August 16, 2010

Al Franken responds.

A bhtv commenter notices something:


AFChiling said...

I noticed that noise, too. I thought it was Meade taking the garbage out.

Scott M said...

Did you smell brimstone? Maybe Al "bamf'd" in to see who was taking his name in vain. In the absence of a second such noise, you have to assume, Ann, that Al Franken is still lurking somewhere inside your domicile.

Ann Althouse said...

It was thunder. Somewhere in the full length diavlog -- it's harder to hear -- is a tornado warning siren.

Unknown said...

Maybe it's that God all the Lefties say doesn't exist.

Fred4Pres said...

I like that tab system that you can bounce around the talking head video clip. I would encourage you to do that too, it actually makes it more likely people would see the whole thing, because once you start bouncing around you get hooked. But I suspect many people just skip over these things completely when they see a multi minute clip being offered.

As for Kennedy, same sex marriage, and equal protection, you seem really really sure. Okay, we will see. But I think such a decision by Kennedy would be bad for the court (as judicial activism) and I suspect he might not do it.

Fred4Pres said...

Because here is the rub, same sex marriage will come, either through being part of traditional marriage or civil unions that mirror traditional marriage in all aspects (which California already has and still has). And I suspect Kennedy will say that.

Anonymous said...

I do not like Al Franken at all. He is not funny and he is not a good democrat. He is like the Journolist type. I support the Althouse blog and not Al.

Anonymous said...

I would encourage you to do that too, it actually makes it more likely people would see the whole thing, because once you start bouncing around you get hooked.