Bite me. When the powerful seek to work their will upon us and demand that we be nice about it, that's the right response: Bite me. Even if he were the one being nice about it, we shouldn't have to put up with it without complaint.
I want you to get up right now, sit up, go to your windows, open them and stick your head out and yell - "Bite me!" Things have got to change. But first, you've gotta get mad!... You've got to say, "Bite me!" Then we'll figure out what to do about the recession and the taxes and the oil spill. But first get up out of your chairs, open the window, stick your head out, and yell, and say it: "Bite me."
५५ टिप्पण्या:
"Bite me" certainly has more punch than "I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore." Carl does it especially well when Trick or Treating at the Obama White House:
I can't wait to see this video made into a Republican campaign commercial. :)
The man is a heartbeat away from the Presidency. OMFG.
He's scarier than Dan Quayle was.
Thanks Ann; I was wondering if anyone else was offended by Vice President Biden's response.
I can see where the Veep was a little embarrassed, especially since he was being courteous about paying for his custard; I think I wouldn't have said what the shop owner said--but I'd have been tempted.
That said...when you're the VP, you do not get to dress down a citizen. You are the powerful one in that situation. You're the one surrounded by armed men, not the shopowner. He's the one who can easily get pushed around, and you are the one who can do the pushing.
I think if I'd been that shopowner, and the Vice President scolded me, then I'd have really let him have it, knowing the cameras were rolling.
He wants to pretend to be "regular Joe"--but he's not regular Joe. He came into that store surrounded by armed men.
This pie maker will now have any and all government records about him made searched and made public. Wait for it.
And, I would add, what if not? Doesn't inaction on the part of Obamabideners certainly mean that the euphoria is completely dead?
Is there really a nice way to tell BFD Biden to stop being a thief and to get his greedy grubby hands out of your pocket?
"I can see where the Veep was a little embarrassed, especially since he was being courteous about paying for his custard..."
He was using the store for political scenery, and since when is it courteous to call someone a "smartass." I could hear in his tone that he was affecting a friendly guy-to-guy attitude, but the man has too much power for that to play.
The polar opposite of getting mad and showing it is called a Poker Face. Faces show people's real thoughts, unless they are using a poker-face. I remember seeing the shots of world wide the reaction to the twin towers coming down. It shocked many people's poker faces into real reactions. The Europeans had genuinely sympathetic look as if they were hurting. The Muslim world was shouting with insane joy and hopping up and down in maniacal glee. That is why Obama's poker face at seeing American disasters reminds me that he cannot let his true thoughts show. Think that one through.
You know, we can trash Biden all we want. And I certainly will. He's a horrendous blowhard.
I want to take a minute, though, to give the man his due. Like Dick Cheney, George H. W. Bush, and probably even Dan Quayle, the man almost certainly knows how to order and deal with an escort properly.
So he's got that going for him. Which is nice.
If Eugene DelCroix was alive, we could have a new "Liberty Leading the People".
Although Meade might object to every guy in the world, you know...
Does Biden feel overtaxed? My guess would be no. He's a semi-bright guy, at best, who has lived his entire adult life inside the buttercup. And like many semi-brights his situation is the world situation. So from his standpoint custard guy was being a smartass and deserved a rebuke from Mr. Fairness.
Far too much away time with Meade. Far too much.
@Scott scarier than Dan Quayle? ...and Latin America where everyone speaks Latin? that Dan Quayle? Mr. PotatoE-head?
Just for giggles folks, take a look at the effective tax rates for businesses - what percentage of taxes collected come from business...."lower my taxes" from what to what someone might ask.
"Something nice? Okay, I hope the flight home is pleasant when we vote you out of office, jackass. What? Don't knock it. Very reliable animal."
I was offended by it because Biden generally lacks a censoring mechanism, and so I think it shows the true attitude of those in DC.
And that is very, very wrong.
The issue isn't the's whether we want our elected officials to treat us like serfs to scold when we dare to speak out of turn.
Oh, wait--you're the guy who claimed that it was the right-wingers who called General Petreus "General Betray Us"...
I hope the shop owner uses this as a selling point- I'd put a big sign up, with the photo turned in to a poster and the quote, in big letters (with the dirty part blocked out, for the kids).
If I were anywhere nearby, I'd certainly drop in.
- Lyssa
I will give you credit HDH. It takes guts to mock Dan Quayle's potatoE, when aren't even in the same hemisphere regarding Gen. BeTrayUs.
You really need to go into hibernation for a while until the BeTrayUs thingy blows over.
I have no problem with Biden saying what he said. Because most people, including more than a few business owners, have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to taxes or anything else. They repeat stuff that sounds appealing.
So many people have such outsized senses of outrage that remained hidden under the previous president. The conditions,the problems-like 2 wars, deficits, rising healthcare costs., illegal immigration-existed but none of those complaining now, complained then. Odd that.
Odd that a guy who in practice is not quite so liberal, and who has at least made an attempt to address long entrenched issues, suddenly raises people ire (and from day 1), to the point where they can get all worked up over fabrications that don't even begin to address their daily reality.
Empty suit did not raise your taxes. Empty suit has nearly passed financial reform. Empty suit passed stimulus (which slowed the rate of job loss, and kept some workers in their jobs in McCain's state). Empty got candidate onto Supreme Court: a qualified female and Hispanic (versus the mere plastic surgery that McCain attempted to use in 2008 with Palin). Empty suit got healthcare reform passed. Empty suit increased troops in Afghanistan per his promise. Empty suit supported Bush's Tarp, thus preserving our banking system so that little men in Wisconsin selling custard will eventually have a bank to turn to get future loans.
And, Empty Suit hired Joe Biden, who, should have told Custard Businessman to GFH.
Just for giggles folks, take a look at the effective tax rates for businesses - what percentage of taxes collected come from business...."lower my taxes" from what to what someone might ask.
And, and, it is free money for the government that this guy is trying to hold out.
The first problem is that taxes on businesses pass through to the consumers. So, if you have a 10% business tax on top of a 35% individual income tax on top of 10% payroll taxes, you are still paying over half you income to the FEDERAL government on anything that you purchase. Add in state and local taxes, and you may be nearing 2/3 in some states.
Most don't see the corporate taxes because they are hidden in the cost of goods sold. But the businessman does, because he is the one paying them, out of his own pocket. Most businesses pay them first, before rent, power, and wages, since if you don't the IRS can come in and seize anything you own.
I remember one woman from back when I was working as an auditor for personal property taxes for Denver. She had three wig stores. The feds came in and shut her down for back federal taxes. She had to sell two of the stores to cover the alleged underpayment. And then, it turned out that the IRS was wrong, and she didn't owe anything. Too bad. Got her money back from them, but not the money lost on the fire sales of the two stores. Sorry. Their mistake, but not their problem.
And what is really tragic right now is that small businesses are not forming and not hiring right now because of the Administration that Mr. Biden is a part of. They think like HDH, and don't realize that each tax and cost laid upon these businesses by the government makes the gamble to start a business or hire more employees that much less likely to pay off. We are talking all the taxes they were already paying, plus the rise in the minimum wage, health care "reform", expiration of the Bush Tax Cuts, and possibly even Tax and Bribe (aka Cap and Trade) - even if done by the EPA instead of Congress. And they cannot figure out why this recession is so long and so deep? Likely because none of them have ever run their own business, made a payroll, or paid all the business taxes that are levied upon small businesses.
I predict an IRS audit of this store in the near future... .
"The conditions,the problems-like 2 wars, deficits, rising healthcare costs., illegal immigration-existed but none of those complaining now, complained then. Odd that."
So, you think conservatives didn't complain about Bush's deficits and "compassionate conservatism"? Yeah, they did. All the big name talk radio, Fox guys, etc did. The "silence on the right" meme is just historically untrue.
As for no knowledge of taxes, you don't own a business, do you? Let me give you one leetle example of Gov. tax nonsense. A few years ago, MD raised the yearly renewal fee for corporations from $100 to $300, just out of nowhere. Do you think the state of MD provided a trebled increase in service for that increase intax? No, the legislature needed more money and MD businesses were the closest ATM.
You are such an obtuse dumbass. The vast majority of medium and small businesses are S Corps and LLCs. Profits flow through to the owners who report them as income on a 1040.
Want another real life (just last week) tax story that shows the violence inherent in the system, so to speak?
One job, 4,900 dollars paid. 2,850 dollars rec'd after taxes.
HDHouse said...
Far too much away time with Meade. Far too much.
@Scott scarier than Dan Quayle? ...and Latin America where everyone speaks Latin? that Dan Quayle? Mr. PotatoE-head?
In the midwest, at least Ohio, it's spelled 'potatoe' a lot. May be wrong, but a lot of people do it. Quayle had an Alinsky done on him because the media knew he could hack the job.
Also, Mr. House might want to reflect on the intellect in the White House now, who thinks people in Vienna speak Austrian and that the Americans liberated Auschwitz.
Love to see what SpellCheck does to his .docs.
Finn said:
"Because most people, including more than a few business owners, have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to taxes or anything else. They repeat stuff that sounds appealing."
Irony is not your strong suit.
Yeah, I hope the ice cream man has his affairs in order--he is about to get the Joe the Plumber ream job.
Empty suit did not raise your taxes. Empty suit has nearly passed financial reform. Empty suit passed stimulus (which slowed the rate of job loss, and kept some workers in their jobs in McCain's state). Empty got candidate onto Supreme Court: a qualified female and Hispanic (versus the mere plastic surgery that McCain attempted to use in 2008 with Palin). Empty suit got healthcare reform passed. Empty suit increased troops in Afghanistan per his promise. Empty suit supported Bush's Tarp, thus preserving our banking system so that little men in Wisconsin selling custard will eventually have a bank to turn to get future loans.
I am glad you have such a simplistic view of the world, and ignore that he actually has raised taxes all ready, and is likely to do so again at the end of the year with the expiration of the Bush Tax Cuts. He allowed minimum wage increases to go into effect. He signed Health Care "Reform" which is bending the cost curve the wrong way (besides being a tax).
And your claims about the "stimulus" bill would be laughable, if they weren't so tragic. I fail to see how hiring more government workers and giving the ones who already had jobs raises (which is where approximately 1/3 of the money went) saved even a single job. Rather, when economists look back at it years in the future, they are likely to say that it was precisely the opposite of what needed to have been done.
The stimulus bill is not the bill that provided liquidity to banks and that continues to prevent massive deflation.
Please make a note of it, whoever upthread is totally and embarrassingly confused.
Thank you.
Uh oh. Now we know what they mean by banking reform: Obama calls for bank tax as next step in 'reform'...
But it is ok, since only the evil bankers will have to pay this new tax.
Finn doesn't object to our top leaders using their power in heavy-handed ways to intimidate serfs--I mean, citizens--as long as its Finn's guys who hold the reins.
Well since no one caught the tongue in cheek regarding Betrayus, I did apologize for what will be a memorable slip...
The point, here, remains. Businesses pay darn little in the way of taxes, contrary to public opinion and personal income tax is at a three decade the only thing this guy can say is "lower my taxes". It isn't constructive. It isn't said meaning to start a dialogue and, I suspect that after a while, with that fairly constant sloganeering instead of substance, it just turns people off.
You may not like Biden and that's your choice. However, he holds the office and you respect the office regardless and that is the point here. The civility is lost on a whole lot of people and this guy is typical. Demonstrate where the the "dialogue" was constructive.
Is this how you approach people you want to make a point to or engage with? Can this guy do no better than that? Can you?
I mean, when I try and discuss on here with some of you lame ass rightwing miscreants at least I start nicely rather than just blurting out something. I suggest you do the same.
The point, here, remains. Businesses pay darn little in the way of taxes, contrary to public opinion and personal income tax is at a three decade the only thing this guy can say is "lower my taxes". It isn't constructive. It isn't said meaning to start a dialogue and, I suspect that after a while, with that fairly constant sloganeering instead of substance, it just turns people off.
Well, then I think you are going to have a hard time explaining why the overall federal tax rate, as a percentage of GNP, is a near record level. Higher than we have seen since maybe WWII. And scheduled to increase even more. Or, do you think that some taxes just don't count?
"Is this how you approach people you want to make a point to or engage with? Can this guy do no better than that? Can you?"
Jeez, the poor custard guy had, what, 10 seconds for his elevator speech. Do you think if he had said "Mr. Veep, I'd like a 30 minute audience with you for a detailed discussion of the administration's corporate tax policies" that would have happened?
The guy had his opening and he took it. It wasn't graceful, but he got the point across, for himself and many other business owners.
Could you please explain what you mean by "businesses pay darn little in the way of taxes" There's a lot of things that sentence could mean
You may not like Biden and that's your choice. However, he holds the office and you respect the office regardless and that is the point here. The civility is lost on a whole lot of people and this guy is typical. Demonstrate where the the "dialogue" was constructive.
I will admit that the office is far easier to respect than the man. But keep in mind that he went into this man's business and was trying to make political points there, while the proprietor of the business was suffering as a result of the policies of the Administration that Mr. Biden is part of. I would suggest that the apology should logically come first from Biden, as he essentially instigated the whole exchange.
I should note that if I were faced with the same choice, whether it was Biden, Obama, or some leftist Senator or Representative, I would launch into a fairly confrontational argument, but would attempt to refrain from name calling and the like.
Indeed, maybe a year ago, I ran into a couple of ACORN types at an airport. They were trying to get me to sign something demanding more government action about something. I launched into a diatribe about how their actions were helping to lengthen and deepen the recession, and that maybe they should get real jobs, that contributed to the economy, instead of trying to destroy it. In a very loud voice. The one got his buddy involved, and he tried to tell me that I was harassing them. I responded that they were the ones harassing innocent travelers. He said he was going to get the police. I said fine - let's see how long they get to keep their permit then. And at that, they quickly slunk off. I felt great, and have been looking for targets like that since then whenever I fly. No such luck.
Well, at least the Secret Service didn't cuff the guy, as was the case with another Vice President who got an earful from a citizen.
"Well since no one caught the tongue in cheek regarding Betrayus, I did apologize for what will be a memorable slip..."
Well, let no one say you can't be clever.
Asking Joe 'clickety click' Bidden to bite you is a dangerous thing. The first problem is that you don't know if he's cleaned his dentures. The second problem is that you better make sure you can endure a rabies shot.
HDHouse said...
The point, here, remains. Businesses pay darn little in the way of taxes, contrary to public opinion and personal income tax is at a three decade the only thing this guy can say is "lower my taxes". It isn't constructive. It isn't said meaning to start a dialogue and, I suspect that after a while, with that fairly constant sloganeering instead of substance, it just turns people off.
You may not like Biden and that's your choice. However, he holds the office and you respect the office regardless and that is the point here. The civility is lost on a whole lot of people and this guy is typical. Demonstrate where the the "dialogue" was constructive.
Where to start? Well, Mr. House repeats the Leftist lie that taxes are low. When averaged in with the non-payers, that may be, but the people actually paying taxes are getting socked.
I'm sure dbq or somebody could give us the rates of their small business taxes. Perhaps he thinks that businesses pay no tax because it's part of operating expense and passed on to the customer. Then the customer is paying those taxes.
He needs a quick lesson in economics.
As for "he holds the office and you respect the office regardless and that is the point here", return with us now to those thrilling days of Bushitler Chimpy McHalliburton, Darth Cheney, and General Betrayus. Like everything else the Lefties learned from the Soviet Union, civility only goes one way with them.
Yeah, Obama does a really good job picking people doesn't he? I'm sorry anyone who knowingly voted for Joe Biden for Vice President has no business sneering at Sarah Palin. Biden is a walking embarassment. I am sure glad he's on the lefties side.
@Scott scarier than Dan Quayle? ...and Latin America where everyone speaks Latin? that Dan Quayle? Mr. PotatoE-head?
Yes, that Quayle, the one from Indiana, the 19th of 57 states.
HD old girl, see that was nice right, why do you think that tax revenues have declined? I'll leave your obtuse dumbass to puzzle that out. And bite me.
Businesses pay darn little in the way of taxes, contrary to public opinion and personal income tax is at a three decade low
...and the world is at peace, and there is no disease or want, and all the children are above average.
This concludes today's news update from Fantasyland.
This kills me. I like Biden. He seems like a nice guy and I'd love to hang out with him, but his mouth is Comedy Unobtanium. If a Republican had said some of the shit that he's said, he'd be pilloried as a cross between Dan Quayle and Sarah Palin. It's amazing.
Dan Quayle misspelling "potato": Moron.
Sarah Palin not being able to name a newspaper she reads: Idiot.
Joe Biden claiming that the US kicked Hezbollah out of Lebanon: Good ol' Joe!
"I have no problem with Biden saying what he said. Because most people, including more than a few business owners, have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to taxes or anything else."
Business owners have a far better understanding of their businesses and their situations than some arrogant Washington prick like Biden.
Besides, legislators and bureaucrats may claim to act in our interests, but they nearly always act first in their interests and in the interests of their cronies.
You may want to walk down the road to serfdom, but I don't. And I'll thank you and Biden to stop trying to run my life my life. You have neither the competence nor the moral qualifications.
"Where to start? Well, Mr. House repeats the Leftist lie that taxes are low."
I emphatically agree.
I'd like to add, however, that government regulation is another huge burden. The amount of regulation is simply insane. An appropriately polite response to people like Biden is "leave us the #@&$!# alone!"
Finn said: "Because most people, including more than a few business owners, have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to taxes or anything else."
Tell me, you have a job? Apparently you're not a business owner; since you think that businesses can continue to operate when those paying the taxes "have no idea" about taxes.
And if you're employed, I'd guess that you're not employed by a business with an owner, since you're of the opinion that such people are ignoramuses. If you are employed by a business with an owner, I suggest that you go into his office tomorrow morning and tell him what a dumb ass you think he is.
But I'll go out on a limb here and say that you're either funemployed, or employed by a business with no owner -- the government; either of which would make you a tick on my big hairy ass.
You’ve never made a payroll, you’ve never filed taxes as an S corp, and in your profound ignorance, you’ve decided that you’re the authority on business taxes.
Go fuck yourself.
"Because most people, including more than a few business owners, have no idea what they are talking about when it comes to taxes or anything else."
That's hilarious. Good business owners know where every cent is going. Bad business owners don't, but they tend to go out of business.
HDHouse said: "...what percentage of taxes collected come from business..."
Because that matters. Not that the government takes 39% of corporate profit in the highest bracket.
No, that doesn't matter. What matters is what percentage of taxes collected come from business. What an idiot. What an imbecile. Do you suppose that unprofitable businesses should also pay corporate income tax? Do you think that that's a "loophole"? You see that a large business ends up paying very little in corporate income tax, and you assume that they've found some magical accounting trick to sheister their way out of "their fair share".
Here's a list of every country in the world whose highest corporate tax rate is higher than the US:
Burkina Faso
Saudi Arabia
That's it. Corporate taxes are lower than the US in every other country on Earth, save these 6 paragons of economic activity.
If we make a decent profit this year, then the government will take over 30% of it. I'll send you the fucking statements if you don't believe me. And instead of using that money to purchase a machine tool and employing a couple of people to run it a couple of shifts, that money will go to pay people to not work.
Please stfu on topics involving business, work, science, and engineering, and focus your talents like a laser on posts involving American Idol, men in shorts, and various other fashion faux pas.
Stick to what you know, HD. We want you on that wall; we need you on that wall.
Good business owners know where every cent is going. Bad business owners don't, but they tend to go out of business."
Unless they're special businesses, like certain Big 3 auto companies or certain large banks or other big financial institutions, which made large campaign contributions to certain politicians. Or some great big loan companies, owned by the government which are run (into the ground) in a very special way.
Small businesses, OTOH, aren't so very special
Finn said...
versus the mere plastic surgery that McCain attempted to use in 2008 with Palin
Is that the new talking point? McCain took Palin down to the doc's and hey presto, she's a woman?
Obama supporters must be even more disappointed than I thought, if they're telling that story to comfort themselves.
The best retort to Biden's comment of "...being a smartass all of the time.", to the store manager, would be, "better than being a dumb fuck like you Joe."
Considering the vampiric way they're sucking the lifeblood out of the economy, inviting them to "bite us" is counterintuitive.
I'd rather go with Cracker's kiss-off song title to their old label (Virgin Records): "It Ain't Gonna Suck Itself."
'Bite me' is OK but I prefer a stronger, more descriptive phrase.
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