The fray began when NAACP President Benjamin Jealous issued a challenge to the Tea Party:How would that even be done? Random people show up at rallies in public places and have signs that occasionally, in the opinion of some people, cross the line into what deserves to be called racist. Who is supposed to do what, and why would the failure to do that require taking "full responsibility for all of their actions" (whatever that means)? Does the NAACP apply the same standard to itself? I don't really mean for you to answer those questions, only to see that Jealous isn't trying to make sense. He's just stirring people up.
"You must expel the bigots and racists in your ranks or take full responsibility for all of their actions."
For a response, NPR calls on Mark Williams, who is identified as "a national spokesman for the Tea Party Express":
"I don't recall the NAACP ever standing up and saying we need to civilize discourse when Republicans were in the White House," Williams [said]....Well, that's pretty inflammatory. But who is Mark Williams? And why is NPR quietly conflating the Tea Party movement with the Tea Party Express? I think that last question is an easy one. Williams gave the most inflammatory quote, the one that gave the biggest boost to the Jealous rant, so NPR presented him as the voice of the movement.
"You're dealing with people who are professional race baiters, who make a very good living off this kind of thing. They make more money off of race than any slave trader ever. It's time groups like the NAACP went to the trash heap of history where they belong with all the other vile racist groups that emerged in our history," Williams said.
Charges of racism against the Tea Party flared after African-American Congressmen said they were heckled, spat at and were called racial slurs by tea party supporters during a demonstration at the U.S. Capitol.And were they, oh, NPR? At least give us a line saying that there were video cameras everywhere and none corroborated the Congressmen. NPR revives this phony old story in the minds of casual listeners.
Finally, we get to the most useful information about why this story is surfacing:
Polls show that black Americans still overwhelmingly support the president with approval ratings of about 90 percent. But many in 2008 were considered Obama voters who don't regularly show up to vote. So the resolution is part of a strategy to motivate potential voters to come out and vote in November.How to get black people — who admire Obama — to see good reason to take the trouble to vote for a lot of white Democrats who want to be in Congress.... what a puzzle! And how contemptibly patronizing to think the solution is to tell them the non-Democrats are racists.
१७९ टिप्पण्या:
Didn't Breitbart offer like a 100 grand to anyone who could show proof that these black congresscritters were heckled or spat on and so far no takers?
A morally bankrupt arm of the Democrat Party takes a roundhouse swing and misses badly. The NAACP has no viable mission any more other that making ridiculous assertions (Black holes are racist) to try to stir up their base and keep those donations flowing.
Whomever Mark Williams is (Tidy Righty?), the Tea Party movement/cause needs to get rid of him.
Public relations? What is that concept?
Whomever Mark Williams is
It's very hard to get rid of publicity whores. That's why the Democratic Party is burdened with Chuck Schumer.
And how contemptibly patronizing to think the solution is to tell them the non-Democrats are racists.
It's all they have anymore Ann. It's been that way for a while now. When the NAACP tried to smear W Bush by claiming he was just like the racist scumbags who dragged James Byrd to death chained to the back of a pick up truck, I lost all respect I ever had for the NAACP and will not support the racist, bigotted NAACP ever again.
If the NAACP does not silence the members of the New Black Panther Party (NBPP) who are calling on blacks to "kill the Crackers", does the NAACP have to take full responsibility for the actions of the NBPP?
And our tax money pays for that.
(Which, come to think of it, is a good reason for NPR to be hostile to the Tea Party without any additional provocation.)
BTW, was it the NAACP that condemned a graduation card (and got an apology) about science and the cosmos that had some bunnies on a sound chip talking about "black whores?" because the dumber than rocks, scientifically illiterate, woman making a big deal of it had never heard of "black holes?"
It really is time for people to stop apologizing for other people's willful ignorance.
I agree that Williams is inflammatory on purpose, but he's also right about all of it.
And Althouse is also right that NPR chose his quote because it was the most inflammatory one and also that (like practically every "real" news organization out there) NPR is demonstrably more interested in reporting "charges" that were made, than in trying to find out truth and inform their listeners. They deal in rumors instead of fact.
And our tax money pays for it.
SMG, I'm not even sure how the movement COULD purge itself of a few crazies and firebrands. It's a loosely organized grass-roots movement.
I mean, I could show up for an interview in my loincloth and tell the reporter that I represent the Tea Party, and there would be no one to dispute my home-made credentials.
The Democrats are dispicable, vile, disgusting traitors to the United States who WANT to start a race war in order to retain the power that they see slip sliding away from themselves. They need for us to be divided and fighting amongst ourselves to keep power.
(Note to self: buy more ammo.)
It matters not a wit to them that people will be killed, neighborhoods burned and that the blacks will continue to live in poverty. They get VOTES...yay for them.
(Note to self: buy more supplies for the Armageddon Pantry. I thought it was just a funny name.. boy was I wrong.)
It's the NPR blacks are unbelievably stupid narrative.
Which they may be.
Ann Althouse, you liar. Mr Jealous was very clear about the racists and bigots which are very clearly in the Tea Party movement and that they should not be tolerated.
You, in your presumed omnipotence, think you can read his mind and divine his real motivation.
Ann Althouse, you are showing in this post that you are an apologist and an enabbler for the racists and the bigots. You deflect responsibility from them for their actions, deny the obvious racism in TP ranks, and go on the attack against those who criticize the bigots.
You really seem to be sinking further and further into the right wing reactionary rhetoric in your lust for more web traffic.
Disgusting, really.
And Mark Williams is a bum to go after the NAACP, of all groups. His statement is not just inflammatory, it is RACIST. He condemns and attacks one of the oldest civil rights groups in the country.
Gawd, conservatives today just keep getting worse and worse and worse. Now they openly DEFEND and excuse racism.
That lack of control and organization is one reason that I'm not the biggest fan of the Tea Party. That, and the fact that they might actually run third-party candidates and split the conservative vote.
Here's a nightmare scenario for you: Imagine in 2012 that the Republicans pull their collective head from their ass and nominate someone conservative and competent. I personally like Sen. Thune.
Further, let's say that funemployment is still up around 9.8%, the economy hasn't improved much overall, and Obama's numbers are in the toilet, so it looks like an almost certain repeat of a 1980 Carteresque sweeping defeat for the Democrats.
But then, at the last minute, the Tea Party swoops in with their candidate...Glenn Beck.
And they peel off enough votes to give President Obama his second term by a margin of victory smaller than the number of dead voters in Cleveland; and he proceeds to throw caution to the wind in his efforts to transform us into a Socialist economy.
Oh AL, go to hell, you racist prick.
This is the first I've ever heard of Mark Williams, so I don't know jack about the guy. But I am trying hard to find something wrong with what he said here.
The Tea Party is mostly just like Critical Mass, a bunch of like minded individuals who show up once a month (to disrupt traffic j/k).
But on the other hand, there was a formal Tea Party Convention this February, with Sarah Palin delivering the keynote.
There may be racists in the movement but who knows -- the Tea Party movement is not about racism.
Pasta, the GOP is going to run Mitt Romney in's his turn...he's competent...he's got the ability to ge the "moderate" vote...
And he'll lose.
So if the Tea PArty runs a candidate, then is it OK?
BetaLib said: "Ann Althouse, you liar. Mr Jealous was very clear about the racists and bigots which are very clearly in the Tea Party movement and that they should not be tolerated."
Prove it if it's so fucking clear, or STFU.
"You, in your presumed omnipotence, think you can read his mind and divine his real motivation. "
This is rich coming from the tard who routinely argues by assumption.
"You deflect responsibility from them for their actions, deny the obvious racism in TP ranks..."
Prove it or STFU.
"You really seem to be sinking further and further into the right wing reactionary rhetoric in your lust for more web traffic."
You have this projection thing down, except without the web traffic thing.
AlphaLiberal, you should read more MadisonMan. Check his 9:36.
BTW, your 9:46 is an argument by assertion. Your 9:48 combines special pleading with a hasty generalization.
Just in case you didn't know.
Alpha, if you actually think that Althouse of all people is a racist, you've lost your mind.
You need to step back and regain your composure. You're not usually this unhinged. From the typos and misspellings in your comment, it looks like you were really worked into a tizzy when you typed it.
"You deflect responsibility from them for their actions, deny the obvious racism in TP ranks..."
Really? I missed that. Can you point that out to me, where she did that?
The disturbing thing about this is: Alpha has always seemed to get his comments from some sort of widely distributed list of talking points. It makes me wonder if this sort of...what, McCarthyism? going to be a featured part of the liberal agenda. Or if Althouse is now on some sort of hit-list for this sort of abuse.
"But I am trying hard to find something wrong with what he said here."
He spoke honestly about a racial issue.
BetaLib frothed: "And Mark Williams is a bum to go after the NAACP, of all groups. His statement is not just inflammatory, it is RACIST. He condemns and attacks one of the oldest civil rights groups in the country."
Language has meaning dipshit, so unless you can prove how his statement is racist, you're mangling the language for your own rabid liberal purposes. Are you suggesting the NAACP is beyond criticism, or are you just that painfully stupid?
Isn't it interesting that the American Tea Party is structured similarly to terrorist organizations like Al-Qaeda? (That's why NPR can't find an official national Tea Party spokesperson, after all.)
With both, there are cells operating individually, only loosely connected to the the larger movement. The cells do their own thing-- like, in today's news, the obviously small-scale Northern Iowa Tea Party putting up this billboard.
And if you want to join either one, you just need to feel the fire in your belly and then go out and do something about it. You don't need to sign up; there's no central register. Joining takes place in your heart.
Groups with this sort of guerrilla structure are harder to defeat than those with centralized organization. The Tea Party needs to keep it up-- don't create any sort of central "leadership", and abandon the idea of a national conference.
And the Tea Party needs to keep pushing the buttons of the American Establishment, attacking weakness wherever it can.
. It makes me wonder if this sort of...what, McCarthyism? going to be a featured part of the liberal agenda.
Going to be????
Wow, the NAACP really showed those tea party haters.
And still the inner-city black family is broken, and children are robbed of their birthright to be nurtured by a mother AND a father
It is indisputable that the single largest factor in creating poverty is family structure.
And what has the NAACP said done about that all these years?
I'd prefer to see DBQ in a loincloth and with one of her guns too. Heh.
wv= cultest
I can remember when the NAACP was made up of brave, good men and women of all colors. Now they're just spear-carriers (no, Alpha/Montagne/Freder, that's not racist) for the Demos.
PS Remember people like Alpha/Montagne/Freder and HD aren't condemning the New Black Panthers for urging blacks to kill 'crackkkas'.
It angered my Liberal friends when I used to tell them, “The Left is spiritually, morally and intellectually bankrupt.” So I quit telling them, the truth, figuring I valued their friendship more than scoring non-existent political points.
It makes me wonder if this sort of...what, McCarthyism? going to be a featured part of the liberal agenda.
I said the above as a lead in to this…yes, this is a new talking point. The Left is losing the war of ideas and the political battle, so now all it has left is to call people racists and homophobes. It’s spiritually, intellectually and morally bankrupt….It’s where the Right was in the 1950’s…then everything was “Commin’ism an’ outside agitators” That’s all the Right had…now the Left is in the same boat.
"He spoke honestly about a racial issue."
Yeah, I forgot to put the "...but I can't" on the end of my remark.
Liberals have stifled and confused the subject of race in this country to a point where it's just not going to progress past a 1960s mentality. Which is ironic for arrogant pricks who fancy themselves "progressive".
At least give us a line saying that there were video cameras everywhere and none corroborated the Congressmen. NPR revives this phony old story in the minds of casual listeners
I missed this bit of the Professor's pandering to her base. Would even a thousand amateur videographers given a thousand cell phones be enough to record such a random event? How close were they to the Congressmen? Did any follow the progress of the Congressmen, or were they all panning around? Even the ones fascinated by the spectacle presented by Negro Congressman might have been scratching their armpits at the critical moment.
Further, water droplets are difficult to film -- I invite anyone to record spittle landing on a human being -- this is something we can all try at home, and post to youtube.
The very name "Mr Jealous" is a reflexive parody.
Joe, I'd vote for Romney, but I don't think he'll win the nomination. There's too much Romneycare baggage there preventing him from attacking the healthcare debacle.
I don't care if the Republicans nominate Fritz the Cat. Anyone who's more conservative than Castro should vote for that nominee, rather than splitting the vote. If you don't want to vote for Fritz the Cat, then work to get someone else like Thune or Romney or Mitch Daniels nominated.
So, to answer your question, NO, it is not OK for the tea party to run someone against the Republicans. It would be unbelievably stupid.
There may be racists in the movement but who knows -- the Tea Party movement is not about racism.
You're correct on both points. Any group of more than two or three people is likely to have some racists. Of course the Tea Party movement, which consists of millions of Americans from all walks of life, has some who hold racist views. The same is true of the NAACP.
At the same time, it's also true that the Tea Party's focus is not on race nor are the general thrusts of its objectives -- less government spending and a return to Constitutional principles -- remotely racist.
Too much rational thinking in this post. I'm sure the comments will make up for it.
wv: mendstax: what my neighbor does when he's putting up hay and a bale breaks
FLS, the congressmen themselves were carrying camera phones. How could they have heard these slurs, but their camera phones missed them? Absurd.
You know, I think I just heard you mutter something racist under your breath, FLS. Prove that you didn't, you racist bastard!!!
Further, why would the professor disbelieve U.S. Congressmen, officially honorable by government declaration? Would she similarly disbelieve white Congressmen in the absence of a video record?
I find this all very troubling.
When you're only 12$ of the population, how can you win a race war?
NPR is a poster child for lazy reporting. A movement is by definition leaderless; yet they look for "leaders" and "spokesmen" for the movement. They get suckered in by anyone who calls themselves a spokesman. And their reporting suffers.
Liberals freak out when there's nobody to explain things to them or tell them what to do. They get incoherent (like AlphaSockPuppet was today). That's why they are natural-born statists.
I agree, FLS. When have congressmen ever lied? Much more likely that the common riff-raff and rabble would stoop to that sort of thing.
Correction: When you're only 12 percent of the population, how can you win a race war?
I missed this bit of the Professor's pandering to her base. Would even a thousand amateur videographers given a thousand cell phones be enough to record such a random event? How close were they to the Congressmen?
There IS video...a Black member of Congress goes back, with a Capitol Police Officer and talks to a crowd arrest.
And how likely is it that someone would be filming the riots in Baltimore and catch police brutality? In an age where 10 or more of the populace has either a camera or a video camera on their 'phoone it's quite possible...
"Ann Althouse, you liar. Mr Jealous was very clear about the racists and bigots which are very clearly in the Tea Party movement and that they should not be tolerated."
So I'm assuming you and Mr Jealous both agree that if all Muslims don't step forward and disavow, condemn and expunge all terrorists from their midst, then we can rightfully declare the entire religion of Islam a violent and terroristic cult?
I thought not.
This is, to people like you and the Jealouses of the world, yet another opportunity to inflame and exploit racial animus for cheap political benefit.
FLS: "Would she similarly disbelieve white Congressmen in the absence of a video record?"
I didn't realize that they were all black. I thought one of them was Nancy Pelosi, carrying a gavel. Maybe I'm thinking of a different video.
But I guess if they were all black, we should believe their charges without question. Despite the fact that they themselves were carrying camera phones and yet were unable to capture the slurs and abuse.
Any bets that this post goes 400+ comments?
Pasta, depends....Romney or Huckabee won't be better than I'm not sure voting for them is a good alternative.
When have congressmen ever lied? Much more likely that the common riff-raff and rabble would stoop to that sort of thing
Do you somehow mean the citizenry? I doubt that anyone who would have seen the event would lie about it.
FLS opens his commentary in the thread with a rare, even-handed remark about a relatively amorphous political entity, then follows that post with his usual braindeadedness.
Seriously FLS, the Professor asks for facts in evidence following an allegation, and that's "pandering" to you? I mean, golly, congressmen have never been known to make shit up have they? Honest critters, the lot of them.
And "spectacle of a negro congressman"? Scratching armpits? I've always known not to take you seriously, but I'm amazed that you're able to refresh that reason on a post by post basis.
Personally, I never thought that the congressmen who claimed to have heard these slurs were actually lying. Since these slurs didn't show up on the video, and the congressmen themselves were carrying some of these cameras, I'd assumed that they were mistaken.
When you have a hostile crowd screaming at you, you probably think that you hear all sorts of things; and these men were probably on guard for that sort of thing, ready to hear it.
Did someone spit on Nancy Pelosi? I missed that.
I'd appreciate the link to the Capitol police video.
When you're only 12 percent of the population, how can you win a race war?
When the rest of the population refuses to believe that there is a race war or refuses to fight for their lives.
It doesn't take a majority to start a war or even to win a war.
Joe, if you think Romney and Huckabee will be as bad as Obama, then in my opinion, you have seriously underestimated Obama.
Romney and Huckabee might enact a few liberal policies in an effort to get re-elected. Hell, Huckabee might enact some of them out of principle. They're both basically Democrats.
Obama isn't a Democrat, he's a Socialist. He's trying to tear this country down so that he can rebuild it into a socialist state. The difference between these 3 isn't even one of degree, it's an apples-and-cyanide comparison.
No one spit on Nancy Pelosi...screaming induces spittle...
Regarding 2012 Presidential candidates:
It is not the responsibility of the Tea Party to adapt to the Republicans.
It is the other way around.
Republicans need to shed their establishment skin and embrace the Tea Party, and accept whatever candidate that this insurgent movement recommends. Otherwise, the Republicans will lose.
Ron Paul looks like the best bet right now.
Romney and Huckabee are Republicans, not Tea Partiers, and either one being nominated will restrain enthusiasm and will lead to Obama's reelection.
Good reporting concerns telling us what "he did" rather than what "he said". Almost any report without action verbs should be ignored as unimportant.
Yes Pasta, I see yuor point and might even agree...but I do counter with I'm glad McCain lost....the lesser of two evils is still an evil...had McCain won we'd only be half as far down the drain, but there'd be no GOP to oppose it...because they'd have gone with "their" POTUS.
Leaving the US and the TEA Party with NO organizational haven.
Rather than looking at a tremendous 2010 win and a possible 2012 victory we'd be looking at a dispirited base with no party to call home.
And I believe folks like Huckabee and Romney will ahve JUST that effect....
Democrats have been slandering anyone who opposes them as a racist for decades. It's a major part of the standard playbook. Why would anyone expect them to be any different in 2010 with a black Democrat in the White House?
Rather than looking at a tremendous 2010 win and a possible 2012 victory we'd be looking at a dispirited base with no party to call home.
And I believe folks like Huckabee and Romney will ahve JUST that effect....
Agreed. If the Republicans insist on trotting out these tired hackneyed candidates they will lose.
The guys at the Hillbuzz site compare them to soggy whitebread, mayonnaise and cucumber sandwiches.
People are hungry right now for a leader and for something that isn't just Democrat lite.
It must be said when black Americans support President Obama at 90% while Americans as a whole support at about 50%, which group sees the world "racially"
Dead Julius said: "Republicans need to...accept whatever candidate that this insurgent movement recommends...Ron Paul looks like the best bet right now."
Well, that's awesome.
So it looks like we'll have 4 more years of President Wonderful, then. I might as well start building that apocalypse bunker that I've been putting off. And I need to get all of my guns into long-term underground storage.
Either that, or I'll try to convince myself that Ron Paul...Ron Paul...could win against Obama.
Ron Paul? Really? What, is Ross Perot too old?
You must expel the bigots and racists in your ranks or take full responsibility for all of their actions."
After you, Mr. Jealous and the NAACP
When you have a hostile crowd screaming at you, you probably think that you hear all sorts of things; and these men were probably on guard for that sort of thing, ready to hear it.
I've read enough mystery novels :) to understand that the brain interprets things so they fit into neat compartments. It's very difficult to dispel preconceived notions.
I'm certain that the Congressmen debated going via the underground path or outside, and chose outside despite the crowd because it was a beautiful Spring Day after a long winter. They steeled themselves for a confrontation. And they heard exactly what they were afraid of (anticipating?) hearing.
I think the Republican's best bet is a small-state Governor who has a history of chopping spending.
What the Republicans will probably serve up is a former Senator.
Remember when people called "liberals" used to oppose something called "McArthyism"?
I'm certain that the Congressmen debated going via the underground path or outside, and chose outside despite the crowd because it was a beautiful Spring Day after a long winter.
You are much kinder than I. I believe those Congressmen chose specifically to make their way through the hoi polloi for the exact purpose of causing a confrontation, to show their "bravery", by confronting the neanderthals. And when the neanderthals wouldn't cooperate, they made something up.
If Mort were awake, he'd call you all racists.
NPR. sigh. The final insult is that they do their lazy and biased stories with taxpayer dollars.
If only such sentiments were applied to those practicing Islam.
As the son of Civil Rights Marchers - I have a picture of my mother with Ralph Abernathy from 1964 - I think the statement below is as right as it gets:
It's time groups like the NAACP went to the trash heap of history where they belong with all the other vile racist groups that emerged in our history
Alpha - you are a smart guy, but if you can't get this, you are a racist, and I take no pleasure in saying it.
There's a 100 grand reward out for any video that shows either spitting or anyone shouting the n-word at those congressmen. For that much money in this economy, the guy who yelled the n-word while taking a picture of the congressmen with his cell phone or camera would turn it in himself. Why not? Can't really incriminate yourself too much when you're behind the camera. It could have been the person next to you.
As for Williams; what he said was inflammatory and arguably ill-advised (or not), but despite Alpha's hyperventilation over it, the bit Althouse quoted isn't racist.
It could be an error of fact. Maybe the NAACP was calling for civil discourse when Bush was president. (Maybe they have issued a statement condemning the New Black Panthers as well, and calling for equal enforcement of voter intimidation laws.)
The question of who made the most money probably depends on how you count it (do we count value adjusted for inflation or standard of living?) and who is chosen for comparison, but I don't think that a person could argue on the basis of fact that this is not their livelihood and if they can't find racism they can't pay their mortgages.
The only thing that is left is a belief that the NAACP is above criticism or censure. Like they aren't real people like everyone else, which is what makes Alpha's little racist rant what it is.
Alpha - "His statement is not just inflammatory, it is RACIST. He condemns and attacks one of the oldest civil rights groups in the country."
There is nothing to "venerate" about the NAACP. There was a brief period where the interests of the NAACP was positive to the nations history in the 50s and 60s, but that was a period bookended by long periods where the NAACP was an embarassment and impediment to helping blacks or serving the national interest. 1909-to - early 50s was NAACP less interested in betterment of blacks and more interested in radical politics of the Jews that headed most leadership positions and provided the bulk of the money. After about 1970, the NAACP positioned itself as a "victim group" demanding more money, more entitlements, and dismissing all problems in the black community that manifested post-civil rights era as "all the fault of racism and the white man".
Praising the NAACP as some cherished above criticism group for one period in the middle of their history is like saying the Soviet UNion should be venerated for what they did in WWII.
The NAACP was founded by a mixture of black socialists, white liberals, and wealthy Jews committed to communism or socialism. White liberals largely dropped out early, then blacks purged the Jewish leadership twice. Once over communists. Then later in the late 60s to take control in the name of self-determination. Since booting the Jews, the NAACP hasn't been run as well. Lots of scandals, financial mismanagement, domination by old civil rights bulls thinking the country is still marching blacks vs. Bull Connor.
Further, why would the professor disbelieve U.S. Congressmen, officially honorable by government declaration?
Ha! A congressman lying for political gain? Never!
Because it’s not like it's so common it’s a cliché…how do you know a politician is lying, his lips are moving.
Black holes are racist? I can't believe Hallmark apologized for that!
Let's just play along.
"and these men were probably on guard for that sort of thing, ready to hear it."
Which is why they walked through the crowd holding cell phone cameras high.
And yet, they STILL were unable to capture on video the behavior that they claim to have witnessed so much of. Funny, that.
"NPR. sigh. The final insult is that they do their lazy and biased stories with taxpayer dollars."
Reminds me of the last time I listened to them. Hadn't listened in years and turned on during election coverage in '08 while I was on the road. They had three guys on talking about the candidates.
The first was some retired history professor from some obscure college who had written a book on socialism. He was informing us what socialism really was and assuring us that Obama wasn't that. All his other analysis was decidedly left wing.
The second was some guy from a non-partisan, non-profit tax research group. He probably had the most even-handed take on the candidates: both birds of a feather when it comes to taxes and the economy.
The third was some guy I think from the Heritage Foundation. He was giving the conservative angle.
I listened for awhile and thought it was pretty well-balanced for NPR, even though I wanted less of a hack for their liberal guy. Then after a break, they said "For our fourth panelist, we'd like to welcome the senior editor for politics at"
So much for that. Turned the radio off.
Black holes are racist? I can't believe Hallmark apologized for that!
The NAACP chapter said it sounded like 'black whores'.
As was mentioned earlier, certain folks hear what they want to hear.
AJ Lynch wrote: "I'd prefer to see DBQ in a loincloth and with one of her guns too. Heh"
With that Donna Reid flip do? It might be too shocking.
87 > 79
The NAACP are black community organisers. Their leaders don't want to see the Racial Atonement payments paid around election time end. Their threat of racial guilt slanders that have always swung idealist white votes over to whatever the Dems want is strangely powerless. Obama's promise of racial harmony if he is elected is falling on newly deaf ears. This sudden end to the black racisim game must feel like a racist trick to the Black community. It's that white woman with her grizzlies and Tea Partiers that have taken away the power from an accusation of white racism. I therefore expect we will see a massive PR of coordinated talking points from Moby rascists.
The "black hole" thing was almost certainly people hearing what they expected to hear and had conditioned themselves to hear. That's understandable and certainly no one is immune.
But agreeing with something like that is what you do with mentally deficient persons and small children.
Like pretending that your 10 year old daughter really is a pony.
former law student wrote: "why would the professor disbelieve U.S. Congressmen, officially honorable by government declaration? Would she similarly disbelieve white Congressmen in the absence of a video record."
Officially honorable, but not officially truthful. FLS, I find you lack of reasoning skills typical.
87 > 79
Polls show that black Americans still overwhelmingly support the president with approval ratings of about 90 percent.
Mayor Richard G. Hatcher ruled over Gary IN for 20 years before the electorate came to the realization things were not improving.
FLS, I find you lack of reasoning skills typical.
To paraphrase Lord Vader, I find his faith in a Congressmen's honesty disturbing.
I think the NAACP does go to far on this issue. But I also think there is a double standard being applied by many on this blog. For instance, if something similar happens at a political rally or protest by liberals and Democrats then many here would paint just as broad a stroke.
Our tax money also pays for wars that kill a lot of people - and some would say needlessly. So if it pays [what 30 cents of your money a year?] for NPR then so be it. You know there are far worse things our tax dollars pay for.
When Mr. Jealousy criticizes some crooked black politician with the same vigor and vitriol that he applies to Clarence Thomas, I will heed his claim to be loftier than Tea Party activists......The fall of the white governments in South Africa and Rhodesia was in some ways due to pressure from the larger white community.... Mbekei, in his bigotry and ignorance, pursued public health policies that caused hundred of thousands of AIDS patients, many of them children, to perish. If the larger black community had spoken out against these policies, these children could have been saved. If people like Jealousy cannot speak out to save black children, good luck in requesting his help on seeking justice for white farmers.....Bigotry is a human failing and not exclusively associated with the Tea Party gene. I don't know whether blacks or whites are more bigoted, but in our time whites have been more willing to acknowledge their bigotry. There are many people on earth with harder stories than American blacks, but you'd never know it from listening to people like Jealousy.
The "black hole" thing was almost certainly people hearing what they expected to hear and had conditioned themselves to hear. That's understandable and certainly no one is immune.
What is not understandable is hearing 'black whores' in a greeting card recording about graduating college and 'conquering the universe.'
AJ Lynch wrote: "I'd prefer to see DBQ in a loincloth and with one of her guns too. Heh"
With that Donna Reid flip do? It might be too shocking
I'll wear my Donna Reed style pearls too.
But I also think there is a double standard being applied by many on this blog. For instance, if something similar happens at a political rally or protest by liberals and Democrats then many here would paint just as broad a stroke.
What is the 'something similar' that hypotheticallys happens?
"What is the 'something similar' that hypotheticallys happens?"
Like when ANSWER and NAMBLA show up to an event.
Happens all of the time.
Officially honorable, but not officially truthful. FLS, I find you lack of reasoning skills typical.
You wouldn't if you knew what "honorable" meant:
Definitions of "honorable"
•honest: not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent; "honest lawyers"; "honest reporting"
•worthy of being honored; entitled to honor and respect; "an honorable man"; "led an honorable life"; "honorable service to his country"
•ethical: adhering to ethical and moral principles; "it seems ethical and right"; "followed the only honorable course of action"
•estimable: deserving of esteem and respect
The presumption is that an honorable person -- one deserving of esteem and respect -- is honest. Unless the professor has evidence to the contrary -- preferably evidence not stemming from this single incident -- I don't see how she can assume that the Congressmen were lying.
And sure, some Congressmen are dishonorable. For example, Duke Cunningham pleaded guilty to to federal charges of conspiracy to commit bribery, mail fraud, wire fraud and tax evasion, for accepting at least $2.4 million in bribes and under reporting his income for 2004. But he was a white Congressman, and a Republican.
"What is not understandable is hearing 'black whores' in a greeting card recording about graduating college and 'conquering the universe.'"
It depends if you've let yourself be convinced that slipping in racist code in odd places is what people do.
Which, of course, is only given more credence when right thinking people fail to tell you you're full of it and apologize for your hurt feelings.
I wonder if Duke Cunnigham and William Jefferson (D-LA) are cellmates?
"... for accepting at least $2.4 million in bribes and under reporting his income for 2004. But he was a white Congressman, and a Republican."
And the Jefferson fellow from LA?
Why does race have anything to do with that for you FLS? Are you suggesting that black Congressmen, unlike white Congressmen, can't be included in the old "all politicians are crooks" saw? Or that an argument that this isn't necessarily true, no matter that we enjoy believing it, is only suspect when talking of black Congresspersons?
I don't see any particular reason to insist that the Congressmen involved are above political maneuvering. Can you?
I found the whole thing hilarious. The NAACP was quoted by publicly supported NPR race baiting. And then they quote someone no one has ever heard of as a representative of a grass roots organization that has no organization.
I am disappointed in the NAACP and how far they have fallen. And I am esp. disappointed in NPR for the same reasons. At least the NAACP could be argued to be living up to its name (by its race baiting here). NPR receives public support and is supposed to report the news, not the political spin of its handlers.
Further, water droplets are difficult to film -- I invite anyone to record spittle landing on a human being -- this is something we can all try at home, and post to youtube.
There is a quite famous clip of German POWs being paraded through the streets of Paris being spat upon and clearly captured on film.
One would assume that its even easier to capture using 21st century digital technology.
Forget Romney or Huckleberry. The
Republican nominee is going to be someone like Christie or Brewer, or possibly Issa, DeMint, Coburn, or Bachmann. The Tea Partiers will see to it. They seem to have tossed the idea of third party, much to the disappointment of the Demos.
The Demos worst nightmare - Brewer/Bachmann or Coburn/Christie?
Joe said...
Pasta, the GOP is going to run Mitt Romney in's his turn...he's competent...he's got the ability to ge the "moderate" vote...
And he'll lose.
So if the Tea PArty runs a candidate, then is it OK?
Moby off the port quarter!
Dust Bunny Queen said...
AJ Lynch wrote: "I'd prefer to see DBQ in a loincloth and with one of her guns too. Heh"
With that Donna Reid flip do? It might be too shocking
I'll wear my Donna Reed style pearls too.
The next poll - who's the hottest on the Net, Althouse or dbq?
"The "black hole" thing was almost certainly people hearing what they expected to hear and had conditioned themselves to hear."
If that's what happened, it really sheds a light on how completely out of touch with reality some people are.
Personally, I think the deliberate race baiting explanation is more flattering.
former law student wrote: "You wouldn't if you knew what "honorable" meant:
Definitions of "honorable"
•honest: not disposed to cheat or defraud; not deceptive or fraudulent; "honest lawyers"; "honest reporting"
•worthy of being honored; entitled to honor and respect; "an honorable man"; "led an honorable life"; "honorable service to his country ..." ad infinitum, ad nauseum
If you are seriously making this argument...(Quaestor heaves a weary sigh)... you have my pity.
If it's an attempt at wit you have my condolences.
wv: mussider - there are insiders and there are outsiders, but in between are the mussiders.
DBQ said: "I'll wear my Donna Reed style pearls too."
Fine, I'll send you one of my loincloths. But I doubt that it will fit. And not just anyone can pull off this look. I doubt that you have adequately hairy shoulders. And do you even have the matching black socks and nylon belt and holsters?
FLS said: Nothing worth quoting; not really much of anything new. Pretty weak tea compared to your usual, FLS.
I think I already pointed out, as others have, that the congressmen could have been mistaken, and not lying. Someone probably yelled "Hey, why does the deficit keep getting Bigger?", and these men, who have probably been called every name in the book in their day (mostly by Democrats, in the 1960s) were probably predisposed to expect the worst. The story could be phony without the originator consciously lying. But then maybe you're predisposed to see accusations where they're not made.
A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest, la la la la la la la.
That AlphaLiberal is one pleasant fellow.
Great article by Tunku Varadarajan: The Tea Party Isn't Racist:
So here we have the Tea Party, one of the nation’s most organic, Athenian, democratic movements, being attacked by a political organization—the NAACP—that is among the most sclerotic, dinosaurian, and cadaverous of America’s political groupings. When race is in play, there is vulnerability all around. The NAACP, and President Obama, will learn that in the months ahead.
WV: dumboad - close to what I think of Mrs. Obama who spoke at the NAACP meeting the day before.
Ever since Ferraro and Bill Clinton were called racists, the accusation simply doesn't mean much anymore.
And sure, some Congressmen are dishonorable. For example, Duke Cunningham pleaded guilty to to federal charges of conspiracy to commit bribery, mail fraud, wire fraud and tax evasion, for accepting at least $2.4 million in bribes and under reporting his income for 2004. But he was a white Congressman, and a Republican
C'mon FLS, try harder.
The St. Louis Tea Party issued the following counter-resolution (published here)...the NAACP can consider itself slapped backwards.
St. Louis Tea Party Coalition Resolution
July 12, 2010
Whereas, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was founded to advance the position of minority groups, and
Whereas a hallmark of the NAACP has been to do the important work of identifying and exposing remaining vestiges of racism and discrimination, and
Whereas the NAACP vocally stands against the discriminatory and harmful practice of labeling people with a broad brush, and
Whereas the NAACP decided to launch their 101st National Convention with a resolution condemning the Tea Party movement and labeling millions of their fellow Americans who subscribe to the movement as “racists”, and
Whereas the “Tea Party movement” is a label applied to patriotic Americans who have expressed their political free speech in the grand tradition of all that is American, that being the spirited expression of viewpoints in a 100% peaceful manner, and
Whereas, it is a hallmark of America that we settle our disputes civilly and avoid the gutter tactic of attempting to silence opponents by inflammatory name-calling, and
Whereas the very term “racist” has diminished meaning due to its overuse by political partisans including members of the NAACP, and
Whereas, the NAACP had an opportunity to preserve some semblance of legitimacy by standing up for Ken Gladney, the victim of a vicious racist battery conducted by a black avowed communist, even labeling him an “Uncle Tom”, but chose instead to use the opportunity to mock the St. Louis Tea Party, and
Whereas, the NAACP has refused to denounce the New Black Panther’s call to murder white cops and their babies, and
Whereas, the NAACP does its entire membership a grave disservice by hypocritically engaging in the very conduct it purports to oppose,
Now therefore be it resolved that the St. Louis Tea Party condemns the NAACP for lowering itself to the dishonorable position of a partisan political attack dog organization, and,
Be it further resolved that the St. Louis Tea Party calls on similar organizations to join in unanimous condemnation of this despicable behavior, and
Be it further resolved that we demand that the NAACP withdrawal their bigoted, false and inflammatory resolution against the tea party for any further consideration, and
Be it further resolved that these organizations call on the Internal Revenue Service to evenly apply their standards and consider the tax-exempt status of the NAACP considering the degree to which they are engaging in habitual partisan political behavior.
Adopted unanimously, this day, July 12th, in the year of our Lord, 2010.
A copy of this resolution shall be sent immediately to the NAACP at:
Black holes are racist
Wait, did someone actually say that?? Or are you making it up. Either way -- but especially the former -- that's hilarious.
Maybe there should no longer be a crayon in the box called "black"?
Blacks are the most racist demographic in America.
Amba, I'm sure that someone, somewhere, has said that using the term "black" to describe a sucking gravity well was racist. And maybe they even mentioned it in relation to the greeting card thing, but the complaint about the greeting card with the sound chip was that someone thought it sounded like "black whore."
Which, I suppose, is what you get when you hire Asians to record voice chips for greeting cards.
((Sorry, couldn't help it. I renounce myself.))
AlphaLiberal said...
And Mark Williams is a bum to go after the NAACP, of all groups. His statement is not just inflammatory, it is RACIST. He condemns and attacks one of the oldest civil rights groups in the country.
Gawd, conservatives today just keep getting worse and worse and worse. Now they openly DEFEND and excuse racism.
And once again AlphaMoron spouts off his incipid drivel. Were you born that stupid or did you have to work at it?
Fen wrote: "Blacks are the most racist demographic in America."
Let's not make blanket accusations. Let Alpha Liberal and his coherents indulge in that kind of bigotry.
Which, I suppose, is what you get when you hire Asians to record voice chips for greeting cards.
They weren't Asians otherwise it would have said 'brack hore'
Try the veal, we're here all week.
BTW, Dead Julius:
"Isn't it interesting that the American Tea Party is structured similarly to terrorist organizations like Al-Qaeda? (That's why NPR can't find an official national Tea Party spokesperson, after all.)
With both, there are cells operating individually, only loosely connected to the the larger movement. The cells do their own thing-- like, in today's news, the obviously small-scale Northern Iowa Tea Party putting up this billboard.
Groups with this sort of guerrilla structure are harder to defeat than those with centralized organization."
This is true. And of course it's the motivation rather than the structure that makes something bad or good. But this sort of bottom up hodge-podge without a gate-keeper of any sort truly is difficult to defeat.
Maybe that's why so many people try so hard to push the idea that the Tea Party is astro-turf instead of grass-roots as it most certainly is.
It also makes it a little bit different than when organizations with an offical leadership don't try to show ANSWER or other organizations the door when they show up at a rally the same way that the NAACP is demanding that this hodge-podge of individuals expel other individuals who cross some line of good taste.
And also, I failed to commend whoever it was pointed out that when Ferraro and Bill Clinton were accused of being racists, that was the end of that.
Black hole thing...
And how contemptibly patronizing to think the solution is to tell them the non-Democrats are racists.
Well, if it works...
Hey Troop, Big Mike just stole your "If Mort were awake he'd call you all racists" line. You gonna take that?...he he he
Oops, that's Original Mike. My bad.
More "black hole" racism:
Dallas Morning News, Jul 7, 2008:
Commissioner Kenneth Mayfield, who is white, said it seemed that central collections "has become a black hole" because paperwork reportedly has become lost in the office.
Commissioner John Wiley Price, who is black, interrupted him with a loud "Excuse me!" He then corrected his colleague, saying the office has become a "white hole."
That prompted Judge Thomas Jones, who is black, to demand an apology from Mayfield for his racially insensitive analogy.
Hey it is cool with me if Original Mike uses that. He is one of the good guys.
I am just sorry that we don't see Mort around any more. I miss him.
Unless you buy the theroy that he changed his name to the Crack Emcee.
I'd totally forgotten that, AC.
If I recall, the "offender" in that case refused to back off... least I hope so.
That prompted Judge Thomas Jones, who is black, to demand an apology from Mayfield for his racially insensitive analogy.
How are these people not made into laughing stocks?
This NAACP gambit might have worked before they made that big stink over the "black hole" greeting card; before they went out of their way to heap praise upon the racial attitudes of Robert "Sheets" Byrd; and before those honorable black Congressmen got caught and called out for making shit up about the tea party.
Oh, and before the electorate had been numbed by two years of the usual suspects screeching RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACIST! whenever someone dared to disagree with or criticize Obama.
I think the result of this non-stop fabricated grievance-mongering is that most people now just roll their eyes a little and move on.
You can always count on Alpha Moron showing up and ruining the thread.
According to the head of the NAACP Tea Party supporters aren't just racist and homophobic, they're also anti-Semitic:
“The time has come for [Tea Party leaders] to accept the responsibility that comes with influence and make clear there is no place for racism and anti-Semitism, homophobia and other forms of bigotry in their movement," stated NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous.
This latest canard of charging conservatives with being "anti-Semitic" is beyond preposterous! In any discussion about Israel in the past 10+ years, what's the common thread of non-Muslims who criticize Israel and defend or excuse Radical Islam? Answer: They're on the Left. They're always on the Left!!!
This latest canard of charging conservatives with being "anti-Semitic" is beyond preposterous!
It's obvious any sense of embarrasment and shame is gone from that organization. Especially when you consider Obama's 'spiritual advisor' claimed "Them Jews ain't going to let him talk to me,"
You tea party members are a not worthy of contempt..
One thing I don't get about the Democratic party is how they used to get my vote (an countless others) but have become vastly incurious about how & why they lost it.
Was it a death wish?
I suppose in a saner time and place the completely out of their mind pigs who did this would be tried for treason or something.
So I thought dissent was the highest form of that only when there's a Republican in office?
So I thought dissent was the highest form of that only when there's a Republican in office?
I've long held that each and every Tea Party rally should begin with that Hillary rant about having the right to dissent with ANY administration, etc, etc, in her uniquely dulcet and shrill tones.
OMG, HDHouse.
Someone compared our president to Hitler!!!!
Oops... fail! Try again.
Joe wrote: "So I thought dissent was the highest form of that only when there's a Republican in office?"
Forget it, Joe. You might as well reason with a brick. One can't expect much better from the morally purblind Left. HDHouse, AlphaLiberal and their ilk are the dessicated dregs of a withering ideology. The sad thing about House is he's too old to reform.
wv:bleso - the laundry product with divine approbation!
Compared to HITLER!!!!!
Violence! Destruction! Mayhem!
Oh, the humanity!
Synova what I hate the worst about it is that there are no Giant papier mache puppets being employed!
Synova, you forgot Dogs and Cats Living Together!
So are you complaining that The President is compared to Hitler, or are you okay with Bush being compared to Hitler?
I can't tell.
I'm also not saying who this question is directed at.
Synova is just making fun of hd's crazy post on his blog. Follow the link for some crazy fun.
In a post-racial world there is no role for the NAACP.
hd is even more over the top and hysterical than AlphaLiberal.
They must be getting scared.
oh the irony.
...what NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous SHOULD have said:
“The time has come for the NAACP to accept the responsibility that comes with influence and make clear there is no place for racism and anti-Semitism, homophobia and other forms of bigotry in out movement".
Of course, they're just a bunch of racemongering whores, so I'd rather they simply keep destroying their credibility.
Ann: how contemptibly patronizing to think the solution is to tell them the non-Democrats are racists.
But that tactic works on black people. So how can it be patronizing?
The billboard controversy is somewhat OT and deserves its own thread, and that's for Ann to implement if she chooses. However, I'll throw a few pensés at it.
Firstly, I disapprove of the content. It's overblown in the extreme. Obama ought be condemned for much malfeasance, but he's not comparable to Hitler or Lenin. Such puerile rhetoric needs to stay where it originated, in the playpens of the Left.
Secondly, the creators of that monstrosity ought to be ashamed. If that's their best effort... sheesh!
"Big Mike said...
In a post-racial world there is no role for the NAACP."
That's not true. They have a great future as a New Age cult.
I bet if they try real hard then can steal Will Smith away from the Scientologists.
I think that comparing Bush to Hitler was pretty stupid, pretty much like I figure that Obama pics with little Hitler mustaches are stupid or the big billboard with Hitler, Obama, and Stalin (yes?) is pretty darn rude.
But then so was the political cartoon rude (I believe it was actually put out by Luther, but I could be wrong) of the whore of babylon sh*tting down the throats of the German people.
Or those lovely "earthy" political images from the founding of our country.
What BusHitler never was was an indication of the beginning of the end of our participatory political system.
Fen wrote: "Blacks are the most racist demographic in America."
Let's not make blanket accusations. Let Alpha Liberal and his coherents indulge in that kind of bigotry.
FBI Hate Crime stats back me up. Its not an accusation, its a fact.
But you see hd does not believe in the first amendment.
At least not for you and me.
It's time groups like the NAACP went to the trash heap of history where they belong with all the other vile racist groups that emerged in our history
Kudos to him for telling the truth, even if it wasn't the politically astute way of putting it.
Plus based on his performance on cleaning up the Gulf, the Big O should be on a billboard with Urkel and Pauly Shore when he starred in "Biosphere."
And it is a stretch to say that he reachs their level of talent and effectiveness but I am inclined to be generous to a sitting President.
HDHouse: You tea party members are a not worthy of contempt
Sure, thats why the Dems have gone out of their way to smear them and lie about them.
Your panties are in a wad.
To be fair, hd does not wear panties.
Depends, sure that will work.
But not panties.
hd is even more over the top and hysterical than AlphaLiberal.
They must be getting scared.
Logical error. Moral relativists don't experience fear like normal people.
Okay, Lenin then.
BTW... why all the upset about Hitler and no one is on enough about the Soviet that I knew without looking (or being told) which communist it was?
I disagree that the left is immune to comparisons to fascists but I do understand how those on the left might find the whole thing a sort of nonsequitur and ridiculous. So why the upset about the fascist and so little outrage directed at the comparison to the communist?
FLS: "Would she similarly disbelieve white Congressmen in the absence of a video record?"
Liar. There IS a video record. If proves the racemongering congressmen are liars.
Hey next thing you know hd is going to declare a fatwah against any cartoonists who draw the Big O.
Where have I heard that one before?
Actually, I do realize that suggestions that Obama is a socialist *do* get certain people really really upset. I'm more talking about where you've got Hitler on one side and Lenin on the other. Who gets top billing?
"To be fair, hd does not wear panties.
Depends, sure that will work.
But not panties."
OMG, million dollar idea! Sexy Depends! Incontinence panties
Further, why would the professor disbelieve U.S. Congressmen, officially honorable by government declaration?
Because she's more than 7 years old, and thus has learned that politicians regularly lie to the public.
Would she similarly disbelieve white Congressmen in the absence of a video record?
Obviously. Especially since countless video records of that time and place exist, and yet not one has shown supporting evidence for the Congresscritters' claims. Not even when a juicy reward was offered for such evidence.
There is, at this point, less support for the Democrats' story than there is for the theory 9/11 was an inside job. No intelligent and rational person can believe it.
I'm more talking about where you've got Hitler on one side and Lenin on the other. Who gets top billing?
Maybe Hitler should have been on the right and Lenin on the left in the photo. Maybe that's what fenged against HD House's shui
But I guess if you put yourself on the billboard, from POTUS's POV Hitler is on the right and Lenin is on the left.
"Palladian said
OMG, million dollar idea! Sexy Depends! Incontinence panties"
They already have them. Just ask Betty White.
You tea party members are a not worthy of contempt..
Man, I would have expected a tea party group to be a little more original.
"Bush Hitler picture" 1-10 of 2,560,000 results
"Bush Lenin picture" 1-10 of 248,000 results
"Bush Stalin picture" 1-10 of 442,000 results
"Bush Mussolini picture" 1-10 of 194,000 results
"Bush Dictator picture" 1-10 of 912,000 results
The only one of those with any actual pictures to speak of is the Hitler one.
I think that the motivational picture of Bush eating a kitten is someone making fun of the others, though.
(Bush/Joker would get hits that were actual pictures, as well as Bush/Vampire.)
"I suppose in a saner time and place the completely out of their mind pigs who did this would be tried for treason or something. Now they are given a "draws ire". IRE? These unspeakable pigs should be drawn and quartered. I don't care if they don't get Obama. I do care that the would dare to compare a President to Hitler and Lenin. I care a lot."
This is how serious HDHouse considers anyone who dares to compare a President to Hitler.
I'd think "draws ire" is pretty equivalent to the reaction to the same thing during the Bush administration. I believe that at least a few times the "completely out of their minds pigs" got accused of not being patriotic... which hurt their feelings.
Synova - I don't think Bing's image search is as extensive as, say, Google's.
Regardless, the point is that the "I'm shocked, shocked!" act from the left regarding depictions of the president is as phony as Renault's was regarding gambling at Rick's.
Big deal.
"Althouse Bush picture" 1-10 of 998,875 results
Try Zombietime for the Bushitler thing.
Plenty of links from there. It's my portal to visual representations of the left's like, totally civil discourse of the past 10 years.
"Hey Troop, [Original] Mike just stole your "If Mort were awake he'd call you all racists" line. You gonna take that?...he he he"
It was an homage.
hd is even more over the top and hysterical than AlphaLiberal.
You're confusing hysteria with senility.
Now they are given a "draws ire". IRE? These unspeakable pigs should be drawn and quartered.
Well for those who don't know, being drawn and quartered is probably one of the worst forms of execution there is. HDhouse is a fervent Obama supporter so it is quite telling that hdhouse would favor the horrible execution of people exercising their First Amendment Rights. Seems that billboard is quite accurate after all.
Well, if we are going to get into the billboard - I was listening to Mark Levin just now on my trip back from Carson City, and his point was that it was wrong to compare President Obama to either Hitler or Stalin because both were mass murderers, with tens of millions of deaths to their names. And, I would agree with that.
The place where I disagree with him is that while Obama's father was an avowed communist, Obama's socialism seems much closer to that of Mussolini, and thus, Hitler. Fascism was developed as a socialist alternative to communism, at a time when communism was on the rise. And, it really wasn't racist (or antisemitic) until pressured by Hitler during the war.
So, yes, I would call President Obama more of a Fascist type socialist than anything else. The way that he deals with big companies is eerily similar. The government is willing to work with them on policy (excluding smaller businesses from the table) as long as they play along and support the President's agenda. So, you invariably find the big insiders having a huge say in drafting legislation, as evidenced by health care "reform" and now the financial "reform" bill before Congress right now. The resulting legislation, while ostensibly drafted (and sold) to curb the big players, invariably benefits them, and greatly harms pretty much everyone else who wasn't allowed at the negotiating table.
BP was in this insider's club until very, very recently. They made the right donations and backed the right causes (notably "tax and bribe", aka "cap and trade"). And, so, they were cut a lot of regulatory slack. But their sin was embarrassing the President. And that broke the cardinal rule, that the requirement for entry into inner sanctum of power is making the country's leader's look good. And this is no different than what happened around Mussolini and Hitler.
Well I'd read about it but finally saw the video clip regarding the Hallmark card.
Surely, surely some comedian such Jon Stewart or Chris Rock can do a riff on this. It is so ripe.
This is a black version of Roseanne Roseannadanna
Fascism was developed as a socialist alternative to communism, at a time when communism was on the rise.
Really the main difference between the two is that fascism embraced nationalism whereas communism was international.
Stalin of course dropped the whole internatinal bit and stirred up Russian nationalism and love of Holy Mother Russia to fight the Nazis (The Russians do call it The Great Patriotic War).
The Hitler/Lenin images that have hdhouse in a tizzy are simply anti-Obama folks using the Left's tried and true tactics that they displayed 24/7 from 2000-2008. In actuality its not Obama so much as it is Pelosi/Reid and the Dem congress that is spearheading the country into a socialist 'paradise'. Obama just isn't that smart or competent enough to do this on his own. Should the GOP take the House as is being predicted, I think the Hitler comparison can be changed to this.
The fray began when NAACP President Benjamin Jealous issued a challenge to the Tea Party:
"You must expel the bigots and racists in your ranks or take full responsibility for all of their actions."
Is the NAACP expelling bigots and racists from the ranks of NAACP?
After you, Ben Jealous.
It is quite odd that the President of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is not a man or color. I am rather disturbed that to become President of the NAACP, one must pass the brown paper bag test or be an albino. Why can’t it be a brother who looks like Wesley Snipes?
If you'd all like to see an example of someone who seems to make distinctions based on a person's race (which to me is the true definition of a racist) then watch this video of Chris Matthews.
Wow. I saw clips of Jealous' speech last night. "Not constructive" is the most generous label I can put on it. "Despicable" seems more apt.
Hoosier Daddy said...
Fascism was developed as a socialist alternative to communism, at a time when communism was on the rise.Really the main difference between the two is that fascism embraced nationalism whereas communism was international."
I see Hoosier Daddy checked out the book "The Little Golden Book of Inaccurate opinions, the Little Minds Edition".....remember library fines are a nickel a day.
I see Hoosier Daddy checked out the book "The Little Golden Book of Inaccurate opinions, the Little Minds Edition".....remember library fines are a nickel a day.
I see hdhouse once again demonstrates to the rest of the class why sniffing model glue as a child leads to diminished brain functioning in later life.
Hey Mort is awake!!!!!!!!
1) And we all know what a well-governed vacation paradise Gary, Ind, is, don't we. I had a child-hood friend who was a HS principal there for many years in the 70s and he used to tell me that he used to contemplate suicide daily--especially on those slate-gray winter mornings with the wind blowing and the temp in the teens. LOL.
2) Hitler is on record in a newspaper interview circa 1936-38 as saying, when asked where Communism was headed: "Oh, they'll eventually end up where we already are." A damned prescient insight!
Your post both misstates the NAACP's position and avoids the central issue. If the right asks the left to disown its extremists, as it routinely does, why is it wrong for the left to ask the right to disown its extremists? For a good discussion that gets the question right (and that poses harder questions than the straw arguments you bat away) see
Stephen - the tea partiers are very disorganized group. Why should I condemn some whackjob in some other city I have nothing to do with? There is no national Tea Party.
Finally, wearily, most Americans have reached the point where we're not going to censure ourselves with "political correctness" any more.
We were creeping toward the edge of "enough already!" The NAACP's refusal to "denounce" the New Black Panther haters (indeed it lobbied DOJ to drop its voter intimidation cases) is the last straw.
The accusation of racism is losing its "stick" because the boy cried wolf too many times.
Then when that NBP leader called for killing all crackers, we all made this much of a fuss over it? I don't think so. I think you need to check your sources some more as to who bloviates all these racist comments and who does not. It is not the conservatives who are doing all the complaining. It is the Dems who make every opposition to their policies done because of racism.
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