[S]he had been working as a farmhand in fields with other women, when she was asked to fetch drinking water.
Some of the other women – all Muslims – refused to drink the water as it had been brought by a Christian and was therefore "unclean"...
The incident was forgotten until a few days later when [Asia] Bibi said she was set upon by a mob. The police were called and took her to a police station for her own safety.
Shahzad Kamran, of the Sharing Life Ministry Pakistan, said: "The police were under pressure from this Muslim mob, including clerics, asking for Asia to be killed because she had spoken ill of the Prophet Mohammed.
"So after the police saved her life they then registered a blasphemy case against her." He added that she had been held in isolation for more than a year before being sentenced to death on Monday.
९ नोव्हेंबर, २०१०
A 45-year-old woman in Pakistan is sentenced to death for blasphemy.
This happened in the world we live in now:
७२ टिप्पण्या:
Those darn Christianist.
Nice, from the religion of Peace.
Notice how Fatwa supporter Yusuf Islam was at "sanity" rally. Peace Train indeed. Media absent.
It was just a few weeks ago that the U.S. cemented their increased long-term aid pledge to Pakistan.
I guess the money comes with no strings attached, because ya' would think that the first string ya'd wanna attach would be something like "Don't kill Christians for being Christians".
Iran does shit like this and the Republicans yell for an invasion.
Pakistan does shit like this and both the Democrats and Republicans send them money.
I'm always fascinated when people use the modernity of our ideas as evidence of them being correct--as though today, right now, is the final and inevitable product of moral inquiry that all history has been leading up to. So to say incredulously that something like this is happening now, or when people say things like, "get with the program! This isn't the '50's!" seems a little hollow.
Naturally I agree with you, and can't believe something like this actually happened in today's world. But still, we should have more to say about the story than the fact that it's barbarous and we're so modern.
"This happened in the world we live in now ..."
What do you mean, Ann? This happens every single day in Muslim countries. It is extremely common and not news.
If you are a Muslim and you reject Islam (like Barack Obama has done) the sentence is death.
These people are barbarians.
Wake. The. Fuck. Up.
Welcome to the world of Islamic Shariah!!!!
Let Me Google That For You:
Doesn't moral relativity demand that they may be right?
Let Me Google That For You:
Let Me Google That For You:
"U.S. cemented their increased long-term aid pledge to Pakistan."
No ... the U.S. didn't do a fucking thing.
Barack Obama increased the amount of your and my money that he is sending to his friends the barbaric fucking Pakistani Muslims.
"The US" is not a person. "The US" isn't the President.
Barack Obama is the President, and it was Barack Obama sent your money to his friends the Islamists in Pakistan.
Oh well, people are people, right?
It was just a few weeks ago that the U.S. cemented their increased long-term aid pledge to Pakistan.
Just another great idea by the Democrats, right?
Is that smart diplomacy or what?
Liberals in Pakistan have been trying to get rid of the blasphemy law for years, but social conservatives have stood firm against reform.
No one has ever been executed under the law, instituted in the mid 1980s, but many accused have been killed by angry mobs.
It's used as a tool to persecute Christians with -- don't get into a dispute with a Muslim lest he cry blasphemy.
religion of peace my ass.
New Ham wrote:
"The US" is not a person. "The US" isn't the President.
Barack Obama is the President, and it was Barack Obama sent your money to his friends the Islamists in Pakistan.
Oh, no, no, no. Just like Augustus became the personal embodiment of the Roman state, our President is now the personal embodiment of the American state. He can do whatever he wants via executive orders, selective enforcement, "national security" grounds, or if all else fails he can just make up some nonsensical shit to spout out to the public. There is no check on him. Bush got this sort of elected kingship going, and Obama has just taken it to the next level.
Obama is the U.S... and that's a fact of the world we live in now.
(the other kev)
I'm sure this somehow the same as gays being unable to marry in the U.S. I just know it is.
No gray areas here to hide Islam under a false equivalence smoke screen. All Muslims are under orders from their god through Mohammed to 1) deceive us as enemies needing to be fooled into believing that they are peace lovers, until they get power over us, and then 2) murder us all. The greatest Hebrew Prophet told his small group that in the future, "all men shall hate you for my names sake." How a sane person can still be fooled by the Muslims and President Obama is beyond me.
"Liberals in Pakistan ... "
You mean the apostates right? Those who criticize Islam and the Prophet, and for whom death is the only sentence?
You mean those people?
"I'm sure this somehow the same as gays being unable to marry in the U.S. I just know it is."
Gays being allowed to marry is offensive to Muslims and is act of defiance against Mohammad. It is a repudiation of everything Mohammad stood for.
And you know what happens if you dis Mohammed, don't you?
"He can do whatever he wants via executive orders, selective enforcement, "national security" grounds, or if all else fails he can just make up some nonsensical shit to spout out to the public."
The US isn't sending money to Pakistan.
It's Barack Obama who is sending our hard-earned money to his friends the Muslim barbarians in Pakistan for them to spread the wealth.
The "religion of peace" deal doesn't kick in until all the people that need to be killed are dead.
Pakistan: Where American Conservatives are considered too liberal. Crazy world.
Yes, clearly Islam is a religion just like any other religion, and it should be accorded the same respect and deference as other religions.
Why in the world would anyone not be able to see that?
"...the world we live in now..."
Here's another thing that happened.
Israel must be to blame.
A music teacher accused two of us of blasphemy when I was little, as if it was a bad thing.
According to AsiaNews.it, Asia Bibi is only 37 and has only 2 children.
AsiaNews.it is published by the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions.
About 500 years ago Christians were burning women as witches.
They're only half a millennium behind the West.
And they have nuclear weapons.
"Islam should be accorded the same respect and deference as other religions."
You mean none, right?
Because Islam accords no respect or deference to any other religion.
Jews pay dhimmi tax. Christians the jizya. If you don't want to be a Muslim ... fine, but it will cost you!
There's no respect in Islam for any other religion. After all, everybody else is just an infidel.
And the Qur An says to kill all the infidels if you can.
"About 500 years ago Christians were burning women as witches."
Weren't Democrats doing that just last week? To Christine O'Donnell?
Witches were hanged in Massachusetts in 1692, just 318 years ago. Now we just don't elect a witch to the senate, preferring the bearded marxist as a better representative of what this country has become.
WV: conadog, just don't speak about him like one.
Jeez! If the Christian woman had been Jewish (all Christians are Jews, BTW) they'd have killed her there and then for daring to bring Muslims water. What a backward ideology.
"According to AsiaNews.it, Asia Bibi is only 37 and has only 2 children."
Oh. Well, that's all right then.
Carry on with the stoning.
“Waaah! Lousy winey Christians! Suck it up and die already!”
There is something missing in the story. Usually these cases in Pakistan revolve around someone (99.99% of the time a Muslim) wanting something that the Christian has - land, money, etc. They make up a blasphemy charge and get the Christian thrown in jail to either give them leverage to get what they want or just get rid of them.
I will bet that there is something like that not being discussed as the real cause behind the incident. That said, there was a case this year of a Christian man being beaten to death for drinking out of a common water cup. He "defiled" it, so they killed him when he left the shop.
Islam is not a religion too- it is a rule system with a incoherent ideology. All about public display and all about control. Nothing more.
Hanging out with "unclean" women, and then getting upset when they talk dirty - in the name of religion?
This is not The Macho Response.
@Sixty Grit, I accept your correction. Pakistanis are only a third of a millennium behind us.
But they still have nuclear weapons.
Prosecutors under Sharia must go to a special Hell just for them, run by women with knives.
Why would a Christian live in such a place. If I had to, I'd whore myself out of there. God would understand.
FLS said...
Liberals in Pakistan have been trying to get rid of the blasphemy law for years, but social conservatives have stood firm against reform.
Naturally their social conservatives will be conflated with our social conservatives, creating a beautiful moral equivalence. Abortion protesters = stoning women to death.
Israel must be to blame.
Of course. With Darfur and other countless Islamic attrocities going on, Obama could only see fit to Slam Israel
Any Jew that votes for Obama in 2012 is an absolute traitor to their race.
ACLU and the Lefty Federal judges to the contrary, this is why we have a First Amendment.
Dead Julius said...
It was just a few weeks ago that the U.S. cemented their increased long-term aid pledge to Pakistan.
I guess the money comes with no strings attached, because ya' would think that the first string ya'd wanna attach would be something like "Don't kill Christians for being Christians".
Iran does shit like this and the Republicans yell for an invasion.
Pakistan does shit like this and both the Democrats and Republicans send them money.
Talk's cheap. The Moslems belch in the direction of a Lefty and all we hear is the usual PC appeasement.
The Conservatives are actually willing to kill some.
New Ham wrote:
"The US" is not a person. "The US" isn't the President.
Barack Obama is the President, and it was Barack Obama sent your money to his friends the Islamists in Pakistan.
Oh, no, no, no. Just like Augustus became the personal embodiment of the Roman state, our President is now the personal embodiment of the American state. He can do whatever he wants via executive orders, selective enforcement, "national security" grounds, or if all else fails he can just make up some nonsensical shit to spout out to the public. There is no check on him. Bush got this sort of elected kingship going, and Obama has just taken it to the next level.
Bush was President. And he actually acted like it, mistakes and all.
The Zero isn't Augustus and there's no position in the US government for Emperor. Much as The Zero thinks he is one and the Lefties would love to have one.
Julie, as usual, blows smoke from the KosKidz talking points.
I would probably offer a negative comment but I have been through the Diversity Training programs of two Fortune 500 companies, so I know that I must respect other cultures.
No amount of "factual, actual" examples of the consequences of life in some cultures would sway the two female instructors into a non-respectful mode.
Perhaps if I could have just exchanged one of them for [Asia] Bibi justice would have been done on two continents.
Maybe she can escape to the West and be arrested for insulting homosexuals.
Well don't worry. They can run a film about her execution at that new mosque at Ground Zero to foster understanding and tolerance of the religion of peace.
That will teach us all we need to know about tolerance. Right. RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They can run a film about her execution at that new mosque at Ground Zero to foster understanding and tolerance of the religion of peace.
Meanwhile, Muslims burn hundreds of Koran all at once (while a girl school was destroyed) and the Muslim street . . . yawns.
Just so we all know what it takes to get the outrage going.
Islam and it's enabler known as Leftism are hand an hand the most nefarious, dangerous cable that has ever existed. Fuck Islam and fuck it's practitioners. You know who you are. If you are a Muslim you really should become an apostate and leave it immediately. Either towards Christianity or at least Atheism. You are a death cult practitioner and stories like this illustrate that every time. Your religion is hopeless.
Just for the record, pagans in Europe shared equal billing on those witch-burnings, maybe top billing. They increased in frequency as one travels east, with what we now call Central Europe, and specifically SE Germany/Austria/Czech areas being the center. An area that saw another rise in violent paganism not so long ago.
Not to let the Christians off. They shared in the horror. But just because the duke says you're all Christians now doesn't mean you are.
The intelligentsia hrumph and role their eyes when they hear the phrase "war on terror" from the lips of George W. Bush and his ilk, as well they should, but not for the reasons they suppose.
The soi disant progressives insist that there is no clash of civilizations implicit in our dealings with the Muslim world, and they are correct, but not for the reasons they suppose.
The oikophobic left all agree Islam is a religion of peace, and so it is, but not for the reasons they suppose.
Quaestor said...
The oikophobic left all agree Islam is a religion of peace, and so it is, but not for the reasons they suppose.
Fitna Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcvSkDJ6HuQ
Fitna Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZI0DFhcarY
See what the filth of Islam want to do to you, everyone you know, and everything you have come to know. These are the sub-human animals that have no regard for anything of decency or rightness. I am a warrior against Islam. I will fight it to my dying breath and it's handmaiden Leftism.
"According to AsiaNews.it, Asia Bibi is only 37 and has only 2 children."
Oh. Well, that's all right then.
Journalism FAIL. I don't know for sure who was the Jayson Blair here, but I suspect the Telegraph dudes stationed in Pakistan failed to go to see the family at home.
I come from a rough neighborhood. I'm tellin' ya. What, you kiddin' me? In my neighborhood, after my HS football team sacked the quarterback, we went after his family!
"They would never do that here."
"You mean, here, in the USA?"
"No, i mean here, sitting at my desk."
Of course, I live in a country where we put people in prison for possessing dead plant leaves, many times with sentences that amount to a life term.
"Israel must be to blame."
Take a look at this speech by Anne Bayefsy.
Ann- I know you dont delete any comments- but would you please delete the one where the person is advertising his baseball caps etc?
Because that comment is so totally off topic. TIA
Folks- check this article out- talk about how ignorant, politically correct fools in the main streammedia, and others of their ilk are trying to "defend" Islam and explain why Islam is OK, but us folks in the uSA are a bunch of racist, ignorant-assed fools.
"Iran does shit like this and the Republicans yell for an invasion.
Pakistan does shit like this and both the Democrats and Republicans send them money."
That's because Pakistan has nukes, which are controlled by a nasty-but-relatively-sane government now threatened by invading Islamic radicals in cahoots with their hostile neighbors.
Which is why we shouldn't let Iran get nuclear weapons.
sunglasses @ 4:56am hit the nail on the head. Nothing more needs said.
Christian mission work to the Muslims is growing! I give money to a group that translates masters and doctoral level evangelical theology into Arabic and Chinese and posts it on the internet for free.
China is currently the most Christian nation on earth with an estimated 100 million or more Christians who are willing to face persecution. The efforts to convert the Muslim world will escalate, more Muslims will convert, and it will make things even more upsetting for the sons of Hagar who wish our death.
Interesting times.
I am glad I am on the winning side.
mdchaney said: "Of course, I live in a country where we put people in prison for possessing dead plant leaves, many times with sentences that amount to a life term."
Yes, that's about the same as being sentenced to death for blasphemy.
I feel for you. How can I contribute to your legal defense fund? Do you take PayPal?
I guess these two situations appear equivalent, to a pot-head. Addled stoners like you couldn't be a better advertisement against legalization if you wore a sandwich board everywhere proclaiming "I'm a self-absorbed lazy idiot, and this is what marijuana has wrought."
"get with the program! This isn't the '50's!""
Closer to "it isn't the 16th century".
" former law student said...
Liberals in Pakistan have been trying to get rid of the blasphemy law for years, but social conservatives have stood firm against reform."
What despicable slime fls is to tar conservatives with the actions of these people.
Thanks to google, I see the late great Leonard Levy wrote a history of blasphemy, a capital offense in American colonies such as Virginia and Connecticut. Four Quakers were executed for blasphemy in Massachusetts in 1659 -- their punishment was banishment but they were foolhardy enough to return to the colony, knowing that returning meant death.
You can see fls' anti-americanism here. He can never let anything stand for itself, and certainly never condemn anything other than America. Every negative event elsewhere must be responded to by pointing out that America has done something wrong, no matter how irrelevant.
@FLS, this makes them only 350 years behind us.
I'll be sure never to visit either modern-day Pakistan or 17th century America. Or 17th century Pakistan, for that matter.
I'll just have to content myself with living in modern-day America.
@FLS, this makes them only 350 years behind us.
There you go.
But I don't think Pakistani Christians can wait. US churches should sponsor Pakistani families. Getting visas should be easy, because they have a well-founded fear of persecution, because lynch mobs have been killing Christians accused of blasphemy.
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