Here's an ABC15 News report of an attractive Arizona flight attendant who reported being molested by TSA agents. She's filing a lawsuit and refused to board her aircraft causing flight delays.
Reading about these is one thing ... actually watching them on YouTube is quite disturbing.
Most news organizations are refusing to show video of TSA agents groping young children ... so it's important that citizens tape these events. That way, when the cases get to court, people can make up their own minds about what is really going on.
Do they really think young Johnny is a security threat ... or is that just a ploy for some other ulterior motive?
Is young 3-year-old Sally really suspected of being in al Queda ... or is that just a subterfuge?
If you're flying this Thanksgiving Holiday ... do yourself a favor and video these public molestations. Use your built-in video recorder in your mobile phone.
Upload the videos to YouTube so that we can inform each other what is really going on - since the major news media are trying to protect Obama and not show his henchmen groping our children as if they're common Muslim terrorists or something.
edutcher: Ridicule is indeed the answer. The problem is that we cannot employ it at the airports without the risk of being tossed to the ground, subjected to gestapo like interrogation or held up long enough to miss our flights. I would love to have whole groups of people in the security lines chanting insults, but most people are sheep. The thing I have most been disgusted by over the last nine years are the number of people grinning and thanking the TSA for doing such a super job. People thanking their government for searching them and subjecting them to a scrutiny they do not deserve. All to make sure that certain groups which cannot be named do not get their feelings hurt. It is enough to make the head explode.
"I would love to have whole groups of people in the security lines chanting insults, but most people are sheep."
Not any more.
National Opt-Out Day is set for November 24.
Saul Alinsky:"The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself (Alinsky 1972: 129).
When Saul Alinsky leaked word that large numbers of poor people were going to tie up the washrooms of O’Hare Airport, Chicago city authorities quickly agreed to act on a longstanding commitment to a ghetto organization. They imagined the mayhem as thousands of passengers poured off airplanes to discover every washroom occupied. Then they imagined the international embarrassment and the damage to the city’s reputation.
It is time to organize our communities against this asinine Democrat Party political correctness.
"People thanking their government for searching them and subjecting them to a scrutiny they do not deserve. All to make sure that certain groups which cannot be named do not get their feelings hurt. It is enough to make the head explode."
Congressman Ron Paul has introduced legislation to force Obama's airport thugs to follow the same laws as everyone else - stripping them of the immunity they enjoy from perversion and molestation prosecution:
"My legislation is simple. It establishes that airport security screeners are not immune from any US law regarding physical contact with another person, making images of another person, or causing physical harm through the use of radiation-emitting machinery on another person. It means they are subject to the same laws as the rest of us.
The solution to Democrat Party thuggery is to organize against them; to fire them; to investigate them for their crimes; to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law; and to put them where they belong.
Love the one "It's not a grope, it's a freedom pat".
As for Lady Gaga...a friends son attended Tisch at the same time she did as a student - back when she was "Gemma".
The Gaga scoop back then? Straight, loose, smoking hot body and incredibly creative. And "yes".
Guy's son had better or at least more interesting dirt on another Tisch gal grad now a famous, supposedly squeaky clean, TV star. If - he wasn't BS-ing.
Next time I fly, I plan to strip rather than be touched.
Hey, they did it in Germany.
PS This piece from Insta, saying the TSA crowd hates it, too, may strike more fear in the Lefties' hearts than anything else. A revolt from within is something The Zero and Big Sis never contemplated.
The National Socialists have always felt secure in the knowledge they had the big guns on their side if the country decides to revolt - maybe not. It's happened before.
I'm starting to think that main reasons for TSA new "security measures" have nothing to do with security. They are here, in best case - to make Obama government look like they care about security, while at the same taking public attention from their continuous failures in other sectors; in worst case - to harazz the public which, as the last election show, do not appreciate Obama's greatness.
Ok New Hussein, if we watch the videos of muslims being patted down in the course of their profiling (which you support), are they being molested? Or are you now suggesting that we can't even pat down suspected terrorists in the course of determining whether they can get on a plane? Since women muslims can be suicide bombers when we pat them down are we raping the with our hands when we pat them down? or do muslim women not having feelings in their genitals. Or are security guards able to maintain their composure because muslim women are ugly and guys will have no prurient interests in feeling up their junk? How about 10 year old muslims? What if a 10 year old MUSLIM sets off a metal detector? Is that a just a glitch too, or does he need to have his shaft fondled by the perverts? Or are pervs not attracted to muslim boys and thus will only behave professionally around them because they are ugly unlike cute american kids and only americans give them boner? is there a cutoff for a muslim boy whereby we can pat him down and or not pat him down in the course of our profiling? Like, are 12 years and older to be suspected of being suicide bombers but 11 or younger not suspects, thus when they trip a metal detector we can or can't fondle their balls. Or regardless are we never allowed to do any pat downs no matter what, even if the person getting on the plane is a suspected muslim. What if they set off a metal detector. Are we making exceptions for muslims with prosthetics, colostomy bags or who are grandmothers or grandfathers. Can people with disabilities or old people even be considered a threat if they are muslims? What if they set off the metal detectors? Can we use a digital scanner on any of them even if it might show that they have a weapon and even though we suspect them of being terrorists becuase only terrorists are muslim?
Just to clear up one minor detail about everything being discussed here...
"The TSA was created as part of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act passed by the U.S. Congress, and signed into law by President George W. Bush on November 19, 2001. Originally organized in the U.S. Department of Transportation, the TSA was moved to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on March 25, 2003."
New Hussein, Suppose that an american muslim who is not a terrorist reacts to being profiled and says don't touch my junk and refuses to comply with security protocols and security then knocks him to the ground. Are you going to show us the video, or are you going to say he had it coming? But if he isn't in fact a terrorist, and is an ameirican citizen does he have it coming?
Even worse than the groping of the 3 year olds penis was the mother who stood there and watched it happen. Wait, it looks like she's helping the security guard molest her son. She even laughs at one point while he fondles and gropes and strokes and rubs and carreses her sons balls. She must be an obama supporter or a muslim.
The innocent girl is completely terrified and traumatized at being groped by Barack Obama's agents.
The little girl is also terrified because she won't even go through the metal detector (which would normally then prompt a pat down). Why won't she go through the metal detector? The metal detector was there before the evil TSA came up with their new fangled policies. Now, here's a reason why you might check a 3 year old (even absent the new fangled enhanced pat downs just implemented by the TSA). Her parents might want to have something brough on a plane and put it in her kids pockets then have her kid throw a fit so that she can bypass the x ray machine.Do you then let the child and mother pass? What if the mother is a muslim New Hussein? Since the muslim is suspicious and may be hiding something in her kids pocket and since you say we should target muslims, wouldn't it be smart to check her kids pockets to make sure the mother didn't do something screwy? So in that case, can we do the pat down or as you put it finger and fondle her vagina?
"I was absolutely humiliated, I couldn’t even speak,” said Thomas D. “Tom” Sawyer, 61, of Lansing, Mich.
Yep, you read that right.
What if a muslim who was being profiled cam into our clutches and was being profiled by us and he had cancer? Any sympathy for him if, after being profiled for being musilm it turns out, he wasn't in fact a terrorist? Youre ok with man handling cancer patients?
It's very simple, the "silent majority" will not take the porno-scanners and genital groping much longer and will call for Muslim profiling with a full-blooded throaty cry of indignation. If the so-called "leadership" doesn't respond, then 2012 will be a bloodbath of epic proportions.
The stickers are funny but the posters are tea-bagger idiots. I blame Obama only for not undoing Shrub's fascist TSA setup in the first place. This entire operation has right-wing psycho Nazi written all over it. Just watch - you won't hear a peep out of the Repugnican congressional leaders in January about this scandal. They are the promulgators of fear in the first place (sorry about the 4-syllable word, illiterates) and it serves their interest to continue it.
Now shut up and go on about your business helping the billionaire traitors finish destroying the United States for good. You're all steaks on Murdoch's BBQ.
Wow, I think I agree with David Frum once in my lifetime but he makes good points about why racial profilng, or profiling based on the conept of muslims alone doesn't work.
Profiling based on soley on concepts of islam would ignore a timothy mcveigh a converted non racial muslim like an adam gadhan a chechen female terrrorist and I would add, an african muslim who doesn't have a readily identificable muslim name.
But as I said I am for profiling. But not one set of rules for muslims and an entire different set for everyone else (including chechens, and say white supremacists who want to take out govt buildings. Or even wacko environmentalists who have no problem blowing up property to protest global warming. Why should our fixation on muslims mean that they get a free pass. Profile, but profile behind the scenes without saying you're profiling. If peple ask say you don't profile and then continue profiling away. That's what covert actions are all about.
jr - I agree that profiling by itself is insufficient, because no one ever wins a war by playing defense. If we ever want the end game with Islam, we have to give it such a bloody nose that it backs of forever. Sort of like what we did to Japan in WW2. *devilish grin*
Isn't there some way besides an invasive procedure to determine if a squalling three year old is an explosive laden terrorist? The absence of common sense here is what is galling.....I have a great deal of sympathy for the TSA agents. There are very few people on earth whom I would wish to grope or to see gray, blurry naked pictures of. Many apparently find it particularly demeaning to be groped by someone making $35,000 p.a. The TSA agents have a job to do and, beyond doubt, some of them do it clumsily. How many of your co workers achieve perfection in their jobs?
What the heck is this "oh, the Lefties just loooove this" and "oh, the Democrats did this to us" garbage?
I'm a Lefty and I'm enraged by the groping and utter lack of common sense/good manners I'm seeing in these videos and hearing in these stories.
I am not walking through an X-Ray machine at an airport if I can't even stand in front of one at a doctor's office, what with my lack of insurance and all...
And if they decide to pat me down? My plan is to moan like a phone whore. We'll see who gets humiliated first...
This started under Bush's watch and has been being discussed for a while now. You can't pin all of this on Obama, although I'm pretty furious that he's trying to pass it off as part of the war effort.
The corporations run this country. Until we stand up to big money, the political parties are pretty much the same except in a few specific areas.
"But if this country is going to sacrifice treating people like human beings in the name of safety, then we have already lost the war."
I am not an American, but from these stories, it looks like USA is losing the so-called "war on terror".
The actual objective of terrorists is not to kill or harm people: it's to terrorize them, to cause too many inconveniences to their lives and to make their lives miserable.
By adopting all these policies, the US government is doing just what the terrorists want them to do: make the lives of Americans miserable. After all, what good are all the bombings if people go about their lives just as before, and do not have to face any problems at all?
It doesn't matter if the drones keep on killing a few terrorists here and there. As long as the government puts its people under all these hardships, the terrorists will be happy and satisfied.
The tactics of terrorists are succeeding, America is losing the war on terror.
The child was not carrying any bombs, and was not a member of al Queda. The boy was neither a Muslim, nor a terrorist.
These illegal searches are being done to millions of children across America. Not a single one have thus far been found to be carrying any contraband, to be any kind of a security risk, or to be members of al Queda or any other terrorist organization.
Not. A. Single. One.
Yet - the Executive Branch of the Obama junta continues these intrusive, illegal searches.
Where is the Judiciary to uphold the United States Constitution?
"What the heck is this "oh, the Lefties just loooove this" and "oh, the Democrats did this to us" garbage?"
Democrats are in control of the Department of Homeland Security, the United States Senate, the US House of Representatives and the White House.
Janet Nepalitano - who authorized these illegal searches - is not a Republican. She is a Democrat.
Barack Obama - whop authorized these molestations - is not a Republican. He is a Democrat.
Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the House of Representatives, which authorizes the budget for hiring TSA personnel. She is a Democrat.
Harry Reid is the Majority Leader of the United States Senate, which passed legislation allowing Nepalitano the discretion to conduct these illegal searches. He is a Democrat.
Democrats are the reason these asinine searches are taking place. These sorts of illegal, intrusive molestations were not conducted like this when Republicans ran the country.
It is ONLY when Democrats are running things that suddenly the government decides it can strip-search 3-year-old children to determine whether they are members of al Queda.
Democrats did this to us. And they should be fired for it.
“But at this point, TSA in consultation with counterterrorism experts have indicated to me that the procedures that they have been putting in place are the only ones right now that they consider to be effective against the kind of threat that we saw in the Christmas Day bombing.
Another piece of evidence showing his cluelessness.
This started under Bush's watch and has been being discussed for a while now.
Please provide a link to any news article prior to January 2009 where an airline passenger is complaining about an invasive TSA patdown.
Then, please provide a link to any news article prior to January 2009 where any elected Democrat or liberals are complaining about an invasive TSA patdown.
Alex wrote: JAY - the removing of shoes happened under Bush. Let's not pretend that he wasn't a tyrant at heart.
So why were all the libertarians and repubs supportive of a war on terror and the Patriot act and getting tough with terrorists and saying they were serious about security? Even taking their shoes off is too much for them. Bush is a tyrant for even going that far. So maybe the Times had a point in leaking all those covert programs, and maybe the librarians had a point about the govt being able to look at library books. Suddenly the libertarians are the liberals.
Jay wrote: Then, please provide a link to any news article prior to January 2009 where any elected Democrat or liberals are complaining about an invasive TSA patdown.
It's very funny the liberals were the privacy rights advocates under Bush. Anything sensible or inocuous (like having the govt be able to look at library books was Bush turning this country into Nazi Germany. And all the conservatives were saying such changes were necessary to deal with the threat of terrorism. And all the ibs were saying there was no threat. Now its the complete opposite. Now libs are imposing security measures along the same vein as those which Bush implemented and all the libs are silent and now all the libertarians who previously went along with the Patriot Act are talking about how making someone take off their shoes at an airport is TYRANNY! (so then wouldn't looking at library books also be tyranny) akin to nazi germany. And now all the libs are saying that these are sensible security protocols. Yet meanwhile, making an everyday american take off their shoes is tyranny, but subjecting the entire muslim population to a completely different security system whether they are or not terrorsts is somehow not tyranny. Hypocricy on both sides. Libertarians and liberals are mirror images of each other and when the other side is in power they are wack jobs.
From the TSA webpage on these scanners (
"TSA began deploying state-of-the-art advanced imaging technology in 2007."
And here's a BoingBoing post that links to a photogallery in a German-language magazine from October, 2008:
Six months later, just a few months after Obama entered the office, there were already complaints by security expert Bruce Schneier and the ACLU about these machines--neither Schneier or the ACLU are generally regarded as conservative or anti-liberal. Anyone who's ever worked with government knows that there is no way in heaven or hell that the TSA under Obama suddenly started putting these machines everywhere between January and May 2009--they came from Bush and his department heads at TSA and the program simply continued under the new administration.
The thing is, there was no way Obama could have stopped these machines without major political backlash. Can you imagine the hue and cry from the fearmongerers and "security before liberty" crowd if he had ditched these machines or rolled back the idiotic shoe and liquid rules? They would have been ranting and raving about how he hated our country and wanted to let any old terrorist on and this technology would have become an absolutely necessary piece of equipment that was vital to our national security. So he went along with the existing plan.
This is not OBAMA's fault. It's hardly even Bush's fault, although the fault is probably more on him.
It's OUR fault for sacrificing our liberties in the name of security for the last 9 years and for rolling over and playing dead for the increasing authoritarianism we got under Bush. The blame rests with everyone who didn't file a lawsuit against the TSA for banning liquids, everyone who acquiesced when the TSA started telling us to take off our shoes and swabbing our toothpaste with unnecessary chemical tests.
It's NOT OBAMA's FAULT. IT'S NOT A LIBERAL SOCIALIST PLOT (trust me, I'm one of those bleeding-heart liberals you all hate so much and I hate these damn machines and pat downs as much or more than you do). It's everyone's fault--mine and yours--and instead of pointing fingers and politicizing this, why not use the few remaining tools of your democracy to DO SOMETHING about it? Here's one thing all Americans seem to agree on--we hate being treated like criminals just because we want to board an airplane, and we hate having our privacy violated to go on vacation. Stop bickering and use this as an opportunity to move past our differences and do something constructive for once!
We liberals have been reciting Ben Franklin's quote "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" for years now. Glad to have the Tea Party and the rest of the right wing on board for this one. Let's get to work taking our country back from terror by using common sense and standing up for the shared ideals we all believe in regardless of who we voted for.
Libertarians and conservatives have to know that considering Bush was the orignator of the Patriot Act and all the calls for these expanded powers that needed to be brought to bear to deal with terrorists threats, that were the underwear bombing to occur under his presidency that the TSA would have btought out the full body scanners. And liberals would be howling with rage and people like Sean Hannity and Rush limbaugh would be supprorting the president and calling liberals weak on terrorism if they weren't down with the enhanced security. And we all know that if there is a republican president after Obama and there is another terrorists atack on our airlines, everyone is going to demand that we do more. Then the libs are going to go back to calling any policy he puts out the second coming of nazi germany and conservatives are going to then go back to be tough on terrorism and how we need to heighten security.
Here's one approach: a proposed statute to drastically redefine the TSA's job and let airlines and airports handle security, with appropriate disclosures.
I'd cut and paste it here, but it appears I can't. The full text is at
Jal wrote: And IIRC, the underwear bomber was on a no flylist ("profiled") and shouldn't have been let on the plane?
So what? The failures occured at all levels from the top down. For whatever reason the fact that he wasn't on a no fly zone wasn't triggered (which might suggest that the profiling itself can be just as flawed). The issue is, he's on a line to get on board a plane and there is no evidence that he shouldn't be able to fly. Security guards in security have to make the immediate decision as to let this guy on or off the plane. Say, you're the security guard. And noone told you he was on a no fly zone, and he's at your gate. basically because ther is no protocol that you want to submit to that would check his underpants you'd have no recourse but to not check his underpants. No? Explain how the top down approach helps the guy at the security gate if he hasn't gotten the right info. I would argue that the security gate should have it's own security protocls to deal with immediate threats that they face, but you don't. So if it were up to you you'd let him on. And did he look like your prototypical muslim terrorist?
The TSA is just a lapdog of the FAA and I have posted a parody I have had from the begining of the TSA that is even more approprate today:
There are also some more pictures people have posted at Free Republic to go along with this one at:
I hope you guys are trolling, because if you're not you should seriously pull your heads out of your asses and reassess your beliefs...
These kinds of laws didn't start under the Obama administration. And your type of irrational reaction didn't either! I remember when 4 or 5 years ago people like you, Hussein Ham, would call others anti american liberals simply for opposing the Irak war, which everyone now admits was a mistake. The same shit went down when bush started up the patriot act (he must have been hypnotized by socialist liberals, right? we all know they have the devils' evil voodoo powers *irony - in case you didn't get it*) which permits searches, wiretapping and arrests without warrant: people against it were all socialist liberal assholes. But now that the patriot act (or at least it's intention) is extended to airports as well, all this shit is suddenly the democrats' idea and THEY have to be fired for an idea that popped up under a republican president?
It is amazing how warped your sense of judgement is. I think Americans should get out and travel around, maybe to mexico or canada, so as to get a clue as to what the world is really like rather than going on and on and on with things they have no idea about. Seriously, when i read this forum, you all look like 6 year olds arguing about who's daddy's better. Grow up and grow a pair. Stop eating up what people tell you and think for yourselves; open your eyes and look around.
I am just curious as to how TSA became "Obama's Thugs". Last I checked it was Dearly Beloved, and much to belatedly departed Georgie Bush who implemented the Civil Rights violations all the sheep are happy to have in place to "protect their freedom!" How has THIS latest dis-information movement spread?
Not even gonna go into the the absurdities about the economy being Obama's fault...after 8 years of spending $5BILLION/MONTH of US Dollars OUTSIDE the US economy! How does anyone think THAT won't have a negative impact....oops, guess I did get started!
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७३ टिप्पण्या:
Watch the video yourself and make up your own mind as a TSA agent molests a 3-year-old girl, who is in no way, shape or form a Muslim terrorist.
The innocent girl is completely terrified and traumatized at being groped by Barack Obama's agents.
Watch as a male TSA agent gropes the penis of a 3-year-old boy and looks down his pants.
The boy - it was later found - was not in fact hiding Osama bin Laden in his Underroos.
Horseback riding was the traditional excuse.
Now it's TSA.
Still the transportation genre.
Watch as TSA jackboots slam a female passenger to the floor for refusing to be molested by them.
She was not a member of al Queda and posed absolutely no security risk to anyone.
Wasn't it Uncle Saul who said ridicule is the first step?
Or something like that.
As I said yesterday, could it be The Zero is a brilliant double agent who's infiltrated the Left to destroy it?
Or is he just George Soros' Captain Parmenter?
PS Ham, we get the picture.
Here's an ABC15 News report of an attractive Arizona flight attendant who reported being molested by TSA agents. She's filing a lawsuit and refused to board her aircraft causing flight delays.
"PS Ham, we get the picture."
Reading about these is one thing ... actually watching them on YouTube is quite disturbing.
Most news organizations are refusing to show video of TSA agents groping young children ... so it's important that citizens tape these events. That way, when the cases get to court, people can make up their own minds about what is really going on.
Do they really think young Johnny is a security threat ... or is that just a ploy for some other ulterior motive?
Is young 3-year-old Sally really suspected of being in al Queda ... or is that just a subterfuge?
If you're flying this Thanksgiving Holiday ... do yourself a favor and video these public molestations. Use your built-in video recorder in your mobile phone.
Upload the videos to YouTube so that we can inform each other what is really going on - since the major news media are trying to protect Obama and not show his henchmen groping our children as if they're common Muslim terrorists or something.
Next time I fly, I plan to strip rather than be touched.
edutcher: Ridicule is indeed the answer. The problem is that we cannot employ it at the airports without the risk of being tossed to the ground, subjected to gestapo like interrogation or held up long enough to miss our flights. I would love to have whole groups of people in the security lines chanting insults, but most people are sheep. The thing I have most been disgusted by over the last nine years are the number of people grinning and thanking the TSA for doing such a super job. People thanking their government for searching them and subjecting them to a scrutiny they do not deserve. All to make sure that certain groups which cannot be named do not get their feelings hurt. It is enough to make the head explode.
"I would love to have whole groups of people in the security lines chanting insults, but most people are sheep."
Not any more.
National Opt-Out Day is set for November 24.
Saul Alinsky: "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself (Alinsky 1972: 129).
When Saul Alinsky leaked word that large numbers of poor people were going to tie up the washrooms of O’Hare Airport, Chicago city authorities quickly agreed to act on a longstanding commitment to a ghetto organization. They imagined the mayhem as thousands of passengers poured off airplanes to discover every washroom occupied. Then they imagined the international embarrassment and the damage to the city’s reputation.
It is time to organize our communities against this asinine Democrat Party political correctness.
1) Opt out.
2) Video tape the assaults.
3) Sue.
Light is the best disinfectant against Democrats.
"People thanking their government for searching them and subjecting them to a scrutiny they do not deserve. All to make sure that certain groups which cannot be named do not get their feelings hurt. It is enough to make the head explode."
Congressman Ron Paul has introduced legislation to force Obama's airport thugs to follow the same laws as everyone else - stripping them of the immunity they enjoy from perversion and molestation prosecution:
"My legislation is simple. It establishes that airport security screeners are not immune from any US law regarding physical contact with another person, making images of another person, or causing physical harm through the use of radiation-emitting machinery on another person. It means they are subject to the same laws as the rest of us.
The solution to Democrat Party thuggery is to organize against them; to fire them; to investigate them for their crimes; to prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law; and to put them where they belong.
In jail.
MSNBC reports on a cancer survivor left covered in urine after his TSA groping.
"I was absolutely humiliated, I couldn’t even speak,” said Thomas D. “Tom” Sawyer, 61, of Lansing, Mich.
Yep, you read that right.
Obama's airport thugs have molested Tom Sawyer.
I'm stunned that some of these are actually funny.
Love the one "It's not a grope, it's a freedom pat".
As for Lady Gaga...a friends son attended Tisch at the same time she did as a student - back when she was "Gemma".
The Gaga scoop back then? Straight, loose, smoking hot body and incredibly creative. And "yes".
Guy's son had better or at least more interesting dirt on another Tisch gal grad now a famous, supposedly squeaky clean, TV star. If - he wasn't BS-ing.
Juba Doobai! said...
Next time I fly, I plan to strip rather than be touched.
Hey, they did it in Germany.
PS This piece from Insta, saying the TSA crowd hates it, too, may strike more fear in the Lefties' hearts than anything else. A revolt from within is something The Zero and Big Sis never contemplated.
The National Socialists have always felt secure in the knowledge they had the big guns on their side if the country decides to revolt - maybe not. It's happened before.
"We've handled more balls than Barney Frank"
Heard today at sporting event:
TSA. You don't get on till we get off.
BTW now we know who the Muslim water carriers are. Whoever defends the TSA porno-scanners and genital-groping.
I'm starting to think that main reasons for TSA new "security measures" have nothing to do with security. They are here, in best case - to make Obama government look like they care about security, while at the same taking public attention from their continuous failures in other sectors; in worst case - to harazz the public which, as the last election show, do not appreciate Obama's greatness.
After the first successful anal bomber, everyone will be fully anally probed before the flight, including little children. That is Obama's America.
Not one using the word "Junk"
Comply with me! The TSA Video.
Just in time for your holiday travel plans!
Ok New Hussein, if we watch the videos of muslims being patted down in the course of their profiling (which you support), are they being molested? Or are you now suggesting that we can't even pat down suspected terrorists in the course of determining whether they can get on a plane?
Since women muslims can be suicide bombers when we pat them down are we raping the with our hands when we pat them down? or do muslim women not having feelings in their genitals. Or are security guards able to maintain their composure because muslim women are ugly and guys will have no prurient interests in feeling up their junk?
How about 10 year old muslims? What if a 10 year old MUSLIM sets off a metal detector? Is that a just a glitch too, or does he need to have his shaft fondled by the perverts? Or are pervs not attracted to muslim boys and thus will only behave professionally around them because they are ugly unlike cute american kids and only americans give them boner?
is there a cutoff for a muslim boy whereby we can pat him down and or not pat him down in the course of our profiling? Like, are 12 years and older to be suspected of being suicide bombers but 11 or younger not suspects, thus when they trip a metal detector we can or can't fondle their balls.
Or regardless are we never allowed to do any pat downs no matter what, even if the person getting on the plane is a suspected muslim. What if they set off a metal detector. Are we making exceptions for muslims with prosthetics, colostomy bags or who are grandmothers or grandfathers. Can people with disabilities or old people even be considered a threat if they are muslims? What if they set off the metal detectors? Can we use a digital scanner on any of them even if it might show that they have a weapon and even though we suspect them of being terrorists becuase only terrorists are muslim?
Alex wrote:
BTW now we know who the Muslim water carriers are. Whoever defends the TSA porno-scanners and genital-groping
What if we also support the Patriot act, waterboarding of KSM and the war in Afghanistan and Iraq?
and yes, those are some pretty funny bumper stickers I"ll admit
Just to clear up one minor detail about everything being discussed here...
"The TSA was created as part of the Aviation and Transportation Security Act passed by the U.S. Congress, and signed into law by President George W. Bush on November 19, 2001. Originally organized in the U.S. Department of Transportation, the TSA was moved to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on March 25, 2003."
Different president.
New Hussein,
Suppose that an american muslim who is not a terrorist reacts to being profiled and says don't touch my junk and refuses to comply with security protocols and security then knocks him to the ground. Are you going to show us the video, or are you going to say he had it coming? But if he isn't in fact a terrorist, and is an ameirican citizen does he have it coming?
new Hussein Ham wrote:
Watch as a male TSA agent gropes the penis of a 3-year-old boy and looks down his pants.
The boy - it was later found - was not in fact hiding Osama bin Laden in his Underroos.
Even worse than the groping of the 3 year olds penis was the mother who stood there and watched it happen. Wait, it looks like she's helping the security guard molest her son. She even laughs at one point while he fondles and gropes and strokes and rubs and carreses her sons balls. She must be an obama supporter or a muslim.
The innocent girl is completely terrified and traumatized at being groped by Barack Obama's agents.
The little girl is also terrified because she won't even go through the metal detector (which would normally then prompt a pat down). Why won't she go through the metal detector? The metal detector was there before the evil TSA came up with their new fangled policies.
Now, here's a reason why you might check a 3 year old (even absent the new fangled enhanced pat downs just implemented by the TSA). Her parents might want to have something brough on a plane and put it in her kids pockets then have her kid throw a fit so that she can bypass the x ray machine.Do you then let the child and mother pass? What if the mother is a muslim New Hussein? Since the muslim is suspicious and may be hiding something in her kids pocket and since you say we should target muslims, wouldn't it be smart to check her kids pockets to make sure the mother didn't do something screwy? So in that case, can we do the pat down or as you put it finger and fondle her vagina?
New Hussein ham wrote:
MSNBC reports on a cancer survivor left covered in urine after his TSA groping.
"I was absolutely humiliated, I couldn’t even speak,” said Thomas D. “Tom” Sawyer, 61, of Lansing, Mich.
Yep, you read that right.
What if a muslim who was being profiled cam into our clutches and was being profiled by us and he had cancer? Any sympathy for him if, after being profiled for being musilm it turns out, he wasn't in fact a terrorist? Youre ok with man handling cancer patients?
It's very simple, the "silent majority" will not take the porno-scanners and genital groping much longer and will call for Muslim profiling with a full-blooded throaty cry of indignation. If the so-called "leadership" doesn't respond, then 2012 will be a bloodbath of epic proportions.
The stickers are funny but the posters are tea-bagger idiots. I blame Obama only for not undoing Shrub's fascist TSA setup in the first place. This entire operation has right-wing psycho Nazi written all over it. Just watch - you won't hear a peep out of the Repugnican congressional leaders in January about this scandal. They are the promulgators of fear in the first place (sorry about the 4-syllable word, illiterates) and it serves their interest to continue it.
Now shut up and go on about your business helping the billionaire traitors finish destroying the United States for good. You're all steaks on Murdoch's BBQ.
Wow, I think I agree with David Frum once in my lifetime but he makes good points about why racial profilng, or profiling based on the conept of muslims alone doesn't work.
Profiling based on soley on concepts of islam would ignore a timothy mcveigh a converted non racial muslim like an adam gadhan a chechen female terrrorist and I would add, an african muslim who doesn't have a readily identificable muslim name.
But as I said I am for profiling. But not one set of rules for muslims and an entire different set for everyone else (including chechens, and say white supremacists who want to take out govt buildings. Or even wacko environmentalists who have no problem blowing up property to protest global warming. Why should our fixation on muslims mean that they get a free pass.
Profile, but profile behind the scenes without saying you're profiling. If peple ask say you don't profile and then continue profiling away. That's what covert actions are all about.
jr - I agree that profiling by itself is insufficient, because no one ever wins a war by playing defense. If we ever want the end game with Islam, we have to give it such a bloody nose that it backs of forever. Sort of like what we did to Japan in WW2. *devilish grin*
Isn't there some way besides an invasive procedure to determine if a squalling three year old is an explosive laden terrorist? The absence of common sense here is what is galling.....I have a great deal of sympathy for the TSA agents. There are very few people on earth whom I would wish to grope or to see gray, blurry naked pictures of. Many apparently find it particularly demeaning to be groped by someone making $35,000 p.a. The TSA agents have a job to do and, beyond doubt, some of them do it clumsily. How many of your co workers achieve perfection in their jobs?
@ Fred4Pres
Thanks for sharing that awesome Iowahawk YouTube video! I had seen the lyrics earlier, but not the video, which was sheer genius.
P.S. The terrorists have won.
What the heck is this "oh, the Lefties just loooove this" and "oh, the Democrats did this to us" garbage?
I'm a Lefty and I'm enraged by the groping and utter lack of common sense/good manners I'm seeing in these videos and hearing in these stories.
I am not walking through an X-Ray machine at an airport if I can't even stand in front of one at a doctor's office, what with my lack of insurance and all...
And if they decide to pat me down? My plan is to moan like a phone whore. We'll see who gets humiliated first...
This started under Bush's watch and has been being discussed for a while now. You can't pin all of this on Obama, although I'm pretty furious that he's trying to pass it off as part of the war effort.
The corporations run this country. Until we stand up to big money, the political parties are pretty much the same except in a few specific areas.
From the MSNBC story:-
"But if this country is going to sacrifice treating people like human beings in the name of safety, then we have already lost the war."
I am not an American, but from these stories, it looks like USA is losing the so-called "war on terror".
The actual objective of terrorists is not to kill or harm people: it's to terrorize them, to cause too many inconveniences to their lives and to make their lives miserable.
By adopting all these policies, the US government is doing just what the terrorists want them to do: make the lives of Americans miserable. After all, what good are all the bombings if people go about their lives just as before, and do not have to face any problems at all?
It doesn't matter if the drones keep on killing a few terrorists here and there. As long as the government puts its people under all these hardships, the terrorists will be happy and satisfied.
The tactics of terrorists are succeeding, America is losing the war on terror.
A three-year-old boy is strip searched by a male TSA goon in public at an airport.
The child was not carrying any bombs, and was not a member of al Queda. The boy was neither a Muslim, nor a terrorist.
These illegal searches are being done to millions of children across America. Not a single one have thus far been found to be carrying any contraband, to be any kind of a security risk, or to be members of al Queda or any other terrorist organization.
Not. A. Single. One.
Yet - the Executive Branch of the Obama junta continues these intrusive, illegal searches.
Where is the Judiciary to uphold the United States Constitution?
"What the heck is this "oh, the Lefties just loooove this" and "oh, the Democrats did this to us" garbage?"
Democrats are in control of the Department of Homeland Security, the United States Senate, the US House of Representatives and the White House.
Janet Nepalitano - who authorized these illegal searches - is not a Republican. She is a Democrat.
Barack Obama - whop authorized these molestations - is not a Republican. He is a Democrat.
Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the House of Representatives, which authorizes the budget for hiring TSA personnel. She is a Democrat.
Harry Reid is the Majority Leader of the United States Senate, which passed legislation allowing Nepalitano the discretion to conduct these illegal searches. He is a Democrat.
Democrats are the reason these asinine searches are taking place. These sorts of illegal, intrusive molestations were not conducted like this when Republicans ran the country.
It is ONLY when Democrats are running things that suddenly the government decides it can strip-search 3-year-old children to determine whether they are members of al Queda.
Democrats did this to us. And they should be fired for it.
Sometimes, something that starts out in a mundane way can be a catalyst. Remember what the original Tea Party was and inspired.
he makes good points about why racial profilng, or profiling based on the conept of muslims alone doesn't work
When we talk about profiling, we're not talking about racial profiling.
But grats to David Frum for discovering that water is indeed wet. Who knew?
JR565: You've admitted you rarely fly. But you've not yet confirmed whether or not you work for the TSA or related company.
My spouse's guess is that you are one of those 'professional posters' paid to post on blogs to try to sway opinion.
We know there was such an animal during the 2008 elections paid to support Obama - maybe the network of paid posters are still out there.
In terms of $/word, I think you're employer is getting their money's worth. However, I haven't seen where you've changed many minds.
Here is how Obama feels about these procedures:
“But at this point, TSA in consultation with counterterrorism experts have indicated to me that the procedures that they have been putting in place are the only ones right now that they consider to be effective against the kind of threat that we saw in the Christmas Day bombing.
Another piece of evidence showing his cluelessness.
This started under Bush's watch and has been being discussed for a while now.
You are a propagandist and a liar.
Profiling based on soley on concepts of islam would ignore a timothy mcveigh
McVeigh never tried or wanted to, blow up an airplane.
Your talking points are sad.
I also think you should admit you work for DHS or TSA.
This started under Bush's watch and has been being discussed for a while now.
Please provide a link to any news article prior to January 2009 where an airline passenger is complaining about an invasive TSA patdown.
Then, please provide a link to any news article prior to January 2009 where any elected Democrat or liberals are complaining about an invasive TSA patdown.
I can't wait to see this...
JAY - the removing of shoes happened under Bush. Let's not pretend that he wasn't a tyrant at heart.
In preparation for your screening, please return your genitals to an upright and locked position.
Alex wrote:
JAY - the removing of shoes happened under Bush. Let's not pretend that he wasn't a tyrant at heart.
So why were all the libertarians and repubs supportive of a war on terror and the Patriot act and getting tough with terrorists and saying they were serious about security? Even taking their shoes off is too much for them. Bush is a tyrant for even going that far.
So maybe the Times had a point in leaking all those covert programs, and maybe the librarians had a point about the govt being able to look at library books. Suddenly the libertarians are the liberals.
Jay wrote:
Then, please provide a link to any news article prior to January 2009 where any elected Democrat or liberals are complaining about an invasive TSA patdown.
It's very funny the liberals were the privacy rights advocates under Bush. Anything sensible or inocuous (like having the govt be able to look at library books was Bush turning this country into Nazi Germany. And all the conservatives were saying such changes were necessary to deal with the threat of terrorism. And all the ibs were saying there was no threat. Now its the complete opposite. Now libs are imposing security measures along the same vein as those which Bush implemented and all the libs are silent and now all the libertarians who previously went along with the Patriot Act are talking about how making someone take off their shoes at an airport is TYRANNY! (so then wouldn't looking at library books also be tyranny) akin to nazi germany. And now all the libs are saying that these are sensible security protocols. Yet meanwhile, making an everyday american take off their shoes is tyranny, but subjecting the entire muslim population to a completely different security system whether they are or not terrorsts is somehow not tyranny. Hypocricy on both sides. Libertarians and liberals are mirror images of each other and when the other side is in power they are wack jobs.
From the TSA webpage on these scanners (
"TSA began deploying state-of-the-art advanced imaging technology in 2007."
And here's a BoingBoing post that links to a photogallery in a German-language magazine from October, 2008:
Six months later, just a few months after Obama entered the office, there were already complaints by security expert Bruce Schneier and the ACLU about these machines--neither Schneier or the ACLU are generally regarded as conservative or anti-liberal. Anyone who's ever worked with government knows that there is no way in heaven or hell that the TSA under Obama suddenly started putting these machines everywhere between January and May 2009--they came from Bush and his department heads at TSA and the program simply continued under the new administration.
The thing is, there was no way Obama could have stopped these machines without major political backlash. Can you imagine the hue and cry from the fearmongerers and "security before liberty" crowd if he had ditched these machines or rolled back the idiotic shoe and liquid rules? They would have been ranting and raving about how he hated our country and wanted to let any old terrorist on and this technology would have become an absolutely necessary piece of equipment that was vital to our national security. So he went along with the existing plan.
This is not OBAMA's fault. It's hardly even Bush's fault, although the fault is probably more on him.
It's OUR fault for sacrificing our liberties in the name of security for the last 9 years and for rolling over and playing dead for the increasing authoritarianism we got under Bush. The blame rests with everyone who didn't file a lawsuit against the TSA for banning liquids, everyone who acquiesced when the TSA started telling us to take off our shoes and swabbing our toothpaste with unnecessary chemical tests.
It's NOT OBAMA's FAULT. IT'S NOT A LIBERAL SOCIALIST PLOT (trust me, I'm one of those bleeding-heart liberals you all hate so much and I hate these damn machines and pat downs as much or more than you do). It's everyone's fault--mine and yours--and instead of pointing fingers and politicizing this, why not use the few remaining tools of your democracy to DO SOMETHING about it? Here's one thing all Americans seem to agree on--we hate being treated like criminals just because we want to board an airplane, and we hate having our privacy violated to go on vacation. Stop bickering and use this as an opportunity to move past our differences and do something constructive for once!
We liberals have been reciting Ben Franklin's quote "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety" for years now. Glad to have the Tea Party and the rest of the right wing on board for this one. Let's get to work taking our country back from terror by using common sense and standing up for the shared ideals we all believe in regardless of who we voted for.
Libertarians and conservatives have to know that considering Bush was the orignator of the Patriot Act and all the calls for these expanded powers that needed to be brought to bear to deal with terrorists threats, that were the underwear bombing to occur under his presidency that the TSA would have btought out the full body scanners. And liberals would be howling with rage and people like Sean Hannity and Rush limbaugh would be supprorting the president and calling liberals weak on terrorism if they weren't down with the enhanced security.
And we all know that if there is a republican president after Obama and there is another terrorists atack on our airlines, everyone is going to demand that we do more. Then the libs are going to go back to calling any policy he puts out the second coming of nazi germany and conservatives are going to then go back to be tough on terrorism and how we need to heighten security.
Here's one approach: a proposed statute to drastically redefine the TSA's job and let airlines and airports handle security, with appropriate disclosures.
I'd cut and paste it here, but it appears I can't. The full text is at
(P.S. Make sure you don't include the period at the end of the URL.)
Sniffer dogs
Puffer machines (re-engineered for durability)
And consultations with Israeli experts on airport security.
" ...the only ones..."
This is just idiotic.
And IIRC, the underwear bomber was on a no flylist ("profiled") and shouldn't have been let on the plane?
Anyone remember the actual prelude to that disaster?
Jal wrote:
And IIRC, the underwear bomber was on a no flylist ("profiled") and shouldn't have been let on the plane?
So what? The failures occured at all levels from the top down. For whatever reason the fact that he wasn't on a no fly zone wasn't triggered (which might suggest that the profiling itself can be just as flawed). The issue is, he's on a line to get on board a plane and there is no evidence that he shouldn't be able to fly. Security guards in security have to make the immediate decision as to let this guy on or off the plane. Say, you're the security guard. And noone told you he was on a no fly zone, and he's at your gate. basically because ther is no protocol that you want to submit to that would check his underpants you'd have no recourse but to not check his underpants. No? Explain how the top down approach helps the guy at the security gate if he hasn't gotten the right info. I would argue that the security gate should have it's own security protocls to deal with immediate threats that they face, but you don't. So if it were up to you you'd let him on.
And did he look like your prototypical muslim terrorist?
The TSA is just a lapdog of the FAA and I have posted a parody I have had from the begining of the TSA that is even more approprate today:
There are also some more pictures people have posted at Free Republic to go along with this one at:
Songs to be groped by:
I hope you guys are trolling, because if you're not you should seriously pull your heads out of your asses and reassess your beliefs...
These kinds of laws didn't start under the Obama administration. And your type of irrational reaction didn't either! I remember when 4 or 5 years ago people like you, Hussein Ham, would call others anti american liberals simply for opposing the Irak war, which everyone now admits was a mistake. The same shit went down when bush started up the patriot act (he must have been hypnotized by socialist liberals, right? we all know they have the devils' evil voodoo powers *irony - in case you didn't get it*) which permits searches, wiretapping and arrests without warrant: people against it were all socialist liberal assholes. But now that the patriot act (or at least it's intention) is extended to airports as well, all this shit is suddenly the democrats' idea and THEY have to be fired for an idea that popped up under a republican president?
It is amazing how warped your sense of judgement is. I think Americans should get out and travel around, maybe to mexico or canada, so as to get a clue as to what the world is really like rather than going on and on and on with things they have no idea about. Seriously, when i read this forum, you all look like 6 year olds arguing about who's daddy's better. Grow up and grow a pair. Stop eating up what people tell you and think for yourselves; open your eyes and look around.
I am just curious as to how TSA became "Obama's Thugs". Last I checked it was Dearly Beloved, and much to belatedly departed Georgie Bush who implemented the Civil Rights violations all the sheep are happy to have in place to "protect their freedom!" How has THIS latest dis-information movement spread?
Not even gonna go into the the absurdities about the economy being Obama's fault...after 8 years of spending $5BILLION/MONTH of US Dollars OUTSIDE the US economy! How does anyone think THAT won't have a negative impact....oops, guess I did get started!
TSA bumper stickers.
nice posts, thanks for sharing.. please visit me back
Obama's thugs? Agents? LOL people. Get a life!
These bumper stickers are hilarious!
I actually found a site that offers them:
- just sort by: New
These bumper stickers are hilarious!!
I actually found a site that offers them:
- just sort by: NEW
Your Goof Greegree is manufactured usage of within the 3rd chapter with the Monkey Craziness pursuit
. I am going to go ahead and show you what to do with this part of the mission.
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