Ann --10 of me? An army of Althouses — is that really what you want?
Two years ago, I met 10 of you.
Actually, as his "10 of you" locution suggests, his view of me is completely generic. He wants me to give $3 and be entered in a raffle be one of 3 winners of trips to Las Vegas (of all places) to meet him. That's not what I call "want[ing] to meet Ann."
"I want to meet three supporters like you backstage at a rally in Las Vegas." I don't think you even what to meet "supporters like [me]." That would be sad.
Click to read the whole email.
Ann --
Two years ago, I met 10 of you.
Just before I accepted our party's nomination in front of 80,000 people in Denver, I spoke with 10 grassroots supporters who had won a trip to meet me backstage.
I still remember the time we spent together -- because these are the people, like you, who stood with me in 2008, and got me through the tough fights since.
But we face another test on November 2nd that will say a lot about our future -- and I need you by my side again.
A Supreme Court decision I strongly disagree with has shifted the balance of power in our elections from folks like you to giant corporations. Their massive spending on attack ads could have a real impact on who represents you at all levels of government. Only supporters like you -- and all the work you are doing -- are standing in their way.
This may be our toughest fight yet.
So next week, just 11 days before the elections, I want to meet three supporters like you backstage at a rally in Las Vegas -- one of the last big rallies of this campaign.
Will you make a $3 donation now to be automatically entered to win a trip to be at my side at the rally in Vegas?
This movement has always been about more than me. It's about change, and the kind of future we envision for this country.
The folks I met backstage in Denver told me they wanted health reform, a clean-energy economy, and a resolution to the war in Iraq. They wanted a new kind of politics, and a new kind of leader.
It was their hope and expectation that together we would move beyond the status quo, that we would counter the special interests and corporate influence in Washington -- that we would do what was right and necessary for all Americans.
With your help, we have made historic progress, but there is much left to do -- and it will not happen without your involvement. I need strong allies in Congress who will stand with us in the tough fights ahead, and I need you to give it all you've got through November 2nd to make sure they can.
Your donation today will provide critical support to our Vote 2010 campaign as we reach out to millions of voters who will decide the closest races across the country.
It will determine if we pass this test, and win our toughest fight yet.
Please donate $3 or more to be automatically entered to win a trip to Las Vegas to meet me backstage:
I hope to see you out there,
President Barack Obama
P.S. -- Making a donation automatically registers you for the sweepstakes. You may also enter the sweepstakes without making a contribution either online or via text message -- click here to enter online or here for instructions on how to enter via text message. No minimum contribution is necessary to be registered.
No purchase or contribution necessary to enter. Void where prohibited. You can enter the contest without making a contribution by clicking here. Only U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents over the age of 18 who are residents of the 50 states or D.C. are eligible to enter. Entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. on 10/15/10. Three winners will receive one round-trip ticket within the continental U.S. to Las Vegas, NV; hotel accommodations for one; and a meeting with President Obama at a rally event on 10/22/10 (approximate combined retail value $1,200.00). Odds of winning depend on number of entries received. Promotion is subject to Official Rules, available here, including restrictions on eligibility.
१३१ टिप्पण्या:
"Void where prohibited by the Defense Of Marriage Act."
Is it more taupe from the dope?
Maybe you could win and ask him how he could be a Natural Born Citizen if he was born of a foreign father and owed allegiance to Britain??!!!
What if Althouse won?
Anyone can enter, it seems. Do the "contest rules" permit them to pick and choose winners who won't embarrass the President? (Not that you would, Althouse, but I bet your presence would make him nervous.)
Plus he's cut the number he will meet from 10 to 3 since 2008. Will there be enough "diversity" in this gang of 3?
Are they really so desperate for cash that they must resort to this cheesiness?
Or is this one more platoon in the Army of Fools surrounding Obama?
There are ten more of you? We are doomed!
wv= shili [what I just said]
I think he'd make a lot more money by setting up a dunk tank stand at a big county fair and charging three dollars for a chance to lob a softball at the target and drop him in the water.
"You can't lay off 500 employees then go to Vegas"
Did Obama really say this?
So many unforced errors, so little time!
1. Stupidly
2. DOMA - why is the government involved anyways?
3. DADT - a judge out in Riverside has the final say?
4. The Chicago Olympics
5. The Noble prize for showing up.
6. Weighing in on the ground zero mosque.
Did I miss any?
"Harry Reid wants YOU to double down on Barack!"
I don't know about an "army of Althouses" but apparently Glenn Reynolds has an army of friends named "David."
It looks like Althouse won't enter because she doesn't like the location.
If only she could sign up for a chance to see that brown rug in DC.
The Prez is into foursomes? Whodathunkit?
@seattle, you can add the Henry Louis Gates episode if you'd like.
So now the President of the United States is on the same level as a Cracker Jacks prize or a Happy Meal Toy.
Just about right.
VW: poota
No point. It just made me laugh.
Auctioning off face time with the President as a sinking-ship fundraiser? Stay classy, Barack.
VW: poota
Hey that's whore in espanol.
Are you talking about the president or the blogger lady?
Next time you get an e-mail from a Nigerian prince asking for money, just delete it. Internet 101.
"I spoke with 10 grassroots supporters who had won a trip to meet me backstage."
Mega creepy. I think you simplify your label "Big Government sounds like a creepy stalker", though, by replace "sounds like" with "is".
I think he copied this email from his cousin in Nigeria.
Just sayn'
I think it's funny that the PS with the contest rules is still in his voice.
It would be interesting to find out if O screens what his political operatives send out over his name. Since the evidence suggests that he doesn't even screen what pops up on his tele-prompter, it's unlikely that he looked at this before it went out. But his vanity undoubtedly gets the better of him sometimes, and pushes him to take a look.
It would also be interesting to see the drafts of the email. I'd guess that whoever wrote it had the same view of the electorate as the MadMen who issued a casting call for 'hicky' types in the WVa race. It certainly shows a similar level of political deftness.
I can think of a lot of guys who'd like to meet Ann in Vegas for a quick weekend.
Most of them, however, would have more class than to ask her to cough up 3 bucks first.
1jpb said...
It looks like Althouse won't enter because she doesn't like the location.
If only she could sign up for a chance to see that brown rug in DC.
No, Ann doesn't want to be remembered for a stain on her blue dress.
Obama is asking for a measly $3 while he and Democrats are getting crushed by 10s of thousands of attack ads funded by the Kingdom of Bahrain, among others. But, like dressing up as a Nazi SS and reenacting murderous rampages into Hungary, this can all be explained!
Obama is asking for a measly $3 while he and Democrats are getting crushed by 10s of thousands of attack ads funded by the Kingdom of Bahrain, among others.
You are obviously implying that Jihadist money is pouring into GOP coffers. Link please?
But his vanity undoubtedly gets the better of him sometimes, and pushes him to take a look.
Speaking of vanity...did you see that Michelle called herself Mom-in-Chief today?
Do other mothers like that? I don't. As a mom, she's got nothing on me.
I just checked my email. I got this invitation, except mine is different.
It's from BHO, to me, the trip is to LV. But, the text is completely different. And, they want a lot more than $3 for me be entered in the contest. It looks like I'll be subsidizing Althouse's trip. BHO is in favor of a progressive tax code, and a progressive raffle.
So this entire "clean green economy" thing is not based on studied policy but on the views of 10 supporters?
Just fucking unsubscribe to the email list. Do you know how mailing lists work?
it's completely generic
OH SHIT you mean he doesn't actually write to everyone personally? MIND BLOWN.
Hey, if I were a Bahrainian (Bahrainese?) I'd be legitimately pissed off at Barry's socialist engineered depression, which is wreaking havoc on that ersatz Arab Las Vegas (just like he's destroying our real thing Las Vegas) they've built on the sandspit they call a country.
He can't mean sin city! He must mean Las Vegas, NM so he can do an interview @ the Imus Ranch.
But, like dressing up as a Nazi SS and reenacting
You know, it is really hard to have a WWII reenactment with no Nazis. It would be like a Civil War reenactment where everyone played the part of Ulysses Grant. Doesn't work.
Obama just wants to repeat his petty cash infusion from untraceable foreign nationals, bus boys, illegal aliens etc. It worked for him during his campaign. Shooot. Might as well give it a go again since no one seemed to give a shit the last time.
The funniest part is that the "approximate combined retail value" of meeting the President including round-trip air fare and accommodation in Vegas is $1200 bucks.
1jbp, I'd love to see the text of yours. I wonder how many versions there are and what characteristics determine who gets which.
1jbp, I'd love to see the text of yours. I wonder how many versions there are and what characteristics determine who gets which.
@ Palladian
I really like your carnival dunk tank idea.
"This movement has always been about more than me."
There's an irony to occupying the Oval Office. When presidents think they're bigger than the job they hold, they shrink in office. When they think they're smaller than the honor they've been temporarily bestowed, they grow into it. Obama has done nothing but shrink.
C'mon Alex. You should already know these things. Foreign money from Muslim countries flowing in to influence elections? I thought this would be a CODE RED ACTION ALERT.
Wait a minute, never mind, I thought I just figured it out.
Seeing Obama in Vegas, not so exciting.
Missing spending Ron Artest Day in Vegas with Ron Artest...
Now that's something to be upset about.
k in T,
Here is the bulk, no point in restating the boilerplate at the end, it's the same as Althouse has:
There are 20 days until the election. I need you to go all in.
People like Senator Barbara Boxer in California, Congresswoman Mary Jo Kilroy in Ohio, and Congressman Patrick Murphy in Pennsylvania -- who courageously fought alongside us for change -- are facing millions in retaliatory attacks ads from special interests, made possible by a recent Supreme Court decision.
All around the country, members of Congress who stand up for the middle class are being targeted. Special interests hope to replace our allies with candidates who will give tax breaks to the wealthy, exploding our deficits at the expense of the middle class; privatize social security; even eliminate the minimum wage.
That's why I'm doing all I can, traveling the country over the last critical days of this campaign to support our allies and remind voters of the choice they have in this election. These are the people who stood with us when health reform seemed unlikely, when the banks tried to bully us out of Wall Street reform.
I need you to do all you can as well. Keep organizing, keep talking to your neighbors, and keep donating whatever you can afford.
Will you chip in $25 right now to help win this fight?
Your donation today will not just help put organizers on the ground, resources in the hands of volunteers, or ads online in these final days of the election. Your donation is a statement -- that you and I will not sit back and allow interest groups to buy their way back into power.
And, as Mitch told you earlier this week, your donation will automatically enter you win a trip to Las Vegas to meet me backstage. I'll be there on October 22nd to stand alongside Nevada Democrats and Harry Reid, one of the best majority leaders the Senate has ever had, who has played a critical role in each of the historic victories you and I have achieved. He's one of the people we need to fight for.
There are Democrats like Harry all around the country -- folks who are under siege because they stood up to the status quo. It's up to you to give them a chance to keep fighting. And if you don't do it, nobody will.
I will be out there, making the case with you. And I hope to see you backstage at one of the final, most important, campaign stops I will make this fall.
Please donate $25 to be automatically entered to win a trip to Las Vegas to meet me backstage:
Thank you for all you do,
President Barack Obama
BTW, the email worked! I gave them the dough.
Alex exercising in futility, requested: "You are obviously implying that Jihadist money is pouring into GOP coffers. Link please?"
Oh pay no mind to that turd that garbage just dropped in here. It's not like he's actually gonna follow up by wiping his ass.
You'd think he'd have the good sense not to bring this up when there are actual substantiated claims of a couple hundred mil in undisclosed campaign contributions that went into Obama's coffers.
I just love how these lefty trolls love to lob these wild accusations at Republicans and conservatives and never feel compelled to actually back them up with EVIDENCE.
Gmay said ...You did it!
***plugging ears***
I can't hear you I can't hear you.
garage - pull your fingers out of your ears and answer the damn question. You pathetic piece of commie crap.
I'm many balls for a Ben Franklin?
I will give you links. First, you have to let me know your thoughts on it first.
"how many balls for a Ben Franklin?"
For that kind of money, forget the balls, you can use books or shoes.
How dare they take money from Bahrain when they should have taken it from those Chinamen like Bill and Hill.
If Hop Sing was awake he would have said that was racist.
"Obama just wants to repeat his petty cash infusion from untraceable foreign nationals, bus boys, illegal aliens etc. It worked for him during his campaign. Shooot. Might as well give it a go again since no one seemed to give a shit the last time."
Both sides do whatever they can get away with. That's all it boils down, and will continue to, as far as I can see.
Chamber of Commerce using Arab money to attack Dems
So this is your smoking gun? Pathetic. What I want to know is where each and every dollar of the $750 million Obama raised came from.
So garage - are Bahrain and India enemies of the United States? I have no problem with them giving money to the Chamber.
Althouse is on the El Cheapo mailing list!
G-lame and Alex are a little slow on the draw, have real problems with links and data, and I want to help out, I really do.
That said, I think this will help. I hope it doesn't go too fast for you!
Trooper York said...
If Hop Sing was awake he would have said that was racist.
In his day, Chinaman was as proper as Frenchman.
Dust Bunny Queen said...
But, like dressing up as a Nazi SS and reenacting
You know, it is really hard to have a WWII reenactment with no Nazis. It would be like a Civil War reenactment where everyone played the part of Ulysses Grant. Doesn't work.
He could always be Hirohito.
Or Marlene Dietrich. She did her thing for the troops.
garage - as long as the Chamber is not accepting money from Jihadist front groups, I have no problem with it. But you still can't explain where $300 million of Obama's funds(not small donations) came from. How do we know the ChiComs didn't give all that?
Jane Fonda must be horrified by WWII re-enactors dressing as the enemy.
No you have it wrong. Obama thinks the Chamber of Commerce are the enemies of the United States. They are small businessmen after all.
He hates us.
Always has. Always will.
The Chamber loves small businesses. Just not in America.
Trooper - Obama does not hate small businesses. I know this because his defenders really really really insist that his intentions are really pure. So what if his actions mirror FDR 2.0? It's called creative destruction, where Obama destroys business and creates some new government utopia!
The Chamber loves small businesses. Just not in America.
What is the % of funds the Chamber collects from foreign businesses? I bet it's less then 2%. The Chamber is in the business of defending free enterprise. Why are you shocked that they are pursuing the stated goal?
I once went all in in Vegas. It was at the roulette wheel and I put a grand on red. Suddenly I was surrounded by three guys built like boilers sending signals and shuffling their feet. The wheel slowed. The ball settled in red 10...then bounced to black 11. The three boilers withdrew and I walked away...forever disabused of hope.
I'm starting to doubt my eyes and my political instincts. What my instincts are telling me is that a teeth-rattling anti-Democrat blowout is coming in just three weeks.
Things like garage's wild accusations upthread. Rachel Maddow's on-the-air meltdown when interviewing Dr. Art Robinson. Obama campaigning among students in Madison, Wisconsin and Washington, DC. Plus other signs and portents that combine suggest a level of extreme desperation among the "progressives" who want to march us backwards.
My sense is that the Democrats will lose the Senate (51-49 in favor of the good guys) and lose 70 to 80 seats in the House.
And I'm having a hard time believing it. It's just too much.
Now whether Obama and Pelosi get the message (Reid will be gone, and his son with him) and whether the Republican leadership looks at the establishment Republicans who lost in the primaries and gets a message of their own, well, that remains to be seen.
If you send $3, Barack can buy enough food for a month and support the local economy as well.
Please donate now, and we will send an annual phot and monthly updates about Barack.
Save the Democrats has staff in the region and is mobilizing to rush aid to soon-to-be-displaced Democrats and their families, who will need essential supplies. We are ready to provide more relief as election results come in and to help protect Democrats from further harm.
Change the life of a Senator— forever. Sponsor a Democrat for $28 per month.
The "funds" are Chamber membership dues, not PAC contributions and the charge has been debunked, even the NYT says it's bullshit.
btw-The AFL-CIO collects dues from foreign affiliates and the Sierra Club has foreign memberships. Are they also suspect?
Things like garage's wild accusations upthread.
I asked you to take the challenge on another thread that you refused. How bout this one? What is the wild accusation?
Good grief! That is the cheesiest campaign ploy yet!
(Betcha Feingold won't be entering.)
Are any of you aware that the COC has chapters all over the world? Not that facts are important to a really cool, but desperate liberal rant. OTOH, I'm not so sure there are Democrat presidentail campaigns operating all over the world. No, wait...
A political party is holding a raffle to raise donations?
Wow. Things are tough for the DNC, yeah?
Are you serious? Where's this challenge you're offering because a google search query that lists ThinkProgress as its first return is pretty funny.
Got something real? Like a reputable source and not a search query? Or do you want to continue your long, unbroken streak of talking out of your ass?
The Chamber loves small businesses. Just not in America.
That's so frigging stupid that I'm actually embarrassed for you.
The Chamber loves small businesses. Just not in America.
This line of attack from The Won is just dripping with desperation. Honestly, I've never seen a president behave like such a punk before.
The "funds" are Chamber membership dues, not PAC contributions and the charge has been debunked, even the NYT says it's bullshit.
Fox News parent company just contributed 1 million to the chamber. Was that a due? Don't be so stupid. These annual dues are collected in the same 501(c)(6) the Chamber is using to run attack ads.
btw-The AFL-CIO collects dues from foreign affiliates and the Sierra Club has foreign memberships. Are they also suspect?
Some individual unions affiliated with the AFL-CIO collects dues, from (Canadian) residents sure. They aren't passed to the national AFL-CIO, and used to run partisan ads.
The reason the chamber is attacking democrats is because they are the only entity that is willing to crack down on companies like giving tax breaks for offshoring American jobs.
"What is the wild accusation?"
Well the one that the Chamber of Commerce is somehow under the influence and control of foreign money is kinda a big bag of bullshit.
I mean I know Obama thinks we are stupid but do you?
The reason the Chamber is attacking Democrats is because they want to tax us back to the Stone Age.
That's what cap and trade is all about.
What a contest! First Prize is a trip to meet Barack Obama.
Second Prize is two trips to meet Barack Obama
Hey don't ask me AJ. I can't even explain why the Phillies even think they have a chance.
It's like Brett Farve sending photo's of his Johnson to some broad and thinking that is a good thing to do.
Ya just can't explain it.
Can someone [Garage Mahal] explain how the alleged tax break works? You know the one you get for sending jobs overseas. It sounds like an Urban [League] legend to me.
Trooper - you are a tax guy- what do you know about it?
It's a losing hand for Obama. Big time.
"Chamber of Commerce" is one of those trusted organizations... like the "Better Business Bureau." People hear the name and think "trust" or actually think "government" but local and trusted.
What Obama is counting on is that no one asks what it's about and no one *says* what it is about... like garage, not saying. Only the charge... SCARY ARABS ARE FUNNELING MONEY TO REPUBLICANS!!!eleventy!!
As soon as someone has to say "It's the Chamber of Commerce" people have to think, "Huh? How does that work?" And then someone says it's because the Chamber of Commerce has foreign members and the Chamber of Commerce now gets to run political ads since freedom of speech has been affirmed, but they have these foreign connections... at which point people have to think, "Huh? And the foreign members money goes to endorsements for local politics?" At which point the brass bold claim that this is happening becomes, "Well, we don't know that it *doesn't* because it's not itemized."
At which point anyone paying attention to the last election says... oh, dear, Hypocrite much?
And then garage tries to say it's a "you do it too," moment.
But that's life. Liberals get to point out hypocrisy and conservatives get to complain that someone else did it first. I am at peace with this. Zen even.
Well the one that the Chamber of Commerce is somehow under the influence and control of foreign money is kinda a big bag of bullshit.
They've run over 8000 attack ads against democrats from the same fund they collect money from foreign entities. Just proving the larger point that there is literally no activity that can't be overlooked, or nothing a conservative can't do that won't be rigorously defended.
Can someone [Garage] how tha alleged tax break works? You know the one you get for sending jobs ocerseas. It sounds like an Urban [League] legend to me.
Until recently, domestic companies that have off shore subsidiaries could defer taxes on "unrepatriated income." In other words, revenue that companies earn through their overseas subsidiaries goes untaxed by the IRS as long as it stays off the company’s U.S. books
Ended by democrats, opposed by the Chamber. Not hard to put together is it.
DBQ-"You know, it is really hard to have a WWII reenactment with no Nazis. It would be like a Civil War reenactment where everyone played the part of Ulysses Grant. Doesn't work."
Heh, that's the most concise explanation I've seen anywhere on this kerfuffle, perfect and puts it to rest.
Ooh! Trooper York had a simultaneous commentgasm with Lincolntf at 4:04!
I am of course willing to stipulate that Democrats are in favor of every possible tax of every kind. Even on the dead. That is why they are Democrats after all.
But it is no problem for me if you want to argue about where the deck chairs on the Titanic were manufactured.
What ever floats your boat.
So to speak.
"Ann Althouse said...
Ooh! Trooper York had a simultaneous commentgasm with Lincolntf at 4:04!"
I love it when you talk dirty.
"Althouse is on the El Cheapo mailing list!"
LOL. Probably because I never gave him money. I don't give anyone money! I gave Russ Feingold money a long time ago, but only because he personally called me numerous times and I couldn't take it anymore. I've given money to 2 or 3 local candidates, but other than that, I choose to act directly, through independent speech. So, look out!
Is that what Meade calls a 'gasm?
Oh, no! Did I have a SC with TY????
Anyone else notice he didn't actually mention what changes he's made? You know, like greatly increasing the federal deficit, and passing a health care bill that nobody wants... except the insurance companies.
On the bright side, at least it's OK to party in Vegas again.
Obviously Obama thinks Democrats are groupies.
I wonder f any other Presidency has referred to themselves as "stagecraft"?
Honey, I home!
(Hope she hasn't been having any simultaneous anythings with other random commenters while I've been away.)
TY, KY what's the difference?
I don't know if anyone's mentioned it, but Obama did the contest thing before the general election. I couldn't believe the tackiness of it.
Everyone remember this gem?
Any "Chamber of Commerce" is supposed to support, well, commerce. Wow. Shocking. Supposed to be for businesses and a healthy environment for businesses. We see who is absolutely insistent on posing commerce and business as the enemy. And there is supposed to be some nefarious plot involved in supporting pro-business politicians?
Yeah, businesses send jobs overseas because our politicians make sure to provide those incentives to them. And the answer is to double down and make sure to paint business as the enemy.
Obama adds the Chamber of Commerce to his official enemies list along with Las Vegas, Medical Doctors, and FOX News. And Boxer thinks it's appropriate to "trump" the Black Chamber of Commerce with failing to adhere to the proper thought allowed to Black persons with political opinions in the United States.
So it is not really accurate to say companies get a tax break to outsource jobs? Basicaally, companies don't get taxed on money earned outside the USA. I suspect that has been the case for many years but libs grabbed it as a vote-getting talking point. Reeks of their desperation.
Obama adds the Chamber of Commerce to his official enemies list along with Las Vegas, Medical Doctors, and FOX News.
The only reason why he can get any traction at all is because 1/3 of the country automatically hates capitalism and another 1/3 is receptive to socialist bleatings. I fear for America.
Dark Days are Coming.
@ Alex @ 4:54PM
"What is the % of funds the Chamber collects from foreign businesses? I bet it's
less then 2%"
$100,000 Dues collected from foreign members & $200,000,000 budget = .0005%
What do you do for a living, Alex? What tax bracket do you fall into?
Shhhh! I can't hear the debate!
I am of course willing to stipulate that Democrats are in favor of every possible tax of every kind. Even on the dead. That is why they are Democrats after all.
Democrats put forward many bills to help small businesses this congress. Republicans have blocked, or tried to block, every single one. But you want Obama, or the left to hate you for some reason, maybe you need another person to hate you.
Keep Fear Alive!!!
How can you keep fear alive if you pass the tax cuts Obama favored?
Young physicians in America are just sooooo enamored of the idea of working in the only Western industrialized nation with an uninsurance rate of greater than 15%.
It makes them feel downright proud.
I know that it's very attractive to someone entering the field of medicine to know that 62% of personal bankruptcies in America were the result of a failure to afford health care costs.
It's a calling, you see: To extort someone with the promise of bankruptcy in exchange for saving their life.
Very noble.
It's how we are in America.
The greatest insult to the Republicans is knowing that unlike tax breaks for multi-millionaires, TARP actually gave us a return on investment.
Just please give them another chance! PLEASE!!! Outsourcing debt to China is SOOOO much better than having a country that actually makes things.
America's principal industry is fantasy, and Republicans can't afford to diversify beyond that commodity.
This might be a first for the locals; having defended Muslim nations, Nazis SS uniforms, and "dues" in the same thread.
Roll that one around in your head.
Jon Chait says it best:
In 1993, conservatives unanimously predicted that Bill Clinton's tax increase on incomes over $200,000 would slow growth, reduce tax revenues, and likely cause a recession. Instead, of course, the economy boomed and revenue skyrocketed. Then George W. Bush cut upper-bracket tax rates, and conservatives predicted that this would cause the economy to grow even faster. Instead, the economy experienced the first business cycle where income was lower at the peak of the business cycle than it had been at the peak of the previous business cycle. It is rare that events so utterly repudiate an economic theory. None of this evidence has penetrated the conservative mind to the slightest degree. Reading the right-wing press, it is exactly as true today as it was 18 years ago that reducing Clinton-era upper-bracket tax rates holds the key to economic growth.
Enjoy your little party and don't forget the guy with the hat and the number "10/6" sticking out of it.
What do you do for a living, Alex? What tax bracket do you fall into?
What's the relevance of that? Fair is fair, and the progressive tax system is fundamentally unfair.
Ritmo supports the dirty lower classes who blow all their money on booze and hookers.
Keep 'em incoherent @7:13, Garage. The conservative mind requires order. Point out any more inconsistencies on their part and they'll go absolutely bonkers.
What's the relevance of that?
I wanna know how much real-life experience you have in the world of work - esp. when it comes to either creating opportunities for it IRL or pretending you do.
Ritmo supports the dirty lower classes who blow all their money on booze and hookers.
Thank you for revealing exactly what you think.
Alex's insult is revealing.
While he declines to say how much he makes, his comment shows you that he doesn't care whether helping the poor or helping the rich is the better course for bringing the economy back to life.
He just thinks the poor are filthy and disgusting.
That's all he needs to know.
The only thing I don't want to defend is the Green Bay Packers kicker becaue when he missed that kick I had to laugh my ass off.
Just sayn'
You see he was a Jan Stenerud re-enactor.
"I keek a touchdown."
Or was that Garo?
Or Gogo?
Whatever. He just wasn't a real kicker.
Just sayn'
Hey wait a cotton picking minute...whose random buddy?
Oh and cotton picking does not refer to any person, political personage or migrant worker currently extant.
It is simply an expression of incredulity of the most innocent sort.
I thought our dickhead president said to stay out of Las Vegas. He killed a few thousand jobs with those intemperate statements and now he wants to atone by having you fly there to meet him. Some leader.
Garage: That Google thing is hilarious!! Love the links it provides, very trustworthy. I am sure that the independents out there that you clearly think are brain dead will be taken in by that nifty trick. I don't like the little acronyms so I will write it out. When I saw your link with the little Google trick. I Laughed Out Loud.
Thanks, and hopefully you can keep that kind of thing coming.
First prize is a backstage meeting with Obama.
Second prize is two meetings with Obama.
I think the "you by my side" phrasing is the creepiest, although I can't quite articulate why it skeeves me out the way it does.
The folks I met backstage in Denver told me they wanted health reform, a clean-energy economy, and a resolution to the war in Iraq.
Good to know that Obama is staying faithful to the economic priorities Democratic activists had back in August 2008. Explains a thing or two, that does.
Garage: That Google thing is hilarious!! Love the links it provides, very trustworthy. I am sure that the independents out there that you clearly think are brain dead will be taken in by that nifty trick
So exactly what are you disputing here. Anything?
Don't reply. What Obama really needs is for you and a dozen or so other women to be trapped in a well/mine and get rescued on the morning of November 1.
Dear Ann,
Two weeks ago, I meet a baker's dozen of you. Just before I had that 6th shot of rye whiskey. Maybe there were fewer than 13 but it was definitely more than a couple of you.
I still remember the camera, of all things, one big eye looking at me, stirring repressed memories of the alien who abducted me in 1998 in Alma, Georgia.
But now, whilst I sit in jail, awaiting my preliminary hearing and test of my aptitude for standing trial, I want to ask you to help me stand up, all 13 or however many were there. My girth and propensity for drink have sapped my strength not to mention the bank account.
Will you help me? In 18 days my reckoning will come to pass, but in the meantime, I am asking you to support me financially and physically. Somewhere a shovel ready job beckons me to find my path to glory. You and the others can help by donating just $5 each.
If you do, you and at least 2 others will be able to join me at the hearing, shouting, calling out my name and providing hope and all of your loose change in your car cup holder or purse to me.
Your assistance is vital if we are to get this country back on track, starting at the Bungalow Inn & Bar. A $10 round of drinks actually stimulates the economy and provides back $22.37 to the economy according to Nancy the Bartender. Sure, she takes from the till every so often, and you don't want to see her when sober, but no one looks better at last call than Nancy.
So ante up and join my calvalcade.
Issob Morocco
PS by responding back, you are automatically tagged for future correspondences and if I find enough cash, incessant jail house phone calls. Take a moment and share yourself with me.
Thank you and may a higher entity or Gaia bless you.
How much does he want to just go away?
I think if Obama went the county fair dunk tank circuit, he would put a big dent in that Trillion-dollar deficit he rung up. But nobody even hinted that he would spend the money on the country instead of himself. Hmmmmmmmm.....
garage asked: "So exactly what are you disputing here. Anything?"
Nope, he's not. And that's the point dumbass - you didn't provide anything.
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