July 13, 2010

At the Fuzzy Grass Café...


... we're together again at last. We'll have to celebrate this. But how?

UPDATE: We're back from the play... the play that was quoted above (in italics).


Anonymous said...


smoke it?

(and see what happens...????)

mesquito said...

Hey! I just heard that the United States still holding people without trial at a prison on the island of Cuba!

Can this be true?

Calypso Facto said...

Reminiscent of silent fireworks. The kind I wish my neighbors had!

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

A good water soaking?

I dont know.

Anonymous said...

I love to see naughty lawyers get punished.

Dudes tried to pull off a $489M lie.

Am I the only one who enjoys reading 9th Circuit opinions for their sordid details?

Unknown said...

Together again at last? Ann and Meade??


Oh, my!!!

AC245 said...

We'll have to celebrate this. But how?

Fatwas for everybody!

AC245 said...

What's disheartening about that NYDN link is not the eminently predictable declaration by a leading Muslim cleric that he's found yet another group of infidels that "does not deserve life" and who should be murdered because their "proper abode is hellfire". It's the results of the poll accompanying the story that disappoint:

Poll Results

A radical cleric has called for the execution of a U.S. cartoonist after she launched a project called "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day." Do you support the cartoonist's lampoon?

Yes. She was making a statement protected under the First Ammendment [sic]. That's her job. 41%

No. She knew Islam forbids drawing the likeness of Mohammed. This is insulting, not fun. 49%

Not sure. 10%

Just 41%. That's so very sad.

Anonymous said...

Lindsay Lohan is worth more as a post-prison media whore than as a actress.

A million dollar paycheck after 90 days in the slammer?

I'd take it, for the money mostly, but also for the life experience.

Freeman Hunt said...

When someone invites you to one of those multilevel marketing "parties," what do you say?

Assume that the person inviting you is someone you know and like.

Anonymous said...

How about telling the truth in a fun way, Freeman?

"You know, that stuff is not my sort of thing... but I love YOU, you pyramid-scheming genius!"

Then be sure to wish him or her good luck.

Besides, you'll be a drag if you go, right? Nobody wants a drag at a party, especially if the drag isn't usually drag-y.

LonewackoDotCom said...

* If the 'partiers didn't have severe mental and emotional issues, they could really take it to the anti-American, pro-abuse takeourjobs.org. They'd also do a great public service. Of course, that would require them to want to do a great public service and it would require them to be more intelligent than lichen, so forget it.

* No matter how many times I've watched this, I can't stop laughing: Rand Paul says the tea parties are "mainstream". The joke isn't just in the fact that he said it, it's in what happens right as he says it. If they're choreographed that they couldn't have done it better.

* A shocking new HAB poll shows that 11% of tea partiers do their own dental work.

Anonymous said...

Christopher Hitchens's piece in Slate yesterday has me pissed off.

It was just last month that the Supreme Court affirmed the U.S. law prohibiting material support of foreign terrorist groups.

So why are John Hagee & Co sending money to Israeli pseudo-terrorist groups in the West Bank, with our government not only sitting by and doing nothing, but encouraging that material support by making contributions tax-exempt?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

A video response to Lonewako.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chip Ahoy said...

Would you care to see how the astromoths pop-up card came out? It was posted priority this morning with delivery verification so I'm able to monitor its progress online.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

BTW.. Althouse left out setting time aside for hand washing laundry in her to do list of world saving things.

She did say.. "the list of activities is endless". So I guess I'll give her a pass ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna pull a double-Hitch; sorry in advance.

In this interview, Hitchens was asked what he makes of Obama's presidency. His answer:

It's quite clean. The people working for him are relatively straight and honest. But what he's finding out is that the power of the presidency is very slight. There are all kinds of things that are just not under his control.

Hitchens is probably the last person in America to not have a dramatic opinion about Obama! Reading da blogies, it seems that everyone else is either a kool-aid-drinking Kosbot or an angry gun-wielding participant in the upcoming Tea Party Revolution.

Is restraint the new contrarian thought?

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

Due to the photo, I looked up the definition of "weed". It described lonewacko. I know, huh?

Unknown said...

Dead Julius, I dont think Ann has a dramatic opinion of Obama ... even under the pressure of her beloved husband.

And the only thing Hitchens seems to have dramatic opinions on have to do with 'Islamofascism' (his word). And I loved that Guardian piece on him that linked this obsession to his father's influence on his understanding of a noble life.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

The timing of the flyover and the end of the national anthem was a tad off.

AlphaLiberal said...

Read an interesting observation elsewhere. Washington Monthly, I think. They point out that Fox News was after a) ACORN and now b) New Black Panther Party.

What do these two groups have in common? Groups with high involvement by racial minorities (African Americans). FoxNews and the Right have no problem with the "Minutemen" packing heat to polling places and harassing Latino voters, for example.

Maybe that's the kind of reason why the NAACP did this:
NAACP resolution condemns racism in tea party.

"We felt the time had come to stand up and say, 'It's time for the tea party to be responsible members of this democracy and make sure they don't tolerate bigots or bigotry among their members,'" NAACP President Ben Jealous said ahead of the debate. "We don't have a problem with the tea party's existence. We have an issue with their acceptance and welcoming of white supremacists into their organizations."

As my whimsy leads me.. said...

The grass has eyes. We are being watched. What do they want? To teach us to dance!

Anonymous said...


That NAACP president, speaking about the tea parties, is JEALOUS.

That's the kind of reason why his organization did that.

traditionalguy said...

Fuzzy Cafe has about gone to seed. The seeds will become the new life next spring. Now let's watch the All Star Game. I notice that the Yankees owner hit a home run on the Estate Tax by passing on before his heirs would have lost $500,000,000 in taxes come new years day.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

But what does race conscious Alpha say about American racially branded colleges and universities?

Nothing.. why?.. because they produce conformed, plantation leftist.

Anonymous said...

Have you guys ever considered the idea that maybe Obama & Co is the way that the Mayan++ Doomsday 2012 prophecy is going to be fulfilled?

I mean... tax cuts start expiring at the end of this December, as t-guy points out. That's gotta accelerate the end of the world (at least as we know it). Do you feel fine?

Anonymous said...


Wait a cotton-pickin' minute...

Did you just use the phrase "plantation leftist"?

Is that an attempt at black humor?

traditionalguy said...

Dead Julius...Haven't you heard the rumor that Barry's birth certificate is being hidden because his religion is listed as Mayan? The end of Capitalism in the Yucatan Peninsula approaches.

rhhardin said...

Grown grandchild speculation.

Ride-on engine and track in the trash.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

"plantation" refers to a life of servitude.. a nanny state in exchange for votes.

In the new testament I believe it was called Egypt.

Anonymous said...


Ah, yes, Egypt... where the white light of the sun makes it hot and oppressive, and the Nile floods make the soil black and fertile.

The two combine together to create a land of extremes.

You know, the Scorpian King of Egypt was the first to unite the two kingdoms and become the first Pharaoh, right around 5125 years ago. The Mayan calendar that leads to the 2012 predictions is based on a 5125 year cycle.

Coincidence? I think not. Therefore I'm stocking up on ammo.

rhhardin said...

Post-celebratory house sparrows video.

Shot from the hip.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

You can never have enough ammo ;)

Anonymous said...

Oops! I meant "Scorpion King" not "Scorpian King"... I was stung by a spelling mistake.

And I should mention that who the first Pharaoh was is not certain; it could have been Narmer, for instance. Or maybe the Scorpion King was Narmer.

But the first Pharoah did appear around 5125 years ago. And the first dynasty was really big on human sacrifice, just like the Leftists are now...


AC245 said...

Maybe that's the kind of reason why the NAACP did this:
NAACP resolution condemns racism in tea party.

I'd consider it a badge of honor to be called a racist by the same organization that whitewashed the history of Robert "Sheets" Byrd and heaped praise upon him for his racial views.

bagoh20 said...

It's the freaking end of the world! You won't need anything that people stock up. No ammo, no condoms, no canned food.

Maybe cocaine so you don't miss anything, but that's about it. Maybe a pocket fisherman for the slow parts.

bagoh20 said...

A race based organization calling you racist is a bit weak in 2010. But, then again, what else are they gonna do; meet with some Tea Partiers and try to find some common ground? Too late for that now. Opportunity lost again to be useful. Venting is such a tradition.

Anonymous said...


Maybe. But if it's the end of the world, I'm going down fighting... and reading Althouse.

And she had better live-blog it! No slacking! You are not allowed to die, Althouse, until all your commenters have.

bagoh20 said...

I predict the last two commenters will be Crack MC accepting the Mayan religion, and Titus describing his last you-know-what. Ann will post a final photo of the beautiful apocalyptic sunset.

blake said...

You guys are almost making look forward to this!

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Cancer survivor, no hitter trowing Jon Lester is in for the American League.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Just before the end of the world the National League beats the American League at the All Star break.. its a precursor.

AST said...

My wife planted some Apache Plume bushes next to our driveway and they're thriving.

Photos at:


LonewackoDotCom said...

AlphaLiberal: the 'partiers aren't a threat; you might as well just have some fun with them. I'd suggest linking that Rand Paul video around since it's incredibly funny.

Lem, bagh20, assorted other brainless 'partiers: instead of leaving those comments, you could have helped me oppose the UFW's anti-American, pro-abuse plan.

The pro-American thing to do would be to help me with that, and that would also be great for America and the popularity of the 'partiers.

Instead, Lem and bagh20 just left little smears. Now, that's not too smart, is it?

MadisonMan said...

When someone invites you to one of those multilevel marketing "parties," what do you say?

"That really isn't something I want to do. It's best for everyone if I don't come".

Then they'll say "But we'd love to have you, the party won't be the same without you!"

And you say "You're very sweet. Thank you so much for the invitation, but I really can't come."

And they'll say "Why not? You'd be so good!"

And then you go back to sentence 1.

Before you have this conversation, think up about a dozen ways to say No, each subtly different. Wear them down.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Say it ain't so Joe.

No cheering in the booth..

traditionalguy said...

Bryan McCann cleared the bases. Maybe he just gave the Braves homefield advantage in the Series.

LonewackoDotCom said...

New post on how bogus and downright dangerous the 'partiers are: If you oppose the NAACP playing the race card, the Tea Parties aren't your friends.

Don't fall for bogus movements that might as well have been started by the Dems.

Unknown said...

AlphaLiberal said...

Read an interesting observation elsewhere. Washington Monthly, I think. They point out that Fox News was after a) ACORN and now b) New Black Panther Party.

What do these two groups have in common? Groups with high involvement by racial minorities (African Americans). FoxNews and the Right have no problem with the "Minutemen" packing heat to polling places and harassing Latino voters, for example.

What do ACORN and the New Black Panthers have in common? Corrupt, hard-core Leftist, violent, vote fraud artists.

The minutemen Alpha is talking about is a local, San Diego only group. He lies again.

PS The national Minutemen organization isn't threatening to kill people, nor have they beaten up anyone (remember Kenneth Gladney?).

jayne_cobb said...

Watch out Lem, Lonewacko is going to threaten to sue you for being a big meany.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

"Selig gives no sign of moving '11 ASG"

Good for him..

Freeman Hunt said...

Bible study tomorrow morning. Finishing up answers to the study questions and came across this one, which I am posting for the enjoyment of Crack Emcee:

How is the New Age movement similar to and different from the Colossian heresy?

Anonymous said...

You should check out today's Planet Money podcast. It showcases an example of the historical change that is going on in America.

The topic is the pending "financial reform" bill. The discussion, which includes legislation sponsor Barney Frank, centers on the fact that the bill will create a whole bunch of new regulations and subject whole new classes of companies to those regulations.

But what are the specifics? What, exactly, are the new regulations? Which companies, specifically, will be subject to them?

Well, that's all left to the discretion of the regulatory agencies. They will decide. If you have lots of money and/or power and/or connections, you will be able to affect the agencies' determination; if not, you are out of luck.

And this is precisely the big historical change that's going on with America right now: Lots of new regulation accompanied by lots of discretion. It's happening all over-- not just in the financial arena. The Arizona immigration case is another example-- the federal government wants to maintain its discretion to enforce immigration law, or not enforce it, as it sees fit.

This naturally accumulates power in those who are able to exercise discretion. Better kow-tow to them or they will make your life miserable and your business impossibly difficult! It's not Marxism; it's Technocratism. And it's scary.

Money quote from Barney Frank:

"In democracies, there are no guarantees."

The law is supposed to be that guarantee, but that's being undermined now.

Ralph L said...

When someone invites you to one of those multilevel marketing "parties," what do you say?
"If you hadn't warned me what kind of party it was, I'd have kicked your teeth in."
Said with a big smile, of course.

blake said...

It's risky, but if you've invited someone else to an MLM party, you could invite them to yours or try to sell them some Amway or Herbalife or something.

blake said...

er, other way around--respond to the invitation by inviting them to yours....

wv: pyoloci

Speaker of the House?

Revenant said...

When someone invites you to one of those multilevel marketing "parties," what do you say?

In my experience, the only thing that works is saying "I'm not interested". Repeat as necessary.

I tried giving reasons for my disinterest, but they always had a comeback. Of course, six months later they were a few grand poorer and had a closet full of useless, unsellable crap...

Revenant said...

It was just last month that the Supreme Court affirmed the U.S. law prohibiting material support of foreign terrorist groups.

So why are John Hagee & Co sending money to Israeli pseudo-terrorist groups in the West Bank, with our government not only sitting by and doing nothing, but encouraging that material support by making contributions tax-exempt?

Because "pseudo-terrorist group" is a label you invented, and does not designate a group as being covered by the law you mentioned in your first sentence. Hell, almost the entirety of Palestine is a pseudo-terrorist group if you want to label Hagee that way. :)

In any case, Hitchens is playing fast and loose with the truth. He states that $200 million goes to settlements without telling you whether it goes to the established settlements or to the new ones, the latter being the ones that are illegal under Israeli law. He adds in the weaselly accusation that "many" supporters of the settlements are linked to extremist and/or violent groups. What's "many" in real numbers?

KCFleming said...

"When someone invites you to one of those multilevel marketing "parties," what do you say?"

Ugh. Some friend that turned out to be. My daughter was invited to a baby shower that was actually a Tupperware party. Lotsa pressure by momma-to-be to buy so she got some prize. My daughter has barely enough money to pay the rent, much less buy a baby present and plastic tubs. Sheesh.

"I'm sorry, hon, I can't; I have too much to do."

KCFleming said...

Or just tell 'em you're Goin' Galt.

ricpic said...

We're together again at last. We'll have to celebrate this. But how?

Not sure, but are those lines from Waiting For Godot?

Anonymous said...

Is the play The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie?

Paddy O said...

Freeman, I'd be curious how you answered that one.

Opus One Media said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
A.W. said...

here's a link that seems up Ann's ally.

Facebook app in india whitens skin.


yep, its as f---ed up as it sounds.

Opus One Media said...

All hail the Tea Party for their loathsum behavior

Ahh the all American Tea Party thugs

KCFleming said...

We have a socialist for a President, a socialist heading healthcare, socialist takeovers of industry, and the threat to your progeny is from people opposing them?

You so crazy.

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