Mr. O’Reilly said, “The cold truth is that in the world today jihad, aided and abetted by some Muslim nations, is the biggest threat on the planet.”Williams managed to be a commentator on both NPR and Fox for quite a while, but I guess it was just too much to see him feeding red meat to O'Reilly just a few days after O'Reilly enraged Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg over the very same subject. These news media — Fox and NPR — want the image they want, and Williams did a great job, fitting into both templates for as long as he did.
Mr. Williams said he concurred with Mr. O’Reilly.
He continued: “I mean, look, Bill, I’m not a bigot. You know the kind of books I’ve written about the civil rights movement in this country. But when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see people who are in Muslim garb and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Muslims, I get worried. I get nervous.”
Mr. Williams also made reference to the Pakistani immigrant who pleaded guilty this month to trying to plant a car bomb in Times Square. “He said the war with Muslims, America’s war is just beginning, first drop of blood. I don’t think there’s any way to get away from these facts,” Mr. Williams said.
NPR said in its statement that the remarks “were inconsistent with our editorial standards and practices, and undermined his credibility as a news analyst with NPR.”
The response from lefties and righties is predictable. William Kristol says:
I suspect the powers-that-be at NPR pretty much think what Juan thinks. But the standards of political correctness must be maintained. Pressure groups speaking for allegedly offended Muslims must be propitiated. And so Juan had to go.Glenn Greenwald says:
Williams' trite attempt to glorify his bigotry as anti-P.C. Speaking of the Truth is inane, as his remarks were suffused with falsehoods...And so on.
Whether these latest comments were merely the opportunity they [NPR] were looking for to terminate their relationship with him, or whether it was caused solely by these disgusting comments, is unclear. But what is clear is that the anti-Muslim bigotry he spewed is both the proximate and cited cause....
Williams is now free of the need to preserve his relationship with NPR. I'm pretty interested to hear what he'll say now that he's shaken off the chains of PC-radio. Talk to us, Juan!
३६१ टिप्पण्या:
361 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»I guess he went against policy set from on high?
(The Crypto Jew)
So is not Juan a Man of Colour? this is just "straight up racism."
Once again the lie of the "tolerant" left is exposed. No surprise.
Message to Fox, hire the man.
I met Juan Williams in the summer of 2007. He is brilliant. I told him then Sen. Obama would win. He wished me well. I like his reports on radio, TV, and print.
Here is hoping he is back on air, so to speak.
He is better than MoDo, Ezra K and others in Journ"o"list, Sully, TPM, etc.
On Nov. 3, you all will get up with a hang-over. The GOP will be wiped out. Total demoralization. This is right. We Dems are the best and we have a right to stay in leadership (House: 224-228, Senate: 54-56). My latest polling.
Juan's problem is that he has never been considered a threatening black man. The choice for NPR was easy, they are more afraid of Muslims than ordinary black men.
What would Mr. Williams say to someone who admits to getting worried and nervous when they pass a black man on the street after dark.
Because one thing the left will not stand for is bigotry towards anyone that openly espouses a religious world view that includes opposition to homosexual marriage, abortion, and many tenants of feminism.
I heard those comments and was a little surprised he had the guts to say them; but a firing offense? They've been itching to get rid of Williams for a long time.
I like Williams, even though sometimes he seems detached from reality. Will be very interesting to listen to him going forward.
The truth and the Left can never coexist for long.
It's telling that with all the Liberal talking points Juan has spit out over the years, nobody once called to have him fired from Fox, but one step out of line and the oh-so enlightened Liberals cut him off at the knees.
De-fund NPR and the nation's collective I.Q. will jump ten points.
We Dems are the best and we have a right to stay in leadership
I hope that was parody as 9 million jobs have been lost since Pelosi was sworn in as Speaker and almost 3 trillion has been added to the debt since Obama took office.
Otherwise, it is fun to see a publicly funded instution cower regarding these comments.
It exemplifies modern "liberalism."
No one hates free speech like a progressive/leftist.
The pinnacle in ridiculous PC enforcement has been reached when saying that seeing someone self-identifying with a group your country is AT WAR with is cause for termination.
Time to update the WWII "Beat Back the Hun" poster and really hear some howling....
I've always thought that Juan was a very considered, measured news commentator. NPR is poorer for no longer having him.
And Glenn Greenwalt...well, what is there other than a stomach of bile belched on to a computer monitor?
Apparently all things cannot be considered.
This is another example of why O'Reilly's show is good, though: He gets his guests to say provocative things.
“A managed democracy is a wonderful thing… for the managers… and its greatest strength is a ‘free press’ when ‘free’ is defined as ‘responsible’ and the managers define what is ‘irresponsible’.”
This quote is a classic, but it is still as fresh as when it was first penned.
Fred4Pres wins the thread! That's hilarious!
Good one, Fred4.
I guess it was just too much to see him feeding red meat to O'Reilly just a few days after O'Reilly enraged Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg over the very same subject.
I guess it was just oo much to see him speaking his mind and stating the obvious to O'Reilly.......
There fixed it for you.
Self preservation and cautious observing of your surroundings, are politically incorrect in the eyes of the left. We must all wear blinders in the effort to pretend that there is no danger and no terrorism that almost exclusively arrises from the Muslim community.
Note to the liberal trolls. I DID not say ALL Muslims are terrorists so you can stuff that response.
America's Politico is right. Wednesday morning after election day, the news is going to report that despite all their advantages, the Republican party suffered humiliating defeat because Christine O'Donnell and Carl Paladino lost.
I was a bit surprised to see him guest-host for O'Rielly, although I think he did a good job. He's always been a decent pundit so it will be interesting to see how he does not that he's unshackled.
All this really does is ratchet up the "who's going to get fired next for what" contest which seems to perpetuate ad nauseum.
Juan just became a white man.
No one will try to explain to Juan why he shouldn't be concerned by Muslims on a plane because it is completely reasonable to be concerned. So his lefty comrades have to set him adrift because he doesn't "think" correctly.
I personally don't care much for the "provocative" nature of O'Reilly. Nor do I often watch it, so he may have improved. But in this case there was nothing outrageous said (unless the 9/11 Commission Report is verboten speech).
It's clear to me that Juan was fired for the substance of his remarks, not a slip of the tongue.
I like Williams because he is capable of discussing an issue from the left, without immediately resorting to name calling - bigot, racist, homophobe, Hitler, the usual leftist attack mode.
GG said: "Truth is inane, as his remarks were suffused with falsehoods..."
I wonger if Glenn could name two.
*clicks through and reads Glenn*
Hmmm, nope.
I think its long past time that NPR is getting tax dollars. They are often very good at certain things but are politically consistently leftist and as we see here, intolerant.
Something right wing and intolerant would never be in that position.
"De-fund NPR"
I stopped listening to NPR a long time ago (was a daily listener when I was young), but I listened to a Nina Totenberg report on the way up north a couple of weeks ago. It was about the Supreme Court (natch). I almost had to pull over to the side of the road to catch my breath when I heard her refer to Kagan replacing the Republican appointee Stevens (true, I know, but this tibet is suppose to educate the listeners?) and the Robert's Court as extreme right-wing.
Why do we still fund them? It's an outrage.
How is what Wiliams said bigoted? I bet Greenwald looks twice when he sees a Muslim garbed passenger on his plane! For Allah's sake,I bet every person looks twice. Do airlines keep stats on how many passengers switch planes when they see a few Muslim men are on the same flight? I bet there is anecdotal evidence out there at a minimum.
VW: comentsy
I've always admired Juan Williams even when I don't agree with his views at times.
He is reasonable, doesn't call names, stands his ground with dignity, argues with logic and at the end of any exchange comes off as a principled and pleasant person.
BTW: NPR is a part of the US Government or supported by the Government. Doesn't Juan have First Amendment rights?
Madison Man; I think Juan Williams would accuse the person of stealing the story from Jesse Jackson who said the same thing.
Juan Williams is a decent man. On one panel I saw him have to admit that his principally African-American congregation at his D.C. Episcopal church was vehemently opposed to gay and lesbian priests and bishops. It pained him but he was honest.
I don't think he is particularly smart but then most journalists aren't.
We need to cut government expenditures. I suggest we start with NPR. They can start running commercials like privately owned radio stations. I suggest the same for public television.
I bet Greenwald looks twice when he sees a Muslim garbed passenger on his plane!
I don't know. Greenwald is pretty stupid.
For years I woke up every morning to NPR and it was my primary source for news for at least 15 years. During the first Iraq war the coverage was so biased, and I realized I was being lied to at least half the time.
This action with Williams proves that the truth is not what they do, and I'm glad I haven't missed anything all these years.
I mostly disagree with Williams, but I've often been surprise with his honesty when disagreeing with other lefties. He's one of the few that I've seen who can be convinced with facts over ideology, and who can change his mind. He doesn't belong on NPR anyway. No one is more intolerant than the tolerance obsessed.
The Weekly Standard should hire him.
"How many fingers, Winston?"
"Four! Stop it, stop it! How can you go on? Four! Four!"
"How many fingers, Winston?"
"Five! Five! Five!"
"No, Winston, that is no use. You are lying. You still think there are four. How many fingers, please?"
"Four! Five! Four! Anything you like. Only stop it, stop the pain!"
...For a moment he clung to O'Brien like a baby, curiously comforted by the heavy arm round his shoulders. He had the feeling that O'Brien was his protector...
"You are a slow learner, Winston", said O'Brien gently.
"How can I help it?" he blubbered. "How can I help seeing what is in front of my eyes ? Two and two are four. "
"Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are five. Sometimes they are three. Sometimes they are all of them at once. You must try harder. It is not easy to become sane."
Fucking thing SUCKS!
I like Juan Williams because he's an honest opponent with whom I can occasionally share common ground. This is, in fact, the kind of personality that is so often extolled by people who claim to hate partisanship: reasonable but not fanatic, able to see both sides, gives honest opinions.
And what happens to this kind of person? He gets fired. By a publicly funded left-wing organization. And called a bigot. By a left-wing idiot. And people wonder why more of these people aren't in public life....
Juan Williams is to the Left what David Brooks is to the Right.
our editorial standards
Instapundint linked to some of the editorial "standards" or NPR, such as "Learn to Speak Tea Bag." Credibility my ass.
What would Mr. Williams say to someone who admits to getting worried and nervous when they pass a black man on the street after dark.
Jesse Jackson already went down that road when he told the story of being releaved that the two guys walking behind him one night were white. I suspect Juan would be just as honest. Are you hoping the truth won't be spoken?
He is reasonable, doesn't call names, stands his ground with dignity, argues with logic and at the end of any exchange comes off as a principled and pleasant person.
I agree.
DBQ said: "I've always admired Juan Williams even when I don't agree with his views at times.
He is reasonable, doesn't call names, stands his ground with dignity, argues with logic and at the end of any exchange comes off as a principled and pleasant person."
This comment mirrors my opinion of Williams.
The last time I listened to Williams on NPR he was moderating a discussion between some big time enviroweenie and a conservative. The conservative was quite dull in simply presenting facts to bolster every point he made, while the environut was just spouting emotional crap and trying to change the subject. Williams kept cutting off the conservative and allowing the envirowhacko to run roughshod all over the show. It was actually rather pathetic.
He was always better as a panelist.
What would Mr. Williams say to someone who admits to getting worried and nervous when they pass a black man on the street after dark.
Why hello, Jesse Jackson!
I hope Juan gets a better job out of all this. Fox would be smart as hell to hire him for his own show. It would give them a little balance and be more interesting than a lot of their talking heads.
As for his comments, we all make threat assessments and we're not PC about them because we can't afford to be. Everybody should read the Gift of Fear before they start throwing people to the wolves for admitting it.
MadisonMan said...
What would Mr. Williams say to someone who admits to getting worried and nervous when they pass a black man on the street after dark.
He'd say, "Hello, Jesse Jackson." Jackson once admitted to exactly that reaction.
During the cold war the Left were useful idiots for their puppetmasters in Moscow. During the war against Islamic fundamentalism the Left are agin proving their usefulness to their puppetmasters in Riyadh.
A foolish consistency is the hobglobin of little minds.
I commented over at Neptunus Lex that one must feel sorry for Juan in a way as he obviously spoke the truth as he felt it based on a reflection of a certain reality (I watched the program live,btw) but can you say "schandenfreude" in terms of the way the "usual suspects" on the left and in the black community who, at the drop-of-a-hat, call for the heads of whites employed in the media who say un-PC things about black crime rates?
I was answered by SCOTT who replied with what I thought was a superb analysis:
"I'm thinking Shirley Sherrod. Williams' comment seems bad, if you take it out of context. You have to look at what came later--this was just a set-up for what he was going to say. The problem is, as Christine O'Donnell is finding out, is that no one is interested in context, they are interested in scalps, especially if they fit the narrative. Think Progress and the HuffPo set their sights on Williams ( always suspect anyway for his association with The Evil Empire) and they didn't care about the facts. NPR reacted hastily, under fear of media pressure."
"Sounds like Vilseck to me"
And playing off the "out-of-context" theme, I should only point out Patriccos superb fisking (Linked via American Thinker) of the cowardly APs surreptitious un-commented-upon overnight re-write of their story about the O'Donnell-Coons debate, in which the next day's transmission of their earlier story was changed by word-count to have a 76% TOTALLY NEW verbiage--without publicly, officially, admitting any changes were made--all in an attempt to cover-up their willful and/or sloppy distortion of O'Donnell's comments in their original story.
Mr. Williams just admitted he sees four fingers.
Oops! That's what I get for taking so long to click Submit. Everybody beat me to the Jesse Jackson comment.
Defund NPR. Yep. We don't have the money for it and we do not need it.
If NPR thinks this incident won't be brought up for years, it should have a long talk with Dan Rather. I wish Mr. Williams all the best.
Maybe, just maybe, if everyone knew that folks with passports from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, etc. were sent to a special area for more intensive security screening at airports, then passengers would have more reason to know that such people posed no threat once they were cleared.
They could go through a shorter line & the rest of us could keep our water bottles and not take our shoes off -- a two-fer.
I guess it was just too much to see him feeding red meat to O'Reilly just a few days after O'Reilly enraged Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg over the very same subject.
If ANYTHING like this is true, I want the whole NPR thing ripped down. I mean, who in the fuck are Joy Behar and Whoopi I-don't-believe-in-the-moonlanding Goldberg?
Juan Williams embarrased himself by engaging in stereotypes and prejudice.
NPR has listeners of all sorts, even Muslims. I imagine they were thinking "let's not insult any of our listeners."
So, Althouse has no problem with this. Sad. You have to wonder if she would have a problem if his words were speaking to any ethnic or other group, like Latinos, Jews, Catholics, military personnel, teapartistas, etc.
Williams has been cashing in on his NPR relationship for a long time, and abusing it on Fox.
So, I kind of like him, but he screwed the pooch and should take responsibility for his actions like a big boy. He's all grown up now.
If NPR thinks this incident won't be brought up for years, it should have a long talk with Dan Rather. I wish Mr. Williams all the best.
Maybe, just maybe, if everyone knew that folks with passports from Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, etc. were sent to a special area for more intensive security screening at airports, then passengers would have more reason to know that such people posed no threat once they were cleared.
They could go through a shorter line & the rest of us could keep our water bottles and not take our shoes off -- a two-fer.
And, no, it has nothing to do with The View. That's a stupid statement. A complete fabrication.
His use and abuse of the NPR name on Fox has been a simmering issue for a long time. I know because I've written emails to NPR over this.
NPR code of ethics:
9. NPR journalists must get permission from the Vice President for their Division or their designee to appear on TV or other media. It is not necessary to get permission in each instance when the employee is a regular participant on an approved show. Permission for such appearances may be revoked if NPR determines such appearances are harmful to the reputation of NPR or the NPR participant.
10. In appearing on TV or other media including electronic Web-based forums, NPR journalists should not express views they would not air in their role as an NPR journalist. They should not participate in shows electronic forums, or blogs that encourage punditry and speculation rather than rather than fact-based analysis.
As a fellow Hispanic, I think they should have fired him long ago for consistently mispronouncing his first name.
He may be many things, but wan is not one of them.
He'd say, "Hello, Jesse Jackson." Jackson once admitted to exactly that reaction.
But what would Juan Williams really say? I've never heard him address that particular question, and I think it's interesting one given his reaction to garbed muslims.
TCE said: "Whoopi I-don't-believe-in-the-moonlanding Goldberg?"
Are you serious? She's a moon truther??
"NPR has listeners of all sorts, even Muslims. I imagine they were thinking "let's not insult any of our listeners."
How many fingers do you see, Alpha?
I like Juan Williams although do not agree with some of his opinions--Alpha Liberal: Is not Mara Liason also an NPR commenter? And she appears regularly on Fox--or at least used to although I gave up my TV 3 years ago. My knowledge of recent TV is non-existent and quite dated.
NPR has listeners of all sorts, even Muslims.
That is true, Alpha. And I'll bet most of those Muslims also entertain a moment of suspicion when they see Muslims at the airport. It isn't as if 9/11 is forgotten by any of us. When I see Muslims at the airport, I get a twinge of "what if?" Then, like nearly everyone else, I shake off that feeling and enjoy my conversation with the Muslim sitting next to me.
How is that bigotry?
Pogo, that book scared the crap out of me when I read much so that I refuse to read it again as an adult. Reading your clip of it brings it back. Great book, though.
Comments like this show the outrageous extremes that folks think in: "Self preservation and cautious observing of your surroundings, are politically incorrect in the eyes of the left." Really? I am a lefty and on my flight back from Amsterdam this summer I observed something that concerned me: a women dressed in a hijab suddenly put down her luggage and begin to walk back towards the exit of the loading dock. Myself and others stop in our tracks. She returned and said "that's mine." I reported the incident to the flight attendant, who seem not too concerned because of the double check points we go through for carry on luggage. I do not know if she had second thoughts about flying to America to meet whom, but the flight was smooth, and all of us including many Muslim families aboard landed safely. I fly aboard a fair amount, and I look out for odd behavior from anyone--particularly drunks, and so to single out Muslims, as Juan Williams did, seems odd. I wonder if he is just joining in the new PC code from the right?
by engaging in stereotypes and prejudice.
Yes, becasuse nuns blow up planes all the time!!!
Your comments are parody.
I've written emails to NPR over this.
That says a lot about you.
Life lesson: If you are ever involved in a conversation where you need to utter the phrase
"I'm not a {sexist, racist, homophobe, bigot, rapist, pedophile, sociopath, etc.}, but..."
Stop talking immediately. Failing to do will only end badly for you.
AlphaLib pondered: "You have to wonder if she would have a problem if his words were speaking to any ethnic or other group, like Latinos, Jews, Catholics, military personnel, teapartistas, etc."
We see so much of this from the State run media that it's passe.
Of course you didn't have a problem with NPR running the 'How to Speak Teabag' gag did ya? After all, that little bit fit in so well with their little code of ethics:
"They should not participate in shows electronic forums, or blogs that encourage punditry and speculation rather than rather than fact-based analysis."
By jove, I bet you were firing off sternly-worded letters like mad after that one!
Since I haven't listened for a long time, maybe someone can answer this for me. Who provides the conservative perspective on NPR?
and so to single out Muslims, as Juan Williams did, seems odd.
As was pointed out earlier, the left seems hell-bent on going along with the destruction of civil society by barbarians.
But look at the bright side, just before they cut your head off, you can reassure yourself you were "tolerant" and "fair."
R-V said: "I fly aboard a fair amount, and I look out for odd behavior from anyone--particularly drunks, and so to single out Muslims, as Juan Williams did, seems odd."
What's really odd is how we don't hear about drunks hijacking planes or trying to destroy them with explosives or skyscrapers.
MadisonMan said...
What would Mr. Williams say to someone who admits to getting worried and nervous when they pass a black man on the street after dark.
You mean someone like Jesse Jackson who said that very thing?
Sometimes the fear is bigotry but sometimes it's rational based on experience.
Juan Williams embarrased himself by engaging in stereotypes and prejudice.
Every time I'm around a liberal, especially a group where liberals are the majority, I'm keep expecting critical comments any time someone says something or does something that can be construed as the least bit politically incorrect or offensive to a victim class, such as upper middle class white women. I'm right about 90% of the time.
BTW - None of those other groups you mention have a significant portion of them waging a world wide terrorism campaign. But, what the heck, let's ignore the real world.
What Juan Williams said was stupid.
NPR firing him was stupider.
Now O'Reilly will try to top NPR.
as his remarks were suffused with falsehoods...
as Rick Ellison once disinterestedly told us, the important thing to remember here is that Greenwald's blog was once read from by a soon to be ex-Senator.
I listen to Minnesota's Public Radio station called The Current for its music.
I especially enjoy not donating to its fund drives.
I even quit listening to Car Talk because the creepiness of being on the same FM band as, well, everything else on NPR, is just too much to bear, and I have to fight the urge to scream at the radio.
If we were truly interested in fairness, Fox would be government funded too.
Now imagine if Fox was and NPR wasn't. Besides the fact that NPR would die, the scenario would help the left to understand what they are unable or unwilling to accept.
Who provides the conservative perspective on NPR?
I don't recall their names, but I do remember the last couple of times I've listen to ATC and they had one from each side of an issue, the conservative is pointed out as such while the other one is just name and job. It's been that way for years. I can't remember the last time, if ever, that a guest was identified as liberal.
Pogo admitted: "I especially enjoy not donating to its fund drives."
I laughed at that a little louder and longer than was probably warranted, but it was worth it.
Read this on NPR's website
"NPR does not receive direct funding from the federal government. Less than 2 percent of its annual budget comes from competitive grants from federally funded institutions. The rest of NPR's budget comes from corporate sponsorship, foundation grants, investments and dues and programming fees paid by 901 independent public radio stations."
I knew the percentage of Federal funding had gone down, but is it really that low, or is there some sleight of hand going on here?
So how is it that Greenwald was supportive of Helen Thomas' little faux pas, but wants to throw Williams' under the bus?
Oh, duh. My bad...
"What Juan Williams said was stupid."
Explain this please.
If NPR funding is really only 2%, then there really is no justification whatsoever for it, but liberals consider taxpayer money a birthright.
NPR federal funding has been slashed. Yes, it is quite low.
NPR features a lot of conservatives on their shows and a lot of liberals complain about NPR bias toward the Beltway conventional wisdom, ad well as towards conservatives.
The mystery in the right wing faux outrage here is why they think NP needs to allow itself to be associated with a person supporting prejudice.
And, again, this issue with Juan Williams has been simmering for a long time. NPR asked him to stop using (cashing in on) their name last year.
Man up, Juan!
"NPR features a lot of conservatives on their shows"
Specifics, please.
What Williams described is called "vigilence." And it is entirely appropriate and healthy behavior. Being aware of your surroundings and who and what is there is the number one safety mode.
And if the three monkey crowd ("hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" [except, of course, Tea Bag Evil]) want to get blown to smitherines for the sake of being politically correct and tolerant ... do it on someone else's plane, please. Not mine.
The human race survives by the grace of God and vigilence.
NPR folks act like we should all be candidates for the Darwin Awards because it's nicer to be stupid.
Williams will find a new gig and be better off for it.
To understand why Juan's statement was stupid, try this:
strike "Muslim" and replace it with some other ethnicity like Jew or African American or "white cracker". See how brilliant it sounds then.
"NPR features a lot of conservatives on their shows..."
'Some of my best friends are black.'
Let's see if I can get the Progressive grievance priorities straight:
Women trump Blacks
Gays trump Women
Radical Islamists trump all.
AlphaLiberal said...
I've written emails to NPR over this.
From the New York Times:
Alicia C. Shepard, the NPR ombudswoman, said at the time that Mr. Williams was a “lightning rod” for the public radio organization in part because he “tends to speak one way on NPR and another on Fox.”
Ms. Shepard said she had received 378 listener e-mails in 2008 listing complaints and frustrations about Mr. Williams.
Hahahaha, you're in big company there, you leftist loon!
"strike "Muslim" and replace it with some other ethnicity
When the Amish start exploding inside trains I will indeed start eyeing them balefully.
"..Less than 2 percent of its annual budget comes from competitive grants from federally funded institutions.."
Then,let's cancel it all. After all it's only 2%. They won't miss it.
strike "Muslim" and replace it with some other ethnicity like Jew or African American or "white cracker". See how brilliant it sounds then.
Um, it wouldn't have been true.
Which is why you have the vapors.
Quick, fire off another e-mail to NPR, clown!
Scott said: "I don't recall their names, but I do remember the last couple of times I've listen to ATC and they had one from each side of an issue, the conservative is pointed out as such while the other one is just name and job. It's been that way for years. I can't remember the last time, if ever, that a guest was identified as liberal."
The last time I listened to ATC (it could have just been special election coverage) was during the 08 elections. They had a panel discussing tax policy. There was a clear leftist, libertarian, and conservative.
They had these guys go round and round for awhile in a fairly well-moderated debate. Then, after a break, they wanted to bring in a 4th panelist. It was either the...wait for it...chief editor for Salon or their senior political editor.
Balance right out the window and radio dial turned.
"programming fees paid by 901 independent public radio stations."
And where do they get their money?
AL - Please provide references to Jews, African Americans, or white crackers attempting or succeeding to hijack or blow up a plane over the last decade.
When that happens, you're damn right I will pay attention to said groups. This ain't rocket science.
This will be the best career move ever for Williams and a disaster for NPR. I too enjoy not giving to NPR but I will especially enjoy deploying a coffee cup amount to a candidate who will vow to end public funding for "public" radio. And Williams will be a bit wiser now as to the new PC deck. Muslims now trump blacks!!! Officially!!! Makes the game a bit more interesting until we get used to it but it opens up all kinds of permitted speech respecting African Americans.
A little of William's type of prejudice could have prevented 9/11 and the thousands of deaths that have resulted since around the world. I bet Juan would have questioned Muslim men learning to fly planes but not interested in the landing skill that most pilots consider kind of important.
Thank God a prejudice has returned. A man without a reasonable use of stereotype is a fool, a victim and dangerous.
That's what I'm wondering, Pogo. I am suspicous, but if someone trots out a convincing case of course I will of course acknowledge it.
Alpha Lib said: "strike "Muslim" and replace it with some other ethnicity like Jew or African American or "white cracker". See how brilliant it sounds then."
So "muslim" = "white cracker" in the ethnic slur department.
A man who claims to have no prejudice is a liar.
NPR seems to be doing just fine:
If Mr. Williams has an instinctive reaction to people dressed in a particular way, he should keep it to himself -- this is the essence of prejudice. Compare Jorge Williams on the O'Nazi Hour::
Mr. O’Nazi said, “The cold truth is that in the world today Zionism, and the reaction it provokes among the Muslim nations, is the biggest threat on the planet.”
Mr. Williams said he concurred with Mr. O’Nazi.
He continued: “I mean, look, Bill, I’m not a bigot. You know the kind of books I’ve written about the civil rights movement in this country. But when I get on the plane, I got to tell you, if I see guys with the fur hats and the ear curls and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as Jews, I get worried. I get nervous.”
Pogo goes for the kill
When the Amish start exploding inside trains I will indeed start eyeing them balefully.
and makes me laugh out loud.
Thanks bro.
AL - Please provide references to Jews, African Americans, or white crackers attempting or succeeding to hijack or blow up a plane over the last decade.?
How bout "I get nervous when I see a white christian conservative near an abortion clinic or Federal building".
Juan Williams found out what Don Imus already knows. No matter how long you carry water for the liberals they will throw you under the bus in a minute if you say the wrong thing based on their politically correct view of the world.
Depending on a liberal to defend you is a mugs game.
Unless of course you are attacking our country and the normal everyday American's of every color that they scorn and despise. They are elitist scum of the first water.
Juan thought he was immune because he was black. Think again pal.
"...the NPR ombudswoman, said at the time that Mr. Williams was a “lightning rod” for the public radio organization in part because he “tends to speak one way on NPR and another on Fox.”"
This is illuminating on so many levels.
Why bother arguing with Alpha? He repeatedly fails even the most rudimentary of political Turing tests. He would have been defending Williams a week ago with the same fervour. He's replaced his soul with a hollow pipe filled every morning with the day's ideological directives, and emptied every night into the memory hole to make room for tomorrow's beliefs.
After Williams' last book came out, it seemed to me he was moving a bit to the right (as you get older, you often learn from your mistakes...), but I'm surprised he made that statement about people in Moslem garb at the airport.
The Blonde and I have seen the same thing and made a sotto voce joke between ourselves (largely because Herself is all but strip-searched because of the underwire in her bra, but the veiled women are never pulled over), but never were we worried or nervous.
As he says, we really haven't been touched over here (yet) and he may know some things he can't tell. Even so, for NPR to fire him is a no-class act
AlphaLiberal said...
NPR code of ethics:
Not according to Uncle Saul. The only important thing is winning.
JAY said...
As was pointed out earlier, the left seems hell-bent on going along with the destruction of civil society by barbarians.
Largely because they're a bunch of cowards underneath all the arrogance.
How bout "I get nervous when I see a white christian conservative near an abortion clinic or Federal building".
If it's true (if you really do get nervous), fine.
If NPR gets one dollar of government money that is one dollar too much.
"NPR seems to be doing just fine"
All the more reason to cut its federal funding, and all state and local funding, even those obtained through gubmint grants or via those '901 independent public radio stations'.
Should be no problem, right?
Come on, FLS. That was fairly inconsistent, wasn't it? If Jews in that garb were flying planes into buildings and incompetently trying to blow up other things, we would be having the same discussion and, likely, would still all be labeled as bigots.
Did fls just Godwin the thread?
He repeatedly fails even the most rudimentary of political Turing tests.
The September 11 terrorists were not wearing turbans and shalwar kameezes. Has a real terrorist ever been wearing something other than western clothes?
It makes sense that the right that wants to commend Williams for his avowal of ignorance. Ignorance, emotionalism, and logical fallacy are celebrated by today's conservatives. "As Ign'ant As We Wanna Be, Up Yours PC Libs"
Yeah, if it really is 2%, you'd think they'd do it just to remove that line of argument. I'm thinking bullshit.
How bout "I get nervous when I see a white christian conservative near an abortion clinic or Federal building"
Justified in the first case if they are carrying bloody fetus pictures or carrying firearms. Granted. Complete bullshit in the second case as McVeigh was not blowing people up in the name of a Christian god.
Nice try though.
roesch-voltaire said: "I observed something that concerned me: a women dressed in a hijab suddenly put down her luggage and begin to walk back towards the exit of the loading dock."
And then he said: " single out Muslims, as Juan Williams did, seems odd."
Then why did you note that the woman wore a hijab, racist?
Why do you hate Muslims so, Voltaire?
On a serious note: Muslims on planes don't make me nervous in the least; I know that the next Muslim who stands up and yells "Allah Akbar" on an airplane will be immediately disemboweled by his traveling companions, myself included. He'll need one hell of a lot more than a boxcutter.
And walking past a black man at night wouldn't make me nervous; walking past any young male, who's dressed like a punk, at night, in a bad neighborhood, with no one else around, would give me a heightened sense of awareness. Race doesn't even enter into it. I doubt that it does with anyone.
""programming fees paid by 901 independent public radio stations."
And where do they get their money?
Bingo! We have a winner!
Ignorance, emotionalism, and logical fallacy are celebrated by today's conservatives.
Only because we've witnessed those things work so well for the left all these years and are tired of falling back. At some point, someone drew a line and said, "here and no further", and we started bellyaching with the best lib.
"How bout "I get nervous when I see a white christian conservative near an abortion clinic or Federal building".
You mean you don't? And you think that's because you have no prejudice? What blindness.
FLS Godwins the thread, therefore no rational or logical discussion may continue and comes MontyMonty right on cue.
@MM: Actually, when I heard Williams, that's the first thing that came to my mind; I'd be more concerned about people traveling in street clothes. But then I realized that we are now so required to tow the PC line, I bet the next attack comes just like that. The best way to get past screeners now is probably to flaunt it. All the screeners will be averting their eyes to keep their jobs.
""How bout "I get nervous when I see a white christian conservative near an abortion clinic or Federal building".
I'm curious as to how you know they are Christian and conservative?
The big "CC" on the t-shirt?
If Jews in that garb were flying planes into buildings
But Williams is not reacting to how the 9/11 hijackers looked -- they wore conventional North American clothing. He's equated "Muslim dress" with jihadis, as if the more pious you are the more terror you intend to inflict.
I would dare anyone to claim they could tell Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was not an American, from looking at him at the boarding gate.
I guess we should make all blacks go through special screening anyway.
I guess anyone sort of brown should be submitted for additional screening. There should be a whites-only line (and only northern european whites at that, because Italians can look a bit Arab sometimes.)
The left seems to think that calling people bigots is going to shut them up. That word has lost any meaning.
The American people don't care about that any more. Not even a little bit. It is a big bunch of bullshit. This is about survival. That's why your boy Obama is continuing the Bush policies almost without exception. They know that if they don't and there is another incident they will be out of power forever. So all their objections to the Patriot Act and Guantanamo and drones killing terrorists is just more political bullshit
So keep calling us bigots. Keep trying to shout down the opposition by getting them fired or walking off the set. How is that working out for you?
The September 11 terrorists were not wearing turbans and shalwar kameezes. Has a real terrorist ever been wearing something other than western clothes?
Probably only in the Middle East. Here, they blend in.
Race doesn't even enter into it. I doubt that it does with anyone."
Blacks commit crimes against whites at 11 times the reverse. We all know this subconsciously, including blacks like Jesse Jackson.
I don't believe you are being honest with yourself.
I have developed a fear of walking past the streams of older white liberals leaving another Prairie Home Companion revival meeting with Rev. Garrison Keillor in Saint Paul, MN.
Like goddamned zombies, they are.
garage mahal said: "How bout "I get nervous when I see a white christian conservative near an abortion clinic or Federal building"."
In fairness, I think the last attack on a Federal building was by the left (guy with a communist manifesto and all that).
Even after the incident that I reported because there was some cause, given that no Jihadist terrorist has ever worn traditional grab, to suggest someone displaying their religious faith is a potential terrorist is a bit irrational and not something a smart journalist should say on the air. It was time for Juan to go.
The only person who should be nervous walking past an abortion clinic is a fetus.
The most dangerous group currently is people wearing purple shirts. Yes, they do worry me.
A more full reading of the transcript shows that Williams was actually making a point about how his own reaction, while understandable, was problematical. Nowhere in his statement did he imply that being more nervous around traditionally dressed Muslim's was logical.
My guess is NPR was just looking for an excuse to get rid of him for the crime of being on Fox News.
"The only person who should be nervous walking past an abortion clinic is a fetus."
And yet they get walked right their own mothers. A beautiful thing.
In fairness, I think the last attack on a Federal building was by the left (guy with a communist manifesto and all that).
A software engineer and small businessman who complained about how much he owed the IRS. Can you say, "red herring"?
FLS: "If Mr. Williams has an instinctive reaction to people dressed in a particular way, he should keep it to himself -- this is the essence of prejudice."
Your example is stupid. Try another but this time using an example of a group that has actually done something akin to what the jihadists have done.
Well you basic fetus should be terrified of being on a plane with a liberal feminist. Much more than any Muslim no matter how they are dressed.
Those are the people who really want them dead. Just sayn'
I don't know about the audience, Pogo, but Garrison Keillor himself would make me nervous. He is filled with rage.
@ AlphaLiberal. I find it offensive you said about Juan Williams that he is a "big boy" and to "man up". As a liberal you should be more sensitive to the image of calling an African-American man "boy". There is a long and bloody history of bigots trying to literally and figuratively emasculate African-American males.
Garrison Keillor filled with rage? LOL
You guys are too much.
Have you read some of his editorials, garage? I was surprised too.
A more full reading of the transcript shows that Williams was actually making a point about how his own reaction, while understandable, was problematical. Nowhere in his statement did he imply that being more nervous around traditionally dressed Muslim's was logical.
My guess is NPR was just looking for an excuse to get rid of him for the crime of being on Fox News.
salamandyr's post explains to me what VX was quoting: Juan Williams Shirley Sherroded himself. Had he led off with, "And, while I know this is illogical and unfair to Muslims, whenever I get on an airplane..." he might have escaped being fired.
garage asked: "Garrison Keillor filled with rage? LOL
You guys are too much."
Apparently someone has never read his sad, sad political commentary.
I knew the percentage of Federal funding had gone down, but is it really that low, or is there some sleight of hand going on here?
Slight of hand, OM. The Feds fund LOCAL public radio stations up to 70%, and then NPR charges the locals membership dues and service fees that account for more than 50% of NPR revenue. The 2% is only DIRECT Federal funding to NPR.
Why are we still funding the radio station of the liberal rich?
"NPR then enthusiastically told advertisers that its listeners are 66 percent wealthier than the average American, three times as likely to be college graduates, and 150 percent more likely to be professionals or managers."
bagoh20 said: "Blacks commit crimes against whites at 11 times the reverse. We all know this subconsciously, including blacks like Jesse Jackson.
I don't believe you are being honest with yourself."
OK, consider two scenarios. In both scenarios, you're taking a 2am stroll between 7 and 8 Mile Road in Detroit, and you're unarmed.
Scenario one: You walk past 3 young men, with britches sagging to their knees, hats askew, tatted up; obvious punks. And they're white.
Scenario two: You walk past Juan Williams and two other nattily clad older African-American gentlemen.
Which one makes you nervous?
I've seen enough white punks to know that race has nothing to do with it. And the stat cited is irrelevant: The question is, what's more common -- black-on-white crime, or white-on-white crime?
"In fairness, I think the last attack on a Federal building was by the left (guy with a communist manifesto and all that).
A software engineer and small businessman who complained about how much he owed the IRS. Can you say, "red herring"?"
'Cause, you know, you can't be a business owner and be a commie. It just doesn't work. Like, you know, Frederich Engels....
Wait....never mind....
Garrison Keillor is on my local NPR station 25 hours a day. I hate him. I hate his voice. I would like to climb into the radio and slink down the wire and come out the microphone and strangle him.
I myself fear being ensnared by Keillor's eyebrows, like a Venus flytrap, or a Mormon kid knocking at the door.
Here's the thing: the real problem isn't Juan Williams' reaction to people wearing Muslim garb. The real problem is that people associated with Islam (with all the qualifiers you feel like adding on) like to murder innocent people in all kinds of places. Since it's much easier to feel brave attacking the phony problem than it is to be brave and face the real problem, we get into messes like this.
And I commend roesch-voltaire for his honesty when he says, "it was time for Juan to go." The Left is happy because NPR has taken steps to purify itself. Well, then, let the purification continue. Let NPR eschew that last 2% (as well as any public money they get from the locals) and conduct their purification rituals on their own damn dime.
FLS is just like his hero Barry.
He hates the small business owner.
I think it is in the Democratic platform or their oath or something like that there.
They think all small business owners are terrorists and want to tax us back to the stone age.
Have you read some of his editorials, garage? I was surprised too.
Compared to what, or who though?
10:55 a.m.?
Keillor's rage: We’re Not in Lake Wobegon Anymore
"The party of Lincoln and Liberty was transmogrified into the party of hairy-backed swamp developers and corporate shills, faith-based economists, fundamentalist bullies with Bibles, Christians of convenience, freelance racists, misanthropic frat boys, shrieking midgets of AM radio, tax cheats, nihilists in golf pants, brownshirts in pinstripes, sweatshop tycoons, hacks, fakirs, aggressive dorks, Lamborghini libertarians, people who believe Neil Armstrong’s moonwalk was filmed in Roswell, New Mexico, little honkers out to diminish the rest of us, Newt’s evil spawn and their Etch-A-Sketch president, a dull and rigid man suspicious of the free flow of information and of secular institutions, whose philosophy is a jumble of badly sutured body parts trying to walk. Republicans: The No.1 reason the rest of the world thinks we’re deaf, dumb and dangerous."
@ Pogo
Alpha can't see the fingers for the hand.
garage, that comment at 10:55 isn't vicious, it's a natural reaction to Garrison Keillor's unctuous droning.
Some people love the sound of their own voice; that asshole savors it, rolling it around in his slobbering mouth like a tawny port.
NPR is trying to oust Mara Liason too. Its all about destroying the credibility of Fox News. The Libtards whine that FOX is not fair and balanced falls flat when you point to FOX hosts like Mara Liason, Juan Williams and Bob Beckel.
So its obvious that the Libtard complaints about FOX aren't about bias, when they are deliberately trying to sabatogue that balance.
Even DHOTUS is in on the scam:
"the Obama administration has now warned strategists from the Democratic Party that they won’t work with them any longer if the strategists appear on Fox’s programming as guests: "
Juan was a pussy but that isn't a firing offense. Nobody that flies a lot is scared of anybody taking over an airplane in the year of our Lord 2010. The passengers will beat the living shit out of anybody trying something wearing whatever garb they want to wear. Half the people on planes look like they are about to enter the swimming pool and the other half on their way to a golf game. But if ten people got on in Lawrence of Arabia get up you can believe they will be watched carefully. Not with fear but with anticipation.
To understand why Juan's statement was stupid, try this:
strike "Muslim" and replace it with some other ethnicity like Jew or African American or "white cracker". See how brilliant it sounds then.
If any of those groups (by the way, Muslim is not an ethnicity) were pretty conspicuously involved in multiple plane hijackings resulting in the deaths of thousands of people than that would be perfectly reasonable. I think the problem is that there are relatively few easily identified Muslim’s in the airport compared to other groups, so they stand out, if wearing traditional dress.
And it's not like people who want to hijack planes or blow them up have gone away. We hear about them be thwarted here and there every year. In that context, it makes sense to be aware of your fellow passengers when on an airplane. It is not wise to be PC when assessing potential threats.
The Feds fund LOCAL public radio stations up to 70%
This is a very big fib.
what's more common -- black-on-white crime, or white-on-white crime?
The most common is black-on-black crime. Unless you mean the Woody Guthrie sense: “Yes, as through this world I've wandered I've seen lots of funny men; Some will rob you with a six-gun, And some with a fountain pen”
"It’s no accident that Fox News blew away all of the other cable news outlets on Election Day this week, drawing more viewers than all of them combined. The White House has practically anointed them as the only net truly independent of the Obama administration, making the rest of the nets look like toadies. Chasing Democrats off of Fox News will only make that trend accelerate."
Thanks, Calypso. I figured as much. But I am disappointed that the holier-than-thou principals of NPR would be so disingenuous.
This NPR reaction is puzzling. The usual NPR shows allow a conservative voice, although like the Washington Generals their role is to lose in the end to Meadowlark and the Globe Trotters. The liberal's gut feeling is that a Black Man is an especially offensive betrayer of the cause if he speaks as a conservative. My guess here is that Juan's being a common sense everyman really gets the Liberals angry.To them it is like unfair competition that he gets to speak common sense instead of Liberal Reality just because he is black. Many NPR listeners are extremely class conscious. Educated people are the nitch market that NPR serves. And most educated people feel about " the uneducated" every men like Juan Williams exactly like Juan feels about Muslim garbed strangers, i.e., "throw him off the plane or I will not fly here".
Jeralyn over at Talk Left is happy Juan got fired, because "In my view, Williams has lacked credibility for years. He's a conservative who pretends to be progressive on some issues".
Remember that next time she insists that NPR has no leftist bias.
Also, if she comes here to defend herself, hold her to her own censorship standard - no more than 3 comments per day for new commenters.
AlphaLiberal wrote: Williams has been cashing in on his NPR relationship for a long time, and abusing it on Fox
So having gone off the plantation he deserved a whipping, eh?
Typical AlphaLiberal pablum (sigh)...
Nobody that flies a lot is scared of anybody taking over an airplane in the year of our Lord 2010.
The Knicker Bomber was only 10 months ago.
Montagne Montaigne said...
I would dare anyone to claim they could tell Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was not an American, from looking at him at the boarding gate
I've said since 9/11 that anybody can be an Islamic nut, including somebody from the Balkans or Africa or Indonesia, so going by race or garb is stupid. Which is why we should be doing it the way the Israelis do and profile for behavior, but 'profiling' isn't PC, is it?
Lamar63 said...
@ AlphaLiberal. I find it offensive you said about Juan Williams that he is a "big boy" and to "man up". As a liberal you should be more sensitive to the image of calling an African-American man "boy". There is a long and bloody history of bigots trying to literally and figuratively emasculate African-American males.
Sounds like Alpha just got Alinskyized.
Ban him from Althouse!!! Drive him form the blogosphere forever!!!!
The most common is black-on-black crime.
Yes, but Blacks will target Whites simply because of their skin color. Blacks are the most racist demographic in America, according to FBI Hate Crime Stats.
"You got your mind right, Luke?" "Yah, I got it right, Boss."
I've been waiting decades now, for the demise of political correctness and with great sadness and disbelief seen it reach higher and higher plateaus...
Maybe this episode will be the beginning of the end of this global disease that strikes at mere thoughts. A diabolical device if you think about it and thus far oh so effective.
Put Michael and Shanna down for the airport whites-only line. Hey, it worked for water fountains!
He hates the small business owner.
No, I fear software engineers. In fact, beware of any guys wearing polo shirts, cargo shorts, and Nikes.
NPR is trying to oust Mara Liason too.
Really? She tows the party line.
Jeeez. Then Tiger Woods must make you shit your pants.
Except for the cargo pants you would profile him as a softwear engineer.
Scenario number 3: You're strolling between 7 and 8 Mile Road at 2am, and you walk past Tiger Woods, Brett Favre, and Eliot Spitzer.
You drop a quarter. Do you bend over to pick it up?
Montagne Montaigne said...
we should make all blacks go through special screening anyway. ...anyone sort of brown should be submitted for additional screening. There should be a whites-only line
Look at the little racist brownshirt show his true colors. Thanks for the ammo Montagne. I'll remind everyone of this everytime you try to lecture us about hatred and bigotry.
Now go back to your feverswamp, racist scum.
"Which one makes you nervous?"
The only fair comparison is with both of them dressed the same.
If you are statistically 11 times more likely to be assaulted by a particular race, what does it say that you ignore that? If you are with others like you family who you are responsible to protect, then what does that say about you?
The facts are unfortunate, and frankly, depressing, but ignoring them is irresponsible. If this fact was openly accepted by all, then I think we could improve the statistic, but ignoring it is accepting it as irreparable. I don't do either.
NPR is trying to oust Mara Liason too.
Really? She tows the party line.
But thats why. By appearing on FOX as a co-host, she undercuts the libtard argument that FOX is biased. She's been getting alot of pressure from NPR execs to ditch FOX.
I actually like Mara. She's one of the few "true" liberals left. She's more logical than emotional in her arguments. I rarely agree with her, but I always listen carefully to whatever point she's making.
Juan is more of a weak sister, the Pat Buchannen of CNN.
a white christian conservative near an abortion clinic or Federal building (You forgot the "male" part.)
I see a couple people have already addressed this inanity above.
Is there something I have missed about "white conservative Christians" and Federal buildings?
Do the white conservative Christians cower and remain mute in the face of Eric Rudolph (who I am not sure qualifies under the "Christian label" -- or even the conservative label -- but hey, in the left world people don't get to define themselves)? So did they dance in the streets when he blew up the Alabama abortion clinic? The mom at the Olympics? (Just checking my possibly defective memory here....)
But wait ... the left knows who the bitter clingers are -- anyone who doesn't group think like the left. (FIRE Williams!!!!)
Interesting chain of events:
1. George Soros' Open Society Foundations announces pledge of $1.8 million to NPR to start hiring additional reporters to cover state politics.
2. George Soros donates $1 million to Media Matters to fight Fox News.
3. NPR fires Fox contributor, Juan Williams.
Put Michael and Shanna down for the airport whites-only line. Hey, it worked for water fountains!
You’re such an asshole. Of course you don't quote, so you can call people out with your bullshit without even addressing a point you disagree with.
Threat assessment should not be PC. I would encourage everyone to read the gift of fear. That is an excellent book that points out the danger of trying to be polite rather than paying attention to our instincts.
I do agree that it makes more sense to profile based on creepy behavior, because smart terrorists will have figured out how to blend in.
/testing bookmark for future cut-n-pastes, pls ignore
Montagne Montaigne said...
"we should make all blacks go through special screening anyway. ...anyone sort of brown should be submitted for additional screening. There should be a whites-only line" - @ 10:41AM, 10-21-10
bagoh, I hate to pull the "cite" card, but where do you get the idea that, all other factors being equal, you're 11 times more likely to be assaulted by a black punk than you would be by a white punk?
As I implied earlier: I'd wager that white-on-white crime is more common than black-on-white, even adjusting statistically for the smaller black population.
And if you have to make the two scenarios identical other than race, I guess you're saying that race is a smaller factor than:
grooming habits
Etc, etc.
AlphaLberal wrote: {S}trike "Muslim" and replace it with some other ethnicity like Jew or African American or "white cracker". See how brilliant it sounds then.
And the headlines are full of bombings and attempted bombings of airliners by Jews, African-Americans and white crackers.
AlphaLiberal is to the Althouse comments group as fish is to barrel.
Maureen Dowd strikes again
(see: Dowdism)
The only ones that buy into the meme of Islamophobia are the ultra-left. Nobody else is buying their bullshit anymore.
I agree jurassicfan, the Purge has begun.
Their side will lose, of course. You can't kill your own and survive for long.
Hey, it worked for water fountains!
Its so ironic to hear Democrats condemn us for something Democrats did.
Does NPR have a death wish?
I know, it's a dumb question, so take it rhetorically.
And the headlines are full of bombings and attempted bombings of airliners by Jews, African-Americans and white crackers.
Facts don't matter to the insane left, only their memes.
Interesting that Juan Williams was fired by NPR very shortly after George Soros donated $1.8 million to NPR, isn't it?
Fox News has more diversity of opinion on its main evening show when Juan Williams and/or Mara Liasson appear as panelists than does any NPR program at any time in the 24 hour cycle.
Of course, NPR pressured Liasson to end her appearances on Fox News as well, which is why she now is seldom seen there.
Montagne Montaigne said...
He also missed the point that Muslim is not an ethnicity.
9/11 was done by a bunch of Aryan Catholic nuns financed by Rush Limbaugh. Oh god I think I just orgasmed.
"Nobody that flies a lot is scared of anybody taking over an airplane in the year of our Lord 2010."
"The Knicker Bomber was only 10 months ago."
How about... "Nobody that is scared of anybody taking over an airplane flies."
If a person is worried about it, they aren't going to get on the plane.
I would bet that anyone who does fly pays attention to the other passengers, even so. We're human, we compulsively categorize the world and sort it. Those are students, that's a family going to grandma's, that guy is a frequent business traveler, that guy is military... and we notice anomalies.
The last time I flew probably a quarter of the passengers on the plane were either attached to my karate school or else traveling for a televised MMA tournament. An observant person would notice.
You guys are starting to remind me of the Monty Python Argument Clinic sketch. You're acting like Alpha is actually making an argument. Your response to my comment should be, "No we're not!"
BTW, one blogger uses the tag Nihilist in Golf Pants and is a contributor to the MN rightward blog Fraters Libertas
and has his own lesser-used site.
Hey, Rumpletweezer, no we're not! BTW, how are things down in Dingly Dell?
You guys are starting to remind me of the Monty Python Argument Clinic sketch. You're acting like Alpha is actually making an argument. Your response to my comment should be, "No we're not!"
No I'm not. I'm pointing out that Alpah is engaging in Alinsky-ite tactics of meme projection.
"Your response to my comment should be, "No we're not!""
Oh no, that's next door. It's being-hit-on-the-head lessons in here.
And put down that melon!
Maybe Dick Cheney organized 9/11, and it was a bunch of Evangelical Christians who hijacked the planes. Financed by Rush Limbaugh of course. I'm just trying to imagine what goes on in the fevered brains of uber-lefties like Alpha and Monty.
Remember when they(lefties) accuse you of stereotyping, racism, whatever they are attempting to not only shut you up in the public domain, but police your very thoughts.
Synova said: "The last time I flew probably a quarter of the passengers on the plane were either attached to my karate school or else traveling for a televised MMA tournament."
Imagine if someone had attempted to hijack THAT plane.
Synova would have put him in the patented "Synova death grip." He wouldn't have known whether to shit or go blind.
I long suspected that you were some sort of ninja, Synova. It's the cold, steely glare behind the glasses.
I am a white conservative Christian who believes that abortion is murder. Eric Rudolph is a murderer and deserves just punishment.
Everybody knows there's no "Synova death grip."
Well, maybe the Klingons don't know.
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