৮ অক্টোবর, ২০১০

The "irreplaceable" Usman is dead.

Killed by a drone strike. "Al-Qaeda takes a big hit." And "American intelligence was unaware that he was in the area; he was collateral damage."

৫১টি মন্তব্য:

chuck b. বলেছেন...

I'll drink to that.

Geoff Matthews বলেছেন...

That's the type of collateral damage that I can accept.

May his replacements and superiors join him quickly.

traditionalguy বলেছেন...

Damn. Now we don't get to waterboard him and spend $30,000,000 on court appointed defense attorneys and 10,000 hours on blog guilt. You win some and you lose some.

Unknown বলেছেন...

Another one of those things where you cheer on the one hand, but not on the other.

Not crazy about the idea this was dumb luck. The legacy of Frank Church lives.

Joe বলেছেন...

(The Crypto Jew)
Let me take this opportunity to channel my Inner Cookie....This was extra-Judicial MURDER. Obama is a War Criminal.

This murder occurred in Pakistan...not even Afghanistan. Our war in Afghanistan is illegal and unecessary, but at least OVERT, this was the covert murder of a third party neutral, in a neutral nation.

How would the US like it if Canada were to assassinate Rush Limbaugh on a trip to Nebraska?

Please return to your usual Wingnut Celebrations of Lawlessness and Mayhem.

Fen বলেছেন...

Shorter: we killed an Al Queda Jack Ryan as bonus

Libtard: Murderer! You violated his civil rights!

Fen বলেছেন...

Our war in Afghanistan is illegal and unecessary, but at least OVERT, this was the covert murder of a third party neutral, in a neutral nation.

LOL great parody!

Joe বলেছেন...

(The Crypto Jew)
I haven't been lurking here for nothing you know....

Alex বলেছেন...

Fascist murderers!!!!

1775OGG বলেছেন...

Ah, one down, how many more to go before it's safe to visit "Whole Foods?"


The Drill SGT বলেছেন...

he was collateral damage.

a fundemental rule of war:

$hit happens

sometimes good, sometimes bad, but acidents happen...

Robin বলেছেন...

Great time for a party hack to become National Security Advisor ...

Tyrone Slothrop বলেছেন...

This was extra-Judicial MURDER. Obama is a War Criminal.

Not to worry. James Jones is gone, sacked for the crime of likening Rahm Emanuel to an insect, go figure, and Robert Gates will no doubt follow soon. Then the administration can indulge its feminine side.

KCFleming বলেছেন...

Dibs on his iPhone.

Clyde বলেছেন...

What a shame. I almost shed a tear. Almost.

Hey, did you know that Usman had blue eyes? Yeah, one blew this way and the other one blew that way!

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

Based on this thread I'd assume that cons are eager supporters of BHO's strategy of using drones to kill terrorists in Pakistan.

Not all cons have always been so supportive, during the election the con (and HRC, during the primary) talking point was that BHO was irresponsible to say he'd use drones to go after the terrorists.

"McCain kicked off the Pakistan series by offering a more soft and understandable approach, he suggested in taking the people of Pakistan into confidence on the war on terror and moving forward hand-in-hand to irradiate the menace of terrorism, he said “We’ve got to get the support of the people of Pakistan. He [Obama] said that he would launch military strikes into Pakistan“, to which Obama quickly reacted “Nobody talked about attacking Pakistan. — if the United States has Al Qaida, bin Laden, top-level lieutenants in our sights, and Pakistan is unable or unwilling to act, then we should take them out.”"

It's not impossible to imagine BHO as POTUS is more likely than McCain as POTUS to avoid a disastrous quagmire in Afghanistan. Just as W may have had some motivations to finish the work of his dad in Iraq, McCain may have felt some motivation to "finish" in Afghanistan so that he could make up for the unfinished work in Vietnam, where some folks still say we could have "won," if only we would have stuck it out longer. Thankful, BHO is willing to make the tough call by going into Pakistan. Of course, if Pakistan falls apart because of this aggressiveness, the earlier con hesitance will have been the correct call. If that happens, plenty of cons will roll out the 'I told you so' chit chat, as they conveniently forget their intermediate position when they were cheering on these attacks.

Cedarford বলেছেন...

A Confederate soldier wrote in his journal in 1864: "I saw the Yankee's flag and I thought I try shooting the poor horse from almost half a mile away to get their colors to fall and rouse our boys. Next after I shot I saw they guy next to the flag fall and all sorts of consternation. Told the corporal I missed and the dang flag was still flying.
Next thing I knew the sargeant said I was in for a medal and promotion because I had actually shot the Union general right between the eyes and their whole corps pulled back a half hour later..because I shot the guy, instead of the horse.
Told the sargeant, he told me to hold my tongue, take what I had done because for sure I'd have caught hell if luck had gone a different direction.. I was luckier than the general, I guess. The horse was lucky too, I guess. And I would have thought a little bad of myself if I had shot the horse, I admit.
Anyways, I also got a pound of real coffee for the deed and it was like heaven tasting.

SDN বলেছেন...

1jpb, your fundamental error is considering McCain a conservative. Since your main premise is false, so are your conclusions.

The Dude বলেছেন...

Please excuse Freder from any discussions, he has a funeral to attend.


Freder's mother

Gene বলেছেন...

These drones must be terrorizing the Taliban but the use of them is also a two-way street. Sooner or later some local Jihadist is going to buy himself a two-foot jet-powered model plane and fire it at The White House.

It wouldn't have to do any actual damage. Just the fact that someone had tried would be enough to cause authorities to shut down the city and the airports (not to mention all hobby shops) and quadruple security everywhere else, including trains, buses and, no doubt, elevators too.

I can remember the days when you could just walk on an airplane five minutes before departure. Sometimes there wasn't even anyone at the airplane door. You got on, found your seat and the next thing you knew a friendly stewardess (or sometimes two) was bringing you a drink.

Now you have to get to the airport two or three hours in advance and put your 12 year old daughter through some micro-wave scanner that sees through her underwear and training bra while some moron in the back room pants at her.

If w0e are in a war we have to get used to the idea that sooner or later we are going to take some hits at home. You can't shut down all travel in the meantime.

Trooper York বলেছেন...

He killed that proctologist from Seinfeld?

Man Obama really hates doctors.

SteveR বলেছেন...

Another 72 virgins taken out of circulation. Damn it.

Fen বলেছেন...

Not all cons have always been so supportive, during the election the con (and HRC, during the primary) talking point was that BHO was irresponsible to say he'd use drones to go after the terrorists.

No. DHOTUS said he would use American ground forces to pursue AQ into Pakistan. It was considered irresponsible because such an act would be considered an act of war by a nuclear armed nation that is vital to our logistics in Afganistan.

You would think a "community organizer" would understand the value of logistics ("amateurs worry about tactics, but professionals worry about logistics"). Perhaps DHOTUS voted "present" then too.

Revenant বলেছেন...

Based on this thread I'd assume that cons are eager supporters of BHO's strategy of using drones to kill terrorists in Pakistan.

I'm an eager supporter of killing terrorists.

You can kill them using a strategy of suffocating them in Scarlett Johanssen's cleavage for all I care.

Peter বলেছেন...

Dead works for me. My only regret is they did not use a one hundred and fifty kiloton nuke.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

Fen and SDN,

It's fine w/ me if you folks want to pretend that there were not many conservatives (and HRC folks) who were opposed to BHO saying he'd use drones (w/ or w/o Pakistan's permission) to go after terrorists in Pakistan (shortly before the W administration started doing exactly this).

Whatever floats your boat.

BTW, I do understand why the cons (and HRC folks) were sincerely hesitant, this could (can?) blow up in our faces. But, BHO made a tough call where long term success wasn't (isn't?) certain. So far he he's been correct.

Fen বলেছেন...

1jpb: It's fine w/ me if you folks want to pretend that -

No. Its not fine with you. Its about your "tribe" winning, scoring points off those who opppose DHOTUS, regardless of the damage done to our foreign policy or the war in AfPak.

But, BHO made a tough call where long term success wasn't (isn't?) certain.

Too bad you don't judge Bush by the same standard...

So far he he's been correct.

How? He's retreated back to the cruise missile / terrorism is a crime approach of Clinton. AfPak is spinning out of control. The Afgans are realigning with our enemies because of Obama telegraphing our retreat. He's fumbled diplomatic efforts with the Palis. He's losing the hard-won gains in Iraq. He's letting Iran get The Bomb.

Correct? Its going to take generations to clean up the mess Obama is making overseas.

SteveR বলেছেন...

BTW those of us who've worked in the private sector are not impressed with the description "irreplaceable". That's just asking to get replaced.

Fen বলেছেন...

And he only bagged the AQ spymaster through sheer luck.

Although by Diversity Hire standards, that counts as "success"

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...


We can't even nation build in our inner cities, but somehow you think that we can make these foreign countries change their stripes even though by general economic, rule of law, population cohesion, and any other comparison they make our inner cities look like a utopia.

You (neo?)cons with your ridiculous adventurism will never learn.


FloridaSteve বলেছেন...

BHO is a socialist. What the old saying.... A Communist shoots you in the beginning, a socialist shoots you in the end. So BHO found it expedint to kill from a distance. In this cast it is happenstance that it's also good for the United States. Blind Pig, Acorn.

Fen বলেছেন...

We can't even nation build in our inner cities

We? Our inner cities are disasters because of the policies of the Left.

but somehow you think that we can make these foreign countries change their stripes

Germany. Japan. Iraq.

You (neo?)cons with your ridiculous adventurism will never learn.

Adventurism? You either reform their civilization or let them tear down ours.

Although I'm beginning to see some merit in Sharia. Its not like the children of Western Civ are willing to defend the values of the Enlightenment. I'm afraid it must be a systemic flaw.

Unknown বলেছেন...

pb&j wants to try to make some lame KosKid brownie point by saying some people thought The Zero is doing a better job than McCain might have through some half-baked analysis off a website in wherever (Pakistan?).

Conservatives support their country in war and anything that kills terrorists is OK in their book, but imputing some brain-dead motive to McCain or Dubya (unfinished business) is just that. He says some Conservatives opposed The Zero using drones when most, if not all, Conservatives had shown no problem with Rumsfeld doing it.

He finishes with some equally lame point about nation building, not apparently knowing that we have had many successes - Germany, Japan, South Korea - to name a few. That is supposed to be justification to give up and go home.

JorgXMcKie বলেছেন...

Well, really. In LeftyLand, you get to Make Up Shit in debates. That's a legitimate tactic. In their [pointy little] heads they win every disagreement.

It's easy when you ignore reality.

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

ed and fen,

Do you two really not see the differences between the successful examples you've given and the problems we're currently having?

How long did those situations take before our troops could travel throughout those counties without safety concerns? How long before those countries stoped internal fighting (as if this was ever a problem)? Why didn't W reach this peaceful point during his two terms in office? How long do you think it will take to reach this point in these problematic countries? Twenty years? Fifty years?

The problem is that you folks can't see how these problematic countries are on a totally different path than the examples you gave.

Fen বলেছেন...

Well, it doesn't help that he completely ignores my correction re the Obama criticism - it wasn't drones, it was Obama saying he would invade Pakistan with ground troops to catch OBL. It showed that he really didn't understand basic concepts.

Fen বলেছেন...

Do you two really not see the differences between the successful examples you've given and the problems we're currently having?

Of course we see them. But I'm curioius what you see. List them please....

Why didn't W reach this peaceful point during his two terms in office? How long do you think it will take to reach this point in these problematic countries? Twenty years? Fifty years?

I don't understand your point. No one said this would be over in 8 years. Cheney even said it might take 100.

The problem is that you folks can't see how these problematic countries are on a totally different path than the examples you gave.

No. The problem is that you think the difference is a disqualifier. We're not going to use the same methods that worked in Japan or Germany. We'll adapt. Where do you think COIN came from?

LifeoftheMind বলেছেন...

As Saint Ronaldus said when the Israelis bombed Osirisk, "Boys will be boys."

Good point and Scarlett Johanssen is a serious moonbat but that form of punishment may recruit more spiritually flawed jihadi volunteers than we want to expend our time paperwork and ordnance on.

Assistant Village Idiot বলেছেন...

1jbp wrote " Just as W may have had some motivations to finish the work of his dad in Iraq, McCain may have felt some motivation to "finish" in Afghanistan so that he could make up for the unfinished work in Vietnam..."

So you've got one of those new Motive-o-meters that reads minds? It seems to have great range! How's it working? I'm thinking of getting one.

GMay বলেছেন...

Sixty Grit said: "Please excuse Freder from any discussions, he has a funeral to attend.


Freder's mother"

Snotted on myself after reading that. Thanks jerk!

Sprezzatura বলেছেন...

"How's it working? I'm thinking of getting one."

OMG, before you wrote that you were thinking of getting one, my Motive-O-meter told me that you were thinking of getting one!!!

This thing is awesome, I highly recommend them.

BTW, next time you're thinking of a number between one and ten, the number will be four.

M. Simon বলেছেন...

I get it. As long as you hang out in a neutral nation you are safe. That makes perfect sense.

I like the Israeli view on the matter - levy war against us and no where is safe. It just seems so much more wholesome.

wv: (you are not going to believe this) smaterus

M. Simon বলেছেন...


All politicians lie during elections. You have to elect them to find out what is really in them.

But if you pay close attention you get clues.

I thought this was a good clue:

"We are Americans and we will never surrender, they will."

Alas we will never know.

M. Simon বলেছেন...

BTW, next time you're thinking of a number between one and ten, the number will be four.

I'm more inclined to think it will be after.

M. Simon বলেছেন...

How would the US like it if Canada were to assassinate Rush Limbaugh on a trip to Nebraska?

That is so inappropriate. The correct venue is Alaska. Shame no one knows the rules anymore.

M. Simon বলেছেন...

so that he could make up for the unfinished work in Vietnam, where some folks still say we could have "won,"

UH. Dude. We did win. And when the North attacked the South about two years after we left the Democrats who controlled Congress at the time refused to support our ally.

What with the boat people and all some where between 1/2 million and a million died.

I'm sure the Democrats are the humanitarians they think they are. Except for a few unfortunate exceptions (like mostly siding with the slavers during the Civil War, going all Jim Crow in the Federal government under Wilson, etc.)

I must say one thing I like about the Rs is that when they say they are going to kill you they mean it. OTOH the Ds when they say they won't kill you don't mean it.

M. Simon বলেছেন...

Sooner or later some local Jihadist is going to buy himself a two-foot jet-powered model plane and fire it at The White House.

Well that is probably a good way to get the whole country annoyed at them again.

Do you really think that is a good idea?

But it would be just deserts for us BHO haters. He is dead and we have to go to war over it. But I'm a grown up. I could make the sacrifice.

Eric বলেছেন...

Sooner or later some local Jihadist is going to buy himself a two-foot jet-powered model plane and fire it at The White House.

Which would be good for a laugh. You know some nut already crashed a small plane into the White House in 1994, right? You can put a lot more C4 into the passenger seat of a Cessna 150 than you can into a two foot model airplane.

In any event, I doubt the model airplane thing would work. The odds that we're using RF jammers all over Iraq and A-stan but couldn't spare one for the White House are diminishingly small. I think your jihadi would find himself unable to control the plane as soon as it came within about a half mile from the structure.

AllenS বলেছেন...

It makes not a bit of difference. This man, Sadam, Osama, or any other individual being eliminated will not matter at all. The problem is Islam.

Robin বলেছেন...

1jpb, Obama's campaign rhetoric was criticized because - while shallow Obama supporters lauded it as brilliant - they knew it showed a juvenile understanding of the war efforts as well as a stupidly cynical attack on the Bush admin policy that no adult could be serious about.

Subsequently, Obama's actions in office confirm that the campaign rhetoric was juvenile, unserious and shallow.

Gene বলেছেন...

The odds that we're using RF jammers all over Iraq and A-stan but couldn't spare one for the White House are diminishingly small. I think your jihadi would find himself unable to control the plane as soon as it came within about a half mile from the structure.

That's why the smart terrorist would not use a radio-controlled plane but,as I suggested in my post, one programmed to fly to its target using GPS.