... you are cute and we are tolerant, but at some point the tolerance ends, and we are thinking slingshot and meat.
६ जुलै, २०१०
At the Bunny-in-the-Love-Grass Café...
... you are cute and we are tolerant, but at some point the tolerance ends, and we are thinking slingshot and meat.
७५ टिप्पण्या:
It's July 6!
Happy Birthday to George W. Bush, and Happy Birthday to Nancy Reagan.
Be very careful. The city doesn't like it when you kill a rabbit with some kind of implement, but it doesn't die immediately, instead wandering off somewhere to die. Don't ask how I know this.
So if you're going to kill the rabbit with a slingshot, make sure your aim is true.
Have you been stalking that cute little baby bunny? First a video, and now pictures of the poor little thing trying to hide in the tall grass.
Don't make it go to court to get a restrainting order, lady!
Baby bunny rabbits are very cute. Unless you've planted a strawberry bed behind the house. Don't ask how I know this.
Althouse is a bunny stalker.!
Is there a way for a commenter to request a view of the collected comments from a particular commenter?
(I lost track of some health story lines when I was gone for a month.)
I tried to figure this out with Blogger help but apparently am not wording the questions in a way that yields helpful results.
I see red spots in the ears. Your bunny is a virgin bunny, which is like finding a 4 leaf clover.
I see no white mark on the forehead of that bunny. What happened to the other lagomorph?
Shame on you wanting to kill that little bunny. It'd serve you right if you ate it and it had THE PLAGUE!!!
Better you should have a Bunny Love in the Grass Cafe.
Irene said...
It's July 6!
Happy Birthday to George W. Bush, and Happy Birthday to Nancy Reagan.
Right on!!! (Gotta see why Strategypage didn't mention Dubya)
Today, I'm really concerned about the Voter Intimidation Case, or rather, the lack of reaction to it. Fox News, and, as far as I can tell, only Fox News, carried the story of the former DOJ employee testifying about the Dept's failure to prosecute it. here CNN has made no mention of it at all, as far as I can tell.
What is the liberal "spin" on this? I can't even tell. This man is making some pretty damning, and disturbing, allegations, and every instinct that I have tells me that they can't be true. And yet, I can find nothing that even tries to contradict it.
Can anyone point me to a place where they're justifying the DOJ's actions? I'd like to see what everyone is saying before I make up my mind.
Sorry for the double post. When I checked a few seconds ago, there was no post at all. Oy!
hopefully the bunny doesn't arrive at a similar final solution.
... but at some point the tolerance ends, and we are thinking slingshot and meat.
Why this anger and threatened violence?
Consider an anger management course.
I don’t know what love grass is, but the seed heads on that grass looks like cogongrass. If it is, it is a serious infestation of a non-native species. It will totally take over the area. Your local ag extention center needs to know. Cogongrass is thought to be the most damaging weed know to man. here is a picture of cogongrass. http://www.clemson.edu/media-relations/archive/newsroom/multimedia/images/2008_images/april/cogongrass.jpg
Tea Partiers' concerns are virtually identical to those of Republicans, poll shows
The rebranding of the Republicant Party is aided by the dupes in the news media.
I suppose you're going to wash poor Fiver down with one of Glenn Reynolds' notorious puppy smoothies?
but at some point the tolerance ends, and we are thinking slingshot and meat.
And he's thinking a quick neck bite and rabies.
Red in tooth and fluffy claw.
Outstanding thought! And Ann, either Meade or you (hmm, I suppose both is a possibility too) is/are welcome to visit Minneapolis to use those slingshot skills on the rabbit feasting on my flowerbed. The darn thing is too damn smart to walk into the trap. I have a chef friend who loves to make a rabbit ragu (or maybe a rabbit ravioli if he's given a good cigar). Good excuse to visit the new ballpark as well (Go Twins!).
They're just cute rats.
They should be done away with whenever possible.
Tea Partiers' concerns are virtually identical to those of Republicans, poll shows
That's one way of spinning it.
Looking at the actual data, however, we see that there are statistically significant differences in numerous areas. For example...
Tea partiers are statistically more likely to see the following as threats:
- Government debt
- Size and power of government
They are more likely to think that:
- The government should not favor any set of values
They are less likely to think that:
- The government should promote traditional values
I'm impressed with the quality of ESPN's online telecast (?) of the world cup semifinal.
Off topic.
Did anyone else see the story from the Orlando Sentinel about the seafood restaurants complaining about a lack of oysters because BP paid off the oyster fishermen for lost income even though the oysterbeds in that area are still open?
And the fishermen all took off on a paid vacation courtesy of BP, so, no oysters for the restaurants!
Of course, as soon as I posted that, the video quality has dropped.
lyssalovelyredhead said...
"Can anyone point me to a place where they're justifying the DOJ's actions? I'd like to see what everyone is saying before I make up my mind. -Lyssa"
Last I heard Dick is getting over his latest episode, George is wandering the halls of his library and all his Attorneys Generals are down at FauxNoise trying to get ahead of the story...unless of course this is another made up Faux story that only they know about and only they report and decide...whew....hope that clears stuff up for you...ya'betcha!
(oh..Sarah's on the road somewhere with Todd but I think you can find the kids at the pool).
Coniglio in Padella.
I can only hear Elmer Fudd singing "Kill da wabbit" when I read that!
And in Looney Tunes solidarity, you should of course make Hasenpfeffer.
I'm sure his testimony will receive top priority.
We've got top men working on it right now.
Shorter HD:
(Waves hands), "you're stupid." (More hand waving), "you're stupid." (Congratulates himself followed by more hand waving), "you're stupid and shit like that." (Congratulates himself, picks his nose, eats it and cruises Huffpo.)
What I need is a good sane Poodle.
Nothing crazed or all sexed up.
A sane, respectful, rabbit-catching Poodle who has never been Vice President.
Especially not a vice president like Vice President Bite Me.
Who needs a rabbit-catching Poodle like that!
Not me!
@ken in sc: Not to worry. The inflorescences in the photos are from Pennisetum alopecuroides"Hameln." The other plants are Purple Love Grass and Siberian Iris (neither are currently in bloom).
No Cogongrass at Meadhouse, but thanks for the heads-up although I don't think it's an invasive noxious weed up here in the frigid Wisconsin Territories. But I will double-check before planting.
Here is the link weasel article
Well, that did not work for me, so:
The DOJ has filed suit against AZ, and I fully expect Althouse and others to spend a lot of time typing about it. However, neither she nor the others will actually have an impact. It'll be their latest shiny new object for a few hours, and then they'll get distracted by some other bright shiny object.
Meanwhile, here are five highly effective things you can do about the DOJ Arizona lawsuit. Bear in mind that the Dems don't want you to see that page, because if just a few hundred people did even just one of those we'd be on the way to resolving this matter. So, if a Dem (or a corrupt Republican/libertarian) just smears me, pay them no mind: they aren't on your side.
A standard poodle I presume.
Those rabbits are fucking everywhere. You see them all over the place too.
There's only one explanation...
They're forward scouts for the zombie invasion army.
Beware, folks! Beware!
By the way... think about it... who has tried ceaselessly to destroy the world over the last decade? Who is narcissistic just like a zombie? Who has a satisfied smile and fat stomach, like he has been continually feasting on human entrails for nearly 10 years?
That's right: Al Gore!
Now if you read that 67-page police statement with the understanding that Al Gore is a zombie, it all suddenly makes sense, much more than the three other ways of looking at it that Althouse proposed a few days ago.
So back to Althouse's list of different ways of shooting the film based on the transcript, I proposed a forth that makes a hell of a lot more sense:
4. Al Gore is a zombie.
Whoa! I just finished reading an online Newsweek article about the chain of command (if one wishes to stretch the definition of the term) for the oil cleanup, and I'm stunned to see that BP & Coast Guard really do call all the shots. This is insane. Whoever came up with this scheme deserves public humiliation.
I love the hameln variety of grass. I have one well established mature clump and just bought two more.
A few years ago, I heard the strangest wailing, eeeking noise and then our dog came trotting up with a baby bunny in its mouth.I never knew bunnies could make such a heart wrenching sound. However, when wild critters eat my beloved plants, my heart hardens. I let nature take its course with the dog and the bunny.
I, for one, am glad to have such super duper smart and insightful patriots like LoneWhacko to show me the light. I dunno about the rest of you clueless fucks.
He's too big to catch and pick up.
This is the right size.
You can just carry him to somebody else's garden.
Garden animal.
We must give Vicki her due. She has considerably found a cuter bunny.
I think I saw that bunny on Youtube--on the steps in front of a Philadelphia polling place, yelling at people to "get ready to be ruled by the long-eared one".
So, HD, with regards to the DOJ, is it that
1) It's not problem and certainly not voter intimidation for people to brandish weapons at polling places?
2) Nothing ever happened and the video was doctored?
3) The DOJ has no role in exploring civil rights violations like voter intimidation?
4) The DOJ did handle it, and getting a default judgment and then dropping the whole thing with no apparent explanation in exchange for a promise not to do it again is a good way to deal with voter intimidation?
5) La la la, I can't hear you?
6) Some other explanation that I haven't thought of yet?
I'm asking in good faith- I don't think you can really argue against something unless you understand the opponent's position and reasoning. This sounds bad, in fact, it sounds worse than seems possible to believe. If there's another side to the story, I'd like to know what it is.
Also, please call me Lyssa.
So, HD, with regards to the DOJ, is it that
1) It's not problem and certainly not voter intimidation for people to brandish weapons at polling places?
2) Nothing ever happened and the video was doctored?
3) The DOJ has no role in exploring civil rights violations like voter intimidation?
4) The DOJ did handle it, and getting a default judgment and then dropping the whole thing with no apparent explanation in exchange for a promise not to do it again is a good way to deal with voter intimidation?
5) La la la, I can't hear you?
6) Some other explanation that I haven't thought of yet?
I'm asking in good faith- I don't think you can really argue against something unless you understand the opponent's position and reasoning. This sounds bad, in fact, it sounds worse than seems possible to believe. If there's another side to the story, I'd like to know what it is.
Also, please call me Lyssa.
I have the perfect dog for the task.. unfortunately he is in the Dominican Republic.
I read something in an account of the Philippine campaign to suggest cogon is a tropical grass.
Irene said...
Coniglio in Padella.
you wouldn't do that to a poodle.
edutcher, no, I wouldn't!!
Figures you'd be Elmer Fucking Fudd, Ann.
You're a Fuddy Duddy.
And if you kill that creature merely for doing what it can to survive then you surely deserve that which you will have coming to you.
Ann sings while gardening:
"I see no white mark on the forehead of that bunny. What happened to the other lagomorph?"
That white-mark bunny was in Olbrich Garden, way the other side of town. This one is in our front yard.
There are many bunnies.
And we aren't really going to kill it. That was just a joke. I've never eaten rabbit. But it just occurred to me that a big vegetable garden that attracts rabbits gives you everything you need. Veggies and all the meat you're up for preparing.
Looks like dinner! Anyone for rabbit stew?
Alex...What spices go best with rabbit? I remember as a child thinking that Welsh Rarebit was a gourmet rabbit dish. But alas, it is cheese toast.
I always make my rabbit stew with rosemary, garlic, cumin and black pepper.
Some bunnies are not so cute.
Talking to dead bunny.
Killer bunny.
"Sorry for the double post. When I checked a few seconds ago, there was no post at all. Oy!"
This happened to me the other day. I think I posted the same message four times because it didn't seem to go through the first, second or third times. Then I discovered to my embarrassment that, after some delay, they all had gone through.
Posting seems to be a tricky proposition on many websites but on some them, if you accidentally, double-post, you get a message saying "I think you already posted that."
I don't know what sort of software such a system requires. I wonder if it is available for Althouse.
Wack the bunny (at about 2.00)
X-dressing country bunny
For Lyssa:
Here is blogger Adam Serwer's (from "American Prospect") take on it all:
Almost Everything You Need To Know About The New Black Panther Party Case.
Immaginary bunny.
Time Traveling Bunny
And we aren't really going to kill it. That was just a joke. I've never eaten rabbit. But it just occurred to me that a big vegetable garden that attracts rabbits gives you everything you need. Veggies and all the meat you're up for preparing.
Go up to Wack a Bunny at the 2:00 mark.
I like rabbit, but I think the ones people usually eat are a lot bigger than that.
What is the liberal "spin" on this? I can't even tell.
That's because there is no organized spin just yet. The first line of defense with stories like this is to ignore it and hope that the media will not report on it - or that if they do, it will not become a "story", a self-sustaining reference point that is discussed by talking heads, referred to in passing by pundits, joked about on late-night TV, and otherwise driven into people's heads.
If that doesn't work, sneering dismissal ("Gosh, the Washington Post is reporting on some blogger's crusade against equal voting rights? Gee, you guys are scraping the bottom of the barrel! Slow news day, eh?" and so forth). Sometimes this will scare off the media before the story can develop.
Only if these preliminary defenses fail will we see the consensus talking points rolled out. I predict personal attacks, denigration of the attorney's career and character, the usual. Perhaps a claim that the case really doesn't matter because after all, NBPs didn't stand outside *every* polling place brandishing clubs and threatening people. The smarter among the defenders of the DoJ will avoid the customary cries of "Racist! RAAAAAACIST!", sensing that for the public, this has grown old - but we'll see some of that too.
(Really, Soros should hire me. I can write the talking points memoes in my sleep by now.)
Immaginary bunny.
Points for the Harvey link. :)
Revenant, thanks (sorry for the misspell). There are lots of rabbit references out there.
".. you are cute and we are tolerant, but at some point the tolerance ends, and we are thinking slingshot and meat"
Thanks, vza! I'll read it more carefully, and maybe parse it for a blog post, later, but on first skim through, it looks pretty weak.
And Jaed, I'm going to have to give you just partial credit there. You hit a few of the points dead on, but you failed miserably at blaming Bush and accusing all conservatives of racism.
- Lyssa
@Lyssa -
There is a term in primary research called "incunabula"...essentially meaning when the first thought of or on something is put ink to paper...the first scratches almost.
Our "shocked shocked schocked I saw" whistle blower shows up two places...pajamas media and FauxNoise....somthing akin to the fair copy of Beethoven's Ninth being written on the back of a menu at Tony's Pasta House.
The case was launched in the Bush administration and abondoned in the Obama administration. Lots of cases were dropped, both "right and left" and I for one would liked to have seen Obama's justice department out in the street with clubs but that didn't happen.
If this were a criminal case, I don't quite understand the "default judgment"...but then again, I thought that the article was a bit of Fauxwriting anyway.
My natural inclination is that anything that perked up from the Bush justice department was highly suspect anyway and surely political at its core but I'll be reasonable here and give the benefit of the doubt. However, our little justice department "x" is also knee deep in pajamamedia.com and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that for what it is and who aligns with them for what they are.
Speaking of easily fooled animals it has been a rather bad week for that intrepid OBGYN Andrew Sullivan.
First he's made a fool of by claiming that a gay activist in Uganda was beheaded due to his activism with absolutely no evidence outside of the word of an English activists who wasn't even in Uganda. Entitled "The Wages of Christianism" he has since had to admit that his post is likely based on a hoax.
And now Levi Johnston is stating that he lied through his teeth about the Palins.
You hit a few of the points dead on, but you failed miserably at blaming Bush and accusing all conservatives of racism.
I must protest that I did mention racism charges. (I admit I didn't specify lodging the charge against all conservatives who have ever lived ever, but doesn't that go without saying by now?)
I did fail to mention that it was all Bush's fault. Like the racism charge, the cry of "Obama inherited this from BOOOOOSH!" has gotten pretty old and lost whatever force it may once have had. Smarter liberals are starting to understand this, although we will still see the dumber ones using the two charges with abandon. (For evidence, see a couple of comments up. HDHouse, shouldn't you be insisting somewhere that it was the right who took out the "General Betray Us" ad in that noted bastion of conservativism the NYT?)
Another bunny discovered.
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