, huh?
I see nothing that tells me conservatives are concerned with the welfare of children period,"
What an asshole. It's revealing how disgusting libs like garage and fls are. Their brand of hatred would be right at home at a klan rally.
But roachy do you seriously mean to say that we are to believe that the Palins throw cans at each other?
It sounds like a trailer park fantasy from your friends at Journalist.
And I want to apologize if I stereotyped you as a crazy liberal college professor if that is not true. It's the hair man. It's the hair.
“They took all the canned goods out of the pantry, then proceeded to throw them at each other. By the time they got done, the stainless-steel fridge looked like it had got shot up with a shotgun
Well, that is just wrong.
I learned (the hard way) that it is MUCH better to throw tupperware and plastic glasses. They hardly dent the walls and you don't have the regret of picking up bits of china and glassware that you will have to replace later.
Tupperware. Much more satisfying and bouncy!!!
(The Crypto Jew)
Tupperware. Much more satisfying and bouncy!!!
Mmmmmmmmm Sarah Palin and "bouncy"...sorry just a sexist moment there, I blame Trooper and his earlier posting on "cans."
Tupperware throwing.
Controlled rage.
Only conservatives can afford to shop at Whole Foods; liberals shop at Trader Joe's.
Does Trader Joe's even exist in red states?
Ah Trooper so the only sources that give credible accounts of the Palins are positive and those that are negative well they can't be valid?
An pseudonymous internet commenter citing a second-hand story from an anonymous source isn't a "credible account" regardless of whether their news is positive or negative.
It ranks next to "this dude at the bar told me it was true" on the spectrum of credibility.
The image of out of control trailer trash is what the main steam media douche bags and their fellow travelers in academia (sorry roachy) is the narrative that they want to sell.
The reality show will totally counter that.
I have made a long term study of reality shows. I venture to say I have seen more hours of the genre than anyone else here on this site. I want to tell you that your true character comes out. For example Chris Jenner of the "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" tries to portray herself as an intelligent business woman and a nice person but her real persona of a nasty castrating bitch shines through in every episode. Danielle Staub of the "Real Housewives of New Jersey" tries to act like a victim when it is clear that she is a conniving bitch and a truly dangerous and evil person. Bethanny Frankel of “Real Housewives of New York” tries to be the sarcastic trendy New York girl but a vulnerable sweet side comes out when she interacts with her new husband.
I tell you that you can’t hide from the camera. The real persona’s of Palins will come out.
I think it will leave a very favorable impression.
Sorry but I don't get the big whooping deal about the alleged can tossing/fridge denting? Are you married?
My spouse and I once got into a petty argument over a messy counter top and trashed our kitchen to the point that we collapsed in laughter.
In almost four decades of marriage neither of us have ever thought to raise a hand to the other, but we've had some doozy shouting matches.
So pardon me if I'm not properly horrified.
(The Crypto Jew)
RV, the next time you try that story, you need to open up with the words, "I Sh1t you NOT", as in "I Sh1t you not, I was in Wasila and I heard....."
All good Sea Stories begin thusly....
You have got to either love or hate the woman. The Palins are going to make some good money here, as she has with her books, speaking, etc. Much better than they were making before she was tapped by John McCain to join his ticket. By the time this ends, they may be in a position to play like this for the rest of their lives, without having to really work - not that I expect any of them to quit.
In short, the American dream. They are getting paid here to do what they love to do where they love to do it. They are managing to leverage a couple some luck into a small fortune, through taking chance, hard work, and a lot of smarts.
The series is going to sell. They have a nice, close, family. I think that a lot of people would love to have grown up in it.
I grew up in a family of 5 boys, and always wanted more. Well, some times. I loved Cheaper by the Dozen, Sound of Music, etc. There is a kind of warmth that large families can have, that small ones may not have.
So, we now have a reality show that doesn't concentrate on who is having sex with whom, who is the drunkest and most obnoxious, who is cheating on whom, etc. Rather, it shows us the good side of life, not the bad.
So, can anyone here envision a reality show with the Obamas? The Clintons would be hilarious - the trailer trash husband who is always cheating on his upscale wife. But the Obamas? What would they show? All the beautiful expensive places they vacation with all the beautiful people there? I think that many of us can remember Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous - it got old quickly. What else do they have to offer? The perfect Ivy League lawyer couple with the perfect two kids who just happen to be black?
So, if Mrs. Palin decides to run in two years, who do you think that the American people are going to feel more warmly about? Her or Barack Obama?
(I am not assuming that she is running, but rather, is doing just as she has stated - keeping her options open).
It ranks next to "this dude at the bar told me it was true" on the spectrum of credibility.
Which is just above crack whore, but just below street mime.
So, if Mrs. Palin decides to run in two years, who do you think that the American people are going to feel more warmly about? Her or Barack Obama?
It won't matter. If things don't turn around (or the GOP makes horribly stupid mistakes like the Dems have in the last two years) he won't survive what will prove to be one of the nastiest primary fights in US history.
Nobody hates Palin for having Trig. Repeat, nobody. Not sure how this sick fantasy got started, but I have to assume from the minds of sick people.
It was probably all those columns written by Leftists in which they claimed Palin was "irresponsible" to have him.
So we agree: it was the minds of sick people who started the sick fantasy.
It was probably all those columns written by Leftists in which they claimed Palin was "irresponsible" to have him.
Love to see all these cites.
(The Crypto Jew)
Ok, ScottM, I’m something of a Palinista and therefore a stoopit, bitter clinger, but I don’t see Obama being “primaried”, seriously, in 2012.
1) Obama, for all his other flaws, is a Chicago Politician, who muscled out almost every other candidate for any job he wanted. I don’t see him losing out to anyone in 2012.
2) I think the images of McCarty (’68), Kennedy (1980), Perot (’92 and ’96) and Buchanan (’92), Nader (’00) will serve to chasten anyone who might SERIOUSLY entertain the notion of running against Obama. They’d be a “splitter”, dividing the vote, allowing the Christian Rightwingnut, Nazi, Racist, Homophobes control of the White House! !!!!!Eleventy!!!!!! Is anyone really willing to endure that?
3) Plus, from 2) above, we get little support or money, because the Democrats aren’t going to want to lose to “Those People.”
Sure Gravel or Kucinich will be running on the “Progressive Platform” but no one expects them to win, they’re just expected to make noise. But that’s not a serious challenge, that’s the pro forma challenge you’d expect, just like Alan Keyes will be running in 2012 on the Republican side.
No one will challenge Obama for the primary now matter how poorly he's doing for fear of the racial backlash from the black community. No Democrat can win without the black vote and black voters will stay home in droves if Obama is not the candidate. The dumbocrats have married the party to racial politics and now they are trapped.
But the ticket, take the ride.
The model you should be looking at is Reagan vs Ford. Ronnie lost but laid the ground work for his win the next time out.
I can see the Clintons going after him. Especially if Jeb Bush makes a run in the Republican primary.
Which I can totally see happening.
Clinton vs Bush.
A rerun of your least favorite reality show.
"I see nothing that tells me conservatives are concerned with the welfare of children period, let alone disabled children."
Demonstrating for all to see that you have never darkened the door of a food bank, church food pantry, soup kitchen, parochial school or any other place where the poor are served by volunteers.
I volunteer at our food pantry 4 days per week and we spend thousands of parish dollars per month on food for hungry people. What do you do for the poor?
Well except for all those reality shows with the midgets.
Who the hell enjoys that stuff?
Now if you want to see a reality show that Bill Clinton would love to be on then check out Ma's Roadhouse on TruTV!
Ma reminds Bill of his Mama.
Roeschi is reaping the crop that the lefty blogs have sown. The idea of the Terrible Temper Tantrums of a woman is so believable that it shifts the burden of disproof to Palin. In liberal slanderLand if a charge is serious enough, then it requires no proof. The secret source also said that she could see Russia's reflection in her refridgerator's door until it got too many dents.
Garage and FLS, these lefty deep thinkers, reveal themselves and their disdain for human life in clear and unmistakable terms. All the while thinking they are making intelligent, rational, points.
But they prove my point relative to Palin and abortion. They are fucking batshit that she had her child and loves it as would you or I.
DaveW asked: "What do you do for the poor?"
And FLS and Garage answered that they railed against conservatives and called for higher taxes. That is what they did for the poor.
Heaving cans at each other until they destroy the fridge is just a self fulfilling fantasy trope for the effete intellectual snobs like our pal roachy to talk about with their fellow professors while signing petitions in the faculty lounge to have innocent lacrosse players incarcerated because they are white.
I prefer another fantasy about Sarah Palin and heaving cans. Sweaty heaving cans on a hot summer night in the Alaskan Wilderness...on a bed of soft grass in a meadow with a a campfire blazing....a crackle of wood thrusts another hot burning limb deeper as it is bursting into flame....and then....and then....I will be right back.
Hey maybe our good buddy Chip Ahoy can do some photoshopping of Sarah Palin's heaving cans.
It would lead to a lot of pop-up cards. So to speak.
Trooper- I do not think throwing few cans of Russian caviar at each other is indicative of trailer trash, and do not mean to suggest that about the Palins. It is an example of one's temper, and as others have posted, perhaps common among loving couples, but something few of us reveal-- especially if we are running for a public office.
But they prove my point relative to Palin and abortion. They are fucking batshit that she had her child and loves it as would you or I.
One the world wide web you should be able to find all these lefties that are furious that Palin had a child with disabilities. NO? Then shut the fuck up.
Why don't you shut the fuck up until you find a link to conservatives who don't care about childdren? Deal?
Say what you will about expressing one's anger, but it is the expression is a real emotion and that is necessary and healthy at times. Depression is our unexpressed anger turned back in on on ourselves because we are living in a system or culture where we must forbid ourselves to express anger when we are hurt. Ask Marie Osmond how that works out.
Roachy, you need to help the blogger lady on the thread about cruise ships. She needs all the looking down the nose at the common people help she can get to keep the rubes in line.
Why don't you shut the fuck up until you find a link to conservatives who don't care about childdren? Deal?
How bout this one - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: IDEA Recovery Funds for Services to Children and Youths with Disabilities
For, or against? We know which Republicans in congress voted. Every single one, against.
Or this one - The Children's Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act expands the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) and reauthorizes it through 2013. SCHIP, founded in 1997, currently provides health insurance coverage to 7 million children from low- and middle-income families that cannot afford private health insurance but are not eligible for Medicaid benefits
For, or against? We know which way Republicans voted.
I agree that's the best you can find. So we're agreed you'll shut the fuck up?
Sure, after you tell me if you are for, or against these laws.
Just what we need, our federal tax money paying for health care for college kids so that Garage can feel good about himself.
I'm against, but I'm against fearmongering and hyperbolic exaggeration to pass legislation generally.
Garage also apparently thinks that you are anti-kid if you didn't support the porkulus "stimulus" bill. $787 billion, mostly flushed down the drain, to pay off different political constituencies, and, esp. government and union workers. And one small part of it was aimed at children so that the libs could feel good about themselves as they beggar our grandchildren to pay for it.
Ah huh. We love them, but we can't do anything for them. Certainly not pay for any of it.
Thanks for playing.
(The Crypto Jew)
Well Garage you confuse spending BILLIONS with “compassion.” Let’s examine one example of S-Chip, that little family in Md. who had no health insurance, but had $300,000 in property and two jobs, but they had CHOSEN to not have health insurance. Or S-SCHIP that provided coverage for families in need, in need up to the tune of $80,000 in income? So you’re saying I should pay MY insurance premiums and someone else’s’, someone who makes as much if not more than me? And that’s “compassion?” I don’t think so…
(The Crypto Jew)
Well Garage you’re saying UNLESS I pay a Federal bureaucrat to perform paperwork functions, to the tune of ~40% of the dollar delivered to the poor, on programs that ware shown to be ineffective I don’t care? We can do things for poor children; we’re saying that the Federal Government is a very blunt instrument of “care.”
Hey we are straying too far off the subject of Sarah Palin's cans!
Focus people!!!
Bottom line: Hand over your wallet - it's for the children.
Shouting Thomas wrote:
She's pretty. She's tough. She was a great athlete in high school, and she seems to be trying to maintain her athleticism in adulthood.
She appears to be a great mother and wife. She's an outspoken Christian.
I know that the liberals will go crazy and tell me how dangerous is this fascist Palin.
Looks like a pretty ordinary, if exceptionally accomplished, woman to me. If I were a young guy, sure as hell I'd ask her for a date and try to make her mine.
I saw this without regard to her political ambitions or future.
She seems to have more testosterone and balls than most of the male libs these days who seem like their testosterone has been converted to estrogen. IF you look under their shirts they probably have man boobs.
Yet despite that she's still a looker. Maybe that's what happens when you live out in the boondocks and have to dress your own moose. It prevents you from getting soft.
Garage, I'm against children, at least the ones raised by the State.
I just testified against one of the gubmint's offspring a coupla days ago. Little barbarian tried to beat on some skinny kid, with 5 of his state-raised pals.
I tell ya, if the CPS folks went after the Parental State whenever his kids got outta line, by now Uncle Sam would be doin' time.
So yeah, I'm against kids whose parents include either the State of Minnesota or The US and A herself.
but something few of us reveal-- especially if we are running for a public office.
The left has spent two years spelunking Palin's vagina, diving through her trash and prying into every aspect of the Palin family's private life, including invading the privacy of their minor children and you find this distasteful?
Garage, I'm against children, at least the ones raised by the State.
Yes I'm sure we would be better off as a society with kids walking around with some untreated disease or ailment.
"garage mahal said...
Yes I'm sure we would be better off as a society with kids walking around with some untreated disease or ailment."
Yes, I noticed them dying in the street until last year. I stepped over them on the way to my club. Damn nuisance if you ask me, but luckily some dogs were pulling the corpses off into the bushes. Smelled for the first few days, but the roses were lovely.
All in all not a bad trade. Too mbad we gave it up.
Especially if Jeb Bush makes a run in the Republican primary.
Yeah, given their lip service to Hispanics, wouldn't Columba catch the left's tit en escurridor?
Yo no sabe espanol senora.
I am doing my best to get us to 200but youse guys are letting the team down.
Where's Loafing Oaf and his complaints about Sarah's vagina?
That should be could for a couple dozen comments alone.
garage mahal said...
Ah huh. We love them, but we can't do anything for them. Certainly not pay for any of it.
Ah, caring means being for spending other people's money on deprived children. Good to know.
I would rather spend money on people that do need it, rather than people that do not. I know I'm fucking weird like that.
Well that's not so weird garage.
But that swimming a river of piss thingy.
I just figured you a Jim Norton fan.
I would rather spend money on people that do need it, rather than people that do not. I know I'm fucking weird like that.
You mean like government and union employees?
Only conservatives can afford to shop at Whole Foods; liberals shop at Trader Joe's.
Does Trader Joe's even exist in red states?
Several here
Our favorite. And we drive by a Whole Foods to get there.
Its all about the $$$ (and the Flaxseed Tortilla chips)
Garage: Ah huh. We love them, but we can't do anything for them. Certainly not pay for any of it. So lets just eliminate them
garage mahal said...
I would rather spend (other people's)money on people that do need it, rather than people that do not. I know I'm fucking weird like that.
There, fixed it for you.
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