... but even with an ape mask over her head part of the time, we see far too much of the poor girl's sad face:
Even when the judges come up with some nice things to say about her dancing, she can't smile. Please, let the girl go home! If you can bear — or ape — to watch the whole clip, you'll hear her, toward the end, say "I hate the jive." She means, presumably, the dance they were doing, "the jive." But wouldn't it be awesome if she were awake enough to mean all this bullshit I've been put through since as long as I can remember?
९५ टिप्पण्या:
Poor girl looks so lost!
She looks old when she dances.
I bet Meghan McCain can't wait to get permission to destroy this commoner Bristol that only has any attention paid to her at ball because of her parent's last name.
We could call this period as the Miseducation of Bristol Palin. Poor thing.
"I bet Meghan McCain can't wait to get permission to destroy this commoner Bristol that only has any attention paid to her at ball because of her parent's last name."
I expect Meghan to go full tilt Ron Reagan Jr.
She'll be voted off tonight so he can go home in peace.
Her personality seems to be a lot different than that of her baby's daddy. He seems to like showbiz. She seems to be suffocated by it.
She (unlike Meade, and the rest of the whiners here) may be able to dream of living in freedom w/o sounding like a total self-absorbed, historical ignoramus douche.
... full tilt Ron Reagan Jr.
I'm with Lars. I pretty much think Meghan is just about there anyway.
I think she is there because she signed up for it when she and Levi Johnston was going to get back together and do something together, and so she is going to do it, but it is not something she would do if she had not promised to do it.
1jpb said...
Her personality seems to be a lot different than that of her baby's daddy. He seems to like showbiz. She seems to be suffocated by it.
She (unlike Meade, and the rest of the whiners here) may be able to dream of living in freedom w/o sounding like a total self-absorbed, historical ignoramus douche.
As opposed to PB&J who can't seem to pose a question without predicating it on a lie and can't wait for that glorious day when we, too, live like the happy people in Greece.
if she looks sad there you should see her at home with mom
"But wouldn't it be awesome if she were awake enough to mean all this bullshit I've been put through since as long as I can remember?"
Ah, yes. Just another poor, exploited single mom. Victim, victim, victim.
Is this a reversion to type by the Prof?
O-o-h, Bristol, baby, break the chains that bind you!
BTW, do we suppose the "stars" bust their asses for free? Just askin'?
Maybe it's 'cause it's lunch time and I have a one track mind.
There is a sadness and a certain disappointment felt at her age when parents are pusing you out of the nest..."go to work, kid". But like old age, it beats the heck out of the alternative, which for a youngsre Bristol's age is to be a dependent that never learns from the school of hard knocks ( or is that the school of being knocked up ). God bless Bristol as she grows in wisdom and favor with men. She will make it some day, while Meghan McCain's only struggle will be looking for her trust Fund Trustee.
LarsPorsena: I expect Meghan to go full tilt Ron Reagan Jr.
Why bother? She's already gone full tit Ron Reagan, Jr.
"all this bullshit I've been put through since as long as I can remember?"
Congratulations for finding a quotation reference that cannot be Googled!
[making] a quotation reference...
I saw the clip. She is not quick and light and exuberant in the way of a naturally talented dancer. She did, however, make all the right moves in the right way at the right time. If she didn't demonstrate talent, she showed herself to be a methodical worker who doesn't fold under pressure. Give her points for that. Prior to this, she was working as a receptionist in some office. There's more money with this gig......Dept of Invidious Comparisons: Palin's daughter worked as a receptionist and goes on DWTS to pick up a few bucks. The son of Biden and the daughter of Clinton worked for hedge funds. The feeling here is that they picked up more bucks than Palin and that they had less aptitude for the trading desk than Palin had for the dance floor.
She's likely having a lot more fun than you think. She's spending time with bright, fun, energetic, dedicated people, playing with costumers and hairstylists, learning some new moves.
She looks cute as punch in that costume, and her feet and ankles look lovely in dance shoes.
Commenters here sound like a bunch of tut-tutting old toads.
Lighten up, folks.
William wrote: Dept of Invidious Comparisons: ....
I'm not sure about "invidious," but the comparisons are sublimely apropos to this political season.
What Janis Gore said.
Ah yes, it's Tuesday, the day of the week when Althouse let's her commentators once again demonstrate their civility by bashing the 20 year old daughter of a conservative woman.
Althouse (the woman) finds and links to a snarky column about Bristol Palin's dancing on Dancing With
the Stars by (another woman) Soraya Roberts.
Let's see...even before the comments section begins Althouse uses the words "poor girl", "sad face", "can't smile", "let the girl go home", "ape", and "if she were awake enough".
It's another attempt by educated, and older women to infantalize and demean a young woman.
Note that Althouse refers to Bristol Palin as "girl" twice in the post. This is to reduce and minimize Palin's standing as a person. She is not a woman, she is a "girl", and we will judge her for that, among other sins. She is not a woman; she is not one of "us".
Remember how feminist women used to hate being called a girl, or referred to as "the girls"? It's still a pretty big offense in most offices, sometimes worthy of the HR death penalty if it's said by a male.
But it's okay here, apparently, for an educated, accomplished feminist woman to refer to a struggling, young woman as "girl".
And to throw in "ape" for good measure, and suggest that she isn't "awake".
This is Althouse as Maureen Dowd. Dowd may not be capable of better things, but Althouse is.
Now let's see if this weeks comments are as fun and relevant as they were last week when the Althouse fan Titus was permitted to ramble on about anal sex in that post about Bristol Palin.
@Michael Haz
You think maybe Althouse is parodying Dowd? Meanness seems to be today's theme.
She's likely having a lot more fun than you think.
I don't watch the show, but I think it would be lots of fun to learn those dances from talented people. Less fun doing it in front of the whole world. But then, she signed up for the thing, not me, so lets assume she at least thought it would be fun.
The key is that she signed up for it. Nobody made her. So, I'm not inclined to feel sorry for her about it.
"This is Althouse as Maureen Dowd. Dowd may not be capable of better things, but Althouse is."
Really? when it comes to giving other women a fair shake, especially women who are more sexually alluring than the professor herself, this post is entirely in keeping with Althouse's MO.
Kathleen Parker, I presume.
Wow, full on snark mode. Kathleen, do you need some milk with those Friskies? Careful with the projection there.
Michael Haz, I didn't see anything in this post that wasn't evident in Althouse's post last week. Among other things, do you really think it's wrong for a person with two grown sons to refer to someone barely out of her teens, if that, as a "girl", or is this just some false outrage to give yourself that little frisson of moral superiority?
Normally I would agree with everything Michael H has to say about pretty much everything. And I hate how the Palins children have become the punching bag of the elite.
But when you go on a show like "Dancing with the Stars" you have to expect to take a few shots.
Especially some unfair shots. It's part and parcel of the deal with the devil.
I think Bristol has forfeited any claim to gentleness and consideration. She is in the same boat as Nene, Kim, Teresa Guidce, Caroline Manzo, Danielle Staub, Michale Saladhi, Snooki, JWOW, the Situation, Bethanny Frankel and Jill Zarin.
If you take the money you have to take your lumps.
Dancing is fun to learn, and can be very frustrating until the brain/body start using muscle memory in place of conscious memory. That is usually at least a 6 month learning delay. So Bristol would have the look of a Young woman determined to get the steps right for fear of disappointing the Queen Mother of Wasilla. But she will make a wonderful Princess Bride the day she dances at her wedding in the White House.
What I meant to say is that everyone knows that the evil blogger lady is indeed Nellie Olsen.
This is Althouse as Maureen Dowd. Dowd may not be capable of better things, but Althouse is.
I can see Althouse replacing Dowd. And Titus could do Frank Rich. I still wouldn't subscribe though. You know that old saying about getting the milk for free.
Trooper, dont you think that Bristol Palin has been the target of far more criticism, much of it malicious, than any other woman who appears on DWTS this season?
She is being singled out for that treatment because she is Sarah Palin's daughter. Did you notice what slight attention has been paid to the male contestants on this blog? It's all about Bristol, with the cover rationale akin to "she asked for it by joining DWTS."
Bristol: But Mom, it's no fun! I don't want to dance anymore!
Sarah: You listen to me, Bristol Otter Palin! You're going back out there! Palins aren't quitters!
Awkward silence.
Sarah: Gosh darn it, that was for the good of Alaska!
wv = vaggi Holy cucumbers!
Did you notice what slight attention has been paid to the male contestants on this blog?
Thank God for that!
It's all about Bristol, with the cover rationale akin to "she asked for it by joining DWTS.
Sure it's catty. That's why I think Althouse wants Dowd's Sunday gig.
Oh I agree with you Michael. Bristol is being beat up pretty good. Especially by the evil blogger lady so she can get some street cred with the resident libtards. But as I said, when you agree to go on one of these shows you don’t have any complaint about whatever is said about you.
I bet some of the people who are on these shows are pretty cool people in real life but they get smacked around unmercifully because they put themselves out there.
When I get my reality show, I am going to preface it by saying…..”I am not really a moron…I only play one on TV.”
Oh yeah. And on the Internets.
She is being singled out for that treatment because she is Sarah Palin's daughter
Which is why she got the gig in the first place. I have to agree with Trooper, if you take the money for a schlock reality show then you have to accept the tabloid coverage.
I hope the money was good.
Trooper, dont you think that Bristol Palin has been the target of far more criticism, much of it malicious, than any other woman who appears on DWTS this season?
It probably helps that I know who none of those other women on DWTS this season are except for Snookie, and Snookie jokes are totally played out.
So...what exactly is your point?
Conservatives sure get their feeling hurt a lot it seems like these days.
Garage...And what's more the libs don't call, don't send flowers...they only tell us to put some ice on it. May be this is becoming the day of The Angry Lambs not agreeing to be fleeced and slaughtered anymore. And have a nice day on November 3rd.
I give her a lot of credit. She clearly is not a dancer, but she's hanging in there. Her partner seems very protective of her.
Did someone force this woman to go on the show? I am not quite getting Ann's victim routine here. I assume she wanted to do this. If she now has found that it is not fun, well sometimes life is like that.
And as far as Megan McCain goes, the only thing between her and the inevitable Playboy spread is her daddy's bank account. McCain makes Bristol Palin seem downright dignified.
Meghan McCain makes Snookie look dignified.
@garage mahal: Will it be breaststroke, crawl, or dog paddle on Nov 3 for you?
Good idea, Mr. Haz. I believe I'll look up clips of Kurt Warner and Rick Fox.
To critique the dancing, of course.
I can see Althouse replacing Dowd. And Titus could do Frank Rich.
I would think that Titus has already done Frank Rich by now.
I just love your screen name Janis Gore.
I always picture a polar bear wearing a feather boa drinking Southern Comfort.
It's fair game to criticize Bristol Palin for her dancing abilities. She is, after all, participating in a television show about dancing.
The other pettiness is unnecessary.
It probably helps that I know who none of those other women on DWTS this season are except for Snookie, and Snookie jokes are totally played out.
How can you not know who Florence Henderson is?
Hello? Mrs. Carol Brady? A little Wessonality?
But Michael...pettiness is what this blog is all about.
In fact there should be a tag to that effect.
How generous, Trooper.
Much better than a prissy old stick wearing a feather boa and drinking Southern Comfort.
@garage mahal: Will it be breaststroke, crawl, or dog paddle on Nov 3 for you?
Maybe none! Feingold just pulled into a tie in a recent poll. Dems appear to be surging. Great news eh?
Hey I love polar bear.
The only ones I like better are
bi-polar bears.
And by bi-polar I refer to their mental state not their sexual preferences.
Wait a minute. A bi-sexual polar bear would be awesome!
Just imagine Al Gore getting a massage by a bi-sexual polar bear.
Man that would be a freakin reality show!
The only ones I like better are
bi-polar bears.
Sorry. Polar bears are only at the North Pole, not the South.
Dems appear to be surging. Great news eh?
That's not fair. It must be the work of America's Politico.
wv = "culardi" Italian slang for a metabolically challenged a-hole.
Wouldn't that be something if America's Politico is right. Oh boy!
I am your firewall.
How can you not know who Florence Henderson is?
Oh, is she on this season? Well, add her but who is going to make fun of Mrs. Brady? No one.
Sorry MM, I took this for a list of people participating this season “She is in the same boat as Nene, Kim, Teresa Guidce, Caroline Manzo, Danielle Staub, Michale Saladhi, Snooki, JWOW, the Situation, Bethanny Frankel and Jill Zarin.” That must not be the case. Like I said, don’t watch the show.
Further research shows that this might be the current cast:
The Season 11 dancing contestants will include singer Brandy, "Jersey Shore's" Mike "The Situation" Sorrentino, "Dirty Dancing" actress Jennifer Grey, "The Hills" starlet Audrina Patridge, teen mom Bristol Palin, crooner Michael Bolton, Super Bowl quarterback Kurt Warner, comedian Margaret Cho, former NBA star Rick Fox, rapper and former Disney Channel star Kyle Massey, TV veteran Florence Henderson -- and the one and only David Hasselhoff.
I definitely know a few more of those people.
garage -
You're engaging in some wishful thinking there: the poll doesn't show Feingold in a tie. It shows Johnson ahead by 2.
Now given that's in a poll with an almost 5% MOE, you COULD call that a tie if you closed your eyes and wished hard enough; but it's more likely that Feingold is behind by more like 7 given that EVERY OTHER POLL has said precisely that including the Reuters poll out today.
And I'm pretty sure that NO ONE has ever accused Reuters of being a Republican front group.
And perhaps you can point me to the historical polling accuracy from St. Norbert College since they're your new favorite pollster?
I definitely know a few more of those people.
The question is: Who does althouse know, and does she think her readers know so as to generate conversation?
Bristol Palin fits the bill pretty well.
I've seen lots of scathing commentary on The Situation's performance elsewhere, but I doubt Althouse knows who he is (and he's gone now anyway). Ditto for Audrina Partridge (who?) and Rick Fox. It's just not very interesting to comment on the performance of people who are essentially anonymous.
We shall see Jim. Dems are undeniably surging in many races. Make of that what you will. The more the public sees the crop of new Republicans, the less they like. My own internal polling shows this as well.
It's just not very interesting to comment on the performance of people who are essentially anonymous.
Exactly. That was what I was trying to say.
My own internal polling shows this as well.
I see Garage is comparing notes with Pauline Kael again.
My own internal polling shows this as well.
Those voices again?
WI: GOP will over-reach. GOP will self-destruct. GOP will kill each other. Why?
Now you're really sounding like AP Garage!
Obama/Biden will win again in 2012.
I had just listed some of the most famous personalities in reality television. Any right thinking American would know who they are.
Sharpen up baby.
Garage you are getting polled internally.
I know you miss Titus like I do so it is nice of you to pick up the slack.
Thanks buddy.
Send out an intervention team for Garage Mahal. Someone has taken over control of his faculties and now speaks through him with the voice of America's Politico. He was a good commenter and now the poor guy is suffering from Post Traumatic Election Loss Syndrome, and like Major Hassan it manifested itself before the Election happened. Hmmm.
Garage you are getting polled internally
He said his own internal polling. How is that even physically possible? Garage must be pretty floppy.
My suggestion: Just give up. Save your money. Save your energy. GOP/Tea Party needs to focus on nurturing leaders: Ryan, Christie Daniels, etc. As a professional courtesy, I am giving you free advice to focus on 2016.
Is it possible that the very charming, Bristol Palin, is currently suffering from impostor syndrome?
Is it possible that the very charming, Bristol Palin, is currently suffering from impostor syndrome?
Penny, why project Garage's symptoms onto poor Bristol Palin?
P.S. I always suspected you were psychic. ;)
El Pollo Real wrote: Penny, why project Garage's symptoms onto poor Bristol Palin?
Is there some reason to believe Garage is competent?
wv: "horkpu" = each day as their political prospects dim the left spews more and more of it.
That hurts. Thanks a lot!
garage wrote: Wouldn't that be something if America's Politico is right. Oh boy!
So, at what level will the projected deficit be high enough to suit you?
May we assume you are childless?
Have 4 kids. Two with medical conditions. I already have real high out of pocket expenses, and trusting Republicans and insurance companies to do the right thing is totally out of the question. I'm sure you can understand I vote for my own best interest.
I'm sure you can understand I vote for my own best interest.
I do understand that. And I'm sure you can respect the same for me and mine. HRC means that my HD plan and HSA will not qualify and my employer will cease to offer it.
Let me know if and when that ever happens Pollo. I'm curious.
GM wrote: I'm sure you can understand I vote for my own best interest.
We all do, up to a point. Personally, I try to consider the future best interests of my children and grandchildren as well.
In that context, the Obama/Reid/Pelosi projected deficit is too high for me. Let me repeat my question: At what level will the projected deficit be too high for you?
The deficit actually came down last year. Bet you didn't know that. The comfortable deficit levels? I don't know. You tell me since you seem to have a firm number in mind.
Maybe none! Feingold just pulled into a tie in a recent poll. Dems appear to be surging.
Must be the result of that NM Gubernatorial candidate's giving out border security funds.
GM wrote: You tell me [a comfortable deficit level] since you seem to have a firm number in mind.
The number I have in mind is $0. The folks who run the biggest deficits are the folks who run up the national debt the most. In this case I believe them to be your folks.
Those are the folks I vote against for the sake of my children and grandchildren.
Unfortunately, folks who believe that Obama and the Dems have the health care solutions are called "dupes." But good luck with that.
I'm sorry about your kids health problems. My kids and my grandkids have had them too and we have had some pretty high out of pocket expenses. It never occurred to me that Congress should have gotten someone else to pay them.
The number I have in mind is $0. The folks who run the biggest deficits are the folks who run up the national debt the most. In this case I believe them to be your folks.
I believe the last time is was at $0 a Democrat was President. This Andrew Malcolm article is probably his worst, or the next time he writes again. Historically, Democratic presidencies have all outperformed republican ones, going back to Hoover. If you would like to real data, instead of this dreck, I will be happy to show you. Things like stock market performance, job growth, unemployment, GDP, etc.
Here is a graph that pretty much shows you what has happened to the deficit you're troubled with.
Shit! Last try to correct that link at 7:05.
Paul Krugman? Please.
GM wrote: I believe the last time is was at $0 a Democrat was President.
Presidents control budgets and deficits all by themselves? Who knew?
And: Historically, Democratic presidencies have all outperformed republican ones, going back to Hoover.
Depends on what you mean by "outperformed" doesn't it? And "presidencies" aren't "presidents."
One of the main things you need to know about this place, hombre, is never to take for granted the veracity of any "fact" Garbage offers you. Krugman's graph was for all levels of government; Federal spending has in fact accelerated, even if not as dramatically as some would have you believe. Speaking of Krugman, he wasn't comfortable with any of Bush's deficits, so that might serve as a starting point for talking about comfortable deficit levels.
I don't think she looked sad. She was smiling. I don't think she's a ham-it-up sort of person, though. Some of the biggest on-stage extroverts I've met were shy off-stage. Lots of people are outgoing until they get on-stage and then they have to work at it.
Also... I think they should have switched monkey suits so she was wearing the boy one, and he was wearing the girl one.
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