Bragging and threatening, Christine O'Donnell-style. Wait. Did she really say that? Howard Fineman, in HuffPo, says that 2 "top GOP insiders" told him she said that. I'm skeptical, especially about the verbatim quote. What sort of top insiders hurt their party's candidate so badly?
If there really are such people and O'Donnell has to deal with them, maybe it's good that she has the balls to push them back like that. Who are they? What was the whole context of the discussion? Hey, remember when it was oh-so-horrible to take quotes out of context?
And isn't it funny, now that the Democrats are over-the-top desperate, that the GOP is desperate too? Could somebody please remain calm and sane? We're going to need some folks left with enough mental stability to govern. It can't be the tea partiers, can it? They've always been so crazy and angry. I read it in HuffPo.
६३ टिप्पण्या:
They've always been so crazy and angry.
I think the word you are looking for is "resolute."
Or maybe "determined."
Ann wrote:
"Could somebody please remain calm and sane? We're going to need some folks left with enough mental stability to govern."
I dunno. The calm and sane seem to have mucked things up pretty badly. Let's see what the crazies can do.
This short, direct ad says it best without mentioning any party.
Ignored us
Can't wait to see the Howard Finemans, Clarence Pages, Joe Kleins, Maureen Dowds, Frank Riches & Chris Mathews put out to pasture. They will be one big group of angry, frustrated cranks at their old people's home.
Harry Reid told a high ranking Democrat friend of mine that he thought Pelosi's husband was on the take.
The word is livid, and there is no hysteria (unlike the liberal nutcases), just hell bent determination.
I'm always *highly* skeptical of anonymous quotes that might make a Republican look bad.
It's gonna be a bumpy ride to Nov. 2!
Both times W. won election, many on the left went completely crazy even being self destructive, and claiming disabilities and depression over it.
When in 2008, the right was equally disappointed including substantial real economic reason to be despondent, they simply got active, expressed themselves, and got involved in the democratic process without much of that whining and narcissism.
These groups are distinctly different people, with different values, methods, and hopefully results. The great thing is that anyone can grow from one type to the other, if they wish to.
Hope and Change!
I've been watching Chris Matthew's show lately (all the dour faces are a kick). As a result, I've been listening to Howard Fineman lately. Based on that exposure, I am highly skeptical of this report. He's a Democratic stooge.
Crazy right is exactly what we need...Crazy STUPID...we got plenty of...obama...libs...dems...
If it's anonymous and in the Huffington Post, reason for doubt,
then again they never apologized for
the lies that were printed about the '08 campaign, I 'm surprised that Fineman, ended up there. O'Donnell
has been a colleague of Hannity, it doesn't fit the smell test
"maybe it's good that she has the balls to push them back like that"
She's got more balls than some of her fellow TPers who are being lame. Of course, O'Donnell's already willing to unquestionably push the philosophy of an ever expanding empire. It's not as if her "balls" are motivating her to take on the boilerplate policies of the GOP. she just doesn't like the GOP money folks because they don't like her (and won't give her campaign that already has millions of dollars, is producing dumb ads, and is fifteen points behind any more money). Her "balls" seem best suited to a schoolyard hair pulling contest, rather than the senate.
It appears that the GOP movers and shakers are out to stop Palin's run-away train. Valiant Christine O'Donnell's campaign has accidentally become for them like Guadalcanal was for the Japanese Army and Navy who are expecting her to surrender anytime now faced with Battleship shellings from out of the darkness by the GOP owned part of the media. Only problem is that like the 1st Marines, Christine has no where to go and with or without supplies she refuses to bend her knee to them and instead has shouted back, "Karl Rove can eat shit".
She can afford to be arrogant. O'Donnell has been well rewarded for hanging out the red meat for her base,and knows that no matter how the election turns out she has a future role at Fox and with the money behind the the Tea Party. This is the kind of sanity we are rewarding these days.
(The Crypto Jew)
and with the money behind the the Tea Party.
What money would that be, R-V? unlike OFA or CAP or a host of Progressive organizations the TEA Party is self-financing…of course if it makes you feel better, imagine a “Shadowy cabal” backing them.
(The Crypto Jew)
This is the kind of sanity we are rewarding these days.
Unlike the other kind of sanity, that requires $787 Billion, then another $50-60 billion, and then ANOTHER $50 billion, and Cap and Trade and Health Care “Reform”. Because THAT “sanity” is ever so much better.
That Cap and Trade bill they pushed through was the last straw!
I agree that it smells funny.
On the other hand, the "GOP Insiders" have potentially a lot to lose if the O'Donnells, Palins, Angles and others get hold of the throttle.
We the people are sick and tired of insiders of all political stripes. We are sick and tired of being told that only folks from Harvard/Yale are good enough for the Supreme Court.
We are sick and tired of all the friends of both the Demmies and Repos being rewarded with our tax money.
We are tired and fed up. On November 3, the insiders, of all stripes, can start packing their bags.
It may take a couple of election cycles to get rid of all of them but we will.
Support term limits. Never vote for an incumbent.
John Henry
Garage, the House did pass a version of Cap & Tax I believe.
Even if all the negative hyperbole about some of these Tea Party candidates was true, it hard to accept that they are worse than the alternative which in nearly all cases is more of what got us where we are today.
I'm looking at candidates for how they will vote on legislation. If they happen to be a witch or a Harvard grad, or an illegal alien for that matter, I don't care. I'm voting for the votes they will cast, I'm not voting for who I like or even respect. It's about outcomes.
What happens to this nation will be determined by their votes, not their style, religion or ability to articulate. That stuff may help, but the choices are pretty clear on what kind of votes we will get in congress from who we elect.
There is no solace in watching your preferred style of person vote against your interests over and over.
I stand amazed at the paucity of weapons available to be fired at Palin, O'Donnell, Angle and the other tea party women candidates. All the professional critics can come up with is that:1) They are only in it for money, fame and clothes like normal ditsy Hollywood starlets, and 2) they are mere women without a male politician's abilities, as told by versions of the old Blonde jokes fad. No wonder these candidates are causing such consternation and fear in both the Obama camp and the Bush camp. The courage and abilities of these ladies under fire are making those 2 attacks seem silly nonsense in the voters eyes. Stay tuned for some surprising election results.
As that lady told Obama, "I'm tired of defending you."
I don't want to be that lady, who voted for a person she liked, rather than what he clearly would or could do. It's buying the packaging, not the product that usually leads to buyer's remorse.
If she said it, she didn't say it like that. It doesn't sound like her style. It sounds pretty snarky and I haven't heard anything from her that sounds snarky. Maybe she has, but I haven't heard it. (Coons I could imagine saying somthein like that). Also, right after the primary she was on Hannity and said point blank she wasn't going to do anymore national media.
Joe, Jane Mayer's article in the New Yorker does a credible job of spotlighting the millions of dollars the Koch brothers, and Dick Army have poured in to the Tea Party to sweep away the delusion that the Tea Party is self-financing.
That Cap and Trade bill they pushed through was the last straw! for the Democrats, they're not competent enough to actually pass all the harmful legislation that they write.
Great campaign slogan.
(The Crypto Jew)
R-V, and yet every rally I go to, I pay my own way….Tell yourself it’s “astro-turf” if you want to. You point out the Centre for American Progress equivalent for the TEA Party. I’ll wait…you know the central organizing agency of the TEA Party Movement…Oh that’s right there ISN”T one…sorry.
Thank you for contributing, though.
The man waving a meat cleaver around and yelling profanities at Democrat supporters this week in WA wasn't crazy or angry. Just an independent, fiscally concerned person concerned with the amount of spending going on.
Or maybe "determined."
Fed up is my feeling.
(The Crypto Jew)
The man waving a meat cleaver around and yelling profanities at Democrat supporters this week in WA wasn't crazy or angry. Just an independent, fiscally concerned person concerned with the amount of spending going on.
Well if you got any EVIDENCE, that he was a TEA Party activist, please whip it out. Had he been a member of the New Black Panteher Party, he’d have been safe, no doubt. Heck it could have been Robert Cook for all YOU know.
Joe, Jane Mayer's article in the New Yorker does a credible job of spotlighting the millions of dollars the Koch brothers, and Dick Army have poured in to the Tea Party to sweep away the delusion that the Tea Party is self-financing.
If they could only be self financing and pure like say, MoveOn.
The man waving a meat cleaver around and yelling profanities at Democrat supporters this week in WA wasn't crazy or angry. Just an independent, fiscally concerned person concerned with the amount of spending going on.
Indeed. If only those Tea Partiers were examples of civility and decorum like the Code Pink, MoveOn and Answer folks were.
roesch-voltaire said...
Joe, Jane Mayer's article in the New Yorker does a credible job of spotlighting the millions of dollars the Koch brothers, and Dick Army have poured in to the Tea Party to sweep away the delusion that the Tea Party is self-financing.
garage mahal said...
I'm always *highly* skeptical of anonymous quotes that might make a Republican look bad.
Original Mike said...
I've been watching Chris Matthew's show lately (all the dour faces are a kick). As a result, I've been listening to Howard Fineman lately. Based on that exposure, I am highly skeptical of this report. He's a Democratic stooge.
You should never believe a single thing the main stream media publishes or broadcasts about the political process. It is tainted by a bais so deep that you almost have to assume the complete oppisite to be true. Simply put they lie.
I am willing to bet that they made this up out of whole cloth.
The only thing worse than a journalist is a lawyer.
Hey garage, I saw your comment in that other thread where you posted that a suspension of payroll tax on employers and employees would be a great boon to the economy and would create jobs.
I'm glad you were able to recover your stolen Blogger password and wondered if you ever found out who was posting under your name?
We have to turn the political process upside down. Professional politicians of both parties need to be driven out of office. Both Republican and Democrats.
They are part of the problem not the solution.
RV, the Koch brothers have long been supporters of libertarian ideals and it's no surprise they exercise their First Amendment rights with their own money to speak in favor of limited government. They still can't hope to compete with the likes of President Obama using federal funds to fly to a state-supported rally in Wisconsin and openly stump for Democrats where no signs but those his party provided were allowed...
Fear the government Leviathan and its unlimited borrowing and police powers, not a couple of independent voices.
The tea party is large and in charge. This frightens the two parties, and with good reason. Jefferson said it was important for the country that our leaders understand and appreciate the inherent rebeliousness of the American people. The tea party has reminded them, and the cans and crats are having a moment as they adjust to the new information.
I was going to say that I doubt she said it, since skirts don't come with pockets, but then Althouse goes to talking about her balls......
I have no problem with Mr. Meat Cleaver being a tea party guy. You think he is scarry, you should meet my cousin, Mr. Asault Rifle.
Could somebody please remain calm and sane?
At your service. But I'm a little cynical. Hope that's okay.
Professional politicians of both parties need to be driven out of office. Both Republican and Democrats.
They are part of the problem not the solution.
Inspector Kemp: A riot is an ungly thing... undt, I tink, that it is chust about time ve had vun!!
Young Frankenstein, 1974
This is very simple ... the mainstream Republican establishment is as corrupt, arrogant, elitist and venal as the Democrats and Liberals.
Message to the Republican establishment: after the 2010 elections? It's pooter time, baby. Ready the Bag Balm.
Of course the Democrats and Republicans are desperate. The unkempt masses aren't following the game plan of keeping the established ruling class in power.
In the words of Jesse Ventura: Because both of these parties they are like pro wrestling, Joy. On the camera they tell you they hate each other and they`re going to destroy each other. Behind the scenes they`re working together, they are cozy with each other, they go to dinner, and they cut deals.
I now advocate the same thing George, Tom, and John advocate. You know who they are?
George Washington, Tom Jefferson, and John Adams. Abolish political parties.
Both parties suck, the Republicans just suck a little less right now.
(The Crypto Jew)
George Washington, Tom Jefferson, and John Adams. Abolish political parties.
It was a stoopit and foolish idea then and still is…it’s not like there some giant conspiracy to establish parties…they emerged from the personal/ideological factions that existed in the beginning. If you strike them down, they shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine! They emerge and persist, because they are useful.
Many cities have non-partisan elections for mayor, city council, etc. It works just fine. Unions used to actually serve worker. Now they serve self-perpetuation and the union hierarchy but are still more useful than political parties. The best thing a voter can do is be independent, whether registered in a party or not. During my lifetime, I've been a registered Democrat (am now), Republican and Indepentent. I've voted Democrat, Republican, Libertarian and something else once (not Perot) for president. Sticking with a party is a fools game for the average American.
At least it's not Bill O'Rielly in her back pocket, 'cause he'd probably bring his falafel.
(The Crypto Jew)
Many cities have non-partisan elections for mayor, city council, etc. It works just fine.
Do you realize who pushed for those? The Minority PARTY! That’s right, by pulling “politics” out of the race, supposedly, it made it easier for Republicans to run and win, in Democratic machine cities……And parties STILL commit resources to electing mayors to non-partisan elections. Just because you are “non-partisan” doesn’t mean you aren’t still a Republican or Democrat. You just don’t have to list it on the ballot.
As to voters, be an Independent if you wish, but in a closed primary state you don’t and shouldn’t get a vote in the primary, UNLESS two or more Independents are running for an office. Be “independent” if you want, but generally you’ll end up voting one party more often than not, any way….
I can't decide who has the more hilariously out of touch, Baghdad Bob style propaganda posts: America's Politico or traditionalguy. The bunker mentality of their posts is hilarious.
the ohhhh so horrible state of politics - exemplified by even quoting this nitwit at all...
has the right wing no one better to be put forth as a candidate for the Senate?
Jim... AP is a parody. But I mean everything that I say. Can you accept that electoral politics is a war without violence, but nevertheless a war to depose one set of ruling powers and replace them with a rebel set of ruling powers? If you can accept that, then come up on the hill and fight. Peace breaks out the day the enemy is removed from office. And Obama is everybody's enemy.
What sort of top insiders hurt their party's candidate so badly?
**cough** Sarah Palin's 2008 handlers **cough**
If Ms. O'Donnell loses by double digits it won't matter who is in her back pocket.
Latest Rasmussen
It can sometimes be lonely on "the moral high ground"
Hell hath no fury like a RINO scorned, unless it might be a Demo. Frankly, I can't see putting any trust in anything Fineman (whom I believe is one of Ubermoronn's sock puppets) would post on Puffington.
DADvocate said...
Of course the Democrats and Republicans are desperate. The unkempt masses aren't following the game plan of keeping the established ruling class in power.
And there is the reason why.
has the right wing no one better to be put forth as a candidate for the Senate?
They wanted Alvin Greene but he was already taken.
it made it easier for Republicans to run and win, in Democratic machine cities……And parties STILL commit resources to electing mayors to non-partisan elections.
So? Gee, I wonder if it's easier to win because voters actually vote on the issues rather than the party. Ya think?
but in a closed primary state you don’t and shouldn’t get a vote in the primary, UNLESS two or more Independents are running for an office.
Why not? Taxpayer money is paying for the elections. You're just citing a perfect example of how the Dems/Repubs squeeze out other, sometimes better, candidates using our money. Good example of how they deny us the freedom to vote as we choose.
Of course, I get around this by changing my party affiliation to whichever party has the candidate I like best, or second best if the best candidate is an independent or a shoe-in in the other party.
She will need Sean Hannity brainlessly extolling her wisdom after O'Donnell loses by double digits.
Watch out for that unspent campaign money folks like traditionalguy have been raiding their retirement accounts to gove her! I don't see Fox in her future because as the #1 entertainment and #1 Cable news network they can't veer too far from "fair and balanced". Hannity pushes it.
My guess is she becomes a paid speaker on the Christian circuit or paid by democrats to come in and derail a viable Republican candidate in Republican primaries because he or she doesn't pass religious right purity tests.
Message to the Republican establishment: after the 2010 elections? It's pooter time, baby. Ready the Bag Balm. (11:45)
If only ....
For what it's worth...
Last time they had elections in this area even the candidates for sheriff or judge had political parties displayed on the lawn signs... "Vote for Sheriff Joe - Democrat". And it didn't seem to favor one or the other either, as if people wanted to hide if they were the "wrong" party but shout out if they were the one they thought people would vote for.
This cycle? 2010?
None of the lawn signs have a visible-from-the-street R or D on them. Not for State offices, not for National, and not for Sheriff.
I'm sure it means something. I'm just not really sure what.
C4 wrote: My guess is she becomes a paid speaker on the Christian circuit or paid by democrats to come in and derail a viable Republican candidate in Republican primaries because he or she doesn't pass religious right purity tests.
Funny, I'd have thought you'd say she'll become Obergruppenführerin enforcing the new RINOheitsgebot to be enacted next year to make the party RINOfrei.
You really don't want Sean 'spamitty' Hannity in your back pocket honey. The guy is a dipshit sorry excuse for a conservative.
Howard Fineman is making shit up.
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