Had our 2011 benefits review at work this week. Thanks to ObamaCare, employee contributions are up 5% to 50%, deductibles and out of pocket are up 100%. Plus the joy of my HSP no longer covering over-the-counter medication (that being what I've spent almost all of it on to date).
Nothing I hadn't expected, but I think the Republican ticket just gained a few new voters from among my coworkers.
That was the first time that I can remember having seen Michelle with Barack just talking without a set up stage full of theater props surrounding them as they appear separately. Wow! Michelle had a strong presence. She is not being anyone but herself...and that always registers weight. But the weak no-presence seen in Barack contrasted sharply with her persona. Barack must have no practice in being the real man named Barack...he seemed to be only a phony shell man.
I really don't think that hair style is doing her any favors.
Not that I know a lot about that kind of stuff. I wonder what are female commenters think.
I think Mrs. Obama wears wigs. That's not a criticism, it's just an observation.
Many women in politics appear to wear them. Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin seem to appear often in wigs or hair pieces, and Laura Bush occasionally looked like she wore one. (Recall the dust up when Hillary appeared au naturel.)
i raed a story that the Chilean miners that saw how fragile a life line we all live are now getting married and procreating ASAP. Imagine that. When Death loses, precious new life wins.
They should have had them memorize that or should have moved the cue card. The way they had it placed made the Obamas eyes shift around the whole time.
Palladian...I walked into that one. I meant soul weight...that presence that leaves the body when a person dies. And Michelle would make a great Wrestler or better a Baseball umpire. Who would argue a call with her? And Barack is a perfect ballboy....Oh no , I walked into another one. I meant Barack would do well as a lightweight wrestler or a team owners' inexperienced son counting the ticket money reciepts...One Trillion...Two Trillion etc. and mumbling "got to raise hot dogs to $20 and seats to $500".
I watched this without the sound, and here's how it looked to me: 1) Michele looks great (and I am not ordinarily a big fan of her appearance) -- fresh, glowing, and genuine -- until 0.26 when she turns to look at him and both the glow and the smile vanish completely from her face. 2) He looks awful -- thin, worn, haggard, oddly asymmetrical, and that smile at 1.04 is as false and empty-eyed as any I've ever seen.
Remember back when there was a uproar over John Ashcroft's (alleged) purchase of expensive curtains to shield the bare-breasted sculpture of the Spirit of Justice in the Great Hall of the Justice Department building? I wonder how much it would cost to buy another set to shield these two boobs from the cameras?
I think Michelle looks good. I just don't think that hair style does anythng for her. She has a long elegant neck that I think she should show off more. Just my humble opinion.
Nope. Sorry Hostess, someone else will have to do the watching.
Would you care to see a card? I notice the more hieroglyphics I draw by the thousand the more scritch-scratchy everything else becomes. I feel a little bit bad about that. Considering it's a condolence card, I could at least clean it up, but I can't be arsed.
I replayed the video with the sound up, and was again surprised by Barack's deep voice. That sounds like a chain smokers voice. Maybe he has a cold. But I expect that he is smoking way too much.
Not a supporter of the Obamas, but they seemed to come-off pretty well.
One distraction for me was the beginning, when Barack pointed to Michelle to introduce her. It looked almost as if he poked her in the boob with his finger.
Having my attention directed to the breast region, I noticed the "Renaissance-Faire" lace-up sweater and before you know it I missed about half of the dialog.
What's with the ridiculously bad production value? Did they run out of lights at the WH? Did no one notice that massive glare reflecting off the President's forehead? Has no one at the WH ever heard of a diffuser?
What's with the terribad shaky camera action... I half expected that Jack-in-the-Box guy to come out from behind the curtains. Did they use a camera phone to shoot this? Even midpriced point-and-shoot cameras have better video and image stabilization than this bullshit.
And for godsakes, take out 10-15 minutes to memorize the fucking lines. It's bad enough when you have one person on camera obviously reading his lines, but when there are two doing it, it's just fucking creepy watching the robotic synchronicity of their eyes roving boustrophodonically, back and forth.
Seriously, the guy who spent money on fake columns during his campaign is reduced to having Gibbs hold a flipcam in the WH basement? WTF?
He at least should have worn a tie. Seriously, it looks like they just decided to put this together in the previous five minutes.
Sorry if I got a bit rant-y. It's just jarring to see the leader of the free world like this. It's one thing when the President is caught being goofily human or average at a live event or a candid moment. It's another to see him like this in a video that he intentionally and officially releases. This is the kind of video I expect to see from some two-bit third-world leader in NowhereStan, not the President of the fucking United States of America.
Get a fucking tripod. Get some fucking lighting. Pull the shot out and put them on a couch or something (the tight shot is extremely clautrophobic with two people). Wear a tie. Michelle should dress a little better too. And fucking memorize the lines so you don't look like there's a four-player game of Pong playing in your eye-sockets.
AMEN!! I just watched it. Looked like kids on Sesame Street but worse. The contrived taking turns talking is hilarious. Even funnier is watching the facial expression of the one not talking.
i raed a story that the Chilean miners that saw how fragile a life line we all live are now getting married and procreating ASAP. Imagine that. When Death loses, precious new life wins.
Traditionalguy, I did not need that image in my head.
Barak and ... Michele, just folks like the rest of us, worried about the future of the republic and the price of arugula. I can barely stand to look at them, must less listen to them. Lame.
Too bad no one is buying it. Even the Democrats are not even buying it. We are beyond cute. You people made history, now it is time for the adults to step in. Cute does not cut it.
I learned two new words today: boustrophodonically (wow!) and fistic (having to do with fists -- really!)
Chip, if that card had been sent to me, I would have held it and wept with the joyful comfort of it. Never mind about the set-up lines, it's just lovely.
It's actually a very crappy touch. There's a reason image stabilization is becoming pretty standard in most still and DV cameras and why we don't see too many Blair Witch-type movies:
The effect isn't "realistic" at all because that's not how people see. Our eyes and brains conduct a form of natural image stabilization. This is why our vision doesn't jerk all over the place when we're walking down the street.
Combine the shaky-cam effect with standard 30fps video and this is what you get, a "realistic" effect that approximates what you'd see through repeated smacks to the head with a baseball bat.
Notice how much free time Obama has. It's remarkable. I first really paid attention to it during the healthcare extravaganza. It was like Obama really had nothing else to do. As long as it took - he had the time - and then some more time. Nothing else mattered - even though gravely important things were happening in our world.
Same now. Gravely important things developing in our world and Obama takes a month off to campaign. Then he'll go back to parties, golf, ball games and vacations...
Yep, Obama's approval ratings have plunged 4 percentage points in 52 weeks, and Democrats will win the Senate for the 5th straight year, and in the House well, we just don't know yet. I'd say the People Have Spoken.
I like the "about our future and our children's future" bit by Michelle; she was obviously speaking about the difference in Barack-daddy's future earning capacity on the public speaking trail as a failed one-termer or even-mediocre two-termer.
I look forward to his going away for a spell after the election. We deserve a break from his annoying as hell diction.
Yep, Obama's approval ratings have plunged 4 percentage points in 52 weeks, and Democrats will win the Senate for the 5th straight year, and in the House well, we just don't know yet. I'd say the People Have Spoken.
Yea they have. Obama is still President for at least two more years. The Senate will remain as it is. And the House will be decided in a few weeks. The People Have Spoken.
Yep, Obama's approval ratings have plunged 4 percentage points in 52 weeks, and Democrats will win the Senate for the 5th straight year, and in the House well, we just don't know yet. I'd say the People Have Spoken.
Barry's polling in the low 40s and it's up for grabs who gets the Senate with the Demos set to lose 8 - 10 seats. Last I looked 2006 was 4 years ago, not 5, and even Gibbs figures the House is lost.
The Independants I know who voted for Obama told me in 2008 he was really a moderate. And they believed it. I argued the point with Obama's own words. They told me he just had to say those things to get elected, that he didn't really mean them.
When I talk to them now, they're not happy Obama turned out to be as leftist as he did. So, yes, knowing what they know now, they would choose McCain on a do-over.
And based on the polling, it's obvious that McCain would win on a do-over.
This is the ad that we been suggesting. This is the ad that will change the minds of those who are still thinking of the GOP. Not many though. Smart voters are already rejecting the GOP.
Jeez he looks old all that golf must be wearing on him.... and can she find some clothes that actually fit and flatter her. She's not an ugly woman, she just dresses that way.
I don't really care about it, but she's very attractive and I don't get the animus towards her. She's a typical limo lib jerk, telling the peasants they can't live the way Michelle needs to live... oh well. I'm sure Jackie O was just as ridiculous.
But what's interesting is the peculiar way she appears to loath her spouse. That's not phoney. It's very rare to see them together like this, and the reason appears to be some kind of underlying drama.
Obama looks unhealthy. He needs to quit smoking, and if he's using cocaine still, he needs to stop. I'm not saying that in some partisan dig on him... I really hope he's not on drugs anymore.
Garage -- I have told you what I am about to tell you many times. I'm going to say it again, hopefully for the last time, in big, bold, capital fucking letters and using simple words to help you remember:
It was going through the motions. Christ, man. I don't bring up John Kerry as some kind of salient point. Why don't you dig up Bob Dole?
This is so pathetic it's actually starting to get sad--he is in so far over his head he has already drowned--I predict nervous breakdown before the four years are up--he's never even had a paper-route before.
At the end, when we're zooming down the highway, the billboard that says "Moving America Forward" blots out the screen just before we come to that Thelma and Louise cliff.
Yea they have. Obama is still President for at least two more years. The Senate will remain as it is. And the House will be decided in a few weeks. The People Have Spoken.
Garage, you continue to surprise me with the lengths you'll go to delude yourself. I'm sure Clinton woke up after election day, 1994, and said "Well, I'm still President. The People Have Spoken." What about Bush in 2006, "I'm still President. The People Have Spoken." Seriously, say that shit with a straight face.
Do you think that even if the Democrats *only* manage to lose the House they're going to proclaim victory and a mandate? Shit, I thought you guys were part of the "reality-based community."
Grand Inquisitor: I'm with you about the First Lady. I don't get the animus and cruelty against her. I don't really see what she's done to deserve the cattiness and vitriol.
Wow, that's the first time I've ever seen "boustrophodonically" in a blog comment. (Well, the first time ever anywhere, really, since it's actually spelled boustrophedonically, but you get what I mean... And you, a Greek major!)
M. -- I hesitated to put Palin in the words McCain/Palin, as I know she does create much excitement in a significant percentage of conservatives and libertarians (though not me). The point is that McCain excited no one. I think we can all agree on that.
You know, almost every time I see a pic of Michelle I can't help but think, "That is one pissed-off woman."
Don't know if she's mad at Bar for not following through on the promised revival of Camelot-on-the-Potomac (and him knowing how badly she wanted the "Jackie" role). Is she furious at conservatives, those bitter, gun-clinging, McDonald's-scarfing conservatives, for upsetting the wa of Team Obama? Maybe Malia's weekly weigh-in and BMI indexing was not what Michelle had ordered. Or does she just have a hard-on for the world in general because the First Lady gig is not working out to be the sweet ride she had planned?
I'm kinda partial to the last one, because this summer she seemed to actually be surprised when the First Lady's Daily Polls showed the public was livid over her taxpayer-funded uber-luxurious continental vacation for herself and 40 of her BFFs. That racist - and scared - public.
Guess it doesn't really matter to Barry O what she's mad about, just that she's mad about something. Because when Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. And the White House isn't really all that big. You think it's a coincidence that Big O had almost 60 golfing outings in the past 22 months?!
I just don't know if I can take 26 months of a raging would-be queen.
Don't you remember "this is the first time I've been proud of this country"? She deserves all the contempt she receives, and much more.
So? People say stupid shit all the time. Imagine being under the spotlight 24/7 and having everything you say dissected under a microscope.
The ridiculous armchair psychoanalysis of public figures is asinine because you're trying to detect some sekrit evil inside by reading newspaper articles and blogs. People do it to Sarah Palin just as they do it to Michelle Obama. Just who the hell knows what's in the heart of hearts of Michelle Obama? Does anyone outside of her close friends and family know that? We're just a bunch of people weighing in on the internet. Politics is the stuff of ideas and facts, this shit about whether Michelle Obama loves America--that's just trash, the stuff of backalley gossip. Same with the stuff about whether Obama is some double dog dare sekrit Muslim Mohammedan Candidate who wasn't born in Hawaii. Useless.
I would like to reassure the Obamas that I am very fired up for the election this year. He doesn't need to worry about that. I also agree that it's a very important time to consider the well-being of our children.
This November I am voting for CHANGE -- change from 10% unemployment and out of control spending.
Also I think it's hilarious that they read this whole thing off a teleprompter. You can even watch her read the words while he is speaking.
This is the first time that I find myself in complete agreement with our President. We need to stay fired up through the election and help get out the vote. I'm not so sure he intended to encourage a Republican. Maybe just an another unintended consequence.
"I don't really care about it, but she's very attractive and I don't get the animus towards her."
See, this statement truly proves that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, because that is one ugly woman if you ask me. And she has no clue how to dress herself either.
Seems to me that the role of a First Spouse is to convince everybody that the President is a regular guy/gal, decent enough in private life for someone to marry. Unfortunately, Mrs. Obama, like Mrs. (Rodham-)Clinton, just seems like one of those people who, if they lived in my neighborhood, I'd probably never get beyond the head-nod-in-the-car stage with. They just don't personally appeal to me.
But I have to say, I too wonder about the vitriol. It seems to me that only Mrs. Reagan awoke such rhetoric in the other side of the aisle. Is it because Republican FLOTI (yeah, I know, it should be FLOTAE, right?) do a better job of at least simulating traditional gender roles? Or are they genuinely more likeable? (The possibility that the other side is actually nicer doesn't really hold much water with me, based on their actions toward everybody else who isn't in public office, as well as the guy at the top.)
But I have to say, I too wonder about the vitriol. It seems to me that only Mrs. Reagan awoke such rhetoric in the other side of the aisle
I don't know about Mrs. Reagan, since I really wasn't paying that much attention to her at the time.
However, the vitrol, at least my perception of it.
1. These are the most disengenous, fake, lying, hypocritical people that I can ever remember in public office.
2. They spend much of their time intruding into our lives. Telling us how to live, what to eat. While at the same time they don't do any of the things they want to impose on the rest of us.
3. It is quite quite clear that they don't LIKE the United States. They don't like the people of the country, the traditions, the history....ANYTHING. They do not respect the people and they do not respect the position of President or First Lady.
Other than the fact that they are destroying this country and partying like the Court of Louis the XIV......
Mostly....I get the impression that they just don't care about anything other than themselves and about power. I get the impression that they are vindictive and WANT to punish people for percieved past wrongs. I KNOW that they are Socialists if not out and out Marxists.
Another part of the animus is the blacklash against a corrupt media that allowed these awful people to be foisted upon us. The meme that this was the second coming of the Kennedy Camelot era (which wasn't all that wonderful anyway) that Michelle is some sort of beautiful fashion icon, that we should all be falling down in worship of the first Black President.......all foisted on us by lies, smoke and mirrors.
DBQ: when your antagonist is commiting suicide, do not intevene.
The sad thing about this particular president is that his performance will probably result in a wide spread (subliminal) rejection of any COMPETENT black candidate for the next 30 years. And there are a host of competent black politicians out there.
You ask a stupid question, and then get an (obvious and) intelligent answer, only to come back with "So? People say stupid shit all the time."?
Two things:
1) When "people say stupid shit all the time" we call them stupid and tend not to like listening to them or attempting to discuss important matters with them.
The sad thing about this particular president is that his performance will probably result in a wide spread (subliminal) rejection of any COMPETENT black candidate for the next 30 years.
Yup. Same pattern we see in our universities and in the workplace:
1) Diversity Hire selected on basis of his skin color for a position he's not qualified for.
2) Can't handle the workload, grows frustrated, then bitter, then angry
3) blames the "system" or "whitey" for all his mistakes
4) files EEO complaint
5) spikes the hiring of more deserving minorities who don't need quotas or racial preferences to compete.
You ask a stupid question, and then get an (obvious and) intelligent answer, only to come back with "So? People say stupid shit all the time."?
Two things:
1) When "people say stupid shit all the time" we call them stupid and tend not to like listening to them or attempting to discuss important matters with them.
Whatever, Crack. I didn't ask a question about Michelle Obama. I simply made a statement that I don't get the vitriol, to which another commenter responded with the 'proud of America' bit.
I tend not to listen to Michelle Obama in the first place because she's just the spouse of the President. She has no role in the public policy of this nation (unless you want to count the inevitable First Lady pet projects).
But that's different from hating her because of some off-handed comment she made at one point during a political campaign. You can dislike a politician or even hate him, because his beliefs and actions are fodder for the political discourse. They are in the public sphere, they are the res of the publica, civitas, polis.
But the spouse? Please. People who do this are drumming up hate and dislike because it conforms to what they think about the President himself. Our actual exposure to the First Lady is so laughably slight that trying to discern whether she actually hates her country in her heart of hearts is just fucking retarded. We know more about Ann Althouse's inner thoughts than Michelle Obama's.
Well, Crack, I was going to let your reply stand for mine. But then I thought a bit more and it seemed a bit harsh, especially if Blue is somewhat of a newcomer here.
So let my try again:
Sorry, Blue, but her statement was a complete slap in the face to every single American who has helped to make this country worthwhile. I can guarantee you that, if I said something that awful in public, just by accident, you can bet I'd be falling all over myself trying to retract it. Wouldn't you?
And no, the animosity is not just based on that one statement--don't you remember that "Obama will not let you stay as you are" crap?
Perhaps I should reiterate here who my genuine heroine among political spouses is--the wife of Howard Dean. (See, I can't even remember her name, isn't that wonderful.) When asked why she wasn't on the campaign trail with Howard, she replied, in effect, "Because I have a job, and I'd rather keep doing it." Bravo ^ 10!
Ms. Obama is getting this crap because she herself chose to campaign and insert herself into the public discourse.
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१६२ टिप्पण्या:
"Together we can continue to move this country forward"
What an idiot.
Had our 2011 benefits review at work this week. Thanks to ObamaCare, employee contributions are up 5% to 50%, deductibles and out of pocket are up 100%. Plus the joy of my HSP no longer covering over-the-counter medication (that being what I've spent almost all of it on to date).
Nothing I hadn't expected, but I think the Republican ticket just gained a few new voters from among my coworkers.
Yes, it is about our children's future. And we CANNOT saddle them with an overwhelming federal debt, a depleted Medicare and a broken pension system.
We need to leave them a better legacy.
So lets hope for some change.
Better yet lets VOTE for some change.
I really don't think that hair style is doing her any favors.
Not that I know a lot about that kind of stuff. I wonder what are female commenters think.
The shaky-cam is a nice "realistic" touch but FLOTUS's eye movements give away the obvious scripted teleprompted appeal.
Have Palin or O'Donnell *ever* been caught making such teleprompted "tells"?
Not doubting they have, just curious.
Ain't it a shame what the river have done to this poor crackers' land.
Randy Newman.
... we're sincerely implorin' our friends and neighbors.
ROFL (hope this is an interesting enough comment for Althouse.)
OK, I will add -- did he forget her name? there is a split sec pause in the beginning before he says her name or was it just for effect?
That was the first time that I can remember having seen Michelle with Barack just talking without a set up stage full of theater props surrounding them as they appear separately. Wow! Michelle had a strong presence. She is not being anyone but herself...and that always registers weight. But the weak no-presence seen in Barack contrasted sharply with her persona. Barack must have no practice in being the real man named Barack...he seemed to be only a phony shell man.
Jeez! The modern day Whistler's Mother. What a pair!
Well Klingon women are very strong minded. Just sayn'
Michelle's sweater looks to small for her. Her sense of style is not self flattering.
Bleh. He comes across as condescending even when he's asking a favor.
Trooper said:
I really don't think that hair style is doing her any favors.
Not that I know a lot about that kind of stuff. I wonder what are female commenters think.
I think Mrs. Obama wears wigs. That's not a criticism, it's just an observation.
Many women in politics appear to wear them. Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin seem to appear often in wigs or hair pieces, and Laura Bush occasionally looked like she wore one. (Recall the dust up when Hillary appeared au naturel.)
Oh! The President also is making the "O" hand symbol in the screenshot (instead of pointing at us).
The phrase "step up" bugs the heck out of me. It's white trash/ ghetto and means nada outside sports IMO.
Obama's first real job looks to be aging him.
Oh snap Irene. Really. I can never tell.
I thought that was Kim Zolyinacks real hair on the Atlanta Housewives until she started talking about her wigs.
Next thing you know you are going to tell me that Wendy Williams wears a wig.
What the heck?
(America's Crypto Jew)
It is videos like this that guarantee Democratic victory in Nov. 2010. And it will see us to victory in 2012.
Please write itself off GOP, you are the party of dead....
My many polling job across America demonstrate this to me on a daily basis.
Ha ha, Trooper.
I am getting old. I had to Google "Wendy Williams."
The WWF would take Michelle in a heartbeat. I guess they'd have to take Barry on as her corner man.
i raed a story that the Chilean miners that saw how fragile a life line we all live are now getting married and procreating ASAP. Imagine that. When Death loses, precious new life wins.
They should have had them memorize that or should have moved the cue card. The way they had it placed made the Obamas eyes shift around the whole time.
"Wow! Michelle had a strong presence. She is not being anyone but herself..."
Therein lies the problem.
"...and that always registers weight."
Sorry, should have written that in a style consistent with the vid:
Their eyes were shakin' and shiftin' 'cause the cue card was placed poorly.
Does Malia know that her mom is sneaking into her closet and stealing her tops? Why doesn't Michelle wear clothes that fit her properly?
Palladian...I walked into that one. I meant soul weight...that presence that leaves the body when a person dies. And Michelle would make a great Wrestler or better a Baseball umpire. Who would argue a call with her? And Barack is a perfect ballboy....Oh no , I walked into another one. I meant Barack would do well as a lightweight wrestler or a team owners' inexperienced son counting the ticket money reciepts...One Trillion...Two Trillion etc. and mumbling "got to raise hot dogs to $20 and seats to $500".
I watched this without the sound, and here's how it looked to me: 1) Michele looks great (and I am not ordinarily a big fan of her appearance) -- fresh, glowing, and genuine -- until 0.26 when she turns to look at him and both the glow and the smile vanish completely from her face. 2) He looks awful -- thin, worn, haggard, oddly asymmetrical, and that smile at 1.04 is as false and empty-eyed as any I've ever seen.
Remember back when there was a uproar over John Ashcroft's (alleged) purchase of expensive curtains to shield the bare-breasted sculpture of the Spirit of Justice in the Great Hall of the Justice Department building? I wonder how much it would cost to buy another set to shield these two boobs from the cameras?
I like the way Michelle looks.
Oh sorry Irene.
You don't want to google Wendy. You don't know where she's been. Just sayn'
"...until 0.26 when she turns to look at him and both the glow and the smile vanish completely from her face."
Lots of people have that reaction when they look at him.
Which one is Bert and which one is Harry.
(yes, I'm dating myself)
"I like the way Michelle looks."
I'm not sure Barack likes the way she looks... at him lately.
A Blue Curtain has descended across the stage at the WH ensconcing the President and the First Lady.
You are thinking of Bert and Ernie.
They are off getting gay married before they enlist in the Army.
Not that there's anything wrong with that.
wv: itaxmm....really itaxmm which is pronounced...itaxman.
I think Michelle looks good. I just don't think that hair style does anythng for her. She has a long elegant neck that I think she should show off more. Just my humble opinion.
Barry is starting to look like Jerry Manuel in the last week of the season.
Is it "curtains" for their agenda?
Turn in this November. Same Bat time. Same Bat Channel.
Ouch. What a sweat act. I was feeling pretty good, but after that, I'm just scared.
FDR he ain't.
Nope. Sorry Hostess, someone else will have to do the watching.
Would you care to see a card? I notice the more hieroglyphics I draw by the thousand the more scritch-scratchy everything else becomes. I feel a little bit bad about that. Considering it's a condolence card, I could at least clean it up, but I can't be arsed.
Gosh, I almost forgot - thanks for the reminder, O!
She looks very relaxed. I agree with Trooper that her hair is sort of not the best for her. But overall? Happy.
Nicely done, Chip. Best condolence card evah. Guaranteed tears. Don't worry about the draft lines...
"two boobs," lol Palladian.
Trooper, I think she's tryin' to look down-scale and homey with that hairstyle and floral dress.
The blue was a soothing pallet, with the curtain, her sweater, and dress. And I guess his shirt is light blue.
I replayed the video with the sound up, and was again surprised by Barack's deep voice. That sounds like a chain smokers voice. Maybe he has a cold. But I expect that he is smoking way too much.
Chip, I would treasure that card if I received it.
A joyful card, Chip. You have some very blessed friends.
Beautiful, Chip. A "Dot" on the heart.
Not a supporter of the Obamas, but they seemed to come-off pretty well.
One distraction for me was the beginning, when Barack pointed to Michelle to introduce her. It looked almost as if he poked her in the boob with his finger.
Having my attention directed to the breast region, I noticed the "Renaissance-Faire" lace-up sweater and before you know it I missed about half of the dialog.
WTF, is this amateur hour at the WH?
What's with the ridiculously bad production value? Did they run out of lights at the WH? Did no one notice that massive glare reflecting off the President's forehead? Has no one at the WH ever heard of a diffuser?
What's with the terribad shaky camera action... I half expected that Jack-in-the-Box guy to come out from behind the curtains. Did they use a camera phone to shoot this? Even midpriced point-and-shoot cameras have better video and image stabilization than this bullshit.
And for godsakes, take out 10-15 minutes to memorize the fucking lines. It's bad enough when you have one person on camera obviously reading his lines, but when there are two doing it, it's just fucking creepy watching the robotic synchronicity of their eyes roving boustrophodonically, back and forth.
Seriously, the guy who spent money on fake columns during his campaign is reduced to having Gibbs hold a flipcam in the WH basement? WTF?
*googles "boustrophodonically"*
I'd say that he needs a touch-up of Just For Men; he's looking awfully grey.
And to paraphrase Howard Dean, "Barack Obama is not my neighbor."
He at least should have worn a tie. Seriously, it looks like they just decided to put this together in the previous five minutes.
Sorry if I got a bit rant-y. It's just jarring to see the leader of the free world like this. It's one thing when the President is caught being goofily human or average at a live event or a candid moment. It's another to see him like this in a video that he intentionally and officially releases. This is the kind of video I expect to see from some two-bit third-world leader in NowhereStan, not the President of the fucking United States of America.
Get a fucking tripod. Get some fucking lighting. Pull the shot out and put them on a couch or something (the tight shot is extremely clautrophobic with two people). Wear a tie. Michelle should dress a little better too. And fucking memorize the lines so you don't look like there's a four-player game of Pong playing in your eye-sockets.
Nice card- made me choke up a bit! I am sure your friend was both consoled and cheered by your card.
Go Phils!
Learning To Love Diversity, Boustrophedonically
Boustrophedonically I mowed the lawn and cut down every blade,
Boustrophedonnically I vacuumed the house and left it spic 'n spade.
Sorry, I was a Greek major.
boos (cow) + strophe (turn) = the way a cow turns (when plowing a field)
kata (downward) + strophe (turn) = a downward turn
The face of losers. Continuing our country forward right off the cliff. Fuck you, Erkle and your pinch faced hagatha of a wife too.
WTF, is this amateur hour at the WH?
AMEN!! I just watched it. Looked like kids on Sesame Street but worse. The contrived taking turns talking is hilarious. Even funnier is watching the facial expression of the one not talking.
Is it bad that I looked to see how long this thing was going to be before I'd bother to watch it?
Can he be more full of himself?
And I'm begging y'all, please, make that woman stop following me.
The girls at Michelle's Mirror claim she's wearing a wig.
For indigestion, the O's
Are certainly not the tonic,
Especially when their gaze goes
Completely boustrophedonic.
i raed a story that the Chilean miners that saw how fragile a life line we all live are now getting married and procreating ASAP. Imagine that. When Death loses, precious new life wins.
Traditionalguy, I did not need that image in my head.
@ Crack Emcee
If he was any more full of himself, he'd split off like an amoeba and there'd be two of him.
I agree with Crack. When I looked at the time, I thought it shouldn't have been more than 30 seconds long.
That's it??? My God, you see better quality on access TV and what's with The Zero and the dropped g's? Please tell me they didn't have to TOTUS that.
Michelle didn't look too bad, but get the woman a sweater that fits, fer cryin' out loud.
Irene said...
I think Mrs. Obama wears wigs. That's not a criticism, it's just an observation.
I've heard it's common among women doing public appearances. Too many variables contributing to a bad hair day when they can't have one.
Oh! The President also is making the "O" hand symbol in the screenshot (instead of pointing at us).
It is all about him, after all.
NotYourTypicalNewYorker said...
Which one is Bert and which one is Harry.
(yes, I'm dating myself)
Finally. somebody else who remembers the Piels Brothers. Great commercials and the first exposure of Bob and Ray for a lot of people.
Bush's approval just went up 2 points with this. He had more dignity than this. Obama is on pace to make Carter look good.
They hate you.
What the hell!?!
He has no tie...cravat, and she's wearing some kind of bondage outfit.
w/v emporf - I heard the president emporf. The first lady was a-gas-t.
Barak and ... Michele, just folks like the rest of us, worried about the future of the republic and the price of arugula. I can barely stand to look at them, must less listen to them. Lame.
wv: pritos
Awwwww, how cute.
Too bad no one is buying it. Even the Democrats are not even buying it. We are beyond cute. You people made history, now it is time for the adults to step in. Cute does not cut it.
Why the hell was the media drooling over his pecs when the FLOTUS is about to use hers to Hulk out of that sweater?
I learned two new words today: boustrophodonically (wow!) and fistic (having to do with fists -- really!)
Chip, if that card had been sent to me, I would have held it and wept with the joyful comfort of it. Never mind about the set-up lines, it's just lovely.
Lecturing. Constantly lecturing.
The shaky-cam is a nice "realistic" touch
It's actually a very crappy touch. There's a reason image stabilization is becoming pretty standard in most still and DV cameras and why we don't see too many Blair Witch-type movies:
The effect isn't "realistic" at all because that's not how people see. Our eyes and brains conduct a form of natural image stabilization. This is why our vision doesn't jerk all over the place when we're walking down the street.
Combine the shaky-cam effect with standard 30fps video and this is what you get, a "realistic" effect that approximates what you'd see through repeated smacks to the head with a baseball bat.
Notice how much free time Obama has. It's remarkable. I first really paid attention to it during the healthcare extravaganza. It was like Obama really had nothing else to do. As long as it took - he had the time - and then some more time. Nothing else mattered - even though gravely important things were happening in our world.
Same now. Gravely important things developing in our world and Obama takes a month off to campaign. Then he'll go back to parties, golf, ball games and vacations...
Yep, Obama's approval ratings have plunged 4 percentage points in 52 weeks, and Democrats will win the Senate for the 5th straight year, and in the House well, we just don't know yet. I'd say the People Have Spoken.
His teleprompter reading isn't as stunning when there's only one teleprompter.
The look to the left, pause, look to the center, pause, look to the right thing is far more rhythmic than the face-forward mode.
You have got to be kidding me.
I like the "about our future and our children's future" bit by Michelle; she was obviously speaking about the difference in Barack-daddy's future earning capacity on the public speaking trail as a failed one-termer or even-mediocre two-termer.
I look forward to his going away for a spell after the election. We deserve a break from his annoying as hell diction.
"Democrats will win the Senate for the 5th straight year"
We have Senate elections every year? Who knew? Only Garage.
Oh dear, I feel a Gritty Shit coming on. Excuse me.
They should throw up some pine paneling behind them, lay down some funky slap bass and make this video interesting.
Yep, Obama's approval ratings have plunged 4 percentage points in 52 weeks, and Democrats will win the Senate for the 5th straight year, and in the House well, we just don't know yet. I'd say the People Have Spoken.
But they haven't voted yet.
Yea they have. Obama is still President for at least two more years. The Senate will remain as it is. And the House will be decided in a few weeks. The People Have Spoken.
Garage: "The People Have Spoken"
The people I know who 'spoke' in 2008 now wish they could edit their remarks.
Those people wished they had voted for McCain/Palin you think?
garage mahal said...
Yep, Obama's approval ratings have plunged 4 percentage points in 52 weeks, and Democrats will win the Senate for the 5th straight year, and in the House well, we just don't know yet. I'd say the People Have Spoken.
Barry's polling in the low 40s and it's up for grabs who gets the Senate with the Demos set to lose 8 - 10 seats. Last I looked 2006 was 4 years ago, not 5, and even Gibbs figures the House is lost.
Yes, the people are speaking.
The Independants I know who voted for Obama told me in 2008 he was really a moderate. And they believed it. I argued the point with Obama's own words. They told me he just had to say those things to get elected, that he didn't really mean them.
When I talk to them now, they're not happy Obama turned out to be as leftist as he did. So, yes, knowing what they know now, they would choose McCain on a do-over.
And based on the polling, it's obvious that McCain would win on a do-over.
This is the ad that we been suggesting. This is the ad that will change the minds of those who are still thinking of the GOP. Not many though. Smart voters are already rejecting the GOP.
You're a crack-up.
Beautiful card.
vvv - I also cannot stand BHO's speech pattern. Never have.
Avoid listening to his weird inflection, nagging, and scoldscoldscolding.
Yup. She's got a hair piece /wig on.
Really, someone should edit her clothing for her.
She looked better than she has, and someone has been coaching her smiles. :-) ("FLOTUS, m'am, do.not.scowl.")
He looks old.
And he needs to wear a tie. I saw him the other day speaking to some crowd (scolding us again ... maybe the Empire Strikes Back speech?) tie-less.
Enough with casual Friday everyday.
Jeez he looks old all that golf must be wearing on him.... and can she find some clothes that actually fit and flatter her. She's not an ugly woman, she just dresses that way.
Michelle looks fine to me.
I don't really care about it, but she's very attractive and I don't get the animus towards her. She's a typical limo lib jerk, telling the peasants they can't live the way Michelle needs to live... oh well. I'm sure Jackie O was just as ridiculous.
But what's interesting is the peculiar way she appears to loath her spouse. That's not phoney. It's very rare to see them together like this, and the reason appears to be some kind of underlying drama.
Obama looks unhealthy. He needs to quit smoking, and if he's using cocaine still, he needs to stop. I'm not saying that in some partisan dig on him... I really hope he's not on drugs anymore.
Insty gold!
Meade said: Insty gold!
Whoa! I clicked on your link which leads to link that leads back to your link which leads to a link...
...It's just like the Indian woman on Land O' Lakes Butter box holding a Land O' Lakes Butter box having a picture of an Indian woman holding.....
I wonder if Michelle uses Meg Whitman's hairdresser.
Also, gold Chip ⬆
Obama isn't using his cocaine. Come on.
Who cares, the Democrats are gonna win anyways thanks to the MSM...
/meds wore off
Garage -- I have told you what I am about to tell you many times. I'm going to say it again, hopefully for the last time, in big, bold, capital fucking letters and using simple words to help you remember:
It was going through the motions. Christ, man. I don't bring up John Kerry as some kind of salient point. Why don't you dig up Bob Dole?
This is so pathetic it's actually starting to get sad--he is in so far over his head he has already drowned--I predict nervous breakdown before the four years are up--he's never even had a paper-route before.
Barack Obama: Jimmy Carter competence, Richard Nixon narcissism.
Franklin Roosevelt wife
I am not seeing anything related to Whistler or his mother
It's an arrangement in gray and black.
Axelrod tells the Dems to stay awake for last minute surprises. Who knows how many ballots they can "find" in those final hours.
Of course, if the Dems can turn out the takers, the givers are in trouble anyway.
From the production values, I'm guessing they hired Osama bin Laden's videographer. Just be grateful they didn't end with "Death to America."
and Democrats will win the Senate for the 5th straight year,
Yep, in all 57 states.
BJM -- If you didn't vote in the 2009 and 2007 nationwide Senate elections, you have no one to blame but yourself.
At the end, when we're zooming down the highway, the billboard that says "Moving America Forward" blots out the screen just before we come to that Thelma and Louise cliff.
I like the bondage boobie sweater. I wear stuff like that when I'm trolling for free drinks or votes. Suckas!
Obama's lack of a tie is a nice touch, too, Liz. The look seems to say: I have no penis. My angry wife has taken it away.
7, that sounds like Psych 101 talk, too me.
Can I just say how much I love the word "boustrophodonically"? Classics represent!
Not watching the video. O's speechifying = nails scraping chalkboard for me. Empathize a bit now with those who couldn't bear to listen to Bush.
Word verification, speaking of great words: sinward
Deborah -- That sounds like a sad, inbred inability to appreciate obvious humor, too me.
GEEZ! You posted the wrong video. I deconstructed the video on You Tube to show the REAL STORY.
Say good-night, Gracie.
Goodnight Gracie
Yea they have. Obama is still President for at least two more years. The Senate will remain as it is. And the House will be decided in a few weeks. The People Have Spoken.
Garage, you continue to surprise me with the lengths you'll go to delude yourself. I'm sure Clinton woke up after election day, 1994, and said "Well, I'm still President. The People Have Spoken." What about Bush in 2006, "I'm still President. The People Have Spoken." Seriously, say that shit with a straight face.
Do you think that even if the Democrats *only* manage to lose the House they're going to proclaim victory and a mandate? Shit, I thought you guys were part of the "reality-based community."
Grand Inquisitor: I'm with you about the First Lady. I don't get the animus and cruelty against her. I don't really see what she's done to deserve the cattiness and vitriol.
anacoluthia [n]: Lack of grammatical sequence or coherence; see Democrats.
Wow, that's the first time I've ever seen "boustrophodonically" in a blog comment. (Well, the first time ever anywhere, really, since it's actually spelled boustrophedonically, but you get what I mean... And you, a Greek major!)
Don't you remember "this is the first time I've been proud of this country"? She deserves all the contempt she receives, and much more.
Steve M.,
I was excited to have the opportunity to vote for Palin.
Especially after I learned of her husband's political adventures in Alaska. Todd/Sarah - have brought serious respectability to the libertarian idea.
Look at this at the Family Research Council, and there seemed to be an almost desperate sense that the train was leaving the station and they weren’t on it.
Nothing so warms my libertarian heart.
I don't know how I got Steve out of Seven.
M. -- I hesitated to put Palin in the words McCain/Palin, as I know she does create much excitement in a significant percentage of conservatives and libertarians (though not me). The point is that McCain excited no one. I think we can all agree on that.
You know, almost every time I see a pic of Michelle I can't help but think, "That is one pissed-off woman."
Don't know if she's mad at Bar for not following through on the promised revival of Camelot-on-the-Potomac (and him knowing how badly she wanted the "Jackie" role). Is she furious at conservatives, those bitter, gun-clinging, McDonald's-scarfing conservatives, for upsetting the wa of Team Obama? Maybe Malia's weekly weigh-in and BMI indexing was not what Michelle had ordered. Or does she just have a hard-on for the world in general because the First Lady gig is not working out to be the sweet ride she had planned?
I'm kinda partial to the last one, because this summer she seemed to actually be surprised when the First Lady's Daily Polls showed the public was livid over her taxpayer-funded uber-luxurious continental vacation for herself and 40 of her BFFs. That racist - and scared - public.
Guess it doesn't really matter to Barry O what she's mad about, just that she's mad about something. Because when Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. And the White House isn't really all that big. You think it's a coincidence that Big O had almost 60 golfing outings in the past 22 months?!
I just don't know if I can take 26 months of a raging would-be queen.
Don't you remember "this is the first time I've been proud of this country"? She deserves all the contempt she receives, and much more.
So? People say stupid shit all the time. Imagine being under the spotlight 24/7 and having everything you say dissected under a microscope.
The ridiculous armchair psychoanalysis of public figures is asinine because you're trying to detect some sekrit evil inside by reading newspaper articles and blogs. People do it to Sarah Palin just as they do it to Michelle Obama. Just who the hell knows what's in the heart of hearts of Michelle Obama? Does anyone outside of her close friends and family know that? We're just a bunch of people weighing in on the internet. Politics is the stuff of ideas and facts, this shit about whether Michelle Obama loves America--that's just trash, the stuff of backalley gossip. Same with the stuff about whether Obama is some double dog dare sekrit Muslim Mohammedan Candidate who wasn't born in Hawaii. Useless.
Is this a "Democrat" ad, or a Republican ad? I sort of think the later.
Mr. President:
Put on a fucking tie.
You're the President of the United States for Christsakes ... leader of the free world.
Have some fucking respect.
I would like to reassure the Obamas that I am very fired up for the election this year. He doesn't need to worry about that. I also agree that it's a very important time to consider the well-being of our children.
This November I am voting for CHANGE -- change from 10% unemployment and out of control spending.
Also I think it's hilarious that they read this whole thing off a teleprompter. You can even watch her read the words while he is speaking.
Which one's the dummy?
This is the first time that I find myself in complete agreement with our President. We need to stay fired up through the election and help get out the vote. I'm not so sure he intended to encourage a Republican. Maybe just an another unintended consequence.
So? People say stupid shit all the time.
Hmmm. Not First Ladies. Not to this degree. Are they the original "Not Ready for Prime Time Players"?
"I don't really care about it, but she's very attractive and I don't get the animus towards her."
See, this statement truly proves that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, because that is one ugly woman if you ask me. And she has no clue how to dress herself either.
Seems to me that the role of a First Spouse is to convince everybody that the President is a regular guy/gal, decent enough in private life for someone to marry. Unfortunately, Mrs. Obama, like Mrs. (Rodham-)Clinton, just seems like one of those people who, if they lived in my neighborhood, I'd probably never get beyond the head-nod-in-the-car stage with. They just don't personally appeal to me.
But I have to say, I too wonder about the vitriol. It seems to me that only Mrs. Reagan awoke such rhetoric in the other side of the aisle. Is it because Republican FLOTI (yeah, I know, it should be FLOTAE, right?) do a better job of at least simulating traditional gender roles? Or are they genuinely more likeable? (The possibility that the other side is actually nicer doesn't really hold much water with me, based on their actions toward everybody else who isn't in public office, as well as the guy at the top.)
Oh, as to the video . . . it's their lame attempt to pretend to be the little people. You know, the ones they not-so-secretly despise.
No tie, bad dress choice, making the video in their parent's basement for Youtube. That kind of thing.
At least they cut the part where Barry says "I'm your excellent host, Barack Obama" and Michelle says "Party on, Barry."
American Gothic II
Chip, that is a heck of a card. Thanks for sharing.
You can totally see their eyes reading the teleprompter. What a buffoon. These people are incapable of speaking from the heart.
LOL F4P! I was just about to put up: "American Gothic II--Blue Period"
Well, on second thought I can't resist the snark, F4P. It REALLY should be: "American Gothic II--Black & Blue Period"
Or are they aping Ma' & Pa' Kettle, instead?
But I have to say, I too wonder about the vitriol. It seems to me that only Mrs. Reagan awoke such rhetoric in the other side of the aisle
I don't know about Mrs. Reagan, since I really wasn't paying that much attention to her at the time.
However, the vitrol, at least my perception of it.
1. These are the most disengenous, fake, lying, hypocritical people that I can ever remember in public office.
2. They spend much of their time intruding into our lives. Telling us how to live, what to eat. While at the same time they don't do any of the things they want to impose on the rest of us.
3. It is quite quite clear that they don't LIKE the United States. They don't like the people of the country, the traditions, the history....ANYTHING. They do not respect the people and they do not respect the position of President or First Lady.
Other than the fact that they are destroying this country and partying like the Court of Louis the XIV......
Mostly....I get the impression that they just don't care about anything other than themselves and about power. I get the impression that they are vindictive and WANT to punish people for percieved past wrongs. I KNOW that they are Socialists if not out and out Marxists.
Another part of the animus is the blacklash against a corrupt media that allowed these awful people to be foisted upon us. The meme that this was the second coming of the Kennedy Camelot era (which wasn't all that wonderful anyway) that Michelle is some sort of beautiful fashion icon, that we should all be falling down in worship of the first Black President.......all foisted on us by lies, smoke and mirrors.
The people are pissed to the wide.
Obama really needs to can all of his Public Relations staff.
I get the feeling that they are all bong smoking frat boys who have absolutely no clue on how they appear to others.
On the other hand....nah....keep 'em. Good job Barry!
DBQ: when your antagonist is commiting suicide, do not intevene.
The sad thing about this particular president is that his performance will probably result in a wide spread (subliminal) rejection of any COMPETENT black candidate for the next 30 years. And there are a host of competent black politicians out there.
You ask a stupid question, and then get an (obvious and) intelligent answer, only to come back with "So? People say stupid shit all the time."?
Two things:
1) When "people say stupid shit all the time" we call them stupid and tend not to like listening to them or attempting to discuss important matters with them.
2) Remind me to never answer you.
The BarneyCam had better production values.
Imploring? ...Or imploding?
The sad thing about this particular president is that his performance will probably result in a wide spread (subliminal) rejection of any COMPETENT black candidate for the next 30 years.
Yup. Same pattern we see in our universities and in the workplace:
1) Diversity Hire selected on basis of his skin color for a position he's not qualified for.
2) Can't handle the workload, grows frustrated, then bitter, then angry
3) blames the "system" or "whitey" for all his mistakes
4) files EEO complaint
5) spikes the hiring of more deserving minorities who don't need quotas or racial preferences to compete.
It's comforting to know that such horribly average-looking people can ascend to the annals of power here in the United States.
You ask a stupid question, and then get an (obvious and) intelligent answer, only to come back with "So? People say stupid shit all the time."?
Two things:
1) When "people say stupid shit all the time" we call them stupid and tend not to like listening to them or attempting to discuss important matters with them.
Whatever, Crack. I didn't ask a question about Michelle Obama. I simply made a statement that I don't get the vitriol, to which another commenter responded with the 'proud of America' bit.
I tend not to listen to Michelle Obama in the first place because she's just the spouse of the President. She has no role in the public policy of this nation (unless you want to count the inevitable First Lady pet projects).
But that's different from hating her because of some off-handed comment she made at one point during a political campaign. You can dislike a politician or even hate him, because his beliefs and actions are fodder for the political discourse. They are in the public sphere, they are the res of the publica, civitas, polis.
But the spouse? Please. People who do this are drumming up hate and dislike because it conforms to what they think about the President himself. Our actual exposure to the First Lady is so laughably slight that trying to discern whether she actually hates her country in her heart of hearts is just fucking retarded. We know more about Ann Althouse's inner thoughts than Michelle Obama's.
Well, Crack, I was going to let your reply stand for mine. But then I thought a bit more and it seemed a bit harsh, especially if Blue is somewhat of a newcomer here.
So let my try again:
Sorry, Blue, but her statement was a complete slap in the face to every single American who has helped to make this country worthwhile. I can guarantee you that, if I said something that awful in public, just by accident, you can bet I'd be falling all over myself trying to retract it. Wouldn't you?
And no, the animosity is not just based on that one statement--don't you remember that "Obama will not let you stay as you are" crap?
Perhaps I should reiterate here who my genuine heroine among political spouses is--the wife of Howard Dean. (See, I can't even remember her name, isn't that wonderful.) When asked why she wasn't on the campaign trail with Howard, she replied, in effect, "Because I have a job, and I'd rather keep doing it." Bravo ^ 10!
Ms. Obama is getting this crap because she herself chose to campaign and insert herself into the public discourse.
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