Beyond the actual contributions, he favorably interviewed one of the AZ Congressmen 6 times in the last 6 months, the last time was the week before the election at the same time he sent money.
I became aware of Keith's political contributions late last night. Mindful of NBC News policy and standards, I have suspended him indefinitely without pay.
Mindful of NBC News policy and standards...
OMG-that's the funniest thing I've read in awhile.
Keep Olbermann on the air! He's an avatar for every other shit-for-brains Liberal who thinks he's smarter than everyone else and has no idea that the real smart people are laughing their asses off at him.
I normally don't engage in schadenfreude, but this is Keith Olbermann.
He'll probably be back within a week or two, given that he has been the architect of what little success MSNBC has managed. But, still, it's funny for now.
The funny thing is that O'Reilly kills him in the ratings. When presented with that fact, he always fell back on, "O'Reilly isn't doing a news show" as if Olbermann were. This simply puts the last nail in the coffin of that argument. I'm interested in seeing what they put up in his place.
Never mind that Fox News contributed millions to the GOP and was the defacto media arm for them.
Please provide proof of the first assertion.
The only program I watch on Fox News is the O'Reilly program. Without exception, O'Reilly brings on a conservative and a liberal to discuss every issue.
I did watch some of Fox's election coverage. The liberal and conservative pundits were equal in number. I did not notice any cheering for either side from the general news personnel of Fox, Britt Hume and Megan Kelly.
st - sorry but Meghan Kelly was breathless at times reporting the GOP victories. You could tell her obvious glee at what was happening. Fox News - fair & balanced. Yeah right. Shepperd Smith is probably the only one over there - and BTW he believes in global warming.
st - sorry but Meghan Kelly was breathless at times reporting the GOP victories. You could tell her obvious glee at what was happening. Fox News - fair & balanced. Yeah right. Shepperd Smith is probably the only one over there - and BTW he believes in global warming.
She did no such thing.
I heard an interview with her in which she discussed the allegation leveled against her by a Washington Post opinion editor that she favored Republicans. That opinion editor deliberately lied and said that only one liberal appeared on Fox's election coverage.
How did you hear her "obvious glee?"
I didn't. Megan Kelly is a very professional interviewer and host, and she always treats her guests with dignity and respect.
I didn't. Megan Kelly is a very professional interviewer and host, and she always treats her guests with dignity and respect.
My glee-detector is better then yours. The Fox News hosts were outrageous in their election night bias. SO were the MSNBC ones, but Faux News is the one pretending to be "fair and balanced"!
"Never mind that Fox News contributed millions to the GOP and was the defacto media arm for them."
Right, because only Democrats can have media arms like MSNBC, NPR, CBS, CNN, the NYT, etc. Anything else is un-American.
Separately, he was a hateful bastard. Only those still in thrall to campus radicalism could stomach him, and that group is locked in the Democratic camp without Olberman. I suspect his presence hurts the left more than he helps.
There is no reason on God's green earth why this guy shouldn't be able to give whatever he wants to whichever party or person he wants. Our campaign finance laws are completely stupid and clearly unconstitutional. And, by the way, he ought to be able to give every freaking penny he has anonymously. Because it is nobodies fucking business.
From the article "That said, Olbermann is as responsible for MSNBC's hard-won success as anyone—even if he did apparently lean forward a notch too far."
Incidentally, the allegation that Megan Kelly was partisan was based solely on a story that she did that that Washington Post reporter wrote.
The reporter stated that Kelly cheered for a Republican candidate who lost.
I heard this bit. What Kelly did was cheer for the charitable work that that Republican candidate had done, which was mostly directed at providing help to wounded Iraqi and Afghani war veterans.
To say that this was rooting for his candidacy is sheer BS.
This finally affords ratings-palsied MSNBC the long sought-after opportunity to replace Olbermann's nightly descent into apoplectic paranoia and incoherence with something capable of doubling -- or, God willing, maybe even tripling -- his own viewership.
Like, say, a test pattern. Or old episodes of Cop Rock, maybe.
and to Arizona Reps. Raul Grijalva and Gabrielle Giffords. He donated to the Arizona pair on Oct. 28 — the same day that Grijalva appeared as a guest on Olbermann’s “Countdown” show.
I don't know if they just updated with more specifics but i just went back to the story I read and now there are these details.
Fox does have a couple of decidedly partisan shows: Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity.
Those shows are clearly labeled as such.
I also watch the Fox & Friends show for a few minutes some mornings. Once again, absolutely equal representation of liberals and conservatives.
And, Beck and Hannity are too much for me. Both are far too partisan and strident for me, so I don't watch them.
Fox also has a Geraldo Rivera show somewhere in its lineup. He's about a left as you can get. He's not on as much, but I think that's because, just like in talk radio, there's not much of an audience for the extreme left.
It is a fucking outrage that this idiot gets to be a martyr for a good and honorable cause. I don't give a shit whether George Soros gives a million billion dollars to the Obama campaign. Please let us use our money how we want to. Please.
The difference between Faux News opinon shows and MSNBC is that Ed Shultz, Rachel Maddow use FACTS to make their points. Whereas on Faux News it's just spewing of GOP Psycho Talker points. Usually initiated by Flush Limpballs.
Them's MSNBC's rules and if Olbermann violated them knowingly, he has only himself to blame.
However, the rules themselves are absurd and chickenshit. Every journalist is also a citizen, with a right to vote as he or she pleases, and to support candidates and causes of their choice.
It's hardly as if Olbermann's sympathies were in doubt, any more than are O'Reilly's or Hannity's, (not that they're journalists...they, as is Olbermann, are commentators and editorialists, primarily, marshalling facts--or innuend--and conclusions drawn therefrom, whether legitimate or tendentious, in support of their editorializing).
Journalists should be biased toward a point of view, as long as their biases are not hidden, and journalism should be practiced not as a mere recording of facts but also as a search for articles of indictments for crimes committed against the public by those in high office, (whether public or corporate).
It's all a matter of degree. Faux News gins up tens of millions of business for the GOP and MSNBC maybe a 100K for Democrats? CNN and NPR are totally apolotical.
It would have been brilliant if he had been caught donating to conservative candidates. No one would have known what to do with the fact, his ratings would have shot up. Had he been the liberal Colbert all this time, putting on an act. Was he fostering political discussion? Imagine all the theories.
Would have been great.
This is just uninterestingly predictable, confirming what was already known and giving NBC an excuse to get out of its crazy contract with him.
Even with virtually all of the major networks and newspapers pushing Liberalism 24/7,365 days a year, most Americans still recognize it for the disaster it is. Must piss off the chicks at The View (and their intellectual equivalents in the electorate) that all the snark and one-sidedness in the world can't save their pathetic cause.
The difference between Faux News opinon shows and MSNBC is that Ed Shultz, Rachel Maddow use FACTS to make their points. Whereas on Faux News it's just spewing of GOP Psycho Talker points. Usually initiated by Flush Limpballs.
"You are unmistakably mad, and quite noisily so. Please do not subscribe me to your newsletter. Thank you."
Look, it is time to quit pretending that any of these people are "journalists." They aren't, they are generally news readers or they are opinion meisters. Either way, only an absolute moron would think that the MSM is not left or that Fox is not right leaning. By abetting this charade we are prolonging it.
I will now lead the chorus in a round of sustained laughter.
I'm a musician. Even the music shows on NPR are political. Unless you're a far leftist, you will never appear on the music shows on NPR.
I know every one of the hosts of the music programming on my local NPR affiliate. Going to rallies and benefits for far left causes is a prerequisite for getting on their programs.
There's no money in appear. That's true. But appearing on those programs is a useful way to advertising public appearances and generate audiences.
Under FEC rules, an individual donor may give only $2,400 to a candidate per general election campaign. The FEC filings for Olbermann’s contributions list an address that is a Mailboxes Etc. storefront in New York, and it also lists his occupation as a newscaster for NBC Television.
What has Olbermann ever said that was a lie? Media Matters has it well documented that all Faux News commentators are pathological liars. Liberals don't lie, because reality proves that psycho-conservatism is a lie. F.e., how since 1981 the middle class has been flushed down the toilet thanks to Reagan and continued on by his protege Flush Limpballs.
There's no money in appear. That's true. But appearing on those programs is a useful way to advertising public appearances and generate audiences.
All that proves is that liberals are into the fine arts and have HUGE audiences for things like that. Meanwhile in hick country what do they have - Toby Keith? It's no coincidence that 90% of PhDs are Democrats. They understand what lunacy is represented by trickle-down and all that business.
Grijalva not only opposed the immigration law — known as S.B. 1070 — but inadvertently put himself in electoral jeopardy by calling for an economic boycott of his own home state in response, a move that didn't go over so well with cash-strapped Arizonans.
Tell me cons - if supply side is so fucking fantastic, why has the middle class taken it up the ass since 1981? Before that, we had a robust middle class in this country. Raygun ruined all that.
All that proves is that liberals are into the fine arts and have HUGE audiences for things like that. Meanwhile in hick country what do they have - Toby Keith? It's no coincidence that 90% of PhDs are Democrats. They understand what lunacy is represented by trickle-down and all that business.
I'll say nothing and allow your own words to condemn you.
In just a few short weeks, you'll get to see that interesting little theory played out in real time, with Charles Rangel and Maxine Waters as the test subjects.
Only an idiot would take a three letter word "fox" and make it a four letter word "faux" to magnify his stupidity. Why do they do it? Why, oh why, do leftists think that some not so subtle typing is a marker of intelligence? They actually do. Odd.
Reagan’s murder of the middle class and its institutions, a process which has led directly to Bush’s neoconservatives, has just now been noticed by progressive commentators (favorite, from Canadian painter Robert Bateman – here:, some of whom have suggestions for how to resuscitate it. In reflecting on the nearly disastrous Canadian election, I noted how easy it is for conservatives to destroy the results of the hard work and sacrifices (up to and including their lives) of generations of progressives (if you look at the list, you can see that all good is done by progressives, and conservatives spend all their time trying to destroy the good).
Reagan came to office and told the plutocrats to take everything that they wanted. I mean everything. Today, CEOs make 571 times their average employees’ wage. Today’s male white collar workers in America only earn, in real dollars, six cents per hour more today than they earned in 1973. Health care is increasingly hard to come by, no job is ever safe, Americans work far longer hours and suffer from stress-related illnesses once unheard of. As an Economic Policy Institute report noted, ‘What income growth there was over the 1979-1989 period was driven primarily by more work at lower wages.’
Shoutingthomas: You have confirmed something I have always suspected regarding the music on NPR. The music before and after their segments is always, to me, an interpretation of what is coming or has just finished. Somber scary music for conservative topics or pieces on the military, lilting odes to the happy liberal commentary on building wells in the 3rd world. I do not have the vocabulary for it, but I would be obliged if you would just confirm that I am not completely insane.
What happened to Russia in the 90s was really started by Reagan’s attack on Americans in the 80s. When Reagan fired the striking air traffic controllers in 1981, he told America he was literally willing to kill us all if we didn’t give in to his plan to transfer the wealth out of the pockets of the middle- and lower-middle classes and into the plutocrats’ offshore accounts. It was so shocking that it worked. The air controller’s union broke – and so did a whole way of life. Thanks to Ronald Reagan, we are all miserable wage slaves . . . or exiles.”
I will defend Olbermann- there should be no restrictions on donations- it's un-American IMO.
But the MSM employer should require they disclose how they voted and the donations.
Our local lib columnist was whining about "secret corporate donors" to Repub causes and candidates but she could never understand the enormous value of the support by her employer {The Phila Inquirer} of many liberal candidates.
I know we have two Alex's that regularly post here and one of them seems to be from the universe where Spock has the gotee. Regardless of which is which, I'm starting to believe that this incarnation is a liberal moby.
Fascinating (please picture me with one eyebrow ridiculously higher than the other whilst stroking my ample gotee).
I'm only spurred on today by FLS's point in another thread. That where were the teabaggers from 2001-2008. Oh yeah they are more motivated by their uber-hatred of our first black President.
As far as I can tell, most corporations, news ones and otherwise, tend to donate to both political parties. I think they're buying access more than indicating preference.
From what I've seen, more corporate money seems to go into Democrat pots than not. Which makes sense when you think about it; as the "Regulators", they're the ones more likely to really screw you over if you don't keep them happy. Republicans just lower taxes, usually for net gain. Democrats, if they like you, will write a law that destroys your competitors while leaving you king.
As the world turns. Being a shill for Obama has suddenly become a useless nuisance, like General Patton after the war ended. His bosses just needed any excuse to remove his big mouth. Another trophy on Fox News's wall along with Grayson's ugly face. It looks like for all their gravitas these men failed while Sarah Palin goes along being nice to everyone. Social intelligence wins again.
If we are to believe the purity of teabagger intentions, we would have to believe that they are only interested in lower deficits, not zero deficits. Because obviously they never make this very clear, do they? But there were always plenty of signs at these rallies showing that Obama = monkey.
And how did Olbermann manage to get a communications degree from an Ag school in the first place? I mean what does that entail? Hog calling? Pig, Pig, Pig, Pig, Soo-ee! Soo-ee!
Newsweek and Time those were/are fair and balanced?
Let's see while you whine about FOX and Limbaugh Republicans have had t deal with in the balance and for decades prior-
ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR Washington Post, The New York Times, Newsweek, Time Magazine, late night talk shows, Comedy Central-Stewart and Colbert, Vanity Fair the *women's Magazines*, Oprah, The View, and Hollywood movies that by a margin of 9 to 1 lecture the American public about the Democrat talking points and guilt trips.
So in the face of all that-plus the books that are published greatly slanting to the liberal agenda- you guys want to whine about FOX news which is a cable channel and Rush Limbaugh on that modern media the radio.
Alex: Between 2001 and 2008 the economy was going along pretty well. In the 4th Q of 08 the financial meltdown that began in 07 accelerated. By the end of 2008 it was apparent that the economy was in deep shit. We elected a president without demonstrable business credentials and the country as a whole was a bit nervous. When it became apparent that the new president was going to "use" the financial disaster as an opportunity to advance expensive programs instead of actually addressing the financial disaster the tea party was born. It was not born in 1998 or 2001 or 1630 because none of the above mentioned facts intersected until the first Quarter of 2009. To suggest that it is because of the race of the president is absurd and indicative of your lack of interest in the topic as a serious person.
Let's face it. Everyone knows that 99% of teabaggers are old white dudes who are obviously racist.
That is major league shark jumping, my friend. Please explain why anyone would take anything you have to say the least bit seriously after that statement.
These ethics rules are in place in these rather ethics free organizations because the help keep the New Organization from being leaned on for contributions...and buying exclusive stories/interviews by being the highest bidder.
Let's face it. Everyone knows that 99% of teabaggers are old white dudes who are obviously racist.
That is major league shark jumping, my friend. Please explain why anyone would take anything you have to say the least bit seriously after that statement.
It's an awesome bit of idiocy, isn't it? Simultaneously viciously racist ("old white dudes") and sanctimonious smug about the racism of some imagined enemy.
Now, that these contributions have been exposed, we know the truth! Olbermann is a big leftist! Sure, his constant pushing of leftist party politics was worth tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, but these donations of $2400 to political campaigns probably put them over the top!
Seriously though, considering how hard he pushes for people he likes and against people he doesn't like on his show, why would he bother with actual campaign contributions?
When Republicans donate, that's "no problem" for wanker Phil Griffith:
In March 2006, Scarborough, who hosts the show Morning Joe, gave $4200 to Derrick Kitts (R-OR). And, as the Daily Kos points out, a month later Kitts was a guest on Scarborough's show.
Between 2005-2008, Pat Buchanan made five contributions to Republican candidates, totaling $2250.
Presumably having a rule that their "journalists" can't make political donations is to prevent any perception of bias, right?
Does anyone not know that Olbermann is biased?
The sheer mendacity of this is laughable. Yes yes, we don't want anyone to get the idea that Keith Olbermann is pro-democrat due to his political donations! Better give him a symbolic suspension!
At least we know MSNBC is keeping any bias out of its broadcasts.
Well, Alex, since the middle class has been destroyed, and it was Reagan firing the air traffic controllers that did it, that means it destroyed the airline industry as well. That's the reason I can't fly from Mississippi to LA for $199.
Oh wait, I can..
Okay, that's the reason over the last four years with a Democratic congress that the gap between rich and poor has narrowed, because obviously that was the antidote to the Reaganism.
If you're worth less than your employer pays you, but have a contract, it's probably not too smart to violate the terms of that contract. If you're worth more, then it doesn't matter as much. Olbermann probably thought he was in the latter category.
In March 2006, Scarborough, who hosts the show Morning Joe, gave $4200 to Derrick Kitts (R-OR). And, as the Daily Kos points out, a month later Kitts was a guest on Scarborough's show.
Between 2005-2008, Pat Buchanan made five contributions to Republican candidates, totaling $2250.
You clearly don't understand the difference between "journalists" and those offering opinions.
When Republicans donate, that's "no problem" for wanker Phil Griffith:
I'm not entirely sure anyone here cares that he donated to anyone at any time. There are two things that are hysterical here. 1) that he knowingly violated his employer's rules regarding such things and 2) that he maintained that his was a news show (as opposed to punditry, I suppose).
It's always fun to watch your political opponent twist in the wind especially when they are hoisted on their own petard, so to speak.
Anyone that's upset about the actual contributions should admit that they didn't realize he was a pundit, not a journalist. Anyone that admits that needs to have their head examined.
1) I don't have a problem with the contributions. Did ANYONE labor under the delusion that Olbermann was anything OTHER than a partisan hack in the first place?
2) As was pointed out elsewhere, I think this is more about GE trying to make nice with a Republican Congress than their laughable "ethics and standards." They've spent countless hours and money funding opposition to Republicans for years, but now that Republicans are back in charge of the purse strings they want all that government money they've been raking in to keep flowing. Sorry. Too little, too late. You reap what you sow.
I for one do not think he should be suspended. He was just excercising his first amendment rights and the right to contribute to the party of his choice.
Unlike AlphaLiberal, John McCain and Russ Feingold...I think people should be able to contribute to whoever they want to. Even if they are corporations. They should even be able to run ads even if they try to pretend it is a news show. I mean come on...who do you think he fooled.
The First Amendment trumps all. He should not be suspened.
Fired for being a tool and a ratings disaster. Sure. But not because of this.
You clearly don't understand the difference between "journalists" and those offering opinions.
So Olberman is a journalist who should be held up to a higher standard eh. Next you'll be saying it's ok for Fox news to contribute directly to Republicans because they aren't practicing journalism.
Alex is trolling hard today. For the record, I do not think the Tea Partyists are racist, nor do I refer to them as "teabaggers," at least not since the day they were exhorted to mail teabags to the White House.
But if Olbermann must go, why not give his slot back to the ever popular Mr. Marlo Thomas?
Every journalist is also a citizen, with a right to vote as he or she pleases, and to support candidates and causes of their choice.
True. However, the profession (ha ha) of journalism, just like being a judge is that you are supposed to be held to a higher standard and maintain your absolute impartiality.
You can't do that when you are donating money to and supporting candidates. OR...when the candidates or political party is supporting YOU.
I suppose you are good with doctors who receive kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies pushing one drug over another?
The concept is the same. The doctor is supposed to be impartially prescribing based on what is the best course of treatment and not being swayed by money or other influence.
On the other hand. Olberman and every other news person and reporter SHOULD be able to contribute to political long as it is prominently disclosed who they have contributed to and exactly how much.
This is the standard for advisors in my industry who are making stock or other investment recommendations. I have to disclose whether I or any other family members actually own the companies that I am recommending.
Open disclosure.
I think it should be mandatory for everyone who is reporting AND for those who are receiving tax payer money. ALL Government employees should have to disclose.
Corporations are people. But people aren't people.
You'll have to show me where the government stepped in and forced GE to take Olbermann off the air rather than a corporation acting in its own perceived self-interest.
IF he leaves MSNBC, where will I go for hilariously wrong headed election night coverage?
Yes, MSNBC, Blanche Lincoln totally lost because she wasn't liberal enough. In Arkansas. On a night when we flipped statewide from 5 Dem/1 Rep to 2 Dem/4 Rep.
I love this conservative misdirection tactic: O'Reilly's ratings are better than Olbermann's. Thus he's factually more right than Olbermann. How does that even work logically?
Since reruns of NCIS and Spongebob kill O'Reilly in the ratings on a nightly basis (it's not even close), I guess we can safely assume that Mark Harmon and Squidward are just simply more factually correct than O'Reilly.
I love this conservative misdirection tactic: O'Reilly's ratings are better than Olbermann's. Thus he's factually more right than Olbermann. How does that even work logically?
If you are referring to my mention of the ratings between the two (which I did, twice), perhaps you misunderstood me.
On two seperate occasions, Olbermann poo-poo'd the fact that O'Reilly was mopping the floor with him in ratings because he contended that O'Reilly wasn't a news show and thus it was apples to oranges. Ipso facto, Olberman saw his show as a news show despite the fact it was pretty blatantly a left-leaning attempt at opinion evening cable news network fare.
And since when did NBC find religion. As for Olbermann, he's the aggregate of all their most cherished hopes and dreams, the personification of what a good Marxist network should be.
In other words, I'm not buying it. Not for a minute.
All of the talking heads industry on Cable TV since CNN started their genre with Robert Novak's CrossFire in the 1990s has been 90% entertainment. Pat Buchanan still around if NBC wants to let Maddow and Buchanan do a show together. Now That's Entertainment.
Imagine the dissapointment for Jeane Garafolo or some liberal cooze like that when the mild manner yet tough talking reporter took off his clothes....and intead of Superman....there was just Olberman.
Maybe the SciFi channel can make one of those quicky horror movies.
"Seriously though, considering how hard he pushes for people he likes and against people he doesn't like on his show, why would he bother with actual campaign contributions?"
Maybe because he puts his money where his mouth is? Maybe because he believes backing his candidates of choice with actual money donations is a way of offering materially helpful support to candidates who need it?
Maybe because he puts his money where his mouth is? Maybe because he believes backing his candidates of choice with actual money donations is a way of offering materially helpful support to candidates who need it?
Sure, but in direct opposition to the rules of his employer it was his responsibility to know about? He kind of sullenly sunset the WPOTD segment owing to some upper pressure and this is just the second shoe to fall. Something else is going on here, but KO should have known better. He's an AG-COM grad after all, and those guys are pretty on the ball.
When Reagan fired the striking air traffic controllers in 1981, he told America he was literally willing to kill us all
My grandmother, a staunch democrat who was a lifetime govt employee making very little money, always told me she hated Reagan except for when he fired those air traffic controllers. She thought that was the best thing he ever did. If only she knew he was literally trying to kill us all.
I used to watch Countdown because I enjoyed Olbermann as a sportscaster with ESPN. Over time it got too much (and that was awhile ago.)
OTOH I could never stand O'Reilly, arrogant, talks too much... However, lately, because my wife likes him, I've come to conclude he's right of center but the show isn't strident and doesn't just present liberal comments or commentators as objects of derision (as Hannity does)
So here I am now wholly unable to tolerate Olbermann and now able to listen to an entire O-Reilly show (not that I'm a regular viewer.)
FOX O'Reilly, Hannity and Van Susteren (thankfully Beck on too early for my time zone)
Not to play the we're less partisan than you are game, but there's no one on MSNBC as moderate as Van Susteren (and I've already compared O'Reilly and Olbermann)
Oy-here's the top paragraph over at DailyKos since this seems to be the *watch* thread.
Pile your support on for Pelosi by Chris Bowers Fri Nov 05, 2010 at 01:20:03 PM PDT
There is a lot going on right now, but don’t forget to show your support for Nancy Pelosi in her fight to stay Democratic leader in the House of Representatives.
Keep in mind that after the 2002 election debacle, we were told making Nancy Pelosi Democratic leader would be a disaster. Supposedly, we would have been better off with Harold Ford Jr. (yeah, that’s really who ran against her eight years ago). But instead of disaster, the result was that Democrats won more seats, and passed more legislation, than anyone thought was possible eight years ago.
Keep in mind that after the 2004 election debacle, we were told that turning to Howard Dean as DNC chair would be a disaster. The result was two consecutive Democratic sweeps in 2006 and 2008.
We have proven that Democrats can win with the progressive wing of the party in charge. And really, victory isn’t even possible for us unless the progressive wing is in charge, because Blue Dogs just agree with Republicans on too much policy.
"...the profession (ha ha) of journalism, just like being a judge is that you are supposed to be held to a higher standard and maintain your absolute impartiality."
Says who? In fact, it was self-imposed by publishers, starting only in the late 19th Century. Wikipedia states:
"Some historians, like Gerald Baldasty, have observed that 'objectivity' went hand in hand with the need to make profits in the newspaper business by selling advertising.[citation needed] Publishers did not want to offend any potential advertising customers and therefore encouraged news editors and reporters to strive to present all sides of an issue. In a similar vein, the rise of wire services and other cooperative arrangements forced journalists to produce more "middle of the road" stories that would be acceptable to newspapers of a variety of political persuasions."[citation needed]
"Objective reporting" to the degree it can really exist, has its value, but I also support the notion that it is equally valuable for journalists to be openly partisan, as long as they're open about their position, and they can thus produce journalism intended to effect change, rather than just an artificially "neutral" recitation of facts. Partisan journalism is not invalid as long as the journalist gets his facts right.
"I suppose you are good with doctors who receive kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies pushing one drug over another?
The concept is the same. The doctor is supposed to be impartially prescribing based on what is the best course of treatment and not being swayed by money or other influence."
I'm not, but it goes on anyway. The thing is, one can always factcheck a journalist, and bad reporting may not kill you; a doctor's prescription practices can have more severe or immediate personal consequences to the patient than will partisan reporting.
When Reagan fired the striking air traffic controllers in 1981, he told America he was literally willing to kill us all
Anyone else remember Berkley Brethed's Bloom County treatment of this story? He had Santa's elves striking for this and that and then showed them all gathered around a tv being told by the Gipster they were fired. The subsequent elf riots were incredibly funny Sunday comics fare and were about as real as Alex's faux liberalism.
While I think Mr O is about the most egregious asshole (next to possibly alex) ever, I agree with Bill Kristol's take: Olberman is not a journalist, he's a showman--an entertainer for the left; he probably accounts for what little viewership MSNBC has--he should not have to have his first amendment rights violated.
And before trooper beats me to it, the only thing worse than a journalist is a lawyer (or vice versa).
Anyone wondering where Alex/PB&J gets his economic and political analysis, look no further than Al Reuters or the local chapter of the Noam Chomsky fan club in economics department your nearest big name university.
Trooper York said...
In contrast, Marvel had very few gay superheroes.
I mean Spiderman was just a nerd who always ends with the hot chicks. Sort of like Instapundit.
Obviously Obama wasn't the only one who didn't "get it" about what November 2nd was all about. Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. And we're talking about really s-l-o-w learners.
I agree 100% with Robert Cook's comments on this issue. I can't think of anything else I've ever agreed with the illustrious Robert Cook on. But the man is certainly correct on this one.
Next up, massive effort under way to unfreeze hell . . .
The naivete of conservatives is like the trust of small children. It's endearing the way many here think that this is the end of Olbermann. His many dozens of listeners will not be disturbed by his crime and will demand his reinstatement. Olbermann will offer some kind of apology which MSNBC after due contemplation will accept. After this demonstration of the high standards of MSNBC and the deep repentance of Keith Olberbmann, his show will go back on the air. This publicity stunt will be a ratings bonanza, and his viewership will swell from dozens to hundreds. You are being manipulated.
William: You may well be right, this whole matter could be a short con. Holier than all MSNBC demonstrates its creds by firing its star thus compelling others (say Fox to randomly select a competitor) to reveal any malfeasance of their own. Everybody in the "news" business mounts their high horse, everybody in the news business hurumphs and hurumps. Olbermann goes back to work a hero. The concept of a stupid campaign finance law never arises, is never discussed by the freedom of speech loving press.
Exactly Freeman Hunt, Olbermanns constant on air pitching for liberals was worth way more than the paltry sum he contributed cash wise. A brain fade on his part for sure.
"Alex" is a TROLL! How many times do I have to say it? I reiterate the need for a sidebar quick-guide of the Althouse trolls so people would stop wasting their time.
Now if they could just get Maddow out for being a boring, unhot lesbian, it would be icing on the cake. And if they could get rid of Matthews for having a really fat head. Here's hoping that Olbermann's suspension is a permanent one. I don't ever watch him but his smugness is such that it carries over to what I'm watching on other channels.
Tell that to those undercover agents that have been put in jeapordy by the NYT and others 'leaking' information, including names.
Bad journalism can lead to all kinds of mayhem, including Wars.
Journalists need to disclose how much and to whom they are donating political contributions.
We won't be suffering under the fiction that they are non-partisan, when we know full well that they have taken sides.....just like in dodge ball. We can at least know who is on what side.
I frankly don't understand this. Why is there a pretense of objective reporting? The whole thing is a vestige of network television, when the disgusting Fairness Doctrine was deemed allowable because the networks operate on a limited bandwidth owned by the government.
There is no such government ownership under the cable model. These cable news channels should just come out and call themselves what they are: leftist, conservative, communist, whatever.
Be what you are. Do your thing and wail with it. Pretense is pussy.
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२०७ टिप्पण्या:
207 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Nobody watches this guy anyway.
He's on opposite O'Reilly.
What difference does it make whether Olbermann is suspended.
99% of the audience didn't know he existed in the first place.
Man... Alan Grayson and Keith Olbermann, both in THE SAME WEEK!
"Ba-ba-ba-bum... you say it's your birthday... ba-ba-ba-bum... it's my birthday too, yeah...!"
You mean the rules are not just for the little guy anymore? When did that change?
Couldn't happen to a nicer turd.
That's a shame. I wonder which party he was donating to?
Petard, hoisted.
The contributions put into question his journalistic neutrality....
Beyond the actual contributions, he favorably interviewed one of the AZ Congressmen 6 times in the last 6 months, the last time was the week before the election at the same time he sent money.
sounds like an 'in-kind air time" contribution
You mean the rules are not just for the little guy anymore?
Guys don't come any smaller than KO.
VW foces focus-group tested BS
@ Kent:
Imagine Alan Grayson and Keith Olbermann having a show together!
I bet some local access TV channel station manager is just salivating at the thought.
I became aware of Keith's political contributions late last night. Mindful of NBC News policy and standards, I have suspended him indefinitely without pay.
Mindful of NBC News policy and standards...
OMG-that's the funniest thing I've read in awhile.
I'm assuming that the suspension was for cash donations, as opposed to the in-kind donations for which he was employed.
Keep Olbermann on the air!
He's an avatar for every other shit-for-brains Liberal who thinks he's smarter than everyone else and has no idea that the real smart people are laughing their asses off at him.
What a maroon. He should have invested in a corporation that donated to a 527 that ran ads trashing his guy's opponent.
Doesn't Olbermann know how the game is played nowadays?
Never mind that Fox News contributed millions to the GOP and was the defacto media arm for them.
I normally don't engage in schadenfreude, but this is Keith Olbermann.
He'll probably be back within a week or two, given that he has been the architect of what little success MSNBC has managed. But, still, it's funny for now.
Olbermann made campaign contributions to two Arizona members of Congress and failed Kentucky Senate candidate Jack Conway ahead of Tuesday’s election.
The funny thing is that O'Reilly kills him in the ratings. When presented with that fact, he always fell back on, "O'Reilly isn't doing a news show" as if Olbermann were.
This simply puts the last nail in the coffin of that argument. I'm interested in seeing what they put up in his place.
"sounds like an 'in-kind air time" contribution.."
My take too. The money is peanuts compared to the 24/7 in-kind contributions MSNBC gives the D's.
Never mind that Fox News contributed millions to the GOP and was the defacto media arm for them.
Please provide proof of the first assertion.
The only program I watch on Fox News is the O'Reilly program. Without exception, O'Reilly brings on a conservative and a liberal to discuss every issue.
I did watch some of Fox's election coverage. The liberal and conservative pundits were equal in number. I did not notice any cheering for either side from the general news personnel of Fox, Britt Hume and Megan Kelly.
I shall now pray that Olberman put his agriculture degree to good use. Here I go.
Well, that didn't go very well. Never mind then.
st - sorry but Meghan Kelly was breathless at times reporting the GOP victories. You could tell her obvious glee at what was happening. Fox News - fair & balanced. Yeah right. Shepperd Smith is probably the only one over there - and BTW he believes in global warming.
I suspect this rule violation is an excuse to get rid of him, a la Williams or Sanchez.
Someone at MSNBC has to be embarrassed by their election night coverage- don't they?
Suspension without pay is a big deal. They gotta be thinking he's going to quit.
Well ya after DECADES of CNN, MSNBC,NBC,CBS,NPR,ABC the NYT, and the Washington Post being the propaganda arm for the Democrats.
Add Vanity Fair, a plethora of women's magazines, Oprah, Rosie O'Donnell , The View....
The late night talk shows, Comedy Central...
Never mind that Fox News contributed millions to the GOP and was the defacto media arm for them.
Nevermind that Fox News gave as much to the DNC as to Republicans, and that MSNBC also gave money (mostly to Democrats).
No, really. Never mind. Because they aren't logically equivalent.
Like a true liberal you can't take one fifth of the crap tossed back at you that Republicans have been dealing with-
for decades.
Searching the usual campaign contributions websites, the only "Olbermann" I can find gave $709 to Ron Paul this cycle.
st - sorry but Meghan Kelly was breathless at times reporting the GOP victories. You could tell her obvious glee at what was happening. Fox News - fair & balanced. Yeah right. Shepperd Smith is probably the only one over there - and BTW he believes in global warming.
She did no such thing.
I heard an interview with her in which she discussed the allegation leveled against her by a Washington Post opinion editor that she favored Republicans. That opinion editor deliberately lied and said that only one liberal appeared on Fox's election coverage.
How did you hear her "obvious glee?"
I didn't. Megan Kelly is a very professional interviewer and host, and she always treats her guests with dignity and respect.
Can we talk about all the anti-Conservative movies and Hollywood in general-on top of all the other previous stuff listed?
From the Huffington Post comment thread:
OncologyRN 29 minutes ago (2:18 PM)
75 Fans
Whereas at Fox it's probably in your contract that you are required to donate to republican campaigns.
So true.
How did you hear her "obvious glee?"
I didn't. Megan Kelly is a very professional interviewer and host, and she always treats her guests with dignity and respect.
My glee-detector is better then yours. The Fox News hosts were outrageous in their election night bias. SO were the MSNBC ones, but Faux News is the one pretending to be "fair and balanced"!
Well Politico is claiming he donated to Jack Conway...
And it seems he's accepted the suspension.
I don't know how the found out...
"Never mind that Fox News contributed millions to the GOP and was the defacto media arm for them."
Right, because only Democrats can have media arms like MSNBC, NPR, CBS, CNN, the NYT, etc. Anything else is un-American.
Separately, he was a hateful bastard. Only those still in thrall to campus radicalism could stomach him, and that group is locked in the Democratic camp without Olberman. I suspect his presence hurts the left more than he helps.
"Searching the usual campaign contributions websites, the only "Olbermann" I can find gave $709 to Ron Paul this cycle."
Search for Bill O'Reilly. Might be interesting. Even better look for Juan Williams.
There is no reason on God's green earth why this guy shouldn't be able to give whatever he wants to whichever party or person he wants. Our campaign finance laws are completely stupid and clearly unconstitutional. And, by the way, he ought to be able to give every freaking penny he has anonymously. Because it is nobodies fucking business.
The "ethics policy" of his employer is a joke.
From the article "That said, Olbermann is as responsible for MSNBC's hard-won success as anyone—even if he did apparently lean forward a notch too far."
Wow. That is quite a slam on Olberman, no?
Incidentally, the allegation that Megan Kelly was partisan was based solely on a story that she did that that Washington Post reporter wrote.
The reporter stated that Kelly cheered for a Republican candidate who lost.
I heard this bit. What Kelly did was cheer for the charitable work that that Republican candidate had done, which was mostly directed at providing help to wounded Iraqi and Afghani war veterans.
To say that this was rooting for his candidacy is sheer BS.
I'm just puzzled at the discrepancy. Unless there's a timelag before the data appears on those websites.
More reality check for conservatives:
Harpseal60 1 minute ago (2:49 PM)
220 Fans
The top Bagger/GOP talking points:
1. Death Panels
2. Terror Babies and the latest
3. Obama is going to spend 200 million p/day.
Do these people even know how to fact check.....
Here, try this link: http://www .politifac h-o-meter/
Yup. One thing you have to admire about lefties, when they issue FACT-based attacks, they're usually devastating and complete.
As if all these I listed-
CNN, MSNBC,NBC,CBS,NPR,ABC the NYT, and the Washington Post being the propaganda arm for the Democrats.
Did not *pretend* to be fair and balanced.
Keith Who?
This finally affords ratings-palsied MSNBC the long sought-after opportunity to replace Olbermann's nightly descent into apoplectic paranoia and incoherence with something capable of doubling -- or, God willing, maybe even tripling -- his own viewership.
Like, say, a test pattern. Or old episodes of Cop Rock, maybe.
and to Arizona Reps. Raul Grijalva and Gabrielle Giffords. He donated to the Arizona pair on Oct. 28 — the same day that Grijalva appeared as a guest on Olbermann’s “Countdown” show.
I don't know if they just updated with more specifics but i just went back to the story I read and now there are these details.
Fox does have a couple of decidedly partisan shows: Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity.
Those shows are clearly labeled as such.
I also watch the Fox & Friends show for a few minutes some mornings. Once again, absolutely equal representation of liberals and conservatives.
And, Beck and Hannity are too much for me. Both are far too partisan and strident for me, so I don't watch them.
Fox also has a Geraldo Rivera show somewhere in its lineup. He's about a left as you can get. He's not on as much, but I think that's because, just like in talk radio, there's not much of an audience for the extreme left.
It is a fucking outrage that this idiot gets to be a martyr for a good and honorable cause. I don't give a shit whether George Soros gives a million billion dollars to the Obama campaign. Please let us use our money how we want to. Please.
Well ya after DECADES of CNN, MSNBC,NBC,CBS,NPR,ABC the NYT, and the Washington Post being the propaganda arm for the Democrats.
That is blatantly false. Those media organizations were always fair & balanced until Faux News showed up in 1996 to poison the well.
@Alex - just for you, I looked it up.
sour grapes
— n
(functioning as singular) the attitude of affecting to despise something because one cannot or does not have it oneself.
Example: "Whereas at Fox it's probably in your contract that you are required to donate to republican campaigns. So true."
The difference between Faux News opinon shows and MSNBC is that Ed Shultz, Rachel Maddow use FACTS to make their points. Whereas on Faux News it's just spewing of GOP Psycho Talker points. Usually initiated by Flush Limpballs.
Them's MSNBC's rules and if Olbermann violated them knowingly, he has only himself to blame.
However, the rules themselves are absurd and chickenshit. Every journalist is also a citizen, with a right to vote as he or she pleases, and to support candidates and causes of their choice.
It's hardly as if Olbermann's sympathies were in doubt, any more than are O'Reilly's or Hannity's, (not that they're journalists...they, as is Olbermann, are commentators and editorialists, primarily, marshalling facts--or innuend--and conclusions drawn therefrom, whether legitimate or tendentious, in support of their editorializing).
Journalists should be biased toward a point of view, as long as their biases are not hidden, and journalism should be practiced not as a mere recording of facts but also as a search for articles of indictments for crimes committed against the public by those in high office, (whether public or corporate).
POLITICO discovered the Olbermann donation to Grijalva in a Federal Election Commission filing..
Yup. One thing you have to admire about lefties, when they issue FACT-based attacks, they're usually devastating and complete.
Yup. Especially about when the tea party actually occurred. Completely.
It's all a matter of degree. Faux News gins up tens of millions of business for the GOP and MSNBC maybe a 100K for Democrats? CNN and NPR are totally apolotical.
(The Crypto Jew)
Man... Alan Grayson and Keith Olbermann, both in THE SAME WEEK!
Isee this working out good, for Grayson...he needs a new gig, and Olberman is gone...
Yhwh never closes a door that He doesn't open a window...Olberman went out one, and Grayson can climb in it.
Just a thought.
It would have been brilliant if he had been caught donating to conservative candidates. No one would have known what to do with the fact, his ratings would have shot up. Had he been the liberal Colbert all this time, putting on an act. Was he fostering political discussion? Imagine all the theories.
Would have been great.
This is just uninterestingly predictable, confirming what was already known and giving NBC an excuse to get out of its crazy contract with him.
Even with virtually all of the major networks and newspapers pushing Liberalism 24/7,365 days a year, most Americans still recognize it for the disaster it is.
Must piss off the chicks at The View (and their intellectual equivalents in the electorate) that all the snark and one-sidedness in the world can't save their pathetic cause.
That is blatantly false
Haaahaaaaa haaa...
Ya decades of George Will or some other Republican getting round tabled 3 to 1.
The difference between Faux News opinon shows and MSNBC is that Ed Shultz, Rachel Maddow use FACTS to make their points. Whereas on Faux News it's just spewing of GOP Psycho Talker points. Usually initiated by Flush Limpballs.
"You are unmistakably mad, and quite noisily so. Please do not subscribe me to your newsletter. Thank you."
Look, it is time to quit pretending that any of these people are "journalists." They aren't, they are generally news readers or they are opinion meisters. Either way, only an absolute moron would think that the MSM is not left or that Fox is not right leaning. By abetting this charade we are prolonging it.
CNN and NPR are totally apolotical.
I will now lead the chorus in a round of sustained laughter.
I'm a musician. Even the music shows on NPR are political. Unless you're a far leftist, you will never appear on the music shows on NPR.
I know every one of the hosts of the music programming on my local NPR affiliate. Going to rallies and benefits for far left causes is a prerequisite for getting on their programs.
There's no money in appear. That's true. But appearing on those programs is a useful way to advertising public appearances and generate audiences.
Under FEC rules, an individual donor may give only $2,400 to a candidate per general election campaign. The FEC filings for Olbermann’s contributions list an address that is a Mailboxes Etc. storefront in New York, and it also lists his occupation as a newscaster for NBC Television.
What has Olbermann ever said that was a lie? Media Matters has it well documented that all Faux News commentators are pathological liars. Liberals don't lie, because reality proves that psycho-conservatism is a lie. F.e., how since 1981 the middle class has been flushed down the toilet thanks to Reagan and continued on by his protege Flush Limpballs.
When Keefy retired the Worst Person in the World, we should have known the clock was ticking.
Too bad, it was better comedy that Stewart and Colbert combined.
There's no money in appear. That's true. But appearing on those programs is a useful way to advertising public appearances and generate audiences.
All that proves is that liberals are into the fine arts and have HUGE audiences for things like that. Meanwhile in hick country what do they have - Toby Keith? It's no coincidence that 90% of PhDs are Democrats. They understand what lunacy is represented by trickle-down and all that business.
Grijalva not only opposed the immigration law — known as S.B. 1070 — but inadvertently put himself in electoral jeopardy by calling for an economic boycott of his own home state in response, a move that didn't go over so well with cash-strapped Arizonans.
Tell me cons - if supply side is so fucking fantastic, why has the middle class taken it up the ass since 1981? Before that, we had a robust middle class in this country. Raygun ruined all that.
All that proves is that liberals are into the fine arts and have HUGE audiences for things like that. Meanwhile in hick country what do they have - Toby Keith? It's no coincidence that 90% of PhDs are Democrats. They understand what lunacy is represented by trickle-down and all that business.
I'll say nothing and allow your own words to condemn you.
Liberals don't lie
In just a few short weeks, you'll get to see that interesting little theory played out in real time, with Charles Rangel and Maxine Waters as the test subjects.
Good luck with that, incidentally.
Only an idiot would take a three letter word "fox" and make it a four letter word "faux" to magnify his stupidity. Why do they do it? Why, oh why, do leftists think that some not so subtle typing is a marker of intelligence? They actually do. Odd.
WV: trophyt, if his head was mounted on a walnut plaque that is....
Read this to understand how Raygun murdered the middle class in America:
Reagan’s legacy of shame
Reagan’s murder of the middle class and its institutions, a process which has led directly to Bush’s neoconservatives, has just now been noticed by progressive commentators (favorite, from Canadian painter Robert Bateman – here:, some of whom have suggestions for how to resuscitate it. In reflecting on the nearly disastrous Canadian election, I noted how easy it is for conservatives to destroy the results of the hard work and sacrifices (up to and including their lives) of generations of progressives (if you look at the list, you can see that all good is done by progressives, and conservatives spend all their time trying to destroy the good).
Media Matters has it well documented that all Faux News commentators are pathological liars.
Media matters is your reliable source!
Once again, I'll remain silent and let your own words condemn you.
No need for me to say a thing.
"Alex says ...CNN and NPR are totally apolotical."
Too funny. He must have a prescription since prop 19 failed. Surely he wouldn't smoke illegally.
Reagan came to office and told the plutocrats to take everything that they wanted. I mean everything. Today, CEOs make 571 times their average employees’ wage. Today’s male white collar workers in America only earn, in real dollars, six cents per hour more today than they earned in 1973. Health care is increasingly hard to come by, no job is ever safe, Americans work far longer hours and suffer from stress-related illnesses once unheard of. As an Economic Policy Institute report noted, ‘What income growth there was over the 1979-1989 period was driven primarily by more work at lower wages.’
Read it and weep.
For anyone interested, I think we can definitely say Alex and PB&J are one and the same.
Although why anybody would want to be either is a mystery for the Ages.
Shoutingthomas: You have confirmed something I have always suspected regarding the music on NPR. The music before and after their segments is always, to me, an interpretation of what is coming or has just finished. Somber scary music for conservative topics or pieces on the military, lilting odes to the happy liberal commentary on building wells in the 3rd world. I do not have the vocabulary for it, but I would be obliged if you would just confirm that I am not completely insane.
What happened to Russia in the 90s was really started by Reagan’s attack on Americans in the 80s. When Reagan fired the striking air traffic controllers in 1981, he told America he was literally willing to kill us all if we didn’t give in to his plan to transfer the wealth out of the pockets of the middle- and lower-middle classes and into the plutocrats’ offshore accounts. It was so shocking that it worked. The air controller’s union broke – and so did a whole way of life. Thanks to Ronald Reagan, we are all miserable wage slaves . . . or exiles.”
Amazing read.
I will defend Olbermann- there should be no restrictions on donations- it's un-American IMO.
But the MSM employer should require they disclose how they voted and the donations.
Our local lib columnist was whining about "secret corporate donors" to Repub causes and candidates but she could never understand the enormous value of the support by her employer {The Phila Inquirer} of many liberal candidates.
wv = lessn [for Keith]
Michael - nah you really are just paranoid. Stop listening to Limpballs and Glenn Beck.
Wait...I'm confused, wasn't Alex trollishly right wing at one point?
BTW, Alex, people who think "Faux News" is witty are half right.
I know we have two Alex's that regularly post here and one of them seems to be from the universe where Spock has the gotee. Regardless of which is which, I'm starting to believe that this incarnation is a liberal moby.
Fascinating (please picture me with one eyebrow ridiculously higher than the other whilst stroking my ample gotee).
I do not have the vocabulary for it, but I would be obliged if you would just confirm that I am not completely insane.
I wouldn't be surprised.
I stopped listening to NPR several years ago when I subscribed to Sirius satellite radio.
Much better selection of music. You can avoid the politics altogether if you want to.
Alex, you'll stir any damn pot you can reach,eh?
Couldn't happen to a bigger ass.
I'm only spurred on today by FLS's point in another thread. That where were the teabaggers from 2001-2008. Oh yeah they are more motivated by their uber-hatred of our first black President.
As far as I can tell, most corporations, news ones and otherwise, tend to donate to both political parties. I think they're buying access more than indicating preference.
From what I've seen, more corporate money seems to go into Democrat pots than not. Which makes sense when you think about it; as the "Regulators", they're the ones more likely to really screw you over if you don't keep them happy. Republicans just lower taxes, usually for net gain. Democrats, if they like you, will write a law that destroys your competitors while leaving you king.
Let's face it. Everyone knows that 99% of teabaggers are old white dudes who are obviously racist.
Let's face it. Everyone knows that 99% of teabaggers are old white dudes who are obviously racist.
Jesus, I'd really like to lambast you.
But you do such a good job of making yourself look like a clown that you don't really need any help.
As the world turns. Being a shill for Obama has suddenly become a useless nuisance, like General Patton after the war ended. His bosses just needed any excuse to remove his big mouth. Another trophy on Fox News's wall along with Grayson's ugly face. It looks like for all their gravitas these men failed while Sarah Palin goes along being nice to everyone. Social intelligence wins again.
If we are to believe the purity of teabagger intentions, we would have to believe that they are only interested in lower deficits, not zero deficits. Because obviously they never make this very clear, do they? But there were always plenty of signs at these rallies showing that Obama = monkey.
st - where were the throngs of 18-29yo at the teabagger rallies?
And how did Olbermann manage to get a communications degree from an Ag school in the first place? I mean what does that entail? Hog calling? Pig, Pig, Pig, Pig, Soo-ee! Soo-ee!
How about the *news* magazines:
Newsweek and Time those were/are fair and balanced?
Let's see while you whine about FOX and Limbaugh Republicans have had t deal with in the balance and for decades prior-
ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, NPR Washington Post, The New York Times, Newsweek, Time Magazine, late night talk shows, Comedy Central-Stewart and Colbert, Vanity Fair the *women's Magazines*, Oprah, The View, and Hollywood movies that by a margin of 9 to 1 lecture the American public about the Democrat talking points and guilt trips.
So in the face of all that-plus the books that are published greatly slanting to the liberal agenda- you guys want to whine about FOX news which is a cable channel and Rush Limbaugh on that modern media the radio.
st - where were the throngs of 18-29yo at the teabagger rallies?
Probably out hanging blacks from trees.
Schadenfreude just won't do; this requires professional gloating.
(Warning: lib heads may explode)
Alex: Between 2001 and 2008 the economy was going along pretty well. In the 4th Q of 08 the financial meltdown that began in 07 accelerated. By the end of 2008 it was apparent that the economy was in deep shit. We elected a president without demonstrable business credentials and the country as a whole was a bit nervous. When it became apparent that the new president was going to "use" the financial disaster as an opportunity to advance expensive programs instead of actually addressing the financial disaster the tea party was born. It was not born in 1998 or 2001 or 1630 because none of the above mentioned facts intersected until the first Quarter of 2009. To suggest that it is because of the race of the president is absurd and indicative of your lack of interest in the topic as a serious person.
st - where were the throngs of 18-29yo at the teabagger rallies?
Couldn't make it. They are in Iraq , Afghanistan, the Horn of Africa, on or under distant oceans.
Alex (the 3-year-old one) said:
Let's face it. Everyone knows that 99% of teabaggers are old white dudes who are obviously racist.
That is major league shark jumping, my friend. Please explain why anyone would take anything you have to say the least bit seriously after that statement.
These ethics rules are in place in these rather ethics free organizations because the help keep the New Organization from being leaned on for contributions...and buying exclusive stories/interviews by being the highest bidder.
Let's face it. Everyone knows that 99% of teabaggers are old white dudes who are obviously racist.
That is major league shark jumping, my friend. Please explain why anyone would take anything you have to say the least bit seriously after that statement.
It's an awesome bit of idiocy, isn't it? Simultaneously viciously racist ("old white dudes") and sanctimonious smug about the racism of some imagined enemy.
I can't wait to see how he tops that.
Now, that these contributions have been exposed, we know the truth! Olbermann is a big leftist! Sure, his constant pushing of leftist party politics was worth tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, but these donations of $2400 to political campaigns probably put them over the top!
Seriously though, considering how hard he pushes for people he likes and against people he doesn't like on his show, why would he bother with actual campaign contributions?
When Republicans donate, that's "no problem" for wanker Phil Griffith:
In March 2006, Scarborough, who hosts the show Morning Joe, gave $4200 to Derrick Kitts (R-OR). And, as the Daily Kos points out, a month later Kitts was a guest on Scarborough's show.
Between 2005-2008, Pat Buchanan made five contributions to Republican candidates, totaling $2250.
Plainly, Alex is in need of some professional grief counseling.
Either that, or else some quality "alone time" with his blankie and his woobie.
What a bunch of baloney.
Presumably having a rule that their "journalists" can't make political donations is to prevent any perception of bias, right?
Does anyone not know that Olbermann is biased?
The sheer mendacity of this is laughable. Yes yes, we don't want anyone to get the idea that Keith Olbermann is pro-democrat due to his political donations! Better give him a symbolic suspension!
At least we know MSNBC is keeping any bias out of its broadcasts.
Well, Alex, since the middle class has been destroyed, and it was Reagan firing the air traffic controllers that did it, that means it destroyed the airline industry as well. That's the reason I can't fly from Mississippi to LA for $199.
Oh wait, I can..
Okay, that's the reason over the last four years with a Democratic congress that the gap between rich and poor has narrowed, because obviously that was the antidote to the Reaganism.
Oh wait, it didn't.
Maddow, as Olbermann, wouldn't know a fact if it bit her in the ass. She's as loose with the truth as Olby, and just marginally cuter.
I blame Cooks Source magazine.
If you're worth less than your employer pays you, but have a contract, it's probably not too smart to violate the terms of that contract. If you're worth more, then it doesn't matter as much. Olbermann probably thought he was in the latter category.
In March 2006, Scarborough, who hosts the show Morning Joe, gave $4200 to Derrick Kitts (R-OR). And, as the Daily Kos points out, a month later Kitts was a guest on Scarborough's show.
Between 2005-2008, Pat Buchanan made five contributions to Republican candidates, totaling $2250.
You clearly don't understand the difference between "journalists" and those offering opinions.
But wave your arms some more. It will help.
I'm sure.
When Republicans donate, that's "no problem" for wanker Phil Griffith:
I'm not entirely sure anyone here cares that he donated to anyone at any time. There are two things that are hysterical here. 1) that he knowingly violated his employer's rules regarding such things and 2) that he maintained that his was a news show (as opposed to punditry, I suppose).
It's always fun to watch your political opponent twist in the wind especially when they are hoisted on their own petard, so to speak.
Anyone that's upset about the actual contributions should admit that they didn't realize he was a pundit, not a journalist. Anyone that admits that needs to have their head examined.
This really is ridiculous, an anachronistic and frankly pathetic attempt by the MSM to pretend they're unbiased when everyone knows they swing left.
Does this change anyone's opinion about Olberman or MSNBC?
1) I don't have a problem with the contributions. Did ANYONE labor under the delusion that Olbermann was anything OTHER than a partisan hack in the first place?
2) As was pointed out elsewhere, I think this is more about GE trying to make nice with a Republican Congress than their laughable "ethics and standards." They've spent countless hours and money funding opposition to Republicans for years, but now that Republicans are back in charge of the purse strings they want all that government money they've been raking in to keep flowing. Sorry. Too little, too late. You reap what you sow.
"Maddow, as Olbermann, wouldn't know a fact if it bit her in the ass. She's as loose with the truth as Olby, and just marginally cuter.'
Please call your ophthalmologist for your eye check-up.
I for one do not think he should be suspended. He was just excercising his first amendment rights and the right to contribute to the party of his choice.
Unlike AlphaLiberal, John McCain and Russ Feingold...I think people should be able to contribute to whoever they want to. Even if they are corporations. They should even be able to run ads even if they try to pretend it is a news show. I mean come on...who do you think he fooled.
The First Amendment trumps all. He should not be suspened.
Fired for being a tool and a ratings disaster. Sure. But not because of this.
Alex suddenly seems to have a lot of time on his hands.
Is that you, Keith?
You clearly don't understand the difference between "journalists" and those offering opinions.
So Olberman is a journalist who should be held up to a higher standard eh. Next you'll be saying it's ok for Fox news to contribute directly to Republicans because they aren't practicing journalism.
The First Amendment trumps all.
...except crowded theaters.
OK wait. Is it the position of MSNBC that Olbermann's show is a news show rather than an opinion show?
OK wait. Is it the position of MSNBC that Olbermann's show is a news show rather than an opinion show?
Maybe, I don't know. But it was Keith's own opinion of his show as espoused every time ratings came up for cable news and O'Reilly kicked his ass.
Alex is trolling hard today. For the record, I do not think the Tea Partyists are racist, nor do I refer to them as "teabaggers," at least not since the day they were exhorted to mail teabags to the White House.
But if Olbermann must go, why not give his slot back to the ever popular Mr. Marlo Thomas?
Every journalist is also a citizen, with a right to vote as he or she pleases, and to support candidates and causes of their choice.
True. However, the profession (ha ha) of journalism, just like being a judge is that you are supposed to be held to a higher standard and maintain your absolute impartiality.
You can't do that when you are donating money to and supporting candidates. OR...when the candidates or political party is supporting YOU.
I suppose you are good with doctors who receive kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies pushing one drug over another?
The concept is the same. The doctor is supposed to be impartially prescribing based on what is the best course of treatment and not being swayed by money or other influence.
On the other hand. Olberman and every other news person and reporter SHOULD be able to contribute to political long as it is prominently disclosed who they have contributed to and exactly how much.
This is the standard for advisors in my industry who are making stock or other investment recommendations. I have to disclose whether I or any other family members actually own the companies that I am recommending.
Open disclosure.
I think it should be mandatory for everyone who is reporting AND for those who are receiving tax payer money. ALL Government employees should have to disclose.
KO is the walking, talking poster boy for why Citizens United was correctly decided.
KO is the walking, talking poster boy for why Citizens United was correctly decided.
Corporations are people. But people aren't people.
Corporations are people. But people aren't people.
You'll have to show me where the government stepped in and forced GE to take Olbermann off the air rather than a corporation acting in its own perceived self-interest.
Or are you just spamming nonsense again?
IF he leaves MSNBC, where will I go for hilariously wrong headed election night coverage?
Yes, MSNBC, Blanche Lincoln totally lost because she wasn't liberal enough. In Arkansas. On a night when we flipped statewide from 5 Dem/1 Rep to 2 Dem/4 Rep.
I heard that Rick Sanchez is available. He has the right left leaning attitude, experience and he would bring MSNBC a little class.
I agree with William Kristol, who is suggesting GE might be making a clumsy attempt to curry favor with the Republicans.
MSNBC is even more lame than it was before for having done this. I mean, are we supposed to think KO altered his rants because of these contributions?
So, this Alex character is a parody, right?
channeling George Lopez from a few years back:
MSNBC just got a little less white.
I love this conservative misdirection tactic: O'Reilly's ratings are better than Olbermann's. Thus he's factually more right than Olbermann. How does that even work logically?
Since reruns of NCIS and Spongebob kill O'Reilly in the ratings on a nightly basis (it's not even close), I guess we can safely assume that Mark Harmon and Squidward are just simply more factually correct than O'Reilly.
For the record, I do not think the Tea Partyists are racist, nor do I refer to them as "teabaggers"...
My keyboard is shorting out as tears of wonderment and joy pour down my face.
I won't be a part of this ridicule and hatred toward the handicapped.
Keith just teabagged the SHIT out of himself.
What a flaming douche. Guess he'll have more time for his various romantic exploits, maybe a trip to Bangkok.
"Mark Harmon and Squidward are just simply more factually correct than O'Reilly."
Maybe it does correlate.
"Scott M said...
The First Amendment trumps all.
...except crowded theaters"
But dude, there will never be a crowded theater when Keith Olberman is involved.
All of his fans can meet in a phone booth.
I love this conservative misdirection tactic: O'Reilly's ratings are better than Olbermann's. Thus he's factually more right than Olbermann. How does that even work logically?
If you are referring to my mention of the ratings between the two (which I did, twice), perhaps you misunderstood me.
On two seperate occasions, Olbermann poo-poo'd the fact that O'Reilly was mopping the floor with him in ratings because he contended that O'Reilly wasn't a news show and thus it was apples to oranges. Ipso facto, Olberman saw his show as a news show despite the fact it was pretty blatantly a left-leaning attempt at opinion evening cable news network fare.
If there was such a thing as a phone booth anymore.
That leads me to my next question.
If Superman were alive today where would he go to change?
Would Superman still hit on Lois Lane? Or would he be gay?
I mean wearing the tights and all that stuff.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
And since when did NBC find religion. As for Olbermann, he's the aggregate of all their most cherished hopes and dreams, the personification of what a good Marxist network should be.
In other words, I'm not buying it. Not for a minute.
I love this conservative misdirection tactic: O'Reilly's ratings are better than Olbermann's.
Jim, who, other than the strawman you've constructed, actually said that? Who the hell even implied it?
Unlike the Batman who is definitely gayer than Titus.
Would DC Comics want to have two gay superheroes?
All of the talking heads industry on Cable TV since CNN started their genre with Robert Novak's CrossFire in the 1990s has been 90% entertainment. Pat Buchanan still around if NBC wants to let Maddow and Buchanan do a show together. Now That's Entertainment.
Would Superman still hit on Lois Lane? Or would he be gay?
According to DC, these days they're going to have him brooding and wearing skinny jeans.
Skinny. Jeans.
In contrast, Marvel had very few gay superheroes.
I mean Spiderman was just a nerd who always ends with the hot chicks. Sort of like Instapundit.
Will NPR hire him?
And they had a lot of husband and wife teams. Or at least girl and androids.
You had Mr Fantastic and Sue Storm the Invisible Girl.
Giant Man and the Wasp.
The Scarlet Witch and the Vision.
Captain America and Bucky.....hey wait a minute!
Would Superman still hit on Lois Lane? Or would he be gay?
Well, we know for a fact that he wouldn't fight for truth, justice, and the American way. Just truth and justice.
Do you think Keith Olberman is a lot like Clark Kent only in real life?
Imagine the dissapointment for Jeane Garafolo or some liberal cooze like that when the mild manner yet tough talking reporter took off his clothes....and intead of Superman....there was just Olberman.
Maybe the SciFi channel can make one of those quicky horror movies.
I give them the concept for free.
Spiderman was just a nerd who always ends with the hot chicks. Sort of like Instapundit.
That should be, smart, hot chick.
"Seriously though, considering how hard he pushes for people he likes and against people he doesn't like on his show, why would he bother with actual campaign contributions?"
Maybe because he puts his money where his mouth is? Maybe because he believes backing his candidates of choice with actual money donations is a way of offering materially helpful support to candidates who need it?
Maybe he thought he didn't have to play by the rules?
Maybe because he puts his money where his mouth is? Maybe because he believes backing his candidates of choice with actual money donations is a way of offering materially helpful support to candidates who need it?
Sure, but in direct opposition to the rules of his employer it was his responsibility to know about? He kind of sullenly sunset the WPOTD segment owing to some upper pressure and this is just the second shoe to fall. Something else is going on here, but KO should have known better. He's an AG-COM grad after all, and those guys are pretty on the ball.
So who gets Olby's slot: Ritmo, fls, garage or AlphaLiberal? Maybe Jeff Immelt will make them thumb-wrestle for it.
If the planned NBC-Universal-Comcast merger goes ahead Olby and company will be gone in a NY minute.
Wonder where Olby will go? Who'd have him? Back to sports? CNN/TBS? The Comedy Channel?
If Superman were alive today where would he go to change?
Hey now there's a name for your gay superhero.
Trooper nailed it in his 2:38 PM post.
OMG! FREEDOM OF SPEECH!!11!!! 1st Amendement!!! DISASTER!
...wait, what? Freedom of speech doesn't apply in this case?
Sarah and Laura confused me.
Trying to control speech is a hobby of the left. I have no desire to participate.
When Reagan fired the striking air traffic controllers in 1981, he told America he was literally willing to kill us all
My grandmother, a staunch democrat who was a lifetime govt employee making very little money, always told me she hated Reagan except for when he fired those air traffic controllers. She thought that was the best thing he ever did. If only she knew he was literally trying to kill us all.
I used to watch Countdown because I enjoyed Olbermann as a sportscaster with ESPN. Over time it got too much (and that was awhile ago.)
OTOH I could never stand O'Reilly, arrogant, talks too much... However, lately, because my wife likes him, I've come to conclude he's right of center but the show isn't strident and doesn't just present liberal comments or commentators as objects of derision (as Hannity does)
So here I am now wholly unable to tolerate Olbermann and now able to listen to an entire O-Reilly show (not that I'm a regular viewer.)
Finally MSNBC lineup:
Schultz; Matthews; Olbermann; Maddow; O'Donnell
FOX O'Reilly, Hannity and Van Susteren (thankfully Beck on too early for my time zone)
Not to play the we're less partisan than you are game, but there's no one on MSNBC as moderate as Van Susteren (and I've already compared O'Reilly and Olbermann)
I just read that Olbermann is paid
$4 Million a year? How much is that per viewer?
Oy-here's the top paragraph over at DailyKos since this seems to be the *watch* thread.
Pile your support on for Pelosi
by Chris Bowers
Fri Nov 05, 2010 at 01:20:03 PM PDT
There is a lot going on right now, but don’t forget to show your support for Nancy Pelosi in her fight to stay Democratic leader in the House of Representatives.
Keep in mind that after the 2002 election debacle, we were told making Nancy Pelosi Democratic leader would be a disaster. Supposedly, we would have been better off with Harold Ford Jr. (yeah, that’s really who ran against her eight years ago). But instead of disaster, the result was that Democrats won more seats, and passed more legislation, than anyone thought was possible eight years ago.
Keep in mind that after the 2004 election debacle, we were told that turning to Howard Dean as DNC chair would be a disaster. The result was two consecutive Democratic sweeps in 2006 and 2008.
We have proven that Democrats can win with the progressive wing of the party in charge. And really, victory isn’t even possible for us unless the progressive wing is in charge, because Blue Dogs just agree with Republicans on too much policy.
That is not parody.
"...the profession (ha ha) of journalism, just like being a judge is that you are supposed to be held to a higher standard and maintain your absolute impartiality."
Says who? In fact, it was self-imposed by publishers, starting only in the late 19th Century. Wikipedia states:
"Some historians, like Gerald Baldasty, have observed that 'objectivity' went hand in hand with the need to make profits in the newspaper business by selling advertising.[citation needed] Publishers did not want to offend any potential advertising customers and therefore encouraged news editors and reporters to strive to present all sides of an issue. In a similar vein, the rise of wire services and other cooperative arrangements forced journalists to produce more "middle of the road" stories that would be acceptable to newspapers of a variety of political persuasions."[citation needed]
"Objective reporting" to the degree it can really exist, has its value, but I also support the notion that it is equally valuable for journalists to be openly partisan, as long as they're open about their position, and they can thus produce journalism intended to effect change, rather than just an artificially "neutral" recitation of facts. Partisan journalism is not invalid as long as the journalist gets his facts right.
"I suppose you are good with doctors who receive kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies pushing one drug over another?
The concept is the same. The doctor is supposed to be impartially prescribing based on what is the best course of treatment and not being swayed by money or other influence."
I'm not, but it goes on anyway. The thing is, one can always factcheck a journalist, and bad reporting may not kill you; a doctor's prescription practices can have more severe or immediate personal consequences to the patient than will partisan reporting.
When Reagan fired the striking air traffic controllers in 1981, he told America he was literally willing to kill us all
Anyone else remember Berkley Brethed's Bloom County treatment of this story? He had Santa's elves striking for this and that and then showed them all gathered around a tv being told by the Gipster they were fired. The subsequent elf riots were incredibly funny Sunday comics fare and were about as real as Alex's faux liberalism.
Van Susteren is the best.
Lack of ego, and she actually asks questions to get answers rather than to pontificate.
That's pretty damn rare these days.
While I think Mr O is about the most egregious asshole (next to possibly alex) ever, I agree with Bill Kristol's take: Olberman is not a journalist, he's a showman--an entertainer for the left; he probably accounts for what little viewership MSNBC has--he should not have to have his first amendment rights violated.
And before trooper beats me to it, the only thing worse than a journalist is a lawyer (or vice versa).
John Richardson wrote:
Imagine Alan Grayson and Keith Olbermann having a show together!
I bet some local access TV channel station manager is just salivating at the thought.
It would be like "Wayne's World", except without the humor and intelligence.
"Party on, Alan!"
"Party on, Keith!
Suspended means that he can come back shortly. No explanation why, needs to be discussed.
It's like Bill Clinton getting caught with the intern.
Anyone wondering where Alex/PB&J gets his economic and political analysis, look no further than Al Reuters or the local chapter of the Noam Chomsky fan club in economics department your nearest big name university.
Trooper York said...
In contrast, Marvel had very few gay superheroes.
I mean Spiderman was just a nerd who always ends with the hot chicks. Sort of like Instapundit.
Or Meade.
Chip Ahoy wrote:
I shall now pray that Olberman put his agriculture degree to good use
Considering the volume of bovine excrement that Mr. Olbermann has been shoveling out on a daily basis, I'd say that he already has!
I thought nothing on MSNBC would surprise me anymore, but I recently learned that Alan Grayson was a frequent guest. Incredible.
Did Ritmo hack Alex's account today?
@ Madawaskan (re: Daily Kos rant)
Obviously Obama wasn't the only one who didn't "get it" about what November 2nd was all about. Those who fail to learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. And we're talking about really s-l-o-w learners.
Ya, it's scary isn't it.
I'm not going into the comments over there.
Could be the Black Hole of Clueless.
I agree 100% with Robert Cook's comments on this issue. I can't think of anything else I've ever agreed with the illustrious Robert Cook on. But the man is certainly correct on this one.
Next up, massive effort under way to unfreeze hell . . .
The naivete of conservatives is like the trust of small children. It's endearing the way many here think that this is the end of Olbermann. His many dozens of listeners will not be disturbed by his crime and will demand his reinstatement. Olbermann will offer some kind of apology which MSNBC after due contemplation will accept. After this demonstration of the high standards of MSNBC and the deep repentance of Keith Olberbmann, his show will go back on the air. This publicity stunt will be a ratings bonanza, and his viewership will swell from dozens to hundreds. You are being manipulated.
Somewhere, deep in the kitchen cabinet of my age-hardened heart, lies an ounce of sympathy for Mr. Olbermann.
It's there, behind the cloves and turmeric.
Use sparingly.
I love the movie "The Matrix".
When Cypher is about to unplug and kill Switch, she plaintively begs, "not like this. Not like this."
William: You may well be right, this whole matter could be a short con. Holier than all MSNBC demonstrates its creds by firing its star thus compelling others (say Fox to randomly select a competitor) to reveal any malfeasance of their own. Everybody in the "news" business mounts their high horse, everybody in the news business hurumphs and hurumps. Olbermann goes back to work a hero. The concept of a stupid campaign finance law never arises, is never discussed by the freedom of speech loving press.
I bet it has a little something to do with the 3.5:1 Fox:MSNBC election coverage viewership....
A gentle steering towards the door perhaps?
So Olberman is a journalist who should be held up to a higher standard eh
Um, Olbermann refers to himself as a journalist.
So does his boss.
Get it, clown?
Exactly Freeman Hunt, Olbermanns constant on air pitching for liberals was worth way more than the paltry sum he contributed cash wise. A brain fade on his part for sure.
"It's there, behind the cloves and turmeric."
Olbermann wouldn't go near the cloves; they kill bacteria.
"Alex" is a TROLL! How many times do I have to say it? I reiterate the need for a sidebar quick-guide of the Althouse trolls so people would stop wasting their time.
"Van Susteren is the best."
Scientologists are not trustworthy.
Now if they could just get Maddow out for being a boring, unhot lesbian, it would be icing on the cake. And if they could get rid of Matthews for having a really fat head.
Here's hoping that Olbermann's suspension is a permanent one. I don't ever watch him but his smugness is such that it carries over to what I'm watching on other channels.
" and bad reporting may not kill you"
Tell that to those undercover agents that have been put in jeapordy by the NYT and others 'leaking' information, including names.
Bad journalism can lead to all kinds of mayhem, including Wars.
Journalists need to disclose how much and to whom they are donating political contributions.
We won't be suffering under the fiction that they are non-partisan, when we know full well that they have taken sides.....just like in dodge ball. We can at least know who is on what side.
Maddow just addressed what happened to her friend Kieth. Some how it was all Fox News fault. Amazing.
Olby should have been fired for hosting election night coverage like a funeral, including the somber face and the black suit.
He can't think on his arse, how to spin how it's REALLY a democrat victory.
I frankly don't understand this. Why is there a pretense of objective reporting? The whole thing is a vestige of network television, when the disgusting Fairness Doctrine was deemed allowable because the networks operate on a limited bandwidth owned by the government.
There is no such government ownership under the cable model. These cable news channels should just come out and call themselves what they are: leftist, conservative, communist, whatever.
Be what you are. Do your thing and wail with it. Pretense is pussy.
NBC is shocked, shocked that Keith is biased to the left, but only just shocked at his ratings.
Rachel Maddow Defends Olbermann: ‘We Are Not A Political Operation. Fox Is’
BWAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH-ha-ha-ha- ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaaaaaaaaa *gasp*wheeze -- !!!
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