After the Spain trip brought the first extended bad press of her time as first lady, the White House, and some of its allies in the press, pushed back by claiming Mrs. Obama will still be much in demand. News accounts suggested her "sky-high popularity," her role as "cultural and fashion icon" and her "incredible force" will boost Democrats across the country.Key words: "of her time as first lady." Michelle Obama got bad press galore during the 2008 campaign. She got her image readjusted — feminized, really. She became the wonderful mom, fashion icon, and purveyor of vegetables. You can just imagine how much she liked doing that. But as she stretched out within the hyper-feminine role imposed on her, she got into the manifestation of femininity that rubs people the wrong way. Too much shopping and free-spending on superficial, materialistic pleasures. It's the classic feminine protest against confinement in a feminine role. Don't like it? Then don't limit powerful women that way. But if Michelle Obama isn't limited, most people won't like her. We saw that in 2008. I mean, I liked her, but it didn't play well generally.
१३ ऑगस्ट, २०१०
"The first lady's falling numbers stand in opposition to the still-strong belief among some Washington political insiders that she will be a big asset for Democrats on the campaign trail this fall."
Byron York on Michelle Obama:
2010 elections,
Byron York,
Michelle O,
१९३ टिप्पण्या:
The right wing dogs will rip her to shreds no matter what she does or says. Same for her children.
What do you do for a living, AL?
Still trying to figure out what she has done in her life that makes her so powerful, smart, etc. Getting six figure pay raises because your husband is a senator isn't going to excite too many people who work for a living. Those same folks aren't too much into fashion icons either.
Nobody will respect Michelle until she gets her old job back at the hospital making $300,000 a year. Her children will always be respected because they have baby sitting jobs and are saving their money by putting it in the bank and getting 3% interest.
Which, by the way, is far better than Alpha Liberal who doesn't have a job.
Where can I get 3% interest from a bank? Sign me up!
How about the easy answer. She is an unlikable and difficult person.
Too be fair, I doubt Cindy
cCain would have walked in Laura Bush's footprints either. But
Cindy at least had human weakness. Michelle just comes off like Lady Macbeth.
Call Barack. I'm getting .25% at my bank.
Yes, I'm still waiting for explanations as to why Moochelle and her husband both, have surrendered their law licenses in Illinois.
BTW: What DOES Alpha Liberal do for a living...?
The Obamas are nobels. They are surrogates for the rabble. We are supposed to delight in their station. Poor black folks will vicariously enjoy their excesses.
I continue to be amazed at our fascination with First Ladies.
And I have to admit that I got stuck on the description of Michelle Obama that included the phrase "big asset".
Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa
BTW: What DOES Alpha Liberal do for a living...?
Apparently it's none of our business. He's one of the following:
1) unemployed
2) employed, but ashamed of it
3) employed, but in a unique job that would allow us to easily locate pope.
AL will completely support her no matter what she does or says. Unless she becomes a Republican. And while I know the Palin children are fair game in your world,ush kids before that) what are you talking about in regards to the Obama children? pope
Or First Lady.
Attempt at First Lady perspective
Michelle grew up as Chicago royalty and probably see some things that might perturb the rest of us as quite normal - just the way things are done and always were, but the White House should have had better judgment than to let her go on a 5-day vacation in Spain with 70 staffers in 2 Air Force II 757's and at least 1 C-17 for the full motorcade.
wv: drahyds - monsters that rise from the deep when politicians do stupid things.
Michelle’s Hospital Job was SOOOO important that when she left it; they didn’t fill the position and in fact, abolished it.
....what she does or says. Same for her children.
Yeah, because Chelsea Clinton was the brunt of so much hatred...Gee do you even believe the stuff you post?
News accounts suggested her "sky-high popularity," her role as "cultural and fashion icon" and her "incredible force" will boost Democrats across the country.
They really do live in a bubble, don't they?
The $300,000 job was a no-show job.
Official title was some sort of diversity enforcer.
Her main task at the time seemed to bitch that she was a victim of discrimination.
Evidently a $300k no-show job wasn't good enough for her.
I don't usually comment or care too much about First Ladies, but the timing and character of her tone deaf trip to Spain made me wonder - trouble in the relationship?
I'm betting this scrutiny she's getting is going to lead to a meltdown of sorts. She doesn't strike me as the type to take things in stride.
After all, she's only recently been proud of the country that made her wealthy beyond the dreams of the vast majority of Americans.
And, let us note that this is another bigotry post.
Got anything on your mind except bigotry, Ann?
Is that all there is?
Bigotry post?
Michelle Obama's likability, Obamacare..
Michelle Obama's likability,
Rolling bailouts..
Michelle Obama's likability,
High unemployment..
Michelle Obama's likability,
Obama's weak foreign policy..
Michelle's 'big asset' cannot even begin to cover Obama's early withdrawal.
Next vacation: Martha's Vineyard for 10 days, after a mini-vacation of a couple of days in Florida.
At what point, Alpha, garage, et al, does this unbelievable amount of vacationing become indefensible?
If the Obamas were to work one day, then take 20 off, then work one day, and take 20 off, and so on...would you still be here to defend them?
If the Obamas were to work one day, then take 20 off, then work one day, and take 20 off, and so on...would you still be here to defend them?
Bush and his failed policies....Booosh did it...Racist!
Can't speak for others but I've never found her all that likable but, truth be told, I never really cared for the manner in which First Ladies are given near royal status in this country.
Actually I think most of my dislike for her (as opposed to my indifference for Laura Bush) has to do more with media coverage than anything she has done. The various media outlets have been doing their damnedest to turn the Obamas into the Kennedys and it just grates on me.
I suppose the worst that can be said is that she goes along with it knowing full well what they are doing.
The Wookie is justifiably hated by all right thinking bitter clingers.
I find her tone deaf and annoying...$540 sneakers? Really you're going to be talking aboutt change and sacrifice and hard work and not going back to our old ways...but you have no problem with wearing $540 sneakers? Her sneakers, in their cost, rival the cost of ALL of my suits!
I don't mind wealth, I don't mind extravagance...but I ahve problems with the Gores, Clintons, and Obama's of the world who live high ont he hog, but tell me I'm going to ahve to change and sacrifice....
What is it that's likable about her? Here are a few things I recall about her during the campaign before they shut her up:
1. Had a six figure no-show job related to "dirersity." Oy. Got it because of political connections - just what we need more of.
2. America was mean.
3. Not proud of America.
4. Captain Kickass (well, he really wasn't CK back then) was not going to leave us alone; he was going to make sure we blah, blah, blah.
Okay, let'em put Michelle where their mouth is. See how that works out.
She's the First Lady. I don't know why anyone cares about the First Lady apart from her doing things that affect the country. Growing vegetables and talking about kids being fat doesn't reach that standard.
Now if she took on the issue of ending slavery worldwide, that would be worth talking about. (And I'd be the first to offer my kudos.)
I want a First Lady who is into her own things. I want a First Lady who refuses to step into the traditional First Lady mold. I think this post was implying that Michelle Obama started out that way, but I don't agree. She started out with a great sense of entitlement, complete with cushy high-paying make-work job, and that, among the political class, is common and boring. She has the potential to be outstanding though, I think.
I think Hillary Clinton should replace BOTH Joe Biden AND Michelle Obama.
I mean, look at her experience!
(And think of the momentum it would create going into 2012)
Silly peasants! Royalty does not work. Royalty appoints officials to work. The only difficulty royalty ever faces comes from their Robber Barons running Congress who actually dare to resist god given royal prerogatives. The last institution that King Obama must destroy before it destroys him is Congress.
I think Hillary Clinton should replace BOTH Joe Biden AND Michelle Obama.
Joe Biden is the BEST part of this administration! The man is a walking gaffe-machine…he’s the only thing that keeps my spirits up these days, please don’t take “Sheriff Joe” from me…”Stand up Chuck….” “Clean and articulate”…
But think of all of the lives she (created or) saved when she worked at that hospital for a paltry $300,000 per year.
I am thinking Michelle managed to save the hospital some cash via her patient dumping scheme…..
The right wing dogs will rip her to shreds no matter what she does or says. Same for her children.
I agree this is unprecidented (because this, this, and this were "different")
Sorry, but I've always seen a less sympathetic, secular Aunt Esther just below the surface.
Sorry, but I've always seen a less sympathetic, secular Aunt Esther just below the surface.
All the things people don't like about her could easily be channeled into doing real good.
She's vocal about the wrong she perceives in the world. Perfect. Take one of the world's greatest wrongs, slavery for instance, and let her go after it. She's the First Lady, so she can get the press coverage and the access. It's the perfect issue for her.
Forget organic food and childhood obesity. That's daytime talkshow pablum.
"The last institution that King Obama must destroy before it destroys him is Congress."
Hmn, come to think of it, that's true and scary.
The bad just keeps getting worse.
Also, slavery is totally uncontroversial in this country. Everyone agrees that it's an incredible evil. There's no left-right wedge there. That makes the issue even more perfect for a strong First Lady to take on.
Plus, she's well-educated and seems to be able to speak well extemporaneously. Those qualities could make her more effective on a real issue than your average first lady.
Going to Spain was a political gaffe. It would have been better to go to New Orleans and spend some time at one of the Gulf beaches.
Perhaps her sense of entitlement made her take the vacation she wanted to take despite the negative politics.
In this respect, she compares unfavorably to Hillary as a first lady. Hillary was willing to sacrifice for the cause, such as changing her last name and baking cookies.
Take one of the world's greatest wrongs, slavery for instance, and let her go after it. She's the First Lady…
I realize this is just an example, I hope, but here’s the problem with this ‘example”…the slavery problem is in AFRICA, you know oppressed Africa, home of all those poor Black/Brown People that White Colonialists oppressed and left poor…and you want Michelle to go after them? Then, there’s the fact that slavery is mostly an ISLAMIC problem…again, Michelle Obama is going to go after the people Barak addressed in Cairo…the people that uncaring Rethuglikkkans instinctively hate and profile???? Slavery is a non-starter, UNLESS you can find one or two slaves in the US-owned by white guys, and then we’ get all ”wee-wee’d up” about it, spend millions on programs, have a dialogue a.k.a. a two-minute hate on the topic of the evilllls of this nation….but otherwise the victims, the perpetrators are all a part of the global victim class and really can’t be touched.
And then there’s the whole idea of the First Lady adopting a cause, like Slavery or the like…these are consequential issues. People may legitimately disagree on them. Various governmental departments disagree on the nature and extent of the problem and the solution….and the First Lady is a NON-Elected, CEREMONIAL post. I didn’t elect Hillary, Laura, OR Michelle…so what they adopt as their cause(s) needs to be fairly unobjectionable. Slavery is a “real” issue, like Global Warming, or Human Trafficking, or the Arms Trade, and the FLOTUS is NOT the position to from which they ought to be addressed, IMO. FLOTUS’ need to adopt childhood reading or childhood obesity or Apple Pie is Good, as their cause…something reasonably unobjectionable, that really only requires speeches and hectoring, because FLOTUS is not an “official” US Government position, and I think most people are hesitant to grant too much power or authority to someone who has the “job” because she, or “he” in the case of the future First Dude Todd Palin, married the POTUS.
Now if she took on the issue of ending slavery worldwide, that would be worth talking about.
That's tantamount to testifying against her husband.
The Federal Government can do most anything in this country.
All the ordinary shlubs in America who have had the great joy and privilege of having to deal with a "proud negress" know exactly, on sight, what the Wookie is. And all our betters, who also know what she is, are shocked! shocked! at our empirically based "bigotry." It's a game. It's a we're superior to you game. Stop playing the game! The Wookie is a NOTHING. Our betters are NOTHINGS. The one thing they can't stand? Laughter. Because they KNOW. So laugh at them. Laugh them into well deserved irrelevance.
"It's the classic feminine protest against confinement in a feminine role. Don't like it? Then don't limit powerful women that way."
That sounds more like an exercise in projecting than any kind of insight into what makes Michelle Obama tick. When I watch MO, I don't pick up any intense 'protest' vibe about her current role or position in life.
Plus, she's well-educated and seems to be able to speak well extemporaneously.
You forgot clean.
"Powerful women?"
The first lady is not supposed to have any power. I think that is part of the problem here.
I realize she had to morph into a role that she really didn't want but was necessary.
The reality is both of them have been playing the game of getting elected for a long time and its not easy to transition to actually being the first couple.
One person can hide a lie better than two can. They're frauds.
I don't usually comment or care too much about First Ladies, but the timing and character of her tone deaf trip to Spain made me wonder - trouble in the relationship?
Well I had to put myself in the situation where Mrs. Hoosier and the child pack off for a liesurely excursion on my birthday. I mean I don't throw a big bash on it or anything but that seems a bit odd. I mean being the loving fist-bumping couple and all that.
No Freeman, Slavery isn't a free pass....many practioners are Islamic, some of them Saudi...Michelle or Laura or Hillary would have to navigate the issue of Human Rights v. GWoT, Outreach to Muslims, and the on-going relationship with Saudi Arabia, involving the Dept. of State, and to an extent the DoD.
It's not really an issue that comes bagage free.
The normally perceptive Freeman wrote, "Everyone agrees that it's an incredible evil. There's no left-right wedge there."
What's in it for the Obamas if there is no wedge issue?
Althouse seems to be under the impression Michelle Obama's likability/asset or whatever is divorced from her husbands policies.
To me they are not. She is the first lady because her husband is the president.
Sorry I threatened to derail the tread.
Michelle is becoming an invasive celebrity. I define an invasive celebrity as someone who lodges in your conciousness whether you want them there or not. I'm offended not so much at Snooki as the fact that I know who Snooki is and what she does....In a better world, Michelle and her vacation plans would be a subliminal item in the style section of the paper. It's good that she got a chance to relax and kick back with the Hapbsburgs, but the trip was extravagant and immodest and look-at-me.....With the exception of Laura Bush, I've felt a certain amount of antipathy towards every first lady. I'm sure that many people will dislike Michelle just because of her color, but that many more people will censor their opinion of Michelle because they do not want to sound like those in the former group. Whatever. I'm sure her campaign against obesity will come back to bite her in the ass.
It's not really an issue that comes bagage free.
Unless of course you can resolve those issues on Southwest where baggage is still free.
Try the veal, I'm here all week.
"Same for her children." I'm sure AL will show up any minute now with a list of links to attacks by the "right wing dogs" on Obama's children. I mean, there was Katie Couric laughing at their names, and David Letterman's rape joke about Malia, and all that snickering and name-calling when Malia got pregnant, and Andrew Sullivan descending all the way into dementia with his demands for medical records to prove that Michelle, not Malia, was actually Sasha's biological mother, and . . . wait, what's that you say? Those were left wing dogs ripping apart a right wing politician's children? Oh, never mind, then, that's okay.
". . . that she will be a big asset for Democrats on the campaign trail this fall."
Asset, ass, whatever.
Slavery is baggage free domestically. It's also not only an issue in Africa and the Middle East. It's in South America; it's in Asia; it's in Eastern Europe. It's a worldwide issue, and it's something where she could really make a difference.
Is it the First Lady's place to take on that issue? Since it's not controversial domestically, I don't see the problem.
....her role as "cultural and fashion icon"
**snicker** Uh....really?
Ha, ha, ha, "purveyor of vegetables" or Oops!!
But if Michelle Obama isn't limited, most people won't like her.
Bullshit.....with 2 caveats: As long as she doesn't (1)(continue to?) look down on or ridicule the American public or any aspect thereof, or our country, as is the Obama's wont; (2) APPEAR to be meddling in US policy ala Hillary Clinton when first lady.
She can and should carve out her interests (vegetables?) and advocate for them (avocados and mebbe some radishes?)
Having said that, my impressions of the Obamas were molded during the campaign by their rhetoric casting America and citizens in a negative light.
Any 'limiting' opportunity is long past.
You forgot clean.
No, my list wasn't some ridiculous "She's articulate" type bullshit. Not many people speak well extemporaneously. I think she does. She's certainly better at it than the President.
Since it's not controversial domestically, I don't see the problem.
Really so an attack on Blacks or Muslims, or Africa will NOT have a domestic impact? In this PC time, ESPECIALLY with this PC crowd in the White House? Right…Look I don’t deny slavery, I don’t deny it’s evil, but I’m just telling you that you are walking into a nest of snakes, when you get into it. Michelle would do better with Human Trafficking, and the trafficking of young womyn world-wide….at least the Feminists will get on board.
Sorry, but I've always seen a less sympathetic, secular Aunt Esther just below the surface.
wv - "atedogic" = the logic beind "the dog ate my homework excuse"
What's in it for the Obamas if there is no wedge issue?
It makes her an asset on the campaign trail because she can talk about a cause that transcends political party. It would be very appealing to moderates.
Joe, I'm using the term "slavery" interchangeably with "human trafficking."
....her role as "cultural and fashion icon"
**snicker** Uh.....really?
Ha, ha, ha "purveyor of vegetables" or Oops!!
But if Michelle Obama isn't limited, most people won't like her.
Bullshit.....with 2 caveats: As long as she doesn't (1) (continue to?) look down on or ridicule the American public or any aspect thereof, or our country, as is the Obama's wont; (2) APPEAR to be meddling in US policy ala Hillary Clinton when first lady.
She can and should carve out her interests (vegetables?) and advocate for them (avocados and mebbe some radishes?).
Having said that, my impressions of the Obamas were molded during the campaign by their rhetoric casting America and citizens in a negative light.
The 'limiting' opportunity is long past.
Leave Michelle alone. She's surely exhausted from apperaing on the covers of those ladies' magazines.
No, my list wasn't some ridiculous "She's articulate" type bullshit.
I was kidding Freeman. I'm in one of those impish moods today.
Gotta go. I see a cat that needs a string tied to its tail.
Have her go to some not particularly powerful country and demand to be taken to one of those forced prostitution districts. Have her bring the press. She's the American First Lady, so she can throw her weight around a bit. Frame it as, "Well I'm sure you national government officials didn't know about this. Look how horrible!" Demand the women and children there be freed at once. Demand the slave traders be rounded up. Bring the issue the attention it deserves.
It would be historic.
The blog has "eaten" three of my comments today
Into the netherworld!!
And they were really good too!
Hoosier, I know. I just didn't want anyone to get the idea that it was some version of "She's articulate."
No, my list wasn't some ridiculous "She's articulate" type bullshit. Not many people speak well extemporaneously. I think she does. She's certainly better at it than the President.
You set your bar pretty low with that….so she’s better, is she? So she meant this was the first time she was proud of her nation? Or that this was a down-right mean nation? Or that we were all going to have to change and Barak wasn’t going to let us slip back into our old ways of thinking? Wow, I can hardly wait for her to get out on the hustings and start talking about Saudi’s and Muslims holding Africans as slaves, I’m SURE she’ll do a bang-up job. I’m sure that the Dept. of State and the Saudi Ambassador will be thrilled to hear this speeches…or that the Congressional Black Caucus will e ever-so pleased to hear about African backwardness or the exploitation of Africans by non-whites.
Sorry Freeman, I just don’t see this as the fight for a FLOTUS. Now it’s obviously a fight YOU care about, and in YOUR Crusade, I’ll stand with you, but to expect the White House to do it, well I just don’t see it happening….and don’t hold your breath about the Media or Congress or any other supposedly “concerned” group or groups…it does NOT involve white Republicans, and it casts traditionally “victim” groups as the oppressor. That’s going to make people’s heads explode…Like I say, find some white guy, preferably a white, Conservative, Christian guy, hopefully a prominent Tea Party member holding some African Womon as a slave and you’ll get all the coverage you want or need, but otherwise, don’t expect much.
Mamie Eisenhower was a great First Lady, all boozed up and vowing to take her revenge on Kaye Summersby. I like that in a First Lady -- focused bitterness. Much harder to empathize with the Wookie's full court bitterness.
Joe, I don't think the criticism of it based on the geographic regions of the problem is valid because the problem is not at all limited to Africa and the Middle East. It's a huge problem in parts of Asia and Eastern Europe. She can start in those places if needed.
And as far as expressing anger or bitterness in speeches, that's exactly what I'm saying can be channeled into something constructive and something that really would be an asset on the campaign trail.
Well that one showed up so it must be operator error
"Too much shopping and free-spending on superficial, materialistic pleasures. It's the classic feminine protest against confinement in a feminine role. Don't like it? Then don't limit powerful women that way."
The thing is that the 1st Lady is the glaring American exception to the "powerful women in politics" model. The others got there by being elected, or being appointed to minor office or NGO posts or university spots based on credentials, then up higher if they do a good job.
The 1st Lady is pure upfront nepotism.
The natural public reaction, for every person that adores their outfits or considers them some sort of strong woman co-President sitting in on cabinet meetings, redesigning health care is you have 4-5 saying "Who the hell elected her?"
And that extends to 1st Ladies that overly tap the taxpayer funding of the perks of power their elected spouse earned - for their own post, virtually royal level - comforts.
Michelles history before 1st Lady was not of a successful woman of power, but a woman who was successful only on advantage of skin color and connection to powerful mentors and then wealthy pals that created jobs for her.
Guarantee that she will be less and less liked as time goes on.
No Human Trafficking has generally meant, Womon in Bondage….Slavery is a bit different. And even Human Trafficking is problematic as it’s a “real issue.” No one elects the FLOTUS or First Dood…so I think most folks question their role in anything official.
But yeah, have Todd OR Michelle show up in Bangkok or Riyadh or Tegucigalpa and “embarrass” the national government with people, stories, and photo’s of Human Trafficking or Slavery, and I bet you will hear about it from the US Ambassador, the host ambassador, the State Department, and the like for months!
IF the POTUS has made Slavery or Human Trafficking a priority issue, then yes the FLOTUS or First Dood can play a role, they are now annunciating Official US policy, as set by the First Spouse. But to have a Spouse out talking about substantial issues, own their own, based simply on the fact that they married “lucky” is always going to be a dicey proposition, no matter how “good” the topic is.
Note to AL:
When outrageous rightwingnut candidate rears his/her ugly head, instead of pissing and moaning consider saying:
"Oh, he'll be a formidable candidate"
I never have understood the "fashion" tag that the media has been trying to foist onto Michelle. They want to make her some sort of Jackie Kennedy part two and the Obamas as a return to Camelot.
Michelle's outfits with just a few exceptions have been extremely ugly. Fugly in fact. She dresses in appropriately and despite spending hundreds of thousnds of dollars on clothing, just looks terrible.
There is nothing wrong with not being a fashion icon. Some people just do not have the body shape to be able to flawlessly wear clothing. should at least have the common sense to try to dress to suit your personal shape AND to suit your position as First Lady who is supposed to represent the Country. Instead, quite often she dresses no better than a bag lady throwing together outfits from the Salavation Army give away counter.
What's worse, the media tries to make breathless fawning remarks about her fashion and style, as if we are all blind idiots.
Pastafarian said - If the Obamas were to work one day, then take 20 off, then work one day, and take 20 off, and so on...would you still be here to defend them?
No, I would call them firefighters.
(Oops, duck, run)
The blog has "eaten" three of my comments today.
One of mine is gone too.. my impression is that I was censored.. because I was veering off the first lady's "big asset" ;)
But to have a Spouse out talking about substantial issues, own their own, based simply on the fact that they married “lucky” is always going to be a dicey proposition, no matter how “good” the topic is.
I agree. But people use the platforms they have to advance causes all the time. By opposing slavery, she would represent all Americans because we're all agreed on the issue. There's nothing to offend the citizenry. Instead of advancing something stupid or trivial, why not make it count? I say she should be bold and go for it.
I like that Drudge-like juxtaposition of "Feminism" & "Vegetables" in the "tags" section.
Which reminds me, I can't remember the name of the commenter, but where is that guy who used to come here and post about his washing his anus and pinching his loaf, etc.?
Plus, if she spent her working days in slums and backwaters, we might be slightly less annoyed with her extravagant vacations. Heh.
By opposing slavery, she would represent all Americans because we're all agreed on the issue.
Why does the First Lady have to have "an issue" or a cause? Who cares?
I get the feeling that they have a bag with a bunch of folded up papers with "cause d'jour" on each one and they reach in and grab one.
Ta Daaaaa "Here you go Michelle, fat kids and nutrition"
"Damn, I wanted keeping the roadsides free of ugly signs"
"Nope....too bad. Lady Bird Johnson, already pulled that one out of the bag".
"Shoot. How about literacy?"
"Sorry, already taken."
"Damn!! Screw it...I'm going to Spain."
I think it would be refreshing for the First Lady to just say, "I'm not President. I'm not a politician. I don't have any pressing causes (unless she really does have one). I think I'll just help my husband by being a good hostess and by giving him supportive back rubs....or something. I've always wanted to take up knitting"
While I can't think of a single reason for anyone to like or admire Michelle Obama, anybody who would vote for or against a candidate for president based on their opinion of Mrs. Obama is too stupidly irresponsible to be allowed to vote.
I like Barack a lot better than I like Michelle. She is always dissatisfied, as remarked her former boss. She's a scold.
I think she always liked money. She has said one of the problems in her marriage was that Barack gave up money for community organizing.
She has managed to get a few things outside of the feminine domain done, too. Just ask Gerald Walpin.
What do you do for a living, Scott M?
As far as Michelle Obama is concerned, this really sort of sums it up:
Michelle Antoinette
Logistics. More specifically, freight broker. Before that, rock radio personality. Before that, US Air Force for four years, US Army for two. Various and Sundry jobs in and around college classes.
As far as Michelle Obama is concerned, this really sort of sums it up:
Michelle Antoinette
As far as Michelle Obama is concerned, this really sort of sums it up:
Michelle Antoinette
I've always thought America needs someone that just asks questions Americans ask officials but always get blown off on - but who has the public tie to the President to really put the officials on the spot.
Instead of a "cause" of teen childrens acne or tedious and forgettable visits to "wounded warriors" so they and hospital staff can be treated to a day-long dog and pony show.....why not get out of the whole 1st Lady "causes" junk?
Why not a 2-hour TV show where the White House spouse can call up any state or Federal official and ask a question.
"How come it takes 3-5 years to get someone who is guilty as sin of murder, caught with blood dripping hands, screaming "I did it"!! - convicted in your state, on average?" "Do you think that is too long, and how can you fix it?"
"Mr Secretary of Education, why is it that school districts have seen obscenely well-paid administrative staffs triple in size since the 1970s as a function of school kid population?"
It would be cool if we had someone not doing the usual dumb ceremonial crap and "empathy cause commmitment to show how kind I am" crap. Or a 1st spouse who wants policy-making powers. Or who thinks just vacationing and living opulently is what the public secretly craves.
Why does the First Lady have to have "an issue" or a cause? Who cares?
Michelle Obama seems like someone who does want a cause. If she wanted to go off and knit, sure okay. Sort of a waste, but okay.
Just seems like if you have the means and the position to advocate for something that really matters, and, in the case of the First Lady especially, it's something that the rest of your country can get behind, you should go for it.
How could anyone pass up an opportunity to free children who are forced into sexual slavery? Seems like an easy call.
I've always thought America needs someone that just asks questions Americans ask officials but always get blown off on - but who has the public tie to the President to really put the officials on the spot.
Instead of a "cause" of teen childrens acne or tedious and forgettable visits to "wounded warriors" so they and hospital staff can be treated to a day-long dog and pony show.....why not get out of the whole 1st Lady "causes" junk?
Why not a 2-hour TV show where the White House spouse can call up any state or Federal official and ask a question.
"How come it takes 3-5 years to get someone who is guilty as sin of murder, caught with blood dripping hands, screaming "I did it"!! - convicted in your state, on average?" "Do you think that is too long, and how can you fix it?"
"Mr Secretary of Education, why is it that school districts have seen obscenely well-paid administrative staffs triple in size since the 1970s as a function of school kid population?"
It would be cool if we had someone not doing the usual dumb ceremonial crap and "empathy cause commmitment to show how kind I am" crap. Or a 1st spouse who wants policy-making powers. Or who thinks just vacationing and living opulently is what the public secretly craves.
Now I'm curious.
Just what the hell does Alpha do for a living?
Cedarford's idea is good too.
Cford- that would be fun to watch but of course it will never happen. Govt drones cover each other's asses.
As far as Michelle Obama is concerned, this really sort of sums it up:
Who are jooo?
No one of consequence.
I must know.
Get used to disappointment.
Hey Alpha, what do you do for a living? Hmmm?
Come on Alpha! Give it up.
Go ahead, Alpha, your turn. You won't tell us, because you think that we'll laugh at you. Right? You can see what I've done. How about you?
Freeman, to be fair, slavery has international aspects that certainly get in the way of diplomacy and affairs of state. It's not a good topic for first ladies.
Obesity, for as much ridicule as it deserves, is at least domestic and not controversial so long as it remains an awareness topic and not a "you will eat the way the school tells you to eat" manner.
I don't think slavery is appropriate at all for any first lady.
I'm pretty sure hedonistic shopaholic Michelle is less of a political liability than angry left-wing activist Michelle, so if I were a WH political consultant I wouldn't have a problem with what she's doing. Anything to keep her from away from politics.
Frankly I have a favorable impression of Michelle's bare arms and ego all, but this trip is tone deft and hard to justify even if done for the sake of a friend.The criticism of this vacation is justified, but I am not going to go over the top in finding sinister behavior other then to say, I wonder if a one term mentality is setting in.
Michelle Obama is a strong personality who does not enjoy being used by others. So she is not First Lady material. Her best roll politically will be as a foil to make us relate to King Obama I as just another hen pecked everman married with children. The "Lets feel sorry for Barry" expression goes with this meme of Michelle Da Boss. Like the Clintons, it is all choreographed showtime. I expect that I would like Michelle a lot, if I ever got to meet her.
I think that the White House and the MSM tried to make her into something that she wasn't, which was a typical First Lady who just happened to have dark skin.
The reality, I think, is that she really is not that attractive as a person to many, if not most, White people. She comes across as loud, opinionated (against Whitey in particular), money grubbing, flashy, and not all that likable. And the problem there is that she is reinforcing a lot of the racial stereotypes that her husband has done a somewhat decent job at weakening.
Much of White America has a stereotype of many Blacks as being flashy with money and enjoying sticking it to the (White) "man". Her vacation to Spain, much of it on the public dime, just reinforced that.
Her husband though really does seem to be able to "pass" at least some of the time. For one thing, he doesn't seem to have the level of anger against White society that she seems to.
What is tragic, esp. in view of this supposedly being a racially transformative Presidency, is that exactly the same sorts of things that turn off a lot of Whites about Michelle, are attractive to a lot of Blacks. She really is one of them, while her husband isn't. I think that many of them think that it is great that she can live big and flashy, esp. with the rest of us paying for it.
Apologies in advance if I have insulted or offended any African-Americans in the audience with my generalizations. I am trying to work out why she seems more polarizing than her husband does (if that is possible). And, I think that there may be a racial, and, yes, maybe racist angle here, on both sides of the street.
My job is none of your business and your obsession with it in lieu of honest and thoughtful debate is creepy. I've debated all over the intertubes and never encountered such a creepy obsession.
You guys can't handle arguments, so you get personal.
But, you slaggers were slagging on the First Lady. It's what you do and you're proving my point.
I agree that it would be a waste of a rare opportunity for a First Lady who had/has and actual cause that is near and dear to her heart to not use the position to advance her cause.
What I find annoying is the idea that the First Lady MUST have a cause. I get the feeling they just pulled one out of the hat and that she is resigned to pushing the cause d'jour.
Abolishing Slavery and Human Trafficking is a very worthy cause, however as stated it is also fraught with international and domestic policy sensitivities that a well meaning citizen like a First Lady, might bollix up.
If I were given the opportunity, I can think of several things that are near and dear to my heart that I would like to advance as causes. But if I had no causes, I would NOT want to be told to go out at be a cheerleader for the XYZ cause that I might not have that much interest in.
What are you wearing?????
I do wonder why anyone outside the Beltway would even think that she could help Democratic candidates in swing districts. I would suggest that the problem that the insiders face is that they really don't understand independents and swing voters all that much, and likely vote reflexively Democratic. They live in a liberal cocoon. So, Mrs. Obama is attractive to them. BFD. They are voting for the Democrat anyway.
But, you slaggers were slagging on the First Lady. It's what you do and you're proving my point.
No you hjad TWO points, Alpha:
The right wing dogs will rip her to shreds no matter what she does or says. Same for her children.
So what point is being "proven?" Melia and Sasha pretty much unmentioned, except in comparison to another politician's offspring...
Meanwhile Michelle, an adult, a part of the Obama Campaign is being attacked...Boo-Hoo! No one attacked Howrd Dean's wife, because she wasn't a part of his campaign. Michelle, "Barak won't let you..." CHOSE to put herself out front, and now she pays the price.
So is that Sexism or racism or just politcs....yeah I know the answer....Nancy Reagan it's "politics"...Michelle Obama is racist-sexism!
What are you wearing?????
Oooh Oooooh that is a good one. Let's all guess.
Hot pink teddy with black garter belt. Fish net stockings and a helicopter whirligig hat. Plus giant white plastic sunglasses. And purple tennis shoes just like Michelles!!!
What are you wearing?????
Call him/her on his/her 900-number and she'll tell you...
Fashion leadership is a thankless job.
It took me over a decade to break down the dress code on airplanes.
If she wants a cause, I suggest Pit Bull Rescue.
But, you slaggers were slagging on the First Lady. It's what you do and you're proving my point.
Nobody was doing any such thing when you first made that you were the first comment, nobody was doing anything prior.
Secondly, are you really trying to come from an angle that would hold that harsh criticism, or "slagging" is a one-way street? That it only happens when non-left-leaning types do it? Do you even bother to reading liberal websites?
I think the F*CK TEA points out very nicely that "slagging" is certainly the exclusive tactic of neither side.
By the're creepy. Your existence, I mean, not any one thing in particular.
If she wants a cause, I suggest Pit Bull Rescue.
She would have to deal with the massive and influential Whoopi caucus.
You're missing it Freeman.
Michelle's likes to prove her superiority by pointing out other's flaws and pronouncing them moral failures.
That's why she'd never take on someone like slaver, that's too obvious. But, going after some pudgy kid who's minding his own business, that's good times!
Think of First Ladies as attractive ornaments. They are like British Royalty, in that they need hobbies to humanize and personalize them to the rest of us. But the hobbies have to be fairly innocuous, but nice. Childhood literacy is great. World peace not so nice, since it has major international relations implications. And, the Prince of Whales becoming an environmental wacko may ultimately cost his family the monarchy, or, many are hoping, propel his son ahead of him when his mother dies.
Looking back, probably the best First Ladies we have seen for a long time have been the Bush women. Not outwardly controversial, and basically nice. That sort of thing. Willing to let their spouses take all the glory, while they just act as ornaments in public.
Unfortunately, neither the Clinton nor the Obama First Ladies have been willing to take this role (both being Ivy League educated lawyers). And, yes, maybe we should accept that the world is changing. But, we elected their husbands, not them. And they should appreciate that that is why they get to live in the Big House with all the hired help.
Alpha...We are mostly lawyers here. Discovery is very broad. It is not your call to determine relevancy of the subject matter. That is up to the Judge. We are filing a motion for sanctions and asking for attorney's fees. Seriously, you are a rational proponent for your points. We would be sorry to lose your point of view. When Palin is inaugurated, I will send you a bottle of scotch to drown your sorrows in.
Don't get kinky on us.
And let's not forget her unprecedented abuse of expanding the First Lady's staff to include pretty much every friend she has ever had.
At the time it first became an issue, the defense was that Michelle was going to be a "different kind of First Lady" and that her agenda was so full that she required all these additional staffers to help her with it.
Well...I'll give them that she's been a "different kind of First Lady," but I've yet to see even a single positive thing as a result...but plenty of negatives.
P.S. You would think with all those staffers, they could hire one with even an ounce of fashion sense. At least that way, some of the undue attention she gets as some sort of imaginary "fashion icon" would be earned. But as far as I can tell, it's pretty much a do-nothing clatch of people getting paid to be Michelle's friends.
Michelle doesn't seem like the next William Wilberforce. Wasn't she involved in ballet for underprivileged kids in Chicago?
I'm just happy that she's stopped bellyaching about paying off their student loans.
Oooh Oooooh that is a good one. Let's all guess.
Hot pink teddy with black garter belt. Fish net stockings and a helicopter whirligig hat. Plus giant white plastic sunglasses. And purple tennis shoes just like Michelles!!!
I'm going with: wife-beater with orange Cheeto stains, pink tutu over boxer shorts with Birkenstocks over black socks.
Maybe he's wearing a prison uniform.
Maybe he's CHARLES MANSON! He has no picture in his profile because he doesn't want us the see the swastika on his forehead!
Hey, heylet's not get too judgmental here, Al and Manson might not be the only people with a Swaztika on their forehead....not that I'd know aobut that or anything.
Maybe he's wearing a prison uniform
In that case: wearing a giant man sized onesie with a button back flap, in Joe Arpaio pink. Peddling the stationary bike like mad to keep the electricity up in order to post on the internet.
Bottom line, the first lady has No Class.
Isn't a bigger story the Al Green, SC senate race indictment? It's like a slow-motion car just can't look away. Further, I don't think you could write fiction better than what's actually happening with this guy.
d'oh...not race Same thing...
Shut up and eat your cake, peasants!
He's wearing an Obama-Biden 2008 "Yes We Can!" t-shirt and tighty-whitey briefs. And he's sitting in his mom's basement, hoping that she won't holler down at him to come up and drive her to the store to pick up more colostomy supplies.
The importance of education in bringing the underprivileged into better circumstances.
That would seem like a natural "cause" for her.
I'm just happy that she's stopped bellyaching about paying off their student loans.
Me too.
I thought Hillary Clinton had a political tin ear, but next to Michelle Obama ...
" AlphaLiberal said...
My job is none of your business and your obsession with it in lieu of honest and thoughtful debate is creepy."
So now AL is interested in honest and thoughtful debate. When are you willing to start?
AL is unemployed living in a basement apartment scanning the blogs to be the first to defend the indefensible. What do I do? Firearms instructor, instruct armed guards on their profession, teach executive protection and adjunct teach security at two city colleges. Well AL gonna cop to living the basement life?
"I'm just happy that she's stopped bellyaching about paying off their student loans."
It wasn't just this though. You first have to combine it with a 250k income growing to 500k (not even including the 1.5m in book income). And while making this income attack others as greedy, setting themselves up as the self-sacrificing alternative.
How can they not understand THEY are the greedy leeches, not the people who work for a living? They are the ones who have learned to game a twisted system which rewards the politically connected without regard to what they produce.
Smitty said...
Don't you worry about the economy or your crippling unemployment, you're kids NEED to eat healthier!
"You can put lipstick on a pig... but it's still a pig."
AlphaLiberal said...
The right wing dogs will rip her to shreds no matter what she does or says. Same for her children.
Whereas left wing dogs merely lick to death Sarah Palin and her children.
rhhardin said...
If she wants a cause, I suggest Pit Bull Rescue.
Or Hockey Mom Rescue.
Or Hockey Mom Rescue.
I'm still not convinced Palin has the gravitas (love that word) or experience to be a good president...yet...and I still feel she's too divisive. However, there is simply no denying her cache. Someone makes an off-colored quip about her being hypothetically being on a crashed plane and the next thing you know, he's resigning his elected position...
Meade said...
"Whereas left wing dogs merely lick to death Sarah Palin and her children."
Like a momma grizzly Meade? Is that what you mean? what does Sarah Palin have to do with the topic Meade? or is the your equalizer to "blame bush"?
You did of course read about the reason for the trip to Spain...yes? no? or did you just feast on it for the week in endless speculation following the lead of the Fox frenzy.
Sarah put herself into limelight-mess and dragged the rest of the family with her. Michele Obama is, however the first lady and a good one should be granted at least an ounce of respect if for nothing else than representing the country in that role.
If I'm not mistaken, Meade, the position pays a lot less than Sarah makes for one of her secret speeches.
"You did of course read about the reason for the trip to Spain"
Which real reason? The "mother/daughter" vacation real reason or the "someone was in mourning so a vacation to Spain was just what the doctor ordered" real reason?
Sarah Palin does "secret speeches"? If they were a secret HdHouse, how do you know about them?
wv = cibut = what Hdhouse sees in the mirror
Barbara Bush's cause was/is literacy. "...helping families learn to read, write, and comprehend."
That wouldn't work out well for Barack and the Democrats. Barack doesn't read much and we all know that the Dems don't read the bills they pass.
You did of course read about the reason for the trip to Spain...
What a load of hogwash!
Even if it's true, it shows that much more how out of touch they are with the life of everyday Americans. When we have a friend in need we go to a moderately priced restaurant for a $20 meal and a couple of beers.
Barbara Bush's cause was/is literacy. "...helping families learn to read, write, and comprehend."
That wouldn't work out well for Barack and the Democrats. the intellectual Barack doesn't read much and we all know that the Dems don't read the bills they pass.
Michelle was no more ready for prime time than her husband. She simply lacked experience, or any great success in life other than admission to Princeton and Harvard. Thus the lack of judgment and confidence that trips her up.
I don't think she asked for this public life, and she does not seem comfortable with it. But now she has tons of money and an endless supply of people who will suck up to her.
At her core, I don't think she gives a damn what people think of her or what she does. This is an admirable trait, though not an endearing one.
GMay: I'm betting this scrutiny she's getting is going to lead to a meltdown of sorts. She doesn't strike me as the type to take things in stride.
I think you're right. I would hate to be Michelle's minder right now. I think she's the sort who throws ashtrays and cellphones.
Barbara Bush's cause was/is literacy. "...helping families learn to read, write, and comprehend."
That wouldn't work out well for Barack and the Democrats. the intellectual Barack doesn't read much and we all know that the Dems don't read the bills they pass.
"Sarah put herself into limelight-mess and dragged the rest of the family with her."
Well, there you go. And as such her kids are fair game. Glad you set us straight.
I don't care about Michelle Obama one way or the other. I do observe that she isn't at all political which is why she's getting into hot water politically. Hell, with the money she now has, why not go to Spain?
What I do find odd is the disconnect between her and her husband. I'm not saying that Barack should order her about, but you'd think there would be some coordination of things. Any politician or adviser with two brain cells would know the trip to Spain was going to be politically stupid. So why do it (from Barack's perspective--like I said, from Michelle's perspective why not? Who the hell wants to be "first lady" anyway? What a dreadful "job" inflicted on a woman because of her husband's ego.)
AlphaLiberal said...
What do you do for a living, Scott M?
8/13/10 12:28 PM
Blogger Scott M said...
Logistics. More specifically, freight broker. Before that, rock radio personality. Before that, US Air Force for four years, US Army for two. Various and Sundry jobs in and around college classes.
8/13/10 12:34 PM
AlphaLiberal said...
My job is none of your business...
Liberalville, home of the double standard.
"dragged the rest of the family with her"
Come to think of it, the Obamas didn't bring their daughters to any campaign appearances, did they?
She's been getting bad press?
I suppose that I didn't notice that she... actually... now that I think about it she got fabulous press didn't she. All the time. It was just us fussy blogging people who... fussed.
It's interesting to me that I like her better now.
That might change the moment she goes to say something though.
Although many first ladies such as Abigail Adams and Dolly Madison had a great deal of influence on their husband’s administrations, the first lady who began the tradition of having a “cause” that she brought to the attention of the American People was of course Lucretia Garfield. She started a campaign against the abuses committed against circus freaks and geeks in the various traveling carneys and shows that traversed American during the Post Civil War era. Mrs. Garfield concern came from her career before she met her husband when she worked in a PT Barnum’s geek show where she was a star performer because of the fact she had two vaginas. She was know as the Vestigial Virgin and met young Colonel Garfield when he was sent to New York to suppress the Draft Riots. They were introduced by Tom Thumb the world’s smallest man who owed a great debt to Lucretia as she had sheltered him in her vestigial vagina when he was trying to avoid an angry mob of rioters.
(First Ladies on the Stump by Doris Kearns Goodwin, St. Martins Press).
David said...
Michelle was no more ready for prime time than her husband... other than admission to Princeton and Harvard
Admission thanks entirely to Affirmative Action.
I remember her Sociology thesis, about how blacks are treated like inferiors at Princeton. She surveyed her fellow black students, but to her horror they disagreed with her Chicagoland hypothesis.
The bottom line is that she had no more business at Princeton or Harvard than a fill-in-the-blank. Her high school counselor told her so, too, suggesting that since she didn't have the necessary brain power, her ONLY chance was Affirmative Action.
Even with that, the best she could do was sociology, which was so far over her head that all she could see were slave masters. And KKK members.
As for Harvard, she did real well in law, too. So well she went into health care, that is, after snagging a jive-turkey husband with no recognizable deductible - the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. of Trinity United Church [of Christ] performing the nuptials.
The first lady who had the most influence on a public issue before the present day was in fact the youngest of all first ladies Frances Folsom Cleveland. She married President Grover Cleveland, age 49, on June 2, 1886, at the White House when she was at the tender age of 21. President Cleveland was the original Presidential hound dog who far outstripped such rival pussy hounds as JKF and Bubba Clinton by fathering a illegitimate child which became the central issue in the election of 1885 where the cry “Ma Ma where’s my Pa” became the rallying cry for his opponents. Traumatized by this event President Cleveland vowed to never be in a similar situation again and for the rest his life only practiced sodomy. This did not sit well with his young as in fact his arcane practices did not allow to sit well or comfortably at all. This spurred her to an interest in prison reform and she led a campaign to ensure that all prisoners could lead a normal life without fear unlike her prison of a marriage. Folsom Prison was named in her honor by a grateful prison establishment as she was an untiring friend to the prison administration in their quest to get more funding from Congress. She would not let prison reform take a back seat to anyone, so to speak.
(First Ladies on the Stump by Doris Kearns Goodwin, St. Martins Press).
Trooper, it's wonderful to see you back in your old form!
Sydney wrote:
"They really do live in a bubble, don't they?"
No, not at all. It's not that the media can't see the truth, it's that they see how she she is perceived and they are actively trying to change it. If they can turn "Michelle Obama is the bee's knees" into the conventional wisdom, then they'll pick up support as people hop onto the bandwagon so as not to seem out of step with elite opinion.
It's how the media-political-entertainment complex operates.
The most tragic of all first ladies was in fact Ida Saxton McKinley the wife of the equally ill-fated President William McKinley. Already a fragile and delicate flower the deaths of her mother and two infant children caused her to become a virtual invalid. She developed epilepsy and was totally unable to assume the duties of first lady. But her husband loved her and was totally solicitous of her well being. He had her sit in a chair in the annual receiving lines and had her seated next to him at state dinners in defiance of all custom and tradition. His loving treatment of his wife became the talk of official Washington and shamed most of the more riotous and dissolute members of Congress. President McKinley’s one peculiarity was that when he recognized that she was about to burst out in a fit, he would simple take his handkerchief and cover her face until she calmed down. A strange practice that is extremely rare but reported still exists in certain academic circles in the University of Wisconsin.
(First Ladies on the Stump by Doris Kearns Goodwin, St. Martins Press).
The personal attacks on alpha lib are out of line. Have some class, people.
The first lady who did the least with the bully pulpit of the White House was the tragic Helen Herron Taft. She loved her husband and shared his life to the fullest in each step of his political career as he became a state judge, Solicitor General of the United States, Circuit Court Judge and the Viceroy and Administrator of the American Civil Government in the Philippines. She happily thrived in Washington as he became Secretary of War in 1904 and was overjoyed when he crowned his career by being elected President in 1909 succeeding Theodore Roosevelt. But her joy was short lived. Although she had bourn her corpulent spouse three children they had only attempt coitus when she was in the ascendant position as it would be potentially fatal if President Taft were on the top of the ticket as it were. Unfortunately two months after moving to the White House the Taft’s got inordinately inebriated at a State Dinner and the massive President wanted to role play as a “Missionary” in the Philippines. But upon obtaining the said missionary position he squashed poor Helen Taft and she broke every bone in her body and totally destroyed her spine. In one of the few successful presidential cover-ups in US history this ill fated liaison was passed off as a stroke and no one was the wiser. She continued to be a faithful and loving wife as President Taft was named Chief Justice of the Supreme court as she was the last person to be spineless associated with the court until the recent naming of Elena Kagan as an associate justice.
(First Ladies on the Stump by Doris Kearns Goodwin, St. Martins Press).
The Spanish vacation came on the heels of the president's statement that "they" - meaning the first family, I guess, although it's a ahrd one to imagine - were feeling the economic pinch and were'tn that different from the average American family. That contributes to the attitude toward Michelle's grandiose, excessive trip to Spain. The fact that the WH finally found an appropriate spin on it, 5 days late, just makes people angrier. She could have visited her friend in a quieter, less extravagant style. That, to me, summarizes the Obamas.
R-V said:
"...this trip is tone deft"
Not a good attribute for first lady vacations but a critical one for any professional musician.
I don't usually comment or care too much about First Ladies, but the timing and character of her tone deaf trip to Spain made me wonder - trouble in the relationship?
That's what I was wondering. It's not even so much tone deaf as... vindictive, like she's punishing him for something.
Another bizarre opinion.. shopping as a protest against being slotted into a feminine role? Horse pocky
The personal attacks on alpha lib are out of line. Have some class, people
Oh come on. Get a sense of humor. You know that the best way to deflate a pompous blowhard or a ridiculous ideaologe is through laughter.
This is the only thing that gives me hope.....cartoons poking fun at Obama are getting really funny. Jon stewart and his audience are laughing at Obama.
I don't really think that AL is wearing a beanie copter hat.
Very interesting to go back and read the comments on the February 2008 thread that Ann references.
I notice that some of us (ME!) have not changed our mind about Obama and Michelle while others have gradually seen the light.
Too bad the blinders were on for so long. Too bad for the rest of us. Saying you are sorry now does not garner any forgiveness from me.
"You know that the best way to deflate a pompous blowhard or a ridiculous ideaologe is through laughter."
That may be true, but it only really works if the point of the humor is the blowhard's ideas, not his person.
Barbara Bush's cause was literacy, "helping families learn to read, write, and comprehend." It might look a little hypocritical for Michelle to push reading when Barack reads so little and as do most Dems. They don't even read the bills they pass.
I believe AL IS wearing a helicopter beanie and shouts "wheee" when he twirls it merrily.
There is a certain unfairness in this as you note, but only if one ignores the fact that first lady is not an elected position , but a ceremonial one.
Not everyone has the self-discipline and maturity to understand it.
Watching this ungraceful. tasteless woman being "revirgined" as busy mom and fashion icon was painful ,but seeing the rage in her the refashioning has engendered is understandable.
It's the classic feminine protest against confinement in a feminine role. Don't like it? Then don't limit powerful women that way.
Reading this again, at Instapundit, the oxymoronic nature of these three sentences jumped out at me. If she's such a powerful woman, how is it that she became so easily limited and confined?
She's not powerful. She's just another "feminist" who's ridden the wave of political correctness and affirmative action to get whatever she's gotten so far. An entitled feeling woman who used entitlement programs. And, she hates being second fiddle to a man. Although, much like Hillary Clinton, she rode that man's coattails.
I agree with DADvocate.
As for those who say the daytime tv type issues she picked are ridiculous, I also agree.
I hope people being deprived of food stamps realize Congress did this to mollify Michelle's idiotic leave no fat kid's behind alone program, which will fatten the purses of SEIU cafeteria workers and garbage workers hauling away ever more discarded food from school lunchrooms.
Someone upthread referred to her as articulate, Nonsense. On her own, she cannot speak standard, grammatical English. Like her husband she's a credentialed moron.
The right wing dogs will rip her to shreds no matter what she does or says. Same for her children.
Hmmm...I don't recall any lefty hand-wringing when Nancy Reagan was attacked by the MSM of the day.
Who honestly thinks that Michelle is going to be an asset for Democrats on the campaign trail, whichever coat she dons? I mean, really. Sit back, close your eyes, and try to picture even one race being flipped because the Queen Consort of an embattled president (who isn't even on the ballot) made the right decision between disguising herself as Domestic-in-Chief or embracing her true, fire-breathing splendor.
This is more of a response to the cluelessly non-germane (as usual) White House political team than to Ann.
@TosaGuy: "Still trying to figure out what she has done in her life that makes her so powerful, smart, etc."
You could say the same about her husband. Haven't you figured it out yet? It's the mannerisms, the forms, the language of intelligence and erudition that makes an intellectual, not the substance.
Also: running for president as a Democrat. That helps too. See: Kerry, Gore, Dukakis, Mondale, McGovern, Kennedy.
I got your royal assets right here!
"I mean, I liked her, but it didn't play well generally."
Do you still? Because she hasn't really changed, beyond the marketing. Just like Barack, she's exactly as she described herself, if you'd listened.
Michelle is an angry, embittered, somewhat ignorant, chip on the shoulder type, whose character references generally refer to her as demanding more than her due.
This is why she isn't liked, and never was, even by the people who say they do.
They lie about liking her belts etc. They know she looks angry because she is. But people will pretend to like her because that would keep the prog message from selling.
Back *before* the Nov election in 2008, my older brother, an Army officer, ran into a former colleague in an airport. His friend, a black Colonel who was either from (or had spent a lot of time in) Chicago, talked about the Obamas, whom he'd been around on a few occasions.
He described them as very arrogant, Michele even more so.
Dust Bunny Queen said
"I never have understood the "fashion" tag that the media has been trying to foist onto Michelle."
About a year ago I had a good LOL when my wife and one of her older teacher friends (frankly neither of whom are exactly svelte) said how they were sick and tired of the fawning press going gaga over how beautiful Michele is and her toned arms. One of their comments was "Don't they know we can see she has a big ass?".
Seriously, watch and you will see how the MSM is careful with the camera angles.
I just looked at a National Enquirer which had an article about how Michelle is really ticked off at Jill Biden for upstaging her. Michelle wants to be treated with greater deference. (I have decided to support the Enquirer as they demonstrate real journalistic inclinations by reporting on the sex pervert Gore.)
Michelle's dad had a patronage job with the Department of Public Works which paid him very well. She got to participate in "talented and gifted" programs. My experience (almost 30 years as a high school math teacher) is that if a student is put into a talented and gifted program, they will do more than if they aren't. (So why aren't all students put into such programs?) I get the impression that affirmative action paved the way for her success. That could be her cause: now that we have our First Black President, we don't need race based affirmative action. How about merit based affirmative action for low income students? (Can I be the first to coin FBP as an acronym?)
Here's another idea for a cause for Michelle: International corporations corrupt many a third world country. Perhaps she could go after those corporations? Of course, FBP is happy to accept donations from said corporations, so that might be a problem.
I wondered why FBFL (First Black First Lady) needed to leave the country over her sweeties birthday: but then another poster on another blog reported from a Spanish paper that Jessie Jackson Jr., her husbands national campaign person, and several important people from Arab countries were vacationing in the same place, and she was meeting them. (Why does Jessie Jackson Jr. own vacation property in Spain?)
Perhaps Michelle wouldn't be getting ripped if she wasn't photographed so frequently looking really mean. She often looks very pissed off. Too bad, being happy is easier than being angry.
Maybe the reason Michelle looks pissy is because Barack always patronizes her by looking down at her with his nose high up in the air.
That would piss me off too.
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