Palin, described by one online poster as “a block of wood in a dress,” is the easily the worst hoofer to ever make it to the finals in “Dancing’s” 11 seasons.
Her most remarkable trait is her ability to drift off in a fugue state while dancing....
In mixing a political figure amid its celebrities, the No. 1 prime-time show shot itself in the foot. A Palin win Tuesday night will prove connections trump talent. What celebrities will want to sign up in the future?...
Expect a lot of blather tonight about “the journey.” It’s a way to anticipate and temper the controversy over a Palin victory.
Whatever happens, keep your firearms locked up. Don’t follow the example of the Wisconsin man who shot up his TV last week after watching Bristol dance.That's a Boston Herald columnist, a grown man, attacking a teenager... for dancing. Somehow it's an injustice if Jennifer Grey doesn't win. Jennifer Grey, supposedly she's a nondancer, eligible to be a contestant even though she danced famously in a very famous movie about dancing. Bristol wasn't even an entertainer, but she stepped up and exposed herself to all manner of embarrassment, trying to dance in front of an audience for the first time. And it's not as if Jennifer Grey has relied purely on dancing. Grey — with strong help from the show — vigorously milked emotions over the death of Patrick Swayze on "Dancing With the Stars." So I don't want to hear any of this "fairness" crap.
ADDED: Bristol was a teenager when the season began. She turned 20 in October.
१३७ टिप्पण्या:
Totally agree with you here.
Good grief! I cannot believe the hate and loathing that grown people have about this.
Jennifer G. needs to stop whining...honestly.
Oh Jesus.
Was gonna make a crack, but thanks Garage, you handled it. Really don't get why yesterday you said-"Oooh maybe SP is getting too much attention" and today this.
UPDATE: Professor Ann Althouse is slated to compete in upcoming program of Dancing with the Stars.
Readers of her blog (regular DWTS voters) assure that 'she will make it to the finals!'
It sorta reminds me of anti-Sanjaya diatribes. Except his Mom wasn't famous, and he wasn't on Idol because of that.
I don't get it: why no hate for Kyle? He had low scores - no, not as low as Bristol but much lower than Brandy - and he wasn't voted off. Was there a conspiracy of votes for him? Did his supporters hijack the system?
Oh,wait. . .
Wait, this guy follows hollywood and is surprised that connections can trump talent?
Has he ever seen Drew Barrymore "act" in her movies?
Off topic, but has anyone realized what awesome political theater the TLC series is? I am kind of wondering how this Dancing thing fits in.
In six plus years of coming to this blog, it still amazes me how easily some people take the bait.
I'm not sure which is funnier: the idea that Bristol Palin is a "political figure" or the idea that it's possible to conspire to undermine the sanctity of the DWTS voting system.
Jennifer Grey, the "non-dancer" whose father is Joel Grey, professional dancer ?
I don't watch these shows -- this, American Idol, any of the "reality" or "survivor" or "____ with the Stars" shows -- but it does please me to read your comments about them, Prof. A.
Of course, there are risks in relying on others, even the very perceptive and occasionally wise, as one's arbiter and auditor of American pop culture. But you have a point of view that's fully disclosed, I think, and no ulterior motive besides whimsy, so I'll continue to rely on you while you continue to volunteer. Thanks.
That's a Boston Herald columnist, a grown man, attacking a teenager
You forgot to add, a liberal.
People seemed to get really upset after Bristol beat Brandy, a professional entertainer since childhood who is trying to make a comeback. Looks like a ringer to me, and people generally don't like ringers. Anyway, what's so great about Brandy? Didn't she kill someone?
That's a Boston Herald columnist, a grown man, attacking a teenager
But you see it is totally okay because Bristol's mom is opposed to repealing DADT, would outlaw abortion, and cut off welfare and stuff.
It is a show about amateur non-dancers learning to dance, with the public getting to vote.
That's exactly what is happening.
But now the Boston Globe critic thinks he's reviewing opening night on Broadway.
He hates Bristol Palin. But oh the deep love and compassion he feels when he watches Angels in America. But he loathes Bristol Palin.
Another case of the people voting stupidly, eh?
Jennifer Grey: [thinking to herself] Maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe Bristol isn't such a bad girl. After all, I got applause from judges, she got a baby. But still, why should she get to do whatever she wants, whenever she wants? Why should everything work out for her? What makes her so special?
That's a Boston Herald columnist, a grown man, attacking a teenager
Bristol Palin is 20, btw.
Stupidity So Thick It's A Wonder We're Still Here
Paging Professor Franklin. Professor Franklin to the white no-courtesy phone, please,...
I don't see anything hateful in the column. He didn't attack her personally, only her dancing. If you don't want to be criticized for your dancing, don't compete on a TV show.
Stop playing the victim card.
Wow people stack the ballots of contestants they like over others. It's not as if Dancing with the stars and/or american idol is relying on super sophisticated voting algorithms to get completely accurate vote. People can vote on the internet. For who's a better dancer.
I personally don't get why Sanjay got so far on American Idol, but it's not like I was outraged that peoples votes weren't counted. And you could stack the deck for your top dancer because you like her mom and agree with her politically. Or you could stack the deck for your dancer because you like the shape of her tits. Or you could stack the deck because you want to show how absurd the voting actually is. So long as it's easy to stack the deck for one dancer over the other, that's what people will do. It's not a real election. The votes are meaningless. It's like asking who your favorite Ronald McDonald character is and then getting mad that they chose Hamburgler over Grimace, because everyone knows that Grimace is the star of the show.
The format guarantees that it is a dancing show plus a demographic publicity show.
It isn't a pure dancing show.
By casting votes, the views become invested in their choices and return to watch how their "horse" is doing.
This is just more evidence that Dancing With The Stars is ungovernable.
Jennifer Grey, the "non-dancer" whose father is Joel Grey, professional dancer ?
Well, gosh darn it all to heck, I don't see how being the daughter of a professional dancer automatically makes one a dancer, anymore than being the daughter of a politician ... you figure it out.
Word verification: dulaping.
That's a Boston Herald columnist, a grown man, attacking a teenager
If you don't have 100% positive things to say about a Palin don't be a TV critic!
Once again Henry V comes to life and we see the defeated French Knights at Agincourt sneaking around to slaughter the youngsters staying with the baggage behind the lines. The nasty little creeps cannot go head tp head with Sarah Palin since she is smarter and tougher than all of them combined. Bristol and Willow will pay a price for Momma Grizzlie's smashing victories. What were the Agincourt results again...oh yes, English 100 dead and ruling the field, but the French Knights 10,000 dead and totally defeated. That sounds like a 2012 election night preview.
Having a serious, and sometimes light hearted blog is not consistent w/ the incredible stupidy of continual entries about, Dancing With The Stars. It is akin to having an Italian food blog and talking about how fascinating you find the menu @ Olive Garden. Sully is obsessed w/ Trig, and the prof w/ Bristol. Why don't we analyze that.
"If you don't have 100% positive things to say about a Palin don't be a TV critic! "
Yes. Either 100% positive or snarling demonic hatred. Those are the two choices in the sophisticated, nuanced world of the liberal mind.
Did anyone watch the Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet, I mean Todd and Sarah, last night. They took a road trip to a fishing village full of tough fishing men, and as they walked down to the end everybody wanted a picture of themselves with the famous Palin...Todd Palin, that is, since among thses endurance trained men Todd is more loved for his Iron Dog endurance feats than that girl's basketball player he married.
The whole thing is a non-issue IMHO but this sentence caught my eye
Tea Party members across the country have organized to get the vote out and claim credit for keeping her on her toes.
Is this simply the bias of the author assuming/equating support for Bristol Palin as only possible with crazy right-wing (read "Tea Party") support?
Are there truly Tea Partiers making this an issue?
To use a well worn phrase seen here:
Cite please
(PS And yes its fair to point out that Jennifer Grey has had professional dance instruction in the past.)
Yes. Either 100% positive or snarling demonic hatred. Those are the two choices in the sophisticated, nuanced world of the liberal mind.
This is smarling demonic hate?:
"That’s not unreasonable. Bristol has consistently come off as a decent young woman trying to do the best she can. But is the show about rewarding effort or competence?"
So when will Levi Johnson be on DWTS?
(and Kathy Griffin?)
Since when are 20 year-old adults considered teenagers?
Vote for the Worst... Not that I agree with the website, but can't someone just look it up? Reporters? Lefties? Haters? Anyone?
When you use a line such as "will prove connections trump talent" without proof, that's a personal attack.
In woof's world, there is no liberal media take and only Media Matters brings balance to Fox News.
This is one of the reasons that liberals are not really happy people. Even my politically liberal friends and relatives - hundreds of them from every walk of life and throughout the country - are never as content or happy in general as most of my conservative and even politcally independent friends.
Which makes one wonder: do unhappy people sort of naturally drift towards political liberalism, or does embracing political liberalism make one less happy?
Either way, if Al gore's kids or Joe Biden's kids or a Kennedy clan member were on dancing with the stars, I can't imagine being a hater of them like so many of the sad life liberals.
Unless of course, liberals believe they should own dancing outright, with dancing generally being so gay and all.
do unhappy people sort of naturally drift towards political liberalism, or does embracing political liberalism make one less happy?
I vote the former.
I say that because I think these people become convinced that: the world is overpopulated; corporations "rape" the environment (and the little guy), AGW, etc, then gravitate toward a poltical party.
"This is one of the reasons that liberals are not really happy people. Even my politically liberal friends and relatives - hundreds of them from every walk of life and throughout the country - are never as content or happy in general as most of my conservative and even politcally independent friends."
I guess that's what years of agit-prop indoctrination will do to you. How twisted is the mind who sees America as the chief source of the problems in the world?
Ann wrote:
Bristol wasn't even an entertainer, but she stepped up and exposed herself to all manner of embarrassment, trying to dance in front of an audience for the first time.
Yeah, being on television and making hundreds of thousands of dollars is so admirable.
Mr Buddwing wrote:
ell, gosh darn it all to heck, I don't see how being the daughter of a professional dancer automatically makes one a dancer, anymore than being the daughter of a politician ... you figure it out.
Well there's that but there's also the fact that she was trained by Patrick Swayze and her and his dancing moves alllowed them to win the competition at their summer camp above all other dancers.
She would be criticized if she was winning a chess tournament. Her mother could learn ten languages, compose a symphony and develop a cure for Alzheimers and she would still be considered a moron.
Paul wrote:
I guess that's what years of agit-prop indoctrination will do to you. How twisted is the mind who sees America as the chief source of the problems in the world?
Libertarians see all TSA workers as Nambla members and child groping perverts who want to grope little girls vaginas. At least if you poll some of the people here. I guess that's what years of agit prop indotrination will do to you.
ALL of the HATE that was ginned up over Bush had nowhere to go once Bush left office. So it fomented and bubbled and boiled and festered. It was so all consuming it could not just be set aside, it had to find a new target - those who carry the hate deep in their souls decided to focus that blast furnace on Sarah Palin. They don't care if they burn down the entire Palin family, or even the entire state of Alaska for that matter.
They could have chosen any number of truly despicable politicians - or even the most revolting political figure of all, George Soros - people who have earned and deserve hate and scorn. People who've cheated the American people, bankrupted a nation, doled out taxpayer money in trade for status and influence and self-enrichment.
Instead they choose Sarah and her daughters. Sarah, whose only real crime is that she has an "R" after her name and not a"D."
Patrick Swayze?
A NewAger.
Just sayin'.
That's a Boston Herald columnist, a grown man, attacking a teenager... for dancing.
The outrage, the pain. The personal offense. Victim much?
(The Crypto Jew)
Yeah, being on television and making hundreds of thousands of dollars is so admirable.
Unlike say, our current POTUS, who’s only made $5.5 million last year from book sales?
Also there is a definite personality type that trends liberal...the geek, the nerd, the unpopular kids in middle school who nurse a life long grudge against the good looking and popular kids.
They naturally gravitate to the left with it's underpinnings of envy and retribution and cling like an alcoholic does to the bottle to the sense of self righteousness that liberalism is imbued with.
It's plain to see the permanent adolescence of liberals (Jon Stewert, Colbert).
Liberalism truly is a mental disorder, and it's no accident that they would project this attribute onto conservatives who are far better adjusted overall.
Now this is a funny topic!
The point that the "petulant haters of society of Leftist causes" is making is a transition of all life into political terms like good bolsheviks do. If Palin grows in stature from endorsing candidates who later win the vote, then Palin and Todd's endorsment of Bristol could be another boost to the stature of Saint Sarah. So you liberal haters need to come up on the hill and fight: phone in votes for another dance couple...but you have no motivation left...Palin has stolen your mojo. No wonder bitter clingers to liberal lies are seething over a fine young woman learning to dance.
As someone this deep in the thread, I cannot pretend any form of superiority to those who watch DWTS. At any rate, I've only seen the You Tube excerpts of Bristol. Her moves seemed more earnest and rehearsed than spontaneous or graceful. But under what must be an enormous amount of pressure, she made all the right moves at all the right times. She deserves credit for that, but she's probably not the best dancer. Well, welcome to the world of New Haven firemen, Brandy.....It's a bank shot, but the appeal of the Palins is the criticism they attract. The more the professional comics and political essayists work on their devastating put downs, the more they burnish the reputation of Palin and her family. The veronicas of the Palins would not appear so graceful, if the media did not play the part of an enraged bull so well.
Cry me a river. Wow, Ann, you sure do have your knickers in a twist over this one.
It is completely fair for people being resentful of her for rising not due to talent but due to political connections and the willingness of her mother's supporters to game the system.
And, she is not a teen. She is 20 years old, a young adult. Adults need to learn to live with the consequences of their actions.
Welcome to celebrity, Bristol. Please quit yer bitchin, ya whiner.
And, BTW, Jennifer Grey has nothing to do with this. It's not like you have anyone of knowing that the people who are criticizing Bristol Palin being handed victories she did not earn did not also criticize Ms Grey (for whatever...)
It is completely fair for people being resentful of her for rising not due to talent but due to political connections and the willingness of her mother's supporters to game the system.
Why do people win class presidencies in high school? Because of their ability to get things done for the student body or popularity (however you choose to define it)?
Alpha Liberal wrote:
It is completely fair for people being resentful of her for rising not due to talent but due to political connections and the willingness of her mother's supporters to game the system
And if Brandy is more popular than some no named football star or David Hasselhoff (except in Germany) then wouldn't her enhanced celebrity make her more popular and wouldn't her conections be unfair?
Seems like if Sanjay had a lot of supporters they gamed the system, but isn't that also Sanjay voters liking Sanjay a lot and wanting him to win? So who cares why people are gaming the system or why someone is popular on the show or even what the judges think? If you're going to let the voters decide then they decide based on what they like or who they support or whatever. It's not the first time that a judges score was at odds with the audiences. Why don't anti Palin supporters try to game the system and vote for Brandy?
The Professor is pleading reality: a new dance student needs six months to a year before muscle memoies mature enough to make fliud and graceful motions out of every dance move. That is also why professionals practice many hours a week in front of a mirror covered wall. Bristol is a great learner to do this well this soon...kind of like her Momma.
If I were in charge of the show I'd let women compete only if they met a particular physical requirement.
And you all know what that requirement is.
Welcome to celebrity, Bristol. Please quit yer bitchin, ya whiner.
I haven't heard/read anything about Bristol complaining about her stint on DWTS -- other than remarking about all the work. I respect her ability to go out each week.
I don't think she's a very good dancer, from what I've seen of her.
That's a Boston Herald columnist, a grown man, attacking a teenager
And you're a grown woman, writing about a dancing show. Repeatedly.
If you think attacking a reality show contestant (who, by the way, is also an adult! not a teenager) is something new, you're either stupid or lying.
So Bristol Palin wants to be a celebrity, to be the "star" in Dances with the Stars," but she should be treated differently that other celebrities and should not be criticized, no matter how she does.
This special treatment that the Palins demand comes even as the Wasilla Hillbillies constantly attack other people in manners most vicious.
Perhaps other people could be forgiven for thinking they should be treated just the same as anyone else. They forgot The Palin Rules.
Also there is a definite personality type that trends liberal...the geek, the nerd, the unpopular kids in middle school who nurse a life long grudge against the good looking and popular kids.
Unlike Republican manly men like Pat Sajak, Rich Lowry, Jonah Goldberg, George Will, Bobby Jindal?
And you're a grown woman, writing about a dancing show. Repeatedly.
Amazing, isn't it? All Ann cares about is being part of the human shield to protect the Palins from any criticism.
I just hope Sarah wins the Republican nomination.
Scott M:
Why do people win class presidencies in high school?
Well, it's been a long time but I'm pretty sure it's not because their Momma's friends stuffed the ballot box.
What part of "however you choose to define it" didn't you understand? I'd forgotten why I don't bother engaging you anymore. My fault.
She's a political figure? Tell me, is Chelsea Clinton (who, by the way, got a plum "consulting" gig straight out of college; must have been her connections) a political figure? I guess we can now savage Sasha and Malia, since they're political figures.
That review of Bristol Palin brought to mind this observation by Kurt Vonnegut:
"Any reviewer who expresses rage and loathing for a novel is preposterous. He or she is like a person who has put on full armor and attacked a hot fudge sundae."
Oh please. She signed on for the gig. Momma Grizzly signed her on for the gig.
It isn't the first time Sarah the Nitwit has used Bristol - my God she threw her casually under the bus during the campaign.
This is about Sarah and getting that shinny face and dull idiot gleem in front of the world...ya'betcha momma will be in the front row, camera angles just right....
She is a user and this block of wood is the latest kindling for the fire.
In my school, the student council president won by promising, on stage in a general assembly, that he would hold a huge keg party if he won.
The party was great.
His major claim to fame is that he was the inspiration for a charachter (with the same last name) in the movie "Say Anything."
"Unlike Republican manly men like Pat Sajak, Rich Lowry, Jonah Goldberg, George Will, Bobby Jindal?"
Ha. Those guys are positively testosterone drenched compared to the silver haired pony tailed set that is ubiquitous in the liberal enclaves.
Better yet think Rick Perry vs. Harry Reed.
Or Sarah Palin vs. Barry Soetero.
I guess we can now savage Sasha and Malia, since they're political figures.
Like when Rush compared Chelsea Clinton to a "White House Dog" ?
garage mahal said...
Oh Jesus.
11/22/10 8:56 AM
Oh jesus, mahal mouth showed up. JESUS!
"Bristol Palin being handed victories she did not earn"
Also feel that way about Obama and the Peace Prize? At least Palin is in fact dancing (whether poorly or not I don't know; don't watch and don't care).
These New York city media types hate all red-state "flyover" country people PERIOD. Sarah Palin is simply their symbol. She absorbs their hate like dark matter.
This desperate hit on a brave young person is another sign that the Liberal Lullaby Land has become powerless in these days of a real financial crisis. Heck, even the TSA's Lullaby Land is being wiped out by the new authenticity demands. And Bristol Palin learning dancing on live TV is as authentic as life gets.
Bristol and Willow will pay a price for Momma Grizzlie's smashing victories.
Oh please enlighten me on her "smashing victories". Didn't her most prominent candidates go down in flames?
- Angle
- Miller
- O'Donnell
LOL, keep it up dufus.
Ha. Those guys are positively testosterone drenched compared to the silver haired pony tailed set that is ubiquitous in the liberal enclaves.
You have to ask yourself why conservatives are always the ones caught with gay hookers or in airport stalls looking for some action.
"The more the professional comics and political essayists work on their devastating put downs, the more they burnish the reputation of Palin and her family."
The Palins certainly have all the right enemies.
Wait, this guy follows hollywood and is surprised that connections can trump talent?
Nicolas Coppola, er, Cage, is not amused.
So pointing out that she's a shitty dancer (she is) is "hate" because you're just really attacking her mom (even if you don't mention her).
What a bunch of whiny babies. She sucks as a dancer. End. Of. Story. That's not an attack on her mom and you know it. If this is how the Palinbots are acting now (calling people "faggots" for criticizing a boring reality show), I can't wait for the primaries to start. The endless victim mentality of the Palinbots will be on full display for an extended period of time. They'll call her "tough" then whine that she's being treated unfairly. And it'll help sink any chance she has at the election.
"Like when Rush compared Chelsea Clinton to a "White House Dog" ?"
So do you want to emulate Rush or not? The cycle of going after the children of politicians may be unstoppable now. And it didn't start with Limbaugh. It would be nice if Sasha and Malia weren't dragged into their father's politics, but when (and not if) it happens, you point to Chelsea's treatment and I'll point to Bristol's. I'm sure that'll help end it.
(the other kev)
At times like this, I prefer to have Dr. Frasier Crane speak for me:
Roger, at Cornell University they have an incredible piece of scientific equipment known as the Tunneling Electron Microscope. Now, this microscope is so powerful that by firing electrons you can actually see images of the atom, the infinitesimally minute building blocks of our universe. Roger, if I were using that microscope right now, I still wouldn't be able to locate my interest in your problem.
"That's not an attack on her mom and you know it."
Sorry, but it was the reviewer that referred to Bristol as a "political figure." Has Bristol run for office and I'm not aware of it? If not, it was clearly a swipe at her mother (who is indeed a political figure).
I can't understand the outrage over "a teenager" being critiqued "for dancing!" as a contestant on a reality TV dance show. I don't watch that show, but I have to assume that over the seasons, contestants have been lampooned, criticized, made fun of, by grownups watching the show. Why should this contestant be off limits?
And the award for funniest comment goes to William!
As someone this deep in the thread, I cannot pretend any form of superiority to those who watch DWTS.
And it didn't start with Limbaugh.
ugh. oh yes it did. Anal Cyst Limpballs was the first "man" ever to mock a sitting President's child.
Why should this contestant be off limits?
Because Palinbots must defend the mothership at all costs!
Oh please enlighten me on her "smashing victories". Didn't her most prominent candidates go down in flames?
Why didn't you mention Sean Duffy or Nikki Haley?
Additionally, finishing with six governors in the win column, not to mention big wins for Republican Senate candidates Rand Paul, Kelly Ayotte and Pat Toomey.
Oh, you're defining "most prominent"
"Anal Cyst Limpballs was the first "man" ever to mock a sitting President's child."
I highly doubt it.
"Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly?
Because her father is Janet Reno." - John McCain
I don't watch this show, and even if I had I doubt I would have taken the time to call in or text in or whatever you have to do to vote, but I'm going to now . . . for Bristol . . . just to annoy liberals.
Small pleasures . . .
Besides, Jennifer Grey hasn't been Jennifer Grey to me since she ruined her nose.
Why should this contestant be off limits?
Beth, you of all people know better than to pose a false argument, feigning that this thread is only about criticism of a certain contestant's dancing ability. Everyone agrees hat's fair.
But this is about the slurs about Bristol because of who she is and who she is related to NOT just about her dancing.
This sentence from the obviously unhappy-with-his-life columnist:
Tea Party members across the country have organized to get the vote out and claim credit for keeping her on her toes.
should have also noted what was in an article in the same paper:
The show’s producers dismissed speculation that Tea Partiers were stuffing the ballot box by voting for Bristol Palin using phony e-mail addresses.
Then the columnist - who obviously wants to appear "fair" would have actually been so.
Seriously Beth,I'm embarrassed for you.
Dirty Dancing With the Dirty Pool Journalist Stars:
(A surreality show)
In the fall of 2008, 19-year-old Alaskan Sarah Palin (played by 20-year-old Bristol Palin) is vacationing with her working-class Christian family at CBS Television City, a resort in Hollywood, California.
Sarah develops a crush on the resort's dance instructor Johnny McCain (played by The Mainstream Media), part of the Hollywood entertainment staff.
When Sarah, while carrying a freshly clubbed halibut, is invited to one of their secret after-hour parties, she observes for the first time the "dirty pool politics" that the staff enjoys. She is at once intrigued and repulsed by the dirty politics, and receives a brief lesson from Johnny.
Later, Sarah discovers that Johnny's dance partner MSNBC (played by CNN) is distraught over being pregnant by Barry Obama (played by Chris Matthews), the womanizing waiter who is dating and cheating on Hillary, Sarah's older sister.
"You have to ask yourself why conservatives are always the ones caught with gay hookers or in airport stalls looking for some action."
Barney Frank is conservative, now? Boy, he went all out to win that election, didn't he!
Good Lord--its come to this--that a dipshit show like dancing etc is even worth commenting on?
These arent dancers--they memorized a coreographed routine--were they put in a ballroom they would be incapable of dancing with a partner that hadnt spent weeks learning one routine.
A good dancer is capable of dancing with any partner in the room--without two weeks of preparation. Horseshit pure and simple, and yet the whole bullshit program seems to consume some segment of the population.
Do you fucking people have lives?
Apparently not. Kill your TV--=go to the dance hall and dance.
You have to ask yourself why conservatives are always the ones caught with gay hookers or in airport stalls looking for some action
"Catch" is the operative word here.
When everyone expects you to do those things - liberals - ther's nothing to "catch".
"You have to ask yourself why conservatives are always the ones caught with gay hookers or in airport stalls looking for some action.'
You mean as opposed to running a gay prostitution ring out of your house, or taking an under aged boy to Paris for a gay romp?
Oh. Right. Those are Democrats. Unrepentant Democrats.
C'mon garage. We can play this game all day long but the fact remains the Left is the home of the metrosexual male and the bitter man hating harridan. Your radical egalitarianism has tried to feminize men and masculinize women with the same pathological results as all your Procrustean attempts to make everyone "equal".
I just don't get why Alpha Liberal hinks that only tea partiers are not allowed to vote for the people they want to win, even if they aren't particularly good dancers.
Whoops -- Bristol graduated from Wasilla High last year. Please forgive me BP.
Let me repeat, that the only way to beat Sarah Palin is to ignore her. Yet she is the increasingly bright star of all stars these days as much on the left as the right. All sides engaged in show business responds to its viewing/reading audience every time.
As a chubby brunette with no visible talents, Bristol Palin is the right wing's Snooki.
Except Snooki did not have a baby out of wedlock.
And of course, the lib is always there to be a scold about personal behavior while decrying those who try to foist personal behavior on the rest of us (impose christian mroality
fls, Obama's mother conceived him out of wedlock. What's your point?
jr565 said...
"(impose christian mroality)"
I assume you meant morality but I wasn't sure.
In high school, I and a group of my friends, conspired to elect a total dufus as student council president. The guy we picked was chosen because he had once won a contest on radio and forgot his own name—something everyone in school knew about. We did this because we wanted the principal and other administrators to know that we knew that the student council and it's president were a total farce and it didn't matter who won. We were successful and we all had a good laugh. The guy actually wasn't any worse than any other president we had. I think some people are voting for Palin just to show how stupid the whole concept is.
Who'd ever thought "Dancing with Emmanuel Goldstein" would be such a hit?
fls, Obama's mother conceived him out of wedlock. What's your point?
She was in good company, if so -- the rate of the baby boomers' mothers pregnant at the time of the wedding was double that of the previous generation -- similarly one in six UK brides were pregnant.
At any rate, there is a tremendous gulf between having a child within wedlock and outside of wedlock.
ugh. oh yes it did. Anal Cyst Limpballs was the first "man" ever to mock a sitting President's child.
Oh really???
I remember an entire satirical song devoted to lampooning LBJ's daughters back during the heyday of folk music (I can't find the lyrics online but it was sung by the Chad Mitchell Trio). I remember snide jokes at the expense of Julie Nixon Eisenhower, particularly since her sister was so gorgeous while she was fairly plain. I remember scathing denunciations of Amy Carter for reading at the table during a State Dinner.
That's just within my personal memory.
Heck, Margaret Truman was lambasted in print.
I'll bet if you went back far enough you'd find the Lincoln boys being hammered in print.
This is exactly the reaction that Sarah Palin wants. Anything Sarah can do to continue her very profitable exploitation of the victim-card is good enough for her. Enough already...
@Beth, I'm certain that you're right, at least up to a limit.
What makes this issue of interest is (1) would there be as much vitriol if Bristol wasn't the daughter of a political figure who is hated for being a female who thinks for herself and who made it on her own without a husband's money or father's connections; and (2) would Bristol even be on the show without being Sarah Palin's daughter?
Probably a loud "no" to both questions.
"former law student said...
As a chubby brunette with no visible talents, Bristol Palin is the right wing's Snooki"
Hey take that back! I hear that Snooki is extremely talented. The rumor in Bensonhurst is that she can suck a golf ball through an entire garden hose in three minutes or less!
Besides the fix is in for Jennifer Grey.
Noboby puts baby in a corner.
They are using Democrats to count the votes so you know they are gonna fine a lot of votes for Jennifer in the trunk of Al Frankens car. Just sayn'
If you want to see a real reality show competition that will make you laugh your ass off you should watch "The Fashion Show Ultimate Collection."
It is the funniest thing on TV right now.
When you see Iman abuse these poor mo's you understand where the Somali pirates get it from.
Not that there is anything wrong with that.
You have to check out the funniest
dude on Television Calvin Tran.
Calvin is the Vietnamese Titus.
I remember scathing denunciations of Amy Carter for reading at the table during a State Dinner.
I don't remember that, but if it is true, it has elevated my regard for Amy. Forced to attend a stupid adult dinner with a bunch of a-holes. Hope she was reading something entertaining.
Bristol Palin isn't much of a dancer. I can't stand DWTS anyway since much of the 'dancing' is more like gymnastics. Just like much of the so called singing on American Idol is just screaming.
However, I see nothing wrong in critiquing her dancing, but people can't leave it at that. They must make references to her unmarried motherhood status, her mother, her sisters, her home town, call her and her family Wasilla Hillbillies and it goes on and on.
JAY said...
That's a Boston Herald columnist, a grown man, attacking a teenager
You forgot to add, a liberal
The Boston Herald is a conservative newspaper. You don't have to be liberal to dislike powerful family clout and family entitlement. Especially in Boston, as they have been railing against Kennedy nepotism, good old boys networks for a long time up there.
Althouse is correct to note that Bristol is a teen that turned 20 on the show. And that Grey is not without her own nepotic ties, not above evoking the "Ghost" of Patrick Swayze, and has had pro dancing lessons since age 5 as a Hollywood brat.
Unfortunately for Bristol and her nepotic forces, since DWTS has now devolved into a Proxy War between Goddess Palin worshippers and the rest of the viewership - more people dislike Sarah Palin than like Bristol+Grandma Palin, so she should lose...DWTS also has to sweat the small black vieweship they have going away after a popular black performer with perfect scores got canned so Bristol could stay.
Teen contestants - I always give them slack on Idol in accounting for experience. You amend that when you find an Archuleta that has been singing and taking pro lessons since age 7. But in general, I look at someone like Aaron Kelly and think - no way was David Cook or Adam Lambert at age 16 the pure talent Kelly is at 16. Or "Siobhan Magnus is unpolished and can be a little whacked as a 19-year old and sometimes shows she is a pure amateur not at all as developed as semi-pro ringers like Lambert and Dolittle 10 years her senior - go figure!!"
I cut the teen contestants some slack. Unfortunately, it seems that many voters do not share my idea.
You have other factors affecting DWTS and Idol. Idol is currently cursed by the tween vote going to the cutest boy. DWTS with a huge Latin and Asian following but small black following that puts black dancers celebs that have their main base in the black community behind the 8-ball.
I don’t watch the show, because pseudo celebrity reality shows bore me, but it has always kind of bugged me that some of the contestants are obviously dancers, and they have such a leg up on the others. Like, when one of the boy band folks was on the show. In fact, a lot of singers are also dancers. At least, I don’t think it should be held against contestants when they quite obviously don’t have the same level of experience going in as some of the other contestants.
If I watched the show, I would be tempted to vote for Bristol just to watch people’s heads explode.
At any rate, there is a tremendous gulf between having a child within wedlock and outside of wedlock.
what's the practical difference in Bristol having a child out of wedlock with having one while married Barack Hussein Obama Sr.?
Here it is: at some point Levi Johnston might not be a deadbeat dad.
The Palin post mojo continues.
Bright shiny objects are hard to ignore
Chase, be embarrased for yourself: I questioned Althouse's comment: "a grown man, attacking a teenager...for dancing." If she made that statement, then everyone does not agree that's fair.
peter hoh said:
Since when are 20 year-old adults considered teenagers?
Since they can stay on their parents' healthcare plans until they're 26?
Also, re dragging in "political" figures, wasn't former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay a contestant a few years ago?
Up next: Nancy Pelosi on DWTS... I don't think so!
I don't know what's weirder.
People even watching this show?
Palin's daughter being on it?
Palin haters being outraged that Bristol won a few rounds?
All the libs in the thread telling Althouse "Bristol ISN'T A TEENAGER SHE TURNED 20 IN OCTOBER!!1!!!"?
I'm almost tempted to turn on the TV and tune in just to see what all the hubbub is about. But nah.
wasn't former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay a contestant a few years ago?
I vaguely recall that. Or was it Blagojevich?
Is the meeting where names are thrown around taped? That would be very interesting to see. I wonder if liquor is being consumed during it.
(The Crypto Jew)
Oh and BTW, being “20” Bristol still IS a teen-ager, sorry folks….She will be in her “20’s” on her 21st birthday. In her “30’s” on her 31st…just like the 21st Century began on 1 January 2001. I know I’m an @rse-hole, stickler…
Joe, by that logic, someone who is 13 is not yet a teenager.
(The Crypto Jew)
Joe, by that logic, someone who is 13 is not yet a teenager.
What??? No there’s a “fail” here…at 13 you ARE a teenager, you became one at 11….begin to see how the decade thing works, MM? And even by your own” logic, ThirTEEN would seem to qualify you as in your teens….
Thank you for contributing, please come back once you’ve put down the bong or the glass….
She will be in her “20’s” on her 21st birthday. In her “30’s” on her 31st…just like the 21st Century began on 1 January 2001.
Actually, no.
In the Gregorian and Julian calendars, there was no Year Zero. 1 BC was immediately followed by 1 AD. The first decade was 1 to 11, the first century was 1 to 101, the first milennium was 1 to 1001, etc. That's why the 21st Century began with 2001.
But human beings have a Year Zero: 12 months from birth to age one. People's first decade is 0 to 10, their second decade is 10-20, and so on. Their third decade begins the day they turn 20.
Ah, yes. The flaw in Gregorian and Julian calendars that Pol Pot tried to fix.
I watch the show because women have a chance of having a costume malfunction and one of their tits flies out and has a large star around the corona of her nipple bounced around for the world to see.
This is what happens when leftards show how completely deplorable, unhinged, batshit crazy, and deranged they are about the Palin's. They are so scared of this woman and her family that it boggles the mind as to the totality of how deep and nefarious this type of hatred is. Leftards are Al Qaeda to the Palin's at this point.
Does failing to like or be particularly impressed by someone really = hatred?
Right-Wing Base: You're either with Palin or you're against her.
There is apparently no such thing as a neutral evaluation of someone's competence in right-wing land. If you don't promote a 5th grader to a senate seat, you must obviously hate him.
Hey, she's hasn't been a teenager for several weeks. KILL HER!!! Plus, many of you disagree with her mother. STONE HER!
"There is apparently no such thing as a neutral evaluation of someone's competence in right-wing land. If you don't promote a 5th grader to a senate seat, you must obviously hate him."
Such a moron. It's a wonder you have survived long enough to figure out how to work a keyboard. Or use a computer and internet service someone else no doubt pays for.
Just watched DWTS for the first time. Wow, Bristol isn't the most graceful dancer. I guess that makes me a hater.
Blogger Big Gov't Trickling Down on You said...
If you don't promote a 5th grader to a senate seat, you must obviously hate him.
Well, Erkle is president now and we hate him. He was a senator too. Theory go boom.
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