September 9, 2010

"There's no chance that OFA is going to have the slightest impact on the midterms."

If your response to that was "what's OFA?" then that's the point.


The rule of Lemnity said...

"what's OFA?"

Obama F&*d America.

The Dude said...
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TMink said...

While I am certain that his policies have alienated many Americans, I wonder how much of Obama's initial appeal was that he was the first. And since he was elected, he can never again be first.

To those folks, it was very important to elect the first black president. And they did. Now, perhaps they see nothing else to do.


Trooper York said...

You spelled it wrong.

It's Ofay.

Trooper York said...

It Mort was awake he would say that is racist.

The Dude said...
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Original Mike said...

Obama F&*d America.


Phil 314 said...

You got me. I was sure it was going to be another one of your posts regarding U. of Wisc.

Phil 314 said...

And is something related to OFA


Hoosier Daddy said...

Lem wins.

Anonymous said...

Obama continues to loot the Treasury to boost re-election prospects for himself and his party.

Liberal ideas aren't getting anybody elected so it's lying, subterfuge and gushers of the peoples money that they hope will stem the tide.

Obama and his crew have done more damage to the dem brand by exposing them for what they really are, than anything an opposing party could achieve on their own.

The mask is off, the country sees, the country will soon act.

BTW: MSM, I've never seen such an act of occupational suicide as yours. You will never again be held in are through.

Anonymous said...

This is a false question. The true questions: Will GOP survive OFA in Nov. 2010 or 2012? Does GOP have a back-up plan for 2016?

X said...

don't stop believin' Baghdad Bob

garage mahal said...

I didn't see any mention of the HISTORIC UNPRECEDENTED 10% COLLAPSE of Republicans in just one week on the Gallup poll. Now even.

All this damage done to the country, and Gallup is only tied? That seems to go against what our liberal media is telling us.

Anonymous said...

I'd have a lot more confidence in the results of a Republican win in November if I could trust the Republicans to follow the actions of President Reagan: cut taxes and reduce government.

At least, a Republican victory would create a divided government. That's a good thing.

Mitch H. said...

Congratulations, garage. You've discovered the potential synergy inherent in outlier poll results and cherry-picking. Keep it up! You might have a future in climatology!

All I know is that I was one of the people figuratively "knocking on doors" in 2008 for that jackass McCain; I spent almost as much time in a volunteer call centre as I did at my actual job. Somehow, I just can't get the energy up this year. Not that I've changed my mind - I never thought much of McCain to begin with, it was an exercise in "lesser of two evils", but I just had more spare energy then. Can you age fifteen years in two?

garage mahal said...

Congratulations, garage. You've discovered the potential synergy inherent in outlier poll results and cherry-picking.

Just noting how our liberal media pushed this Gallup poll a week ago that set the beltway on ablaze, was hardly even noticed a week later showing a 10% collapse.

Chennaul said...

Well garage has hope now.....

basing it all on a poll taken over Labor Day weekend.

garage mahal said...
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garage mahal said...

We're both polls right, or both wrong?

Let me guess: the first one was right, and second one wrong.

Chennaul said...

Geebus garage if you want to call the poll taken over Labor Day weekend the one that's most valid go right ahead.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I am on their email list and still get their worshipful missives which are sent from

furious_a said...

Ogling Foreigners'

alan markus said...

What the hell - Wisconsin is getting "treated" to Obama's fourth campaign visit in recent months?
Obama coming back to Wisconsin during campaign swing

Wonder if Feingold will appear with him this time, or if he is already booked with something else that day? Maybe an oil change or a furnace tune-up scheduled that day.

Well, it's in Madison - maybe we will be treated to a live blog of the event.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Garage- your whining "how about that poll or this poll" makes you sound a bit like Jeremy. Hope you ain't his sock puppet or vice versa.

Methadras said...

Lem wins in 1. Nice.

John henry said...

60 grit

Hil in 2012? Have we learned nothing? We do not need a president with training wheels.

Hilary has even less experience than Obama had.

Can't we try to elect a grownup, from either party, this time?

John Henry

MadisonMan said...

Well, it's in Madison - maybe we will be treated to a live blog of the event.

You'll be "treated" to Jim Doyle.

Methadras said...

garage mahal said...

We're both polls right, or both wrong?

Let me guess: the first one was right, and second one wrong.

Why do you still support President Erkle? Is your insane ideology still gripping that pea-sized, sheltered mind of yours?

MadisonMan said...

Lem does win. I was thinking Old Farmer's Almanac.

Phil 314 said...

I didn't see any mention of the HISTORIC UNPRECEDENTED 10% COLLAPSE of Republicans in just one week on the Gallup poll. Now even.

Thanks for the heads up. Yes I thought last week's poll was an "outlier". However, put in the context of other polling data it was consistent (but maybe not to that degree).

I'd point out in that same poll two more concerning numbers for Dems:

1) Independent's preference for Republicans continue to rise
2)the continued huge enthusiasm gap.

And finally this separate poll can't be good for Dems:

Blacks, Young Voters Not Poised for High Turnout on Nov. 2

At some point someone will ask (and then poll) to find out if 2008 was a sentinel event for Black voters and Black voting patterns

traditionalguy said...

Obama is the incredible shrinking President. Like Pinnochio's nose, evreytime he tells another lie he seems to shrink in everyone's eyes, including that of many liberals that worshipped him once. Like people who have quit smoking, the most rabid Obama haters are those who were once addicted to his charm and smile that covered over a man who has always been a dedicated enemy of the American way of life.

Original Mike said...

You'll be "treated" to Jim Doyle....

...who will be getting off in Queenstown.

traditionalguy said...

The story is breaking that Sweet Sarah has crossed the Delaware and endorsed O'donnel in the GOP primary against the RINO incumbent. She is looking more and more like the latest re-incarnation of General Patton, and he/she smells a battlefield.