To Bork her makes some sense. She will be confirmed anyhow, but she will have to take a position or two in order to appear rational, not that there is anything wrong with using Rope a Dope tactics at the Senate Game Show.
Awhile back, I thought that Kagan was unstoppable. But it is not as clear today. One thing against her is that she actually does have a paper trail, it is pretty voluminous, and much more radical than we had been led to believe.
Looking back, I think that she was a strategic blunder on the part of the Obama Administration. The problem is that pesky paper trail from when she worked for Clinton. Since Bork, both sides have seemed to pick nominees who had great credentials, but little paper trail. In other words, Stealth Candidates. I think that they figured they had one here, because she wasn't on the bench, and hadn't published much. But they forgot about her time working for Clinton. And that sort of track record is likely to be much more dangerous than if her record were based on judicial rulings, since the White House is inherently political, and so her memos, etc. there are turning out to be politically embarrassing.
It will be tough for Republicans to Bork Kagan. The Democrats had a majority then and now. The only way to stop her is with a filibuster and that could come bake to bite them.
The Republicans will not Bork Kagan...much to my dismay.
They need to do just once - in honor of Ted Kennedy. They should treat her just Bork was treated by the party of love and compassion. Vilify her, dig up dirt on her, investigate what movies she watches, talk to her classmates....especially those who would speak in a derogatory terms about other words Bork her.
It will never happen...that behavior is reserved for the other side of the aisle.
The only way to stop her is with a filibuster and that could come bake to bite them.
Because the Democrats have shown a reluctance to filibuster Republican nominees? There was an argument to be made that filibustering judicial nominees is inconsistent with the history and comity of the Senate. Republicans made that argument. It was rejected by the Democrats. Why should the Republicans now refrain from doing what was done to them. Will such restraint somehow obligate the Democrats to act differently in the future? I don't think so.
I think that Borking her would be sexual assault. She's a woman who has been blessed by Obama; even to speak against her means that you are EEEVVVUUULLL...
Besides, someone has to prove that the non-existent glass ceiling can be smashed by being super-duper nice and having friends in the right places.
Elections have consequences, America voted for Obama, so he should get his appointment. She is replacing Souter, so we are getting a liberal vote for a liberal vote. Big deal.
"Elections have consequences, America voted for Obama, so he should get his appointment."
Not to burst your bubble here Trey, but Bork was nominated by a Republican president. That did not stop Sens. Leaky and Flipper from their calculated character assassination.
In what way is Bork's intention to criticize Kagan the equivalent of the execrable Ted Kennedy's calumny against Bork when Kenndey rose in the Senate within minutes! of the announcement of Bork's nomination and spewed: Robert Bork's America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizen's doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists would be censored at the whim of the government...?
To reread that speech is to have it brought home to you - if there is any decency in you that is - just how horrible liberals are.
Ahhh but HDH....that's why we need to dig up all the info we can on Ms Kagan. I am sure there is some pure ugliness in her background. Repubs need to keep digging until something surfaces. (a little Chappaquiddick lingo there).
re: "Borked" as a verb: There is always John (aka Thomas, aka *Sir*--although he wasn't) Crapper who improved--but did not originally invent--the flush toilet..
So you have to ask WHY? Why make it worse?...there really can only be one answer and that answer does not bode well for all of us. It's really an inescapable conclusion at this point, unless you want to believe that every Oil and Gas professional involved suddenly just forgot everything they know or woke up one morning and drank a few big cups of stupid and got assigned to directing the response to this catastrophe. Nothing makes sense unless you take this into account, but after you will see the "sense" behind what has happened and what is happening. That conclusion is this:
The well bore structure is compromised "Down hole".
...the amount, the insane volumes, of gas and oil that could be released if this thing blows apart are truly of nightmare proportions... will carry the oil spillage out into the Gulf stream and all the way up the eastern seaboard all the way to the UK and Europe where it ends. There will be who knows how many cubic feet of gas released into the atmosphere and the surrounding area with an untold amount of toxins
...the economic implications are dire...the fishing industry annihilated, beaches and tourism to them destroyed...and who knows what other effects there will's a very very bad disaster to say the's bad enough NOW...and THIS IS NOTHING COMPARED TO WHAT MAY HAPPEN...and WILL HAPPEN if they cannot stop this thing must get your head around that, nothing will stop this from blowing apart and going wide open if the rush of fluids cannot be halted, it is a CERTAINTY.
HD House--Bork's job as solicitor general was to enforce the law, just as Ms Kagan's as solicitor general is to enforce the law--she, and he, did not make the law; they were and are in the excutive branch and enforce the law.
I wrote this over at Patterico, and i will reprint it, here:
> my take on Kagan is this.
> There’s a funny line in the Abyss. The woman is trying to get everyone to believe she saw aliens, but she is understandably having trouble. Then “Hippie” pipes up and says, “oh, yeah, man its totally true. Roswell, chariots of the Gods, man!” (That’s going on memory.)
> Well, he manages to make her stuff sound even loonier.
> She looks at “Hippie” and says, “Do me a favor. Stay off my side.”
> Look, we can’t hope for a conservative. So here’s our second best option: a really terrible, not persuasive liberal.
> And that is Kagan. She moves the court to the right by being so bad at trying to get them to go left. that’s why i don’t oppose her. not because i think she is actually cut out for the job but because i know she is not, and am very glad for that fact
So naturally I oppose any attempt to Bork her. She is our best case scenario for conservatives.
i won't argue that he did what he was told. My point though was that he would have been pounded on a lot less by some senators who had their fill of Nixon and Watergate stuff if he had taken a principled stand and resigned instead of obeying the order.
Your point is well taken and he was in a no win situation...and I frankly didn't feel all that bad about his nomination.
I should be more like you, and learn to love my master, and crave the pat on the head, and think not of all that I have lost, nor worry about the future my children face.
Rather, I should be more like Vicki, and embrace the vacuous acceptance of mediocrity and serfdom.
Gerrymander was creating by combining Governor Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts with salamander. It made a stinky stew.
Democrats blamed Bork for the Saturday Night Massacre, but that action was the beginning of the end for Nixon politically, so they should have thanked him. The prig Richardson and his deputy had made the necessary point. And it was a lawful order.
Christopher Buckley is a wonderfully funny writer. One of his recent books was "Supreme Mischief".
The president (who is a pretty interesting character in the book)nominates a justice who is Borked out of the office on some piddling grounds. He nominates a second and he is Borked as well.
He then nominates Pepper Martin(?) who is a Judge Judy clone. She actually gets confirmed by refusing to take the BS during the confirmation hearings.
there is then some mischief that goes on in the court, Pepper resolves the problem, marries one of the other justices and all live happily ever after.
Great beach or airplane reading.
I'll recommend all of Buckley's books. They are all good.
Are you saying, pogo that all righties have lost their power, or just Bork. He doesn't look powerless to me. He looks the way he always does, an arrogant, small minded angry man. Thank god he didn't make it on the court.
I don't accept the boring and the mediocre. That is why I live and vote with my conscience. I am even considering voting for Meg Whitman in November for governor. She is my kind of Republican, fiscally conservative, socially liberal. I actually think she would be a good shot in the arm for California. Finally, a woman in charge. 'Bout time. Wouldn't vote for Fiorina if she were the only candidate running. Her abuses and firings at HP and other companies are legendary. She is a shill for the far right and I wouldn't believe one word that comes out of her mouth.
TMink said... Elections have consequences, America voted for Obama, so he should get his appointment. She is replacing Souter, so we are getting a liberal vote for a liberal vote. Big deal
================== Mink is in a timewarp. Sotomayor replaced the stealth liberal a year ago. Dems managed to knock out Douglas Ginsburg and Bork after Reagan's landslide 1984 victory - so much for the theory stated whenever a President is in office that elections have consequences. That only applies to Democrats, by their rules.
A filibuster would be a good idea to help flush out the writings of her down. It would also serve as a reminder that Obama favors only Harvard and Yale products, that he will add 2 more to make for 5 NYC people on the Court. The goal would be to make Obama look worse, not ultimately block Kagan. The religious/cultural argument is more discrete, but it will also be on people's minds.
1. 3 Liberal Jews, no moderate Protestants on the Court. 2. All members coming from just two elite private universities. 3. Only one Justice from the South, 1 from the Midwest, no one West of the Mississippi save Californians.
============== Dems managed to damage Bush when he tried getting two loyal hacks on SCOTUS - Alberto Gonzales and Harriet Miers. Even when he had the votes - he was forced to drop Alberto for Roberts and Miers for Alito....which was good for the country.
Rick, my bubble is still intact! What was done to Bork was bad for the country and basically a long list of lies. Nothing good ever comes from a long list of lies, not even in politics where the practice is habitual.
What was done to Bork was unconstitutional in my eyes, and we on the right would do best to NEVER engage in such lies and manipulations. They lead to destruction.
Vicky: DOH! You are of course correct, thanks for setting me straight. Stevens is a big lib, so this is just same brand of tires with less wear on them as far as I see it.
I am not suggesting lies and manipulations, just an honest grilling maybe say ...similar to the abuse Tony Hayward faced last week.
To your point that lies and manipulations lead to destruction, it certainly had not destroyed the Democrats. Of course they have willing accomplices in the media.
While the Democratic party is doing well for now, look how their lies have hurt us and our country. Their chickens are looking for a place to roost, and 2010 and 2012 may be very interesting for them.
Please, Rick. You don't think that Hayward deserved the grilling, from the left and right I might add.This is no shakedown and if you believe that poor little PB is being taken advantage of well.... we will have to examine you IQ tests to be sure they were scored correctly.
Vicki said: I don't accept the boring and the mediocre. That is why I live and vote with my conscience.
What does what is boring and mediocre have to do with your conscience? If something is boring and/or mediocre, it violates your conscience? That makes no sense.
I agree with A.W.- she's so weak that she's better than we who actually want to follow the Constitution could have hoped for.
That said, I want to see her confirmed, but I'd love to see it be tough. Get her on record about the limits of the commerce clause, or lack of limits- there's simply no way a liberal can answer it, and she's likely to professor it up, which will only make it worse.
Then, in 2012, let's use it to remind people that, in an Obama world, the Constitution is meaningless.
Your point was covered in another post...but let me repeat:
BP is going to pay through the nose. And they should. The $20B will be small change when this is finished.
However the treatment of Hayward was shameful. Our country is better than that. He was paraded up in front of congress to be a human pinata. One congress critter asked him "if it was Thursday?" Shameful.
I am not defending him...I am assailing his treatment.
It is over for GOP when they resort to tricks. Face it. Kagan is the next Justice. Obama/Biden till 2016. GOP loses the House, the Senate, and Statehouses. No one likes the GOP, no press, no tv, no radio, etc. Who loves the GOP? No one. Not even Republicans. It is over. Q. E. D.
Well, I guess if a private citizen's opposition to a USOC nomination by a President whose party holds a large majority in the Senate is equivalent to the well orchestrated lynching of a nomination by a lame duck President whose party was in the minority, then Borking it is. Bork away.
TMink said... Cedarford, we agree about many things. Then you bring up the Jews and it feels like I can't agree with you on anything. Peace pal. ---------------- Just because I have beefs with some groups of Jews, doesn't mean I don't like and respect individual Jews. Like you...
Same holds true with Muslims and Leftists. Muslims, as a group, can be problematic. But the individual ones I know, while they would fuck up this country beyond recognition if they ever amassed significant power - are by and large, decent well-educated and civilized people.
Liberals? Well, I think most cannot help themselves.
PS - 3 liberal Jews on the Court is too much, just for that. 5 from NYC Metro is too much. 9 from Yale-Harvard is too much.
You know, I've never figured that out. How can Democrats resort to tricks, bullying, dissembling, character assassination and other repugnant behavior, breaking the law, and lies, lies, lies, lies, and more lies -- but it's never over for them?
its not a head fake or deflect. It is just saying, we are not going to get the conservative we want. Its just not going to happen. So the best we can hope for is a liberal who harms their own cause.
And Kagan is on record with that. That's what she did in Citizen's United. She turned what might have been a narrow victory for her side, or a narrow defeat for her side, and turned it into a major rout for her side. And thus a victory for freedom of speech.
Why? Because she articulated a defense of the law that would allow congress to ban books. Talk about tin eared! This is her pattern, go so big for liberalism that she alienates anyone who might have gone a little her way.
I understand, but as with Ann's reasoning with Obama, there is the big question of: is it worth it?
Like Obama, Kagan may do substantial damage. Being able to say "I told you so" may not be much consolation afterward. Kagan will likely get a deciding vote in a substantial number of bad decisions over the course of her decades as a Supreme Court Justice.
When Nixon said "Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest? (Archibald Cox), Richardson resigned rather than fire the independent prosecutor, then Ruckelshaus resigned rather than fire the independent prosecutor, but Bork was loyal to Tricky Dick, stayed on the job, and fired Cox.
Are you saying, pogo that all righties have lost their power, or just Bork. He doesn't look powerless to me. He looks the way he always does, an arrogant, small minded angry man. Thank god he didn't make it on the court.
I don't accept the boring and the mediocre. That is why I live and vote with my conscience. I am even considering voting for Meg Whitman in November for governor. She is my kind of Republican, fiscally conservative, socially liberal. I actually think she would be a good shot in the arm for California. Finally, a woman in charge. 'Bout time. Wouldn't vote for Fiorina if she were the only candidate running. Her abuses and firings at HP and other companies are legendary. She is a shill for the far right and I wouldn't believe one word that comes out of her mouth.
Vicki from Pasadena
You know, I was going to say something really snide, snarky, and nasty to you, but then I thought to myself, why should I bother, when you are a gift that keeps on giving. Even the rope is looping itself at the pleasure of having your neck inserted within it.
Scott said... "You know, I've never figured that out. How can Democrats resort to tricks, bullying, dissembling, character assassination and other repugnant behavior, breaking the law, and lies, lies, lies, lies, and more lies"
Dick Cheney teaching the course this fall? Followed by Rush's course on family values and ending with Beck on the glories of 30s national socialism. ....
FLS said: "No woman should have sex with a right-winger unless she's performed his vasectomy herself."
There you go again.....denying someone's right to choose. I know you are being facetious here, but it is telling that libs everywhere are in favor of denying choices.
As Obamacare is implemented, you will see a whole host of choices being eliminated....from choice of doctor to choice of treatment.
After the Bork, Thomas, and Alito hearings, I think that Republicans need to grab the Democrats by the scruff of their worthless, slimy necks and drag them to stare over the edge of the abyss.
Translating the metaphor above for Democrats and other creatures of ignorance, Republicans played nicey-nicey with the Democrats over Ginsburg and the consequence was Alito's wife stumbling from the confirmation hearings in tears. Democrats are like teenagers -- too stupid to learn execpt from bitter experience. The Republicans need to make an example of a Supreme Court nominee, and having blown their chance with Sotomayor they need to unload on Kagan, but good.
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१०७ टिप्पण्या:
To Bork her makes some sense. She will be confirmed anyhow, but she will have to take a position or two in order to appear rational, not that there is anything wrong with using Rope a Dope tactics at the Senate Game Show.
Forget Bork, Kagan herself says Borking is the best thing that can happen to constitutional law.
Robert Bork was savaged in his confirmation hearings, but he did get one big consolation prize: His name became a verb.
Other than Capt. Charles Boycott, I can't think of many people who have been honored this way.
Although there should be a few people who COULD become verbs. What would happen to someone if they were Althoused?
"Failed conservative Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork is joining anti-abortion activists to publicly oppose confirming Elena Kagan as a justice."
If Kagan gets Borked, will the AP refer to her as "failed liberal Supreme Court nominee"?
Hahaha! Ok, I'm sorry. This is a serious topic and I won't make any more ludicrous jokes like that.
I don't think Kagan has ever been borked and if she has, well, giggity-giggity-goo, all right!!!
wv = suckn
Scott said...
What would happen to someone if they were Althoused?
They already have. Does Michelle Goldberg come to mind perhaps?
Awhile back, I thought that Kagan was unstoppable. But it is not as clear today. One thing against her is that she actually does have a paper trail, it is pretty voluminous, and much more radical than we had been led to believe.
Looking back, I think that she was a strategic blunder on the part of the Obama Administration. The problem is that pesky paper trail from when she worked for Clinton. Since Bork, both sides have seemed to pick nominees who had great credentials, but little paper trail. In other words, Stealth Candidates. I think that they figured they had one here, because she wasn't on the bench, and hadn't published much. But they forgot about her time working for Clinton. And that sort of track record is likely to be much more dangerous than if her record were based on judicial rulings, since the White House is inherently political, and so her memos, etc. there are turning out to be politically embarrassing.
If Kagan is Borked, will the word become Bork-Kaganed? Or Kagan-Borked?
Scott, how about the Earl of Sandwich? Sandwich is a verb too, now, as in sandwiched between two linemen.
It will be tough for Republicans to Bork Kagan. The Democrats had a majority then and now. The only way to stop her is with a filibuster and that could come bake to bite them.
The Republicans will not Bork Kagan...much to my dismay.
They need to do just once - in honor of Ted Kennedy. They should treat her just Bork was treated by the party of love and compassion. Vilify her, dig up dirt on her, investigate what movies she watches, talk to her classmates....especially those who would speak in a derogatory terms about other words Bork her.
It will never happen...that behavior is reserved for the other side of the aisle.
The only way to stop her is with a filibuster and that could come bake to bite them.
Because the Democrats have shown a reluctance to filibuster Republican nominees? There was an argument to be made that filibustering judicial nominees is inconsistent with the history and comity of the Senate. Republicans made that argument. It was rejected by the Democrats. Why should the Republicans now refrain from doing what was done to them. Will such restraint somehow obligate the Democrats to act differently in the future? I don't think so.
If Kagan is Borked, will the word become Bork-Kaganed? Or Kagan-Borked?
Failed male Supreme Court nominee's will have been 'borked' while failed female Supreme Court nominee's will have been 'kaganed.'
Shouldn't all this Bork earn the Swedish Chef tag?
Methadras said...
Scott said...
What would happen to someone if they were Althoused?
They already have. Does Michelle Goldberg come to mind perhaps?
No, but Meade does ;-)
"Scott said...
Robert Bork was savaged in his confirmation hearings, but he did get one big consolation prize: His name became a verb.
Other than Capt. Charles Boycott, I can't think of many people who have been honored this way."
Did you forget Lord Douchebag?
Bork was a good man and should be on the Court. Kagan seems to embody all the worst in Leftist judicial concepts and has no place there.
Going after Kagan isn't borking since borking involves maligning a good (wo)man and kaganning involves showing up an unfit person for whom (s)he is.
PS Damn, all the good lines are going early on this one.
I think that Borking her would be sexual assault. She's a woman who has been blessed by Obama; even to speak against her means that you are EEEVVVUUULLL...
Besides, someone has to prove that the non-existent glass ceiling can be smashed by being super-duper nice and having friends in the right places.
Elections have consequences, America voted for Obama, so he should get his appointment. She is replacing Souter, so we are getting a liberal vote for a liberal vote. Big deal.
How about a pulled Bork Sandwich!
@Trooper York: Really. What was Lord Douchebag's first name? I think his mistress called him "Dicky," but his real Christian name escapes me.
@dmacdonald: You really ought to be pinched for that one. Really hard. :)
@Ron: Thank you for the obligatory Muppets Swedish Chef reference. Glad that's out of the way.
You of course are forgetting that according to some on here, we live in a country of minority rule.
TMink said:
"Elections have consequences, America voted for Obama, so he should get his appointment."
Not to burst your bubble here Trey, but Bork was nominated by a Republican president. That did not stop Sens. Leaky and Flipper from their calculated character assassination.
ahh but Ric...I am sure you remember the Saturday night massacre into which our Mr. Bork stepped at Nixon's command.
All actions have consequences.
In what way is Bork's intention to criticize Kagan the equivalent of the execrable Ted Kennedy's calumny against Bork when Kenndey rose in the Senate within minutes! of the announcement of Bork's nomination and spewed: Robert Bork's America is a land in which women would be forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch counters, rogue police could break down citizen's doors in midnight raids, schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists would be censored at the whim of the government...?
To reread that speech is to have it brought home to you - if there is any decency in you that is - just how horrible liberals are.
Ha ha.
To quote Farley Mowat's buddy: "Good ideaa."
wv: medlied
Mmmmm .. . .
Ahhh but HDH....that's why we need to dig up all the info we can on Ms Kagan. I am sure there is some pure ugliness in her background. Repubs need to keep digging until something surfaces. (a little Chappaquiddick lingo there).
But not to worry - they won't.
re: "Borked" as a verb: There is always John (aka Thomas, aka *Sir*--although he wasn't) Crapper who improved--but did not originally invent--the flush toilet..
If you havent seen this yet:
So you have to ask WHY? Why make it worse?...there really can only be one answer and that answer does not bode well for all of us. It's really an inescapable conclusion at this point, unless you want to believe that every Oil and Gas professional involved suddenly just forgot everything they know or woke up one morning and drank a few big cups of stupid and got assigned to directing the response to this catastrophe. Nothing makes sense unless you take this into account, but after you will see the "sense" behind what has happened and what is happening. That conclusion is this:
The well bore structure is compromised "Down hole".
...the amount, the insane volumes, of gas and oil that could be released if this thing blows apart are truly of nightmare proportions... will carry the oil spillage out into the Gulf stream and all the way up the eastern seaboard all the way to the UK and Europe where it ends. There will be who knows how many cubic feet of gas released into the atmosphere and the surrounding area with an untold amount of toxins
...the economic implications are dire...the fishing industry annihilated, beaches and tourism to them destroyed...and who knows what other effects there will's a very very bad disaster to say the's bad enough NOW...and THIS IS NOTHING COMPARED TO WHAT MAY HAPPEN...and WILL HAPPEN if they cannot stop this thing must get your head around that, nothing will stop this from blowing apart and going wide open if the rush of fluids cannot be halted, it is a CERTAINTY.
/via Instapundit
HD House--Bork's job as solicitor general was to enforce the law, just as Ms Kagan's as solicitor general is to enforce the law--she, and he, did not make the law; they were and are in the excutive branch and enforce the law.
HDH ....speaking of Chappaquiddick, some actions have no consequences.
Let me apologize for going off topic here.
As has been pointed out, the Republicans don't have the votes to Bork Kagan. Who since Abe Fortas has gotten filibustered?
Verbs, people, VERBS.
Stop putting up nouns.
I wrote this over at Patterico, and i will reprint it, here:
> my take on Kagan is this.
> There’s a funny line in the Abyss. The woman is trying to get everyone to believe she saw aliens, but she is understandably having trouble. Then “Hippie” pipes up and says, “oh, yeah, man its totally true. Roswell, chariots of the Gods, man!” (That’s going on memory.)
> Well, he manages to make her stuff sound even loonier.
> She looks at “Hippie” and says, “Do me a favor. Stay off my side.”
> Look, we can’t hope for a conservative. So here’s our second best option: a really terrible, not persuasive liberal.
> And that is Kagan. She moves the court to the right by being so bad at trying to get them to go left. that’s why i don’t oppose her. not because i think she is actually cut out for the job but because i know she is not, and am very glad for that fact
So naturally I oppose any attempt to Bork her. She is our best case scenario for conservatives.
How can they Bork Kagan? Ted Kennedy can't make up a bunch of contemptible lies about her because he's dead.
Maybe she has never been Borked and is curious about it?
There are plenty of moderates (including me) who don't think much of Kagan because she seems so dull and lifeless.
Come on people, let us not forget Charles Lynch.
Politely, calmly ask questions that match the intensity of those posed to Bork during his Senate hearings. Nothing more, nothing less.
i won't argue that he did what he was told. My point though was that he would have been pounded on a lot less by some senators who had their fill of Nixon and Watergate stuff if he had taken a principled stand and resigned instead of obeying the order.
Your point is well taken and he was in a no win situation...and I frankly didn't feel all that bad about his nomination.
I say go full metal Alinsky on her.
She's going to be seated. Might as well make the left own up to every piece of lefty bullshit she represents in the process.
Words from a bitter loser. Oh, an anti choice loser
Vicki from Pasadena
Miranda - "I Mirandized the suspect"
OH, BTW she is not replacing Souter, she is replacing John Paul Stevens. You are about a year too late, Tmink.
Bitterness becomes you righties, as does losing.
People who lose their freedom are often bitter.
Go figure.
I should be more like you, and learn to love my master, and crave the pat on the head, and think not of all that I have lost, nor worry about the future my children face.
Rather, I should be more like Vicki, and embrace the vacuous acceptance of mediocrity and serfdom.
Bitter is the new black.
Bitter is better. But liquor is quicker. Just sayn'
No reason you can't indulge both.
Nothing succeeds like excess.
She can't be any worse than Stevens.
Ask tough questions and vote no but let this crap run it's course.
But if you believe "In Excess" you end hanging from a shower curtain rod.
Better than going out David Carradine style.
By the way, did you know that Judge Judy is beating Oprah in the ratings every week.
She is by far the most popular jurist in the nation.
Just goes to show ya!
re sandwich: He was a vile, vile man who stole the idea of putting a slice of meat between 2 of bread from the Earl of Shrewsbury.
If there was a bit more integretigy in the world, we would he eating shrewsburies for lunch instead of sandwiches.
(I miss Dick Summer)
John Henry
Well grasshopper was in the closet. Or at least found in the closet.
So to speak. That always complicates things.
Gerrymander was creating by combining Governor Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts with salamander. It made a stinky stew.
Democrats blamed Bork for the Saturday Night Massacre, but that action was the beginning of the end for Nixon politically, so they should have thanked him. The prig Richardson and his deputy had made the necessary point. And it was a lawful order.
John Henry said....
"I miss dick Summer"
That's what Titus is having now that he's married.
I am sure you remember the Saturday night massacre into which our Mr. Bork stepped at Nixon's command.
All actions have consequences.
Surely there must be a rule/law similar to Godwin' Law regarding Nixon.
Sandwich was that horror of Victorian heiresses, a gamester. Too addicted to leave the card table for a proper meal.
Christopher Buckley is a wonderfully funny writer. One of his recent books was "Supreme Mischief".
The president (who is a pretty interesting character in the book)nominates a justice who is Borked out of the office on some piddling grounds. He nominates a second and he is Borked as well.
He then nominates Pepper Martin(?) who is a Judge Judy clone. She actually gets confirmed by refusing to take the BS during the confirmation hearings.
there is then some mischief that goes on in the court, Pepper resolves the problem, marries one of the other justices and all live happily ever after.
Great beach or airplane reading.
I'll recommend all of Buckley's books. They are all good.
John Henry
Are you saying, pogo that all righties have lost their power, or just Bork. He doesn't look powerless to me. He looks the way he always does, an arrogant, small minded angry man. Thank god he didn't make it on the court.
I don't accept the boring and the mediocre. That is why I live and vote with my conscience. I am even considering voting for Meg Whitman in November for governor. She is my kind of Republican, fiscally conservative, socially liberal. I actually think she would be a good shot in the arm for California. Finally, a woman in charge. 'Bout time. Wouldn't vote for Fiorina if she were the only candidate running. Her abuses and firings at HP and other companies are legendary. She is a shill for the far right and I wouldn't believe one word that comes out of her mouth.
Vicki from Pasadena
No, I am saying that all citizens have lost their power, having ceded it to the Democrat-Teachers union-SEIU-ACORN socialists.
"I am even considering voting for Meg Whitman in November for governor. "
California is a bankrupt state taken over by illegals, potsmokers, high-spenders, and airheaded liberals (but I repeat myself).
The best thing a Californian can do is move out.
I am considering buying the Slim Whitman collection but they aren't doing those late night commercials anymore.
What's up with that? Now all I can do is get debt relief and a "Shamwow."
Slim Whitman would be a great California governor, not least of which because, even though his career is dead, he can yodel like nobody's business.
If all he did was yodel and passed not a single new tax, Californians would be better off.
You of course are forgetting that according to some on here, we live in a country of minority rule.
Yeah, I know. Corporations rule America, right House?
I think that Kagan should get an opportunity "to participate in the best thing to ever happen to constitutional democracy" from both sides of the issue.
TMink said...
Elections have consequences, America voted for Obama, so he should get his appointment. She is replacing Souter, so we are getting a liberal vote for a liberal vote. Big deal
Mink is in a timewarp. Sotomayor replaced the stealth liberal a year ago.
Dems managed to knock out Douglas Ginsburg and Bork after Reagan's landslide 1984 victory - so much for the theory stated whenever a President is in office that elections have consequences. That only applies to Democrats, by their rules.
A filibuster would be a good idea to help flush out the writings of her down. It would also serve as a reminder that Obama favors only Harvard and Yale products, that he will add 2 more to make for 5 NYC people on the Court. The goal would be to make Obama look worse, not ultimately block Kagan.
The religious/cultural argument is more discrete, but it will also be on people's minds.
1. 3 Liberal Jews, no moderate Protestants on the Court.
2. All members coming from just two elite private universities.
3. Only one Justice from the South, 1 from the Midwest, no one West of the Mississippi save Californians.
Dems managed to damage Bush when he tried getting two loyal hacks on SCOTUS - Alberto Gonzales and Harriet Miers. Even when he had the votes - he was forced to drop Alberto for Roberts and Miers for Alito....which was good for the country.
"What's up with that? Now all I can do is get debt relief and a "Shamwow.""
Don't they show the 'Extenze' commercials in NYC?
That's a real shame.
Debt relief, Shamwow, and Extenze.
Shoot, a fella' could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff.
They should elect the guy you invented the Yodel.
That was someone who really did something worthwhile.
Rick, my bubble is still intact! What was done to Bork was bad for the country and basically a long list of lies. Nothing good ever comes from a long list of lies, not even in politics where the practice is habitual.
What was done to Bork was unconstitutional in my eyes, and we on the right would do best to NEVER engage in such lies and manipulations. They lead to destruction.
I think they should just ask Kagan Do you now or have you ever played softball?
Vicky: DOH! You are of course correct, thanks for setting me straight. Stevens is a big lib, so this is just same brand of tires with less wear on them as far as I see it.
This made me laugh. Thanks trooper. I keep hearing it said just like in those commercials for the movie.
wv: wineso
Cedarford, we agree about many things. Then you bring up the Jews and it feels like I can't agree with you on anything. Peace pal.
I am not suggesting lies and manipulations, just an honest grilling maybe say ...similar to the abuse Tony Hayward faced last week.
To your point that lies and manipulations lead to destruction, it certainly had not destroyed the Democrats. Of course they have willing accomplices in the media.
Rick, a tough hearing is no problem with me!
While the Democratic party is doing well for now, look how their lies have hurt us and our country. Their chickens are looking for a place to roost, and 2010 and 2012 may be very interesting for them.
He looks the way he always does, an arrogant, small minded angry man.
I myself am small-minded, but not angry.
You freak me out Rh.
Please, Rick. You don't think that Hayward deserved the grilling, from the left and right I might add.This is no shakedown and if you believe that poor little PB is being taken advantage of well.... we will have to examine you IQ tests to be sure they were scored correctly.
Vicki said: I don't accept the boring and the mediocre. That is why I live and vote with my conscience.
What does what is boring and mediocre have to do with your conscience? If something is boring and/or mediocre, it violates your conscience? That makes no sense.
- Lyssa
I agree with A.W.- she's so weak that she's better than we who actually want to follow the Constitution could have hoped for.
That said, I want to see her confirmed, but I'd love to see it be tough. Get her on record about the limits of the commerce clause, or lack of limits- there's simply no way a liberal can answer it, and she's likely to professor it up, which will only make it worse.
Then, in 2012, let's use it to remind people that, in an Obama world, the Constitution is meaningless.
- Lyssa
IQ? I would have expected better of you.
Your point was covered in another post...but let me repeat:
BP is going to pay through the nose. And they should. The $20B will be small change when this is finished.
However the treatment of Hayward was shameful. Our country is better than that. He was paraded up in front of congress to be a human pinata. One congress critter asked him "if it was Thursday?" Shameful.
I am not defending him...I am assailing his treatment.
I'll bet the Brits are impressed.
If you're going to Bork her, use a conundrum.
It is over for GOP when they resort to tricks. Face it. Kagan is the next Justice. Obama/Biden till 2016. GOP loses the House, the Senate, and Statehouses. No one likes the GOP, no press, no tv, no radio, etc. Who loves the GOP? No one. Not even Republicans. It is over. Q. E. D.
Forget Borking her, I say we Bjork her!
Well, I guess if a private citizen's opposition to a USOC nomination by a President whose party holds a large majority in the Senate is equivalent to the well orchestrated lynching of a nomination by a lame duck President whose party was in the minority, then Borking it is. Bork away.
TMink said...
Cedarford, we agree about many things. Then you bring up the Jews and it feels like I can't agree with you on anything. Peace pal.
Just because I have beefs with some groups of Jews, doesn't mean I don't like and respect individual Jews. Like you...
Same holds true with Muslims and Leftists.
Muslims, as a group, can be problematic. But the individual ones I know, while they would fuck up this country beyond recognition if they ever amassed significant power - are by and large, decent well-educated and civilized people.
Liberals? Well, I think most cannot help themselves.
PS - 3 liberal Jews on the Court is too much, just for that. 5 from NYC Metro is too much. 9 from Yale-Harvard is too much.
A.W. said: "Look, we can’t hope for a conservative. So here’s our second best option: a really terrible, not persuasive liberal."
That's an example of Althousing.
It's a political strategy that is claimed in order deflect criticism about one being Obamaed.
I once saw an interview between Bork and PJ O'Rourke and was not sad the dude didn't get appointed. He seemed real weird and off putting.
Sixty Grit said
"Come on people, let us not forget Charles Lynch."
Your mention of Lynch(ing) brings to mind another Supreme Court nominee who, in his words, was subject to "a high tech lynching".
That would be Clarence Thomas.
Need I state who orchestrated this lynching?
I'll bet PJ O'Rourke was great.
"It is over for GOP when they resort to tricks."
You know, I've never figured that out. How can Democrats resort to tricks, bullying, dissembling, character assassination and other repugnant behavior, breaking the law, and lies, lies, lies, lies, and more lies -- but it's never over for them?
@vicki from pasadena Finally, a woman in charge.
pretty sexist comment there, vicki.
v from p: I don't accept the boring and the mediocre. That is why I live and vote with my conscience.
Look in the mirror, repeat three times. Twice daily until November.
its not a head fake or deflect. It is just saying, we are not going to get the conservative we want. Its just not going to happen. So the best we can hope for is a liberal who harms their own cause.
And Kagan is on record with that. That's what she did in Citizen's United. She turned what might have been a narrow victory for her side, or a narrow defeat for her side, and turned it into a major rout for her side. And thus a victory for freedom of speech.
Why? Because she articulated a defense of the law that would allow congress to ban books. Talk about tin eared! This is her pattern, go so big for liberalism that she alienates anyone who might have gone a little her way.
I understand, but as with Ann's reasoning with Obama, there is the big question of: is it worth it?
Like Obama, Kagan may do substantial damage. Being able to say "I told you so" may not be much consolation afterward. Kagan will likely get a deciding vote in a substantial number of bad decisions over the course of her decades as a Supreme Court Justice.
When Nixon said "Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest? (Archibald Cox), Richardson resigned rather than fire the independent prosecutor, then Ruckelshaus resigned rather than fire the independent prosecutor, but Bork was loyal to Tricky Dick, stayed on the job, and fired Cox.
So what did Kagan do to match Bork's record?
Need I state who orchestrated this lynching?
A former employee, Anita Hill.
victoria said...
Are you saying, pogo that all righties have lost their power, or just Bork. He doesn't look powerless to me. He looks the way he always does, an arrogant, small minded angry man. Thank god he didn't make it on the court.
I don't accept the boring and the mediocre. That is why I live and vote with my conscience. I am even considering voting for Meg Whitman in November for governor. She is my kind of Republican, fiscally conservative, socially liberal. I actually think she would be a good shot in the arm for California. Finally, a woman in charge. 'Bout time. Wouldn't vote for Fiorina if she were the only candidate running. Her abuses and firings at HP and other companies are legendary. She is a shill for the far right and I wouldn't believe one word that comes out of her mouth.
Vicki from Pasadena
You know, I was going to say something really snide, snarky, and nasty to you, but then I thought to myself, why should I bother, when you are a gift that keeps on giving. Even the rope is looping itself at the pleasure of having your neck inserted within it.
Libtard: Oh, an anti choice loser
Libtard CHOOSES to have sex
Libtard CHOOSES to use birth control with the knowledge that its not 100% effective
Libtard CHOOSES to take that risk anyway
Libtard then whines about "anti-choice"
And yes, Libtard needs sex so bad she is willing to kill for it.
FLS said "A former employee, Anita Hill."
Ms.Hill was played like a fiddle...
Scott said...
"You know, I've never figured that out. How can Democrats resort to tricks, bullying, dissembling, character assassination and other repugnant behavior, breaking the law, and lies, lies, lies, lies, and more lies"
Dick Cheney teaching the course this fall? Followed by Rush's course on family values and ending with Beck on the glories of 30s national socialism. ....
ahhhh the free air of academia.
Cedarford, I am a Tennessee redneck from poor Scotch-Irish people. But my way of thinking is that my racial background matters less than my character.
Libtard CHOOSES to have sex
No woman should have sex with a right-winger unless she's performed his vasectomy herself.
FLS said: "No woman should have sex with a right-winger unless she's performed his vasectomy herself."
There you go again.....denying someone's right to choose. I know you are being facetious here, but it is telling that libs everywhere are in favor of denying choices.
As Obamacare is implemented, you will see a whole host of choices being eliminated....from choice of doctor to choice of treatment.
After the Bork, Thomas, and Alito hearings, I think that Republicans need to grab the Democrats by the scruff of their worthless, slimy necks and drag them to stare over the edge of the abyss.
Translating the metaphor above for Democrats and other creatures of ignorance, Republicans played nicey-nicey with the Democrats over Ginsburg and the consequence was Alito's wife stumbling from the confirmation hearings in tears. Democrats are like teenagers -- too stupid to learn execpt from bitter experience. The Republicans need to make an example of a Supreme Court nominee, and having blown their chance with Sotomayor they need to unload on Kagan, but good.
Here's some eponymous or semi-eponymous verbs:
Bork, boycott, lynch, sandwich, fisk, bowdlerize, galvanise, jacuzzi, gerrymander, guillotine, hoover, tannoy, mesmerize, pasteurize, shrapnel, silhouette, degauss, daguerrotype, macadam/tarmac, molotov, gerrymander, zamboni, bogart, mirandize, hector, simonize.
In specialized fields you find more, e.g. fourier and laplace in math, lutz and salchow in skating, or doppler and valsalva in medicine.
Morse, marconi and roentgen got some use in the long ago, but not currently.
Madoff may yet be verbed.
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