June 15, 2010

"Life is about people and friends and the relationships you have with the people you love."

"That's what life is all about, and when you look back, the nostalgic moments, the warm moments of your life always will be about that, always will be about relationships that you had with people that you love, always will be about events that you have experienced with people that you love."

(That's Rush Limbaugh, at the end of a long monologue about his wedding.)


Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Wow. That's deep. I sense a future in crafting Hallmark cards for this former sex tourist.

Unknown said...

...AND the comments you leave on blogs. Those too.

Once written, twice... said...

Is this wife four or five for Rush?

mszoop said...

YAWN. Totally agree with Ritmo. Why was this deemed worthy of posting? Nothing to see here. Move on.

Jason (the commenter) said...

So, Elton John Greatest Hits, think I'll go buy the CD.

chuck b. said...

Well, congratulations to him on his fourth traditional marriage.

Joan said...


(He's right -- again.)

Jeremy said...

"Life is about being a wealthy bigoted, racist drug addicted pig and of course, money and the relationships having money and influence can create, with people who worship your every word. you have to have sycophants like The Queen and Needy to keep things rolling."

Peter Hoh said...

Our almost instinct, almost true:
What will survive of us is love.

Bender said...

Might I ask why you liberals feel this need to spew caustic hate all the time? Why are you so consumed with bile and malice? Don't you know you only end up destroying yourself in the process?

Anonymous said...

Jeremy shows the content of his heart: deceit, projection, and hatred of others.

Unknown said...

El Rushbo has it right about what matters here. At work, when you look back, it isn't the money you made or the projects you were on, it's the people who stood by you and made it fun. Same at home and, especially, in a marriage.

Methadras said...

Jeremy said...

"Life is about being a wealthy bigoted, racist drug addicted pig and of course, money and the relationships having money and influence can create, with people who worship your every word. you have to have sycophants like The Queen and Needy to keep things rolling."

Is that envy or jealousy?

Methadras said...

Flexo said...

Might I ask why you liberals feel this need to spew caustic hate all the time? Why are you so consumed with bile and malice? Don't you know you only end up destroying yourself in the process?

Leftards don't care. Their souls are black and lost. They are hopeless to a fault and that's what happens when you embrace and ideology of evil. You are seeing the malignancy of it.

chickelit said...

Only Sarah Palin prompts as much venom as Limbaugh, even when they say something genuinely non-political.

I don't envy you guys one bit for all your smarts.

traditionalguy said...

Ah yes, trash talking by the envious stalkers again. Rush may have a share of sychopants as do all rich men, but that is not his fault. And no amount of trash talking takes away the service that El Rushbo makes to all who enjoy a well argued analysis of political games from all sides. He is as good as I've ever seen. The man is a true intellectual in the sense that he first defines his subjects and their ideas from which he than rationally deduces what we can expect from them next. And he is right again. But the Hydra-headed Obama has been quite a challenge for El Rushbo and for every one else that wants Obama to do the good things he continuously, and falsely, promises. We just resist his offers to be our super ruler over all things in crisis a la Chavez and Putin.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Intelligence actually correlates with depression, or so they say.

Usually with someone adding that the reason is obvious.

I don't see why people can't be intelligent enough to be concerned about the problems people create and happy at the same time. But only in a setting where inaction isn't the only possibility.

Revenant said...

Why was this deemed worthy of posting? Nothing to see here. Move on.

I thought it was interesting simply because Rush Limbaugh isn't exactly known for his mushy sentimentality.

Limbaugh getting in touch with his inner Oprah is as unusual as... well, as Jeremy or Ritmo responding to a conservative without bitterness and bile. Absolutely comment-worthy, if only because it happens so seldom.

bagoh20 said...

Yea, if that kind of bile came out of me, I'd see a doctor. Does it hurt?

Once written, twice... said...

Surprise, surprise. The Althouse Hillbillies drool all over themselves trashing Al Gore. But don't you dare make fun of god fearing, family values lovin' Rush Limbaugh!

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I comment free of bile to conservative intellects and those free of bile themselves. It's often hard because for every comment from Jeremy there are a multitude of vomitous excretions from the likes of "Meth-Head" Methadras and way too many others to count. Further, Rush Limbaugh is one of the most bilious individuals on the air anywhere. Period. He invented the genre. To complain about bile from the left in defense of Limblown makes about as much sense as complaining about the smell of turpentine at a sewage disposal plant.

And to repeat the first comment (and others), if the sentiment was sincere, it was expressed in way too shallow a manner to respect. He's been married multiple times and does seem to have engaged in sex tourism. You can be happy for his (likely, temporary) happiness. Just don't expect me to assume someone as bombastic as Limblown to be an expert on the gentler sentiments, or how to keep them together.

Seriously, I tried for pithy in the first comment and all you saw was bile. It was witty, accurate and to-the-point -- just the way you guys like it.

Now, would it be like asking for the moon if we got some realism when it came to Limbaugh and the sort of person he really is?

Nevermind. Think of him whatever you will.

Jeremy said...

Blah, blah, blah...liberal this, liberal that.

What a bunch of weenies.

Whining, bitching, whining and bitching.

And of course, sucking on Rush.

That's all you tea baggers do...every day of the week.

HDR said...

Wow, you leftists really need to (a) show some compassion, and (b) spend an afternoon sometime and listen to the guy's show. He isn't a mean-spirited guy. The show is insanely popular not because of venom or bile but mainly because it is funny and original. When he is on his game his monologue leaves you feeling like it was worth the time to listen,even when you may not agree with every word. I think most leftists see a few seconds of Beck ranting or Hannity parroting some RNC line on Fox and just figure Rush is the same.

He isn't.

traditionalguy said...

Ritmo...That was such good prose you just wrote that you get a free pass for hating the Limbaugh that many love so much. So what that he is a people pleaser who sometimes gets himself into trouble in his personal life? He is not an executive like the forever out golfing Barry claims to be. Rush is only a motor mouth that loves people and loves the truth who sometimes uses his strengths too much.

Jeremy said...

Ritmo - Without "Jeremy" this would be one big daisy chain of tea bagging wing nuts sucking on The Queen...and of course, each other.

That's all this site is.

Jeremy said...

Sky - Rush is a bigoted, racist prick.

Get your head out of your ass...or at least his.

HDR said...

Again, stop name-calling and listen to the show. Not vouching for the man's private character, but ON THE SHOW is is good-natured and extremely funny.

Allow me to anticipate your response: blah blah racist blah blah fat pig blah blah venomous blah blah.


Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I don't hate Rush Limbaugh and thanks for the compliment.

What I hate is the way he combines the shallow thinking and his pretension to an easy (and incredibly obvious!) answer to everything in life with some bile for good measure thrown in here and there.

(Maybe he doesn't think he has the answers to everything in life, but he sure thinks he has all the answers to every social issue).

I'll admit that I don't listen to him, but I have seen the clips that surface every time he feels like getting out line or whatever. He didn't seem to show much compassion to Michael J. Fox, a man with Parkinson's Disease. If anything begged for compassion and a contrite apology, one would think that sad episode did.

I listened to Limbaugh on the radio of a car I waited in one time when I was in college and my gf was off running an errand. I remember thinking that it was kind of fun, maybe even a bit intoxicating. But like one would conclude following an experience with drugs, I stayed away thereafter. Both provide answers way easier to anything in life than should be neurologically or psychologically possible. And that's the same feeling I get from his summation on love and relationships. He might be less clinical than Dr. Drew, but even for a celebrity like Mr. Limbaugh I really can't say that I found anything more redeeming in his soliloquy than that.

I hope that clarifies my feelings regarding Mr. Rush Hudson Limbaugh the 3rd.

Paul Kirchner said...

It gets on my nerves when I hear people say things like, "On their deathbed, no one wishes they spent more time at the office."

Can that be validated? What if you got fired from your job for coming in late and leaving early--you know, "stopping to smell the roses"--and your deathbed turns out to be a soggy cardboard box in a filthy, rat-infested alley strewn with used needles and condoms. THEN you'd wished you'd spent more time at the office, eh, Mr. Philosopher?

I'm a right-winger but I've never been into Rush. His political commentary seems very entry-level to me. Too much rah-rah Republicanism, even when they're betraying conservative principles.

Fred4Pres said...

He's high.

In a good way.

Bender said...

And why would you guys take such pride in being such foul and vile people?

traditionalguy said...

@ Paul...I have been on a death bed and come back. Yes, after that you do want to enjoy being with nice people and sons, daughters and grandchildren when you recover. Busy-ness does make money as you say, but as Jesus is reported to have said to his beloved friend Martha, the best part of life requires a little selfishness in spending some of your time with strangers, and family members who may have become strangers, if you are worn out by working. (Jesus called it being"cumbered with much serving" in the KJV's Red Letter verses).

AC245 said...

And why would you guys take such pride in being such foul and vile people?

They're leftists. It's who they are.

Joan said...

People like Ritmo, who freely and frequently criticize Rush while at the same time proclaiming "I listened to him once," or "I watch the clips that surface from time to time" totally crack me up. What was that saying, "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"? When you admit right off the bat you don't know what you're talking about, you've already lost any audience -- not to mention respect -- you might otherwise have earned.

Paul -- Limbaugh's style certainly isn't for everyone, but "rah-rah Republicanism" does not accurately describe his philosophy. He critiqued the Bush Administration plenty, and he has little love for most of the Republicans still in Congress.

The Crack Emcee said...

I just recommended young people listen to him.

rhhardin said...

Life is about never being bored.

This happens when you leave school.

Opus One Media said...

This is a hoot. Not only do we get to view Rush in a moment of complete hyprocracy but we get to see the "uber-kinder" do their "I hate lefties because they spew hatred for something or other" rant.

Then someone tosses in Sarah as yet another victim.

I'm going back to bed. This is way too rich for my blood at 6am. It has to be later in the day to stomach this nonsense.

Oh, and Methadras..your comment about the "muletto presidet" wasn't unnoticed. Nicely snuck in racism there you putz.

rhhardin said...

Too much rah-rah Republicanism, even when they're betraying conservative principles.

He's not into Republicans; he wants conservative ones.

His fault is that he's also a social conservative. This results in week-long periods of really bad radio sometimes, until he gets past it.

Like his wedding monologue, if he keeps it up.

Everybody realizes that you marry the one who you can't live without. Everybody realizes that not everybody sees your own mate that way, and doesn't go on about how marvelous they are, except once to make the point how much you like them, which was the vastly overgeneralized point of "people and friends..." into banality.

Andrea said...

Hmmm, let's see -- Ritmo, Jeremy, HDHouse... yep, they're all here. Like moths to a flame. Like flies to sticky fly paper! Like a cliché.

Opus One Media said...

@Andrea -

Why in the world would you want to be in the gunboat that floats around defending the ilk of Rush Limbaugh?...

Rats fleeing a sinking ship comes to mind....such a visual.

Opus One Media said...

and I might add that this little Rush monologue is 2000 words shorter than his pre-nup and takes longer to read than months this attempt at sacred vows will last...

just a hunch ya'betcha.

Anonymous said...

He didn't seem to show much compassion to Michael J. Fox, a man with Parkinson's Disease.

Did you hear what he actually said in that broadcast? That Fox didn't take his meds before testifying and then Fox said the same thing later in his book? What's wrong with that? He stated a fact.

master cylinder said...

Love all this defense of Rush! I listen to him....when I want to know what talking points are coming my way.
I know where I stand with him, between "operation chaos" and stating that he wants this president to fail,
he leaves no gray area. I'm glad you all like him.
Im glad you stand with Ann and Meade whenever asked. I wish the Dems had that kind of lockstep.

Trooper York said...

"master cylinder said...
I wish the Dems had that kind of lockstep."

You know you are a really funny guy! LOL

Scott said...

Messianic leftists, knee-jerk reactionaries, and the occasional link whore. You meet all kinds at the Althouse Cafe.

But these days after I post a comment, I feel like I need to take a shower.

Known Unknown said...

Maybe Ann should have married Rush.

Trooper York said...

Even the occasional real whore!

If you hang out with her and hdhouse a shower is just not gonna cut it.

Scott said...

How did she get in your car?

You need a shower and a doctor appointment after that one!

Trooper York said...

I don't have a car man. That was a photo from hdhouse's flicker page.
He records all of his "dates."

I wonder if he has a crawlspace in his mansion in the Hamptons?

former law student said...

A man with four wives certainly has a lot of love to give.

The show is insanely popular not because of venom or bile but mainly because it is funny and original.

What is funny about the Rush Limbaugh Show? What gave you a bellylaugh (or even a tiny chuckle) from today's show?

Larry J said...

The last paragraph in the transcript applies here as well:

Also -- and we happened to see this on television and heard it later on radio. Apparently Joy Behar just went off on Elton John on The View, calling him greedy. Somebody called him "a whore." And Megyn Kelly, who was there at the wedding with her husband, Doug, took Joy Behar to the bank in setting this straight. So I wanted to thank her for getting the truth out about what happened down there. Mark Levin did the same thing and Sean Hannity spent a lot of time on his radio show on the following Monday talking about it. As I say, it was quite instructive to listen to people who weren't there act as experts as to why any aspect of it had happened, the insults that people who would normally love and adore Elton John that were thrown at him by these same people, very, very instructive. Very instructive for anybody to learn truly about who the left happens to be.

Go ahead and wallow in your hate, leftists. It must be miserable to live such a twisted, bile-filled existence. It must suck to be you.

Anonymous said...

". . . but as Jesus is reported to have said to his beloved friend Martha, the best part of life requires a little selfishness in spending some of your time with strangers, and family members who may have become strangers, if you are worn out by working. (Jesus called it being"cumbered with much serving" in the KJV's Red Letter verses)."

I think that story is about being so busy doing things for God that you're not spending any time with him.

Salamandyr said...

You know, the one thing I've taken away from all of this, is the impression that Elton John is an incredibly decent person. He's repeatedly taken heat for appearing with others who have gotten in trouble for making anti-gay slurs, like for instance, Axl Rose and Eminem.

However, he refers to it as "building bridges", which seems to me that he realizes that it's harder to demonize gays when you know one and consider him a friend...so he offers his friendship, and his example. I respect the Hell out of that.

As for Rush, accusations of his "homophobia" is those of racism. He opposes legal recognition of gay marriage. Big Deal. So do Obama, and for that matter, Elton John.

A certain amount of ribbing for his multiple marriages on the other hand, is expected. And warranted.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

He didn't seem to show much compassion to Michael J. Fox, a man with Parkinson's Disease. If anything begged for compassion and a contrite apology, one would think that sad episode did.

This shows that you really don't listen to the show (actually neither do I because it is on when I'm at work).

The thing about Fox was that Rush felt and was illustrating through his monologues that he (Fox) was being used and exploited for cynical political purposes (stem cell research promotion). If anyone should apologize it should be those who so crassly used Fox as a shill for their political AND economic aims.

Re: his sentiments. Even in a crashed and trashed relationship, when looking back, there are still good times that you can remember. It isn't always ALL bad.


Hoosier Daddy said...

That's deep. I sense a future in crafting Hallmark cards for this former sex tourist.

You say sex tourist that as if it was a bad thing.

Repressed maybe or just jealous that a chunky conservative is having more fun than you do ;-)

SteveR said...

No matter how many times it happens, the commenters to any post about Rush Limbaugh don't see how they are being set up. Makes no difference what he says about any subject. The usual line up, the usual adjectives, its quite revealing the first hundred or so times its happened. By now you're just showing yourselves to be unoriginal, intellectual lighweights.

master cylinder said...

I really do I admire the "lets stick together"
mentality of Republicans. I'm a funny broad, btw

Salamandyr said...

As for Rush, accusations of his "homophobia" is those of racism. He opposes legal recognition of gay marriage. Big Deal. So do Obama, and for that matter, Elton John.

That was supposed to read "accusations of his "homophobia" are as ephemeral as those of racism. Too many edits, and the most important part of the sentence got left out.

Meade said...

I listen to Rush Limbaugh because he steals his best stuff from Althouse. Everyone knows it.
He's a master thief.

For that, he earns my respect.

Freeman Hunt said...

I wonder if he's thinking of having children. That's what popped into my mind upon reading that quote.

When he came back on the air after rehab and started talking about the importance of not trying to make everyone like you, a very common piece of common wisdom, there was something about the way he said it that made me think, "Oh! He's going to get a divorce!" And he did.

I'm glad these are now happier times for him.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

not trying to make everyone like you

@ Freeman

For clarification did he mean not like you: as in being the same as you


not like you: as in people having a good feeling about you



former law student said...

Freeman raises an interesting topic -- is having children at age 60 fair to the child, considering one's dad died at 72? No father around for your first date, your hs graduation, your wedding, your first child?

Not that a prospective child of Rush's would want for anything that money could buy, but a father's presence means a lot to the development of a young adult.

Freeman Hunt said...

The second one. That you shouldn't worry about pleasing everyone and making them all have nice feelings about you.

Alex said...


I comment free of bile to conservative intellects and those free of bile themselves.

Oh that's rich considering your first comment o this thread:

Wow. That's deep. I sense a future in crafting Hallmark cards for this former sex tourist.

Fuck off and die you piece of scum.

Freeman Hunt said...

FLS, I agree that fathers are of incredible importance. But then, I'd rather exist than not, even if it meant not having a father. Shorter answer: I don't know.

Though with advances in medicine and looking after one's health, I wouldn't call sixty old.

Alex said...

What is funny about the Rush Limbaugh Show? What gave you a bellylaugh (or even a tiny chuckle) from today's show?

Nothing. It just fortified me with more hate and bile for liberals like you. That is Rush's job - to stoke the fires of hate in me!

Hoosier Daddy said...

Though with advances in medicine and looking after one's health, I wouldn't call sixty old.

Nope. Sixty is the new forty as I see it. I plan on being fit, trim and shagging like a rabbit when I'm sixty.

former law student said...

Sixty may not be old, but eighty-two (when the hypothetical Rush child would graduate from college) still is.

Freeman Hunt said...

But by then the kid isn't a kid anymore.

Hoosier Daddy said...

But by then the kid isn't a kid anymore.

I dunno Freeman, seems kid has been defined up to about age 26 for the purposes of mommy and daddy keeping them on insurance ;-)

kjbe said...

seems kid has been defined up to about age 26 for the purposes of mommy and daddy keeping them on insurance ;)

...or 16 when they're set off to sail around the world.

As for this Rush quote...I'd never be mistaken as a fan of his, but I'm glad to have read it.

Anonymous said...

@FLS: "What is funny about the Rush Limbaugh Show? What gave you a bellylaugh (or even a tiny chuckle) from today's show?"

I don't listen to the guy more than once or twice a year, so I don't recall the last thing he said that made me laugh. I do know it happens ten times per show.

The funniest bit I particularly remember was years ago when he was mocking the latest animal rights fatuity, and presented a version of "Born Free" updated with the sounds of guns and squealing animals. It was pants-pissing funny in its own right, but even more so because of the reaction I knew it would draw from the bunny huggers the next day. Which it indeed did.

Alex said...

I have to admit Rush was a lot funnier in the old days of

* animal rights updates(sounds of squealing dying animals and guns) with "Born Free"

* homeless updates(mocking dirty homeless bums)

Bring those back!!!!

Eric said...

Rush is right about this. It's a shame our culture is built around the idea of the acquisition of things in a denial of this simple truth. I know so many people sitting on a big pile of toys asking themselves "is this all there is?"

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

It's funny how a few comments on a shallow quote by Big Radio Guy demonstrates that I'm obsessed with him, whereas everyone else was too busy with something or other (on the same night that the president they're obsessed with gives his first Oval Office speech, incidentally!) to drop by until the wee hours and indefinitely thereafter.

Sorry you missed the relevant dialogue, Joan. Maybe next time. You don't win these things by outlasting others.

Anyway, you suggest witholding judgment on the value of what someone says absent a lifetime of daily indoctrination by him? That's crazy right off the bat. It takes some bit of naivite to believe that you can never know what an obvious polemicist is about in lieu of the experience of awaiting regular, er, enrichment by his words.

Here's a chin-scratcher for you, Joan: Althouse and I agree: He's a big bombast. She just finds it brilliant, and I think it's shallow and idiotic. There. The same conclusion. Just different opinions on the value of what that conclusion signifies. You'd do yourself a favor by distinguishing what people know from what they agree or disagree about.

I daresay I can listen to one speech, and maybe even one or two lines, of something stated by Lincoln or MLK to know the brilliant power of their oratory or writing, as well as the intentions behind their polemics. Same goes for Hitler. I'd say it's too bad that you can't do that. Maybe you're less ignorant than me; Congrats. But I'd also say you're less capable of rendering a useful judgment based on the effect of useful, if limited, evidence.

wv: right. Why yes indeed.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

The thing about Fox was that Rush felt and was illustrating through his monologues that he (Fox) was being used and exploited for cynical political purposes (stem cell research promotion). If anyone should apologize it should be those who so crassly used Fox as a shill for their political AND economic aims.

This is bullshit. Limblown claimed that Fox exaggerated the effects of a crippling, progressive and debilitating disease, when in fact he did no such thing - Fox merely didn't take his medication for one day so that others could see what the disease really did to him. And Limbaugh did so through the use of repulsive visual imitations that took the appearance of mockery. Talk about cynicism.

For that, Limblown is a scumbag, although with enough self-knowledge to know that, even if he couldn't admit he was wrong, his stature and following required that he at least make an apology as half-hearted as someone as heartless and smug as he could muster.

This he did. It was about as qualified an apology as he could get away with, but it was there. It just wasn't contrite. You are wrong on this one.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

You say sex tourist that as if it was a bad thing.

Repressed maybe or just jealous that a chunky conservative is having more fun than you do ;-)

First off, I'm not sure why sex tourism is required to have more fun than I do.

That said, do I really even need to make a second point?

Joan said...

you suggest witholding judgment on the value of what someone says absent a lifetime of daily indoctrination by him?

Not at all. But you yourself admitted that you don't listen to him, and only watch the occasional clip that gets posted. So you're sampling a very selected portion of the man's output, and you're accepting all the spin that's put out by his opponents without considering context or any other relevant information.

You want to keep jumping to conclusions, knock yourself out. I said nothing about a lifetime of daily indoctrination being necessary. IMO your limited exposure (from biased sources) is insufficient to form a fair opinion. Don't worry about it, though. You've got plenty of company among your fellow travelers.

No apologies for my commenting schedule, either -- it is what it is.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I don't listen to him because he's unlistenable. In order to reach that decision, I, uh, actually had to hear a few of his sorry attempts at quality broadcasts. If in the great expanse between "never" and "usually" you require a qualifier, ok - here it is: I don't regularly listen to the Great Rush Hudson Limblaugh the 3rd, OxyContin Addict, Occasional Sex Tourist and Bombasticator in Chief of the Republican Revolution.

And I don't have to to figure out some basic things about the guy and what his schtick is all about.

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