“I’m engaged in the internal deliberations candidly, and having that discussion with my family, because my family is the most important consideration here.” Palin went on to say that there weren’t meaningful differences in policy among the field of G.O.P. hopefuls “but that in fact there’s more to the presidency than that” and that her decision would involve evaluating whether she could bring unique qualities to the table....Much more at the link.
[D]idn’t she believe that the Republican establishment’s predominant worry was that she would lose to Obama? “Then perhaps they should vent some of their paranoia toward all of the potential G.O.P. candidates,” she said. “Because obviously there’s no guarantee that any one of us would win. But I do believe that much of this is a threat to their hierarchy, because I’ve never shied away from a battle and because I’ll put principle before politics.”
In a sense, Palin views Beltway Republicans as she does the Obama administration: aloof, self-interested and vulnerable to the populist power that she believes she wields. “They’re in an isolated bubble — Barack Obama mentioned that in his press conference, and I agree with him, he is isolated from what average Americans are talking about,” she said, referring to the president’s words after the midterm elections. “But what he was meaning, of course, was that he’s not in touch with average Americans. I am — because that’s who I am. That’s who surrounds me, common-sense Americans who just want government on their side, not riding their backs. And I tweet to reach out to them.”
१७ नोव्हेंबर, २०१०
"'I am,' Sarah Palin told me the next day when I asked her if she was already weighing a run for president."
Here's the big NYT Magazine article by Robert Draper.
१६४ टिप्पण्या:
Love Sarah Palin.
Love, love, love her.
But I Don't think I want her to be the Republican nominee.
Her value and influence are better while she is not in office.
This woman, who quit her first term as governor to escape the hard work it entailed, (as well as the ethics probes), is either lying to her followers about any serious intentions on her part to run for the Presidency, or she is deluding herself that she has what it takes to either complete a run for the office or to do the job and face the brickbats in the unlikely miracle that she were to win.
Didn't she say something on one of the commercials for her "reality" (sic) show to the effect, "I prefer being out here where I'm free, rather than in a stuffy old office!"
Stay free, Sarah Smile, stay free!
Yet again Sarah Palin impresses me. After decades of watching pols from both Parties use the same canned responses to questions about Presidential runs, Palin actually speaks frankly about the possibility.
She's not my preferred candidate yet, but she's climbing the charts.
she is deluding herself that she has what it takes to either complete a run for the office or to do the job and face the brickbats in the unlikely miracle that she were to win.
In which case, she should be COMPLETELY qualified to take the office.
At least that was the case for Obama in 2007-2008.
Pretty much NOBODY who voted for Obama has an argument to make about:
1) Not completing their term
2) Self-delusion
3) Having what it takes to do the job
4) Being able to face to brickbats
Any Obama supporter can feel free to cite OTHER reasons why he is/was more qualified than Palin.
But, fair warning, if you're going to cite his intellect then you MUST be prepared to back it up with an IQ score, college transcript, copies of academic papers written, etc.
Oh yeah...you can't....
(as well as the ethics probes)
Sort of like the way Lincoln left office rather than deal with repaying the cost of his war (and because he got shot in the head by a Democrat).
I read the article prior to your posting.
Surprisingly, it is not a hatchet job. You might even call it fair.
Two years is an eternity. I like Palin. I agree with a lot of what she has to say.
Let's see how she builds her position over the next two years.
who quit her first term as governor to escape the hard work it entailed
You are a propagandist and a liar.
Damn the torpedoes!
Of course she says she's running - and she will - because both are (and she understands) The Macho Response.
Hey Cook,
I hear she is also a Jew. Maybe you and some of your buddies should go break her windows and beat up her children.
This woman, who quit her first term as governor to escape the hard work it entailed, (as well as the ethics probes)
Because you can cite ALL the ethics violations that so was ultimately found guilty of committing, correct?
Feel free to include the one about setting up a legal defense fund.
How many was that again?
Why are you running away with your tail between your legs?
Seems to me she accomplished a helluva lot more as the governor of a state than Obama ever had. Oh that's right, Obama never even HELD the office of governor. Or that of ANY chief executive position.
You REALLY want to go down this road, or are you done embarrassing yourself?
The fact of the matter is that Sarah Palin is not going to listen to the Republican professionals who brought us such great candidates as Bob Dole and John McCain.
I don't see that as a problem.
I think she is betting that Obama is going to keep lying and screwing things up as he has so far.
I don't see anything to argue against that therory.
The biggest reason that I like Sarah Palin, is that she scares the hell out of inside the beltway Republicans.
"Pretty much NOBODY who voted for Obama has an argument to make about:
1) Not completing their term
2) Self-delusion
3) Having what it takes to do the job
4) Being able to face to brickbats"
I guess it's a good thing I'm not an Obama supporter and did not vote for him, otherwise I'd have the burden of trying to make those arguments.
Of course, Obama is the President, so, by definition, he did have what it took to complete the run for office and was not delusional, and given that he has not resigned from office, he so far seems able to take the brickbats. By this time in her term, Sarah Smile was ditching her stuffy old office for the "free" wide open spaces.
I will not suggest that Obama has what it takes to do the job.
In her case the VP pick would be very important because she would probably quit half way through.
Gawd, she would be a disaster!
Democrats are unfazed by a Palin run; they've got trunksful of votes to win handily.
"Because you can cite ALL the ethics violations that so was ultimately found guilty of committing, correct?"
This is beside the point...she didn't have what it took to even face the probes...that might have cleared her. (Or maybe she already knew the likely outcome and did the prudent thing.)
Politics on any level, but particularly at national level, is a brutal business, and real players must and have endured much more savaging from opponents than anything Palin suffered; she folded, and others, such as Bill Clinton or Richard Nixon, didn't.
Don't assume my remarks imply support for Bill Clinton or Richard Nixon--again, NOT!--but anyone who wants to prevail in politics has to be prepared to be assassinated in the press daily and still get up and keep fighting.
Off topic-
Have you guys seen the viral "Curtis got Slapped" letter/story? Hilarious.
They've got it up at AoS HQ and elsewhere.
I'm going to make a wild suggestion.
How about playing "wait and see?"
Let me pose a couple of for instances:
1. What if Obama transforms himself into a more responsible and accessible president? He could change course, and the economy could change course. If he were to succeed, why not consider voting for him? Humans do have the capacity to change.
2. What if the issues facing us in two years aren't the issues facing us today? Wouldn't it be a good idea to wait and see? Maybe one set of circumstances would favor Obama, and another would favor Palin. The future is pretty unpredictable.
Why decide today who is better suited to be president when you don't even know yet what the future will bring?
An almost insanely sensible idea, I know, so I don't expect anybody to contemplate it.
Jay Cost has an interesting piece on the election (both '10 and '12). He contends that the '12 election will be decided in the MidWest -- basically, both Dems and Reps will carry their respective bases, and the fight will be for the states from Ohio to Nebraska, Missouri to the Dakotas. (Cost thinks that Mitch Daniels/Marco Rubio would likely do better than any other Rep combo in the MidWest.)
So, not being from that part of the world, how do those of you who do think Palin fare in, say, Wisconsin or the rest of the MidWest?
What's worse?
Really knowing what a candidate believes or not knowing what a candidate really believes [Obama supporters before 2008 election]?
Well she is going to pick Condi Rice because that would drive all the racist misogynist liberals crazy.
You know the ones who hate Condi because she is a black woman who is a Republican and not content to stay on their plantation making pancakes while all those great liberal guys watch out for their interests.
Tremendous article. I just finished reading it. The ongoing suggestion by the MSM droids that Sarah is illiterate and lazy is totally destroyed by the simple truth. This woman is a runaway train politically. Like the French after the Battle of Agincourt, the RINOs and Dems are being left with nothing to go after except the children staying with the baggage for their frustrated retribution. Sarah will be like Henry V when she descends on Washington.
I hope she runs. I would vote for her over Obama anyday and Obama was the first dem president I DIDN'T vote for in my adult lifetime.
Now... if Clinton were running, that'd be a different story
Palin vs. Beltway Republicans. Obama vs. Progressive Democrats.
Is there an Obama is like Palin -- or vice versa -- tag? It might be needed.
Someone purportint to be Shouting Thomas said:
"I'm going to make a wild suggestion."
He then follows with a not-wild-at-all-but-very-sensible (if unlikely, regarding events in the next two years) suggestion.
What have you done with the real Shouting Thomas?!
See Robert, you and shouting thomas can find common ground.
And all it took was a Sarah Palin post.
She brings people together.
This is beside the point...she didn't have what it took to even face the probes...
You are correct. Unlike Charlie Rangel, she didn't have millions of dollars to pay the legal costs of defending spurious lawsuits.
Cool! Christmas really is coming. She is the gift that keeps on giving.
"Well she is going to pick Condi Rice because that would drive all the racist misogynist liberals crazy."
Just think how much crazier it would drive all the racist, misogynist conservatives, because they'd have to overcome their innate revulsion and hatred and vote for the ticket, just to oust Obama!
In a sense, Palin views Beltway Republicans as she does the Obama administration: aloof, self-interested and vulnerable to the populist power that she believes she wields.
A lot of us feel this way. I know I view the Republican politicians as only a tiny step better than Dems. The Blue Bloods, as Rush calls them, are just as much my political foe as Obama.
Now, this still doesn't mean I necessarily want Palin as president. I like the cut of her jib but President? I dunno.
"You are correct. Unlike Charlie Rangel, she didn't have millions of dollars to pay the legal costs of defending spurious lawsuits."
Hey, I thought the reason old "Cholley" walked out of the Senate ethics hearing against him was because he didn't have the time to secure legal representation or the money to pay for it!
(I live in Cholley's district; I did not vote for him, and those who did are chumps.)
In any case, this is all part and parcel of what it takes to be a player in politics...not just the fortitude to suffer the daily slings and arrows, but also to have the funding to keep paying for the privilege!
As I say, she isn't a real player, but a CiC Tease!
This is her right. I wouldn't vote for her. There will be many choices on the Republican side come 2012. Unfortunately for me, the AZ primary on 2/28/2010 we likely see a far diminished field. (Who would have thought 20 years ago that the end of February would be late in the primary season.)
I do hope those on the left get over their Palin obsession by then.
Likewise, I do hope Republicans stop comparing her resume to Obama's.
Well she's better than Obama is becoming the Republican equivalent of
What do you expect with the mess Bush left behind
The simple truth is that the GOP nominee would have to work very hard to find a way to lose to Obama. Once Palin is nominated, there will be no problems. All that Polarizing crap about Palin just means that the GOP machine wants their control back. They will talk up Daniel, Christy, Rubeo, Pawlenty etc. to camouflage their pretense that Palin cannot win and is a true non-entity. Since none of those named men have what it takes, they are no threat to the roll out of Jeb Bush. But Rove will be a little more careful with Romney since he has a clout among their little inside the GOP thing. But IMO Palin is unstoppable at this point.
The woman is a white female Obama--mostly flash, little substance.
I'm a fiscal conservative and would vastly prefer to see someone of real substance and qualifications run, like Christy or Pawlenty.
The last thing we need is another presidential candidate who makes us feel good and upon whom followers project competence.
Let me phrase my argument in another way:
Who knew in 1998 that the major issue in the next president's tenure would be dealing with the aftermath of the attack on the WTC?
The issue that dominated Bush's presidency wasn't even on the table during his presidential campaign.
If we had been able to peer into the future in 1998 and foresee the WTC attack, what effect do you think that would have had on the presidential primaries? Would the candidates even have been the same men?
My basic underlying question is: Why get so caught up in whether you personally like or dislike candidates? Seems to me there are a couple of dominant issues in voting. What is the voter's stand on issues of principle? And, what does the voter perceive as best for his/her self-interest?
What does this have to do with falling in love with the personality of a candidate?
Sarah Palin will wage Mama Grizzly War on the campaign trail exclusively on Facebook, Twitter, and from the safe confines of Fox. No interviews, no Q&A, and no live debates. And Althouse will say "well YEA, what's so wrong with that anyhow!".
Any Rep candidate with very very solid experience will beat Obama by a mile but experience is where Palin falls short. But I'd vote for almost anyone vs Obama except Huckabee or C-ford.
garage mahal said...
Sarah Palin will wage Mama Grizzly War on the campaign trail exclusively on Facebook, Twitter, and from the safe confines of Fox. No interviews, no Q&A, and no live debates. And Althouse will say "well YEA, what's so wrong with that anyhow!".
That's right garage. And if she wins she will be right and if she loses she will be wrong.
Ever hear of William McKinely and the "Front porch campaign."
The mainstream press has long ago forfeited the claim that they are any sort of impartial arbiter. They are partisans plain and simple and best ignored by conservative candidates.
Fuck em if they don't like it. Their days are over. I hope they spontanously combust like Niel Youngs car.
That's William McKinley, sorry teacher.
The mainstream press has long ago forfeited the claim that they are any sort of impartial arbiter. They are partisans plain and simple and best ignored by conservative candidates
That's a comforting thought when your candidates can barely read or write. And you really want a president who can't handle an interview with Katie Couric? What was the toughest question the media asked her? "What do you read?"
That's a comforting thought when your candidates can barely read or write. And you really want a president who can't handle an interview with Katie Couric? What was the toughest question the media asked her? "What do you read?"
garage, why do you have to be such an asshole?
It's a tiresome act.
It's not she couldn't handle it Garage. It was sliced and diced to make her look bad. As would any TV interview with the partisan press.
You know like the question about the "Bush Doctrine." Palin was under orders to be nice. Now the gloves are off. She would wipe the floor with Couric if she went at her no holds barred.
Screw debates and the old school way of doing things. Let's go to the mattresses and try something new.
Just finished reading the article and I must admit it left a more positive impression of Palin that I previously held. Hopefully we can now debate her claims and policy aims, and not how well she aims her average guy rifle.
Hey roachy, don't get all fair and reasonable on me.
You know you could lose your tenure that way. Just sayn'
"And you really want a president who can't handle an interview with Katie Couric?"
We have a President right now who can't give a speech without a teleprompter and thinks the worst defeat since 1894 is the public telling him that the Republicans need to work with him.
After Obama, no liberal will ever be able to claim that a conservative candidate is stupid. Obama is setting Presidential personal stupidity records that will never be touched by anyone not named Joe Biden. The man is the Joe DiMaggio of stupidity, narcissism and denial.
garage mahal said...
That's a comforting thought when your candidates can barely read or write.
Who needs to write? Just plagiarize. It'll get you as far as the Vice-Presidency, easy!
Roeschi...Welcome home. Help us elect the First female President and thus make women's rights history. That should be good for tenure. You can tell the faculty that you wanted Hillary Clinton do it, but must now take this act for freeing women from the Patriarchy. All will be well.
If she runs she will destroy all republican nominees.
I farted.
Obama has shown he can filibuster for an hour when gets 10 or 11 softball questions from his adoring fan club er media.
So take that Saracuda!
It's not she couldn't handle it Garage. It was sliced and diced to make her look bad. As would any TV interview with the partisan press.
COURIC: Why isn't it better, Governor Palin, to spend $700bn helping middle-class families, who are struggling with healthcare, housing, gas and groceries, allow them to spend more and put more money into the economy instead of helping these big financial institutions that played a role in creating this mess?
PALIN: That's why I say, I, like every American I'm speaking with, we're ill about this position that we have been put in where it is the tax payers looking to bail out, but ultimately, what the bailout does is help those who are concerned about the healthcare reform that is needed to help shore up our economy, helping tho— it's got to be all about job creation too, shoring up our economy, and putting it back on the right track, so healthcare reform and reducing taxes and reining in spending has got to accompany tax reductions and tax relief for Americans. And trade, we've got to see trade as opportunity, not as— competitive— scary thing, but one in five jobs being created in the trade sector today, we've got to look at that as more opportunity. All those things under the umbrella of job creation. This bailout is a part of that.
Can you make any fucking sense of that? Sorry, she is just rock dumb.
Palin in, Bloomberg out.
There's a causal relationship there.
Bloomberg will run only if he can win, and he can win against anybody 'cept Palin.
I can make sense of that. But let me put into simple terms for you.
Bailout bad.
Competition good.
More taxes bad.
Less taxes good.
Job creation by the market not the government and not trying to take over the economy like a commie good.
Obama's plans to control every aspect of the ecomony with the government bad.
Eat good.
Fire good.
Eat, drink, man, woman.
How's that.
Giant football good.
Packer football bad.
"This is the moment when we must come together to save this planet. Let us resolve that we will not leave our children a world where the oceans rise and famine spreads and terrible storms devastate our lands. Let us resolve that all nations - including my own - will act with the same seriousness of purpose as has your nation, and reduce the carbon we send into our atmosphere. This is the moment to give our children back their future. This is the moment to stand as one."
Can you make sense of that Garage? It sounds like a pile of stupid. And it was a prepared statement inflicted on hundreds of thousands of hapless Germans trying to get home from a rock concert. Why does Obama hate the Germans so much?
"Why does Obama hate the Germans so much?"
It's that David Hasselhoff thingy.
"She would wipe the floor with Couric if she went at her no holds barred."
And Couric is no brain surgeon.
Well we will see won't we Robert. I put my money on Sarah if she goes after that two bit twat Katie Couric.
Of course she won't have a job by the time the 2012 election rolls around.
Holy Fracking Jeebus!!
The Pods have landed! You're next! Shouting Thomas is dead!
Long live Prudent Thomas, the one person on this comment thread making substantive remarks!!
The End of the World is Nigh!!
"She would wipe the floor with Couric if she went at her no holds barred."
And Couric is no brain surgeon."
Couric is part Jewish. We know how wiley they are. Right Cooksie.
It is funny you say that. Yet you have never met Palin and have little knowledge of the woman beyond your superstitions. But you just know it is true. In heart you know your right? Right?
Excuse me, but how do you go about being part Jewish?
Well we will see won't we Robert. I put my money on Sarah if she goes after that two bit twat Katie Couric.
Palin already did, and lost pretty horribly to Couric.
Katie Couric.
I think this is true:
And then it hit me. The reason Palin has become such a lightening rod, a kingmaker and a punching bag, a celebrity and a power player, is simple. It's because she's so gosh darn happy.
For her fans, like the ones I had the pleasure of meeting in Chicago, she's refreshingly upbeat and resilient, the bubbly friend from childhood who was always great at cheering you up and cheerleading you on.
But for her detractors, nothing raises the ire of cynical liberals more than a happy-go-lucky, totally unburdened, freethinking and self-assured conservative woman who has everything she wants and then some. And without anyone's help...
Then maybe the Democrats should run Couric in 2012 Garage. I mean, she beat Palin didn't she? That puts her leaps and bounds ahead of Obama.
"Excuse me, but how do you go about being part Jewish?"
Because Jewish is an ethnic and cultural distinction as well as a religion. If your parents are Jews, you are one to even if you never set foot in a synagogue in your life.
Ask Cook, he can tell you all about it. He is quite knowledgeable about the corrupt races as he calls them
Then maybe the Democrats should run Couric in 2012 Garage.
So Couric is a Democrat because Palin flubbed an interview with her?
She must be the enemy!
Palin already did, and lost pretty horribly to Couric.
You mean Katie "Where the Hell do they get these names" Couric?
So Couric is a Democrat because Palin flubbed an interview with her?
She must be the enemy!
Garage, quit defending Couric. She's media history.
"So Couric is a Democrat because Palin flubbed an interview with her? "
She is a self described Democrat. And she did so well against Palin, she has got to be smarter than Obama right? Granted that is a pretty low bar. But it is something. And you guys kind of need something these days don't you?
"Ask Cook, he can tell you all about it. He is quite knowledgeable about the corrupt races as he calls them."
Put up or shut up, asshole. Find where I have ever discussed the Jews or disparaged them in any way or ever called them (or anyone) "the corrupt races."
"...I’ll put principle before politics.”
That right there is Kryptonite to the D.C. elite on both sides.
And yes, Lincolntf, she's climbing my charts too, almost daily.
@Garage: Couric was caught out being a thoughtless, arrogant spokeshole for the anti-Palinists
wv "cants" heh.
Joe said...
The woman is a white female Obama--mostly flash, little substance.
I'm a fiscal conservative and would vastly prefer to see someone of real substance and qualifications run, like Christy or Pawlenty.
The last thing we need is another presidential candidate who makes us feel good and upon whom followers project competence.
Pretty good post by Joe.
The argument that she is no less experienced and no less ready to be President than Black Messiah Obama, therefore deserves it like he did --is not a very good argument by the Goddess Palin worshippers.
The lawyers at FOX best be wary..she brings in more right wing viewers...but they have to see when they may have to ethically follow the intent of election laws and pull her free (actually paid to perform on Fox) microphone.
Giant football good.
Packer football bad.
Hey, Troop! What happened to your team, buddy? And after we softened them up for you.
She is a self described Democrat.
I must have missed that. Any cite for that? Skip that, you don't have cite and you are just talking out of your ass, again. Much like slandering Cook in this thread. Hack.
"Put up or shut up, asshole. Find where I have ever discussed the Jews or disparaged them in any way or ever called them (or anyone) "the corrupt races."
Cook you are the most anti-Semetic poster I have ever seen on any board. Any other board would have banned you. Ann really is tolerant. Why don't you save me the trouble and give us your opinions on Israel and American Jews. They will speak for themselves.
@Garage: Couric was caught out being a thoughtless, arrogant spokeshole for the anti-Palinists
Endless victimhood. What did Couric say or ask Palin that was so horrible?
@Garage: This is a big part of your side's image problem. I mean that sincerely.
As one who used to think more like you, take my advice and drop the Couric defense. She could become your next river to swim.
"Much like slandering Cook in this thread. Hack."
How is that search going for those links showing where Althouse condoned calling Barney Frank names? How is that going? Oh yeah, she deleted all of your slanderous posts. You really have no sense of self awareness do you?
You really have no sense of self awareness do you?
You are thinking of another commenter. You MORON.
I am not horny today.
Since turning 40 I have hardly any sex drive anymore.
And I am ok with that.
"You really have no sense of self awareness do you?"
"You are thinking of another commenter."
Made me laugh.
Check out the link from chickelit. Then we need to have you comment on what Couric thinks of the Palins. Would you do that?
If you actually read the article, granted that is difficult for Garage and Cook to do because they are illiterate, but if they could get someone to read it to them, they would see this, an account of a conversation Palin had with a Republican operative in 2009 regarding her future. The operative advised her to remain as governor and run for re-election.
"Here’s the problem (with remaining as governor), she replied impatiently: I’ve got a long commute from my house to my office. I don’t have the funds to pay for my family to travel with me, and the state won’t pay for it, either. I can’t afford to have security at my home — anybody can come up to my door, and they do. Under the laws of Alaska, anybody can file suit or an ethics charge against me, and I have to defend it on my own. I’m going into debt. "
Basically the power of her celebrity made remaining governor impossible. I can't imagine being in her position having people just be able to walk up to my door. There a million nuts out there. The safety issues alone preclude that. All it takes is one Andrew Sullivan to buy a gun and that is it. She really couldn't stay as governor.
My apologies Garage. That was DTL. Sorry for the mistake.
John - Cedarford is the guy with the Jew fixation. Cook is a commie and hates America but has never said anything anti-semitic as far as I know.
Sounds like maybe you need a scorecard.
garage, don't make me post Obama's explanation of auto insurance!
In 2012, we'd better elect someone with foreign policy chops...after four years with O, we will need to do some hard work in that area.
You are right. I do need a scorecard. My apologies Cook.
(The Crypto Jew)
I doubt that stoopit scrunt Palin could name half of the 57 States! Much less their capitols....
Cookie has never been anti-semitic in any comments...and I have a very alert antennae for any such evil assholes. There are some on here that use their inner Kill The JEW instincts to justify tearing down Sarah Palin and anyone who promotes her for President. Palin has a small Israel flag in her office and apparently really intends to favor Israel over the our loving Muslim allies.
In 2012, we'd better elect someone with foreign policy chops...after four years with O, we will need to do some hard work in that area.
And going forward, let's not elect somebody who expends time and capital blaming their predecessor instead of rolling up their sleeves.
Anbody who spends time needling the inflated balloon that Washington D.C. has become at so many levels is worth listening to.
h/t internetronin for the link.
I don't agree with Robert Cook about anything but I know that he is not an anti-semite. He is in fact one of the most consistent commenters here and I have total faith in the intergirty of his beliefs.
I think you confused him with someone else.
In 2012, we'd better elect someone with foreign policy chops...after four years with O, we will need to do some hard work in that area.
Frankly, I'd also like someone who understands how insurance works, given that health care constitutes 1/6 of the U.S. economy.
Just like the Giants confused the Cowboys for a team that would just lie down and die like dogs. They have more character than that.
I salute them for the game they played.
Well played gentlemen, well played.
I think that intergirty is a dirty word.
I was trying to say Integrity, AllenS. Sorry I was out of range of my spell check as usual.
None the less of all the commenters I have seen here, Robert Cook is one I would trust to be executor of my will.
I gotta tell ya, intergirty could become the word of the year (next year). Palin won the award this year. Just have to come up with a definition, that's all.
No way. That's was the new word of 1997.
"This intern had the intergirty not to have sex with President Clinton and thus did not get a job interview with Vernon Jordan."
Don't mind me, I'm checking out the Minka Kelly pics on Esquire. Sweet Jesus.
((The Crypto Jew)
None the less of all the commenters I have seen here, Robert Cook is one I would trust to be executor of my will.
As long as your estate was going to be dedicated to the Causes of Social Justice, Redistribution of Wealth and War Crimes Trials for all US Officials. If it was, you’d be right, but if you were giving the money to Sarah Palin, I’d bet the money wouldn’t make it…Sorry Cooke.
Cooke is CONSISTENT, not necessarily HONEST….Trooper…there’s a difference. I mean if you wanted to leave your money to fight the Zionist Occupation Government there’s no one better than C4, for it, but if you were donating the money to the ADL or Plant a Tree in Israel it wouldn’t make it…just because Cooke or C4 are consistent in their beliefs, does not mean that they are necessarily HONOURABLE in the pursuit of those beliefs.
This is somewhat tongue-in-cheek, I certainly wouldn’t want to anger Cedarford or Cooke, I’m just pointing out that though they are consistent activists for their view points, in fact, makes them suspect because they ARE so committed to their view points.
"I did not have intergirty with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky. My cigar might have, though."
By the way AllenS. Last night on the Western Channel they were showing the great John Ford movie "Cheyenne Autumn."
I thought of you. Well when Sal Mineo was on the screen. Just sayn'
I haven't told anybody on this blog, Trooper, but I'm half Italian. I'm a lot like Mac the Knife.
Well I would trust Robert Cook.
Not that it would be essay for him since I am leaving all my money to Rush Limbaugh.
A beloved mentor of mine named Henry once taught me that it was OK to call each other names in the heat of debate and was OK to even get all emotional about things sometimes. But even more important was to get together afterwards somewhere over drinks and forget about it all.
I like Palin, but I doubt very much if she can a general election. And I don't think it is about elites or anything like that. She has high negatives among the general public. But she might change that in the next couple of years.
One thing I have noticed, a lot of her people don't take well to any sort of criticism. I think that is because she was so unfairly treated by the media and a lot of her critics early on and now any criticism is seen as some sort of attack. Well, criticism is part of politics. If you can not tolerate that, then don't run.
Lay off Cookie. Commies don't start killing off the Jews until after the revolution.
Are you kidding? You defend Palin quitting her governorship because she had become too famous, had a long commute and couldn't afford security? What spin! Would you accept a Democratic governor who said the same thing? Not likely. Nor should anyone.
Maybe she should have considered not running for governor in the first place or taking the Vice presidential run. Otherwise that is a piss poor excuse and frankly I don't think it holds any water.
What is much more likely is that she became a star and decided to cash in as well as position herself as a 'leader' of the Republican party for the next couple of election cycles. Which is exactly what she has done.
The biggest reason that I like Sarah Palin, is that she scares the hell out of inside the beltway Republicans.
Thanks, Drew. Someone, and I don't care who, needs to start a political party/movement and clean the Washington political establishment up. People who have been serving for years have to be replaced. Republicans and Democrats. People who are constantly trying to find fault with Palin are part of the problem. I might not agree that Sarah is the one to lead something new, I deeply appreciate her tenacity. We need more people like that. Why anyone would want to keep the status quo is beyond me.
Matt wrote:
Otherwise that is a piss poor excuse and frankly I don't think it holds any water.
At least Garage Mahal is original with his piss-related metaphors.
Sharpen your quill dude!
And Althouse will say "well YEA, what's so wrong with that anyhow!".
OK garage you raised the question:
What's so wrong with that anyhow?
At least Garage Mahal is original with his piss-related metaphors
Like a Grateful Dead show - even when they were bad, it was still.....interesting.
"garage mahal said....
Like a Grateful Dead show - even when they were bad, it was still.....interesting"
Yeah but you have to be high dude. Just Sayn'
"Because you can cite ALL the ethics violations that so was ultimately found guilty of committing, correct?
Feel free to include the one about setting up a legal defense fund.
How many was that again?"
IIRC, the total number that she was guilty of was ONE and that one was it.
Sarah gushed "I’m engaged in the internal deliberations candidly..."
Sure beats provacatively or honestly or any number of -ly's one can plop in depending on your bent.
What's that West Wing line? A 22 calibre mind for a .357 magnum world? Beat her like a rented mule ....
hd that's not like you. I don't think you like to beat women.
Although I have been surprised before so you never can tell.
And I'm trying not to tear into Matt here but... is it being a Democrat or Liberal that makes it impossible to consider that someone in politics might have to follow the rules and might not be a crook? It's not spin or anything at all to point out that Palin COULD NOT AFFORD her own security or legal defense. And the fact that the law forbade her from setting up a legal defense fund is a fact, not spin. Maybe in a world where Harry Reid becomes a multimillionaire as a career public servant it seems impossible that someone who is a politician might not just have special ways of pulling funds out of her butt, but to many people the events as described are entirely believable. Palin was in a position where she could be forced to pay legal defense from her own pocket because she had a picture taken with a fish, wore a jacket with a logo on it, or talked to a reporter in her Governor's office.
I do not understand the mindset that can not comprehend a politician having to deal with what they didn't want to deal with.
But then again, I suppose in a world where Rangle exists, anything is possible.
Robert Cook: This woman, who quit her first term as governor to escape the hard work it entailed, (as well as the ethics probes)
You're just a fucking liar, Robert.
Palin resigned the office to protect Alaskans from all the false lawsuits you libtards were filing against her.
Robert Cook: This is beside the point...she didn't have what it took to even face the probes...that might have cleared her.
More lies. The fake lawsuits you libtards filed were bankrupting her and taking her away from the more serious business of governing the state.
But why should we take the word of a child molestor like you Robert?
I don't agree with Robert Cook about anything but I know that he is not an anti-semite.
No, he's likes to play with little boys.
Comrade X said...
Lay off Cookie. Commies don't start killing off the Jews until after the revolution.
The Jews were a big part of the communist movement. Not just in Russia, but in Europe where most of the bloody communist putschs from 1917-1923 were done with Jewish communists as leaders - and in America where half the leadership of CPUSA was Jewish.
In Russia, the Jewish Bolsheviks were quite active in the Red Terror, Soviet judicial system, Secret police, and design of the Gulag system. Much of the Soviet collectivisation and industrialization of the 20s was financed by overseas Jewish banking firms.
Their apogee was 1922-25, when Jews comprised half the membership of the Central Soviet, while being 2% of the population. And challenged Stalin for top spot.
After that, Stalin dampened their inordinate influence, but studies showed he didn't single them out in terms of blood-letting. After WWII, starting with Stalin around 1951, leaders in the Soviet Union had growing doubts about Jewish loyalty to Russia and their conduct as corrupt players in the economy, and as Cosmopolitan elites. Stalin proposed relocation - other Russians that succeeded him pursued quotas as a means of checking problems they saw of corruption, dual loyalties, and disproportionate influence in certain sectors of the Soviet system.
The notion of Jews as great victims of the communists is a masterful misdirection from the actual history.
so then Terrye, what is Palin to do about the negative comments. If she says nothing about them then they become accepted as fact even when they are not at all. If she speaks up then she is damned for being thin skinned.
In 2008 there was even a website developed to refute all the false things that were said about her and yet I still see a lot of them repeated even today and on this blog by the libs.
How is she to get the truth out there. Zero has the advantage of an MSM press that will not bother to ask anything that might possibly embarrass him or anything even pertaining to the things he does that are less than honest. check out the way they handled all the credit card donations that his staff never even bothered to verify. What do you think the media would have said if Palin had done that. And here it is 2 years after the election and we still do not have an inkling of where Zero lived in NYC while at Columbia or what kind of grades he got there. We also do not have an inkling of what kind of scholarship he had at Occidental, whether he got it as a foreigner or as a citizen. We have not had any investigation as to how all those sealed court decisions such as Ryan's divorce suddenly got released to the press when they had been sealed by the judges. Nobody bothered to follow up on that either.
Now imagine Palin in any of those situations and tell me what kind of media coverage she would have received on them. And then tell me how she is to get honest coverage from this same media unless she speaks up when the lies are bandied about. She has to speak up against the stories when they first start of else she will be branded with lies from the get-go.
tradguy - " Palin has a small Israel flag in her office and apparently really intends to favor Israel over the our loving Muslim allies."
I don't want a President with a little flag on their desk of ANY foreign country - as symbol of their loyalties past America to ANY foreign nationals.
Same with governors. A few years back there was a problem with one with a Mexican flag in his office.
No, he's likes to play with little boys.
Here we go again with Fen and his molesting little boys fetish. Get some help man. I'm begging.
Garage: I'm begging.
No Libtard, you STILL can't suck my balls.
Go away perv.
And take Child Molestor Robert Cook with you. You guys can filch each other like you did back at the Soros convention.
You are fucking gross man. Ick.
You're the one begging to be my bitch, Garage.
Why are you defending a child molestor like Robert Cook anyway? Fond memories?
Was begging for you to get help sicko. But now just want you to fuck off and go away. I can only hope you aren't around unsupervised children.
...from the libtard who's always begging to suck our balls.
I love the sound of skulls popping on a Wednesday afternoon. (I just had this inappropriate image of Karl Rove and James Carville getting drunk together and then exploring their sexuality.)
Wow Bristol beat Mom in # of comments. Is Sarah a Spice Girl?
I would say that the reason Palin resigned is up for debate. I think the ethic probes that drained her finances are realistic but I have never known a politician to resign because of it. Though maybe some have. But it's a moot point now because Palin is fairly well off now.
I still think she wanted to pursue her other political opportunities [which she has] and she felt that was in her best interest but not in the interest in Alaska. Fair enough. But it also burned a bridge for her about competency. Maybe you love her but her negatives are too low to withstand a general election. Go with Romney. He's much smarter.
I love the Lefties trying to tell each other how they'd love Miss Sarah to run. It's like The Zero talking tough; he's nothing without the mob behind him.
She's not ready for the top spot yet (as I've said, she should be the one to replace Michael Steele), but it would be fun to watch her up against The Zero. HD, alpha, and the cylinder would be crying like they did on 11/3.
PS As far as Cook thinking she hasn't got what it takes for the top spot, remember his choice is Uncle Joe Stalin.
"I think the ethic probes that drained her finances are realistic but I have never known a politician to resign because of it. Though maybe some have."
I believe Alaska may be unique in making it illegal to raise a legal defense fund. Who doesn't have a legal defense fund these days other than Rangle?
"But it's a moot point now because Palin is fairly well off now."
Sure she is, but none of the ways she made money were even legal for her as governor so it's not as though if she would have stuck it out that she'd have money now to pay those legal fees.
"Maybe you love her but her negatives are too low to withstand a general election. Go with Romney. He's much smarter."
Didn't you hear? Romney is a Mormon - can never win. And Giuliani is anti-gun, pro-abortion - can never win. And Fred's got no fire in his belly - can never win. Jindal attended an exorcism - can never win. Christie is... well he's something - can never win. Pawlenty... maybe you should suggest Pawlenty. He's bland enough, right?
...from the libtard who's always begging to suck our balls.
Aren't you confusing poor Garage with Jeremy?
Poor garage?
Garage povero?
(many things sound better in Italian)
I am in no way "poor".
I think, and if for no other reason than this, I'm be with Dennis Miller sentiments: “I like Palin because too many people I don’t respect hate her.”
You didn't mention Marco Rubio or Mike Huckabee. Pawlenty maybe.
The reason Palin has a chance to run against Obama is because in closed primaries the right wing these days seem to vote for the odd ones that are defined as 'pure' or something like that. As they did for Christine O'Donnell and that freak Joe Miller - who thankfully lost to a write-in candidate.
Bring back the moderate Republicans. I'm serious. Joe Scarborough and Michael Bloomberg could win if they could get past the primaries. But won't happen.
I am in no way "poor".
Sorry garage.
I forgot about your six figure income.
Sarah Palin is a quitter like James T. Kirk is a cheater.
WV: "coqual".
copiously qualified
Loren Ibsen
I think you're wrong, Matt. Not that I believe Palin could or will win, but that picking the least objectionable person is the way to win.
That was supposed to be why McCain could win, after all. But McCain couldn't carry the conservative base nor generate any enthusiasm whatsoever and in the end the opposition tarred him the way they wanted to tar him. I got glossy flier after glossy flier outright lying about McCain's positions on policy issues by using association as proof... you would not *believe* how anti-woman McCain was! But that same "proof" would apply by association to any Republican at all.
Trying to pick someone this can not be done to is impossible. The idea that some accepted Republican candidate would not receive this treatment is ridiculous.
The person, whoever he or she may be, that even has a chance of beating an incumbent President, unless the economy doesn't improve AT ALL before then, isn't going to be the safe, inoffensive candidate. It will be the candidate who gets people to pay attention and to the polls.
Go with Romney. He's much smarter.
One word: Romneycare.
Mitt should walk around with a fork sticking out of the thickest part of his thigh.
I think she sounds more paranoid than the GOP people she's talking about.
I'm sure there are valid reasons for her to be angered, but it's politics. If she can't handle it, she shouldn't be running. I don't want to listen to this complaining for the next two years. She, along with some others in the tea party movement seem to be getting too full of themselves. They may be right that the GOP can't do without them, but they need to recognize that the reverse is true as well. The biggest danger they face is being labeled as radical wackos.
Yep, Palin quit, and is now making the entire political class dance to the tune of her Facebook postings.
Meanwhile, Obama goes to South Korea to sign an economically vital trade agreement and ends up with Kimchi on his face.
wv: "repig" -- what the anti-Palin liberals/progressives think the Republicans should run in every Presidential election.
As always, be careful what you wish for.
Sorry Palin fans, but Romney is a lock for 2012. He has it all. Boring white guy, executive hair,looks good in a suit AND lacks the common touch. Not to mention, supports Amnesty, TARP, and Romneycare - along with being both Pro-life and Pro-choice.
Never forget Republicans nominated Ford, Bush I, Dole, and McCain. In fact, 40 percent of Republicans wanted George Bush NOT Reagan in 1980. And in 2000, many thought George Bush II was just TOO darn radical.
Always bet on the dull old white guy.
Sarah Palin is a quitter like James T. Kirk is a cheater.
Kirk: I reprogrammed the simulation so it was possible to rescue the ship.
Saavik: What?
David Marcus: He cheated.
Kirk: I changed the conditions of the test; got a commendation for original thinking. I don't like to lose.
I'll take Kirk over Obama any fucking day.
Nah rc. That's Sister Wives. You have been watching the wrong show.
Sorry garage.
I forgot about your six figure income.
I can't be corrupted, that's why I'll never be poor.
Sorry garage. I forgot about your six figure income.
Leave garage alone. He may make a shit ton of money but he believes that higher taxes are not only necessary but a fucking patriotic duty which is why he declares no deductions and every fucking red cent of his income is declared as taxable because THE GOVERNMENT knows better than he and you and me how our money needs to be spent.
So back the fuck down because garage will swim a river of piss to back me up on this.
"I'll take Kirk over Obama any fucking day."
Damn straight. Even Sybok is a better Vulcan.
wv: vecoxit
Thanks Barry. Now vefixit.
Leave garage alone. He may make a shit ton of money but he believes that higher taxes
Nope. You should ask my opinion about taxes sometime. I think I've actually made my position clear on taxes on this blog before, if you'd listen. I prefer lower for everybody.
Michael Bloomberg?
Michael "Uber-Nanny" Bloomberg???
Michael "Mayors Pretending To Only Be against Illegal Guns" Bloomberg????
Gag me.
Robert Cook said...
This woman, who quit her first term as governor to escape the hard work it entailed, as well as the ethics probes)
Do you just enjoy being a complete miserable, unhappy, fucking moron? How can someone like you, a deluded stalinst, equate quitting being governor because the work is to hard when the real hard work was done in becoming governor? Once you are governor of a state, then it's time for you to govern, that isn't so hard as trying to convince enough people in your state to vote for you as the best person for that position.
And, don't you find it completely amazing and wonderous that the ethics probes and the army of leftard lawyers dispatched to Alaska mysteriously disappeared when she resigned? Shocking. The intent was to embarrass her politically, fleece her of her money, and mire her in lawsuits to the point of inaction because the delusions and derangements that your ilk have in their shit-pot brains about her lie in the realm of the insane. You are part of that cadre.
Then she trumps you all by resigning and end up looking like fools with your dicks in your hands. When are you going to leave my country, you unAmerican piece of shit?
garage mahal said...
I can't be corrupted, that's why I'll never be poor.
You may not be corrupted in that slim definition of the word, but you certainly are fairly foul.
chickelit said...
Aren't you confusing poor Garage with Jeremy?
A distinction without a difference.
"When are you going to leave my country, you unAmerican piece of shit?"
Oh? Your country, you say? I wasn't aware I had somehow crossed the border into Imbecilistan. I guess I shouldn't have ignored the posted warning signs not to paddle up Shit Creek.
I'll take my leave and head downstream back to the Land of Reason.
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