Complete with "calling tips":
Some hosts may challenge your views. Stay calm and firm....
And "discussion points":
Elena Kagan understands how the law affects ordinary Americans, giving a great deal of thought to legal issues which profoundly affect Americans’ everyday lives – including freedom of speech and government policy making.
If you say that, maybe the host will say: "What do you mean she's given a great deal of thought to government policy making? What does government policy making have to do with being a Supreme Court Justice and why should I care about the large
amount of thought that's been given? Has she thought
well and
what does she think about
law?" If that happens, stay calm and firm! And say what?
५८ टिप्पण्या:
This person,Obama, is more dangerous than any of us knew...
We are in dire straights.
"This person,Obama, is more dangerous than any of us knew...
We are in dire straights."
My thoughts, exactly.
Be polite, respectful, and clear. Remember, you represent Organizing for America.
This is the kind of free speech politicians love, the kind you make from a script they write. Anything else isn't "polite" or "respectful".
Rush calls these people "seminar callers." They're easy to rip apart because they're not that bright and they tend to get confused when they're off script.
NotYourTypicalNewYorker: This person,Obama, is more dangerous than any of us knew...
Nonsense, he is a complete and obvious fraud. As a political rival he is a dream come true!
"Nonsense, he is a complete and obvious fraud."
You know it and I know it,but many millions don't and lap it up with a spoon...
Who writes their stuff. It only appeals to idiots who will be unpersuasive to anyone but other idiots. He has that demographic locked up, doesn't he?
WV: brade -- either the past tense of bray or what you do with hair or a rope?
My SIL was repeating some Obama talking points (I tend to drift off when she talks politics) and noticed my "Persecution of Sarah Palin" book lying about. "Ohh," says she, "do you really thing she was persecuted?"
I told her that my opinion was unimportant, she should read the book and see what she thought. "I always thought Hilary got a rough time of it, maybe Palin did too" was the response. And she took the book.
Lordy, lordy, babes, woods, wolf, grandmother. Never really a fairy tale, is it?
Mention short squat toad-like woman.
Be polite, respectful, and clear. Remember, you represent Organizing for America.
"To the phones. Anne from Madison, Wisconsin, you're next on The Rush Limbaugh Show. (Have I mentioned that Anne is one of my all-time top-ten female names?)"
"Hi Rush! I'm calling on behalf of Organizing For America! Dittos from Madison!"
"You mean you're admitting your part of Axelrod's astroturf op? What gives?"
"I don't know! That's just what it says for me to say!"
I guess they aren't satisfied with sending editorials with phony names and addresses with boilerplate talking points. Now they want to infect talk radio. I'll be so glad when these folks are on the ash heap of history.
Mention short squat toad-like woman.
Yeah, and mention that the ever-impressive Donna Shalala and Barbara Mikulski fit that description too.
And Robert Reich is also short squat and toadlike. With a bit of cross-dressing he could be included as well.
"I told her that my opinion was unimportant, she should read the book and see what she thought. "I always thought Hilary got a rough time of it, maybe Palin did too" was the response. And she took the book. Lordy, lordy, babes, woods, wolf, grandmother. Never really a fairy tale, is it?"
I think you SIL is mainly interested in being on good terms with you, trying to understand *you.*
Dictates from the dear leader.
Ann Althouse: I think you SIL is mainly interested in being on good terms with you, trying to understand *you.*
It's a trap SIL! You'll be brainwashed!
Scott said...
Rush calls these people "seminar callers." They're easy to rip apart because they're not that bright and they tend to get confused when they're off script.
What should you expect from a leftard? Nothing but shallow thinking talking points without nary a thought to articulate their position. AlphaLiberal is a perfect example of a human leftist rss feed.
vnjagvet said...
Who writes their stuff. It only appeals to idiots who will be unpersuasive to anyone but other idiots. He has that demographic locked up, doesn't he?
WV: brade -- either the past tense of bray or what you do with hair or a rope?
What part of during the entire Obama campaign where he would show up to his throng of morons screaming yes we can didn't you get?
[obama] You are going to vote for me right?
[morons] Yes we can?
Didn't Axelrod try to pull something like this during the campaign, flood talk shows that didn't like The Zero with the sort of zombies they want to use here?
How do you persuade people if you don't have any clue about the issues? (Yeah, I know...)
Methadras: Dictates from the dear leader.
Obama's people seem to like Mao, but have a superficial understanding of him. I think this is why he always has such a bad time with China. Many of their leaders were sent to concentration camps by Mao, and I'm sure they think Obama is an idiot.
This could be scary but luckily they are extremely incompetent. So it is safe to laugh at them. They mistakenly believe disseminating their message widely is the main obstacle they face.
He is preaching the seductive mirage of Redistribution as a legal right.This man is a true Communist with no redeeming social value. In 2012 the GOP had better not even consider another old dull white man afraid of attacking a black politician. We need a gutsy fighter who will deck Obama every time he speaks another lie.
I'll file this under "You know you've lost control of the message when..."
The collective is abuzz with action.
@Ann - My SIL knows that as long as she's not living in my basement with her four kids and husband that she's aces with me. Maybe it was just one of those "female connection" moments that fly by men, I dunno. My SIL is many things, but Machiavellian is not one of them.
But I say it all the time: I hit the PowerBall instant win lottery In-Law-wise. Nutty as they are and can be, they are a million times better than the average tooth clenchers. And much better than what my wife got saddled with!
Note the script's use of "ordinary Americans" and "everyday Americans". Does that include the people Obama entertains at the White House a couple times a week?
"How do you persuade people if you don't have any clue about the issues?"
Gather LARGE numbers of people to stand beside you and behind you.
It's a DEMOCRACY, for cripes sake!
We count heads... not necessarily the best ideas.
In fairness to Barack Obama, he isn't PERSONALLY leading us to call radio shows in support of Kagen. It's an arm of the Democratic National Committee.
One and the same?
For all you registered Republicans out there, does Michael Steele speak for you?
No, Penny. It's not like Our President personally announced the formation of OFA on January 17, 2009, or something.
No way.
rhhardin wrote: Mention short squat toad-like woman.
This isn't the Helen Thomas thread.
We see this a lot with a certain set of commenters here - I think most of the regulars know who they are.
If the talking points say "Express your disgust at the vicious attacks on Obama's daughter, Malia" then the cry goes up about how disgusted the commenter is about the vicious attacks on Obama's daughter Malia, even if no such attacks actually occurred.
If the talking points say "Make sure to inject a mention of Will Folks into the conversation", they'll do so even if the post is about painting a house or a Supreme Court decision.
If the talking points say "Deny that Obama has anything to do with distributing the current set of talking points", they'll happily fly in the face of reality and say that the front page item on has nothing to do with Obama.
Pointing out how untrue or how bizarrely non-topical their talking points are rarely accomplishes much (usually the drone will simply abandon the thread or offer up another sound bite from their crib sheet).
Neither consistency nor topicality nor even reality is an encumbrance to their efforts; making sure that their propaganda points get into circulation is their only real goal.
They could also, methinks, have some seminar callers say that Elena K should go back to Poland or Germany.
That way all Liberals, as well as insecure "Moderates" who are embarrassed by Talk Radio, can say: I knew that that's the typical listener to Talk Radio speaking: bitter & clinging to their Religion & also racist.
On the other hand, it would be obvious to most that some loony Liberal, like Helen T. was making the call & meant it.
I just looked at the Obama page again and noticed it is instructing people to call shows like "The Best of Laura Ingraham Show" and "The Best of Rush Limbaugh". "Best of" shows aren't live and don't accept callers!
Perhaps no one ever makes calls and therefore hasn't noticed the problem. Perhaps the people at Organizing for America don't care or don't know how to fix the problem. Either way, it doesn't look very professional.
Talk about stalker creepy.
This is talker creepy.
The talking points should be emailed to all talk shows so they know when they have seminar callers.
But then this is classic Dem playbook. Like the time cetain people in the MSM repeatedly used the word "gravitas" -- a word no one had heard used on the radio or TV up until that time.
And what's with this website for a group started by BHO stating it does not endorse any candidate while at the top and then at the bottom just to the right of the disclaimer is Obama's big O logo?
wv gangsqua
Dunno, but it's gotta be racist.
Mesquito, I think the intention was to try to maintain the support and active interest of all those people who came out to vote for Obama in the election. They wanted to keep that large group motivated enough to ACT on his behalf during his presidency.
The last I heard, this never worked out quite the way they hoped. Even so, they are apparently still trying, based on this post.
It's unlikely that huge masses of people will be calling radio hosts to spout one of the offered talking points, but some people will do that. When the host tries to engage them in conversation, and they have nothing more to offer, I suspect they will do MUCH more reading about Kagen, and then maybe call back again.
As a nation, we can hardly go wrong with a population that wants to know more or get more involved.
What part of during the entire Obama campaign where he would show up to his throng of morons screaming yes we can didn't you get?
You mean you think this stuff is effective?
Okay, the mere existence of that site is creepy.
@AJ L Note the script's use of "ordinary Americans" and "everyday Americans".
I think those are actually insults. Something like the nose scratching.
The people who talk about those people never include themselves in those categories.
So why is it we should we pay attention to them?
𝄞 ♫ Do be a do-bee,♪Don't be a don't-bee. ♫
I clicked through. They suggested I call a sports talk show.
Just how stupid are these idiots?
I think this counts as one of those "What if Bush did this" sorts of things.
Oh, sure, yes, it's no big deal to suggest to other people what might be effective but there is something about the source being the president or government itself that makes it hinky.
"Okay, the mere existence of that site is creepy."
Organizing for America? Yes, it is.
But at least, you know, they knew better than call it Obama Youth.
It ranks right up there with the call for publicly funded propaganda art and reporting people who "lie" about Obama on the internet.
This is both pathetic and dangerous at the same time.
I'd love it if they had you think anyone will actually call in to these shows??
The link Ann gave recommends calling the Michael Medved Show.
Please, oh PLEASE PLEASE call the Medved show. There is no one better than Michael Medved at making mincemeat out of liberals. He daily demolishes the liberal idiots that call in - which is why his show is growing in the millions.
Seriously - he lives to argue, and having been a liberal first before seeing the light, he never misses.
He is evenhanded. He took apart a Glenn Beck follower here. Delicious!
So please, blind followers of Obama, do call in the Medved show and read your talking points about Elena Kagan, especially after the revelations about her far left views that came out last week, with more coming next week. I'm so truly looking forward to your humiliation.
Penny said...
In fairness to Barack Obama, he isn't PERSONALLY leading us to call radio shows in support of Kagen. It's an arm of the Democratic National Committee.
One and the same?
For all you registered Republicans out there, does Michael Steele speak for you?
The POTUS is the titular head of his party. He is solely responsible for it's message and how it articulates it's ideology. Thankfully, since I'm not a republican, Michael Steele doesn't speak for me at all. I speak for me.
vnjagvet said...
You mean you think this stuff is effective?
If you are the prototypical President Barely voter, then yes, I'd say it was effective. It doesn't take much to be a leftard. Check your soul and your brains at the party HQ doors. A dear leader will be along shortly to guide on your way to ideological nirvana.
Obama is a Usurper (his father was never a US Citizen, no matter where Obama 2 was born). When removed from office, everything he signed and everyone he appointed will be null and void. The founders abject fear of foreign influence upon the office of POTUS was absolutely prescient. Obama clearly has no attachment or allegiance to this country and practices Taquiya.
According to this website, we've always been at war with Eurasia. Why would you think otherwise?
So, how long before we see this newest brownshirt gang beating down blacks and biting off grandapa's finger?
at the bottom of the link:
Paid for by Organizing for America... This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
WTF? It's a subdomain of! It's got President Barack Obama's name on it, and somehow he has nothing to do with it?
Its funny I was racking my brains tryng to think of some retaliation for these obamabots by calling up some of their popular,liberal, radio personalities but then I couldn't think of any. I guess I have to hang out on c-span if Ed Shultz is selling a book or something.
Chase, + 1 on Medved. He is by far the most even handed host on the national radio scene today. One of the many reasons Air America failed so horrifically, is that it emulated the very worst techniques of Rush and Hannity. I swear almost all the hosts were trying to become the liberal version of Michael Savage, especially Randi Rhoads and Mike Malloy. It was all yelling, all ad-hom, all bombast, all the time. It was awful. There was no conversation with anybody.
If they would have emulated Michael Medved's approach, who knows, maybe they would have survived.
PS. No, they wouldn't have, not with the upside-down business structure they had.
It seems the president really is a born community organizer, and not much else.
Is THIS really what the WH should be putting out, right now?
For a while circa 06/07 a station in New Orleans carried the entire Air America line-up plus old Ed Schultz (who was technically not part of Air America.) It says something about the line-up to say that Jerry Springer was the most thoughtful, reasoned, intelligent one of the lot--with a sense of humor to boot. He WAS once elected Mayor of Cincy, you know, so has a nodding acquaintance with the reality of governing and the centralizing effects of electoral politics. A genuinely nice guy.
Old Ed, whle he rants at times, is actually the next most reasonable of the lot--especially on his radio show. I guess the MSNBC gig has given him his hard left marching orders, as he's far worse on TV than on radio--where he can actually sound reasonable upon occasion.
And sonicfrog, don't EVER equate Mike Malloy w. Michael Savage. Although intelligent and fairly well read, Mike suffers from BDS syndrome (and now PDS) to such an extent as to be certifiable. Have you ever heard his use of personal invective? It FAR exceeds , imho, that of the generalized rants of Savage, tho YMMV.
"In fairness to Barack Obama, he isn't PERSONALLY leading us to call radio shows in support of Kagen. It's an arm of the Democratic National Committee."
And yet, that IS the Obama logo at the head of the page, right? Not the DNC donkey, but the OBAMA logo?
JAL said...
The talking points should be emailed to all talk shows so they know when they have seminar callers.
I'm willing to bet a large sum of money that the first priority of any talk radio host's research assistant is signing up for every Democrat spam list they can find. And probably the GOP ones as well.
And say what?
Jeez, 50+ comments and I'm the first to say the obvious
@Chase: I used to listen to Medved from time to time and liked what you do. He's very bright, he takes lots of calls from people who disagree with him, and he specializes in dismantling liberals.
But three things eventually turned me off.
1. A couple of years ago he was dismantled in turn by George Galloway. George Galloway. He clearly took him too lightly and didn't bother to do his due diligence. It was bad.
2. His Sasquatch fixation.
3. His McCain ass-kissery. Yuck.
I'll agree with you on points 2 and 3, but c'mon, those are so small they're ridiculous.
As far as Galloway, I completely disagree. George Galloway is a despicable piece of human slime, an anti-semitic bigot who was easily exposed as a dangerous idiot, I felt, by not only Medved, but also by Bill O'Reilly, who is someone I do not even like.
The exchanges clearly had the result of proving that ONLY people who, after hearing the exchanges with Medved and O'Reilly, can agree with George Galloway are themselves anti-Semitic and/or sworn enemies of Israel and/or George W Bush.
Galloway is also a likely perjurer before the United States Senate.
Galloway should see if Helen Thomas is free for dinner and a nightcap.
If she gave it so much thought then why hasn't she written about it? Her publication record is pretty damn slim.
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