"The Taliban started throwing stones. We were also asked to throw stones. After a while, the Taliban left. The woman was dead but the man was still alive. Some Taliban then came and shot him three times. The Taliban warned villagers if anyone does anything un-Islamic, this will be their fate."
In Kunduz, Afghanistan.
६७ टिप्पण्या:
Just think if all those "moderate" Muslims looking on had, you know, DONE SOMETHING.
The Left worships these people.
Way cool religion.
Let he who is without Sin cast the first stone. I guess that would not be the quote to say in such an environment, but it seems very apt to me.
Sounds like somebody could use an Islamic Center for Tolerance more than NYC.
Just think if all those "moderate" Muslims looking on had, you know, DONE SOMETHING.
You know I keep hearing that the vast vast majority are peaceful and moderate and the radicals are just an infintestimal minority. Ok help me out because if it was such a tiny minority it stands to reason the radicals would be so marginalized that they'd be unable to do this kind of stuff.
But Obama respects their freedom of religion.
Sounds like somebody could use an Islamic Center for Tolerance more than NYC.
I do believe we have a winner.
In the west, people who did this were known as Eisatzgruppen.
Peg C. said...
The Left worships these people.
Birds. Feather. You know the drill.
You know I keep hearing that the vast vast majority are peaceful and moderate and the radicals are just an infintestimal minority
And the answer is: "Moderate Extremists".
if it was such a tiny minority it stands to reason the radicals would be so marginalized that they'd be unable to do this kind of stuff.
Spot on. There are ~100,000 "moderates" for each 1 radical. Islam is not hijacked without their permisssion.
Of course AlphaLiberal, Nanny Bloomberg and Big O will be absent on the thread where these barbarians stoned a woman to death.
Or they might issue a statement.
"People are free to follow their religion but I have no opinion on whether or not it is wise to stone a woman to death. I am too busy to comment on the stoning of every woman who gets on the wrong side of the Taliban."
"Sounds like somebody could use an Islamic Center for Tolerance more than NYC."
I do believe we have a winner.
Aw hell. That was perfect. I resign the field.
Of course the man does not count.
You can do anyting to men and liberals won't give a shit.
It is a well known human experience that religions which condemns people for sins must also provide them with a sacrificial atonement for sin or everybody will be found guilty and killed sooner or later. Mohammed's revelation was simple. He strongly denied that Jesus was God's son who had died on the cross and experienced ressurection to show people are justified. In place of that atonement by the blood of God, Mohammed substituted the duty of jihad that kills others to act as a Muzlim's sacrificial system. It is openly a substitution religion created to displace the popular Judeo-Christian religioos communities. The goal of Islam has always been suppresion of Jews and Christians. In the meantime the poor Muzlims are held under an iron slavery to a miserable life of condemnation and legalism whose only good point is that it appeals to their pride.
TRO, those "moderate" Muslims are the "good" Taliban. This according to that pompous axxhole, AFPak envoy Richard Holebrooke.
Sad, on so many levels.
This will be a very small thread.
You will not have a post condemning these foul murders from AlphaLiberal, HDhouse, Jeremy, or the other apologists and champions of the religion of peace.
But Danielle might swing by and segue into another lecuture about conservative misogyny.
Its so cute when she does that.
Alpha's still deciding which sock puppet to put on. Give him a moment...
Hey, this religion is just as valid as and just as worthy as and morally equivalent to Christian and Jewish faiths.
If you say it's not, you're a bigot.
Despite its many innocent practitioners, Islam is not OK.
They're starting to figure this out in Europe. Why are we ignoring them.
Just like Al Qaeda in Iraq. Barbarous murderers. I'll be in Afghanistan in a few months to help fix their problem.
God bless you and keep you safe Sklyer.
Thank you to your service to our country.
You are a true American Hero.
Be safe.
Peg C. said...
"The Left worships these people."
I would like to say "screw you Peg" for such a remark...but then you would be stoned in some places in the world..both for writing it and for the rejoinder.
Trooper York said...
"You will not have a post condemning these foul murders .. other apologists and champions of the religion of peace."
everyone condemns these murders
i'm not an apologist - when did you hear me apologize ever?
i champion religion and i champion peace.
what is your endless gripe about this time?
However, HD, it is fair to say that the left, both in this country and Europe in general, don't really give a shit about freedom of speech when it comes to Islam versus, say, Christianity and Judaism. While not raising much of a finger at all to defend attacks/slander/satire of one, they seem to rush like lemmings toward the same of the latter two.
It does seem to smack favoritism. Or just outright fear.
This, to me, shows the extreme of using violence to enforce morality. It is the extreme of punitive thinking and domination. It is the extreme of chauvinism and cruelty.
So, will POTUS be making a statement? How about Mme. Sec'y of State? After all, according to them, we are fighting the main battle against They-Who-Cannot-Be-Named in Afghanistan because they want to do things like this in Cleveland as well as Kunduz.
Didn't think so.
The reason isn't that Team O doesn't understand the barbarity of all this. There's an element of that lefty soft bigotry of low expectations going on here. What do you expect from a bunch that clings to their guns and religion?
It is not an endless gripe hd. It is the same one.
When I hear you condemn and attack these foul murders and the other enemies of our country with the same venom and passion that you attack Sarah Palin and other Republicans.
You perfunctory words in this post are ridiculous and inadequate.
Along these lines, if you have not seen the movie Osama I would encourage you to do so. (The title has nothing to do with Mr. Bin Ladin)
A painful story of life as a woman under the Taliban
HD House: Why do I think you might champion Islam a bit more than, say, fundamentalist Baptists? Perhaps I am wrong.
HDHouse said...
Trooper York said...
"You will not have a post condemning these foul murders .. other apologists and champions of the religion of peace."
everyone condemns these murders
i'm not an apologist - when did you hear me apologize ever?
This is the corner into which the disciples of Uncle Saul usually try to put their adversaries.
Troop, you're winning.
PS Our National Socialists have never condemned this sort of thing. They're all about Moslem 'rights' and how all the Althouse Hillbillies are always wrong.
Obviously the man was cheating on his goat with the woman, and we can't have that! Allah the "merciful" just won't stand for it!
Richard Dolan said...
So, will POTUS be making a statement? How about Mme. Sec'y of State? After all, according to them, we are fighting the main battle against They-Who-Cannot-Be-Named in Afghanistan because they want to do things like this in Cleveland as well as Kunduz.
I don't think anyone really buys the rationale that we are fighting the Taliban in their homeland and thus "saving" the Noble Freedom-Loving Democracy-Hungry Afghans until they are able to "stand up and fight", to save people in Cleveland - anymore.
As for grandiose statements, I would hope it would just be "My, that sucks and we of course deplore it! And hope you Pashtun villagers realize how barbaric it is and stop it. Assuming you can find time when you are not running opium or planting IEDs for killing Americans or kicking back 20% to the Karzai henchmen."
"And, PS, we are not the world's 911 service and if we once believed it, we now brokem think we have no moral obligation whatsoever to play Global Do-gooder anymore. Call China."
Um, did anyone actually read the story? It sounds like the locals don't really like the Taliban all that much, and had their own moderate way of dealing with this:
"A local tribal elder told the BBC that the couple had eloped and that the woman had been engaged, while the man was already married.
A jirga (tribal council) met and decided that the couple could come back to the village if the man paid compensation.
'The man returned after he was assured that he wouldn't be harmed,' said the elder. "
"Um, did anyone actually read the story? It sounds like the locals don't really like the Taliban all that much, and had their own moderate way of dealing with this:"
Sounds to me like they moderately conspired with the cowardly murderers of these two people to bring them back to their deaths.
The Taliban could find ample authority for stoning this couple based on the Old Testament. Islam has nothing to do with it - they're just evil scum.
Even if those on the left have never "worshiped" Islam, they consistently go out of their way to tolerate Islams' various... uh, eccentricities.
Which is weird, because so many aspects of Islam--or the way it is practiced by so many of its followers-- stand in direct opposition to *supposedly* liberal principles.
But liberals set all that aside, as anyone who is opposed to America, capitalism, and Western values qualifies as an oppressed minority, deserving of special respect and tolerance.
Most disgusting lately is the Left's cold, analytical lack of feeling toward New Yorkers who are dealing with this WTC mosque. Obama's nonsensical droning is the perfect example.
I was struck by the fact that the Taliban moved in after they discovered that the Germans were "nonconfrontational".
Sort of like the Brits in Iraq and the Dutch in Serbia.
God forbid the US Army should ever become nonconfrontational in a war.
Hey, this religion is just as valid as and just as worthy as and morally equivalent to Christian and Jewish faiths.
Well alternatively, Judaism allows stoning for adultery, didya know that? Huh, didya, hypocrites! And Fundamentalist Christians are as bad, if not WORSE than the Taliban. The first is a point made on this board by some troll, and the second a position advanced by Rosie O'Donell, if not others.
It's strange to read the very modern and dainty use of "allegedly" inserted into a story with a pic of a bloody, dead hand - so so correct and so so useless.
I was struck by the fact that the Taliban moved in after they discovered that the Germans were "nonconfrontational".
Heh. I'm still struck by the fact that I can't wrap my head around the words "Germans" and "nonconfrontational" being in the same sentence.
The Drill SGT said...
I was struck by the fact that the Taliban moved in after they discovered that the Germans were "nonconfrontational".
Sort of like the Brits in Iraq and the Dutch in Serbia.
God forbid the US Army should ever become nonconfrontational in a war.
On the other hand, if we were less confrontational in situations where our vital interests are not at stake, we wouldn't be out 1.2 trillion dollars and 40,000 casualties trying to "SAVE" people that don't save themselves.
Even w/o confrontation....we have stuck ourselves with the role of the Global Sugar Daddy. Troops to the rescue of anyone in any situation, anywhere.
We all need to look at Global Sugar Daddy's bank account balance.
We've been at war with Afghanistan and the Taliban for nine years - at an immense cost of blood and treasure.
What has been accomplished?
We've been at war with Afghanistan and the Taliban for nine years - at an immense cost of blood and treasure.
What has been accomplished?
Our president was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize right before he sent 30000 additional warriors into battle.
The Taliban could find ample authority for stoning this couple based on the Old Testament.
Since you raised it would you please cite an example of a country that uses Mosaic law as the sole basis of its legal system and methods of punishment/execution.
"The Taliban asked the villagers to attend the stoning through an announcement on loudspeakers in the mosque...
"We were also asked to throw stones."
And did you? If they're all so against what the Taliban is doing, why would they attend if not to stop them? Why did you not say "We were also asked to throw stones and we refused?"
PS First martyr of Christianity
PPS Most recent Christian martyrs
@knox...like ya', love ya' but you are out of your mind.
"Even if those on the left have never "worshiped" Islam, they consistently go out of their way to tolerate Islams' various... uh, eccentricities."
No we don't. Show me where I did? Show me.
"..aspects of Islam--or the way it is practiced by so many of its followers-- stand in direct opposition to *supposedly* liberal principles."
I have no idea. Not sure you do either otherwise you wouldn't generalize like you do. How many of its followers here, in the United States, stand with stoning? 1? 100? how many? what are you talking about?
"But liberals set all that aside, as anyone who is opposed to America, capitalism, and Western values qualifies as an oppressed minority, deserving of special respect and tolerance."
Again, that sounds good until you try and figure out what you are saying and then it just falls apart. Are you saying if someone is oppressed that they don't deserve respect and tolerance? That's what you wrote? You don't believe that? Or were you linking the last part of that convoluted sentence to the opening clause which makes even less sense.
"Most disgusting lately is the Left's cold, analytical lack of feeling toward New Yorkers who are dealing with this WTC mosque."
Well you stepped in it this time. I lost friends there. I was working in NYC when the attack took place. My daughter did an overnight temp job in WT-1 and we were going for breakfast before I went to work and before she went home..and then the attack. I had to, and I assume you didn't, have to walk past the armed guards for a year at all the big train stations, the banks of pictures and flowers of "has anyone seen..." so sweetie, don't lecture me or New Yorkers on anything doing with this until you've been there done that.
I would dare to call you a pontificating little generalist with no brains but why waste breath and besides that must be what everyone is thinking anyway.
Our president was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize right before he sent 30000 additional warriors into battle.
That was odd wasn't it. And at the acceptance of the award he justified war. Further evidence that the Nobel Peace Prize is a politcal award.
Why did you not say "We were also asked to throw stones and we refused?"
My assumption would be the crowd was holding stones while the Taliban were holding guns.
Further evidence that the Nobel Peace Prize is a politcal award.
You just caught onto that?
And I'm trying to relate that comment to this post. Are you suggesting a cause and effect?
No we don't. Show me where I did? Show me.
Maybe not you personally hdhouse but there have been plenty of liberals, on this blog and elsewhere that trip overthemselves to defend Islam who wouldn't for a second to do the same for Christianity.
Simply look at the denunciations from the liberal aisle over Draw Mohhamed day versus the defense of Piss Christ. The former was 'culturally insensitive' and bigoted while the latter was a celebration of First Amendment Rights.
You brought up your loss before, I am not unaware of it. I am terribly sorry for it.
The left has done everything it can over the years to try to minimize the significance of 9/11, and our response(s) to it. There is absolutely no denying that. People made fun of Giuliani for referring to it "too much".
And the sympathy on the left to New Yorkers is lacking, Freedom of Religion arguments notwithstanding. Maybe you don't agree, but that's the way I see it.
Hd what I never heard from you or your President is a clear and unambiguous denunciation of these murderous barbarians. Without any excuses…..”well they are not all like that you know….you have to understand their culture….we shouldn’t judge other societies by our values….all cultures are of equal value and should be treated the same.”
A clear and simple denunciation of these specific murderous religious fanatics in this specific instance without any qualification or caveats or weaseling.
But that simple statement is not possible for you or your President.
You still haven’t done it. And neither have others of your ilk. And you never will.
Your attitude and your posts through these many years has lost the presumption of good faith.
I wish I could give you the benefit of the doubt.
But that ship has sailed long ago.
Well, thank Bob that they didn't try to open a Wal-Mart in NYC or some other such thing.
Now a mosque, why that's just peachy.
Nary a peep heard from feminists about the stoning of women. That's because lefty western women are all too busy buying and wearing the latest cool muslim neckscarves and skirts.
A side note to hdhouse: When did you start hating Jews and Israel?
sick bastards.
The kindest take is that Islam is organized crime.
shirley elizabeth said...
"The Taliban asked the villagers to attend the stoning through an announcement on loudspeakers in the mosque...
"We were also asked to throw stones."
And did you? If they're all so against what the Taliban is doing, why would they attend if not to stop them? Why did you not say "We were also asked to throw stones and we refused?"
Because in refusing to do so the Taliban would have gunned down everyone that refused until they would have been out of ammo. Do you not get that or is this a question of a rhetorical nature.
What the f*ck are we doing in this country if this sort of thing is still happening?
What the f*ck are we doing in this country if this sort of thing is still happening?
Well I believe we do have troops in Afghanistan. And it sounds like Skylar will be "doing" something.
Skylar, be careful.
Valerian said...
The Taliban could find ample authority for stoning this couple based on the Old Testament. Islam has nothing to do with it - they're just evil scum.
Islam is the core of their beliefs. It had everything to do with it. Even in the article they claim that they must be more islamic or die. Duh!!!
Islam is the core of their beliefs. It had everything to do with it. Even in the article they claim that they must be more islamic or die. Duh!!!
Well who you gonna believe? Me or your lying eyes?
Again, this teeny tiny minority of radical jihadists certainly seems to hold a considerable amount of influence over the vast, massive majority of moderate Muslims. I mean I have a hard time imagining a group of Ayran Nation guys waltzing into my community and lasting more than 15 seconds before being beaten within a inch of their lives.
Moderate Muslims, like the abundance of non-Nazi Germans circa 1937, have become irrelevant.
Their future will be decided without them.
Hoosier Daddy said...
Well who you gonna believe? Me or your lying eyes?
Again, this teeny tiny minority of radical jihadists certainly seems to hold a considerable amount of influence over the vast, massive majority of moderate Muslims. I mean I have a hard time imagining a group of Ayran Nation guys waltzing into my community and lasting more than 15 seconds before being beaten within a inch of their lives.
Moderate Muslims? Oxymoron if I ever heard one. There is no such thing as a moderate muslim. It is a leftard fiction.
Moderate Muslims?
Here they are.
BTW, please note what a "conservative darling" says about Islam
"On the other hand, we cannot paint all of Islam with that brush. ...We have to bring people together. And what offends me the most about all this, is that it's being used as a political football by both parties."
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