"I fear that all I have accomplished and all the wealth I have accumulated will be taken from me, to the cheers of the crowd. I know I am hated and despised by the American Left."
(Via Instapundit.)
It's hard to imagine how it would feel to be singled out for such intense hostility for so long, especially if, at the same time, you were bathed in love from supporters, making huge piles of cash, and exercising immense power. It doesn't make sense to talk about whether he sounds paranoid. We're not seeing the hate mail and threats he receives. We don't know the security precautions he needs to take. Who knows what it would be like to be a sane man in that position? But he should also see that he has been able to build his media empire and speak freely, attacking government officials over the public airwaves for 15 hours a week, year after year. They haven't stopped him.
Maybe, in the end they will stop him. And then, think of the glee! The cries of joy will be even louder than the celebration that broke out yesterday when the feds charged Kenneth Starr, the prosecutor who persecuted President Clinton, with.... uh oh uh never mind.....
९० टिप्पण्या:
In Kabuki, doesn't somebody always get killed before the show is over?
Rush is at times a bit grandiose and paranoid. He is a perfect foil for our president, who is at times a bit grandiose and paranoid.
We need an "Obama is like Rush" tag.
So the media push for the book continues?
How nice for Chafets that Limbaugh is playing along.
or a "Rush is like Obama" tag.
sorry, not feeling the love for Rush. (Not that I want him destroyed or anything.)
Yeah, I don't listen to Rush, but he's not the only one with the hate mail coming in. You've got a story on Politico about a surge in death threats against congressmen, especially those that voted for the health care bill or the stimulus. In most cases, these are cranks or people off their rocker.
So are we going to see a busload of SEIU folks protesting at Rush's home in south Florida?
"So are we going to see a busload of SEIU folks protesting at Rush's home in south Florida?"
Rush is a private citizen. He isn't actually in a position to take our money, livelihood and liberty from us, like those poor, poor, put-upon congresspeople.
There is literally nothing this horse's ass can say on the air that would have him removed from the airwaves, obviously, and unfortunately.
The government has indeed not stopped him lo these 15 years. But then it was only recently that a president of the U.S. found it necessary to single out by name commentators with whom he disagreed; a president, by the way, who jokes about having people audited.
A president who leads a government that has discussed the concept of taking your IRA and replacing it with a government sponsored annuity. I realize it is just talk, but when talk gets this crazy it is time to be paranoid.
I cannot recall any other President singling out a media person as Obama has Rush and then suggesting that he should be ignored or that he is not a "real" journalist.
Given Obama's lack of self restraint in dealing with any opposition, such as publishing divorce documents or offering cabinet positions, it would not be unusual to find him, through his RICO-like network, attempting to ruin Rush. Nor would it come as a shock to have some crazed person try to kill Rush.
He should be concerned and he should announce his concern as a means of preventing that very harm.
That was pretty funny about Ken Starr.
Garage: Thank you for your honesty and for making clear your feelings about free speech, feelings I am sure that are shared by most "progressives." It is that "unfortunately" that makes it clear. You are just like every liberal: at heart you are a fascist.
"Rush is like Nixon" would make a pretty good tag too.
To save Jeremy and his ilk the trouble...
"Lush Limpballs"
There is literally nothing this horse's ass can say on the air that would have him removed from the airwaves, obviously, and unfortunately.
Except low ratings, but he doesn't ahve those, Boo-Hoo Garage.
If Rush weren't a target, he wouldn't be Rush. His whole thing, and the whole "alternative conservative media" thing, is based on being oppressed victims of the all powerful left.
Rush galvanized Conservatism like no one else. His program showed everyone who was outraged at what was happening to this country that they weren't alone, that what they thought made sense, and that they could do something about it.
The manipulation of the airwaves starting with FDR was intended to muzzle the opposition and keep it isolated. Rush blew that to Hell and gone.
Of course, those compassionate, tolerant Lefties hate him with all the venom they can excrete. Look at what garage/Alpha/Montagne/Freder say everytime his name is brought up.
Scott said...
Rush is at times a bit grandiose and paranoid. He is a perfect foil for our president, who is at times a bit grandiose and paranoid.
Just because you're paranoid...
"That was pretty funny about Ken Starr.'
Even funnier how 'The Atlantic' took the bait. Not that they feel embarrassed or anything.
Rush needs to grab his worse critics and spontaneously combust as an ending.
Unfortunately he has to be on TV to make that work.
Haha - the liberal media spawned in places like the Columbia School of Journalism [sounds like the Columbia School of Broadcasting - the old radio ads] has to brush up on his Googling!
"alternative conservative media" thing, is based on being oppressed victims of the all powerful left.
I agree I bet Ellen GOodman got called a "Wh*re" or an "O-city Wh*re" all the time just like Malkin, and don't get me started on the reporters moving in next to Hillary and Bill for book material...
I cannot recall any other President singling out a media person as Obama has Rush
It was supposed to be off-mic (all mics are live), but who did Bush call a Major League a-hole to Cheney?
Not quite the same.
Adam Clymer was called a bigtime a-hole by Cheyney and Bush concurred.
It's a stretch to compare that to Obama's serial demonization of Rush, Fox News and his latest warning at U of M commencement to "beware of information"!
"Adam Clymer was called a bigtime a-hole by Cheyney and Bush concurred."
..and they were embarrassed and never did it again. Now we have BO who can not resist doing it over and over.
So the idea is, if you are a conservative pundit, like Rush and Beck, you become increasingly paranoid and think that everyone is out to get you. Please, I think their celebrity status, or the drugs, have finally gotten to Rush. I don't want anyone destroyed but I think he does it to himself. Anyone who has such an over inflated ego like him is his own worst target. It isn't the administration that will get him it will be Rush himself.Frankly, I would rather have dead silence on my radio than his blustering, windbag voice full of hate.
Vicki from Pasadena
I don't wish ill toward anyone (that whole Karma-thing, you know), but, like some others here, I'm not feelin' the love for the guy.
He's done pretty well for himself, but he put himself out there, in a country that him to do what he does. Woe is him, I guess...
These are the kinds of lunatics who go after Limbaugh. I would be carrying a gun if I were him, or have someone closeby who is...
Steve Kangas, leftie hero
A former Army intelligence officer shot himself to death last month in a restroom outside conservative philanthropist and publisher Richard Mellon Scaife's Downtown offices, and Scaife has assigned a private investigator to determine whether the incident was a bungled assassination attempt.
Frankly, I would rather have dead silence on my radio than his blustering, windbag voice full of hate.
You are aware there are multiple radio channels and you have the ability to switch one that doesn't contain blustering windbags full of hate.
Just sayin
Victoria: Thanks for chiming in with Garage on the free speech thing. Important to know that the fascist left really prefers not to have a free press and good to know that the path to suppression is to accuse the opposition of "hate" speech.
I think that clown at Atlantic really really really REALLY wanted to believe that the loathesome former special prosecutor Ken Starr was in trouble with the law.
Don't you?
I would rather have dead silence on my radio than his blustering, windbag voice full of hate.
Blessedly, you have that choice….
I don't wish ill toward anyone (that whole Karma-thing, you know), but, like some others here, I'm not feelin' the love for the guy.
He's done pretty well for himself, but he put himself out there, in a country that him to do what he does. Woe is him, I guess...
Were you referring to Martin Luther King Jr. or Al Sharpton, you know guys that have brought it on themselves…or do you just mean RIGHTWING trouble-makers deserve what they bring on themselves?
The surprise is that the Chicago Gang hasn't put a hit out on Rush yet. When bad guys who are doing hidden things, it is the dog with the superior sense of smell that can points them out that is their worst enemy and usually their first target for elimination.
Don't forget that Clinton blamed Rush for the Oklahoma City bombing.
The Left has proven over and over again that it's philosophy knows no bounds.
How does that make the lefties feel? I think, from the experience of meeting lefties, it makes them feel powerful and good...they are totally fucking crazy.
Milton Friedman has never been the cause of things as horrific as the results caused by the theories of Marx. That his shit is still taught seriously is not surprising.
Today there is no group in America that claims "Victimhood" more than do conservatives.
Day in and Day out Rush Limbaugh is repeating over and over "Obama HATES America!" and "Obama wants to DESTROY America!"
But Rush is the victim of unfair attacks!
The right has Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity among many others every day shouting about how liberal politicians are trying to destroy America. What is the equivalence on the left?
Maybe Kieth Olbermann. But nobody listens to him. Air America disappeared due to a lack of listenership.
No, when liberals are not listening to NPR or watching PBS they might turn on John Stewart or Rachel Maddow who at worst just dismiss the right with a smirk.
Please could someone list the liberal counterparts spewing political vitriol of Rush, Hannity and Beck?
Like I said, the right now revels in their sense of victimhood.
Joe says:
and don't get me started on the reporters moving in next to Hillary and Bill for book material...
Uh, Vince Foster, anyone? Whitewater, anyone? Yeah, nobody spent their lifetimes harassing the Clintons. Short memory...
"I would rather have dead silence on my radio than his blustering, windbag voice full of hate."
So you listen to him, do you Victoria? You know, if I don't like what's on the radio, I change the station. I'm just saying.
By the way, when people take positions that disagree with yours, that isn't "hate." Just so you know.
Oh, and Jake? Obama is the president of the United States of America, which makes him the most powerful person in the world. You seem to be saying we should only say nice things about Obama. You do realize that you're saying no one should criticize the powerful, right?
No, when liberals are not listening to NPR or watching PBS they might turn on John Stewart or Rachel Maddow who at worst just dismiss the right with a smirk.
Or occasionally call Sarah Palin a “Shiksa B*tch” and hope that a “posse” of “Brothers” might rape her. Or sometimes pen plays about assassinating President Bush, or just saying “I hate George Bush”-Chait. But other than that the latte sipping, Jon Stewart watching NPR-listening Progressives ARE pretty meek.
Andrea, of course Obama should be strongly criticized by those who disagree with him. But there is a big difference between saying "Obama HATES America" which Rush does every day and saying "Obama's policies are bad for America."
Nice strawman on your part though.
Uh, Vince Foster, anyone? Whitewater, anyone? Yeah, nobody spent their lifetimes harassing the Clintons. Short memory...
You mean the reporters rented the house next door to the Clinton’s? I didn’t realize that….Or hired 11 fact checkers to go over “It Takes a Village?” I guess you’re right when the WH Counsel blows his brains out there’s nothing to see and we should move on, right? Or when the FLOTUS takes a $1,000 investment , IIRC, and turns it into a $100,000 investment, nothing to see there either….or when the WH fires the Travel Staff, and then invents charges that are dismissed by the jury within hours of the jury receiving their instructions, though at a cost of 100 of thousands of dollars in legal fees to the charged staff, I see your point about harassing the Clintons….or when WH staffers say they lied to their own diaries concerning WH activities, you’re right nothing to see there…
Unlike Palin, who has been charged with 28, IIRC ethics charges and been convicted of…0??????? Yeah I see the equivalence.
Re: The Atlantic
But but but....FOX lies!!!
(cleaning spittle off monitor.)
Joe, we can't be that weak -- we're in power. Both houses plus the presidency. Eat it.
Also, if I can continue the pile on Victoria, Rush is very entertaining, deserves his success, and certainly is way better than dead silence or most of the other stuff on the air. The fast that I have to change the station within 10 minutes to avoid an aneurysm does not mean that I prefer what's on the other stations (well, other than NPR).
Isn't this part of the right-wing pundit mantra that we are the poor oppressed rich conservatives, and oh listeners stock up on caned goods and gold because the end- for you- is near.
Joe, names please.
There is a big difference between fringe types penning stupid plays that no will see and I have not even heard of and mainstream media voices screaming hateful rants.
So, please attach names to what was said about Palin. I do not even remember such things being said. That makes me think it was the fringe of the fringe and conservatives have just added to their lore of victimhood.
nothing to see there...
convicted of…0??????? Yeah I see the equivalence.
Well, good. Glad you see it.
Let's be fair to the drug addict please Ann. He is king of part of the part of the country not all of everyone on the right..just those who swallow it.
He takes his money and lifestylfe from them as the others don't support him.
He herds topics and issues to them and for them which goes to further marginalize their appeal...in short he is a ruthless church sucking its congregation dry.
That 18 million or so fools spend hours a day listening to him make it up on the fly is of no concern except that these lemmings hear the same bogus nonsense day in and day out and think that it is true.
He is a blowhard liar of the first order and an infestation on this nation. Other than that I'm sure he deserves to be both paranoid and a victim.
Frankly, I would rather have dead silence on my radio than his blustering, windbag voice full of hate.
Gee wiz Victoria (in Pasadena).
I guess you haven't heard of this new fangled invention called the power button on your radio. It is AMAZING.....you can turn off your radio.
And guess what? There is another feature called changing the channels. Isn't THAT cool. You are now able to change the station from one you don't want to listen to to one you do want to listen to.
Hint.....they also have these features on your television too!!!!! So you aren't forced to watch that nasty old Fox News and stuff.
Wow.....what will they think of next. Sliced bread?
oh c'mon ! Poor Rush !!
This guy is taking a page out of Palin's book and playing the vicitim ! and i'm sure you all now love him even more, and are even more suspicious of lefties and what they must be saying or doing to scare poor Rush ? so his scheme is working.
Joe, we can't be that weak -- we're in power. Both houses plus the presidency. Eat it.
I’m sorry what does this mean…that last part I understand, so after November this year and you no longer control Both House or mayhap lose BOTH houses, can I say “Eat it to you?”
There is a big difference between fringe types penning stupid plays that no will see and I have not even heard of and mainstream media voices screaming hateful rants.
Comedienne Sarah Berhhardt for “b*tch” and rape….Jonathan Chait for the “I hate Bush”…and Keith Olberman for the assorted Ober-sturmbannfuehrer remarks concerning the Bush “regime.” Also Chris Matthews for “Bush Regime”
And then let's not forget, "What the Frequency Kenneth" Rather and Mary Mapes attempting to swing an election with false reportage in 2004.
There is literally nothing this horse's ass can say on the air that would have him removed from the airwaves, obviously, and unfortunately.
Uh, garage, the discussion about Obama's press conference was a few threads back.
Come now, Dust Bunny Queen. Don't you know that the mere realization that Rush Limbaugh-generated electro-magnetic radiation is, between noon and three eastern time, piercing through one's entire body is enough to make liberals like Victoria say stupid, stupid things?
Joe wrote "Comedienne Sarah Berhhardt"
Thank you Joe for making my point.
"I know I am a target and I know I will be destroyed eventually."
"I fear that all I have accomplished and all the wealth I have accumulated will be taken from me,...
Even in the absence of the jealous Left, eventually, Rush will die, and, if he's not cremated, his body will be consumed by bacteria. All of his accumulated wealth will remain. Even worse, despite all of his marriages, Rush has neglected to produce children to which to leave his wealth. Poor long-term planning on his part.
Jake said...
Today there is no group in America that claims "Victimhood" more than do conservatives.
Day in and Day out Rush Limbaugh is repeating over and over "Obama HATES America!" and "Obama wants to DESTROY America!"
Someone else read that and tell me where Conservatives are claiming to be victims in that statement. It seems to me it says they are concerned for the future of this country.
roesch-voltaire said...
Isn't this part of the right-wing pundit mantra that we are the poor oppressed rich conservatives
Last I looked, the Conservatives are the middle class, while the Demos, who are in bed with Wall Street and Big Oil and Big Pharma and Big Labor, are the ones being bribed the big bucks to pass bills about "too big to fail".
While there is such a thing as a poor white radical (they're ACORN's, ANSWER's, and SEIU's useful idiots), there really isn't such a thing as a poor, white Liberal.
Just look at The Zero and Willie.
Really I made your point did I? So tell me, when did anyone call Michelle Obama a "negress" or "N*gger" and hope for her lynching....you can search around for that, I'll wait.
And I guess NATIONAL Columnists and News Commentators don't make your radar either?
Holy cow, L.E. Lee / Not a Hillbilly / UW Law Babe / ChiMan / Coffee Guy / Jimmy / coffee guy / Fiscal Conservative Guy / In the Mood / Sussed / "Jake", is still at it?
If the 42+ pages of obsessive, vitriolic comments you've left under a dozen different sockpuppets hasn't sated your need to lash out at Althouse, Republicans, and the world, then perhaps you ought to consider therapy.
Come now, Dust Bunny Queen. Don't you know that the mere realization that Rush Limbaugh-generated electro-magnetic radiation is, between noon and three eastern time, piercing through one's entire body is enough to make liberals like Victoria say stupid, stupid things?
Unfortunately, I don't think Rush is the root cause of the stupidity.
Regime: Although modern usage often gives the term a negative connotation, like an authoritarian one, Webster's definition clearly states that the word "regime" refers simply to a form of government.
And you can't say you hate anyone anymore?
Joe, why do I have to find an example of someone saying horrible awful racist things about Michelle Obama (and those examples are certainly out there for Barack) to have the equivalent of someone calling Sarah Palin a whore?
Yes, you can say "eat it" if the Republicans take the House and or the Senate. And you will.
Well Daniel, Sarah Barnhardt wasn't "big-time" enough I guess to qualify...but I submit if anyone from the D-list on up had suggested Michelle needed a good raping or lynching, we'd never have heard the end of it!
I thought Sarah Barnhardt career ended back in the 1980s?
Sarah Bernhardt's career ended in the 1920s. And the poor woman had her leg amputated. So lay off her, please.
I don't get the vitriol with Rush. He has his take on things (I may not be a full on dittohead, but I don't find him irrational), but he's almost always entertaining and engaging. Frankly I'm astounded how he can riff on numerous themes 3 hours a day, 5 days a week for years. He also his a pretty consistent view over the years. He's a small government conservative and I don't view him as being particularly sympathetic to the religious right.
That being said and acknowledging his gift for bombast, I don't doubt some people (some actually commenting here) would like to see him reduced to penury or worse. I guess I wonder whether Althouse's quote is his internal belief, or just for public consumption.
To me, Rush seems a lot more likely to destroy himself than to be destroyed by anyone else. I have a fair amount of respect for him and still listen on occasion, but sometimes I think he's crazy. There's a lot of circumstantial evidence to weigh.
Now we have BO who can not resist doing it over and over.
Really? More than once?
(Can you see how much I pay attention to either?)
I remember during my regular audit by state regulators, the regulator saying he listens to Rush every day, called it monitoring the enemy. And he did. Took a 3 hour lunch. Between coming in late, a 3 hour lunch, and leaving early, he put in a hard hour and a half on my audit. I thought about reporting him but I prefer lax oversight by a borderline retard affirmative action hire. No need to make waves, and besides, as a state employee there was almost nothing they could do to him but plenty he and his buddies could do to me.
"It's hard to imagine how it would feel to be singled out for such intense hostility for so long, especially if, at the same time, you were bathed in love from supporters, making huge piles of cash, and exercising immense power."
I know what it feels like - without anything near his level of love, cash, and power - and it sucked. Imagine walking into the bank and discovering there's nothing - nothing - there, and no one cares. It warps the mind. I cried for weeks.
I'll never be the same again.
As Henry Kissinger once said even paranoids have real enemies. Rush just might be right on this. It is unseemly at best and borderline totalitarian to keep singling out specific news agencies and private individuals. Question for the libs, if you are OK with this will you be OK if the next president, a conservative treats the left media and media personalities the same way?
He's destroying himself with his sex and drug addictions. Dude lost his hearing already due to his drug abuse.
Rush seems to have more than a fair share of human frailties. I could easily imagine him getting into some type of messy divorce or inappropriate love affair. If that happens, the late night comedy mills will grind his bones to dust. Some talented people hate him, and he serves as a kind of negative muse for their vitriol......I would argue that Tina Fey did a more artful take down of Sarah Palin than David Letterman. Rush has not yet met his Tina Fey, but it's a historical inevitability.
In one of the most scathing and arguably vulgar personal attacks on the Republican vice presidential nominee yet, Bernhard lashed out at Palin during opening night of her one woman show in Washington, D.C. on Thursday night. Among other controversial remarks, Bernhard called Palin a 'turncoat bitch' who "would be gang raped by blacks in Manhattan."
In one particularly abasive [sic] rant, Bernhard attacked everything from Sarah Palin’s fashion sense and hair style to her political views and religious beliefs.
"Now you got Uncle Women, like Sarah Palin, who jumps on the shit and points her fingers at other women. Turncoat bitch! Don't you fuckin' reference Old Testament, bitch!" Bernhard said. "You stay with your new Goyisha crappy shiksa funky bullshit! Don't you touch my Old Testament, you bitch! Because we have left it open for interpre-ta-tion! It is no longer taken literally! You whore in your cheap fuckin' New Vision cheap-ass plastic glasses and your [sneering voice] hair up. A Tina Fey-Megan Mullally brokedown bullshit moment."
Dude lost his hearing already due to his drug abuse.
Or not...
But if you got any evidence of that I'll wait....
Sex addiction, well that's new....Again I'll wait for the evidence.
BetaLib said: "Dude lost his hearing already due to his drug abuse."
No wonder Obama can't hear what the people are telling him.
Onion Newspaper headline this week...
"Woman accused of using multiple pseudonyms on website by man named AC425"
Interesting thing (considering the oxycontin moment) is whether success and money does have a tendency to destroy its beneficiaries. When there are fewer constraints to one's personal desires it's easier to let your character be formed by them, both good and bad, and Rush does seem to have his hedonistic side. I would also add the Warren Buffett model (where he still lives in the home he purchased years ago in Nebraska when he had no where near the amount of money he has today) seems to be in the minority. Maybe what we call morality is simply a lack of opportunity.
Unusually indicative of negativity for him - always knew it was there percolating beneath, but he usually doesn't show it.
I don't understand why he's so afraid of his money being taken. You can't just take that amount of money away - even with a confiscatory estate tax there's still tons left. With no direct heirs, I assume he's already set up a charitable trust. All you accomplished turns to dust anyway no matter who you are.
To quote Ibsen:
"I am the strongest man in the world. For the strongest man in the world is the man who stands the most alone."
Be strong, Rush.
Rush brings it all on himself. So he should get no pity. He can say whatever he wants. But if he starts crying about how unfair the criticisms are then he is really showing his naive stupidity.
Garage Mahal: There is literally nothing this horse's ass can say on the air that would have him removed from the airwaves, obviously, and unfortunately.
On what person or official would you like to bestow the power to take Rush off the air? Should all conservative points of view be censored? Or only Rush's?
I would feel more sympathetic to Rush if at least some of the hatred and vitriol weren't directed his way due specifically to the way he routinely makes comments that he knows are outrageous, followed a few days later by "oh, come on, can't you take a joke" or "oh, only a liberal would take that literally"? or whatever other dismissal he cares to offer.
He does it because outrage = ratings, and he wants the ratings. So he just has to suck it up and deal with the fact that his ratings and his money are at risk in part because of the way he has gone about getting them.
Listen Michael, you jackass, I said nothing about denying him his free speech. I don't care if he is on the air until the day I die. He can bluster, besmirch and lie all he wants. I, however, will not listen to him or his ilk. No negative on either side. I listen to NPR on the radio for news, no AM radio for me. I know now you will blah, blah, blah about how left wing NPR is and how it is the arm of the liberal left. Bull. Yes they are a little liberal, that's the way I like it. I also read Matt Drudge and Breitbart and occasionally watch Fox, unless it is Beck or Hannity. Those dudes are just plain nasty and Beck is certifiable. I would not be surprised if someday soon he is carried off in a straight jacket to a psychiatric facility for the terminally insane.
Don't be a bonehead, Michael,we liberals want free speech as much as the tidy righties do. IF it makes you feel better to contradict this and say we are not for individual rights, have at it baby. Only you and I know the truth.
Vicki from Pasadena
Yes, David, and Rush blamed the left for everything else including September 11, Katrina and the Haiti earthquake, jerk
Viki: I appear to have struck one of your fascist nerves. The left is not in favor of free speech and apparently neither are you. If you don't listen to any of this "hate" speech then how is it that you have such strong opinions about it? Is this simply something that fascists know without having to investigate? You might have a look at the various initiatives that "progressives" have made to squelch free speech over the last twenty or so years. "Hate" speech is at the core of the fascist "progressive" movement to curtail the speech of their opposition. So, don't yourself be a jackass and act affronted at what you and I know to be true.
Yes, David, and Rush blamed the left for everything else including September 11, Katrina
Yeah, Ok.
and the Haiti earthquake, jerk
U'um no I don't think so. Care to offer any proof of that sweetie?
Don't be a bonehead, Michael,we liberals want free speech as much as the tidy righties do. IF it makes you feel better to contradict this and say we are not for individual rights, have at it baby. Only you and I know the truth.
Of COURSE that's why Ann Coulter gets a warning about speaking at Canadian campuses, and why Steyn and Levant had to appear before a HRC. And why Speech Codes are so prevalent on campuses, because the LEFT loves "Free Speech."
Sure the Left loves it when people speak freely, if by "people" you mean Cindy Sheehan or other Leftists or those valuable to Leftists at the moment, and if by "free speech" you mean attacks upon non-leftist persons or ideas.
But if you mean free speech by individuals speaking against Leftist causes or people, no, then not so much.
we liberals want free speech as much as the tidy righties do.
This from the woman who refused to let her husband buy a book that she disagrees with.
You can lie to yourself all you want, but in reality you are very transparent to the rest of us.
You don't believe in free speech. If you did, you would defend Rush and Beck and anyone else's right to be on the air. Instead you want to shut them down.
It is fine if you don't want to listen, but that isn't enough for you guys. You want to silence the voices that don't agree with you with things like Net Neutrality and the Fairness Doctrine. What Rush is worried about is that if those fail, you will go even further into dangerous facist territory.
Once the Fairness Doctrine is reinstated, can it be used to silence Ed Schultz or Chris Matthews? Just curious is all.
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