Not only is it odd that Obama is going on this TV show, but the show has already debunked this myth, so they will be redebunking.
They should explore some new myths, like maybe the way some politicians use smoke and mirrors to get voters to think they are capable of amazing miracles.
८४ टिप्पण्या:
Obama and "Mythbusters." The jokes just write themselves.
Blaspheme that President Obama would sully the very soundstage once walked by the Ask-A-Ninja ninja.
The guy really doesn't get the seriousness of being President.
They should explore some new myths, like maybe the way some politicians use smoke and mirrors to get voters to think they are capable of amazing miraclesob.
Ouch. "Amazing miraclesob" would sound even harsher as one word: "amazingmiraclesob"
Great fodder for Stewart and the late-night comedians...Obama is the least self-aware national politician since the Silky Pony.
Perfect show for him since he's all about busting the myth that he was capable of being president.
But will Obama admit that this mirror to mirror trick was attempted by the Greeks as their Star Wars System, but that it started the Roman Warming Period. And those mean Romans would not hold their ships still long enough anyway.
@Original Mike
The guy doesn't like the actual job of being the national CEO, just the perks.
“Mythbusters” has already tried to test this myth. In 2006, with the help of some students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the show declared the myth “busted” because it took far too long for any reflected light to ignite a fire on a distant ship.
But apparently, Mr. Obama wants them to try again.
I always think I won't be surprised by yet another public appearance by Obama and yet here it is. Mythbusters? Doesn't this guy have an actual job?
Why on earth is he making them re-debunk something they already de-bunked? That is just stupid.
I give up. Why fight it? President Obama clearly doesn't want to be taken seriously.
wv: vergit. Vergit it, Mr. President, no one's buying it any more.
It's nice to know he actually does something besides play golf, take vacations, and jet around the country giving speeches (and the 747 has an awesome carbon footprint).
Ever take a job and discover that it isn't as much fun as you thought it would be? I think that's the case for Barack Obama.
When is he gonna do a guest shot on "Spong Bob, Square Pants."
He's working hard to get the unemployment rate among key grips down to a new normal.
Why on earth is he making them re-debunk something they already de-bunked?
Perhaps for the same reason that he keeps pushing for policies that were demonstrated years ago to be at best ineffective and at worst detrimental to the US?
"They should explore some new myths..."
Yes here's one,"The stimulus worked."
But the first presidential appearance is intended to help spur interest in math and science as part of the White House effort to increase American competitiveness in those subjects.
Hey DHOTUS, get back to work "saving" jobs. We already have celebs to do this kinda thing.
Better yet, nevermind. The longer you stay away from the Oval, the less damage you can do before we neuter you in November.
And of course, when the Mythbuster test fails, we all know who you will blame...
I thought Barry would by doing the Mythbusters episode where they try to determine if the Chamber of Commerce is actually run by foreign Muslims.
I hear he is doing a video for the show of Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start This Fire...It Was Those Wascally Wepublicans"
They should explore some new myths, like maybe the way some politicians use smoke and mirrors to get voters to think they are capable of amazing miraclesob
And how some bloggers steal comments from Hot Air without attrib.....
Is he lined up yet for the next season of Dancing With the Stars?
Maybe one or both Jamie and Adam are sick enough of doing the show to make an Obama appearance memorable.
Wow just wow - he's really doing a TV show. I thought your post was some kind of joke.
In the last few months, a bunch of cash-strapped Americans have been canceling their cable TV service. I bet they will love to hear that the president has time for this.
It follows a theme along with his plans to re-debunk Statism.
Also, I love Mythbusters and am annoyed that they would do this.
He should do some color commentary in the MLB playoffs. I want to hear Joe Buck say "Tim McCarver and Barack Obama will be along in a moment, but first..."
I think he should skip cable and go for feature films. Maybe start with a cameo on Scream 4?
I see this as Obama's attempt to get an audience, any audience, that will not boo him. He is limited lately to liberal College campuses, like Madison. Meanwhile, the erstwhile Alaska Governor speaks to wildly cheering crowds of Americans 3 times a day and films TV series in Alaska and endorses winning, not losing, candidates all over the lower 48, while she meets with big GOP donors. Playing golf every day so he can smoke freely on the golf course has been leaving Obama out of the public eye.
I always thought that one of the Mythbusters was a hardcore libertarian.
It smacks of pressure from the suits. That's why I made the comment about one or both of them making an exit (ie being forced to quit or fired) after coming up with something only they could.
Honestly, though, I'll be surprised if the SS let's POTUS inside the huge warehouse or around anything that goes BANG. Most of their stuff goes BANG.
Oh, that Humble Howard were still with us that The Zero could be up in the booth doing play-by-play with Dandy Don on Monday Night Football. Since Willie has already told us his underwear preferences on MTV, it's about the only venue left for Democrats to trivialize the Presidency.
PS What do you want to bet The Zero thinks the Crusades were started by Scipio Africanus Maior in 1789?
Also, I love Mythbusters and am annoyed that they would do this.
And I'm hoping that yet another group of characters I enjoy for entertainment won't be making the usual brain-dead political commentary that sqaunders all respect I had for them.
I can't watch Danny Glover in anythng anymore - his moronic political statements blot out whatever character he's trying to portray. Same with about a dozen other actors I used to enjoy watching.
Discovery Networks doesn't seem to mind driving away conservative audience members, does it?
I wonder if they'll ask him if he believes in UFOs or Bigfoot.
If Obama had any guts, he'd do an empisode of Family Guy.
The Zero - could also stand for the Neilsen ratings for his TV appearance.
Damnit, he really is going to turn one of my fav shows into a political rally.
Fuck you.
But the first presidential appearance is intended to help spur interest in math and science as part of the White House effort to increase American competitiveness in those subjects.
He asked to do it. It would have been bad form to tell him no.
But look- his idea to "spur interest" is to piggy back onto an already popular show. Does he have such an enormous ego that he thinks *he* will give the show a boost? It's the other way around, isn't it?
I guess Buster must have the night off if Obama’s filling in.
"This week on a very special MythBusters: a TV series AND a U.S. President simultaneously jump the shark."
Does he have such an enormous ego that he thinks *he* will give the show a boost? It's the other way around, isn't it?
Its a venue for Obama to convey that he's not really a bitter frustrated diversity hire who can't handle the job.
And Mythbusters is being used like a cheap whore to accomplish this.
I always thought that one of the Mythbusters was a hardcore libertarian.
Really? I always got a heavy left wing vibe. Love the show though.
They should do a Mythbusters about govts promise of shovel ready jobs.
Last night we watched this show where this guy put on what was a suit of armor and went diving amongst a whole shitload of squid who were biting the shit out of him.
Maybe he could try that. That I would watch. Just sayn.
I thought he might go on to bust the Myth that anyone born in the US is a Natural Born Citizen, eligible to be POTUS.
He's planning on aiming the mirror at the RNC. Hey, let's test it out...oops!
"Is he lined up yet for the next season of Dancing With the Stars?"
My guess is a surprise announcement shortly after November 2 that he'll appear on The Amazing Race, teamed with Oprah.
You guys are missing the tell here. He's obviously guest starring to present his long form birth certificate. Poor Mick will be beside himself.
I would watch him if he was on Survivor.
Edutcher: I thought scipio africanus was a wide receiver for the eagles.
Obama is the anti-Midas.
Everything he touches turns to styrofoam, and falls off the podium.
Why on earth is he making them re-debunk something they already de-bunked? That is just stupid.
As a show primarily about Science, Mythbusters has repeatedly re-visited tests in the past, due to fan concerns about the validity of the tests.
...I'm open to Obama being on the show to re-re-test the Archimedes Death Ray, if being there and/or working in-concert with government scientists and mathematicians illustrates a flawed assumption or technique in the testing of the myth, which may lead to a different result.
Unfortnately, the myth I expect the show to bust is the one that says Government can solve any problem by blindly throwing money at it. (As if the Stimulus bill wasn't enough proof to bust that one.)
(As to the shows political views, it does tape in Pelosi-ville. At the same time, one of the hosts is a owner of historic firearms.)
I don't want Obama anywhere near the Archimedes Death Ray. Jesus, what if something goes wrong. POTUS Biden?
From the Mythbusters' Facebook profile:
"This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizati...ons and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House."
Hmmm. Good luck with that, fair use being what it is.
Here's the link to the picture.
Captions might be fun.
GMay said...
You guys are missing the tell here. He's obviously guest starring to present his long form birth certificate. Poor Mick will be beside himself.
The BC is only part of the equation, as that would definitely prove his paternity. If it is BO Sr. then BO 2 is not eligible since BO 2 would be definitely born a dual citizen, and thus not a Natural Born Citizen. But yes, the thought ran thru my mind wheb I saw the title.
"I always thought that one of the Mythbusters was a hardcore libertarian."
I can't speak to Jamie's politics but from what I've read Adam is quite the lefty (even donated to Franken). Given that he's from San Fran this isn't exactly shocking.
As to the rest of the cast I can't say, although I'd be willing to hazard a guess as to Kari.
That said this pisses me off. The Discovery Channel was one of my last redoubts from politics.
Christopher said,
"That said this pisses me off. The Discovery Channel was one of my last redoubts from politics."
Please, they talk about man made Global Warming don't they?
Mythbusters just lost one viewer here.
Adam is definitely a lefty, but Jamie has always given off a hardcore libertarian vibe.
In the Alaska episode when they tested cabin fever, Jamie set about having a constitutional convention of one.
I thought that that was a good way to entertain oneself.
Adam is definitely a lefty, but Jamie has always given off a hardcore libertarian vibe.
Is that because of his Nietzschean 'stache? link
And yes, Adam Savage is a definite lefty.
BJK said:
"As a show primarily about Science..."
I think I know why President Obama decided to do Mythbusters. Since it's a show "primarily about Science", I'm sure the Nobel Committee watches it, and this is B.O's big chance to snag the Nobel Prize for Science.
Since he's currently doing such a bang up job making the US economy disappear, you can bet that getting both the Nobel Prize for Economics and the Nobel Prize for Magic are in the works as well.
Vero Possomus!
"Vero Possomus!"
Heh,that was funny but back then we didn't know just how unfunny it really was.
I would like to see the President appear on History Detectives.
They should explore some new myths, like maybe the way some politicians use smoke and mirrors to get voters to think they are capable of amazing miraclesob.
That's not a myth.
If Ricky Gervais did a special episode of Extras with Barry O. as the guest star, I would definitely watch it.
Otherwise, anything on TV with the President in it is going to feel like an after school special.
Hyneman could challenge Obama to stand before the sea and command the waters to recede.
It could be a campaign promises special.
You could make it fair. Obama can have any type of staff he desires to use to command the sea. Oak, elm, titanium, whatever.
As a show primarily about Science, Mythbusters has repeatedly re-visited tests in the past, due to fan concerns about the validity of the tests.
We’re not talking about a fan writing in, we’re talking about the POTUS. Wouldn’t you want an original episode rather than a redo? He probably just thought that one sounded high brow and couldn’t come up with his own myth to test. It’s so unoriginal, I guess is the crux of my problem with it (aside from the fact that he’s doing it at all).
I don’t blame Mythbusters though. The President asked to come on your show, you let him generally, if only for the publicity. However, I agree with Freeman, it makes it desperately uncool, like an after school special or something they make you watch in elementary school, rather than the awesome show that it is, all on its own. Bleck.
Since he's on the Discovery Channel, I'd like to see him on "Dirty Jobs" shoveling pig shit or inseminating cows...some real shovel-ready work.
I wonder who could be fooled by this politician who used "smoke and mirrors to get voters to think they are capable of amazing miracles." ... could it be a law professor, perhaps?
@Yos: Instapundit seems to think so. (So do I, but that doesn't carry much weight.)
Why on earth is he making them re-debunk something they already de-bunked? That is just stupid.
He's busily re-testing Carter's failed economic and foreign policies, too. This is small potatoes by comparison -- but the stupidity of it is certainly telling.
The O-Man is going to show it Really Could Work if only it were done by The Right People, backed with the sheer force of will and power of personality of the Big O hisself.
If Obama had any guts, he'd do an episode of Family Guy.
What, and get intellectually upstaged by Chris? I think not.
The Palins did a reality show, so Obama has to now?
I knew that was trouble when I heard about it. Idiocy.
And Mythbusters was the only thing I missed about cable TV. Oh, well, one more reason to not ever go back.
Will Mythbusters invite Michelle on to help debunk Sasquatch?
Given how much help Pres. Soetero
has been to the down-ticket races,
expect to see him set his own pants on fire.
That whole sunlight/mirror/
magnifying glass thing works great
on ants, and they aren't made of wood.
Instead of torching boats, the Pres. could produce his long-form birth certificate to once-and-for-
all debunk THAT myth.
I'd DVR network to watch that real-
"They should explore some new myths, like maybe the way some politicians use smoke and mirrors to get voters to think they are capable of amazing miracles."
Unfortunately (for some) I think that myth would be busted.
Obama didn't use smoke and mirrors. On the contrary he was quite clear about his intention to "spread the wealth around". At least, it was obvious to many commenters here who tried to persuade our host not to support him; and it was obvious to the lady who excitedly spoke about how she would no longer have to worry about her mortgage or her grocery bills.
And Obama didn't get voters to think he was capable of amazing miracles; alas, those voters simply fooled themselves, and made fools of themselves, much like the congressmen who voted to go to war in Iraq then tried to say Bush fooled them into it.
Thorley Winston said...
I guess Buster must have the night off if Obama’s filling in.
Obama filling in for Buster? Now that would be good television though I doubt he's any more qualified for the job than he is to be president. For those unfamiliar with the show, Buster is a crash test dummy used in many of the more dangerous tests. I don't know about his crash worthiness, but Obama has the dummy part down cold.
Archimedes? Darn. I was so looking forward to O explaining the legal implications of General Relativity.
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