But fortunately, there is Facebook to let her get her message out that she is not a Nazi and that the "'lamestream' media" should be ashamed of itself.
What McGinniss said was:
And I think it's probably a lesson for the American people of the power Palin has to incite hatred and her willingness and readiness to do it. She has pushed a button and unleashed the Hounds of Hell, and now that they're out there slavering and barking and growling. And that's the same kind of tactic and I'm not calling her a Nazi, but that's the same kind of tactic that the Nazi troopers used in Germany in the '30s. And I don't think there is any place for it in America.So Palin has Facebook and a button to release the Hounds of Hell!
Man, McGinniss is getting a ton of publicity for his book project! I'm sure he's not one bit sorry he rented that house next door to Palin. There is no amount of shaming or "ugly innuendo" that will outbalance the immense benefit he's grabbed for himself.
Palin is milking this whole thing for publicity too, of course (even as she has every right to be royally pissed that the book-flogger moved in next door).
१३३ टिप्पण्या:
Sometimes, getting a ton of publicity is not a good thing.
Leftards and their derangments know no bounds.
I'm not calling anybody a Nazi, but I am.
Yeah, Ann, they both benefit from this kerfuffle.
But Joe ought to act more like a man. When he starts playing the victim and evoking post-Weimar Germany in his rhetoric, he looks like a wuss. And I think he is one.
He should follow Henry Ford II's dictum: "Never complain, never explain."
Boy, Palin Derangement Syndrome must be infectious.
Mr. McGinness needs more Cowbell
I got a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell
Joe Mc doesn't need more Cowbell cuz he doesn't have the head upon which to wear a Stetson.
Also,Joe Mc is beginning to look like a whiney little boy who got caught with his fingers in the pie; guilty as sin and all he can do is cry that "She made him do it!"
"LAUER: The local Wasilla newspaper, The Frontiersman, published an editorial that read, quote "Those who are fond of Joe McGinniss might remind him, if he doesn't already know, that Alaska has a law that allows the use of deadly force in protection of life and property."
So someone from the local paper surmised that this McGinniss turd sounds like some sort of stalker nut; and that he might want to be careful if he decides to break into the Palins' house, because Todd might shoot him.
Right? Isn't that how you read that?
I mean, what else would this editorial mean? Who else is going to use deadly force in self defense, other than the Palins themselves? And wouldn't McGinniss have to do something menacing, like breaking into their house, in order for it to be "in protection of life"?
And from this, this McGinniss turd concludes that Palin is Hitler, and that she's personally directing her brownshirted thugs to hunt him down.
This guy's a certifiable genius.
Iowahawk pretty much nails this one.
The more incontinent liberals become over Palin, the more I like her.
of course she is milking it for publicity. How else does she get her side out? Media won't do it.
"I'm not calling her a Nazi, but that's the same kind of tactic that the Nazi troopers used in Germany in the '30s. And I don't think there is any place for it in America."
I'm not calling McGinniss a warped, left-wing, syphilitic shit-for-brains, but that's the kind of remark a warped, left-wing, syphilitic shit-for-brains would make, and there's no place for it among serious writers.
McGinnis is stating the truth when he points out that Sarah Palin ( the hick, the quitter, the barely literate Christianist) has the voice that is trusted by Americans so much that she can use her voice to skillfully counter-attack the Obamanites' media for their deluge of lies. To those fascist ministers of deception, Sarah must be beating them because because she uses their powers. Wrong!
I would love a "release the Hounds of Hell!" button on my keyboard. So much more useful than "CTRL-ALT-Delete."
Well, NBC just dropped another notch in my esteem. Getting a statement from the Palins and promising to run it along side that of their stalker. But then reneging. As Mrs. Palin points out, it just isn't the same, running it the next day or two, esp. when they had it in plenty of time.
Strikes me that the one who is inciting the hatred is the author, not Sarah and Todd Palin. He is the one who infringed on their privacy and I would wager that outside of his little liberal enclave in Massachusetts his actions do not play well at all.
You mention that Sarah is cashing in on this incident. Seems to me that she has to cash in. Suppose she did not say anything. How long do you think it would be before Wasilla would have double the population and all the new residents would be moving there with their computers and editors and publishers on speed dial.
Milking it for publicity?
Do you think - just maybe - she has cause to worry?
BOYCOTT the sponsers of NBC for breaking their promise to the Palins!
I suppose he's not sorry, but I do think that unless his little "Nazi" thing is an entire put-on for publicity's sake, that he could stand to be slightly more self aware.
What? Does it sting just a little to have the *fact* that you've rented a house for the express purpose of spying on a family with teenaged and pre-teen girls? And it stings so badly that "Nazi" is the equivalent comeback?
I've said it before. I'll say it again. Sarah Palin is at greater risk for bodily harm than any Democrat alive today. The Left has a burning irrational hatred for her.
Palin's defense of Nazism fails, for Nazism is founded on the principle of Aryan perfection and the deterministic ascendancy of Aryan supremacy, so why should any defense be necessary?
Thank you, Joe McGinniss, for showing us how wrong Sarah Palin is.
This is sarcasm, right? Making fun of the sort of psycho things that Palin haters believe?
It's so hard to tell.
(But yes, she's milking it. As she ought. And demonstrably, she's a better milker than McGinness.)
So okay, clearly Rialby was making fun.
Now how about Bob? Was that "defense of Nazism" thing a joke, too?
This is like when two Hollywood starlets start bitch-slapping each other. It's ugly to watch, but on another level it's great theater, and both parties profit in the publicity department.
What an unjust and biased statement it is that Palin is milking the McGinniss matter for publicity! After McGinniss has stalked her across the country and appeared at her door, trespassing; after the church burning; after McGinniss making common cause with those in Alaska who has sought to do Palin harm politically and legally, to claim that Palin is "milking" it betrays political animus and bias because the word implies Palin is enjoying the situation and using it for personal gain. What would you do if you were in Palin's position, Althouse? Look at the media response to the initial report. It is certainly not the same as it would be had Palin been a big lib. Sarah Palin is right to use her media resources to keep informing the public about this story, and she should do so for the next five months. In this way, the other side of the story is on record, and she's protecting her family from McGinniss without looking at him down her gun sights. In the next five months, I think McGinniss will do something to ensure that she does, and he'll have a lamestream media hidden cam on him, too.
You know who else defended Nazis...
She has pushed a button and unleashed the Hounds of Hell, and now that they're out there slavering and barking and growling. And that's the same kind of tactic and I'm not calling her a Nazi, but that's the same kind of tactic that the Nazi troopers used in Germany in the '30s. And I don't think there is any place for it in America.
I'm trying to wrap my head around what this means for Joe McGinniss, who writes true crime novels about people who sometimes claim to be completely innocent.
He also writes characterizations of people who vehemently disagree with his characterizations of them.
So what does he do that is so very different from what Sarah Palin did? If just a few people get very angry with him for his books, is there a place for that in America?
Palin's church damaged in suspicious fire
By Rachel D'oro
The Associated Press (12/13/2008)
"Gov. Sarah Palin's home church has been badly damaged in an arson fire.
Damages to the Wasilla Bible Church were estimated at $1 million, authorities said today. No one was injured in the fire, which was intentionally set while people, including two children, were inside.
"This fire is definitely suspicious," said Central Mat-Su Fire Chief James Steele. "
Hey rightwing wackos....when McGinnis starts to drive you crazy just keep saying "Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press" over and over.
You poor babies.
Rialby said...
"Sarah Palin is at greater risk for bodily harm than any Democrat alive today. The Left has a burning irrational hatred for her."
Sentence 1. wrong. stop playing victim.
Sentence 2. VERY wrong. we want Sarah to thrive and get out there and be the leader of the GOP...ya'betcha. She is the best thing that ever happened to the democratic party.
Yeah, right. She's a Nazi, but the Obama Administration's favorite soundbite last week in the BP spill seemed to be, "we've got a boot on their throat".
Who's the Nazi again??
I disagree, Juba.
Any statement that Palin has taken a situation that is clearly not her manufacture and clearly one where McGinnis is wholly at fault (and creepy, etc.,) and that she is turning that situation skillfully back again and that, at some level, she's going to make as much from it as she can is not implying she's enjoying it, or having fun or *lying*.
And she's allowed to use what is brought *against* her for political gain if she can. She should!
This isn't political animus to say so.
McGinnis saying that Palin is soooo powerful that she can just push a button and release the Hounds of Hell is stupid, of course. She is skillful and I hope she makes him very sorry, because she is allowed to fight back. If it seems like answering a pop-gun with a bazooka, well, it's pretty stupid to go after someone with a pop-gun when they have a bazooka. But what he probably doesn't "get" is that normal people of normal sensibilities think that what he did is really creepy, abusive, and stalker-like.
He misjudged.
And he's explaining away his misjudgment by creating Palin an all powerful monster Nazi.
It's actually sort of cute.
AC245, I knew her church had been burned, or at least set on fire.
I have no idea what significance what you quoted has to anything.
The mere fact that Sarah keeps the hounds of hell in her backyard must explain the 16 foot privacy fence now doesn't it....
ya'betcha! Ohhh Todd...you're such a stud.
Poor baby, HDHouse... freedom of the speech and the press is not a mandate to tolerate uncivil behavior, invasive behavior, or general rudeness or invasion of privacy. Reporters and writers are not special people with special powers given them by the Constitution that other citizens do not enjoy. Certainly not unless or until McGinnis is on a witness stand under oath being asked to identify his sources.
...that the book-flogger moved in next door
I'd be willing to bet that's not all he's been flogging.
This is sarcasm, right? Making fun of the sort of psycho things that Palin haters believe?
So okay, clearly Rialby was making fun.
It appeared you were calling the claim that her church had been set on fire was a joke or sarcasm. I was clarifying for you that it was a real event.
Oh, okay. I suppose I interpreted "had her church set on fire" in the same way as a person would say "she had the painters come and do her living room in puce."
On second look, it might not have been meant to say that she had it done, only that it happened.
I like how this guy moves in next to Palin to write a book about her and then threatens to have a reporter arrested for invading his privacy.
She's not even employed any more. This guy needs to get a life.
Newt Gingrich says Obama as much a threat as Hitler and Stalin.
Glenn Beck accuses Jewish Social Justice worker of doing work that leads to 'death camps'.
So yeah let's not pretend like conservatives in this country don't use the same rhetoric.
"...the power Palin has to incite hatred and her willingness and readiness to do it. She has pushed a button and unleashed the Hounds of Hell... And that's the same kind of tactic that the Nazi troopers used in Germany"
Uttter Libtard. For the Left, Palin "incites hatred" just by existing. And this idiot has the audacity to blame her for it.
McGinniss: "I tore her skirt off. And she was asking to be raped by not wearing a skirt"
What a scumbag.
Palin has a button that can unleash the Hounds of Hell?
And Althouse thought she didn't have the experience to be be Veep.
That'll teach her.
I have a button that unleashes the Circular Blades of Norelco. It goes wheeeerrrrrr, real high-pitched-like.
Palin is milking this a bit, but McGinniss is just a lying crapweasel of a human being. He makes Ann Coulter look like a wall flower.
Librul Dems are such pussies.
I'm not sure how what I said about Palin's church got misinterpreted. It wasn't that nuanced.
Sarah Palin has every right to freak out when some crazy Masshole moves in next door to her. She's been treated in the most horrible way by the media and the elite in this country. She had her church set on fire. She's had her own parentage of a child questioned by a prominent Progressive in a storied publication.
As I said several comments after my church fire comment, Sarah Palin is in real danger from the Left.
Ah, yeah, I can see how it might be read that way - which would indeed have put the comment out in bizarro conspiracy-theory land.
(But I thought the last line of his comment indicated that's not how he meant it.)
No, I didn't mean "ordered", I meant "a victim of".
And I guess the comment I didn't see until after I posted mine clears it up completely.
New SAT question:
Readers of this guy's book are to creepy voyeuristic exploitation as buyers of child porn are to?
A. Transcendental Meditation
B. Mountaineering
C. Child rape.
Matt: let's not pretend like conservatives in this country don't use the same rhetoric
Oh lookie, another libtard played his little Tu Quoque Card. How cute.
Hey Matt, since SEIU beats down minority conservatives, I guess it would be no biggie for us to do the same to you, right?
Libtards say: "I believe the other side does it, so my side is excused for doing it too."
Always be wary when the Left accuses you of violence, because its only to prep the moral terrain with a Tu Quo justification before they get violent.
"Palin is milking this whole thing for publicity too, of course (even as she has every right to be royally pissed that the book-flogger moved in next door)."
Never a Palin "yes" without a "but...."
If anyone is a Nazi, it is Joe McGinnis. They would spy and stalk their prey. They would publish trash about their prey. The would dehumanize and debase their prey.
I bet Joe wishes he had the power to go the rest of the way.
Godwin law violators should be flogged.
When is Andrew Sullivan coming to the house share?
Godwin law violators should be gassed.
Maybe Joe can fly in his fellow P-Town lovers, Andrew and Barney. Possession of less than 25 plants is protected under the Alaska Constitution's right to privacy.
You know who else gassed Godwin law violators...
Really low turnout from the resident Palin-deranged libtards on a thread about the demon queen herself.
If he doesn't regret it, McGinniss will only look bad. He looks like a pathetic old stalker.
"Unleashed the hounds of hell!"
Wow! I gotta tell you - that's some fancy word-smithin' there my friends.
This McGinniss guy sounds like a literary genius-type of the hautest order.
I wonder, has he ever thought of writing a play about Henry V 'cause I'll bet he could knock that one out of the park.
"...for if you hide the typewriter
Even in your closet, there will Sarah Palin rake for it:
"Therefore in fierce tempest is she coming,
"In thunder and in earthquake, like a Jove,
"That, if requiring you to stay on your side of the fence fail, she will compel;
"And bids the poor innocent writer, in the bowels of the Lord,
"Deliver up the draft manuscript, and to take mercy
"On the poor souls for whom this revelatory book
"Opens its vasty jaws; and on the writer's head
"Turning the widows' tears, the orphans' cries
The dead men's blood, the pining maidens groans,
"For husbands, fathers and betrothed lovers,
"That shall be swallow'd in this publishing controversy.
Standing ovation for Quayle!
You see things from such a simplistic point of view. That is why I put in the links. The right uses rhetoric and the left uses rhetoric. But to you because you seem blindly right wing you excuse it when the right does it yet howl like mad when the left uses it. Step outside of your box for a bit. See the game being played on both sides.
Her facebook page shows McGinniss using his cell phone looking away from her yard, but she writes: I wonder what kind of material he'll gather while overlooking Piper's bedroom, my little garden, and the family swimming hole?"Talk about innuendo, but of course I understand her irritation that an investigative reporter moves next door, but that is not invading privacy. And now they both will get lots of publicity--something they both like and need.
Nice to see the "journalist" is taking the high road by inferring that Palin is similar to Nazi stormtroopers.
No bias there.
I'm sure he will do a fair book on her.
Seriously, this is f'ing creepy. Move next door and write a book. Everyone should be allowed to be themselves in their backyards and bedrooms. This has been taken away from the Palin family. They are handling it better than I would be.
Well, voltaire, I'd observe that often times innuendo is onyourendo.
Nazis ripped my flesh!
The fascination/repulsion that the left has with this woman is obviously and abjectly sexual. Even Andrew Sullivan's is in the sense that he is enthralled by her ability to have babies.
It's the weirdest political phenomenon I have ever seen.
"Her facebook page shows McGinniss using his cell phone looking away from her yard,"
Yes, and as McGuinnis says, he moved into that apartment next to the Palin FAMILY completely by coincidence. I suppose you believe that too, if you think he moved there and will never look toward their home. Really disappointing Roesch that you are blinded out of pure partisanship.
McGinniss is a little sneak hiding behind the First Amendment. I'd love to see Miss Sarah confront him face to face the way Frank Rizzo did. He'd wuss out even faster.
HDHouse said...
Hey rightwing wackos....when McGinnis starts to drive you crazy just keep saying "Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press" over and over.
Freedom isn't the same as license (I know he doesn't understand the difference, ya betcha). 150 years ago, when newspaper people overstepped the bounds of common decency, the lucky ones were horsewhipped. The last thing the others saw was the muzzle of a Navy Colt.
The thing about Piper's bedroom and the swimming hole is that, incidental to McGinniss' purpose or not, that he placed himself in a place that overlooked those things.
It's not innuendo. It's a fact.
Seven Machos
It's the weirdest political phenomenon I have ever seen.
Oh come on now. The right has shown some odd behavior regarding Obama. Go a hunting through the blogosphere.
Look, even I'm willing to admit that Joe McGinniss is an odd dude and I'm left of center.
I imagine McGinniss having a recurrent nightmare where in he is walking at night down a dark Wasilla road. He hears behind him, the faint but strengthening whisper of heals propelled by healthy strong legs as they get louder and closer with a calm, confident cadence that betrays a driving endurance that will not be lost tonight. Then he hears the heavy panting of the hounds held back firmly by the ruling hand of a competent musher. As the steps and breath get closer, he hears the whispered greeting: "Welcome neighbor." and a moment later "Sick 'em!"
Matt -- No, there's a difference with Palin. Some collection of nutjobs is going to hate every president. I'm sure you remember them with W. With Clinton, it was the people who swore he was running a huge drug operation out of some Arkansas airstrip.
The difference here is that ostensibly elite, serious people are fascinated/repulsed by this woman who was plucked from obscurity two years ago. The people writing insane things about her are not regular kooks.
edutcher said...
" common decency, the lucky ones were horsewhipped. The last thing the others saw was the muzzle of a Navy Colt."
now now edutcher...pills remember to take the pills...
your largest mistake was writing about Palin and use of the phrase common decency...common she is, decent she ain't.
Now what exactly did he do? He moved in next door. He didn't go over and say howdy. He has been on the back porch 1 time. Todd put up the fence..Sarah did her preemptive Facebook and Twitter...and they goes crying foul where there was none....and idiots here and there (not naming names) pick this up like a new penny off the sidewalk.
you guys are such fools.
Also, Matt, the sexual undertones here are unmistakable. You didn't get that with previous cults of personality. You didn't get it with Hillary Clinton or Geraldine Ferraro.
Why Palin?
HD -- What has Palin done that says she is not a decent person? She disagrees with you politically, but so does most of the country since you are a loon.
Personally, it'd be fantastic if the Palins install video cameras monitoring whatever overlook areas there are on the house Joe Mc is renting, along with electronic devices to interfere with whatever audio recording devices Joe Mc is using or will be using. The Palins should keep a video record of Joe's rental place, maybe have periodic shorts produced and shown on youtube.
"you guys are such fools."
Yea, I guess you're right. He just always wanted to visit Wasilla. Wow was he surprised to find out who lived next door.
Yea, we're the fools.
It seems like only yesterday Adolf Hitler was writing on Facebook about how the press had moved in next door to Bertesgarten.
How long before somebody does one of those "Hitler Reacts Upon Hearing the News" videos of learning Joe McGinniss moved in next to the bunker?
"It's the weirdest political phenomenon I have ever seen."
I'm having a hard time coming up with an adquate parallel. The left's political obsession with this private citizen is just pathological.
That would be priceless and oh so effective.
The parallel is really easy. These people are a standard dork at junior high school and they hate that really popular, really good-looking girl but at the same time they want to fuck her and they masturbate furiously about her. Then they hate her even more.
That's the basic psychology of this thing. I just cannot believe it's playing out in a serious political situation.
Also, I remind all here that I do not endorse any talk of Palin for president. She is grossly inexperienced and we all know how that turns out.
How well I remember my shock and disgust when I first read about Facebooknacht, when Hitler changed his status to "Jews are teh suck."
ABC, NBC, CBS, and a major publishing house vs. Palin and a facebook account: Even odds.
For being a dimwit she's a reasonably effective writer. I wonder if Althouse could grade her. She hasn't exactly been unpacking contract law, but from what limited amount I've seen she's direct, clear, and evocative, which is a pretty good combination of talents to have.
Matt: The right uses rhetoric and the left uses rhetoric. But to you because you seem blindly right wing you excuse it when the right does it yet howl like mad when the left uses it.
Bullshit. Conservatives are notorious for throwing a fellow conservative under the bus when he screws up. I've called for several GOP congress-critters to be taken out back and shot because they revealed themselves to be corrupt weasels.
The right can be accused of many things, but one of them is not double standards. That one belongs to the party that claims sexual assault, sexual discrimination and sexual harassment were "just about sex" when its their poster boy in the dock.
Step outside of your box for a bit. See the game being played on both sides.
More tu quo and equivalence to justify slinging mud. No thanks, shill.
Besides, I already took your advice back when I was in my 20's. Its why outgrew Liberalism.
Its hysterical how you pose as if you're somehow "wise" for using "both sides do it" as an excuse whenever Dems do something shitty. You guys will even make shit up about us so you can pretend you're not the only ones doing it.
Palin has a button that can unleash the Hounds of Hell?
I'm with Andrea. That would be soooo useful. I'm full of jealousy.
I want a Hounds of Hell Button. (copyrighted 300,000 B.C....disclaimer: use with care...must be 18 years old.....results may vary).
I can think of several people upon whom I would push the Hounds of Hell (trademarked) button.
LibtardMatt: SEUI goons beat down a minority conservative? MoveOn thugs bit off a guy's finger? Well, no biggie if my side did that because I BELIEVE the Tea Party does it too.
Yeah, but this Hounds of Hell button is way overrated. All you can do with it, apparently, is build an ugly wooden fence and write on the Facebook.
A real Hounds of Hell button would involve the ripping of flesh and much dismemberment.
For those thinking she is "milking" the situation, what do you think would be a non-milking, appropriate response? Is any public reaction milking it? What exactly is the milk she is getting?
I'm honestly curious.
A real Hounds of Hell button would involve the ripping of flesh and much dismemberment
Yes? .... and there is a problem with this?
ABC, NBC, CBS, and a major publishing house vs. Palin and a facebook account: Even odds.
For being a dimwit she's a reasonably effective writer.
I think that I have said this before here. I think that she has some of the best political instincts of her generation. On the order I think of Bill Clinton's.
This guy is acting as a foil for her. He moved up to Alaska thinking that he was all that more intelligent and sophisticated than she. In short, he bought into the liberal line.
And he ends up looking the cad. Not surprising, to most who don't live in liberal echo chambers, like he usually does.
I would wager that the average American when faced with what is happening here will tend to side with her. Who thinks it "right" that someone who is writing a hit piece on you would move in next door, feet from your house. She is the one who will get the sympathy, from the necessity for building that ugly fence, to the need to keep their windows closed throughout the summer. All because some cad from a liberal enclave wants to write a hit piece on her.
What is amazing about her and her political instincts is that she is able to turn this sort of thing to her advantage so quickly. Time and time again.
"She has pushed a button and unleashed the Hounds of Hell, and now that they’re out there slavering and barking and growling. And that’s the same kind of tactic and I’m not calling her a Nazi, but that’s the same kind of tactic that the Nazi troopers used in Germany in the ’30s."
1.) Was McGinniss adorably clad in a sweet li’l schoolgirl’s jumper and mary janes when he sniveled the preceding?
2.) If not… then: why not?
"How that equates me with the Nazis is quite beyond me," she writes. "If receiving nasty emails and even death threats is the standard by which we judge 'inciting hatred,' then the left in this country has been 'inciting hatred' on my family for almost two years now. We don't complain about this or call people 'Nazis' because we value freedom of speech enough to believe that even ignorant and hateful people have a right to it. It's a shame that a self-proclaimed 'journalist' doesn't understand this."
Game, set and match to the (so-called) "Malibu Barbie." ;)
No no... *Caribou* Barbie.
Malibu is, you know, farther South.
No no... *Caribou* Barbie.
D'OHHH!!! Mea culpa, mea maxima culpa, then, insofar as my working familiarity with trite leftist memes is concerned. The point, however, remains. ;)
Man, McGinniss is getting a ton of publicity for his book project!...
Palin is milking this whole thing for publicity too,
This is what is known as cruel neutrality.
Emphasis on cruel.
Be careful in criticizing McGinniss.
He began writing his book on MacDonald as a MacDonald supporter, and ended up convinced of the opposite conclusion,writing a damning expose of MacDonald - then McGinniss was sued and paid cool $325,000 judgment in 1984 for his switch.
Who knows - he might do the same here and end up writing a glowing book on the Palins.
What would his liberal defenders say about him then, do you suppose?
Bruce Hayden wrote: I think that I have said this before here. I think that she has some of the best political instincts of her generation. On the order I think of Bill Clinton's.
I'd say far better than Clinton's. Clinton was good, but he also got lucky time and time again (Perot, Internet boom, Gingrich revolution). Palin hasn't (other than perhaps coming on stage at a good time for right-wing media), and she's still out-manuvered all of them.
- Lyssa
Would it be like Jack Craver moving next to Ann & Meade?
"I'm just going to talk to all your friends. Hang out on the deck while you are outside. And if you blog about it for finding it strange, Ann, compare you to Nazi stormtroopers"
I'm glad I'm not in a position where my hatred of a political figure is so much that I need to defend Joe McGinniss' actions.
This guy is a total scumbag. I mean seriously the sewer levels that the left will go to these days never ceases to amaze.
McGuiness appears to be a sissy.
You know it just dawned on me...McGinniss is a hateful old crusty leftist with an unhealthy obsession with Palin that tosses out the gratuitous Nazi reference.
I think we just found out who hdhouse is.
Hoosier Daddy chirps...
"You know it just dawned on me...McGinniss is a hateful old crusty leftist with an unhealthy obsession with Palin "
who happens to be writing a book about Frau Sarah..and your point? He isn't obsessed you idiot. He is writing a book.
Why in the world do you insist of following Frau Blucher?
Libtard: Frau Sarah
LOL. And you have the gall to call people idiots?
You're so ridiculous and inept when you don't have your talking points. Kinda like Our Dear Leader without a teleprompter.
He isn't obsessed you idiot. He is writing a book.
LMAO! Yeah everyone who writes a book on someone moves right next door to them. But to a warped frustrated leftists like yourself that's perfectly normal, ya betcha.
I have to admit hdhouse, you are the perfect parody of the unhinged lefty. Don't you go changin old man!
Well Daddy,
If you have done much writing or graduate work before that laptop got glued to your lap with who knows what adhesive, there was a time when people who did research did it on site...at the Bibliotheque Nationale, at the Cathedral libraries - essentially where the information rested - and not flyby journalism practiced by the right wing idiots...
He hasn't bothered her once. He has no intentions of bothering her. Besides, Frau Caribou will be out fleecing the right wing out of money for her own purse and killing off any chance you bozos have of regaining political control.
Goooooooo Frau Caribou. Ya'betcha!
I watched the Today Show video and I could only relate it to a quote from "Tropic Thunder". (And I'll use a term I normally don't use)
You went full libtard, man. Never go full libtard. You don't buy that? Ask Keith Olbermann Remember? Went full retard, went home empty handed...
I'm not sure why Palin strikes such fear in morons like HD... but there it is. The sex changers are completely flummoxed by her.
I'm not a partisan. Don't give a shit who's in office. It's becoming obvious that Palin will be president one day, probably sooner than later. The sex changers wouldn't be wasting so much ammo otherwise.
Why the hysterical hatred? She embodies adult sexuality, employed for the purpose intended... Procreation. The sex changers are furious that she isn't as degraded as they are.
She must be degraded and debauched!
You can see where the sex changers are headed. It's life ruled by the junior high school clique. Nobody will be allowed to escape. The fag and fag hag culture is innately fascist.
"He hasn't bothered her once. He has no intentions of bothering her."
Yeah. He just hangs out on his back deck with a pair of binoculars watching whoever is in the yard. Nothing creepy or wierd about that.
Liberals really will do anything to defend one of their own. Why is it so hard to admit the guy is a creep?
If you have done much writing or graduate work...
Yes and most normal folk do it by politely asking for an interview of the subject not by moving in next door.
But again for warped frustrated lefties like yourself, perfectly normal.
there was a time when people who did research did it on site...at the Bibliotheque Nationale, at the Cathedral libraries - essentially where the information rested - and not flyby journalism practiced by the right wing idiots...
He hasn't bothered her once.
Now see, that's the problem. He's not a real researcher or biographer. A real researcher gets information as close as possible. For a living figure, this means an interview, many interviews. If, however, a person is not granted that access, they have to go and find others to interview who know the person.
But this is like someone who has been told no for a date and keeps pestering. Stalking. Moves in close to track moves.
It's nothing like a real researcher. It's attempted intimidation, just a little bit higher than hacking into Palin's email account.
The emails, at least, might have given some insight, illegal though they were to have. This? It's hack work that wouldn't have any sort of real validity in scholarship. It's creepy. It's a very sad sign that this is considered an acceptable act.
Here's what I don't understand about Joe McGinniss.
Alaska is mostly wild. There are lots of things that can and do regard h. sapiens as prey. Three kinds of bears (okay, the white ones wouldn't get all the way south to Wasilla) and wolves. Not to mention mountain lions, which are rare but have been seen well north of the Anchorage area.
Why would such a wuss rent a house on the edge of Alaskan woods? You'd think he'd take one look at the stuffed grizzly in the Anchorage airport terminal and turn around and go back to civilization.
Just askin'
You know, Crack is on to something. He constantly calls out the sex changers as a cult.
I should have referred to the fag/fag hag cult, not culture.
Enemies of the cult must be destroyed.
We must drink the Koolade. Must not have children. Must fuck only for purposes of self degradation.
Enemies of the cult must be destroyed
Why would such a wuss rent a house on the edge of Alaskan woods?
Ignorance is bliss.
there was a time when people who did research did it on site...at the Bibliotheque Nationale, at the Cathedral libraries - essentially where the information rested - and not flyby journalism
How decidedly odd. Examing McGinniss the Elder's published back catalogue, I notice that he felt no such irresistible urgings prodding him implacably towards "real research" while penning, for instance, 2007's Never Enough (he did not relocate to the appropraite neighborhood in Hong Kong in order to be closer to chosen subject Nancy Kissel); nor did he move next door to obese womanslayer Ted Kennedy, seeking further verisimilitude on behalf of 1993's The Last Brother; nor... nor... nor...
Either McGinniss is either, by hd's own gossamyr logic, a cheap "flyby" hack, and nothing more... or: his ostentatiously relocating to a handy spying spot, just yards away from Piper Palin's bedroom window, has nothing whatsoever to do with journalism, save that of the most poisonously jaundiced sort.
The funniest and most ironic part of the story is that the only reason he has the house (at a great price, too) is that Princess Sarah stiffed the landlord for renovations she demanded...so the landlord, hearing about the book, CALLED McGinnis and offered up the house.
If this deadbeat tea bagging dolt had just paid her bills he would be living elsewhere.
The fact that so many here think this woman is some kind of savior really illustrates how incredibly dense most of your are.
Big Mike - "Just askin'"
And I provided the answer.
He was offered the house because the Princess is a deadbeat.
All books the Princess has never read (as if she actually reads anything):
* The Selling of the President (1969)
* The Dream Team (1972)
* Heroes (1976)
* Going to Extremes (1980)
* Fatal Vision (1983)
* Blind Faith (1989)
* Cruel Doubt (1991)
* The Last Brother: The Rise and Fall of Teddy Kennedy (1993)
* The Miracle of Castel di Sangro (1999), the story of Castel di Sangro Calcio.
* The Big Horse (2004)
* Never Enough (2007)
How decidedly odd. Examing McGinniss the Elder's published back catalogue, I notice that he felt no such irresistible urgings prodding him implacably towards "real research" while penning, for instance, 2007's Never Enough (he did not relocate to the appropraite neighborhood in Hong Kong in order to be closer to chosen subject Nancy Kissel); nor did he move next door to obese womanslayer Ted Kennedy, seeking further verisimilitude on behalf of 1993's The Last Brother; nor... nor... nor...
Either McGinniss is either, by hd's own gossamyr logic, a cheap "flyby" hack, and nothing more... or: his ostentatiously relocating to a handy spying spot, just yards away from Piper Palin's bedroom window, has nothing whatsoever to do with journalism, save that of the most poisonously jaundiced sort.
@Jeremy, I wonder whether McGinniss knows what to do if he goes for a walk in the woods and gets between a female grizzly and her cubs.
According to a friend of a friend who survived it, the right thing to do is play dead and let the bear eat parts of you. If she thinks you're alive, she won't stop until you aren't.
Up in Alaska a .357 Magnum is referred to as "bear repellent." But McGinniss is a liberal so I am fairly confident that he and guns don't mix.
I don't think youhave to be a libertarian to believe that if you don't own the property next door, you don't get to say who lives there.
Palin is making tons of money right now. You think she'd have purchased a little more privacy, if that's what she wants.
John said...
"Yeah. He just hangs out on his back deck with a pair of binoculars watching whoever is in the yard."
No he doesn't. Who told you that? There is a 16 foot high privacy fence that TODD built. Don't worry,physics are still physics even in Frau Hoof's backyard.
10 9:30 AM
kent blurted...
"Either McGinniss is either, by hd's own gossamyr logic, a cheap "flyby" hack, and nothing more... or: his ostentatiously relocating to a handy spying spot, just yards away from Piper Palin's bedroom window, has nothing whatsoever to do with journalism, save that of the most poisonously jaundiced sort.Discuss."
Ewwwwe. how gross. are you projecting? is this what you want to do?
what a silly silly silly thing to write. You should be ashamed.
Ah this hack will move on in a few weeks. Alaska is no place for middle aged, homos with a chip on their shoulder. He'll slink away by July 4th weekend.
"I don't think youhave to be a libertarian to believe that if you don't own the property next door, you don't get to say who lives there."
True. But you can say what you think about who lives there even if you are libertarian.
"Palin is making tons of money right now. You think she'd have purchased a little more privacy, if that's what she wants."
This is a logical error, actually. It's a bit like saying that if someone didn't want their stuff stolen they'd lock it up better. Neither excuses the person violating privacy or the person who takes something they don't own. Citizens in a community have the right to expect that their privacy and their property will be respected by decent folks, even if they don't have a great deal of money to buy super security systems or estates without neighbors.
And apparently she did purchase privacy. She purchased a fence. And she shouldn't have had to do that.
hd whinnied:
what a silly silly silly thing to write. You should be ashamed.
In other words, then: not even an attempt at refutation of any of the points raised, whatsoever. Failed dodge so noted.
Pitiful. If that's genuinely what passes for your "A" game, my recommendation is that you take up something more in line with the evident scope of your abilities. Jacks, maybe. Or masturbation.
So, Sestak and now Romanoff.
Anyone who wants to bash Palin as inexperienced should consider that Obama will never be impeached over Bribery because that would put Bumblefuck Biden in charge.
Biden was chosen for VP as insurance against an Obama impeachment. He's that incompetent.
Now, back to the scheduled bashing of Palin by stupid and perverted Libtards who are always hinting to suck your balls...
I wonder whether McGinniss knows what to do if he goes for a walk in the woods and gets between a female grizzly and her cubs.
Heh. Per the local paper, I wonder whether McGinniss knows what to do if he goes for a walk and comes across a No Trespassing sign.
kent said...
"In other words, then: not even an attempt at refutation of any of the points raised, whatsoever."
The Rabid Right always carts out this dodge...They say nothing of substance so there is nothing to refute. They offer no proof, merely spitting up Rush or that idiot Beck's latest foolishness and when we just call it for what it is, a pile of crap with no substance or basis, they pill up in a little snarly ball and go for the "failure to refute" strawdog.
You right wing gizmos are a wonder to me. How do you survive the day.
hd sniveled...
... well... nothing whatsoever worth noting, really. Just more sniveling qua sniveling. Second (and even lamer, if possible) consecutive dodge, noted. Yawn.
How wretchedly, miserably humiliating. For you.
Synova: This is a logical error, actually. It's a bit like saying that if someone didn't want their stuff stolen they'd lock it up better. Neither excuses the person violating privacy or the person who takes something they don't own.
Actually, it's not. Palin is getting the exact amount of privacy she has decided she needs. Her problem is not privacy, but that she doesn't like the person who lives next door.
As to your analogy, how well someone protects their possessions may be an indication of how much they value them. I may leave my baby's stroller out on the front porch overnight, but not my baby.
kent pouted...
How wretchedly, miserably humiliating. For you."
Oh I don't mind...Having to lower myself to the depths of the right wing ignorance just to beat you and your cronies like cheap rented mules is, in the end, rather heroic of me if I say so myself.
... dodged. Again.
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