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Hyperventilates Rebecca Traister about the way other people are hyperventilating.
I don't mean to be the Matrimony Grinch. Weddings are joyful and great. What they are not is the apotheosis of the human, the romantic or, more pointedly, the female experience.
Oh? Why not?
There are a lot of people who don't get married. There are a lot of people who can't get married....
The fevered fetishization of the marital day is not just irritating, it's destructive. It reproduces attitudes about personal -- and especially female -- achievement that are far past their sell date....
You know what weddings are? They are parties.... Who knows how tasteful or how extravagant the marriage of the only Clinton daughter will turn out to be? Who -- besides those who really love her and her future husband -- really cares?
७९ टिप्पण्या:
"Love between the ugly
is the most beautiful love of all.
--Todd Rundgren, "Does Anybody Love You"
Repeated from yesterday's "Sunset over the Mississippi" post:
My wife and I are mystified as to why there is so much hype about Chelsea Clinton's wedding in the morning and cable news shows. Are she and I about the only people in the country who don't care? Anybody on this thread particularly interested in the coming nuptials?
Did Monica Lewinsky's invite get lost in the mail?
WV: sultl - not sultl at all.
The news shows keep hoping that the Clintons will become the Kennedys, just like they keep hoping that the current Kennedys will bring back their alleged Camelot.
I hope young Ms. Clinton has a happy married life and rarely shows up in the news, because that would be the best revenge.
I mean, the bride is an investment banker. How low can you get?
No you stupid Twit...we are obsessing because, on my side of the aisle, Hillary Clinton has spent the better part of last decade discussing how the Rich Don't Pay Their Fair Share and how we need to take from you, for the Common Good....and further, she and her husband have taken in over 100 million in cash, and she is STILL retiring her 2008 Campaign Debt...
But she and her husband see fit to spend $3-5 Million Dollars on their daughter's wedding!
We are hyperventilating about the hypocrisy! Not about the nuptials….
Get Over Your Feminist Self. It’s about rich people spending their money lavishly, but complaining about how I spend MY money….
The bigger question is how the Clintons can, in good conscience, spend 3-5 million on a wedding when Hillary is still dealing with 2008 campaign debt. I know, I know. Clinton and conscience barely belong in the same language.
On the topic at hand, though, rewarding anyone, man or woman, for getting married is exactly what our culture does. If you want to do the bare minimum to stay out of poverty in America, graduate high school and get married. The reverse is also true.
@Big Mike: I am certainly not.
Maybe the story has some news value because Chelsea is the progeny of the marriage of two extremely narcissistic leftish politicians. It's like watching a NASCAR race, waiting for the crash. Is this homely girl with the privileged upbringing going to end up as messed up as her parents?
There's something gruesome about it, but I am finding the gruesome seems banal these days.
Rebecca has the claws out today. And what does she mean by "some people can't get married?"
wv= brioni [type of wine or OJ's shoes ? I forget}
It's like Princess Di's wedding for the Ruling Class.
The overarching irony is the fact that the parents have transformed 'public service' into private fortunes that can underwrite a $3 million wedding for their daughter.
I, for one, am happy for our political class and their children.
Long may they prosper!
With luck she will marry someone just like dear old dad.
WV: ingst - and will live an ingst-filled life.
You know what weddings are? They are parties....
That's pretty funny. Receptions, maybe, but not weddings. Even the receptions are only "parties". Trust me, I've been to Parties, and receptions rarely, if ever, rise to that level.
What weddings, both the ceremony and reception, really are is the culmination of a lifetime's wishlist on the woman's part. Sure, I enjoyed my wedding and love my wife. But would I have spent that much money on such a lavish affair if it were up to me? Nope...that would have gone straight into the downpayment on the house. Most men I know feel the same way.
It's time for some columnist to use the line "semi-beautiful daughter" that one of LBJ's daughters got on the occasion of her marriage.
Stop the H8, Rebecca!
Marriage is the mostest importantest thing in the world!
I wish some of the hyperventilators would just pass out already.
wv: ratcrehe ... what rats pull out every Christmas.
I agree Ann. It's a party with a special purpose, but a party.
A bridezilla personality is the most terrifying of all monsters. I expect that 95% of their mates are miserable soon after the party, and regret showing up for it.
For me the most attractive qualities in a woman are reason and humor in equal quantities.
WV: "losers" F&ck U!
"It's time for some columnist to use the line "semi-beautiful daughter" that one of LBJ's daughters got on the occasion of her marriage."
Oh, just say it. She's got a face like a horse.
But that doesn't mean she's not loveable!
The Chelsea Clinton wedding "obsession" is 100% PR fed to media outlets. They are trying to pretend there is an obsession amongst the people, but Chelsea is not that girl.
Libs root for their team to be tough & valiant & strong but then they select candidates like John Kerry. They root for their team to be handsome or pretty but then they have leaders like Barney Frank and Hillary Clinton [Obama is not a leader]. Libs root for their team to be brilliant but then they put people like Nancy Pelosi & Joe Bite Me in high places.
Libs live in a kind of dreamland. Cause their team generally ain't handsome or brilliant or strong.
wv = ching = cash registers at Chelsea wedding
That author has some personal issues.
It's like Princess Di's wedding for the Ruling Class.
We really need to stop referring to the politicians in DC, regardless of red or blue stripes, as the “ruling class”.
Self-fulfilling prophecies can be a real bitch. We keep using that term long enough and both sides will start to believe it.
One wonders why Rebecca believes a story about another person is an insult to her. Are liberals now so intolerant they cannot let others enjoy their own priorities?
Is it tomorrow? I don't even know. Without really any effort, I've missed the hyperventilating - without even trying.
Well, we've got our own family wedding to attend tomorrow. Much lower key affair, but no matter. Best wishes to all the new couples.
What about "handing off" your daughter to another man proves that you've done your work as a father? How does it demonstrate that you've done what you're supposed to do more vividly than watching your daughter graduate from college, make friends, live independently, land big jobs, develop and follow through on ambitions, help her mother run for president?" blah blah blah blah
This woman writer is obviously not a parent and has no idea what being a parent is all about.
Of course you are proud when your child does all those other life achievements. When they do those things they are still, in your mind, "your child".
However, when your child,(son or daughter) is getting married it signals the end of their sole status as "your child". They are now stepping into being someone else's wife, husband and possibly soon mother and father.
Marriage is the end of an era so to speak and the beginning of a new one.
Of course, if you are a sour pinched feminist single perpetual probably won't understand.
"semi-beautiful daughter"
Doesn't a Willie Nelson song have a reference to semi-good lookers?
I'm tempted to say something mean about Chelsea, but I feel a little sorry for her too. I'm sure there was very little about her childhood that was normal.
God knows what the media thinks any more. I can't stand to watch any of the not-so-major networks any more.
In comparison with Chelsea Clinton's wedding, Jenna Bush's was casual and modest.
The coverage of Chelsea's wedding suggests that she was the most beloved First Daughter ever, which is simply a lie. I think it's because libs are writing the coverage.
Chelsea and her future husband have been living together in a $4 million Fifth Avenue apartment for the past few years, which he bought, and she reportedly has a $1 million engagement ring. Hillary has started to talk about Chelsea's "deep [Christian] faith."
wv: wading. As in wading in BS.
Weddings are a useless cultural artifact, a conspiracy by the makers of taffeta and inedible cakes, respectively.
I think we should revive the old tradition of having witnesses at the consummation.
Bill is wondering how he can ditch Hillary so he can start ridin' dirty.
"I think we should revive the old tradition of having witnesses at the consummation."
If this happens I'm going to be much more selective in which weddings I attend.
Left out of a lot of the hoopla is that this particular orgy is being hurled at the home of George Soros' daughter.
Dr Evil just keeps turning up around these people, doesn't he?
PS "Who knows how tasteful or how extravagant the marriage of the only Clinton daughter will turn out to be?"
That's like asking if the Father of the Bride is going to be feeling up all the women (the Mother of the Bride excepted, naturally).
As even the Lefties have noted, the Clintons only have rich friends. The Party of the people, once again.
Droit de seigneur while we're at it. And, as such, I nominate myself Lord Of The Fist.
It's a reality-TV Donald Trump Jersey Shore trailer trash version of Princess Di.
I'd like to get the demographic breakdown of the crowd after it's all over. I'm betting it will be a honkyfest.
Will the Obamas attend?
"Honkyfest" That is a new one to me. LOL.
I'm happy for young Ms. Clinton and her fiance. I hope that she has a lovely wedding and much happier marriage than her upbringing would suggest. I'm proud of her for having (thus far, at least) stayed out of the cesspool that is politics, and led a reasonably normal life.
I'm also happy for all of the people that the Clintons will be paying to take care of the wedding plans. This is a great thing for them and their businesses.
- Lyssa
I'm tempted to say something mean about Chelsea, but I feel a little sorry for her too. I'm sure there was very little about her childhood that was normal.
You feel sorry for an investment banker?
Will the Obamas attend?
I don't believe they were invited.
Let's see . . . if I follow the current "logic" fad about marriage . . .
then Chelsea's wedding should not weaken Ms. Rebecca Traister' choice of singleness at all.
Barack Obama offered the use of the White House for the wedding, but he wasn't invited.
I just want Chelsea to enjoy being queen for a day like all brides dream of doing. I don't want the press ruining it for her or her parents upstaging her, or anyone else doing so. While I'm no fan of either of her parents, I wish her a beautiful, love-filled future.
There are times when I want to know what politicians are doing. This is NOT one of those times.
There are a lot of people who can't get married....
Yeah, whatever.
For so many people nowadays, marriage actually begins when they get engaged. They may well be living together but now they can buy big ticket items together (like, say, a house).
However, since they have to reserve a reception hall a year or more in advance, and all the wedding planning takes time, the ceremony doesn't take place until they can have the big party.
All I can say is, she'd better not ever divorce the guy and go on welfare.
In comparison with Chelsea Clinton's wedding, Jenna Bush's was casual and modest.
When you start making the comparison's the Bushes live much more like the lefties say you should. Their energy effecient green ranch would be another example.
stayed out of the cesspool that is politics,
She campaigned for her mother. She "pimped' herself at Sully's bar in Cincinnati, which promptly went out of business.
Not all brides dream of "being queen for a day." Some of us dreamed of marrying a terrific guy and of entertaining the people who honored us by coming to our wedding. It's an odd idea, I know.
The wedding is not the apotheosis of human experience because what counts is the marriage.
Are she and I about the only people in the country who don't care?
Just the opposite -- 99.99 percent of the country does NOT care.
I'm also happy for all of the people that the Clintons will be paying to take care of the wedding plans. This is a great thing for them and their businesses.
It might be good for business, but don't be fooled into thinking that the Clintons will be paying for it. The Clintons don't pay for anything -- never have, never will. Everything is simply given to them, EVERYTHING. Even Chelsea's hedge fund career was given to her.
What have the Clintons ever created or made or done to become multi-millionaires? Nothing, absolutely nothing except give a few speeches and trade on their VIP status.
The envy and malice on display here are worthy of the journolist. The wedding was not that expensive. The outer ring tables were easily affordable by any K-Street lobbyist, and the bidding was open and fair. Please. Every public figure deserves a pass on the day of his funeral and the day of his daughter's wedding. I urge everyone to rise above the temptation to engage in cheap snark on this lovely occasion.
What have the Clintons ever created or made or done to become multi-millionaires? Nothing, absolutely nothing except give a few speeches and trade on their VIP status.
That's not true at all. A little "hard" work by Bill and the sales of cigars went through the roof.
Pretty hard to make a decent wage, when you're dodging sniper fire at airports.
Chelsea: "And I'd like to acknowledge the presence of Vice President, Joe Biden. Thank you for coming today, would you like to say anything?"
Biden: "Yes, gird your loins!"
The envy and malice on display here are worthy of the journolist. The wedding was not that expensive.
Oh William I was about to rant, UNTIL I realized there was sarcasm in this are too crafty.
William, ftw, as usual.
Oh she's so right! The day I married my husband was the day all my accomplishments, past and future, became void! What a twit. That lady wrote a pretty lengthy piece about something she doesn't care about. I doubt most people care about the wedding. Just the media.
The party part of a wedding isn't just a party, it's a celebration. Would she have us stop celebrating moments in life?
I don't understand all the press about the Clinton wedding, but oh well.
Most people aspire to have families. Marriage is generally regarded as step one. Thus, it is a really big deal.
My husband and I eloped. We were then informed (repeatedly) that our getting married was a big deal to many people besides ourselves.
This blogger's logic would cause one to question baby showers, birthdays, retirement sendoffs, and all other milestone-related parties.
..There are a lot of people who can't get married....because they can't afford to pay the marriage penalty when Bush tax cuts expire.
The Daily Mail says her new Father-In-Law is a con man. That puts one on both sides of the family!
And she still looks like Webster Hubble.
I said she still looks like Webster Hubble.
The Clinton's are one screwed-up bunch - and mostly over screwing.
"Free love" was never free.
I really love the fact that my Dad and my father in law have a bunch of common interests, hang out together and are really good friends.
Chelsea's new father in law is a convicted fraudster described as a "one man crime wave", so he and Bill should be all good.
"Miss Clinton’s father-in-law Ed Mezvinsky is a convicted fraudster who served five years in jail and was branded a ‘one-man crime wave’ by prosecutors over a £7million scam. The 73-year-old former Congressman was released in 2008 and claims he is remorseful and has paid his debt to society."
Funny how the tongue-bath media forgot that bit.
"You know what weddings are? They are parties.... Who knows how tasteful or how extravagant the marriage of the only Clinton daughter will turn out to be? Who -- besides those who really love her and her future husband -- really cares?"
People tend to care when times are tough and some rich, powerful person decides it is not enough to have a swank party or wedding or bar mitzvah. But take it up to the extreme to not only show the proles up - but win the pissing contest with other Ruling Elites by showing just how Alpha they are!
While the President of Worldcomm was laying off workers and cutting pensions and stock value was tanking...the fact he rented a whole Greek island, had 400 models dressed up in Togas, had guests flown in on chartered Gulfstream jets to mix with celebs paid to be there? Well, that wasn't just "his business".
When some rich Jew decided to show other rich Jews just how much more prosperous he was with a 6 million dollar bar mitzvah, complete with Beyonce performing..Even Jews sitting in their 25,000 square foot mansions in the Hamptons said "You know, there ARE limits to vulgar, ostentatious displays of our wealth! That went too far!"
Sean Puffy Combs buying his kid his 1st car on his 16th birthday? Nice, until you hear it is a 575,000 Lambourgini. And Puffy getting huffy saying it's no one's business but he and his sons (despite the whole purpose of buying the status symbol WAS to make others awed and respectful of how rich andpowerful Puffy must be)
Chelsea? 4 million apartment, million dollar engagement ring. Daddy with power enough to shut down the whole airspace over the NY city hosting the nuptuals. 3-5 million dollar wedding. Renting of "VIP" port-a-potties with towel attendents at the ready and special porcelain seats and flowers in each port-a-potty. (A practice growing in popularity in the Hamptons and Marthas Vineyard crowd, with regular port-a-potties discretly put out of sight for "mere workers, security, and caterer's staff to use, lest otherwise their bottoms touch a toilet seat worthy only of VIPS)
An 11,000 dollar wedding cake. Diplomatic Security Service, HOmeland Security, and NY police on hand for arriving highly important foreign rulers. George Soros and two former heads of the ACLU now in his employ are facilitating travel and expenses of the foreign dignitaries, as well as the grooms clan here and abroad, and various civil and human rights dignitaries.
Lesser leaders and non-A list entertainers and celebs who begged to be allowed to honor Chelsea, being turned away.
Yes, it sure is something. These days, there is no single Versailles that rich and powerful congregate to. It is sort of a moveable feast. One week, they are all on some private Greek Island, then pop up at some special event like World Cup Finals, back to the usual swarming of private jets into Davos Switzerland, Martha's Vinyard, Napa, the Bloomberg New Year's Party, Beijing, Cairo...depending on the schedule.
As the 1st Sun King (not Obama) said:
"Apres mon, le deluge."
"You know what weddings are? They are parties.... Who knows how tasteful or how extravagant the marriage of the only Clinton daughter will turn out to be? Who -- besides those who really love her and her future husband -- really cares?"
People tend to care when times are tough and some rich, powerful person decides it is not enough to have a swank party or wedding or bar mitzvah. But take it up to the extreme to not only show the proles up - but win the pissing contest with other Ruling Elites by showing just how Alpha they are!
While the President of Worldcomm was laying off workers and cutting pensions and stock value was tanking...the fact he rented a whole Greek island, had 400 models dressed up in Togas, had guests flown in on chartered Gulfstream jets to mix with celebs paid to be there? Well, that wasn't just "his business".
When some rich Jew decided to show other rich Jews just how much more prosperous he was with a 6 million dollar bar mitzvah, complete with Beyonce performing..Even Jews sitting in their 25,000 square foot mansions in the Hamptons said "You know, there ARE limits to vulgar, ostentatious displays of our wealth! That went too far!"
Sean Puffy Combs buying his kid his 1st car on his 16th birthday? Nice, until you hear it is a 575,000 Lambourgini. And Puffy getting huffy saying it's no one's business but he and his sons (despite the whole purpose of buying the status symbol WAS to make others awed and respectful of how rich andpowerful Puffy must be)
Chelsea? 4 million apartment, million dollar engagement ring. Daddy with power enough to shut down the whole airspace over the NY city hosting the nuptuals. 3-5 million dollar wedding. Renting of "VIP" port-a-potties with towel attendents at the ready and special porcelain seats and flowers in each port-a-potty. (A practice growing in popularity in the Hamptons and Marthas Vineyard crowd, with regular port-a-potties discretly put out of sight for "mere workers, security, and caterer's staff to use, lest otherwise their bottoms touch a toilet seat worthy only of VIPS)
An 11,000 dollar wedding cake. Diplomatic Security Service, HOmeland Security, and NY police on hand for arriving highly important foreign rulers. George Soros and two former heads of the ACLU now in his employ are facilitating travel and expenses of the foreign dignitaries, as well as the grooms clan here and abroad, and various civil and human rights dignitaries.
Lesser leaders and non-A list entertainers and celebs who begged to be allowed to honor Chelsea, being turned away.
Yes, it sure is something. These days, there is no single Versailles that rich and powerful congregate to. It is sort of a moveable feast. One week, they are all on some private Greek Island, then pop up at some special event like World Cup Finals, back to the usual swarming of private jets into Davos Switzerland, Martha's Vinyard, Napa, the Bloomberg New Year's Party, Beijing, Cairo...depending on the schedule.
As the 1st Sun King (not Obama) said:
"Apres mon, le deluge."
"Did Monica Lewinsky's invite get lost in the mail?"
Seriously. She's practically Chelsea's step-mother, isn't she?
Seriously, I do hope, for her own sake, that Chelsea chose a man of better character than her father, but how likely is that, really?
I haven't read or seen any of the national coverage, but here in upstate NY the attention it is getting is insane.
No one I know has shown any "exultation" over Chelsea's wedding. No one has even mentioned it. If they think about it at all, they probably wish her well on the grounds that her youthful good looks, such as they are, won't last many more years.
The angle. Bet Ms Ex-Cattle Futures Trader will find a tax deductable scheme in there someplace so that we ALL can participate. Whachathink.
Chelsea Clinton wedding a house Ad
When Hillary Clinton-backer Kathy Hammer offered up her Astor Courts estate for Chelsea's wedding, it also presented a great opportunity to sell the palatial pad, which has been stuck on the market since last October with a $12 million price tag. Chelsea's wedding tomorrow to Marc Mezvinsky "was like manna from heaven for Kathy," a friend said, because she and her real-estate hubby, Arthur Seelbinder, are desperate to sell.
I bet this nasty twat is one of the unmarried women who voted for Obama.
DADvocate said: She campaigned for her mother. She "pimped' herself at Sully's bar in Cincinnati, which promptly went out of business.
Meh, it was her mom. I'll give you a pass on stumping for your mom. She knows that she could easily breeze into almost any political position, Kennedy style, yet she chooses not to, and to stay in the private sector. I support that. (I also suspect that she's not as entralled with her parents' politics as one would expect.)
Flexo: What have the Clintons ever created or made or done to become multi-millionaires? Nothing, absolutely nothing except give a few speeches and trade on their VIP status.
Meh, again. If people want to freely pay enormous sums of money to them for the privilege of hearing them speak, more power to them. (Same with Sarah Palin) Just as long as they don't make me pay part of it, I don't really care. (I know that the Clintons have shadier dealings that speaking fees, and I do care about that, to the extent that it is shady.)
I am troubled by the hypocracy of their weatlh envy platforms, but I won't blame Chelsea for that.
In 1961 a song by Ernie K-Doe hit the charts. The name of the song was Mother-in-Law.
Right now, the National Enquirer is just waiting, waiting for the mother-in-law to hit the fan.
As I recall, Chelsea's mother in-law was a former tv reporter for Channel 4 turned Congresss critter who got drummed out of office for being the deciding vote on a huge tax increase passed during Bubbas watch.
So the Clinton's owe her big time.
Dont care other than to wish Chelsea the best.
This blogger's logic would cause one to question baby showers, birthdays, retirement sendoffs, and all other milestone-related parties.
They are so ... gauche ....
Then of course the lib-left social scientists would find in a few years that marker events and social rituals are critical in defining the human experience.
So those of us dumb and parochial (is that redundant?) enough to have continued to enjoy family & friend gatherings for any of the above would continue on unremarkable, and ignored. And content.
wv meading
what is there to say?
My take is this extravaganza is part of the set up for Hillary to challenge Obama.
After all, the Clinton Wedding Stimulus plan will have provided more "jobs saved and created" than Obama's.
Please. Marriage is a choice. People can get married if they choose. I get tired of angst from people who aren't married for no other reason than they chose not to.
Sure, there are people with real problems that make it very hard to find a mate. That's not usually who we hear complaining.
And the culture SHOULD reward marriage. Otherwise what the hell are we going to do?
I also don't get this "princess for a day" thing. If you're living together and buying property and having family dinners, you have begun your married life! The princess thing is over.
To pretend you're all virginal or something is kind of creepy and cheap (or in this case expensive) theatrics.
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