July 30, 2010

At the Bubbler Café...


... you can put things in your own words.


Triangle Man said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
john said...

"Coming through, coming through."

Chase said...

My own words:

I like this:

Kara DioGuardi fired from American Idol

Word Verification: sucke

The Crack Emcee said...

That is a very cool fountain.

wv: "efing" - That is a very cool efing fountain.

chickelit said...

Are you two halving some pop with brats for lunch?

chickelit said...

Enjoy your stay in God's Country!

SarcastiCarrie said...

I can only assume that with the tag of "language" you would like me to point out that it is a photo of a drinking fountain and not a bubbler, whatever that is.

GMay said...

I forgot all about you folks calling water fountains bubblers.

Soda or pop?

El Presidente said...

Is the bubbler behind the water fountain?

I'm Full of Soup said...

"Bubbler"- I learned its meaning here at Althouse last year maybe?

Anonymous said...

Looks positively dessicated.

Christy said...

Bubbler - one of many words recognized from context, but not in my native tongue. If we don't use it ourselves in a sentence, can we claim to have learned it? How can we use it in a sentence without appearing to be a know-it-all, or more traveled than we are? Should I add "bubbler" to my spell-check dictionary?

Beta Rube said...

Bubblers are all over Wisconsin. I love them.

Maybe we should have a meet up the WI State Fair. We can indulge our local vernacular with neither correction nor shame.

Opus One Media said...

Talking around a bubbler is always something of "let's make a wish"...remember when you were a kid and you did the "what do you want to do when you grow up" thing and now that we are grown up we do the same thing at the water cooler...(and yes, I had Wisconsin friends and think the term 'bubbler' is pretty darn good)...

kjbe said...

GMay, water fountains have statues in them.

Freeman Hunt said...

My grandpa calls them that.

dave1310 said...

Bubbler - Ah, Wisconsin! I lived there for 18 years and was alternately amused and offended that people who call water fountains "bubblers," consider "down the alley ran the dog" to be a properly organized English sentence and who end nearly every question with "Hey?" could make fun the remanants of my southern accent.
I'm guessing that an important test for Meade was his response when you asked him to "borrow me a dollar."

Anonymous said...

Maybe "bubbler" has escaped the status of a regionalism. I saw it used recently in a book that was not by a Wisconsin author (I'm thinking it was Noah's Compass by Anne Tyler, but I may be wrong about that).

chickelit said...

The grounds look very well tended there.

Did you notice that too Meade?

chickelit said...

@Althouse: Was the island in the river a trompe d'oeil or trempe à l’eau?

You never can trust those rube's spelling.

traditionalguy said...

66 dead and a day to go in July,2010 for troops serving as highly trained human targets in Afghanistan. A year from now at that rate 803 more will have died. Why is our military staying there, only to pull out in 1 year, again?

jeff said...

I have friends in LaCrosse. I forgot about the bubbler for drinking fountain. Also, soda or pop? Bag or sack?

Mr. D said...

Absolutely a bubbler. The soda vs. pop question in Wisconsin is interesting. I saw a map once that showed the beverage in question is quite often referred to as a soda in the eastern half of the state, especially closer to Milwaukee, but it's always pop in the western half.

Something to discuss at the stop and go lights.

chickelit said...

Something to discuss at the stop and go lights.

I'm afraid that Stop'n'Go convenience stores have stopped and gone- at least in the town where I grew up there.

Marylou said...

In Rhode Island, water fountains are called bubblers. Right next door in CT, bubblers are called water fountains.

AlphaLiberal said...

Trying to pierce the "bubble" (get it?) of insular right wing news consumers:

Right Wingers Stand By Phony Mexican Cartel Invasion Story

And, much as it pains me, recognition goes to those who have printed corrections:
Others on the right, however, are disavowing the story. Michelle Malkin amended her original post with an update that reads: "Updated: No US ranch seizures, 51 bodies discovered in Monterrey," while Bob Owens at Big Government is taking the Laredo police department at their word and says it "never happened."

In other RW quarters, the falsehoods continue.

AlphaLiberal said...

More right wing threats and violence in Arizona:

* Rep Grijalva's Yume office is closed after windows are smashed and bullets fires into it.

* Personal threats against the (Sen Kyl-endorsed) Judge who struck down the Arizona immigration law.

This also follow the murder of a father and daughter by a Minuteman group in Arizona.

Sore losers!

The rule of Lemnity said...

Rangel is going to get a slap on the wrist.

chickelit said...

Well that was nice while it lasted.


Dust Bunny Queen said...

Never heard of bubblers. To me its a drinking fountain.

However, having lived all over the US as a child.....I say "soda pop" for generic carbonated drink.

traditionalguy said...

DBQ...In the Bible belt south we drinkers call our Cokes "soft drinks" to get across the right message.

john said...

Stop'n'Go Stores merged with A&P some time ago.

Now they're called Stop'n'P.

My kid told me that. Is that an old joke?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Coca Cola is better than Pepsi.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Two Guys Stop'n'Go to the A&P

Phil 314 said...

But there are no bubbles!?

Trooper York said...

A bubbler is what you get from Snookie when you push her face under the water of the hot tub.

Trooper York said...

It's an underwater hummer.

Unknown said...

Trooper York said...

A bubbler is what you get from Snookie when you push her face under the water of the hot tub.

I thought that's what you gave her.

chickelit said...

for you Meade: Old Style, pure brewed in God's country: linkage


Trooper York said...

educther said.....
I thought that's what you gave her.

No if you gave that to Snookie it's called a "Chummer."

Mostly because of what it tastes like don't ya know.

Trooper York said...

Now if you push someone out of the way to give it on camera it's called a "Schumer."

Opus One Media said...

TY...not nice to drink middle afternoon...be nice...this is a nice thread....

Trooper York said...

Humor has progressed since Eddie Cantor hd. You have to work blue these days. Just sayn'

BJM said...

Man, I bet that makes a dandy after dark urinal.

Just sayin'

AlphaLiberal said...

Senate clears staff to testify in Ensign affair

Funny how this story of another Republican sex scandal* gets ignored by the MSM.

* (except heterosexual and involving questionable fund transfers)

AST said...

When I was a kid in Springville, Utah they would turn those fountains on in May and leave them running through Labor Day. They're still there but you have to hold down a button to get a drink.

Today's 8-year-olds would gape to see something like that. (For those who don't know, Utah is mostly desert.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Hey Trooper.. I hear Obama faked not knowing who Snookie was while he was on the View..

Obama Flip-Flops: Does He Know Who Snooki Is, Or Not?

Trooper York said...

I know Lem. That's what happens when you are a liar. You even lie about the little things.

Snookie called him out on the first epsisode of Jersey Shore. I am sure someone briefed him. But instead of addressing the vital issue of the tanning tax, he blew it off like he didn't know anyting about it.

Trooper York said...

You see Obama and the nanny state democrats want to tax everything normal red blooded americas like to do or own. That's why they keep rasing the taxes on liquor and beer and cigarettes and cigars and tanning amd muscle cars. Now the fucks want to tax soda pop. And anything with sugar or salt.

Why don't they tax the stuff the pasty faced commie yuppie scum like. Stuff like tofu and birkenstock sandals and folk music and electric cars. Tax the shit out of granola instead of my Dr Pepper and Twinkies.

Obama didn't want to address Snookie because he hates normal red blooded Americans like the guido's from the Jersey Shore.


The rule of Lemnity said...

I think he looks down on Snookie and the Jersey Shore crew.

He doesnt talk like he's the president of all the people.

Trooper York said...

He looks down on all us Lem. Everyone from fat Irish Italian guys from Brooklyn to Dominicans from New Jersey to Quido's from the Shore to Plumbers in Ohio.

We just don't get him. We are just supposed to shut up and let him tax us into the stone age.

Scott said...

People who have all the answers don't allow questions -- which explains why he is so averse to press conferences. Someone might ask him a hard one, and he would have to, you know, think.

wv: crummona. (1) Robert Crumb's wife. (2)The act of playing crumhorns in Cremona.

john said...

Trooper -

He only looks down on you because you're a mongrel.

Opus One Media said...

Trooper York said...
"That's why they keep rasing the taxes on liquor and beer and cigarettes and cigars and tanning ..."

actually a client (past) of mine was part a a national plastic surgery/facelift group and they all banded together to give tons of money to the GOP to take the tax off elective cosmetic surgery and toss it on the Tanning Bed providers. That's a true story.

garage mahal said...

for you Meade: Old Style, pure brewed in God's country: linkage

Also known as "Rot Gut". First let's get this out of the way:

This beer is undrinkable when not ice-cold, chilled for hours.

Virtually tasteless at first, but somehow manages to leave your mouth tasting like you just cleaned off Mickey Rourke with your tongue. The hangover may make you feel like you were chugging battery acid the night before, and just maybe that's where name comes from - as in, you were drinking an original Old Style that rolled off the line in 1902. No, God would not approve of this beer. Or Grain Belt.

AllenS said...

I've lived in WI since 1973. I had never heard of a definition of a bubbler until today. I thought that a bubbler was AlphaLiberal.

chickelit said...

I've lived in WI since 1973. I had never heard of a definition of a bubbler until today.

You probably live on the fringe of the small insular pocket.


chickelit said...

Garage Mahal said: This beer is undrinkable when not ice-cold, chilled for hours.

Gargae yours must not have been fully kräusened. Either that or you had some recently, after the merger.

chickelit said...

Plus there's no reason for you to go after Groin Belt either.


knox said...

and they all banded together to give tons of money to the GOP to take the tax off elective cosmetic surgery and toss it on the Tanning Bed providers.

Perfect example of why our tax system sucks.

Opus One Media said...


no argument here. it was pure "money wins", little guy/gal loses. No question.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

but somehow manages to leave your mouth tasting like you just cleaned off Mickey Rourke with your tongue

Now THERE is a mental image that I'm gonna have a hard time getting rid of.

Trooper York said...

That's a great factoid hd. Let's bring back the plastic surgery tax. Think of all the dough we are gonna get from Joan Rivers and Nancy Pelosi alone?

Shit we will have a balanced budget in no time.

Trooper York said...

We will of course exempt breast enhancement from the tax.

dave1310 said...

Alan S - there are no alpha-liberals. By their own egalitarian standards, the traits of an alpha exclude being liberal. Remember Al Gore's pathetic attempt at alpha male? Sad. If Tipper were only a masseuse...
There are, on the other hand, bubblers. My theory goes to the era before indoor plumbing in offices and they used the large bottles like those you can still get. When you get water from them, they will eventually suck in air to replace the lost volume and it bubbles up through the remaining water. It was easier to call them bubblers than it was to call the "glub glub-ers", though Trooper might find the latter interesting.

knox said...

“There is a huge gap. State and local plans on average … are much more lucrative than typical plans for employees. State and local government employees, on average, have greater job security than people in the private sector. And state and local government employees, in the middle of government, in many cases make more money than their private sector counterparts,” Walker said during a speech at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. According to Pew numbers provided by the Chamber, the budget gap to cover state employees’ benefits totals $1 trillion.

I first became aware of this situation about 15 years ago, when I found out the absurd pensions and benefits certain of my family members were receiving. One person worked for TVA, was "forced into retirement" at 48 and still makes in the 40 thousands annually.

WTF. Who needs a pension at 48? And he is not the only one I know who retired absurdly early after putting in the requisite years for the Gov't.

Anonymous said...

I remember "pop" from family vacations in Wisconsin. WI had brands like Ting, which they didn't have in California. But I've always said "soft drink" for a carbonated beverage.