Drudge. Smoking Gun:
In a bizarre statement to police, the Oregon woman who claims that Al Gore fondled and groped her during a massage session described the former Vice President as a giggling "crazed sex poodle" who gave a "come hither" look before pouncing on her in a Portland hotel suite. In a taped January 2009 interview with cops, the 54-year-old woman, a licensed masseuse... detailed her alleged October 2006 encounter with Gore at the Hotel Lucia.... It is unclear why, two years later, she approached Portland police and sought to memorialize her allegations against Gore, who she portrayed as a tipsy, handsy predator who forced her to drink Grand Marnier, pinned her to a bed, and forcibly French kissed her. The woman's statement--which could be mistaken for R-rated Vice Presidential fan fiction--describes Gore as a man with a "violent temper as well as extremely dictatorial commanding attitude besides his Mr. Smiley Global Warming concern persona." After fleeing Gore's suite, the woman returned home to discover, a la Lewinsky, "stains on the front of my black slacks." Suspecting that the stains were Gore bodily fluids, the woman made sure not to clean them.
२७२ टिप्पण्या:
272 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»I gotta tell you--I am no big fan of al gore; but this has all the makings of tabloid trash--Ok--so al may have wanted a hummer. The woman in question apparently is a sex industry person. Given what is going on the world today, this shit should be relegated to the trash can. unfortunately this will devolve into a partisan issue, that is totally irrelevant to the condition this country finds itself in.
Why do you fuel this particular fire, Professor, when we have a lot of major issues with which to deal.
An inconvenient truth?
Ahhh--thats right--it generates lots of hits on a webpage--duhhhh (apologies to Jeremy)
Ok--so al may have wanted a hummer.
Well that would be in line with his preference with other gas guzzlers like his private jet and....oh...that kind of hummer...
My mistake. As you were.
Gore needs to provise a DNA sample. To clear his name.
Last post: Our national security strategy re afghanistan has been set back nearly a year; the democrats are not going to pass a budget (one suspects because they dont want to reveal how much red ink is flowing before the midterms), the gulf of mexico is a disaster, we are speculating if al gore is a sex poodle.
Once you have read over the transcript of her interview with the police, you will no longer have a superficial opinion that she is a sex industry person (or trailer trash as Bill Clinton's spin masters called his victims).
Roger, she was a masseuse, not some chic at the local Massage Parlor....
trad guy--you are correct, I havent chosed to wallow in this particular scandal and I do apologize for my uninformed speculation. There are simply more importantthings going on the world today. So mea culpa for my use of the term sex worker.
and Joe--I take your point--again, mea culpa
There is room enough in my world to be concerned about the economy and the war in Afghanistan while simultaneously laughing my ass off at Al Gore's predicament.
Groping and fondling are verbs for different body parts, I'd guess.
Apparently, Roger J. is unable to multi-task.
Me? I'm able both to be outraged/concerned/appalled/engaged/fill-in-the-blank about the state of the world and all the "more important things" we should be dealing with, and to point and laugh at this amusing story.
"Well that would be in line with his preference with other gas guzzlers"
Good one.
This is such quintessential Althouse-Bait. There is almost zero chance Ann couldn't write about this. It definitely meets the first criteria, it's a Democrat, and it's about sex. Never seemed interested in the slightest in Republican sex scandals, that Ann.
" Why do you fuel this particular fire, Professor, when we have a lot of major issues with which to deal."
Because Gore and his wife are sanctimonious, national-level scolds who set themselves up as arbiters of how Americans should conduct their lives. For those of us who are sick and tired of leftist rhetoric, a little schadenfreude at the Gores' expense is a welcome relief.
This is one fire that deserves some gasoline.
No wonder AlGore ended up with laurie David, he couldn't get any releif from the Massuesseseses of the world.....
Groping and fondling are verbs for different body parts, I'd guess
I would think that by definition, fondling requires some mutual cooperation whereas groping is a one sided action.
either way....eeeeewww. I can't imagine anyone wanting to have sex with that sweaty blob of flab (Al Gore). I bet he has damp palms and rubbery fingers.
odd timing.
and who cares. far more important things going on all over the world.
Juxtapose this story with Gore's oh so serious OPED in the WSJ today.
Danielle--remember your comment the next time a republican becomes embroiled in a sex scandal.
Was drinking coffee while I read this, and when I got to the "bodily fluids" part, I threw up a little in my cup.
we are speculating if al gore is a sex poodle.
Of course its bullshit. Gore is hardly a poodle. Look at the size of the guy. We're talking mastiff.
Danielle--remember your comment the next time a republican becomes embroiled in a sex scandal.
THAT’S different….Republicans are hypocrites, whereas AlGore is merely a sinner, like the rest of us!
Couldn't have happened to a more sanctimonious jerk of a guy!
extremely dictatorial commanding attitude
Fits the profile...
Note the dismay by some in this thread that this story is even being acknowledged or covered. Oh, for the good old days, before the pesky internet, when it was so much easier for democrat transgressions to be ignored, minimized, or swept under the rug!
Gore is hardly a poodle. Look at the size of the guy. We're talking mastiff.
LOL. But insulting to dogs everywhere.
Never seemed interested in the slightest in Republican sex scandals, that Ann.
I don't have the time or inclination to go dig them up but I seem to recall the Professor posting on Sanford and his Appalachian Trail tail and a few others like the toe tapping dude from Idaho.
Methinks your memory is a wee bit selective garage or you just can't handle it when your idols are picked on.
She's saved Gore's carbon footprint.
Personally I blame all the 2Live Crew that Al listened to...."Me So Horny"
Danielle--remember your comment the next time a republican becomes embroiled in a sex scandal.
Checkmate biatches!
Sorry couldn't help myself
Just because the woman is 54 doesn't necessarily mean that she is a legitimate masseuse. The police in my area are constantly busting Asian massage parlors, presumably because the parlors aren't paying enough bribes, and according to the newspaper accounts the women are often startlingly old - frequently over 50, sometimes over 60.
Sex scandal aside...
From the report:
"I asked him what he had become clear about lately himself, and he said, Letting go of results."
LOL! (Like those pesky scientific ones.)
The first shot across the bow...
and now the public battle begins.
Will there be truth (inconvenient or otherwise) discovered?
Who knows
Will there be talk show appearances, books written and profits to be made...
You betcha!!!
(PS Now we know the real source of Global warming.)
Just because the woman is 54 doesn't necessarily mean that she is a legitimate masseuse. The police in my area are constantly busting Asian massage parlors, presumably because the parlors aren't paying enough bribes, and according to the newspaper accounts the women are often startlingly old - frequently over 50, sometimes over 60.
Here’s my theory…IF she was “Hand Job Hannah” with an arrest record for Solicitation, I think that Drudge and the Enquirer, much less AlGore himself would have been the first to bring this up….after all If she was a Professional Sex Worker, that too, is a scandal, from the Drudge/Enquirer PoV…”Former Veep Uses ‘Ho’s’”
After all it’s INCONCEIVABLE that a US politician would have an intern perform sexual acts with a cee-gar in the Oval Office, or that a sitting Governor would run off to Argentina for a tryst with his new-found “Soulmate” or that a sitting Senator would be arrested in a men’s room for soliciting sex from another man, or that a Veep Candidate and POTUS candidate would be having an affair whilst running and his wife was dying of cancer. So yes, this must a lie, because NOTHING like this could ever happen…..OH WAIT.
You are right to compare the stain thing to Lewinsky. I would be very shocked if that didn’t run through the woman’s mind, too. I mean look she either made it up or she didn’t. And either way, you probably had her noticing, or creating, the parallel.
It think this all makes Gore officially every bit as bad as Clinton.
And maybe that means the next shoe to drop is a test on the stain.
> The woman in question apparently is a sex industry person.
I see you apologized. I would suggest you actually delete it.
> Never seemed interested in the slightest in Republican sex scandals, that Ann.
Its not a sex scandal, a--hole. Its sexual assault or it’s a lie. Those are the only two options.
I was thinking St. Bernard. But mastiff? Great play on words!
Its not a sex scandal, a--hole. Its sexual assault or it’s a lie. Those are the only two options.
In the immortal words of a fmaous, Democrat, "The b*tch set me up!"
AlGore needs to get in front of this, I say he hires Jim Carville right now...."Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find." or in this case, "Drag a $540 dollar bill thru a Massage Parlor an' you neve-ah know what y'all find."
This is such quintessential Althouse-Bait. There is almost zero chance Ann couldn't write about this. It definitely meets the first criteria, it's a Democrat, and it's about sex. Never seemed interested in the slightest in Republican sex scandals, that Ann.
You sound like you're taking this kind of personally, GM.
If true, it's shocking that Gore, with all his money, couldn't find someone younger and hotter to try to get freaky with. That masseuse was definitely past her "best by" date. And that's an inconvenient truth.
This is such quintessential Althouse-Bait. There is almost zero chance Ann couldn't write about this. It definitely meets the first criteria, it's a Democrat, and it's about sex. Never seemed interested in the slightest in Republican sex scandals, that Ann.
You sound like you're taking this kind of personally, GM.
How could you forget the diaper scandal? I can't see that guy w/o remembering the diaper thing.
A still sitting Senator paying of the husband of his lover/staffer should also be added to your list.
Reminds me of this by MuteMath. (The video will confuse) but the lyrics will clarify
Dust Bunny Queen
A surprisingly large number of women are attracted to rich, powerful, men, almost regardless of their physical attributes. They are, to some extent, wired that way, just as we, males, are wired to be attracted to beautiful sexy women.
AlGore (aka ManBearPig) is both rich and powerful. Former VP and Presidential candidate. Nobel Prize winner. And supposedly, at least until his divorce, a centi-millionaire. And if AGW hadn't crashed over the last year or so, he would have been (supposedly) on the way to being a billionaire.
I would guess that if there is any fire here, with all the smoke, that his problem is that other women have succumbed to his charms, whatever they are, and likely more than once. Something along the way that his mentor, Mr. Clinton, got in trouble with Paula Jones and Juanita Broaddrick. My theory is that sex with misc. women was so easy for him to obtain, that he just assumed that all women were available. And, of course, many aren't.
We shall see.
I was thinking St. Bernard. But mastiff? Great play on words!
About time someone got that ;-)
It will be interesting to see how this all unfolds. If one were a conspiracy theorists, one might wonder about the timing of this scandal, just as Kerry's Tax and Bribe (aka Cap and Trade) bill is again being pushed. How better to take some wind out of its sails than by tarnishing the reputation of Saint AlGore.
"Mr. Smiley global warming face."
Never seemed interested in the slightest in Republican sex scandals, that Ann.
And perhaps you've never been interested in googling anything? (much easier to write insinuations).
In several seconds, I found a string of posts on Larry Craig, from this blog:
and here's another string of posts on Mark Sanford:
> Just because the woman is 54 doesn't necessarily mean that she is a legitimate masseuse.
there is no reason to infer she isn't. literally none.
and i would add, that if you rape a prostitute, ITS STILL RAPE. ditto with sexual assault.
The timing of the incident/ scandal [2006-2008] may have dissuaded Gore from running for Prez again? And paved the way for The Messiah! Was the massuese part of the Chicago Way?
A surprisingly large number of women are attracted to rich, powerful, men, almost regardless of their physical attributes. They are, to some extent, wired that way, just as we, males, are wired to be attracted to beautiful sexy women.
Bruce wins the cookie. You just can't undo evolution folks. There was a time when females would simply go with the biggest and strongest male because he provided security, physicaly and by bringing home the mammoth meals. In turn we see beauty and sexiness as a symbol of youth and youth means fertility and the continuation of the species and family lineage.
Now in modern times security is more in line with financial security over physical strength which is why a 80 year old guy who can't lift a garbage can but has a 6 figure salary can score a hot young babe and still knock her up.
Same hardwiring just different sofware program.
So where is the Perez Hilton pic with drawn-on spooge?
The world waits with bated/baited breath.
why a 80 year old guy who can't lift a garbage can but has a 6 figure salary can score a hot young babe and still knock her up.
Just remember 17 goes into 86 more times than 86 goes into 17…to quote another famous, no doubt, Democrat….
As of today, we only have five years and seven months left to stop Global Warming*, obviously enough of us won't be switching to cloth bags fast enough to save the planet, so I don't blame Al (if it's true) to get "it" when he can.
*AlGore Doomsday Clock on Rush Limbaugh's site
Oh me oh my... My mental hamster is spinning furiously around on its wheel as I try to figure out how to exploit this for commercial gain.
well, i do hear that al was proposing to use biodegradable condoms.
Few things are as valuable today in America as a rich man's semen, no matter how you got it.
Excuse me, while I go write up my new business plan.
"Get rich working from home!"
this has all the makings of tabloid trash--Ok--so al may have wanted a hummer
Really now. Why would anyone want to come across as an apologist for sexual assault and would-be rapists?
The allegation is not that Al Gore is Client Number Nine, it is that he sexually assaulted a woman, that he forced himself on her against her will.
And, yes, to quote Joe Biden, that is a BFD when the person involved is a Nobel Prize winning, former Vice President, present-day huckster.
Al, I feel your pain.
odd timing.
and who cares. far more important things going on all over the world."
Danielle: It is relevant because idiot Democrat voters almost put the "Sex-crazed poodle" into the WH. You voted for him, right?
Why would a law professor post this bullshit?
Oh, wait...I forgot who the law professor was.
A Rush Limbaugh sycophant.
This site gets sleazier by the minute.
"crazed sex poodle"
What is it about Gore that inspires these vastly amusing animal references?
Turtle Shit For Brains - "Danielle: It is relevant because idiot Democrat voters almost put the "Sex-crazed poodle" into the WH. You voted for him, right?"
And you base this on some crazy bitch yapping about something she said happened 4 years ago, but was never reported until over a year ago?
Via Drudge?
What a fucking dunce.
Flexo "Really now. Why would anyone want to come across as an apologist for sexual assault and would-be rapists?"
If it was a "sexual assault" why wasn't it reported in 2006? Can you provide any factual evidence it ever happened?
You're just another tea bagging asshole spouting the usual wing nut bullshit.
This site gets sleazier by the minute.
Well it certainly just took a nose dive that’s for sure…don’t you have cigarettes to get for your Mother or something? Or just hanging out in your room, waiting for your “uncle” to pay your mom some “grocery money he owed her” and leave the house and you can leave your room?
"This site gets sleazier by the minute."
You are correct Sir!
It just got a whole lot worse.
Oh, who cares.
vw pothylsi
the offspring of a pothole and a hickey
Methinks your memory is a wee bit selective garage or you just can't handle it when your idols are picked on.
Believe it or not, me, and I would guess most liberals, manage to get through a whole day without even thinking about Al Gore one time. I would go even further saying most liberals don't even consider Al Gore their "idol". And the fat jokes don't really hit home either. Weird huh?
I do notice that conservatives have this weird laser focused fixation on liberals who they think might be smarter than them because they own an opinion, like an environmentalist who simply says something like we need to start conserving - that this, THIS! is the worst fucking insult they're ever heard in their life. Meanwhile in small government-get-out-of-our-lives conservadom in Texas, Republicans are trying to pass a law outlawing blow jobs and anal sex, and impose jail sentences to anyone who issues a same sex couple a marriage license. It's not what a person is saying, just who is saying it. Just doesn't seem like conservatives ever mind being told precisely how to live their lives by another conservative.
This site gets sleazier by the minute.
It would get a 1000 times classier if you left and took your foulness with you.
"You're just another tea bagging asshole spouting the usual wing nut bullshit."
Is that the new "duh"?
Just as Willie sought Jesse Jackson's counsel, so The Living Redwood seeks Willie's.
Ah, the circle of life.
rhhardin said...
Groping and fondling are verbs for different body parts, I'd guess.
In nautical terms, the difference between fore and aft.
Scott said...
" Why do you fuel this particular fire, Professor, when we have a lot of major issues with which to deal."
Because Gore and his wife are sanctimonious, national-level scolds who set themselves up as arbiters of how Americans should conduct their lives. For those of us who are sick and tired of leftist rhetoric, a little schadenfreude at the Gores' expense is a welcome relief.
I love the smell of schaudenfreude in the morning.
gee, i thought democrats were against sexual assault.
We don't know who is telling the truth right now, and as a result, Gore is innocent by default. but you apparently don't want us to discuss it or even investigate.
As for why it took so long to report it, well, gee, have you looked at how the democrats have treated people reporting on their scandals? monica lewinksy was just an obsessed presidential fan until they tested the dress. Then Gore's boss had to admit she was telling the truth. they're all liars, until the dna test comes back, i suppose.
I mean my God, Edward Kennedy caused a woman to die. There was a chance she might have been saved if he just informed authorities. He didn't. Any respectable party that supposedly cared about women would have run him out of the party. instead he was only removed from the senate feet first--i.e. upon his death.
i would be scared to report it, too.
Oh, be careful Troop, or Jeremy will really class up the place with his patented retort that you should suck his dick. (But only if you are dressed like a woman!)
Apparently Garage thinks that ManBearPig = an environmentalist who simply says something like we need to start conserving
LOL! Thanks, GM. My Thursday was pretty boring so far and I had little or no interest in this story. I love thinking of Al Gore as just a simple environmentalist instead of the carbon-spewing, multi-mansion-owning, hypocrite that he really is.
Seriously...I can see the flowers twixt his toes now...LOL
Thanks again, GM.
Never seemed interested in the slightest in Republican sex scandals, that Ann.
Garage is right. Ann never writes about Republican sex scandals. Anyone who so much as hints that she does is clearly a liar and a Republican toadie. So let that be a lesson to all you right-wingers out there: Garage has got your number!
Some might say that a man who can't remember day to day if he loves Pat Buchanan or hates him shouldn't try to keep tabs on other people's opinions. But you can't argue with his keen insight on THIS topic.
I have often wondered if Jeremy is not an althouse sock puppet designed primarily to increase web page hits
and no Jeremy--I dont want to suck your dick.
"like an environmentalist who simply says something like we need to start conserving - that this, THIS! is the worst fucking insult they're ever heard in their life."
The problem is that those environmentalists are usually just socialists that want other people controlled to act just like they would prefer. I think you would find that most conservative are at least as environmentally conscious in actual action as are most liberals including many who are simply hypocrites. I would bet that 99.9% of all conservatives live, like George Bush, far more environmentally conscious than Pelosi, Reid, Boxer, or Bill Clinton and Al Gore, the great environmental leaders and freestyle sperm donors.
I pretty much assumed that this would turn out to be a hoax until I read the report on TSG.
I once knew a guy with an excellent reputation who acted *exactly* like that one time.
She may not be telling the truth, but if she's not, she certainly has done her homework as to how something like that might go down.
Agreed, Freeman. I'm a little suspicious - the details sound a bit romance-novelish, to me, to be real.
And you can't tell me he doesn't have his own bunch of political groupies who would give it up to him in a second. Does he really have to hit on some 54 year old masseuse?
The funniest line I have seen is that Gore "asked her to touch his Oscar".
Just doesn't seem like conservatives ever mind being told precisely how to live their lives by another conservative.
Hey garage, that was a nice comeback but how about you just admit you fucked up (as usual) when you accused Althouse of ignoring GOP sex scandals.
I mean you're getting as bad has hdhouse when your mouth shoots off before getting the facts and then rather than say 'woops' you go off on some rant about Texas and blow jobs.
like an environmentalist who simply says something like we need to start conserving - that this, THIS! is the worst fucking insult they're ever heard in their life.
Oh and garage, yeah I take it as an insult when said envrionmentalist who consumes as much energy in a fricking week as I do in a year tells me I have to conserve.
I mean for real garage, that's like having Lindsey Lohan lecture me on quitting drinking but you're so wrapped up in the narrative you're too blind to even see the hypocrisy.
An extremely unfair characterization by TSG:
While the masseuse hired a civil attorney, "I was not interested in making any money from this case," she told cops. "I did not want to be labeled a gold digger like the women in this situation are often labeled." The woman recently eased off this principled stand when she offered to sell her story to the National Enquirer for $1 million.
In the report, she is specifically referring to hush money. Money from The Enquirer is basically the exact opposite of hush money.
k*thy, I'm saying that with the details it actually sounds more credible than I would have thought before.
I have, of course, no idea if this happened, but you have to admit that it's entirely believable of most in the political class. That's despite the fact that most of us don't know people personally who do this kind of thing or what Clinton did in the Oval Office at work with an employee.
The people we elect are really the dregs of our society.
I was reminded of this yesterday by how the military men handled the mistakes they made with Rolling Stone magazine. They immediately admitted it, accepted blame, resigned or were dumped by their peers.
A politician caught in any scandal immediately denies, passes blame, deflects, attacks, and fights with the help of his peers who usually know he did it.
The difference is so stark. One group our best and brightest and the other our worst and least able. Yet the second is in charge. We need to fix this as a people. We can and it's our job to do so. If for no other reason, to respect the sacrifices of our best. Vote better people.
Just doesn't seem like conservatives ever mind being told precisely how to live their lives by another conservative.
Wrong in just about every way you've ever been wrong. Any attempt to use political elites and the force of law to impose something like, say, no alcohol sales on Sunday, is as far from conservative as you can get.
When religious teetotalers do things like this, they are no longer conservatives with small government as their guiding principle. They have crossed the line over to totalitarianism.
oh I get it. some just hate the Gores and Al in particular so much that they'll trot this stuff out, true or not, accurate or not, whatever, just to take a shot at someone.
I thought one comment where the Gores 'get what is coming to them' was particularly loathsum. Using this kind of trash as a "gotcha" weapon says a lot more about the person who uses it than the person on which it is aimed.
Yeah it gets hits on sites and Drudge sure needs to scrounge up every Jerry Springer wannabe with an Internet connection, but sometime this kind of crap should end...and Garage has it right....
red meat afternoon for the loyalist troops.
The funniest line I have seen is that Gore "asked her to touch his Oscar".
Maybe that IS his pet name for his willie.
The difference is so stark. One group our best and brightest and the other our worst and least able. Yet the second is in charge. We need to fix this as a people. We can and it's our job to do so. If for no other reason, to respect the sacrifices of our best. Vote better people.
Don’t wave that flag too hard Bag….one of the leading causes of relief of ship commander’s, at the O-5/6 level even, is “zipper control issues.” The best and brightest are busy trying to get their subordinates to help them “pull the trigger”, too….and this has included a few Generals, and the activity has been on-going, not one-time, and the the troop/troopette complained, but that third parties complained and ended the affair(s) and the careers.
I guess, though I love the military, it’s not exactly free of senior officers sleeping with the help AND expecting the help to put up with it….
hd remember that the next time somebody dredges up some nonsense about Sarah Palin. If you protest that then I will be willing to listen to you.
You betcha!
I thought one comment where the Gores 'get what is coming to them' was particularly loathsum. Using this kind of trash as a "gotcha" weapon says a lot more about the person who uses it than the person on which it is aimed.
My I keep this quote for the next Palin thread, then HD? And it’s “loathsome”…….just thought you’d want to know.
"Maybe that IS his pet name for his willie."
Well it would be insubordination to call it "Willie".
"And it’s “loathsome”……"
I thought it was loadsome.
And the fat jokes don't really hit home either. Weird huh?
Funny how fat jokes are all the rage when we’re talking about Rush Limbaugh.
I love it when Jeremy sputters incoherently. He's a bouquet of sanctimonious paranoid leftist vitriol.
He must have a major cognitive disconnect when he tries to reconcile his ideals with his occupation.
Which is the larger number - the number of patents held by HDHouse or his IQ. Take your time, this may be a trick question.
> I thought one comment where the Gores 'get what is coming to them' was particularly loathsum
Who said that. i can't find your quoted words anywhere.
anyway, i find some people who say it is really detailed so i consider it credible. then you have people like me--no fans of al gore, yes, sniggering and making jokes, but also saying, "we just don't know, so for now gore is innocent." And then we have liberals whining that we have the temerity to even consider her story.
Oh and there are so much more important things. Like telling us how evil Sarah Palin is. but no, whether or not the former vice president is a criminal, as sex predator, or not, is important too. you are just frustrated that your idol is in danger of being fully torn down. or at least having a great mocking term attached to him--from manbearpig to crazed sex poodle.
i don't think the abuse of women by those in power is a small deal. its funny how much the supposed feminists want to throw real women under the bus.
To quote from the transcript: "This is what's been really hard with this. Urn, because I, I, you know, I live in 'The Birkenstock Tribe' and it's like being the ultimate traitor. And by the by, there are people urn, one who is so black and white Left wing, she ceased talking to me. Another one who was basically asking me to just suck it up, otherwise the world's going to be destroyed from global warming. And I was like, these are women. I'm like, where is the feminist in you? What the hell? This is not okay."
The behavior of supposed liberal feministes in this thread only verifies the credibility of that statement. it doesn't make it true, but it does make it plausible.
You can see in my avatar exactly how to address one's Oscar. It's all about the eye contact.
Hey garage, that was a nice comeback but how about you just admit you fucked up (as usual) when you accused Althouse of ignoring GOP sex scandals.
I never said she "ignored" them, I never said she didn't write about them, just that she doesn't seem very interested in them. Meaning, Republican sex scandals don't seem juicy or saucy to explore in depth.
The very first link Revenant provided started like this re: Sanford: "I hate seeing people publicly humiliated for the sexual things they do in private." I highly doubt it you would see that sort of defense when it's a Democrat. That's my opinion, and I'
m sticking to it. Read the Larry Craig tags, it's mostly pretty favorable. "Leave Larry Craig Alone", "Fight It Larry!"
Freeman - guess I misunderstood. I was wondering aloud if she picked up the details from some 'Love's Passioned Fury' or some such.
garage, these aren't allegations of an affair like some run of the mill sex scandal. They're allegations of assault which is rather extraordinary.
I never said she "ignored" them, I never said she didn't write about them, just that she doesn't seem very interested in them. Meaning, Republican sex scandals don't seem juicy or saucy to explore in depth.
Great spin garage. Awesome.
Sanford and Craig were not accused of assault or attempted rape, just being in love/lust with the wrong person. Not even crimes, yet.
"Love's Passioned Fury"?
Love's Controlling Legal Authority, more like.
This little scandal is small tatters.
I can't wait to see who he installs in the new manse by the sea he bought a few months before his separation. There is definitely a eco-friendly Malibu Barbie in the wings.
A surprisingly large number of women are attracted to rich, powerful, men, almost regardless of their physical attributes.
Surprising to whom?
I'm sorry it's gotten so painful for you in these debates lately. Just become a conservative. It's easier when you're "right".
k*thy, I think that if she is lying, she is more likely to have studied police reports than romance novels.
Lets compare and contrast the treatment Al Gore recives from the feminist bloggers like Feministing and Jezebell with the treatment the Duke Lacrosse players got. It ought to be very instructive.
A surprisingly large number of women are attracted to rich, powerful, men, almost regardless of their physical attributes.
I'm poor; I'm old; I'm ugly.....
and I need a bailout!!!
(but I'll settle for a ...)
If the DNA doesn't fit, you must acquit.
This is what you wrote: "Never seemed interested in the slightest in Republican sex scandals, that Ann."
i would say posting about it is expressing at least "slight" interest, but i guess i am just a wingnut or something to say that.
Or maybe you could just claim english is not your first language.
Let's look at a few D Senators and think about whether or not they would be deviate scumbags, sort of like the Senator in Godfather II.
It should be an immediate reaction like "yes, this guy is definitely a sleazy scumbag who abuses his interns and aides in perverted ways and has numerous personal afflictions like boozing and abusing drugs."
Max Baucus
Sherrod Brown
Roland Burris
Robert Byrd
Tom Carper
Ben Cardin
Kent Conrad
Chris Dodd
Byron Dorgan
Dick Durbin
Al Franken
John Kerry
Herb Kohl
Frank Lautenberg
Pat Leahy
Carl LEvin
Bob Menendez
Patty Murray
Harry Reid
John Rockefeller
Debbie Stabenow
Jim Webb
Ron Wyden
I think it's safe to say that each one of these people could potentially be a pervert on the order of Al Gore, and a drug and booze fiend on the order of Ted Kennedy. They could all end on a masseuse's table and pull out their little weeny and ask for some rubbin on their nubbin.
Oh yeah, it's only Republicans though.
A surprisingly large number of women are attracted to rich, powerful, men, almost regardless of their physical attributes.
See e.g. Deschannel, Zoe. One of the sexiest young women in Hollywood married to most noxious hipster doofus in the world and lead singer of one of the most tiresome bands of the 00s.
Well, then again my brother kept pronouncing the duke players guilty even after the DA in that case was disbarred.
in his case, it had nothing to do with politics and probably mostly because he was a Carolina fan. :-)
Buzz, dude, you made me think of harry ried having sex. damn you!
"Never seemed interested in the slightest in Republican sex scandals"
Because she never wrote a word about Larry Craig. Jesus Garage, is it your mission in life to prove that all liberals are retarded?
Lets compare and contrast the treatment Al Gore recives from the feminist bloggers like Feministing and Jezebell with the treatment the Duke Lacrosse players got. It ought to be very instructive.
John hits the nail on the Oscar. Just look at it this way. There is absolutely no proof whatsoever in this woman's claim (just like Duke). There is, however, a media-friendly narrative. In this case, it's a powerful, well-known former VP who, it just so happens, recently filed for divorce. In the Duke case, we've got the whole rich white kid/poor black woman dynamic.
Watching how the various players act in this affair will be, as John says, instructive. I'm wondering which faculty is going to take out a full-page ad on this one, though.
"They could all end on a masseuse's table and pull out their little weeny"
Well not all of em. It would be a little problematic for Debbie Stabenow, Patty Murray and Robert Byrd.
AllenS had a great line too:
"Have sex with me or the polar bear dies".
well, there is another difference.
in the duke case, the defendants said they were innocent.
Gore hasn't. His spokeswoman merely said, "no comment." that makes my eyebrow perk up a little bit.
Gore still gets the benefit of the doubt. but there is that.
There is nothing about this on the Feministing main page right now. Last time they wrote about Gore was when he announced his separation, and they lamented all the speculation.
I don't understand the "Just move on" argument questioning how anyone can worry about such froth when we have wars, oil spills, cancer, etc etc about which to worry.
The "Just move on" advocate is surely taking time away from the larger issues to read all the frothy responses and then wasting more precious pondering time telling the rest they need to raise their game.
This is the first cousin to the argument often seen in the letters to the editor where the person who was ticketed for speeding wants to know why these cops are wasting time on traffic safety when there are murderers and rapists in the world to track down.
So, Danielle, we will give you the two minute head start to solving all the world's problems but you should really Just Move On where Althouse commenters are concerned. Don't worry about us laughing at algore, spend your time helping Obama plug the damnned hole in the Gulf (he is in charge isn't he?)
Garage--stop eating the road kill man--its not doing you any good. We will need someone to support Ms Clinton when she challenges Mr Obama, and if you keep eating roadkill, you wont be up to it.
Or maybe you could just claim english is not your first language.
English is a proper noun, and should be capitalized.
Because she never wrote a word about Larry Craig. Jesus Garage, is it your mission in life to prove that all liberals are retarded?
Maybe you are retarded. Did I say she never wrote a word about Larry Craig?
She did report it in 2006. You can read the scan of the original police report.
You need to get your facts straight.
John Henry
"Maybe you are retarded. Did I say she never wrote a word about Larry Craig?"
By implication, yes. You said Althouse "Never seemed interested in the slightest in Republican sex scandals". Larry Craig was the biggest Republican sex scandal of the last five years. Do you even read your own posts?
If Althouse were really interested in Mark Sanford and Larry Craig, she would have written her posts about the in ALL CAPS!!!!!
Jezebel is better.
Maybe Garage is right, but it's not AA's fault. Maybe she's got a news filter that only sends her stories of guys that think the earth's core is millions of degrees hot. It's probably right there on the same filter list that includes news only on guys that live in houses that consume 20x the national average for electricity. Or possibly next to the filter that only allows books with photoshopped typhoons.
There is absolutely no proof whatsoever in this woman's claim
It really is appalling the extent to which language has been twisted and distorted ("no proof"), not merely in this case, but in many cases the last several years where people try to argue that there is "no evidence" for this or that. And on a putative law site, it is especially disturbing.
Far from being "no proof," there is more than enough evidence here for a jury to convict Gore of sexual assault.
First, you have the proof of the woman's testimony. That is sufficient in and of itself.
Second, you have the proof of others verifying that Gore was at that hotel.
Third, you have the proof of others that Gore was in that hotel room.
Fourth, you have the proof of others that this woman was also in that room upon the request for a massage.
Fifth, you have the proof of others that she physically touched him by giving him a massage.
Sixth, you have the stained slacks, which allegedly contain Gore's DNA from a sexual act.
Seventh, you have the report that she made through her attorney in 2006.
And that is just scratching the surface.
It is hardly "no proof." And it is enough to put Gore to the obligation to rebut her allegations by giving a DNA sample.
traditionalguy said...
Once you have read over the transcript of her interview with the police, you will no longer have a superficial opinion that she is a sex industry person (or trailer trash as Bill Clinton's spin masters called his victims).
At this point, the masseuse is just an anonymous accuser. Nothing is known about her background.
If you go by just police transcripts, I have a poor black mother of two to pitch to you. That was attending college that just started dancing a week earlier when she was savagely assaulted by white overprivileged Duke students.
Unfortunately, it turns out Crystal Gayle Mangum was a low rent whore that had "pitched herself" hundreds of times, and was a lying psychotic in addition to all her other loathsome traits.
A.W. - "and i would add, that if you rape a prostitute, ITS STILL RAPE. ditto with sexual assault."
Hardly. I know that it is feminist dogma that "rape is rape" and equal in gravity for all patriarchially oppressed women who engage in any form of unwilling, even slightly nonconsensual sex..but the reality is different.
DRug dealers are ripped off by other lowlifes all the time of their "wares", and so are whores.
If a whore is doing hummers for 5 guys lined up in a back alley for 50 a pop, and #4 doesn't pay and strongarms a non-consensual BJ...it isn't rape, IMO...it's robbery.
World of difference too between a married female store clerk raped at gunpoint and a female "raped" by unwilling sex in order to be more popular with the guys or a 17-year old eagerly giving a BJ to a 20-year old in California making the boy "guilty of rape".
Feminist nursery school chants of "rape is rape if the womyn says it is"...would best yield to a gradiation of appropriate level of offense to society similar to that which we mete out for other assaults.
Tipper and Al split. A couple of weeks later this story breaks. Related?
Somehow I don't think this whole thing is about wrecking Gore (if fabricated)--he's already belly up.
It's about bringing down Drudge.
Harry House: several days and numerous threads ago you promised to send me evidence of your science achievements--I referred you to my profile where my email address is clearly there. As of yet I havent heard from you. Why is that harry--you said they were in your attic
You know harry--like most of your vapid postings, you remain a pathetic liar--but if you, in fact send me what YOU promised, I will certainly acknowledge your contributions to science.
Go for it son. You have no credibility, and you might even be able to restore it!
Sixth, you have the stained slacks, which allegedly contain Gore's DNA from a sexual act.
I didn't see that at all. I'll go back and reread the couple of reports I saw, but from what I understood, there was only her word to go on that there had been non-consensual contact.
If the stained slacks is true, well, then the Gore camp has a serious problem, I would say.
The commenters on Jezzebell are all about reasonable doubt and plausibility of the women's story. They are being amazingly fair. That would be great if it wasn't the first time they had ever been so in a case involving a woman accusing a man of bad behavior.
By implication, yes. You said Althouse "Never seemed interested in the slightest in Republican sex scandals". Larry Craig was the biggest Republican sex scandal of the last five years. Do you even read your own posts?
So the fact that Ann posted about the Larry Craig scandal, [the biggest in 5 yrs] means she thought it was "interesting"?
What did she post about it! That's my whole relatively benign point about it. I never got the feeling she thought it was "interesting", on the contrary, I got the feeling she was "disinterested".
Do you find Al Gore "interesting"?
No? Then why did you post in this thread!
I wrote the original post in jest, in good fun. Jesus. If you don't believe what my intention was I really don't care to persuade you any further.
I find Al Gore acting like a "crazed sex poodle" (whatever that is) to be very interesting. And Ann talked ad nousium about Larry Craig. I can't see how you can say she wasn't interested in it.
From the police report...
When she resisted, he began "pleading for the release of his second chakra.
With ManBearPig's portly profile in mind, naked (with or sans towel), I think that's got to be one of the most hysterically funny things I've read all year.
If true, it really does push Gore over into the wacko new-ager group...not that I have much problem believing that.
I wonder what made her say "crazed sex poodle" instead of "sex-crazed poodle."
His fluffy pubic hair?
I know. Makes you want to throw up right?
"I wonder what made her say "crazed sex poodle" instead of "sex-crazed poodle."
Maybe it was the fact that he didn't hump her leg.
when the dust settles from this al gore thing, is not anyone interested that the democrats who control both houses of congress do not intend to pass a budget? Is no one concerned that it has taken Mr Obama a year to settle upon yet another general to pull his ass out of the afghanistan quagmire? Is no one concerned that the gulf coast is being trashed while petty fiefdoms figh over who can do what to whom--and the point of this discussion is about al gore and his relationship to a masseuse.
Really fucking sick.
I wrote the original post in jest, in good fun.
Clearly not, your original comment was not only passive-aggressive snark, but also demonstrably false. Why not just admit you were wrong?
From the Jezebel link:
When she resisted, he began "pleading for the release of his second chakra."
How many guys will be using that line at the coffeehouses and food co-ops?
Just imagine an engorged greased up sweaty Al Gore flopping on top of you and trying to stick his tongue down your throat?
Damn. Now we have something to do instead of water boarding those terrorists.
El Pollo Real said...
Somehow I don't think this whole thing is about wrecking Gore --he's already belly up.
Not exactly. That Gore was belly up is what got him into this pickle.
Scott M
Its totally in there. page 26 in the pdf, marked as page 20 of her transcript. Copying from an OCR scan of the file:
“As I took off my clothing to go to the shower, I noticed some stains on the front of my black slacks. These were newer black slacks. It might have been the second time I wore them so They were dressy. Possibly I could have wore 'em on a date so I was trying to be (laugh) messed up. And urn, I took 'em off and I said what's those stains on the front of those? And I wondered if it was soap or bodily fluids from Gore pushing up against me repeatedly 'cause they were about here holding me down etc. with nothing on but his hotel issued terry robe with a belt to hold it closed. I carefully hung them up and decided to be sure not to launder them until I knew more what to do with what had happened.”
So its not clear if she even kept them in that state. She might have washed them for all we know.
But to be strictly fair to Gore, seven if they found some man juice of some kind, we need dna analysis to be sure its his. It would lend credibility to her story, but it wouldn’t prove it without his dna.
John said,
"Maybe it was the fact that he didn't hump her leg."
He did hump her leg. How do you think she got the "stain" on her pant leg?
> If a whore is doing hummers for 5 guys lined up in a back alley for 50 a pop, and #4 doesn't pay and strongarms a non-consensual BJ...it isn't rape, IMO...it's robbery.
Lovely. But also wrong on the law.
The reason why a drug dealer can’t go after a buyer for failing to pay is you are enforcing an illegal contract. likewise, if the whore actually sued for the money owed. But if he actually forced her to have sex, and it was proven, it is rape. The problem in reality, is that whores are not exactly the most credible witnesses.
Which is all off topic anyway, but there you go.
> World of difference too between a married female store clerk raped at gunpoint and a female "raped" by unwilling sex in order to be more popular with the guys or a 17-year old eagerly giving a BJ to a 20-year old in California making the boy "guilty of rape".
Why do I think you are about to claim that therefore Polanski was innocent?
> Feminist nursery school chants of "rape is rape if the womyn says it is"...
No I wouldn’t say that. But if she says no, or otherwise withdraws consent, yep, its rape. Even if she is a slut or a whore.
> would best yield to a gradiation of appropriate level of offense to society similar to that which we mete out for other assaults.
Are you under the impression that the system doesn’t change the level of punishment according to the actual conduct proven. “Consensual” sex with an underage girl is treated differently than beating her bloody and forcing it in. if you don’t know that, why are you even bothering to shoot your mouth off?
The one silver lining for a Giants fan is that Al makes Lawrence Taylor look like Rico Suave.
And for you Met's fans, Johan Santana is saying "See, see all these beyotchs are liars. Es verdad. Puta's!"
HDHouse in an afternoon of frothy whimsy, blythely stated,
"red meat afternoon for the loyalist troops.".
Whilst pining and remembering those ANSWER, Code Pink and Moveon.org heady days of Bush Lied, People Died, HDHouse came up with a look down the nose at the hoi polloi comment.
HDHouse can dish out self righteous tone when going after conservatives and their viewpoints but insufficient capability to handle Libs be dished on for actual events like Al Gore.
Time to go look for some tar balls or write up dissertations on artificial turf evils would not you agree?
What does the Dook faculty think about this?
k*thy, I think that if she is lying, she is more likely to have studied police reports than romance novels.
Yeah, I'm not actually getting where the romance novel thing comes in. Old, fat dude who talks about the environment alot comes into my masseuse parlor and assaults me isn't really the theme of anything I've seen at the store, at least it doesn't look like it from the covers :)
I like someone's comment on the radio this morning. "Taylor's defense is it is hard for rich football players to find women to have sex with." heh.
Lionheart, your 'Just move on' creation is a strawman.
but i'm sure you and many like you will keep swinging away at the air, getting all exercised for reasons that are only in your head.
I forgot to add the bizarre satyr Johnny Boy Edwards, with his humongous mansion, the biggest in the state of NC.
He was a weird horny douchebag. And a liberal Dem who had sandal wearing assholes swooning.
And he was a total fraud with illegitimate children.
I wish the libbies would own that stuff instead of poring over Republicans sex lives.
SEXUAL MCCARTHYISM. Remember that stuff? it is simply alright to use those tactics on republicans, cuz they are evil.
Liberals are mostly assholes.
Wonder what happened to the child molester Bernie Ward once he got put into jail. He was a lefty big mouth and a child molester. Oh dear...I hope he is ok.
"The federal government has placed Ward in the Federal Correctional Institution - Low, at Beaumont Federal Correctional Complex, in Beaumont, Texas as inmate # 90569-111.[24]"
More on the leftist Bernie Ward, a champion of the left's attack on human values.
"Ward received the Scripps Howard Award for Excellence in Journalism for his investigative journalism in a ten-part series, Heaven Help Us, which explored allegations of financial and sexual misconduct of the Archdiocese of San Francisco."
Of course he did. And now his rear end is opened up like a Guatemalan sinkhole.
that's right. move on... moveon.org was founded on the idea that we should move on, from bill clinton. over 10 years later, they have kept the name, proving that the only people who haven't moved on, is them.
But hey, its all cyclical. now they can claim we need to move on from gore!
It at least sounds that this woman was treated better than Juanita Broaddrick.
She won't be treated well by the feminist psychotic drunk lunatics now, however, but that's her fault.
She should have loved him long time and shut up!
Just like the young boys Barney Frank manhandles.
Don't worry about us laughing at algore, spend your time helping Obama plug the damnned hole in the Gulf (he is in charge isn't he?)
I say if we plug the hole with Obama's over inflated ego and then cap it off with Al Gore's fat sanctimonious ass, the problem would be solved.
I am picturing a floating bloated Al Gore with a towel wrapped around his waist being shoved into the hole.
This whole story has an amazing EWWWWW factor.
"From the police report...
When she resisted, he began "pleading for the release of his second chakra."
I don't mean to be stupid, but I have been a male for nearly 50 years and I don't recall releasing two chakras, ever. Or even one.
Are chakras released only in pairs?
Can they leave in baker's dozens?
Is it fun?
I feel cheated.
AW - if you don’t know that, why are you even bothering to shoot your mouth off?
Because, AW, you are just brainlessly parroting the "rape is rape" chant of feminists.
DBQ sums it up neatly!
Too bad American politicians don't practice hari kari. It would be welcomed by the average American and it would be a big stimulus for the knife sharpening industry.
E Buzz - Edwards' house is the largest in Orange county, NC. Biltmore is the largest house in NC, and was once the largest house in the country. Don't know if any house has surpassed it yet.
I guess if you're a sex crazed poodle, you'd probably need 9 bathrooms.
He was this close...
Look at me!
This close...
And eventually no cigar. Which may or may not be relevant.
Hearing new clients and witnesses give their statements of events over 39 years in the business has trained my ear to distinguish truthful from deceptive statements. This statement seem to me to be very real. Of course a great actress can also do that. We need some extended cross examination on the details to know. But the odds are 9 out of 10that what she is saying is true. I am certain that she has been a trained masseuse, and I believe the police reports verified that she had been called to his room at that hotel as a masseuse that night.
#4 doesn't pay and strongarms a non-consensual BJ...it isn't rape, IMO...it's robbery.
Your "opinion" is wrong.
The problem with you and the other idiots who parrot the "you can't rape a hooker, you can only rob one" line is that you forget it is possible for a single act to violate more than one law.
Saying "it isn't rape, it is robbery" makes as much sense as saying that a drunk who runs over a child is "guilty of manslaughter, not driving under the influence". It is, obviously, both.
Give me
Your dirty love
Just like your mama
Make her fuzzy poodle do...
Give me
Your dirty love
The way your mama
Make that nasty poodle chew...
Ill ignore your cheap aroma
And your Little-Bo-Peep diploma
I'll just put you in a coma
With some dirty love
The poodle bites!
(come on, Frenchie)
The poodle chews it!
(snap it!)
The poodle bites!
(come on, Frenchie)
The poodle chews it!
(snap it!)
That song is doubly appropriate, given Al's ex-wife's history with Frank Zappa...
This statement seem to me to be very real. Of course a great actress can also do that.
"Great actress"? You're reading a transcript. Anyone with access to police transcripts from real victims -- i.e., any American adult -- can produce a transcript that sounds just like it came from a real victim.
This is a person who was perfectly content to not tell this story until its dollar value was high enough. How many real victims does that sound like to you?
Btw Althouse "drudge digs in" is wrong. It should read "Drudge dishes it while the MSM is mum" [this headline would make Andrew Sullivan go nuts].
Technically if a john refuses to pay for services from a prostitute that they both agreed on, there isn't an actual law he is breaking. Another reason I believe prostitution should be legal.
This is a person who was perfectly content to not tell this story until its dollar value was high enough. How many real victims does that sound like to you?
If the story is truthful, I think it's perfectly plausible that pressing the story before did not make sense by her cost/benefit analysis. It makes a lot more sense after those scales are tipped a bit.
Say the story is true. Why tell it before? So people can rip on you and call you a liar? So you can be ostracized from your friends? Any intelligent person would guess that the most likely scenario is that he gets out of it, having superior resources at his disposal.
Then someone comes along with a million dollars, and you get it for telling the truth. Suddenly getting ripped on and called a liar for telling the truth doesn't seem so bad.
She also mentions having been in therapy and going over this issue. Perhaps she didn't get over it as easily as she thought she would and is haunted that by ignoring it she's allowed it to happen to other people.
True Confession: I have not read the whole report posted on The Smoking Gun. My internal Voyeur red light intervened and shut me down.
But I have read several pages, which is more than a whole bunch of those posting on Althouse appear to have.
Some of the comments here are EXACTLY why she did not want to make a big deal and file charges. There are snide (from experience?) references to whores (and some straight forward name calling) and sex workers.
Here ya go:
The state of Oregon licenses massage therapists.
This person is a licensed massage therapist, (presumedly by the state of Oregon as she reports she referred to the requirements of the state when introducing herself to Gore).
There are educational requirements. And rules.
Oregon is not Nevada.
The eastern mysticism / woo is unfortunately something which has been allowed into the educational and licensing process (a different problem) but not all massage therapists ascribe to it.
That being said, the question in my mind was whether the sexual favor requests were something Gore asked and received before from others. It would seem so.
He perhaps has been so busy with global warming and inconvenient truths these past few years that he missed the fact that massage therapy is a legitimate health profession.
Wonder how many other women he has badgered into sexual conduct?
(Didn't the public go through something like this after Thanksgiving last year? Counting ....)
But is Gore really stupid enough to make exactly the same mistake as Clinton? (Depositing his bodily fluids on somebody's clothes.) I do find that hard to believe.
But then, politicians routinely do things that I find astonishing.
I am with TradGuy.
I have worked in 2 different health professions (one involving a lot of listening to some times stressed, sometimes crazy, sometimes sociopathic people) over the last 30 years. I also have a working knowledge (but am not one) of massage therapy. (The health/ medical kind, not the Heidi Fleiss kind.)
There is an authenticity in the way she related the incident.
I wonder how many people here questioning this woman questioned Anita Hill's story.
If she is not a gold digger, why would she accept so much money from the Enquirer? Just a question.
Whoever the talk show host filling in for John and Ken on KFI is, he just referred to Gore's gravitas in the global warming movement, pronouncing it "Gore's gravita."
The man knows his French.
I've seen it on the front page of both the NYT and the W. Post.
I would like to say that licensed massage therapists do a wonderful job and really can help you when you are in pain. I have used them on numerous occasions to help with my legs. They always ask if there are "problem" areas that require additional attention. I would always direct them to my legs.
Al directed her toward the Global Warming in his pants.
"Crazed sex poodle" is such a great line, especially since it was delivered to the Great Man Himself. She also called him a "big lummox." Very retro.
The whole thing reads like a parody.
AlGore's life reads like a parody. Or a pulp novel.
What is next for AlGore?
Well, Tesla, in which he is a big investor, and which has a half a billion dollars in Federal Government guaranteed loans, is a good candidate for bankruptcy over the next 2-3 years. Their sole product is going to be a $90,000 electric "luxury" car with a 300 mile range between recharges.
Al Gore!
John Kerry!
Barack Obama!
For the Democrats, it's been all downhill since Bill Clinton.
This subject has inspired the greatest number of fabulous one-liners and sarcastic quips that I can recall on an Althouse discussion. I wish I could personally thank each and every poster that made me laugh today. Outstanding work! I can't pick a winner.
Ok, I see that she too thought it was unusual to do an abdominal massage, and the inner thighs. Gross.
I wonder how many people here questioning this woman questioned Anita Hill's story.
See link and the audio link therein.
Technically if a john refuses to pay for services from a prostitute that they both agreed on, there isn't an actual law he is breaking.
I believe this is true. Which is why if you don't pay some big dude with no neck is likely to come and break something on the john.
The last time I had a massage, I said: "Lower, lower."
And she said, in a lower voice: "How's this?"
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