"Nooo, I have not had implants," said Palin. "I think a report like that is about as real and truthful that Todd and I are divorcing or that I bought a place in the Hamptons or that Trig is not my own child.Come on, Sarah, don't put down bloggers generally. And don't put down talking about breasts generally. I reject the idea that breasts belong at the bottom of the list of things to talk about. Breasts are important. They mean something. Let's not minimize their significance in our culture. They are the subject of many journals, books, and movies. I have taken my knocks for talking about the meaning of breasts in politics (though, of course, the knockers were my political opponents, motivated to squelch what was a criticism of Bill Clinton, whose attraction to Lewinskis was well-known ). So I will talk about breasts, and it's not at all for lack of better raw material. Breasts are big! Let's talk about them!
"And we still put up with that garbage, too."
Speculation was rampant after photos of the former Alaskan governor at the Belmont Stakes showed her looking a little more buxom than usual.
"'Boobgate' is all over the Internet, because there are a lot of bored, idle bloggers and reporters with nothing else to talk about," Palin said in the interview.
Now, speaking of breasts and bloggers, what amuses me — aside from the endless obsession with Sarah Palin, specifically, and with the physical aspects of female politicians, generally — is the low level of knowledge of breasts on the part of the Boobgate bloggers. They didn't seem to realize that different bras and different kinds of shirts and jackets affect the way breasts look. A woman can draw attention to her breasts or downplay them. In professional settings and for political appearances, women tend to wear jackets. Even when jackets are fitted through the midsection, they flatten and disguise the curve of the chest. That's the point: to blunt the point.
By contrast, the contour of the breasts is accentuated by a knit top — especially if it's thin, clingy, and light-colored, like the one Sarah Palin wore to the Belmont Stakes. And when a woman wears such a shirt, it's particularly easy to perceive the existence of nipples. Everyone knows they are in there, but reasonably modest women — like Sarah Palin — try to avoid the nipple protrusion of the sort you can see in this photo of that woman who's suing her ex-employer for objecting to the way she dressed for work. The way to do that — and I laugh at people who write about breasts but don't know this! — is to wear a bra with a reasonably thick layer of foam padding.
I feel sorry for the bloggers who know so little about breasts that when they saw that Palin photograph, their first explanation was surgery. Before you think scalpel, think Occam's razor: the simplest explanation is most likely. Palin was wearing a t-shirt and a t-shirt bra. Now, go, get a life, and some real experience of your own in this fleshly world, you blogger losers.
ADDED: Thanks to Crack Emcee (in the comments) for pointing out my typo: "a reasonably think layer of foam padding." Corrected.
१३९ टिप्पण्या:
Between Sully and other deep thinkers enraged by Gov. Palin, I believe the only body part they have not discussed is her colon.
Boobgate? Are you talking about Obama and Biden?
Added: This will be my second attempt to post this. Blogger sucks.
Not only that, but one of the purported "before" pictures is the Newsweek/Runner's World cover. Has no one heard of a sports bra? The whole point of a sports bra is to compress one's rack into submission. (In fact, some larger-boobed women wear two for extra smushing!) I thought that the sports bra was one of those standard-issue garments of which we were all aware by now. Apparently not.
Breasts and hips make women easy to distinguish from men at a very long distance.
Breasts from shading, and hips from profile.
It must have had some evolutionary advantage. At the moment it's of interest only to bike commuters seeing distant pedestrians.
"Wear a bra with a reasonably think layer of foam padding."
Now that's a great F-slip there because my thought, while reading this, is "Ann doesn't get it.":
I don't want to see your breasts, talk about your breasts, or think about your breasts. This idea women have a right to shove them in my face pisses me off. They want to play both ends while claiming no to - I'm a sex object/treat me as an equal - when to do so is a lie.
That's one thing I like about men - and I'm not talking about gay guys or metrosexual poofs here - we're just trying to get on with our lives, trying to be productive, while the rest of you are trying your best to distract us from that with things you had nothing to with. You breast size, or the bulge in your pants, is no accomplishment - even if you paid for them. You're still a worthless human being, I don't care how you look.
I, for one, am tired of frivolousness.
All the commenters that harassed me for bringing this up a few days -- you know who you are -- ago can kiss my grits!
"I reject the idea that breasts belong at the bottom of the list of things to talk about. Breasts are important. They mean something. Let's not minimize their significance in our culture."
Professor, I have not always agreed with you, but this time we're not only in perfect agreement but my respect for you has increased significantly.
I teach in a high school, and the major purpose of high school female clothes seems to be to make the breasts look bigger and the hips look smaller.
Competition swimsuits, on the other hand, pull the breasts in for streamlining, and expose the hips. When I went to see the swim team a few times, it was like seeing different people.
And don't put down talking about breasts generally. I reject the idea that breasts belong at the bottom of the list of things to talk about. Breasts are important. They mean something. Let's not minimize their significance in our culture.
Trooper bait.
Although it is kind of bizarre when you think of all the fuss that's made over what really amount to nothing more than fatty mounds of flesh.
"we're just trying to get on with our lives, trying to be productive, while the rest of you are trying your best to distract us from that with things you had nothing to with..."
gosh, you're so right. that's exactly what women do. we work hard, from school to the work force, we know nothing about the joy that comes in making a contribution to society and to the world. we just prance around looking for a man. that's the key to happiness.
Palin enrages the sex changers!
If you belong to a teenage clique, you despise anybody who will not submit to the clique.
To belong to the teenage clique nowadays (and that clique extends to the age of 35 or 40 for many people), you must admire homosexuality above all things, loathe the idea of women bearing children and, in general, regard sexuality as simply a form of recreation.
Anybody who exists outside the clique is a threat. Crack prefers the word "cult" to "clique," and he may be right.
The members of the clique are infuriated that Palin lives an adult, heterosexual life and has born five children. They are determined to drag her down into the degraded shithole in which they live.
Between Sully and other deep thinkers enraged by Gov. Palin, I believe the only body part they have not discussed is her colon.
There's been no discussion of her, ahem, grooming habits. And you can be 100% sure that I would know of any discussion if there were one. I can sniff out such things (the discussions, not the subjects of the discussions ... at least not in most cases).
"the hips look smaller."
What's with that? Is this just some silly fashion trend driving that, because I see so many young women today who don't seem to have hips.
Personally, I just don't find it attractive since I'm not into a masculine appearing waistline. There's probably something about evolutionary biology in there too, but that's just a guess.
Other photos from the same day don't show as much of a difference from past pics. A bit of an arch to the upper back and shoulders thrown back add to the 'enhanced' appearance.
But what if she had gotten implants? I don't care.
So she's beautiful and has a great figure? I'm glad it enrages the right people.
"oh, there is plenty of discussion about Palin's porn star hair"
What, by people who don't watch porn? Who's watching porn for the hairstyles anyway?
Who's doing all this talk?
I was responding to danielle by the way.
Who's watching porn for the hairstyles anyway?
Unless you're looking at Asian porn or specialized fetish sites (e.g. YouPorn's "Hairy" category), I can assure you that porn is almost entirely hairless :(
What's with that? Is this just some silly fashion trend driving that, because I see so many young women today who don't seem to have hips.
Women aren't having babies. That's why no hips.
"we're just trying to get on with our lives, trying to be productive, while the rest of you are trying your best to distract us from that with things you had nothing to with."
Oh I KNOW. The nerve of those women, imagining that they had ever done anything as productive as what those big manly men do, showing up at work and in public places with breasts attached to their bodies! Why don't they just stay home, or when they absolutely must go out, have the common decency to put on a burka?
I loved when Greta was trolling for her to talk about what Republicans were running in '12, and she said "it's a little early to talk about who's pimpin' themselves out!"
It's funny how the cons think that Palin's looks are what get under people's skin.
What's funny is that they assume anyone else really cares.
I really don't care what someone looks like. Especially if they are as simple-minded and as unidimensional in what they want as Palin is, that's a huge turn-off. And Palin always looked (and acted) too snide for me to ever find her attractive, physically or otherwise.
But Republicans seem to think that the simple equation of (LOOKS + FEMALE BODY PARTS + POLITICAL AMBITION) is some kind incredible innovation, and one that will be irresistible to EVERYONE.
In reality, it's really only irresistible to white Republican males.
As I've suspected, they must feel awfully repressed to find such banality so enticing.
And because they believe that Obama represents a cult of personality, they have responded with their own cult behaviors, and an idea that is not new to Republicans or to political history in general: The fertility cult. This is just an update of that same old theme, which hearkens back to primitive human society. Yawn.
As the (admittedly) increasingly nutty Andrew Sullivan recently said (while wearing a mullet, I might add):
It's an absolute dream. You have these women with big tits and a beautiful face who can go hunting with you. I mean, that's a Republican wet dream. I mean, if you're over 50, that's awesome.
Keep coming up with the brilliant contributions to our politics, guys. Plato and Publius have nothing on your shtick.
mRed said...
Between Sully and other deep thinkers enraged by Gov. Palin, I believe the only body part they have not discussed is her colon.
6/13/10 9:11 AM
Don't be giving them any ideas!
I do not get why they hate Sarah Palin so much. She is not some anti homosexual hater. Her positions on most subjects are rather mainstream although to the right. Her Christianity, while Evangelical, is rather normal and hardly extreme.
If she is so unqualified, why do they fear her so?
I suggest that white Republican males petition their local strip clubs to hire forty-something women who wear glasses and are willing to go up onstage and engage in a mock debate with some guy pretending to be Joe Biden.
That would probably get this out of their system.
But no, they prefer to keep that charade at the center of our nation's agenda and pretend that it constitutes the serious business of governing.
You've all reduced yourselves to a bunch of little voting-booth boners.
I guess this is their response to the supposed outrage they expressed at Bill Clinton's antics - which they've now apparently internalized and appropriated in their own way.
Rage, lust and greed. The core Republican principles can now be succinctly summarized. No ideas more complex than those core drives need be considered.
Man you crack me up because you're always so right! I mean, I did a search query "sarah palin breast implants" which turned up a notorious right wing cesspool as the first result.
I mean, those Republicans over there assuming anyone really cares about body parts with their simple-minded and unidimensional outlook. Silly white Republican males the web over are the only ones concerned with such pettiness.
It's not like liberals are running polls about this or anything like that.
(You know Ritmo, no one takes more words to shove their foot in their mouth than you dude.)
If she is so unqualified, why do they fear her so?
Have less self-aware words ever been spoken?
Didn't the Vogue cover settle most of these questions some time ago?
"Have less self-aware words ever been spoken?"
I'd say your 'contributions' to this thread serve as voluminous examples.
I have taken my knocks for talking about the meaning of breasts in politics (though, of course, the knockers were my political opponents, motivated to squelch what was a criticism of Bill Clinton, whose attraction to Lewinskis was well-known ).
Let's take a closer look at those knockers.
I doubt people are driven by lust to find evidence on implants.
That HuffPo thing was just liberal Hollywood's response to something they're much better at than you are (which is why your side comes back with the strange combination of both jealousy, lust and pride - i.e. "Hey! We may not be as cool as Hollywood, but we can be into looks and horny too! We just apply it to our own politicians rather than actors!")
Los Angeles knows from glitter, greed and implants. Hollywood is way ahead of you on that. The difference is, they are not driving the political left the way your naughty gun-hunting book-banner is driving the right. ("Naughty librarian" would more accurately fit the bill, but describing Palin as a librarian is an insult to literacy).
Hollywood can expose how far behind you are on selling that message and where it falls flat. So at least they're good for something when it comes to politics.
Keep digging Ritmo. And ignoring links. You get funnier with every post on this thread.
wv: schitypo - the psychological descriptor for Ritmo's posting style.
Nice comeback, GMay. Is that the best you can come up with?
Nope, I already did it by posting a couple of links that demolish your point. Took longer to format it than to look it up.
Got anything else sport?
In any event, I don't mean to rain (as it were) on the boobfest. Just thought I'd put its placement here into political perspective. Carry on!
Ann Althouse said ...
Breasts are important. They mean something. Let's not minimize their significance in our culture.
Breasts may be important, but so are bottoms. I love women who are splendiferously well-balanced in this regard and I whole-heartedly support rh and GMay in their remarks. Hips and buttocks, especially the full, round, high-slung, saucily canted, firmly muscled ones, are every bit as deserving of our inspection.
I would further opine that the biggest boobs in Boobgate are the ones who need to find one more thing about Miss Sarah that they can titter about like ten year olds in a school yard..
PS What is it that makes the Lefties so berserk about her?
She's the change they say (but didn't mean) they've been waiting for!
I came to this thread because of the breasts. I'm leaving it because of the boobs.
What point did you demolish? That Hollywood (Huffington's base) and Wonkette are about looks and sex-talk? It sounds like that must have been some revelation for you.
Also, keep confusing the lust you feel and believe is a qualification for governing with petty critiques of your object of desire's looks.
Those are actually different things, GMay.
I second Ron.
That "pimpin" line was definitely the highlight of this interview.
It's especially funny because many of the Rs (including Palin) do seem to be making moves that are consistent w/ laying the ground work for a 2012 run. So, maybe it's not too early.
But, even if you (naively) believe that the Rs aren't politicking for 2012 yet, it is pretty funny that Palin openly acknowledged that political work is best described as "pimpin themselves" (or herself).
I apologize for not realizing that GMay was confusing the role of the high school jock who lusts after the Prom Queen and supported her for student class president, with the girls who thought she was a bimbo and criticized her looks.
Apparently he is confused as to which is which.
See what I mean?
"the hips look smaller."
What's with that? Is this just some silly fashion trend driving that, because I see so many young women today who don't seem to have hips.
Personally, I just don't find it attractive since I'm not into a masculine appearing waistline.
Sure, you don't. Now, what percentage of fashion designers and fashion critics find a masculine-appearing waistline more attractive than a feminine one?
Gay men and straight women drive the fashion industry, and they create clothes that treat feminine curves and body proportions as the enemy. This is also why they go with hyper-thin models; you need to starve a woman before her natural fat distribution ceases to be feminine.
Althouse goes for the daily double: boobs and Palin.
It is her blog and she, of course, can blog about whatsoever she likes, but this post must be reflective of a slow news day.
I find myself mostly in agreement with Crack's comment.
Oh geez, Michael! So easily distracted is the lusty Republican base! If you want to talk about boobs in an artistic way, as the post intended, no one's getting in the way. All I did was respond to Stephen Colbert (I mean, Pogo's) assertion that Palin's looks enrage people (and by "the right people" I assume he means female voters who look to more admirable qualities in their public officials than breast size), and GMay went wild with it.
Here ritmo, let me recap for those of you with AADHD.
Your point:
"What's funny is that they [cons] assume anyone else really cares.
In reality, it's really only irresistible to white Republican males."
I posted two links which disprove your comical hypotheses.
Of course your second point being a complete fabrication of your own fevered imagination (unless you have some sort of proof) along with the rest of the fluff in your comments, I still felt compelled because I actually made the mistake of rubbernecking one of your comments.
Now you seem to be off on some bizarre kick that HuffPo and Wonkette don't really count. Even though you seem to be in the minority opinion on that since those two blogs show up on just about everyone's list of most influential/popular liberal blogs.
I know that those two outlets aren't as influential on liberal opinion as say those intellectual giants like Jon Stewart and Bill Maher, but certainly you can begrudge them some respect in the liberal arena, no?
Some feminist wrote in the 70s that women have more obstacles than men.
Looks like someone's projecting his lust for Palin into a big fat strawman to have his way with.
Breasts are used mostly to express sexual availability or unavailablity. They're like flags on yachts.
Sometimes breasts become former toys and dispense dairy products, as Dave Barry wrote.
Shorter GMay:
"Despite how popular Huffington Post and Wonkette are, I never realized that the left could differentiate between ridicule and substantive criticism of a political candidate."
Ritmo's never been kissed. That's probably why he hates Palin so much. Helen Thomas would find Ritmo unattractive. And she'd be right.
Your breath, Ritmo, it ain't cuttin it.
rh: I am of an age where the martini flag is far more inviting.
Shorter Ritmo (if only...):
"Palin reminds me too much of my blowup doll and that makes me angry."
though, of course, the knockers were my political opponents, motivated to squelch what was a criticism of Bill Clinton
I wouldn't cross the street to piss on Bill Clinton if he was on fire, but I knocked that post, and the disgusting comments thread that it set off.
That's weak (and unresponsive - but we already knew you couldn't follow the point).
How many men did you kiss in prison with that intriguing mug-shot avatar of yours, Allen?
Beth--was the the Valenti post? I do recall that was not blogging's finest hour
How are you holding up re the oil spill?
You ain't got the guts to put up a picture of yourself, do you Ritmo? People would laugh, wouldn't they? Or should I call you Shiela?
"I don't want to see your breasts"
newsflash, we can't really help it that they are visible. they're here, they're spheres, get used to it.
No Ritmo, you cant suck Sarah's balls.
It's not about guts, it's about the self-respect that comes from not having to take certain people seriously. Especially when they can't have a debate without getting... physical!
Last word: Keep telling the left that they can't assess a female candidate without seeing her as a sex object. That's a good strategy.
See ya later, Shiela.
Fen, the thought that Sarah Palin would have balls never occurred to me. Is there a reason such an image popped into your mind?
Ockham's razor perhaps?
and AllenS with your boobgate/obama/biden comment of 9.11am
you feel compelled to look further than Sarah and Todd when looking for boobs...why is that?
HD House: I am guessing the AllenS can recognize real boobs when he sees them--esp if they are the POTUS and VPOTUS; but AllenS can weigh in if he likes.
Well, Mr. House, it's becoming quite evident that Alvin Greene is smarter and more competent than Obama and Biden. I wish Mr. Greene was in charge of the oil cleanup.
Ya, you betcha.
Jesus Christ, people! What the hell are you going on about?!
You are alive! Go and enjoy your life today! Do you think Althouse is sitting at home, thinking about breasts and politics? No! She wrote this and then went out to enjoy the day! Don't take the bait, follow her example! This is ridiculous!
Breast wishes to you and yours!
HDHouse said...
Ockham's razor perhaps?
I believe it's Occam's.
WV "jughtnal" Make up your own.
I think "Boobgate" pretty much captures the patheitc nature of the attacks on Palin. What are her crimes? She's smart, successful, happily married with a nice family, good looking, well built, and fun.
Lefties tend to hate fun, and funny stuff--John Stewart one notable exception. Now that guy is hilarious.
A normal person would look at the Belmont snap and think, "Nice looking lady; wonder if her horse won," and then forgeddaboudit. Or have some fun with it. There's millions of good boob jokes. Remember the scene from "Young Frankenstein"? "What a pair of knockers," now that's the ticket.
But no, the lefties had to take a perfectly wholesome situation, a good looking woman, with a nice rack having fun with her husband, and try score political points, and in a boring, catty, long winded and stupid way. Ritmo anyone?
What Palladian said. I second that.
No Ritmo, you cant suck Sarah's balls.
Hi Roger,
No, not blogging's finest hour, not by a long shot.
As far as the oil, it's all ups and downs. I think we have some better efforts going on to contain it, but those are hit and miss, too. P&J Oyster House is close to closing down - they're the biggest and best oyster supply in town, 134 years old, and it breaks my heart.
I hope all's well with you and yours. How's north Louisiana?
The idea that any more than 5% at most of the left cares about any of this is beyond comprehension.
Huffington writes about petty social issues involving famous people - in politics or not, and Wonkette arose from a gossip/scandal site aimed at politicians, and then sought a niche in hyperbolic satire.
The latter, especially, makes for good fodder among juvenile and/or intensely politically fixated 20-somethings. And the HuffPo celebrity fluff-puff pieces are for geared toward whoever generally finds celebrity puff the least bit interesting.
not blogging's finest hour, not by a long shot.
We agree. Feminist blogger posing as a monica-wanna-be for Bill. I think he gave her a job interview afterwards.
Beth--thanks for update--we are doing fine (I am in Memphis--but did go to Lafayette and Eunice for MardiGras this year--the corrie d'Mardi Gras was fantastic--probably 10 hours of dancing to local cajun groups). We are already seeing price of shrimp go up and some loss of coastal fish in the local international market--Our oysters here tend to be blue points from the upper atlantic, so that hasnt hurt us too bad--We arent going thru anything as bad as your folks are down there. Take care and be safe.
The idea that any more than 5% at most of the left cares about any of this is beyond comprehension.
Right. Just like the Left constantly attacks Palin while claiming she's inconsequential.
She's inconsequential if you think that idiocy alone is sufficient to bar someone from leadership.
I'm kinda drawn to Ockham as it was William of Ockham, The Law of Parsimony, and Ockham still exists..its in England..Surrey I think...but if anyone as a source for Occam it would of value to know.
Why anyone would ever want to be famous, I've no idea.
Freeman, remember Vanessa Williams' dethroning as Miss America, because of some vaguely humiliating pictures? She regrouped and sang and danced and acted her way back into the limelight - and she's very good, so I'm happy. I think right around the time she did a TV revival of Bye, Bye, Birdie, I developed my theory that "You really, really have to WANT to be famous." Some people just don't let anything stop them.
Roger, I've never gotten out to the Cajun Mardi Gras. Maybe we'll do that next year. I don't know why I assumed you were in Shreveport or thereabouts - Memphis, though, is one of our favorite road trip destinations.
Maybe you'd care to explain why HuffPo is routinely considered one of the top Liberal blogs and that Wonkette is near the top? It's funny because no one else seems to assign the qualifiers you do.
I mean, I don't really expect you to start paying attention to facts or supporting your own argument with them anytime soon, but do I think there's hope for you?
You betcha!
I would simply like to say that my wife was created by God to make any sweater look fantastic.
Maybe you'd care to explain why HuffPo is routinely considered one of the top Liberal blogs and that Wonkette is near the top? It's funny because no one else seems to assign the qualifiers you do.
First off, it might be nice if you'd explain how you got your stats for "top Liberal blogs".
Second, Huff is not a blog. It's a monster series of blogs and other doo-dads embedded within the attempted format of a traditional, on-line newspaper. It's based in California, was started by the influential ex-wife of a California politician, and both features celebrity guest-bloggers and caters more heavily to celebrity fluff events - the way People magazine or even the Enquirer would, depending on how tabloid the feel of that celebrity piece of the day wants to be.
Seems to me that its pieces on Palin would fit in perfectly with her confusion between the role of serious politician and celebrity - but this is a problem Republicans have grappled with repeatedly since nominating and lionizing Ronald Reagan.
And third, Wonkette is so hyperbolic in its satire that no one in their right mind mistakes it for serious political analysis. Maybe some people find it easier to take a condescending stance generally with people who have been skewered in an on-line cross between The Onion and Saturday Night Live. But to believe that Wonkette represents where the left finds a serious outlet for journalism or political writing on the news of the day and the figures featured within it strains credulity. The commenters and commentary alone show you that its readership's main goal is to test their chops at witty one-liners.
Even John Stewart can draw a starker line between straight comedy and more serious thought.
If the denizens of Fox News cannot, that is their problem.
I figure Sarah knew what she was doing when she put on that top for the Belmont.
The woman excels-absolutely excels--at getting people all lathered up about stupid stuff.
She's not bad about important stuff too.
Plus she's hot.
She should try politics.
I should clarify that while Huffington at least features a halfway-decent news item or two, or three in its pages, those are only a component of what it includes.
"First off, it might be nice if you'd explain how you got your stats for "top Liberal blogs"."
Ahhhh, this explains your nonsensical responses. You see those little bits of blue underlined texts in my responses to you? Those are called links. You click on them and they go to other webpages.
Do I think you're that stupid? No. Does this show you aren't really bothering to pay attention to anyone other than your own hallucinatory arguments? Yeah.
Since you can't really bother yourself with additional information, hopefully you'll understand if I didn't bother reading anything of yours past what I've quoted in this response.
You linked to no sites on stats in your 12:52 comment, and if you expect me to look at earlier comments you can stop being an asshole and refer to them directly.
Other than that, I'm not surprised that you judge an entire comment by the first line. Appearances really are more important to you guys than substance, aren't they? (as the conversation here and everywhere else reveals). Once the left accepted that you really are that shallow then it became a lot easier to find and exploit your sore spots.
Keep not reading, keep not understanding. You were the one who asked for an explanation, not me.
Dang. For someone accusing white, Republican males of obsessing over Palin, Ritmo sure is spending a lot of time and energy on this thread.
Make sure you wash your hands when you're done, Ritty.
Shame on you, Professor! Posting a discussion of Sarah Palin and mammary glands at the same time.
Are you running an experiment to see whether you can get 500 comments?
And now that I know that a Yahoo search and "Love to Know" comprise your sources, I can see why I shouldn't expect to be impressed by your knowledge of political opinion.
@Beth, there was a flash of the old you in your 11:05 post, but on the whole I think the tone of your posts today seems resigned.
I think that brings home the reality of oil spill as much as anything else could. I'm so sorry for what the folks living down on the Gulf coast are going through.
Then talk about something else, Jason. It shouldn't be hard - for me at least.
Can't read all the comments, but when have you ever been a "bored and idle" blogger?
Bored, idle bloggers usually don't write stuff worth reading.
Which was Palin's point, I believe.
AllenS said...
Well, Mr. House, it's becoming quite evident that Alvin Greene is smarter and more competent than Obama and Biden. I wish Mr. Greene was in charge of the oil cleanup."
Oh let's let Sarah do it...she could look right past the problems and see Russia from any beach.
Ritmo--we had a conversation on an earlier posting and Plato was brought up--Dont know how familiar you are with the various dialogues, but in the republic (prefer Jowett's translation). Early in the dialogue, Plato and Cephalus are talking about aging--Socrates acknowledges his age and says he is happy to be free of the raging monster (one assumes he is referring to testosterone overload)
Perhaps Ms Palin, Politics, Hufpo are best left to people free of the raging monster? My .02
How shameful Palin is to attack her competition. Doesn't she know that to openly live as a normal healthy women that exercises daily and lives a heterosexual life style with a husband is taken to be a form of cruel hate speech unfair to all Democrat Story Tellers. She is like someone telling the Global Warmists that the world has cooled off for ten years. She is a "Women are oppressed victims" Denier. When she boots Obambi out, then the final phase of the media stories that she is a bitch will start. But Sarah takes persecution better than many men can.
It's a good point, Rog. And thanks for working a reference to the classics into it - I owe you a nickel at least for that.
Once the divorce is final and Todd has taken Trigg to raise , and she has closed on the house in the Hamptons, then those breasts will become more the point than ever to her old white guy fans. Heck, she will have become Dolly Parton Madison fighting for the Flag on flag day.
"But Sarah takes persecution better than many men can."
First there was JtP, now there's StP: Sarah-the-persecuted. Or, as Newsweek put it: SS.
BTW, how much did the Newsweek folks really want to call her Sister Sarah (re Clint/Shirley)? Probably even more so now, i.e., since she told Greta that she looks at politicking as pimping one's self.
Ritmo Brasileiro,
If Wonkette and the Huffington Post aren't sufficiently serious for you (though Arianna Huffington is a regular guest on This Week and all that), what about the Daily Kos? They appear to have taken the posts down, but there's a Google cache of at least one (not sure the link is going to work as the URL is so long, but we can but try:)
And the link doesn't work. DK has apparently scrubbed it well and truly from the site. Sorry.
Is this what they mean by "boob bait for the Bubba's!"
In fact the proper fitting bra that lifts the girls correct will make you look like you had a boob job.
She is simply wearing a better bra.
When a girl tries on one of our premuim hand sewn bras from Prima Donna, they immediately feel that they look 1000% better.
Ritmo just likes coming in here and stirring up shit, insulting people. He's not a good Christian.
You should have a weekly update on breasts in the news to keep us all abreast.
HDHouse: Oh let's let Sarah do it...she could look right past the problems and see Russia from any beach.
Yet another Libtard confuses Palin with Tina Fey.
Beth, I think that, as a general rule, you are right.
She's inconsequential if you think that idiocy alone is sufficient to bar someone from leadership
An Obama thug wants to talk about idiocy and leadership. Too funny.
Actually there was a Sarah Pallin look alike spotted out here about a month ago and she - whoever she was - got a Sotheby's Real Estate agent to play along.
Minor fuss. Lot of for sale signs suddenly appeared. The public beaches closed and the mayor of Sagaponac declared high tide 3 hours early and Al Gore showed up for a fund raiser. otherwise....
Fen said...
She's inconsequential..An Obama thug wants to talk about idiocy and leadership."
Sure Fen. I'll round up a village idiot from South Carolina - maybe that Lt. Gov who made the comment about school lunch programs 'feeding strays"...and you bring The Ya'betcha Babe ... cage match, 1 fall....
Way above something said: It's funny how the cons think that Palin's looks are what get under people's skin.
If one googles images for Sarah Palin there are a startling number which I am fairly certain no white conservative male created with Photoshop or its ilk.
Why would people do that? Who would do that?
Looks like something about SP got under a whole lot of someone's skins. You're free to guess what and who.
"HDHouse said...
Actually there was a Sarah Pallin look alike spotted out here about a month ago and she - whoever she was - got a Sotheby's Real Estate agent to play along.
Minor fuss. Lot of for sale signs suddenly appeared. The public beaches closed and the mayor of Sagaponac declared high tide 3 hours early and Al Gore showed up for a fund raiser. otherwise...."
You really are a sad fucking loon.
Big boobs and modest brains run in the Palin family, making them near-ideal based on conservative men's family values.
Look at Palin's daughter. A natural high-hormoned breeder, a walking milk factory, and no way college material.
Well, least Palin isn't a Jew.
Remember it was the college educated and college professors who got us into this mess in the first place. The not too swift are too smart to fall for that krep.
C4: I don't understand your enmity but I do take note of it.
"Gosh, you're so right. that's exactly what women do. we work hard, from school to the work force, we know nothing about the joy that comes in making a contribution to society and to the world. we just prance around looking for a man. that's the key to happiness."
Um, yea, that's what you do.
Ritmo Brasileiro said...
I suggest that white Republican males petition their local strip clubs to hire forty-something women who wear glasses and are willing to go up onstage and engage in a mock debate with some guy pretending to be Joe Biden
Secret fantasies don't become you.
Rage, lust and greed. The core Republican principles can now be succinctly summarized. No ideas more complex than those core drives need be considered.
Since when were those core republican principals? These are core human drives for those not in control of their emotional states. I wonder what Clinton would have to say on this treatise of yours? Touch my monkey?
Ritmo Brasileiro said...
I doubt people are driven by lust to find evidence on implants.
That HuffPo thing was just liberal Hollywood's response to something they're much better at than you are (which is why your side comes back with the strange combination of both jealousy, lust and pride - i.e. "Hey! We may not be as cool as Hollywood, but we can be into looks and horny too! We just apply it to our own politicians rather than actors!")
Los Angeles knows from glitter, greed and implants. Hollywood is way ahead of you on that. The difference is, they are not driving the political left the way your naughty gun-hunting book-banner is driving the right. ("Naughty librarian" would more accurately fit the bill, but describing Palin as a librarian is an insult to literacy).
Hollywood can expose how far behind you are on selling that message and where it falls flat. So at least they're good for something when it comes to politics.
What a waste of type you are. Why the fuck don't you just say, Palin is hot, you feel dirty thinking about it. Talk about the solemn vapors.
This talk about Palin and her underwear reminded me of a poem from the 60's:
I didn’t get much sleep last night
thinking about underwear
Have you ever stopped to consider
underwear in the abstract
When you really dig into it
some shocking problems are raised
Underwear is something we all have to deal with
Everyone wears
some kind of underwear
Even Indians wear underwear
Even Cubans
wear underwear
The Pope wears underwear I hope
The Governor of Louisiana wears underwear
I saw him on TV
He must have had tight underwear
He squirmed a lot
Underwear can really get you in a bind
You have seen the underwear ads for men and women
so alike but so different
Women’s underwear holds things up
Men’s underwear holds things down
Underwear is one thing
men and women do have in common
Underwear is all we have between us
You have seen the three-color pictures
with crotches encircled
to show the areas of extra strength
with three-way stretch
promising full freedom of action
Don’t be deceived
It’s all based on the two-party system
which doesn’t allow much freedom of choice
the way things are set up
America in its Underwear
struggles thru the night
Underwear controls everything in the end
Take foundation garments for instance
They are really fascist forms
of underground government
making people believe
something but the truth
telling you what you can of can’t do
Did you ever try to get around a girdle
Perhaps Non-Violent Action
is the only answer
Did Gandhi wear a girdle?
Did Lady Macbeth wear a girdle?
Was that why Macbeth murdered sleep?
And the spot she was always rubbing -
Was it really her underwear?
Modern anglosaxon ladies
must have huge guilt complexes
always washing and washing and washing
Out damned spot
Underwear with spots very suspicious
Underwear with bulges very shocking
Underwear on clothesline a great flag of freedom
Someone has escaped his Underwear
May be naked somewhere
But don’t worry
Everybody’s still hung up in it
There won’t be no real revolution
And poetry still the underwear of the soul
And underwear still covering
a multitude of faults
in the geological sense -
strange sedimentary stones, inscrutable cracks!
If I were you I’d keep aside
an oversize pair of winter underwear
Do not go naked into that good night
And in the meantime
keep calm and warm and dry
No use stirring ourselves up prematurely
‘over Nothing’
Move forward with dignity
hand in vest
Don’t get emotional
And death shall have no dominion
There’s plenty of time my darling
Are we not still young and easy?
Don’t shout.
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
This just sums up the whole problem with Sarah Palin. When you're that freaking hot, who cares what you have to say? Sad but true.
Ann, you will have to excuse me if I wait for a REAL expert on breasts to chime in. Say Andrew Sullivan for instance.
And no, Andy. You cant suck Palin's balls either.
But it sure would be entertaining if you could do a remake of your little rant: "Elites Should Not Be Above The Law". The acrobatics alone should earn you some more weed. And WTF are you still doing in my country?
U.S. Magistrate Judge Robert B. Collings, who yesterday declared that the dismissal of the charge against Sullivan violated "the bedrock principle of our legal system that all persons stand equal before the law."
I don't know about Palin, but she sure seems to be pissing off the right people. Its almost Joker-like, the way she reveals them as loons.
BTW, how is her Stalker Creep doing these days? He knows what to do if he wanders past a No Trespassing sign, yes?
Why the fuck don't you just say, Palin is hot, you feel dirty thinking about it. Talk about the solemn vapors.
Shorter Methadras:
"Everyone whose dick isn't moved in the same way mine is must be a damn liar!"
Ritmo Brasileiro said...
Why the fuck don't you just say, Palin is hot, you feel dirty thinking about it. Talk about the solemn vapors.
Shorter Methadras:
"Everyone whose dick isn't moved in the same way mine is must be a damn liar!"
So your impotent?
So you have a priapism?
Trooper York said...
"You really are a sad fucking loon".
ahhh Trooper, I'll leave fucking loons to you...you've got the dick for it (so I've heard)
You folks are missing the point, why do they chose these particular descriptions because they undermine
her authenticity, her fidelity, her
integrity, her very sense of motherhood, I mean how else could
an anti American radical, with no
track record of accomplishment ever
be accepted. . .
If Sarah Palin had gotten breast enlargement, what would be the significance of it?
Should it change our opinion, one way or the other, of her?
And is this putative breast enlargement of greater, or lesser significance, than Joe Biden's hair plugs?
Why breasts?
The problem, from a human development point of view is that we share almost all of our DNA with our two chimp species relatives, and they have much smaller, functional, breasts, and not decorative ones like human females do. And, of course ditto for the other apes, primates, and mammals. Human female breasts are much bigger than they need to be to support lactation.
One proposal revolves around the fact that the other apes utilize rear entry when it comes to sex, and humans are evolved for front entry. And some apes, or at least primates, utilize signaling on their rear ends to indicate female, and in particular, females in estrus. And the front entry theoretically due to our erect, walking, posture.
The theory is that human female breasts evolved to mimic buttocks, and therefore to bring the males around to the front of their mates, instead of the rear. And, since human females pretty much hide their estrus, the breasts are always prominent.
they're here, they're spheres, get used to it.
There was a day when Professor Althouse could post anything about Sarah Palin and the comments would go over 300 in a flash.
Now she posts something about Sarah Palin's breasts, no less, and we can't even get to 150 in 36 hours.
I know! Let's talk about Nikki Haley!
I am doing some baby girls clothes for a great tied up with some work.
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