November 11, 2010

Tina Brown.



The Crack Emcee said...

And we care why again?

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bruce Hayden said...

So, we have Tina Brown running things, and Mr. Jane Harmon, husband of one of the Democratic leaders in the House, having some day to day responsibilities. Should be interesting.

SteveR said...


Bruce Hayden said...

And we care why again?

It has, I think, something to do with Tina Brown. She is important somehow to someone. Not quite sure though to whom and why.

chickelit said...

I'm intrigued.

traditionalguy said...

Are all women named Tina really small people? Or is that Tiny?

As my whimsy leads me.. said...

The Weekly Beast?


TML said...

Hey, whatever happened to Sir Archy? Dunno why this post made me think of him.

jungatheart said...

Professor, be so good as to supply the lazy with a nut graf. Thanking you in advance.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

The New Weekly Beast?

Unknown said...

I've heard Tina Brown has an IQ somewhere between Patty Murray and Barbara Boxer. I guess this proves it. She's allied her trivial site with a failing (and flailing publication).

blake said...

Aw, that's nice.

I always thought it was a shame the way Ike hit her.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I see a bunch of layoffs..

Fred Drinkwater said...

Following TML, what ever did become of Sir Archie? Did he run off with archie the cockroach?

WV: ressese - what I had as a kid at school so I was never diagnosed with ADHD

Calypso Facto said...

I like "The Beastly Week" better....

ricpic said...

Having made an aridity of the once stylish and confident New Yorker, Tina sets sail for new frontiers, a desert in her wake.

The Crack Emcee said...

That picture of Brown, with that wicked smile, makes me want to just kick her in the teeth.


Are all of our supposed-betters evil?

Is that what we're supposed to worship, now, exclusively? Find any bitch with a wicked smile and wish her the best? No - actually root for her?

Where are the nice people? Where are the people we can trust? Where are the other Chris Christys?

Why must it always be these evil brain-dead bitches, or the ones that are too-quick to get undressed, because all they're known for is getting undressed? Or even the opposite:

Oh look - the Kardashians have a new tight dress on! Oh look - Katy Perry has a new tight dress on! Oh look - Madonna's got a new toy boy!

Why does ANYONE care?

Tina Brown is as interesting as Diana's corpse, and, with her relativism, probably played a role in making Diana a corpse. Why anyone wants to see her in charge of anything, more important than a dumpster-diving session, I have no idea.

Until the Boomers are dead, the Western world is lost.

jungatheart said...

First, kill all the Boomers.

chickelit said...

Professor, be so good as to supply the lazy with a nut graf.

What do ewoks have to do with this?

Methadras said...

What will it be called, this merger, The Daily News Beast?

jungatheart said...

lol chickelit :)

Anonymous said...

Does this qualify as a pyrrhic victory? Inquiring minds want to know...

David said...

So now they are The Beast with Two Backs.

Or two hacks.

Penny said...

"The Daily Breast" will become "The Reconstructed Breast".

Joaquin said...

She now has a "glossy magazine"
Yeah, now there's an up and coming business!

JackOfClubs said...

I'm guessing they will go with "News Beast" but "The Daily Week" would be an intriguing choice.