It's a mistake to let your political opponent dictate what you talk about.
I'm not going to watch the ad (I'm in the library, after all, and it's probably noisy), but I think she shouldn't even mention the outlandish things said about her. She should refer to them obliquely as the nonsense they are, then segue into a discussion about how her opponent can't talk about things they're supporting because they are so politically unpopular.
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
BTW, the approach of the ad was unavoidable. It's the only possible angle for a candidate with no knowledge and nothing to say and no selling point other than her generic empathy and vague sense of voter identification or whatever.
Don't liberals preen about embracing alternative belief systems? Turn it back on them. If they love the mosque at Ground Zero, why not a coven in Wilmington?
I'm sure Wiccans are all ginned up to vote for the next Republican anyway. They share a lot of the same outlook, such as a belief in magic and the worship of a goddess (who may just happen to be a fertile Alaskan).
Ritmo...Just to say that a person is not a Global Warmist myth maker says a lot. We all live in a mythical realm constructed by Walt Disney and the Media Narrative. Only that style of sincerity , mastered by O'Donnell, exposes the myth makers' substantial weaknesses.
But Reactionaries don't believe in giving each constituency its own say, Ham. They tell each congressional district: You're either with us, or you're with the contresscritters.
The media narrative is typically a useful and critical one before the reactionaries infiltrate it and warp it for political ends, though, TG. The early days of each medium - Radio, television (Cronkite), internet - were informative until the entertainers decided to use each medium for different purposes.
It's probably an effective ad, but I wish it weren't. It's all emotion, and it's all identity politics. I wish people voted more on the policies and ideologies they prefer than on how well they feel they can connect with the identity of the candidates.
Ritmo...I don't know your age. But you are certainly able to express yourself well. I was alert and watching these Media expressions in the years 1988-1989, when suddenly every spokesperson ceased speaking about the true world events always called news, contrasting that to interesting myths of total fictional creation. From that time on, the fictional myths were spoken of as if true and the news of real happenings was poo-pooed as un-important distractions. Perhaps it was the influence from "de-constructionists". But whatever the origin, it was a universal and simultaneous happening as if someone had flipped a switch. Now, your and my experiences are not real, but movie plots and movie scenes really happened.
Nice ad. Not spectacular, but she comes off as normal and makes the basic point about what she believes.
PS Hope and Change got us 22% unemployment. Fear is what most people have now; the old fear where the rest of their retirement will end up, the working people fear their job will dry up, the young fear not getting a job.
Thanks to Hope and Change, we're all afraid.
PPS I see Ritmo is trying to shout down everybody else and hijack the thread again.
If she's so dumb and so weird, why is he (and Bill Maher) so afraid of her?
WV "brusti" What a grirl with a brig brosom is cralled.
If political change took the time necessary for Glenn Beck to put on a different bullet-proof vest, then the left would have resorted to astroturfing crowds a long time ago.
But I think they're looking for something more substantial.
I admit it, Edutcher. I'm afraid (and I suppose, Bill Maher is, as well) of the political power of a generic oaf with financial troubles and a history of witchcraft.
If you're not a witch, why the bubbling cauldron in the background? That fog has eye of newt written all over it. And then dress in black. You're just playing with us.
Don't forget John Locke, Methedras! That ideological brother was way ahead on getting us to fear what would happen if we didn't "conserve" the divine right of kings to rule.
Ever since then it's been a long road progressively downhill, right?
Is your sexual orientation more confused than you let on, Methy Sexy Baby Face Head? I never got the impression you were into comparing videos of women working out with videos of dudes.
Hey, if that's your thing, then go with it. Just don't be let down. Sorry, I don't swing that way.
I don't, since he basically spurred the classic liberalism movement that modern conservativism has evolved into unlike the social liberalism that has rotten the root of your bankrupt ideology. Got anything else, dummy? So how does this work? If you can't continue to be a vapid windbag, because you constantly get called out on your vacuousness, you resort to cheap smarm? Your God Chomsky would be ashamed of you, I think.
I love how I provide a link of a hot chick working out and Sexy Methy Baby Face Head immediately says I'm not as sexy and in shape as she is.
Dude. If you want to check out bisexual videos you're going to have to use a different site than YouTube.
Oh, you love that huh? Nice wordplay though in interpreting what you think I said to you as you being un-sexy and out of shape. I never said that, you did, but it sounds like you have some personal image issues perhaps. I simply said you couldn't do a 1/10th of the exercises she does, not as an implication of your physical appearance or whatever esteem of beautification you undergo, but rather of your physicality as a function of the time you spend on this blog bloviating.
I'm about as much into Chomsky as Methy Sexy Baby Face Head is into staring at the buns of Thomas Hobbes - (who, by the way, was not the liberal that Locke was and therefore not responsibility for the liberalism of modern conservatism. Or somesuch gobbledygook that would burble out from Sexy Methy Baby Face's Head!)
What a sexpot that Methadras is (with his baby face avatar) when he throws out zingers like "whiny cunt" and pines for the good old days of the 1860s.
Those were sexy times, Meth. Sexy sexy.
I don't pine for the good old days of 1860? I just said that your ode to fear is steeped in your ideological ancestors during those times. You guys cornered and continue to corner fear. Oh, hey, look out crusty old people, the conservatives are going to take away your SS. Oh hey, poor people, watch out for those wily conservatives, they are going to take away your welfare and give you nothing but gruel for payment.
You know the routing right? Next thing you know you are going to start discussing my sexual orientation. I'm surprised you haven't asked me what I'm wearing, you silly dude.
Is your sexual orientation more confused than you let on, Methy Sexy Baby Face Head? I never got the impression you were into comparing videos of women working out with videos of dudes.
Hey, if that's your thing, then go with it. Just don't be let down. Sorry, I don't swing that way.
It's possible that Fen does though.
Bam!!! There it is, like a pulsar. You morons are all the same. Same old, lame attempts at douche baggery with the "your sexuality is in question" meme. So when you are trolling for twinks, which catches your eyes more, the glitter or the Justin Bieber hair?
Dude... I could not imagine a political ad that presented the candidate in a more witch-like way.
The "I'm You" is just downright spooky. Then there's her hypnotizing voice, the straight raven-black hair... Even the fact that she says directly that she's not a witch suggests that she is of 100% witch stock.
I'd still vote for her in a second. I'm so angry at Democrats that Satan himself could run on the Republican line and I'd vote for him.
Ritmo, please relax and drift away on this little cloud of Hall & Oates delight:
"Possession Obsession" was one of the rare H & O songs that puts John out in front, and his vocals are nothing to scoff at. As the lyrics have it:
"You know there's something you need right here and now to fill the space inside of yourself ooohwoowhoa with money, love or power..."
I think this might get close to encapsulating that restless feeling you seem to be displaying in your many poorly thought comments on this thread...yet they still cut to the heart of human greed, need and materialism...right up your alley.
Dude - just admit you're secretly gay and repressed. Just like every other Republican before and since Ken Melman came out.
I showed you a video of a hot chick in workout clothes and you immediately pondered about a guy.
1. I'm not a republican, therefore by your own vaunted attempt at logic, I'm not gay. I know you wish I was you little cutesy putesy, but I'm not dear. Even if I was, you couldn't handle it.
2. You linked to a video of a hot girl, Zuzana, after you trolled looking for Jim Morrison porn. I called you a prude, because you probably are a closeted asexual, who when having thoughts of a woman breaks out in cold sweats and hives. It's okay though, I know your latent stuttering kind only has the internet, a dark room, and lots of lube to fix what ails you.
It's okay, limpy, I know you would love to sample some of me, but I'm off limits to the peen. Besides, your the one with delusions that I'm gay and think of dudes whenever you link whore to hot women working out on your goo-tube. I bet you've seen all of her videos, well between your workouts I mean. Gotta give yourself some recup time.
I think Fiorina will win and I hope she does. Great candidate!
I just think O'Donnell is a lousy candidate and everything she does (or has done) just adds more evidence to the pile.
I don't know why it's bad to call a candidate on my side a bad candidate. I do it to the Democrats all the time. I feel like I'm pretty balanced on this. Bill Clinton was a great candidate. Al Gore was a lousy candidate. So was John Kerry.
Hey, I just thought O'Donnell provided funny material. If you guys have a "Don't Feed the Trolls" Policy that applies to potty-mouth, sexually fixated closet cases like Methadras, lemme know. I'll make sure his inanity and man-crush obsession with me doesn't allow me to get sidetracked. Thanks! ;-)
I guess the "pulsar" traveled backward in time 10 minutes.
Meth: Stupidity is not an argument. I understand how flustered you feel, but you're not flattering yourself.
Really? Stupidity isn't an argument? Fuck then, I'm confused, you've basically just killed your entire justification for your existence on althouse. I think the only thing that is flustered is you fantasizing about me. How does that make you feel that you have a think for a hetero? It's okay you know, I hear that 10% of hetero men go homo from time to time. You really shouldn't be ashamed of it. We all understand that you have needs, Schtickmo.
or should I start calling you... Stickmo. You know what I'm saying, baby? It's all good.
Weak thread. I have no idea about the effectiveness of the ad, but to some extent it is captivating. It may be just because she is so cute. But I doubt she wins. And she is a very weak candidate.
Hey, I just thought O'Donnell provided funny material. If you guys have a "Don't Feed the Trolls" Policy that applies to potty-mouth, sexually fixated closet cases like Methadras, lemme know. I'll make sure his inanity and man-crush obsession with me doesn't allow me to get sidetracked. Thanks! ;-)
So what is it now, Stickmo. Does my baby-faced, potty mouth give you that oh-no-so-clean pedo feeling? I'm sure either DTL or even Titus are willing to help out with your 'frustrations'. Titus definitely, he would probably even bring his hindi husband into the mix to get you to loosen up a bit, and I'm not talking about your nerves either, pork pie. He'll get you all hogged up. He's cool like that. Don't fight it, go with the flow.
No need to get into the backstory now, but I can't see Fiorina's willingness to go so negative working for her. Nor can I see her (mis?)-management of HP working much charm either. She did lay off a lot of labor before she was laid off/ousted herself.
She's got to have a lot of guts or something to be as cocky as she is with that kind of a history behind her.
Did you see her 7-minute long political attack ad? Will that work?
Back when I was in high school and suicidal, I was sorta infatuated with a girl who was pretty ugly but good in physics... she was a year older than me and had a pet ferret and was totally into Siouxsie and the Banshees. That's what passed for being a witch in my conservative white hometown.
When I got divorced a few years ago, my ex-wife stayed for a while with a friend of hers who was a bona fide witch. I think this friend was even in a coven. I wonder now whether they-- my ex-wife and her female witch friend, I mean-- were sleeping together. I hope for my ex-wife's sake that she at least tried it once.
Btw... Synova? You around here? I'll bet you're a witch, you look like one... lots of witches there in New Mexico.
It's funny how edutcher refers to the ample material given to us by O'Donnell as an effort to hijack and shout down.
Says the one who has as many comments in the thread as everyone else put together. Note he dassn't mention Coons.
I admit it, Edutcher. I'm afraid (and I suppose, Bill Maher is, as well) of the political power of a generic oaf with financial troubles and a history of witchcraft.
That's Hillary!
PS John Stuart Mill is the father of Liberalism, for those who got their education in school rather than from Wiki. Locke was Mr. Property Rights.
DJ: "Dude... I could not imagine a political ad that presented the candidate in a more witch-like way."
Well, then she got the witch vote. Frankly, the ad is bland, simple, and she verbally sloughs off the witch moniker. Either way, it's forgettable, but her populist sentiment with the "I'm you" identity politics won't change much. I hope she wins just because I think she's as cute as a button.
Says the one who has as many comments in the thread as everyone else put together. Note he dassn't mention Coons.
Who cares? As Machos admits, at some level it's just about rooting for a team.
I can't answer for the inability of others to come up with as much material as I can in re: O'Donnell's joke of a candidacy. Why blame me for the lack of thought on the part of others?
I admit it, Edutcher. I'm afraid (and I suppose, Bill Maher is, as well) of the political power of a generic oaf with financial troubles and a history of witchcraft.
That's Hillary!
Any self-respecting tea bagger should really look into O'Donnell's financial woes. The Clintons are financially sound and that's after years of widescale legal persecuation that O'Donnell doesn't have the excuse of claiming.
PS John Stuart Mill is the father of Liberalism, for those who got their education in school rather than from Wiki. Locke was Mr. Property Rights.
Score one for Maguro.
Score none for the bozos who got their intellectual history from Cliff's notes. Property rights was a big part of classical liberalism.
Times change, stances change. And all politics is temporal as well as local. Read up, honeybunch.
I jut now skipped all Ritmo's posts and all posts that responded to Ritmo and that left only like five. Hahahahaha. See? Thats how I manage to read so much -- just skip the boring bullshit.
I liked this ad a lot. It wasn't what I expected. Needs more pearls.
The Clintons are financially sound and that's after years of widescale legal persecuation that O'Donnell doesn't have the excuse of claiming.
They did not pay one red cent for their legal representation. A legal fund was set up, millions were raised. They got multi-million dollar legal representation free and did not pay one red cent in taxes on it.
I figure they owe the government about fifty million or so, with penalties and interest. Remember ole Festus saying he grinned every time he supposedly paid taxes? Yeah, some effing hypocrites they are. Scum of the earth.
"I jut now skipped all Ritmo's posts and all posts that responded to Ritmo and that left only like five. Hahahahaha. See? Thats how I manage to read so much -- just skip the boring bullshit.
I liked this ad a lot. It wasn't what I expected. Needs more pearls."
Wrong. This thread w/o Ritmo related comments is boring. And, it's boring w/ Ritmo related comments.
I blame O'Donnell; she's boring. She was a lot more interesting when she was on PI. Maher had another great (non-boring) clip on his show this week.
Oh, my God...she's "bewitching me. I'm going to vote for her because she's HOT and she's NOT a Witch.
The Senate could use a little Witchcraft around Halloween. The brouhaha around this candidate is going to overflow the cauldron and on November 3rd, we'll wake up to the surprise election of Senator O'Donnell as liberals commit hari kari all over the blogosphere and beyond.
How can you possibly use this metaphor in a post in a thread about witches, when there is so much else available to you? Have you no sense of literary decency?
My company is going to be sold to Sanofi soon, I think. The stock is at 71.00 now.
I have over 50000 shares fully vested.
This is a very exciting time.
Lastly, my parents are devastated about Russ's poll numbers. They absolutely love him.
I always though Russ and Althouse would of made a fab Madison power couple. Watching Althouse wave to the crowds from the stages holding Russ's hand and kissing him would of been incred. Fucking Meade.
@ John Stewart Ritmo...You are on a roll tonight. But I sense no passion in you for or against Christine. At least Rove was furious at her for trespassing on his turf. I'll give you Coons plus 3000 votes if you will bet on the election. The loser has to defame his favorite politician in 5 consecutive comments. My favorite is "My Girl Friend Sarah Palin", as my wife calls her. You have to declare your favorite too. It's not John Edwards is it?
I probably got higher SAT scores than Palin and O'Donnell combined. Nonetheless, I am positive that Palin is a much smarter and more complete human being than I am. (The jury is still out on O'Donnell.) Liberals are forever telling us that there are other, worthier metrics than civil service test scores on which to judge applicants. But when conservatives push forward an affirmative action hire, they are quick to play the IQ card.....Maybe mental acuity is not all that important for a US Senator. Does anyone really think that Byrd, Lautenberg, Thurmond, and so many other senators were even able to dress themselves at the end of their distinguished careers. I'd give higher marks for collegiality, honesty, and shared values than for intelligence. Don't we deserve a Maxine Waters?
>>>>>>I feel like taking a day off from consulting. GOP has no vision and now no talent.
That, I believe, is the idea.
Most Americans have seen what governmental "vision and talent" under Obama had done.
They want a government that governs less -- not someone who has "vision and talent", which means in effect, "I will use your tax money for my new hare-brained scheme".
It's not a bad ad. She has to address the witch story.
I would have went right after it though.
Like, "I may have dated a warlock a couple times when I was 18, but at least I didn't vote for cap and trade. That would have been unforgivable. And I never thought communism was the answer, or voted for larger government like my opponent does. That is the road to bankruptcy.
Or went humorous. After all, the current Senate is a lot worse than a coven of pagans.
Why? There rarely is a candidate that perfectly represents my ideology. It's usually half and half and they rarely implement their ideologies once they are in there.
What you usually end up with *is* their identity - they act just like their identity/character suggests they would, not as their ideology dictates.
Or went humorous. After all, the current Senate is a lot worse than a coven of pagans.
Yeah, at least I won't try to screw you on the altar of big government. All our coven did was stand around in a circle, moan, and chant for good things to happen. Look at me now. :D
She is just another CROOK begging to bring the country down a notch. She really deserves a Senator's pension; that way, the country can pay for her retirement.
I see this ad as the opener for a campaign culminating with some intensity on issues near the end as well as some informative pieces about the other candidate.
This is how things work with a time line - you start mellow with a pleasant introduction and build the persona over time. The first thing is to clear the image of trash from the MSM and opposition and unfortunately the traditional GOP forces that aligned with Castle. That, only that, it's only a short piece and you build from a foundation. This is a cornerstone ad. If this is the set up I see - she'll win going away; a political mini-series concluding with a victory celebration.
1. oh yes she is 2. deny deny deny 3. who will play her on SNL this week? 4. Thank you thank you thank you for letting us keep control of the senate. what a gift she is.
Lyndon Johnson : tell people he scored with a chicken Aide: but Mr president , he did not do it LJ: Who cares? imagine him in tv explaining he did not score a chicken
HDHouse said... Thank you thank you thank you for letting us keep control of the senate.
Are you concerned at all about the present deficit that the government is running? Do you think that continuing to run trillion dollar deficits is good for the country? Seriously, I'd like an answer.
of course deficits matter. however, did you know that we pay less in interest on the debt now then 15 years ago? and while you love to scream about Obama debt, where was your screaming during the last 8 years when bush doubled the debt? and the first year of obama's administration was bush's 2009 budget..or did you forget that?
did you forget 7 years of off the books war spending? or the medicare drug giveaway? what about that?
don't lay the debt at the foot of Obama. that is a straw dog and you know it.
You can search the archives of this blog, and you'll never find one time when I thought that the Bush deficits were a good idea. Do you have a different recollection?
If the war spending is out of control, Obama can end these wars immediately, Bush isn't President anymore. Can't afford the Medicare drug giveaway? The Democratic control of the House, Senate, and the POTUS could have ended it. But they didn't. Their only response was to spend more money. Three times as much.
allens...the democrats have numerical control of the senate but the republicans stop debate on now over 200 bills passed by the house, on countless judicial appointments and government appointments requiring senate approval.
that argument doesn't wash. if one part of the congress stops a bill it goes nowhere so these 40 control the operations of government and you know it. don't argue that because it isn't true.
First of all, it's AllenS, not allens. Secondly, I'm glad that the Republicans (if it's true) have stopped 200 bills. Because passing 200 more bills would have done nothing but increase the deficit.
You indicate that you were against the Bush deficits, but, why on earth are you not upset with the deficits that Obama is running? This makes no sense to me.
You sound like the guy who thinks he is the smartest guy in room which probably makes you are dumbest guy around.
I am willing to bet that Palin's SAT scores were higher the Obama's if she took them. Although the schools she attended are ACT schools and she probably only had to take them for her first admission. I am pretty sure that given her accomplishments and her quick learning curve her IQ is higher than yours as well.
I don't know enough about O'Donnell to make a guesstament on her SATs or IQ so I will leave the comparison unmade.
I also detect a little snide snobbery by Professor Althouse in this entry. I just want to remind her that she got fooled by Obama and perhaps should be a little humble in assessing political candidates in the future.
Jeez, with a name like "Ritmo," how can anyone take you seriously? All kidding aside, "Ritmo," the fact is that more and more Americans are sick and tired of being taxed to death and controlled by an extreme-left, out-of-touch, arrogant liberal elite (and then being told how racist and un-American they are for objecting). Under the circumstances, "I Am You" is a perfectly acceptable message to give.
I don't know about all the schools Palin attended, but The University of Idaho accepts either ACT or SAT. Neither is required if the HS GPA is greater than 3.0.
You need to know what they required when Palin applied. When I went to university no public school between the Appalachians and the Sierras took anything other than the ACT. It's actually a better test then the SAT because it measures what you know.
I went to Washington State University at the same time Palin was at U of I. The schools are 8 miles from each other. Washington accepted SAT or the Washington pre-college test.
@jerryofva: You misread my post. My life experience has taught me and continues to teach me that relatively high SAT scores do not correlate with success or wisdom or the ability to communicate (get the irony). I explicitly said that Palin is smarter than me. Let me add that that is not such a high hurdle. Let me further add that intelligence can solve only a small fraction of life's problems and that people who can divide fractions in their head oftimes have too high an opinion of their ability to solve problems.
It wouldn't be the first time I misread someones post...:)
dpp: The Washington University System was always SAT. The fact that during your era that they didn't accept the ACT probably means that Idaho was ACT only.
"I understand that there has been a great deal of speculation about just who I am and how I got here. Well, the answer is simple. I'm you. I'm just like you. I'm an average American who found herself in a situation not of her own making.
I'm a suburban mom, who was a military wife for 20 years, and a faithful government employee for 18 years.
I never, ever asked to be placed in this position. Because I am just like you."
Weasel #2 / Christine O'Donnell, today:
"I'm not a witch. I'm nothing you've heard. I'm you.
None of us are perfect. But none of us can be happy with what we see all around us: politicians who think spending, trading favors and back-room deals are the ways to stay in office. I'll go to Washington and do what you'd do.
I'm Christine O'Donnell and I approved this message. I'm you."
You have to declare your favorite too. It's not John Edwards is it?
Never bought into that guy's shallow sloganeering either.
Obama's still the best hope in my book for the future of a rational politics.
Other than that, there are a few assorted Dems and Reps that I don't mind so much. Some I might even find unobjectionable or likeable, as far as politicians go.
But there's work to be done in the capitol and I want someone with the balls and brains to take it seriously.
jerryofva, what kind of drugs are you on? I said nothing about supporting a marxist. I only said that she give me the creeps. I am trying to think of where Trooper got his comments.
Just said the woman gave me the creeps. And I am a Catholic, born and bred and still practicing. As if that matters.
But her opponent is a Communist. So that is real choice. O'Donnell who gives you the creeps (beats me why) or a supporter of mass murder.
By the way I know lots of conservative catholics who are leftists like almost the entire US conference of Bishops. Except for abortion they have endorsed the entire Obama program. So I am unimpressed with you Moby-like statement about your conservatism.
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१५८ टिप्पण्या:
It's a mistake to let your political opponent dictate what you talk about.
I'm not going to watch the ad (I'm in the library, after all, and it's probably noisy), but I think she shouldn't even mention the outlandish things said about her. She should refer to them obliquely as the nonsense they are, then segue into a discussion about how her opponent can't talk about things they're supporting because they are so politically unpopular.
Quite good overall. Except she seems verrrrry young in it. And she looks like Ellen Paige.
"I'm not a witch"..."I'm you" is not going to go over very well with Delaware's Wicca population, now, is it?
and if she puts on a red dress, wears glasses, and does her hair like so, she looks astonishingly like you know who's daughter!
I would have gone with an ad where people from Delaware, old to a young cute little girl looking into the camera would say "I'm a witch".
But then again that's why I'm not a political consultant.
The lyrics are as follows, goofball:
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
BTW, the approach of the ad was unavoidable. It's the only possible angle for a candidate with no knowledge and nothing to say and no selling point other than her generic empathy and vague sense of voter identification or whatever.
There goes Machos with his handy-dandy voter demographic math.
Don't liberals preen about embracing alternative belief systems?
Turn it back on them. If they love the mosque at Ground Zero, why not a coven in Wilmington?
Very powerful ad. Simple truth is always a home run. Plus truth is a humble approach that is not trying hard to prove that the voters are fools.
I'm sure Wiccans are all ginned up to vote for the next Republican anyway. They share a lot of the same outlook, such as a belief in magic and the worship of a goddess (who may just happen to be a fertile Alaskan).
Isn't Fox Noise giving increasing coverage and time on-air to covens?
"You're scaring me."
Why would you care? She won't be representing you. You can't even vote for her - or against her.
She's from Delaware.
You really have to stop your hate speech, Ann. It's unbecoming a woman of your stature.
Ritmo...Just to say that a person is not a Global Warmist myth maker says a lot. We all live in a mythical realm constructed by Walt Disney and the Media Narrative. Only that style of sincerity , mastered by O'Donnell, exposes the myth makers' substantial weaknesses.
Is she a good witch or a bad witch? or maybe she is dorothy gail from kansas.
But Reactionaries don't believe in giving each constituency its own say, Ham. They tell each congressional district: You're either with us, or you're with the contresscritters.
The media narrative is typically a useful and critical one before the reactionaries infiltrate it and warp it for political ends, though, TG. The early days of each medium - Radio, television (Cronkite), internet - were informative until the entertainers decided to use each medium for different purposes.
Republicanism is now equal parts Warrior Cult, Fertility Cult and Ritual Magic Cult. Very atavistic.
Or as Glenn Beck says: God, Guns and Gold.
Something like that, anyway.
To follow up on tg.. It was Obamas hope and change that put him in the White House.
Didn't Jim Morrison marry a witch at a ceremony depicted in The Doors?
It's probably an effective ad, but I wish it weren't. It's all emotion, and it's all identity politics. I wish people voted more on the policies and ideologies they prefer than on how well they feel they can connect with the identity of the candidates.
Hope and Change. Them's got nothing on Stagnancy and Fear.
That's how humanity got to where it is now, in fact.
As a well-known reactionary conservative has said, we have to keep fear alive.
And she looks like Ellen Paige.
Linda Blair meets Sally Field.
Hope and Change. Them's got nothing on Stagnancy and Fear.
Obama and his party promised hope and change. They delivered stagnation, loathing, and fear. You must be proud.
Ritmo...I don't know your age. But you are certainly able to express yourself well. I was alert and watching these Media expressions in the years 1988-1989, when suddenly every spokesperson ceased speaking about the true world events always called news, contrasting that to interesting myths of total fictional creation. From that time on, the fictional myths were spoken of as if true and the news of real happenings was poo-pooed as un-important distractions. Perhaps it was the influence from "de-constructionists". But whatever the origin, it was a universal and simultaneous happening as if someone had flipped a switch. Now, your and my experiences are not real, but movie plots and movie scenes really happened.
Nice ad. Not spectacular, but she comes off as normal and makes the basic point about what she believes.
PS Hope and Change got us 22% unemployment. Fear is what most people have now; the old fear where the rest of their retirement will end up, the working people fear their job will dry up, the young fear not getting a job.
Thanks to Hope and Change, we're all afraid.
PPS I see Ritmo is trying to shout down everybody else and hijack the thread again.
If she's so dumb and so weird, why is he (and Bill Maher) so afraid of her?
WV "brusti" What a grirl with a brig brosom is cralled.
If political change took the time necessary for Glenn Beck to put on a different bullet-proof vest, then the left would have resorted to astroturfing crowds a long time ago.
But I think they're looking for something more substantial.
I'm not a witch... I'm your wife
At least she could get the Princess Bride quote right.
It's funny how edutcher refers to the ample material given to us by O'Donnell as an effort to hijack and shout down.
(That's a re-written narrative right there, TG).
I admit it, Edutcher. I'm afraid (and I suppose, Bill Maher is, as well) of the political power of a generic oaf with financial troubles and a history of witchcraft.
But, at least she's polite. So much less scary.
If you're not a witch, why the bubbling cauldron in the background? That fog has eye of newt written all over it.
And then dress in black. You're just playing with us.
Ritmo Brasileiro said...
Oh sure, coming from you. Your ideological brethren has been peddling it since Lincoln.
Don't we have to dunk her in a tub of water or something before we can really be sure?
Don't forget John Locke, Methedras! That ideological brother was way ahead on getting us to fear what would happen if we didn't "conserve" the divine right of kings to rule.
Ever since then it's been a long road progressively downhill, right?
In searching for a YouTube clip of Jim Morrison's betrothal to a witch, I came across this Zuzana video.
I must say, even Methadras would have to be impressed by the progressive change in workout attire since the good old days of the 16th century.
I am the eggman
They are the eggmen
I am the walrus
Goo goo g' joob
This one's even better.
There are plenty more where that came from.
Ritmo, what the hell are you talking about? John Locke was a Whig, he favored constitutional monarchy and opposed royal absolutism.
Perhaps you're thinking of Thomas Hobbes?
Ritmo Brasileiro said...
In searching for a YouTube clip of Jim Morrison's betrothal to a witch, I came across this Zuzana video.
I must say, even Methadras would have to be impressed by the progressive change in workout attire since the good old days of the 16th century.
Oh dear god. You are a fucking prude compared to me. Stop being such a whiny cunt.
John Locke was the founder of political liberalism.
Ritmo Brasileiro said...
This one's even better.
There are plenty more where that came from.
You couldn't do a 1/10th of the workout this woman does. Well, at least not with your hands in your pants, you prudish bitch.
What a sexpot that Methadras is (with his baby face avatar) when he throws out zingers like "whiny cunt" and pines for the good old days of the 1860s.
Those were sexy times, Meth. Sexy sexy.
Is your sexual orientation more confused than you let on, Methy Sexy Baby Face Head? I never got the impression you were into comparing videos of women working out with videos of dudes.
Hey, if that's your thing, then go with it. Just don't be let down. Sorry, I don't swing that way.
It's possible that Fen does though.
I love how I provide a link of a hot chick working out and Sexy Methy Baby Face Head immediately says I'm not as sexy and in shape as she is.
Dude. If you want to check out bisexual videos you're going to have to use a different site than YouTube.
If she weighs the same as a duck...
Ritmo Brasileiro said...
Don't forget John Locke, Methedras!
I don't, since he basically spurred the classic liberalism movement that modern conservativism has evolved into unlike the social liberalism that has rotten the root of your bankrupt ideology. Got anything else, dummy? So how does this work? If you can't continue to be a vapid windbag, because you constantly get called out on your vacuousness, you resort to cheap smarm? Your God Chomsky would be ashamed of you, I think.
Ritmo Brasileiro said...
I love how I provide a link of a hot chick working out and Sexy Methy Baby Face Head immediately says I'm not as sexy and in shape as she is.
Dude. If you want to check out bisexual videos you're going to have to use a different site than YouTube.
Oh, you love that huh? Nice wordplay though in interpreting what you think I said to you as you being un-sexy and out of shape. I never said that, you did, but it sounds like you have some personal image issues perhaps. I simply said you couldn't do a 1/10th of the exercises she does, not as an implication of your physical appearance or whatever esteem of beautification you undergo, but rather of your physicality as a function of the time you spend on this blog bloviating.
Yeah, Christine, but are you shaved?
I'm about as much into Chomsky as Methy Sexy Baby Face Head is into staring at the buns of Thomas Hobbes - (who, by the way, was not the liberal that Locke was and therefore not responsibility for the liberalism of modern conservatism. Or somesuch gobbledygook that would burble out from Sexy Methy Baby Face's Head!)
I'm still waiting for Althouse to even mention Chris Coons.
If lived in Delaware, I'd probably vote for her. But since I don't, I'm stuck voting for Carly Fiorina instead.
Unless Machos tells me that Fiorina will definitely lose in 3 different languages.
Ritmo Brasileiro said...
What a sexpot that Methadras is (with his baby face avatar) when he throws out zingers like "whiny cunt" and pines for the good old days of the 1860s.
Those were sexy times, Meth. Sexy sexy.
I don't pine for the good old days of 1860? I just said that your ode to fear is steeped in your ideological ancestors during those times. You guys cornered and continue to corner fear. Oh, hey, look out crusty old people, the conservatives are going to take away your SS. Oh hey, poor people, watch out for those wily conservatives, they are going to take away your welfare and give you nothing but gruel for payment.
You know the routing right? Next thing you know you are going to start discussing my sexual orientation. I'm surprised you haven't asked me what I'm wearing, you silly dude.
Unbelieveable. This is the ad. GOP will lose the seat. And, in Nov. 2012, we will walk over Delaware, our VP's home state.
The GOP is a gift that keeps on giving.
It is good to return a gift (advice). Just do nothing. Just lose and save yourself. Okay?
We will walk over them in Nov. 2010 and 2012.
I feel like taking a day off from consulting. GOP has no vision and now no talent.
Dude - just admit you're secretly gay and repressed. Just like every other Republican before and since Ken Melman came out.
I showed you a video of a hot chick in workout clothes and you immediately pondered about a guy.
Ritmo Brasileiro said...
Is your sexual orientation more confused than you let on, Methy Sexy Baby Face Head? I never got the impression you were into comparing videos of women working out with videos of dudes.
Hey, if that's your thing, then go with it. Just don't be let down. Sorry, I don't swing that way.
It's possible that Fen does though.
Bam!!! There it is, like a pulsar. You morons are all the same. Same old, lame attempts at douche baggery with the "your sexuality is in question" meme. So when you are trolling for twinks, which catches your eyes more, the glitter or the Justin Bieber hair?
And I don't say that as a judgment - just as an observation of how out of touch you are with yourself.
NewHam wrote:
Why would you care? She won't be representing you. You can't even vote for her - or against her.
Didn't Althouse grow up in Delaware? I suspect that's what keeps her interest.
Dude... I could not imagine a political ad that presented the candidate in a more witch-like way.
The "I'm You" is just downright spooky. Then there's her hypnotizing voice, the straight raven-black hair... Even the fact that she says directly that she's not a witch suggests that she is of 100% witch stock.
I'd still vote for her in a second. I'm so angry at Democrats that Satan himself could run on the Republican line and I'd vote for him.
I guess the "pulsar" traveled backward in time 10 minutes.
Meth: Stupidity is not an argument. I understand how flustered you feel, but you're not flattering yourself.
Make that a 13-minute backward time-traveling pulsar - from 9:47 PM to 9:34.
Ritmo, please relax and drift away on this little cloud of Hall & Oates delight:
"Possession Obsession" was one of the rare H & O songs that puts John out in front, and his vocals are nothing to scoff at. As the lyrics have it:
"You know there's something you need
right here and now
to fill the space inside of yourself ooohwoowhoa
with money, love or power..."
I think this might get close to encapsulating that restless feeling you seem to be displaying in your many poorly thought comments on this thread...yet they still cut to the heart of human greed, need and materialism...right up your alley.
Give yourself to Oates.
Ritmo Brasileiro said...
Dude - just admit you're secretly gay and repressed. Just like every other Republican before and since Ken Melman came out.
I showed you a video of a hot chick in workout clothes and you immediately pondered about a guy.
1. I'm not a republican, therefore by your own vaunted attempt at logic, I'm not gay. I know you wish I was you little cutesy putesy, but I'm not dear. Even if I was, you couldn't handle it.
2. You linked to a video of a hot girl, Zuzana, after you trolled looking for Jim Morrison porn. I called you a prude, because you probably are a closeted asexual, who when having thoughts of a woman breaks out in cold sweats and hives. It's okay though, I know your latent stuttering kind only has the internet, a dark room, and lots of lube to fix what ails you.
It's okay, limpy, I know you would love to sample some of me, but I'm off limits to the peen. Besides, your the one with delusions that I'm gay and think of dudes whenever you link whore to hot women working out on your goo-tube. I bet you've seen all of her videos, well between your workouts I mean. Gotta give yourself some recup time.
I think Fiorina will win and I hope she does. Great candidate!
I just think O'Donnell is a lousy candidate and everything she does (or has done) just adds more evidence to the pile.
I don't know why it's bad to call a candidate on my side a bad candidate. I do it to the Democrats all the time. I feel like I'm pretty balanced on this. Bill Clinton was a great candidate. Al Gore was a lousy candidate. So was John Kerry.
Hey, I just thought O'Donnell provided funny material. If you guys have a "Don't Feed the Trolls" Policy that applies to potty-mouth, sexually fixated closet cases like Methadras, lemme know. I'll make sure his inanity and man-crush obsession with me doesn't allow me to get sidetracked. Thanks! ;-)
Ritmo Brasileiro said...
I guess the "pulsar" traveled backward in time 10 minutes.
Meth: Stupidity is not an argument. I understand how flustered you feel, but you're not flattering yourself.
Really? Stupidity isn't an argument? Fuck then, I'm confused, you've basically just killed your entire justification for your existence on althouse. I think the only thing that is flustered is you fantasizing about me. How does that make you feel that you have a think for a hetero? It's okay you know, I hear that 10% of hetero men go homo from time to time. You really shouldn't be ashamed of it. We all understand that you have needs, Schtickmo.
or should I start calling you... Stickmo. You know what I'm saying, baby? It's all good.
Weak thread. I have no idea about the effectiveness of the ad, but to some extent it is captivating. It may be just because she is so cute. But I doubt she wins. And she is a very weak candidate.
If Carly Fiorina wins her bulging neck veins will be tapped to replenish California's dwindling water supply.
I hope O'Donnell beats her Democratic opponent. But she is a lousy candidate.
If Carly Fiorina wins her bulging neck veins will be tapped to replenish California's dwindling water supply.
We've heard little about California's drought because it's been relatively wet lately.
Today for example.
I detest Boxer. Long story
Ritmo Brasileiro said...
Hey, I just thought O'Donnell provided funny material. If you guys have a "Don't Feed the Trolls" Policy that applies to potty-mouth, sexually fixated closet cases like Methadras, lemme know. I'll make sure his inanity and man-crush obsession with me doesn't allow me to get sidetracked. Thanks! ;-)
So what is it now, Stickmo. Does my baby-faced, potty mouth give you that oh-no-so-clean pedo feeling? I'm sure either DTL or even Titus are willing to help out with your 'frustrations'. Titus definitely, he would probably even bring his hindi husband into the mix to get you to loosen up a bit, and I'm not talking about your nerves either, pork pie. He'll get you all hogged up. He's cool like that. Don't fight it, go with the flow.
Long story
No need to get into the backstory now, but I can't see Fiorina's willingness to go so negative working for her. Nor can I see her (mis?)-management of HP working much charm either. She did lay off a lot of labor before she was laid off/ousted herself.
She's got to have a lot of guts or something to be as cocky as she is with that kind of a history behind her.
Did you see her 7-minute long political attack ad? Will that work?
"Dude... I could not imagine a political ad that presented the candidate in a more witch-like way."
I find witches to be sexually alluring.
Back when I was in high school and suicidal, I was sorta infatuated with a girl who was pretty ugly but good in physics... she was a year older than me and had a pet ferret and was totally into Siouxsie and the Banshees. That's what passed for being a witch in my conservative white hometown.
When I got divorced a few years ago, my ex-wife stayed for a while with a friend of hers who was a bona fide witch. I think this friend was even in a coven. I wonder now whether they-- my ex-wife and her female witch friend, I mean-- were sleeping together. I hope for my ex-wife's sake that she at least tried it once.
Btw... Synova? You around here? I'll bet you're a witch, you look like one... lots of witches there in New Mexico.
Pedophilia and sado-masochism now? Really? Where did that come from?
I give up.
There is something wrong with that guy's head.
Ritmo Brasileiro said...
It's funny how edutcher refers to the ample material given to us by O'Donnell as an effort to hijack and shout down.
Says the one who has as many comments in the thread as everyone else put together. Note he dassn't mention Coons.
I admit it, Edutcher. I'm afraid (and I suppose, Bill Maher is, as well) of the political power of a generic oaf with financial troubles and a history of witchcraft.
That's Hillary!
PS John Stuart Mill is the father of Liberalism, for those who got their education in school rather than from Wiki. Locke was Mr. Property Rights.
Score one for Maguro.
Dude... I could not imagine a political ad that presented the candidate in a more witch-like way.
Well there was Hillary's cackle in an ad that I recall from somewhere.
deborah said...
"Dude... I could not imagine a political ad that presented the candidate in a more witch-like way."
Well, then she got the witch vote. Frankly, the ad is bland, simple, and she verbally sloughs off the witch moniker. Either way, it's forgettable, but her populist sentiment with the "I'm you" identity politics won't change much. I hope she wins just because I think she's as cute as a button.
Hillary's cackle was the best when it popped up after an interviewer asked Obama why he had so many advisors from Bill's coterie.
He said, "I look forward to having you advise me, too, Hillary."
That was slick. ;-) Good times.
Here's the current running score:
Total comments: 80
Comment by Ritmo Brasileiro: 41
Can the plucky little weirdo keep his comment level at 50%? Stay tuned!
Palladian -- I have been ignoring his posts and posts about his posts. It's quite refreshing. It's a decent, though meager, thread without him.
Says the one who has as many comments in the thread as everyone else put together. Note he dassn't mention Coons.
Who cares? As Machos admits, at some level it's just about rooting for a team.
I can't answer for the inability of others to come up with as much material as I can in re: O'Donnell's joke of a candidacy. Why blame me for the lack of thought on the part of others?
I admit it, Edutcher. I'm afraid (and I suppose, Bill Maher is, as well) of the political power of a generic oaf with financial troubles and a history of witchcraft.
That's Hillary!
Any self-respecting tea bagger should really look into O'Donnell's financial woes. The Clintons are financially sound and that's after years of widescale legal persecuation that O'Donnell doesn't have the excuse of claiming.
PS John Stuart Mill is the father of Liberalism, for those who got their education in school rather than from Wiki. Locke was Mr. Property Rights.
Score one for Maguro.
Score none for the bozos who got their intellectual history from Cliff's notes. Property rights was a big part of classical liberalism.
Times change, stances change. And all politics is temporal as well as local. Read up, honeybunch.
Can the plucky little weirdo keep his comment level at 50%? Stay tuned!
Obviously not, if 41 of 80 means anything to anyone.
What's next? A comment quota? Should I be punished by conforming to the low level of thought and productivity of the competition?
What would the SCOTUS say about that?
JEALOUSY!!! Aaarghhhh!!!
I jut now skipped all Ritmo's posts and all posts that responded to Ritmo and that left only like five. Hahahahaha. See? Thats how I manage to read so much -- just skip the boring bullshit.
I liked this ad a lot. It wasn't what I expected. Needs more pearls.
Why not just go make a sandwich and watch your teevee instead, Emilio?
She's actually trying to quote "The Princess Bride," but she gets Valerie's line wrong: "I'm not a witch, I'm your wife!"
wv: reothedi: a phrase preceding something about Reo. E.g.: "Reothedi didn't care."
The Clintons are financially sound and that's after years of widescale legal persecuation that O'Donnell doesn't have the excuse of claiming.
They did not pay one red cent for their legal representation. A legal fund was set up, millions were raised. They got multi-million dollar legal representation free and did not pay one red cent in taxes on it.
I figure they owe the government about fifty million or so, with penalties and interest. Remember ole Festus saying he grinned every time he supposedly paid taxes? Yeah, some effing hypocrites they are. Scum of the earth.
"I jut now skipped all Ritmo's posts and all posts that responded to Ritmo and that left only like five. Hahahahaha. See? Thats how I manage to read so much -- just skip the boring bullshit.
I liked this ad a lot. It wasn't what I expected. Needs more pearls."
Wrong. This thread w/o Ritmo related comments is boring. And, it's boring w/ Ritmo related comments.
I blame O'Donnell; she's boring. She was a lot more interesting when she was on PI. Maher had another great (non-boring) clip on his show this week.
Oh, my God...she's "bewitching me. I'm going to vote for her because she's HOT and she's NOT a Witch.
The Senate could use a little Witchcraft around Halloween. The brouhaha around this candidate is going to overflow the cauldron and on November 3rd, we'll wake up to the surprise election of Senator O'Donnell as liberals commit hari kari all over the blogosphere and beyond.
Chip Ahoy,
I would say bigger pearls vs more pearls.
Pearls --->power
as liberals commit hari kari
How can you possibly use this metaphor in a post in a thread about witches, when there is so much else available to you? Have you no sense of literary decency?
Palladian was off by ten, anyway - 31 by the time of his little observation.
(Plus at nearly a dozen where Methy sidetracked me).
Whatever. The thread's open for anyone to come up with something interesting to say about O'Donnell. Good luck.
The last person I want going to Washington is "me" or, no offense, any of "you." Yikes.
I really liked her emphasis on "I'm nothing".....
Now if she can keep that attitude.
Powerful yet hilarious.
She has a cute new little doo too.
Althouse, with all the biking you are doing are you sculpting a new body?
Are we going to see you in a vlog in the near future with Madonna Arms?
Are you secretly waiting, preparing for the right moment to spring those guns on us?
I think maybe so.
By the by, weather in Madison has been fantastic.
My company is going to be sold to Sanofi soon, I think. The stock is at 71.00 now.
I have over 50000 shares fully vested.
This is a very exciting time.
Lastly, my parents are devastated about Russ's poll numbers. They absolutely love him.
I always though Russ and Althouse would of made a fab Madison power couple. Watching Althouse wave to the crowds from the stages holding Russ's hand and kissing him would of been incred. Fucking Meade.
I would def do Russ too.
Nice cut Jew cock, yum.
@ John Stewart Ritmo...You are on a roll tonight. But I sense no passion in you for or against Christine. At least Rove was furious at her for trespassing on his turf. I'll give you Coons plus 3000 votes if you will bet on the election. The loser has to defame his favorite politician in 5 consecutive comments. My favorite is "My Girl Friend Sarah Palin", as my wife calls her. You have to declare your favorite too. It's not John Edwards is it?
I probably got higher SAT scores than Palin and O'Donnell combined. Nonetheless, I am positive that Palin is a much smarter and more complete human being than I am. (The jury is still out on O'Donnell.) Liberals are forever telling us that there are other, worthier metrics than civil service test scores on which to judge applicants. But when conservatives push forward an affirmative action hire, they are quick to play the IQ card.....Maybe mental acuity is not all that important for a US Senator. Does anyone really think that Byrd, Lautenberg, Thurmond, and so many other senators were even able to dress themselves at the end of their distinguished careers. I'd give higher marks for collegiality, honesty, and shared values than for intelligence. Don't we deserve a Maxine Waters?
Ann, the piano bothered you? Maybe this is more appropriate?
Does she remind anyone of anyone...?
Is Titus a real person?
>>>>>>I feel like taking a day off from consulting. GOP has no vision and now no talent.
That, I believe, is the idea.
Most Americans have seen what governmental "vision and talent" under Obama had done.
They want a government that governs less -- not someone who has "vision and talent", which means in effect, "I will use your tax money for my new hare-brained scheme".
I am you. You is me. You and me are free to be you and me. We are Borg. Resistance is futile.
Finally, a politician gives a clear statement about what she plans to do in office.
I think it would be great if all the senators were as committed to doing what I'd do.
The Replacements had a great song about this as well.
(Fast forward to 00:24
An Coons's ad begins thusly:
"I am not a pet..."
It's not a bad ad. She has to address the witch story.
I would have went right after it though.
Like, "I may have dated a warlock a couple times when I was 18, but at least I didn't vote for cap and trade. That would have been unforgivable. And I never thought communism was the answer, or voted for larger government like my opponent does. That is the road to bankruptcy.
Or went humorous. After all, the current Senate is a lot worse than a coven of pagans.
@Bob Ellison
Why? There rarely is a candidate that perfectly represents my ideology. It's usually half and half and they rarely implement their ideologies once they are in there.
What you usually end up with *is* their identity - they act just like their identity/character suggests they would, not as their ideology dictates.
deborah said...
Is Titus a real person?
No, he is someones creative gay outlet.
Whiskey Jim said...
Or went humorous. After all, the current Senate is a lot worse than a coven of pagans.
Yeah, at least I won't try to screw you on the altar of big government. All our coven did was stand around in a circle, moan, and chant for good things to happen. Look at me now. :D
Goo goo goo joob
She is just another CROOK begging to bring the country down a notch. She really deserves a Senator's pension; that way, the country can pay for her retirement.
I see this ad as the opener for a campaign culminating with some intensity on issues near the end as well as some informative pieces about the other candidate.
This is how things work with a time line - you start mellow with a pleasant introduction and build the persona over time. The first thing is to clear the image of trash from the MSM and opposition and unfortunately the traditional GOP forces that aligned with Castle. That, only that, it's only a short piece and you build from a foundation. This is a cornerstone ad. If this is the set up I see - she'll win going away; a political mini-series concluding with a victory celebration.
1. oh yes she is
2. deny deny deny
3. who will play her on SNL this week?
4. Thank you thank you thank you for letting us keep control of the senate. what a gift she is.
Lyndon Johnson : tell people he scored with a chicken
Aide: but Mr president , he did not do it
LJ: Who cares? imagine him in tv explaining he did not score a chicken
HDHouse said...
Thank you thank you thank you for letting us keep control of the senate.
Are you concerned at all about the present deficit that the government is running? Do you think that continuing to run trillion dollar deficits is good for the country? Seriously, I'd like an answer.
of course deficits matter. however, did you know that we pay less in interest on the debt now then 15 years ago? and while you love to scream about Obama debt, where was your screaming during the last 8 years when bush doubled the debt? and the first year of obama's administration was bush's 2009 budget..or did you forget that?
did you forget 7 years of off the books war spending? or the medicare drug giveaway? what about that?
don't lay the debt at the foot of Obama. that is a straw dog and you know it.
You can search the archives of this blog, and you'll never find one time when I thought that the Bush deficits were a good idea. Do you have a different recollection?
If the war spending is out of control, Obama can end these wars immediately, Bush isn't President anymore. Can't afford the Medicare drug giveaway? The Democratic control of the House, Senate, and the POTUS could have ended it. But they didn't. Their only response was to spend more money. Three times as much.
Thank God for 'Collapse comments'.
wv: 'inemo'. Verily.
Total deaths caused by ideology past 150 years:
Marxists: >100 million
Witchcraft dabblers: 0
The choice is clear.
allens...the democrats have numerical control of the senate but the republicans stop debate on now over 200 bills passed by the house, on countless judicial appointments and government appointments requiring senate approval.
that argument doesn't wash. if one part of the congress stops a bill it goes nowhere so these 40 control the operations of government and you know it. don't argue that because it isn't true.
First of all, it's AllenS, not allens. Secondly, I'm glad that the Republicans (if it's true) have stopped 200 bills. Because passing 200 more bills would have done nothing but increase the deficit.
You indicate that you were against the Bush deficits, but, why on earth are you not upset with the deficits that Obama is running? This makes no sense to me.
oh contraire. great ad, superb delivery. very effective. when slimed this calm measured response is perfect.
You sound like the guy who thinks he is the smartest guy in room which probably makes you are dumbest guy around.
I am willing to bet that Palin's SAT scores were higher the Obama's if she took them. Although the schools she attended are ACT schools and she probably only had to take them for her first admission. I am pretty sure that given her accomplishments and her quick learning curve her IQ is higher than yours as well.
I don't know enough about O'Donnell to make a guesstament on her SATs or IQ so I will leave the comparison unmade.
I also detect a little snide snobbery by Professor Althouse in this entry. I just want to remind her that she got fooled by Obama and perhaps should be a little humble in assessing political candidates in the future.
I can not tell you all how happy it makes me to see y'all defend ODonnell and Palin. Dems are gonna keep their majorities. Yay!
"I'm not a witch"..."I'm you" is not going to go over very well with Delaware's Wicca population, now, is it?
Yeah, even Wiccas need representation... don't they?
"No, he is someones creative gay outlet."
Does seem like. But not necessarily gay, just creative, mischievious, and humorous, maybe?
Im you?
nice turnabout. Fair play I guess, but so dumb.
Jeez, with a name like "Ritmo," how can anyone take you seriously? All kidding aside, "Ritmo," the fact is that more and more Americans are sick and tired of being taxed to death and controlled by an extreme-left, out-of-touch, arrogant liberal elite (and then being told how racist and un-American they are for objecting). Under the circumstances, "I Am You" is a perfectly acceptable message to give.
I don't know about all the schools Palin attended, but The University of Idaho accepts either ACT or SAT. Neither is required if the HS GPA is greater than 3.0.
She is very scary. Gives me the heeby jeebies.
I know that the Delaware voters are smarter than that. They won't vote for her.
You need to know what they required when Palin applied. When I went to university no public school between the Appalachians and the Sierras took anything other than the ACT. It's actually a better test then the SAT because it measures what you know.
So you are saying that a Marxist, i.e., somebody who is ok with the murder of 100+ million people, scares you less?
I went to Washington State University at the same time Palin was at U of I. The schools are 8 miles from each other. Washington accepted SAT or the Washington pre-college test.
@jerryofva: You misread my post. My life experience has taught me and continues to teach me that relatively high SAT scores do not correlate with success or wisdom or the ability to communicate (get the irony). I explicitly said that Palin is smarter than me. Let me add that that is not such a high hurdle. Let me further add that intelligence can solve only a small fraction of life's problems and that people who can divide fractions in their head oftimes have too high an opinion of their ability to solve problems.
It wouldn't be the first time I misread someones post...:)
dpp: The Washington University System was always SAT. The fact that during your era that they didn't accept the ACT probably means that Idaho was ACT only.
" victoria said...
She is very scary. Gives me the heeby jeebies.
If ricpic were awake he would say that Vicki is an anti-semite.
Watching her, all I can think of is how much I want to fill her up with babies, in Vonnegut's felicitous phrase.
Is that wrong?
Disturbing, to say the least. She doesn't seem like the brightest bulb in the box.
Reminds me of Peter Frampton whining "I'm in You" in 1977.
Weasel #1 / Linda Tripp, 1998:
"I understand that there has been a great deal of speculation about just who I am and how I got here. Well, the answer is simple. I'm you. I'm just like you. I'm an average American who found herself in a situation not of her own making.
I'm a suburban mom, who was a military wife for 20 years, and a faithful government employee for 18 years.
I never, ever asked to be placed in this position. Because I am just like you."
Weasel #2 / Christine O'Donnell, today:
"I'm not a witch. I'm nothing you've heard. I'm you.
None of us are perfect. But none of us can be happy with what we see all around us: politicians who think spending, trading favors and back-room deals are the ways to stay in office. I'll go to Washington and do what you'd do.
I'm Christine O'Donnell and I approved this message. I'm you."
deborah said..."Disturbing, to say the least. She doesn't seem like the brightest bulb in the box."
Ya think?
Americans are sick and tired of being taxed to death
Please cite the deaths that occurred in America (either real or imagined) as a result of taxation.
OTOH, if you want stats on deaths due to unconscionably shoddy health coverage...
You have to declare your favorite too. It's not John Edwards is it?
Never bought into that guy's shallow sloganeering either.
Obama's still the best hope in my book for the future of a rational politics.
Other than that, there are a few assorted Dems and Reps that I don't mind so much. Some I might even find unobjectionable or likeable, as far as politicians go.
But there's work to be done in the capitol and I want someone with the balls and brains to take it seriously.
jerryofva, what kind of drugs are you on? I said nothing about supporting a marxist. I only said that she give me the creeps. I am trying to think of where Trooper got his comments.
Just said the woman gave me the creeps. And I am a Catholic, born and bred and still practicing. As if that matters.
She's cut her hair and colored to black instead of brown.
She's "me" with a $5000 makeover!
It's just an effing *ad*. Does anyone really take then into consideration for either party? If so, why?
WV: nansymen (I kid you not.)
But her opponent is a Communist. So that is real choice. O'Donnell who gives you the creeps (beats me why) or a supporter of mass murder.
By the way I know lots of conservative catholics who are leftists like almost the entire US conference of Bishops. Except for abortion they have endorsed the entire Obama program. So I am unimpressed with you Moby-like statement about your conservatism.
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