The tapes do not make it clear what the couple was arguing about.That's not the worst of it either. I excerpted the bit in the title because of the childishness of "Did so." I excerpted the other part because Gibson chose Oksana Grigorieva presumably because of and not in spite of her looks. But maybe "every part" included her soul and it was only after harsh experience that he was able to determine that that part of her was fucking fake too. But our Mel — he is not fucking fake. He's always had genuinely great looks and a genuinely horrible temper.
But Mel tells Oksana, "Look what you did to me... look what you are... look what every part of you is... f**king fake... f**king fake.
"You are the most synthetic person... who the f*** are you?"
July 1, 2010
"You're a bitch"/"I didn't do anything"/"Did so."
The Mel Gibson tapes. And that's not the worst of it.
If I thought really hard I could probably come up with who Mel Gibson is. Blazing Saddles?
Who is more fake than actors, anyway.
Excepting method actors. They work by being sincere.
"Meade said
Falsie feminism is no feminism at all."
I agree if you don't have natural ones then implants are the way to go
Oh and Rh you freak me out.
This reminds me of a joke. Stop me if you heard this:
A guy goes home with a bird he meets at a bar. They get ready for bed. He strips and jumps in. She goes over to her vanity and carefully removes her make up. Takes off her false eyelashes. Removes wig. Removes padded bra, girdle, etc. Shocking, detaches prosthetic leg and leans it against the wall. The man deadpans, "When you get to the good part, toss it over here."
Plus, Mr. Cranky Pants owned the most famous Maxfield Parrish painting, Daybreak, until recently! Geez! At least he took it in the shorts when he just sold it!
Mel Gibson needs a good counselor to talk him out of his self destructive behaviors. He is rich man without any sense that his lack of restraint on his tongue will forever set him up for lawsuits. Gibson seems equally afraid of Jews, and women. He lashes out in angry tirades to dominate whatever he fears.
So I was wondering what Mel Gibson was up to in getting his career back on track.
Maybe Mel Gibson, Alec Baldwin and Michael Richards can spend a weekend dealing with anger management issues. Group hug!
Who's doing the talking? Drunk Mel or sober Mel?
My Old Mom used to say, "Son, don't hang around drunken narcissistic bigots with bad tempers."
"Even if they're rich."
"Especially if they're rich."
He left a marriage of 27 years and six children for her and his racist and sexist drunken rant didn't bother her *then*.
Accepting that he's a pig, particularly when drunk, (And not particularly accepting the charges of physical violence until proven,) I hope he got a really excellent pre-nup and that the courts don't let her get around it by calling the payments "child support."
You know, I don't like Mel Gibson. Even before people realized that he's a jerk in real life, I didn't like him. I've hated every movie that he's been involved with. Yes, even Braveheart. Something about him just doesn't work for me.
And if the tapes don't show what they are arguing *about*, maybe she didn't want them to, since she was making them.
Did anybody check if she is a Russian spy?
Sigh, I really don't care about Hollywood people and their personal problems. He's a good actor and not a half-bad director and I'll still go see his films if I am so inclined.
Now when they drag the rest of us into things with moronic opinionating on politics, the environment, the economy, etc., then it's a worry because many people actually think they know what they are talking about.
Few of them do.
Like politicians, entertainers are going to have to learn to watch what they say - everywhere. The Dixie Chicks ride again.
Both sides of my family are crazy hollerers, so cuss words and irrational claims between loved ones seem normal to me.
Gibson baffles me. He fits the old "a riddle wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma" saying. His movies never give a hint to the man underneath.
Of course Oksana is fake. As rh points out, acting and celebrity is a fake way of life.
Chip - How about this song?
She took off her wig, peg leg and glass eye,
You should have seen the look on my face,
I thought I had married a pretty girl,
Now she's scattered all over the place.
Well, duh.
Who's doing the talking? Drunk Mel or sober Mel?
Actually, it'd be "drunk or dry drunk", but does it matter?
He is a man with no class, no scruples and no morals. Surprise that he uses the language he does. Cheated on his wife consistently and she finally dumped him Good for you Robyn. What is the saying, When you lie with dogs, you'll probably get fleas. Totally appropriate.
"victoria said...
He is a man with no class, no scruples and no morals. Surprise that he uses the language he does. Cheated on his wife consistently and she finally dumped him Good for you Tipper. What is the saying, When you lie with dogs, you'll probably get fleas. Totally appropriate.
Well said Vicki.
Lyssa: You know, I don't like Mel Gibson. Even before people realized that he's a jerk in real life, I didn't like him. I've hated every movie that he's been involved with. Yes, even Braveheart. Something about him just doesn't work for me.
The movie I thought he was best in was Maverick, where he played, basically, a con man. Maybe he just fit the part.
People in Hollywood/California are fake? I would never have guessed.
One of the greatest blessing would be for California to fall in the ocean. Or maybe we can sell it to the Mexicans along with New York.
Couldn't he find a masseuse?
What happened to Mel Gibson is indeed a mystery. When a star misbehaves to the point where other people in the entertainment industry can talk without fear of repercussion, the stories come out. That didn't happen with Gibson. All the evidence is that he was a genuinely, nice and decent family man until a few years ago and then he went batshit crazy.
One incident I can understand--everyone has a really bad day/week/month every now and then--but a constant stream of weirdness is another thing entirely.
Gibson wouldn't be the first who went crazy with fame and/or money, but it seemed to take a while with him.
(Looking through his filmography, I did notice that Passion of The Christ, made in 2003/2004 serves as a rather distinct pivot point for his nuttiness.)
There is no doubt that Mel Gibson is temperamental and immature. But does that not describe almost everyone involved in show business?
What the Hollywood socialist Hymies who hate America will not tolerate is that Mel Gibson is a traditionalist conservative who made The Passion of Christ. For them that is unforgivable and they will do everything in their power to discredit him for it.
Oh, yes Ann, there are no anti-semite commentators at your blog...
As far as I can determine from his public behavior, Mel Gibson is severely bi-polar. Not an excuse or a justification, but from what I know of him, and his family background, seems like pretty good guess.
The game is rigged. If Al Gore for all his wooden (so to speak) sincerity and Mel Gibson with all his raffish charm cannot make a go out of marriage, maybe the fault lies with with intstitution and not with the institutionalized. I blame the wives. They should attempt to emulate a woman like Hillary, a selfless idealist who was willing to look beyond the occasional discomfort of a urinary tract infection to the integrity of her marriage and the joy of being married to a man whose moral grandeur rivalled her own. If you're a flea, if you lie down with dogs, you get fed.
His movies never give a hint to the man underneath.
Well, that describes an awful lot of artists. Not all, but quite a few are/were horrible people.
Heck, if you consider Hollywood actors to be "artists," Mel is just one of many, many turds.
*Apocalypto was really good, though, IMO.
It is pretty clear that Mel is a jerk. It is also clear that Oksana is a gold digger (sorry but true). I am not even sure taping someone is legal in California. Alec Baldwin was not secretely taped, he left his insane crazy rant on his daughter's voice mail.
Mel needs to work on his anger management problems. His old man is nuts, so maybe it is a genetic problem that is manifesting itself now. I do not know.
Is Mel related to shoutingthomas?
Pay attention now, kids:
This is a test.<
Fred - Anybody who thinks Alec Baldwin is having problems these days (especially considering the time frame since his outburst) needs to read more.
Of course, him being a liberal is probably what's driving your little snit.
*Ever read about how wonderful Ronnie "The Saint" Reagan was with his kids?
William said..."The game is rigged. If Al Gore for all his wooden (so to speak) sincerity and Mel Gibson with all his raffish charm cannot make a go out of marriage, maybe the fault lies with with intstitution and not with the institutionalized."
And to think...Gore was ONLY married for forty years.
Good lord...
It is pretty obvious to me that there are some of you who broadly state that everyone in Hollywood is a fake, a phony and our state should fall off the face of the earth. No generalizations there. HA! The vast majority of the people, including the actors are decent hard working people who consider their profession a profession, a job. It is not glamorous, nor does it insulate you from normalcy. I live in a town, go to church with and have my kids educated with many, many members of the entertainment community. Trust me, they are like everyone else. They want to live their lives like normal people, earn a living and educate their kids. There are bad, bad people in every profession. The entertainment people are just more visible.
Shame on you, David, shame on you.
We Californians have nothing against the rest of the country, we handle everyone's jealousy of our lovely weather (no 300 days of rain here), our wonderful people (my husband is a native Californian and truly a great human being) and our outstanding contributions to the world. Not to mention the USC Trojans(no haters allowed), Dodgers and the Lakers. Not hate us because you are jealous of us. Come on out and visit.
Vicki from the greatest town in California, Pasadena
oh, BTW, the anti-semitic comments are way out of line. Shame, shame.
"Looking through his filmography, I did notice that Passion of The Christ, made in 2003/2004 serves as a rather distinct pivot point for his nuttiness."
Heh. Crack Emcee was right.
You know vicki I would like to buy your car. Do you only drive it to church on Sundays?
Unless it's a Prius.
Make no mistake: Mel Gibson is a drunk, a bigot, and a bully. For all that, he's made some pretty good movies. In The Year of Living Dangerously, Max Max, and the first Lethal Weapon the unhinged quality now on display made him a movie star. When you're young and redeemable, the bad boy qualities are attractive. With a bald spot and a paunch, not so much. Men get an extra ten years, but they also lose it. Maybe that's what's driving him crazy......My fight with Hollywood is not their disparagement of Mel Gibson. He has it coming. But how can you pile on Gibson and then try to exculpate Polanski? Their values are as fucked up as Gibson rant.
the USC Trojans
I thank the Trojans for taking Lane Kiffin away from my alma mater, Tennessee. (Truly, I do. What a narcissist.)
Being a native of Tennessee, I've never noticed a shortage of snippy, derogatory comments by Californians (I've visited 4 or 5 times), or anyone else outside the South. Don't be so self-righteous and sensitive.
Victoria, I have no problem with the Jews who truly love our country. It is the ones who want to turn it socialist that I have a problem with. It is a well known fact that Hollywood and other media centers are crawling with the latter.
Polanski is of course a socialist Jew while Gibson is a conservative Christian. See the difference?
Polanski raped a young white girl and is celebrated by Hollywood and media elites. Gibson on the other hand said some un-PC things after drinking to much and is reviled.
Fair isn't it?
"It is pretty clear that Mel is a jerk. It is also clear that Oksana is a gold digger (sorry but true). I am not even sure taping someone is legal in California. Alec Baldwin was not secretely taped, he left his insane crazy rant on his daughter's voice mail."
Stupid blogger just ate my post saying nearly the same thing.
There is nothing keeping her from leaving him, thus no reason *except* money, to tape him and try to show him as a bad person. If he's not being nasty to his child (and has he ever been accused of being a bad parent to his very many children) then it's not relevant to custody, is it?
And really... if he's looking at this woman and thinking that for *her* he trashed a 27 year marriage and suddenly she's got what she wants and marriage and pre-nup or not she's got an anchor-baby that he can be made to pay out the nose for, for her house and her car and her *stuff*... what does she get if he gets custody?
Look what you did to me? Every part of you is fake? I'll burn the house down?
It sounds a lot like *he* thinks he got taken for a ride.
I do wonder what Tim Dalton's take on it all is.
I'm not automatically on his side either... it's just making the tapes...
It's too much like taking it straight from a "how to prepare ahead of time to screw your husband during the divorce" pamphlet.
Your response is that we're all jealous of Californians? Not a good way to close an argument. Especially given the, uh, state of your state: it's in an epic nosedive. If the majority of Californians were anything resembling responsible, it wouldn't be coming apart at the seams.
Please just do the rest of us a favor--when the shit really hits the fan out there, budgetwise--don't ask us to bail you out? Get some of the wealthy and generous entertainers out there to chip in and fix the problem.
Somehow, I doubt that will happen. They, and the rest of you, by way of your horrific State Government, will start demanding money from the rest of us to shore up funds for your entitlements and policies--even though we have consciously chosen not to live the unrealistic and excessive California lifestyle. But here's hoping.
Really, the argument that other Americans envy Californians in this day and age plays to the stereotype that Californians are self-centered, elitist airheads who have no perspective. Scorn or pity is the most common sentiment toward Californians nowadays.
Apologies to our resident Californians who don't have their heads up their...
Yeah, the taping is pretty ugly.
It's getting so there is no privacy at all anymore. And clearly Mel couldn't even trust his wife.
Fame is a horrible disease that seems to destroy everything it touches.
Very sad. Clinton, Gore, Gibson, Obama, Stark, Boxer, Pelosi, Biden, Baldwin, etc etc. All become insufferable with time.
He's always had genuinely great looks
In the immortal words of Inspector Clueseau,
"Not any more."
Tidy, the correct term on this blog is "Progressive Jews."
Who. Cares.
Whoever made the comparison to shouting thomas is pretty on top of things.
You know, this is really squalid. The woman made secret tapes of Gibson and herself having furious arguments at the end of their marriage. Why don't any of you holier-than-thou folks commenting on how much of a "pig" Gibson is see if you can find any couple in the middle of a hideous divorce who don't use intemperate language when shrieking at the top of their lungs at each other? Are each and every one of you squeaky clean? Never called a girlfried a "fucking cunt" during the break-up fight? Ha ha.
The measure of whether the man is a racist or not ought to be how he acts. Whether, for example, as a director he gives equal chances to black and white men, and so forth. What he yells in what should have been a totally private hysterical argument with his soon to be ex-wife is evidence of squat, except to modern fascists obsessed with thoughtcrime. Blech.
knox's 5:19 PM tirade has all the self-awareness of someone who didn't realize that Silicon Valley made the economy grow in ways that a deregulated, bloated, bubble-prone financial sector (championed by her regressive reps and still advocated by them) never could and never will.
Remind me again which side has a handle on reality and which does not?
"Remind me again which side has a handle on reality and which does not?"
Well the California version of reality is flat broke busted. But I'm sure they're all financial geniuses anyway.
Using the current technology to bash California reminds me of terrorist-sympathizers whose curses of Israel reverberate throughout cyberspace on "Zionist" microprocessor units developed at the Haifa branch of Intel.
Steve Jobs is on record as saying that all the best decisions he made at Apple wouldn't have happened had it not been for the trippy, psychedelic culture of the 60's that he was surrounded by out west.
Cultural cannibals is what y'all are. Pissing on the seedbed of your country's best achievements - but without the intention of fertilizing.
Well the California version of reality is flat broke busted. But I'm sure they're all financial geniuses anyway.
I'm sure Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Jerry Yang are absolutely flabbertasted at the damage that a broke state government seems to be doing to them.
Especially in a recession where such a situation seems to be more common than not.
And remind me of which party Governor Schwartzenegger belongs to?
It's a bad move for a man on the downslope to marry a woman in her prime going on all 16 cylinders. A few moments of bliss and endless mishegoss.
The fact of the matter is this: Wall Street wants to dream big in the ways that Hollywood and Silicon Valley always have.
Unfortunately, the former hasn't figured out a way to make it profitable on anything but paper.
Perhaps Californians took even greater advantage of the same daydreams that other prospective home-buyers did - a daydream abetted and sold by Lower Manhattan and cheered on by the best Heartland-representin' deregulators that money could buy.
But unlike others, those are two profitable industries, one predicated on real growth, and of a magnitude that the rest of the country and world has benefited extraordinarily from.
So to piss on the state that gave you those things seems, well, unfortunately just about the norm for today's group of childish revolutionaries - whose swords need only be long enough to cut off the noses that so ungraciously spite their faces.
Knox - "Really, the argument that other Americans envy Californians in this day and age plays to the stereotype that Californians are self-centered, elitist airheads who have no perspective. Scorn or pity is the most common sentiment toward Californians nowadays."
Yeah, you read every day about droves of Californians loading up and making their way east, to the safe and obviously thriving havens represented by all of those states with no economic troubles whatsoever.
And of course, California having the 7th highest GDP in the entire world, and being the 5th biggest supplier of food and agriculture is a real sign of it's eminent demise.
Oh, the humanity...
Ritmo Brasileiro said...
Well the California version of reality is flat broke busted. But I'm sure they're all financial geniuses anyway.
I'm sure Steve Jobs, Eric Schmidt and Jerry Yang are absolutely flabbertasted at the damage that a broke state government seems to be doing to them.
Probably are. Silicon Valley is getting very antsy these days about the way they're being treated.
Especially in a recession where such a situation seems to be more common than not.
And remind me of which party Governor Schwartzenegger belongs to?
Not the Tea Party. Keep in mind who his wife is, but, if fingers be pointed, point them in the same direction as Michael Steele, Lindsey Graham, and the Weird Sisters from Maine.
Jeremy said...
Knox - "Really, the argument that other Americans envy Californians in this day and age plays to the stereotype that Californians are self-centered, elitist airheads who have no perspective. Scorn or pity is the most common sentiment toward Californians nowadays."
Yeah, you read every day about droves of Californians loading up and making their way east, to the safe and obviously thriving havens represented by all of those states with no economic troubles whatsoever.
Quite true, actually. There are a number of demographic maps showing quite a mass exodus from the Once-Golden State. Everybody's GTT these days, just like the 1830s.
edutcher - Yeah, we'll probably run out of people by next week.
So, us all a favor...and stay right where you are.
Only the tea bagging twits here would spend time whining about how absolutely h-o-r-r-i-b-l-e it is in California.
Just this past weekend my wife and I were at the beach wondering how much more we could take.
We decided we would give it 25 more years...then make a decision.
I think Tighty Righty is trying to win this contest
Yeah, you read every day about droves of Californians loading up and making their way east,
(I know we get a bunch of 'em coming to AZ)
Don't buy the house, buy the neighborhood.
--Russian proverb (that Mel should have heeded)
Only the tea bagging twits here would spend time whining about how absolutely h-o-r-r-i-b-l-e it is in California.
Sh*t for brains Jeremy proves Victoria wrong.
"Who is more fake than actors, anyway. Especially method actors. They work by being sincere."
Isn't an actor being sincere even more fake than a regular actor? ;)
Knox, it is obvious to me that, despite the economic problems we have (and there are plenty) still the best place to live. I spent most of my childhood and adolescence moving around the east and the midwest and California and I am firmly entrenched here. Say whatever you want, republican governor or not,whatever crap you have heard from the haters,still a great place to live.
The point I was trying to make is that all "hollywood" types are not really a type, anymore than Joe the Plumber is a midwestern type.
Trooper, if you would come up for air you would realize what an ignorant dimwhit you are. Using the likeness of a great man, John Wayne only serves to show me that you are trying to make up for your inadequacies as a man.
C3 - "(I know we get a bunch of 'em coming to AZ)"
ONLY the ones we don't want anymore.
DADvocate - And you take the time to prove my point perfectly:
"Only the tea bagging twits here would spend time whining about how absolutely h-o-r-r-i-b-l-e it is in California."
Just stay right where you are...
Actually, "Tidy Righty", your butt buddy C-fudd is a big defender of Polanski. Not surprising since your Nazi idols were all pervs and molesters. Have you and C-fudd ever been seen in the same place at the same time, except at a glory hole?
"oh, BTW, the anti-semitic comments are way out of line. Shame, shame."
So why are you such a big booster of the antisemitic party, Vicki?
Democrats more antisemtic than Republicans
Oh wait, I forgot, you're a nitwit. Never mind.
Steve Jobs is on record as saying that all the best decisions he made at Apple wouldn't have happened had it not been for the trippy, psychedelic culture of the 60's that he was surrounded by out west.
Steve Jobs grew up in Mountain View, in a neighborhood where all the dads worked on missiles at Lockheed, and all the moms stayed home and baked cookies -- unless they went to work in an early semiconductor fab. The "trippy, psychedelic culture" of his youth was filled with dads working on cars and building room additions.
Democrats more antisemtic than Republicans
Discussing a criminal Jew brings out latent anti-Semitism? Did they explain that Madoff was now doing time? I wonder what would have happened had the surveyors explained that Madoff focused his cheating on his co-religionists.
Why did they pick Madoff? He did not receive any bailouts. He was not any sort of big business, but a common swindler, a Ponzi schemer.
Why didn't they pick a black swindler, or Chinese, as a control to assess the innate racism of the two parties?
Carl said:
"Never called a girlfried a "fucking cunt" during the break-up fight? Ha ha."
I've used the word "cunt" before with a woman (although usually in its positive sense ... and it definitely has one).
But going on about fucking n@gg#rs?
No, I've never done that. Nor the anti-Semitic rants.
Never in my life.
And I've broken up with my fair share of women. Had some emotional times on that front recently.
Vicky, vicky! So angry. You really don't sound like a sweet little old lady from Pasedena.
I bet you live in the Valley.
I just use the Duke as my avatar because I admire him so much. Just as you use the avatar of your role model!
Happy Fourth of July.
Your Pal,
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