The very first line on the very first video is a sign of the partiers stupidity and how they're being used by those with an agenda. Paraphrasing: "Hitler was worried about the ozone layer. Don't be like Hitler! Help our corporate friends pollute." Rather than trying to evaluate whether there's a problem with the ozone layer, the useful idiots are encouraged to support "business-friendly" policies because of those who are concerned about the environment. The smarter and pro-American thing to do would be to evaluate whether there's a problem and then take steps even if corporate profits take a hit. If they were really smart they could take the issue away from the far-left. Needless to say, that's beyond them; none of them even has a hint about what's going on.
The video illustrates another issue: the guy's voice is a bit "polished", wouldn't you say? Talk jocks and the like from coast to coast are glomming on to this movement and we see the result: a movement that has no intellectual backing and engages in one cheap stunt after another.
And, of course, there's a lot of information available out there about who's behind the Express.
The Marcus video is just sad; they can't even get a local band of some kind?
Maybe all of this is just a secret plot to make her seem like a valid alternative.
Nice Blog Reporting. The pictures and the videos are painting a picture of normal Anericans. What did you do with the Buffalo Bill's Wild Rascists With Guns Show. Come on where did you hide it? CBS will find it in the Couric video pieces snipped out and later pasted together.Those are called producton values which use methods of the Warming Scientist's called Hide the Decline Videoography.
That's a paraphrase? Only in the sense that the rest of your post could be paraphrased as "I like watching Jeremy make Papier-mâché heads of Perez Hilton and Elton John."
How come you cut out the parts involving burning crosses and the chants of "Kill all the N*ggers and Queers?" And what about the Nazi Flags and all the Snake-Handling, and calls for Exorcisms of the White House because the Anti-Christ lives there now?
It's beautiful to watch the Tea Party critics slither and pop on the hot plate. They know the heat is not gonna dissipate and all they can do is noisily evaporate, making fools of themselves resorting to lies clearly apparent to all.
The visual differences between these protests and most on the left is incredible. At most lefty protests I've been to, the overwhelming question that hits me is: where do these people work or do they? Because I can't imagine who would hire them, I don't see their look among workers at places of business. I also can't imagine their attitudes living inside a person who would be a valuable employee for anyone.
The TP protests are just the opposite: everyone appears to be employable or those retired from jobs. They express ideas that make me want to work with them and I don't get the ideas that I would have an argument about whether or not it's fair to restrict pot smoking while driving our forklift.
As an ex hippy myself, I don't really mind a few of those people in my life and actually enjoy them, but the idea that they would demand money from their producing fellow citizens so that they don't have to pay for themselves is a big part of the argument.
Yeah, the guy's voice is too polished and there's lots of intel out there about who is behind the Express and the people are all stupid looking and old and white.
Hey, lefties, the president of the U.S. cannot name one single player on his favorite baseball team, the one whose hat he wore to "throw" out the first pitch. Not one. Wonder why the smartest president in our history cannot name one. Is it because he's shy and doesn't like to talk on television?
Michael, I would say that my favorite team is the Milwaukee Brewers. After thinking for a couple minutes, I recalled someone on the team, Prince Fielder.
Sadly, Stormin' Gorman, Gumby, Molly and Robin no longer play.
Michael, I would say that my favorite team is the Milwaukee Brewers.
You would say, if asked? Or you would walk around talking about your favorite team, unprovoked? Would you wear their hat to throw out the first pitch at another stadium?
I would say my favorite team is the Detroit Tigers, but only if someone forces me to pick a baseball team.
I would invite these folks to spend some time with my students who are studying in Denmark to see just how bad a Democratic Socialist Country can be. Free higher education for those who qualify and a chance to study environmental engineering in a world class department, and when one of them fell ill, free medical treatment. Perhaps then we could have a more informed discussion about what works and what doesn't. I feel my own sense of protest, perhaps more against the financial world than Harry Reid, and so I so not discount Tea Baggers. But I think we could carefully tease out each issue avoiding the sweeping generalizations--
Free higher education for those who qualify and a chance to study environmental engineering in a world class department, and when one of them fell ill, free medical treatment.
Wow it’s “free” really the health care faeries and the higher ed. faeries just hand out health care and higher ed. …all for “free?” Don’t you really mean to say that Danes pay very high taxes, or as much of Denmark’s wealth comes from its shipping fleet, that Danish CUSTOMERS pay a lot, in order, for you to have all this “free” stuff. And that much of Denmark’s merchant fleet was excluded from carbon negotiations, so really Gaia is paying a fairly high price for all this “free” stuff, too.
And I guess it’s fair to say that also a large number of Danish bureaucrats are involved in decisions determining who gets all this “free” stuff, too. After all if it’s free” demand would be unlimited, but supply is not, ergo if the market is not setting limits, someone must be. So I assume that there are or were a goodly number of folks who did NOT get to study at the world-class environmental engineering department, because of space limitations, or that Denmark has only ONE world-class environmental engineering department, because Denmark can only “afford” one, right? And how did the university arrive at the fortuitous turn of events relating to the possession of this world class department? Certainly, no politics or hiring of the relatives of the powerful? And how do you determine who gets the hip replacement? Or the kidney transplant, it’s all for “free” but the supply isn’t infinite, so if not me or my insurance company, is it the Danish government setting up guidelines about cost-effective health care options?
The proposition that it's swell to be given other people's money isn't exactly controversial in this country either. The Tea Partiers seem to be focused on the less fashionable question of what it's like to have other people given your money. Killjoys.
I forgot that, who "qualifies?" And who sets the criteria for "qualification?" And is there "tracking" akin to Britain, meaning that if you went tot he "wrong" schoool, you won't be "qualified?" No matter how smart or dedicated you might be? Sure you could get to be an enviro tech, but mayhap not an Environmental Engineer, because, well you attended a technical/vocational school, not a college-prep school, sorry.
" But I think we could carefully tease out each issue avoiding the sweeping generalizations--"
Which you just made.
There are some generalization from the Tea party side:
The government spends too much. We can't afford it. Therefore we should spend less not more. The Government has a near perfect record of inefficiency. Massachusetts state controlled health care has the highest costs in the nation and does not cover everyone and it mimics Obamacare. This is not Denmark: Without the U.S., there would be no Denmark both economically and existentially. Without Denmark, there would be no... Denmark.
Free higher education for those who qualify and a chance to study environmental engineering in a world class department, and when one of them fell ill, free medical treatment. Perhaps then we could have a more informed discussion about what works and what doesn't.
Well an informed discussion would require one to understand that nothing is free. Someone if paying for that free higher education and that free medical care.
And informed discussion would also take into account that Denmark has the highest tax rate in Europe.
Well, if all that Danish health care and education really is 'free,' there are a lot of slaves in that country.
It's good to have a serious discussion of the relative merits of different approaches to funding health care and education. Pretending that anyone has figured out how to make it 'free' is simply avoidance of reality and responsibility. It's like saying my dogs eat for free. Would that be the case if I get you to pay for their food?
Now, you think the fact that tea-partiers reflect America will stop Matthews, Janeane Garofalo or Keith Olbermann from calling teapartiers violent racists? Of course not – because the left actually feels the same exact way about America that they do about tea-partiers. If you’ve ever been stuck in a cocktail party in Manhattan, a pool party in Brentwood, or a comedy club in San Francisco – the concept of tea partiers being racist has existed for decades. They just weren’t called tea partiers, yet. Calling the tea parties racist knuckleheads is code for calling mainstream America racist knuckleheads.
The Gallup Poll just made it painfully clear: the only difference between the tea partiers and America is that the tea partiers went outside. And that’s what scares the Harry Smiths of the world. They loved it when these folks stayed in Walmart, where they belong.
Yes of course the taxes are higher in Denmark, but as a result more than 96% of students at a technical college receive some type of financial assistance, including living expenses because they feel that no one should have to give up higher education because they can not afford it. I have attended conferences in Denmark and was part of a departmental review process at one college, and I can say first hand that Denmark has far more than one good university. And yes there is public health-care system, but co-payments are required for dental, and folks can take our supplementary insurances-- about a third do so. From my many conversations with Danes, I would have to say they had far fewer complaints about life and their country, even with the high taxes.
Voltaire, what would the unemployment rate and GDP growth rate be in Denmark, what percentage of those with higher education credentials remain in Denmark upon graduation?
Yes of course the taxes are higher in Denmark, but as a result more than 96% of students at a technical college receive some type of financial assistance, including living expenses because they feel that no one should have to give up higher education because they can not afford it.
That's nice. Just don't say it's free.
And yes there is public health-care system, but co-payments are required for dental, and folks can take our supplementary insurances-- about a third do so.
So its not free medical care.
From my many conversations with Danes, I would have to say they had far fewer complaints about life and their country, even with the high taxes.
And that is just super for the Danes. I'm happy that they are happy. I on the other hand would not be happy when my marginal tax rate could exceed 50% of my earnings.
I think its also important to point out that Denmark has a whopping population of about 5.5 million people which is less than my own state of Indiana.
I think what continually gets lost on those who like to make these US vs Euronation comparisons is the vast differences in things like: Population, demographics, logistics (the sheer size of the US as compared to any Euro country), culture, etc.
Fact is, we're not Europe, we're America and the idea that we can become 'Denmark or France or Liechenstein' and all will be butterflies and daffodils ignores the basic makeup and culture of this country and what it was founded on. Hell I contend one of the reasons that Europe is in a demographic death spiral is a direct result of state provided cradle to grave assistance.
How can you take care of a family if you can't even take care of yourself without a government program of some sort?
Denmark's Lutheran population, like Finland's, is quite homogenous, and the work ethic is pretty much engrained in all its citizens. Handouts work better when no one wants them, an dis ashamed to receive them.
I think what continually gets lost on those who like to make these US vs Euronation comparisons is the vast differences in things like: Population, demographics, logistics (the sheer size of the US as compared to any Euro country), culture, etc.
That never stops you comparing the U.S. to Greece.
That never stops you comparing the U.S. to Greece.
Mathematics are universal garage.
Let me know if you need further clarification on the concept of debt to GDP ratios and whether or not the United States would be immune to a similar credit crisis when our debt hits 90% of GDP.
Hoosier Daddy said... I think its also important to point out that Denmark has a whopping population of about 5.5 million people which is less than my own state of Indiana."
and unlike Indiana, most of the Danes can read and write and don't have the KKK in their backyard, most don't seem to marry their sisters, and few of them are fools.
Ha! While Ann gives the TPers favorable coverage, others look and see some whacked out stuff.
Milw Tea Party: "Political correctness responsible for 9/11. Political correctness responsible for Obama."
Yeah, right. Because when George Bush ignored the August 6, 2001 memo titled ""Bin Laden determined to attack inside the U.S." that was because of political correctness?
and unlike Indiana, most of the Danes can read and write and don't have the KKK in their backyard, most don't seem to marry their sisters, and few of them are fools.
Hi hdhouse! Thanks for demonstrating once again the level of discourse among the liberal contingent on this blog. You sir are a credit to your side. Keep up the good work.
No need to look at Muckraker, Alpha, just read the comments from your compatriot Opus for your true standard in hate speech. Way to elevate the discussion by labeling 6.4 million Americans as illiterate, racist, sexually deviant, and mentally handicapped in one fell swoop! Stay classy, Liberals. Stay classy.
No need to look at Muckraker, Alpha, just read the comments from your compatriot Opus for your true standard in hate speech..
I have no idea what you're talking about there. Opus? WTF?
Way to elevate the discussion by labeling 6.4 million Americans as illiterate, racist, sexually deviant, and mentally handicapped in one fell swoop! Stay classy, Liberals. Stay classy. .
Except I said nothing of the sort. Clearly, you find your own strawman argument more of a match than addressing what I actually wrote.
Do you know how much overlap there is between militias and Tea Party? They sure say a lot of the same stuff.
Have the TPers, their leadership, denounced the racist and violent statements from within their ranks?
Note: In the English language, saying some TPers use racist and violent language is different from saying they all do. ("Some" <> "all")
I'm pretty liberal and so are a lot of my friends and I don't think any of us would have a problem with any of those flags. It certainly isn't whacked out to get hyperbolic about constitutional rights. Now I'm not saying the people flying those flags are good people or bad people, just that the flags don't seem all that bad without more context.
Maguro: Out there on the far end of the long island people are very very hip and with it. They interact frequently with even hipper people who come out from the upper west side and the williamsburg area of brooklyn. Plus they get the times and the new york review of books before you do. So you can see that their every opinion is so much more authentic than yours. And they think that places like Indiana are absolutely hilarious although not as hilarious as the residents who are old and white and, of course, dumb. But no dumber than being old and poor on the far end of the long island and being white to boot.
The lefties are always wondering if some single oddball on the right has been denounced by every single conservative. Have we seen any apologies from the left for the eight years of protests during which the death of the sitting president was called for? The left is full of batshit stupid people like Rosie O'D for whom we see no apologies from the lefties on this blog. Why not? How can we possible continue when such people exist on the left without being denounced by, one by one, every leftie? Meanwhile the lefties use homophobic slurs to denounce people executing their right to protest the actions of the government. What was once seen as a cherished right by the people on the very tarnished, no longer liberal, left.
Okay I should have written government supported education and health through tax payer money-not free. But I wonder if the amount most parents pay for higher education here would surpass what they would pay in taxes if we had a different system? Present unemployment rate for Denmark is 4.2, GDP 205 Billion, and yes it is true that ambitious, adventurous young Danes are leaving the country but mostly because of where the finance and commerce centers are located, just as many of my ambitious students will spend some time working. (abroad, now often in China because that is where the investments are taking place. Can we make comparisons and learn from other models, countries? I would hope so. ( I mentioned Tea Baggers because this link is connected to the rally yesterday)
and yes it is true that ambitious, adventurous young Danes are leaving the country but mostly because of where the finance and commerce centers are located, As if that is just a fact of nature. They leave because corporations find it CHEAPER to work from areas not Denmark….and if Denmark were less costly, they’d move there.
( I mentioned Tea Baggers because this link is connected to the rally yesterday)
You STILL don’t get it, do you? “Tea Bagger” is an INSULT. It’s like saying, “I say you know the Darkies might be onto something what with this integration thing.” Or “I saw some Spooks protesting for the right to vote, I think there might be something to that.”
I'm SHOCKED that some people would try to make an entire movement look bad based on the actions of the few! Unprecedented! I remember when liberals were out protesting in the millions, and conservatives were out beating back all the lies and exaggerations leveled against them. They went out of their way to not call us vile and mean names, like traitors and terrorist lovers. Liberals should really do the right thing and return the favor.
Joe, I've addressed the red herring excuse for George Bush numerous times here on what he could have done. It's a very lame excuse - "but, but there was nothing to do!"
Bush told the agent "you covered your ass," and then he returned to his previously scheduled vacation activities.
And, BTW, AQ DID target federal buildings (as did Timothy McVeigh).
Reposting and updating a list I posted here back in 2008 on what Bush could have done when he actually did nothing in the face of a direct warning of an attack on the USA:
- Alert security agencies to be on the watch, including airports.
- Alert security agencies to review all reports of suspicious activity.
- Requested suggestions for action from the intel agencies.
- Act on reports of suspicious flight training instead of ignoring them (you know, the kind where they don't concern themselves with landing the planes).
- Find bin Laden (obviously NOT a Bush priority as bin Laden remains at large 6 years later).
- Increase staffing resources for those working on the problem in CIA, FBI, NSA. Ask them what they need.
- Tell Condi Rice to hold the principles meeting on terrorism that Richard Clarke sought for months and which she refused to hold.
- If you're Bush, call your pals in Saudi Arabia and tell them to cut off the money flow to al Qaeda. Lean on them.
- In light of a threat to the nation you're sworn to defend, cut your fucking vacation short. Did I mention Bush remained on vacation after getting news of an imminent attack on the US?.
- Mobilize everyone with responsibility and tell them you want a plan on your desk in 24 hours, when you're back in DC after having canceled your vacation to protect the nation.
- Any of a dozen other things a competent President would do.
- Don't go play with your dog and cut wood.
Yes, you guys remain Bush Republicans! Let's see how that works in November!
After all the bullshit liberals took for protesting against the Iraq war from 2002 on - it's just laughable that conservatives are now asking for civility. Right up to the 2006 mid-terms, Bush himself, was going around saying "A vote for Democrats is a vote for the terrorists!". Right in his stump speeches. Can you imagine Obama doing that?
In light of a threat to the nation you're sworn to defend, cut your fucking vacation short. Did I mention Bush remained on vacation after getting news of an imminent attack on the US?.
Where in the memo is the attack “imminent?”
- Mobilize everyone with responsibility and tell them you want a plan on your desk in 24 hours, when you're back in DC after having canceled your vacation to protect the nation.
A plan for WHAT , exactly there Alpha? Mobilize EVERYONE…to plan for SOMETHING….WOW, that must be one of the dumbest things you’ve said, in a while. What are they planning to prevent? Should Bush have started rounding up Muslims? Should he have started expelling Muslim student? Should he have begun bombing Afghanistan, THEN? What plan would you suggest Alpha, beyond, “Be on guard.”?
In light of a threat to the nation you're sworn to defend, cut your fucking vacation short. Did I mention Bush remained on vacation after getting news of an imminent attack on the US?.
Where in the memo is the attack “imminent?”
- Mobilize everyone with responsibility and tell them you want a plan on your desk in 24 hours, when you're back in DC after having canceled your vacation to protect the nation.
A plan for WHAT , exactly there Alpha? Mobilize EVERYONE…to plan for SOMETHING….WOW, that must be one of the dumbest things you’ve said, in a while. What are they planning to prevent? Should Bush have started rounding up Muslims? Should he have started expelling Muslim student? Should he have begun bombing Afghanistan, THEN? What plan would you suggest Alpha, beyond, “Be on guard.”?
it's just laughable that conservatives are now asking for civility.
Funny Garage it’s YOUR side asking for civility after 8 years of being horses-@rses....
I assume you have the link where Bush said, "A vote for Democrats is a vote for the terrorists!"., right? You’re not just pulling that out of your @rse, now are you?
No Bag, the new Democratic Plan is to run against Bush this year, again, and make it a referendum on Obama...just like 1994 was a referendum on Clinton, and we all know how well THAT worked out.
Well, there's the Coffee Party, for one. Oh, and that Obama guy, too. Didn't he just tell us that the level of "vitriol" in the country is just unacceptable right now?
I think it would be illuminating if people were required to write "paid for by ______" rather than "free" (with "the government" being an unacceptable fill-in for the blank due to its lack of specificity).
How about you start, roesch-voltaire?
"I would invite these folks to spend some time with my students who are studying in Denmark to see just how bad a Democratic Socialist Country can be. [strike]Free[/strike] Higher education for those who qualify, paid for by________ and a chance to study environmental engineering in a world class department, and when one of them fell ill, [strike]free[/strike] medical treatment paid for by _______ ."
If you want to advocate for public-funding of education, health care and so forth here or anywhere in the world, I say have it. But don't call it "free." It's not free. It's being paid for somehow by someone. Even if it were to turn out that your way really is the best way, it still wouldn't be "free." To imply otherwise really is a pernicious form of propaganda. Why not be honest enough to own what your proposition without hiding behind the dishonest use of the word "free"?
And i think Nancy Pelosi and a number of House Members, to include Maxine Waters, believe that the hatred and violent rhetoric has gotten out of hand, but I could be wrong.....
Liberals asking for civility? If you have a television set, a telly they call them in England, you could turn it to any news channel and find liberals tut-tut-tutting about the horrible old white people who are complaining about everything in a loud voice. And they are suggesting, they people on the telly, that the old white people should tone it down, not be so racist, try not to look so middle american, etc. T.V. sets are pretty cheap now.
- Alert security agencies to be on the watch, including airports.
Because like unless the POTUS tells them to, they’ll all be on coffee breaks….
- Alert security agencies to review all reports of suspicious activity.
And do what, call George Bush, immediately? BTW, what “suspicious activity” should they report? People photographing the White House, the WTC complex, the Pentaghon, man the WH Switch Board sure is going to be busy just from those alone….
- Requested suggestions for action from the intel agencies.
To range from more money to more collection systems to killing Bin Laden? And all points in between…any suggestions on which, of a multitudinous list The POTUS might want to focus?
- Act on reports of suspicious flight training instead of ignoring them (you know, the kind where they don't concern themselves with landing the planes).
Wow, that wasn’t even in the PDB! So now the POTUS is supposed to have ESP? In fact, even the FBI, didn’t focus on this, mush to one agent’s annoyance, IIRC, but Bush ought to have “known” this was important, though his FBI Chief didn’t know or think it was important?
- Find bin Laden (obviously NOT a Bush priority as bin Laden remains at large 6 years later).
So you’re saying it’s not one of Barry’s priorities either, as he’s had about 15 months and he hasn’t found Usama, either….or is it only important when a Republican is POTUS?
- Increase staffing resources for those working on the problem in CIA, FBI, NSA. Ask them what they need.
Because this would have prevented 9/11…even though the “new staff” wouldn’t have been available UNTIL WELL AFTER 9/11.
The only thing that is free is the air we breathe, so far. Water's not free because we have to pay for the infrastructure that gets it where we want it.
Many -- perhaps most -- people don't understand this. I've already discussed this with my children many times, when the opportunity presents. At a hotel, breakfast isn't "free", it's "included" -- as in, the cost of the breakfast is covered by what we are (or someone else is) paying for the rooms and other services offered, otherwise the hotel could not afford to serve the breakfast. Simple fact of business life, but so many people don't get it.
Happy Meals would be cheaper if they didn't include the "free" toy.
How much more sensible would our laws be if 1) everyone understood that everything (except air, so far) has a cost associated with it that must be covered by someone, and 2) "the government" gets all of its money from us.
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८३ टिप्पण्या:
The very first line on the very first video is a sign of the partiers stupidity and how they're being used by those with an agenda. Paraphrasing: "Hitler was worried about the ozone layer. Don't be like Hitler! Help our corporate friends pollute." Rather than trying to evaluate whether there's a problem with the ozone layer, the useful idiots are encouraged to support "business-friendly" policies because of those who are concerned about the environment. The smarter and pro-American thing to do would be to evaluate whether there's a problem and then take steps even if corporate profits take a hit. If they were really smart they could take the issue away from the far-left. Needless to say, that's beyond them; none of them even has a hint about what's going on.
The video illustrates another issue: the guy's voice is a bit "polished", wouldn't you say? Talk jocks and the like from coast to coast are glomming on to this movement and we see the result: a movement that has no intellectual backing and engages in one cheap stunt after another.
And, of course, there's a lot of information available out there about who's behind the Express.
The Marcus video is just sad; they can't even get a local band of some kind?
Maybe all of this is just a secret plot to make her seem like a valid alternative.
God Helen that was absolutely awful.
Ann, did you see any signs about race-mixing?
Nice Blog Reporting. The pictures and the videos are painting a picture of normal Anericans. What did you do with the Buffalo Bill's Wild Rascists With Guns Show. Come on where did you hide it? CBS will find it in the Couric video pieces snipped out and later pasted together.Those are called producton values which use methods of the Warming Scientist's called Hide the Decline Videoography.
Gabriel, did Charles Johnson see any neo-nazi Wisconsin flags?
Very impressive.... like something that comes next.
traditionalguy said...
Nice Blog Reporting. The pictures and the videos are painting a picture of normal Anericans."
Right right. and if you watch Rockie and Bullwinkle you will also think squirrels fly and a moose can talk.
That's a paraphrase? Only in the sense that the rest of your post could be paraphrased as "I like watching Jeremy make Papier-mâché heads of Perez Hilton and Elton John."
How come you cut out the parts involving burning crosses and the chants of "Kill all the N*ggers and Queers?" And what about the Nazi Flags and all the Snake-Handling, and calls for Exorcisms of the White House because the Anti-Christ lives there now?
Yeah you didn't show any of that DID YOU!?
That anthem singer does things that bug me in an anthem singer. Please sing one note and don't dance around it. Thank you.
Lloyd Marcus does better with the New York knock-off. He just shouldn't sing it in a Filipino Karaoke bar.
I like the sign that says, Don't spread my wealth, spread my work ethic.
It's wonderful to see people who get it.
America lives on in spite of all the reeducation camps (colleges).
Here's a related parody "man on the street" poll on the Tea Party:
It's beautiful to watch the Tea Party critics slither and pop on the hot plate. They know the heat is not gonna dissipate and all they can do is noisily evaporate, making fools of themselves resorting to lies clearly apparent to all.
The visual differences between these protests and most on the left is incredible. At most lefty protests I've been to, the overwhelming question that hits me is: where do these people work or do they? Because I can't imagine who would hire them, I don't see their look among workers at places of business. I also can't imagine their attitudes living inside a person who would be a valuable employee for anyone.
The TP protests are just the opposite: everyone appears to be employable or those retired from jobs. They express ideas that make me want to work with them and I don't get the ideas that I would have an argument about whether or not it's fair to restrict pot smoking while driving our forklift.
As an ex hippy myself, I don't really mind a few of those people in my life and actually enjoy them, but the idea that they would demand money from their producing fellow citizens so that they don't have to pay for themselves is a big part of the argument.
Yeah, the guy's voice is too polished and there's lots of intel out there about who is behind the Express and the people are all stupid looking and old and white.
Hey, lefties, the president of the U.S. cannot name one single player on his favorite baseball team, the one whose hat he wore to "throw" out the first pitch. Not one. Wonder why the smartest president in our history cannot name one. Is it because he's shy and doesn't like to talk on television?
Michael, I would say that my favorite team is the Milwaukee Brewers. After thinking for a couple minutes, I recalled someone on the team, Prince Fielder.
Sadly, Stormin' Gorman, Gumby, Molly and Robin no longer play.
Hey, lefties, the president of the U.S. cannot name one single player on his favorite baseball team,
Cut the guy some slack. At least he didn't wear his mom pants this time.
Sadly, Stormin' Gorman, Gumby, Molly and Robin no longer play.
Who's Gumby? Ben Oglivie?
Michael, I would say that my favorite team is the Milwaukee Brewers.
You would say, if asked? Or you would walk around talking about your favorite team, unprovoked? Would you wear their hat to throw out the first pitch at another stadium?
I would say my favorite team is the Detroit Tigers, but only if someone forces me to pick a baseball team.
Here you go, bagoh20
The smarter and pro-American thing to do would be to evaluate whether there's a problem and then take steps even if corporate profits take a hit.
Funny that's not how the Left does it, they proclaim a problem and then hit corporate profits, with or without any Science.....
I would invite these folks to spend some time with my students who are studying in Denmark to see just how bad a Democratic Socialist Country can be. Free higher education for those who qualify and a chance to study environmental engineering in a world class department, and when one of them fell ill, free medical treatment. Perhaps then we could have a more informed discussion about what works and what doesn't. I feel my own sense of protest, perhaps more against the financial world than Harry Reid, and so I so not discount Tea Baggers. But I think we could carefully tease out each issue avoiding the sweeping generalizations--
Free higher education for those who qualify and a chance to study environmental engineering in a world class department, and when one of them fell ill, free medical treatment.
Wow it’s “free” really the health care faeries and the higher ed. faeries just hand out health care and higher ed. …all for “free?” Don’t you really mean to say that Danes pay very high taxes, or as much of Denmark’s wealth comes from its shipping fleet, that Danish CUSTOMERS pay a lot, in order, for you to have all this “free” stuff. And that much of Denmark’s merchant fleet was excluded from carbon negotiations, so really Gaia is paying a fairly high price for all this “free” stuff, too.
And I guess it’s fair to say that also a large number of Danish bureaucrats are involved in decisions determining who gets all this “free” stuff, too. After all if it’s free” demand would be unlimited, but supply is not, ergo if the market is not setting limits, someone must be. So I assume that there are or were a goodly number of folks who did NOT get to study at the world-class environmental engineering department, because of space limitations, or that Denmark has only ONE world-class environmental engineering department, because Denmark can only “afford” one, right? And how did the university arrive at the fortuitous turn of events relating to the possession of this world class department? Certainly, no politics or hiring of the relatives of the powerful? And how do you determine who gets the hip replacement? Or the kidney transplant, it’s all for “free” but the supply isn’t infinite, so if not me or my insurance company, is it the Danish government setting up guidelines about cost-effective health care options?
The proposition that it's swell to be given other people's money isn't exactly controversial in this country either. The Tea Partiers seem to be focused on the less fashionable question of what it's like to have other people given your money. Killjoys.
I would say my favorite team is the Detroit Tigers, but only if someone forces me to pick a baseball team.
Or pick a team in which you could name a team member so you didn't look like a complete idiot.
Re: Roesch
And thanks for avoiding the "sweeping generalizations" when you called everyone interested in limiting government spending a "Tea Bagger". Nice.
wv: defula. Vwhat? Vwhat did you say???
roesch-voltaire said... for those who qualify
I forgot that, who "qualifies?" And who sets the criteria for "qualification?" And is there "tracking" akin to Britain, meaning that if you went tot he "wrong" schoool, you won't be "qualified?" No matter how smart or dedicated you might be? Sure you could get to be an enviro tech, but mayhap not an Environmental Engineer, because, well you attended a technical/vocational school, not a college-prep school, sorry.
and so I so not discount Tea
Except you just did.
" But I think we could carefully tease out each issue avoiding the sweeping generalizations--"
Which you just made.
There are some generalization from the Tea party side:
The government spends too much.
We can't afford it.
Therefore we should spend less not more.
The Government has a near perfect record of inefficiency.
Massachusetts state controlled health care has the highest costs in the nation and does not cover everyone and it mimics Obamacare.
This is not Denmark: Without the U.S., there would be no Denmark both economically and existentially.
Without Denmark, there would be no... Denmark.
4/7/10 10:26 AM
Free higher education for those who qualify and a chance to study environmental engineering in a world class department, and when one of them fell ill, free medical treatment. Perhaps then we could have a more informed discussion about what works and what doesn't.
Well an informed discussion would require one to understand that nothing is free. Someone if paying for that free higher education and that free medical care.
And informed discussion would also take into account that Denmark has the highest tax rate in Europe.
Well, if all that Danish health care and education really is 'free,' there are a lot of slaves in that country.
It's good to have a serious discussion of the relative merits of different approaches to funding health care and education. Pretending that anyone has figured out how to make it 'free' is simply avoidance of reality and responsibility. It's like saying my dogs eat for free. Would that be the case if I get you to pay for their food?
Greg Gutfeld:
Now, you think the fact that tea-partiers reflect America will stop Matthews, Janeane Garofalo or Keith Olbermann from calling teapartiers violent racists? Of course not – because the left actually feels the same exact way about America that they do about tea-partiers.
If you’ve ever been stuck in a cocktail party in Manhattan, a pool party in Brentwood, or a comedy club in San Francisco – the concept of tea partiers being racist has existed for decades. They just weren’t called tea partiers, yet. Calling the tea parties racist knuckleheads is code for calling mainstream America racist knuckleheads.
The Gallup Poll just made it painfully clear: the only difference between the tea partiers and America is that the tea partiers went outside. And that’s what scares the Harry Smiths of the world. They loved it when these folks stayed in Walmart, where they belong.
Yes of course the taxes are higher in Denmark, but as a result more than 96% of students at a technical college receive some type of financial assistance, including living expenses because they feel that no one should have to give up higher education because they can not afford it.
I have attended conferences in Denmark and was part of a departmental review process at one college, and I can say first hand that Denmark has far more than one good university. And yes there is public health-care system, but co-payments are required for dental, and folks can take our supplementary insurances-- about a third do so.
From my many conversations with Danes, I would have to say they had far fewer complaints about life and their country, even with the high taxes.
Voltaire, what would the unemployment rate and GDP growth rate be in Denmark, what percentage of those with higher education credentials remain in Denmark upon graduation?
County Stadium!
Yes of course the taxes are higher in Denmark, but as a result more than 96% of students at a technical college receive some type of financial assistance, including living expenses because they feel that no one should have to give up higher education because they can not afford it.
That's nice. Just don't say it's free.
And yes there is public health-care system, but co-payments are required for dental, and folks can take our supplementary insurances-- about a third do so.
So its not free medical care.
From my many conversations with Danes, I would have to say they had far fewer complaints about life and their country, even with the high taxes.
And that is just super for the Danes. I'm happy that they are happy. I on the other hand would not be happy when my marginal tax rate could exceed 50% of my earnings.
I think its also important to point out that Denmark has a whopping population of about 5.5 million people which is less than my own state of Indiana.
I think what continually gets lost on those who like to make these US vs Euronation comparisons is the vast differences in things like:
Population, demographics, logistics (the sheer size of the US as compared to any Euro country), culture, etc.
Fact is, we're not Europe, we're America and the idea that we can become 'Denmark or France or Liechenstein' and all will be butterflies and daffodils ignores the basic makeup and culture of this country and what it was founded on. Hell I contend one of the reasons that Europe is in a demographic death spiral is a direct result of state provided cradle to grave assistance.
How can you take care of a family if you can't even take care of yourself without a government program of some sort?
Okay, I'll go ahead and delete those multiple posts. Blogger kept telling me it was having a problem, but apparently I was :)
Denmark's Lutheran population, like Finland's, is quite homogenous, and the work ethic is pretty much engrained in all its citizens. Handouts work better when no one wants them, an dis ashamed to receive them.
I think what continually gets lost on those who like to make these US vs Euronation comparisons is the vast differences in things like:
Population, demographics, logistics (the sheer size of the US as compared to any Euro country), culture, etc.
That never stops you comparing the U.S. to Greece.
That never stops you comparing the U.S. to Greece.
Mathematics are universal garage.
Let me know if you need further clarification on the concept of debt to GDP ratios and whether or not the United States would be immune to a similar credit crisis when our debt hits 90% of GDP.
Hoosier Daddy said...
I think its also important to point out that Denmark has a whopping population of about 5.5 million people which is less than my own state of Indiana."
and unlike Indiana, most of the Danes can read and write and don't have the KKK in their backyard, most don't seem to marry their sisters, and few of them are fools.
Here is a news report on the Tea Party guy arrested for threatening to kill Senator Murray. The Tea Party gang should renounce such actions. They don't!
There is no equivalence to this growing tide of anti-American extremism anywhere else in American society.
Meanwhile, they are very poorly informed and don't even understand the bill they are so vehemently opposing.
A question I wonder about: Where do the Tea Parties end and the armed (and anti-American) militias begin?
More than likely, they are overlapping sets.
Ha! While Ann gives the TPers favorable coverage, others look and see some whacked out stuff.
Milw Tea Party: "Political correctness responsible for 9/11. Political correctness responsible for Obama."
Yeah, right. Because when George Bush ignored the August 6, 2001 memo titled ""Bin Laden determined to attack inside the U.S." that was because of political correctness?
and unlike Indiana, most of the Danes can read and write and don't have the KKK in their backyard, most don't seem to marry their sisters, and few of them are fools.
Hi hdhouse! Thanks for demonstrating once again the level of discourse among the liberal contingent on this blog. You sir are a credit to your side. Keep up the good work.
"Meanwhile, they are very poorly informed and don't even understand the bill they are so vehemently opposing."
Just like the people who voted for it.
Now what makes more sense, voting for a huge complicated law that you don't understand or opposing said votes.
No need to look at Muckraker, Alpha, just read the comments from your compatriot Opus for your true standard in hate speech. Way to elevate the discussion by labeling 6.4 million Americans as illiterate, racist, sexually deviant, and mentally handicapped in one fell swoop! Stay classy, Liberals. Stay classy.
I like the TP crowd better in stills. The soundtrack is unbearable.
Opus One's comment just illustrates the fact that liberalism is largely about some white people's need to feel superior to other white people.
Calyposo Facto:
No need to look at Muckraker, Alpha, just read the comments from your compatriot Opus for your true standard in hate speech..
I have no idea what you're talking about there. Opus? WTF?
Way to elevate the discussion by labeling 6.4 million Americans as illiterate, racist, sexually deviant, and mentally handicapped in one fell swoop! Stay classy, Liberals. Stay classy. .
Except I said nothing of the sort. Clearly, you find your own strawman argument more of a match than addressing what I actually wrote.
Do you know how much overlap there is between militias and Tea Party? They sure say a lot of the same stuff.
Have the TPers, their leadership, denounced the racist and violent statements from within their ranks?
Note: In the English language, saying some TPers use racist and violent language is different from saying they all do. ("Some" <> "all")
6.4 million Americans! Ha! Baloney!
@ Alpha Liberal,
I'm pretty liberal and so are a lot of my friends and I don't think any of us would have a problem with any of those flags. It certainly isn't whacked out to get hyperbolic about constitutional rights. Now I'm not saying the people flying those flags are good people or bad people, just that the flags don't seem all that bad without more context.
Except I said nothing of the sort. Clearly, you find your own strawman argument more of a match than addressing what I actually wrote.
He was referring to your fellow liberal Althouse commenter Opus One Media aka hdhouse who made that comment. Scroll up a bit.
This is the same guy who in a previous thread said my family should stop inbreeding.
This is how your side debates Alpha and since you like to paint in such broad strokes I'll reciprocate and say you're guilty by association.
Have a nice day
Maguro: Out there on the far end of the long island people are very very hip and with it. They interact frequently with even hipper people who come out from the upper west side and the williamsburg area of brooklyn. Plus they get the times and the new york review of books before you do. So you can see that their every opinion is so much more authentic than yours. And they think that places like Indiana are absolutely hilarious although not as hilarious as the residents who are old and white and, of course, dumb. But no dumber than being old and poor on the far end of the long island and being white to boot.
Ah Alpha Liberal out for another whupp'n on that memo, are you/
The meo says that AQ is going to attack the US...and then talks about Federal Buildings.
Wow, the details were WRONG, unless you count the Twin TOwers as Federal Buildings...and then teh actionable intell portion.....
I'll wait. You get back to me on what G W Bush OR Bill Clinto should ahve done?
The lefties are always wondering if some single oddball on the right has been denounced by every single conservative. Have we seen any apologies from the left for the eight years of protests during which the death of the sitting president was called for? The left is full of batshit stupid people like Rosie O'D for whom we see no apologies from the lefties on this blog. Why not? How can we possible continue when such people exist on the left without being denounced by, one by one, every leftie? Meanwhile the lefties use homophobic slurs to denounce people executing their right to protest the actions of the government. What was once seen as a cherished right by the people on the very tarnished, no longer liberal, left.
Okay I should have written government supported education and health through tax payer money-not free. But I wonder if the amount most parents pay for higher education here would surpass what they would pay in taxes if we had a different system?
Present unemployment rate for Denmark is 4.2, GDP 205 Billion, and yes it is true that ambitious, adventurous young Danes are leaving the country but mostly because of where the finance and commerce centers are located, just as many of my ambitious students will spend some time working. (abroad, now often in China because that is where the investments are taking place.
Can we make comparisons and learn from other models, countries? I would hope so. ( I mentioned Tea Baggers because this link is connected to the rally yesterday)
and yes it is true that ambitious, adventurous young Danes are leaving the country but mostly because of where the finance and commerce centers are located,
As if that is just a fact of nature. They leave because corporations find it CHEAPER to work from areas not Denmark….and if Denmark were less costly, they’d move there.
( I mentioned Tea Baggers because this link is connected to the rally yesterday)
You STILL don’t get it, do you? “Tea Bagger” is an INSULT. It’s like saying, “I say you know the Darkies might be onto something what with this integration thing.” Or “I saw some Spooks protesting for the right to vote, I think there might be something to that.”
I'm SHOCKED that some people would try to make an entire movement look bad based on the actions of the few! Unprecedented! I remember when liberals were out protesting in the millions, and conservatives were out beating back all the lies and exaggerations leveled against them. They went out of their way to not call us vile and mean names, like traitors and terrorist lovers. Liberals should really do the right thing and return the favor.
No Garage we just expect you to DENOUNCE the traitors calling for Bush's execution....
You expect ME to do it, even for mythical non-events....I'd have expected you to ahve done it, AT THE TIME, for REAL events.
But I guess that would be hoping for too much, eh?
Joe, I've addressed the red herring excuse for George Bush numerous times here on what he could have done. It's a very lame excuse - "but, but there was nothing to do!"
Bush told the agent "you covered your ass," and then he returned to his previously scheduled vacation activities.
And, BTW, AQ DID target federal buildings (as did Timothy McVeigh).
Reposting and updating a list I posted here back in 2008 on what Bush could have done when he actually did nothing in the face of a direct warning of an attack on the USA:
- Alert security agencies to be on the watch, including airports.
- Alert security agencies to review all reports of suspicious activity.
- Requested suggestions for action from the intel agencies.
- Act on reports of suspicious flight training instead of ignoring them (you know, the kind where they don't concern themselves with landing the planes).
- Find bin Laden (obviously NOT a Bush priority as bin Laden remains at large 6 years later).
- Increase staffing resources for those working on the problem in CIA, FBI, NSA. Ask them what they need.
- Tell Condi Rice to hold the principles meeting on terrorism that Richard Clarke sought for months and which she refused to hold.
- If you're Bush, call your pals in Saudi Arabia and tell them to cut off the money flow to al Qaeda. Lean on them.
- In light of a threat to the nation you're sworn to defend, cut your fucking vacation short. Did I mention Bush remained on vacation after getting news of an imminent attack on the US?.
- Mobilize everyone with responsibility and tell them you want a plan on your desk in 24 hours, when you're back in DC after having canceled your vacation to protect the nation.
- Any of a dozen other things a competent President would do.
- Don't go play with your dog and cut wood.
Yes, you guys remain Bush Republicans! Let's see how that works in November!
After all the bullshit liberals took for protesting against the Iraq war from 2002 on - it's just laughable that conservatives are now asking for civility. Right up to the 2006 mid-terms, Bush himself, was going around saying "A vote for Democrats is a vote for the terrorists!". Right in his stump speeches. Can you imagine Obama doing that?
In light of a threat to the nation you're sworn to defend, cut your fucking vacation short. Did I mention Bush remained on vacation after getting news of an imminent attack on the US?.
Where in the memo is the attack “imminent?”
- Mobilize everyone with responsibility and tell them you want a plan on your desk in 24 hours, when you're back in DC after having canceled your vacation to protect the nation.
A plan for WHAT , exactly there Alpha? Mobilize EVERYONE…to plan for SOMETHING….WOW, that must be one of the dumbest things you’ve said, in a while. What are they planning to prevent? Should Bush have started rounding up Muslims? Should he have started expelling Muslim student? Should he have begun bombing Afghanistan, THEN? What plan would you suggest Alpha, beyond, “Be on guard.”?
In light of a threat to the nation you're sworn to defend, cut your fucking vacation short. Did I mention Bush remained on vacation after getting news of an imminent attack on the US?.
Where in the memo is the attack “imminent?”
- Mobilize everyone with responsibility and tell them you want a plan on your desk in 24 hours, when you're back in DC after having canceled your vacation to protect the nation.
A plan for WHAT , exactly there Alpha? Mobilize EVERYONE…to plan for SOMETHING….WOW, that must be one of the dumbest things you’ve said, in a while. What are they planning to prevent? Should Bush have started rounding up Muslims? Should he have started expelling Muslim student? Should he have begun bombing Afghanistan, THEN? What plan would you suggest Alpha, beyond, “Be on guard.”?
it's just laughable that conservatives are now asking for civility.
Funny Garage it’s YOUR side asking for civility after 8 years of being horses-@rses....
I assume you have the link where Bush said, "A vote for Democrats is a vote for the terrorists!"., right? You’re not just pulling that out of your @rse, now are you?
"Yes, you guys remain Bush Republicans! Let's see how that works in November!"
He's running again? I bet he could beat Obama. Their approval ratings are converging.
No Bag, the new Democratic Plan is to run against Bush this year, again, and make it a referendum on Obama...just like 1994 was a referendum on Clinton, and we all know how well THAT worked out.
Funny Garage it’s YOUR side asking for civility after 8 years of being horses-@rses....
Liberals are asking for civility? Who?
Liberals are asking for civility? Who?
Well, there's the Coffee Party, for one. Oh, and that Obama guy, too. Didn't he just tell us that the level of "vitriol" in the country is just unacceptable right now?
I think it would be illuminating if people were required to write "paid for by ______" rather than "free" (with "the government" being an unacceptable fill-in for the blank due to its lack of specificity).
How about you start, roesch-voltaire?
"I would invite these folks to spend some time with my students who are studying in Denmark to see just how bad a Democratic Socialist Country can be. [strike]Free[/strike] Higher education for those who qualify, paid for by________ and a chance to study environmental engineering in a world class department, and when one of them fell ill, [strike]free[/strike] medical treatment paid for by _______ ."
If you want to advocate for public-funding of education, health care and so forth here or anywhere in the world, I say have it. But don't call it "free." It's not free. It's being paid for somehow by someone. Even if it were to turn out that your way really is the best way, it still wouldn't be "free." To imply otherwise really is a pernicious form of propaganda. Why not be honest enough to own what your proposition without hiding behind the dishonest use of the word "free"?
And i think Nancy Pelosi and a number of House Members, to include Maxine Waters, believe that the hatred and violent rhetoric has gotten out of hand, but I could be wrong.....
Liberals asking for civility? If you have a television set, a telly they call them in England, you could turn it to any news channel and find liberals tut-tut-tutting about the horrible old white people who are complaining about everything in a loud voice. And they are suggesting, they people on the telly, that the old white people should tone it down, not be so racist, try not to look so middle american, etc. T.V. sets are pretty cheap now.
- Alert security agencies to be on the watch, including airports.
Because like unless the POTUS tells them to, they’ll all be on coffee breaks….
- Alert security agencies to review all reports of suspicious activity.
And do what, call George Bush, immediately? BTW, what “suspicious activity” should they report? People photographing the White House, the WTC complex, the Pentaghon, man the WH Switch Board sure is going to be busy just from those alone….
- Requested suggestions for action from the intel agencies.
To range from more money to more collection systems to killing Bin Laden? And all points in between…any suggestions on which, of a multitudinous list The POTUS might want to focus?
- Act on reports of suspicious flight training instead of ignoring them (you know, the kind where they don't concern themselves with landing the planes).
Wow, that wasn’t even in the PDB! So now the POTUS is supposed to have ESP? In fact, even the FBI, didn’t focus on this, mush to one agent’s annoyance, IIRC, but Bush ought to have “known” this was important, though his FBI Chief didn’t know or think it was important?
- Find bin Laden (obviously NOT a Bush priority as bin Laden remains at large 6 years later).
So you’re saying it’s not one of Barry’s priorities either, as he’s had about 15 months and he hasn’t found Usama, either….or is it only important when a Republican is POTUS?
- Increase staffing resources for those working on the problem in CIA, FBI, NSA. Ask them what they need.
Because this would have prevented 9/11…even though the “new staff” wouldn’t have been available UNTIL WELL AFTER 9/11.
They went out of their way to not call us vile and mean names, like traitors and terrorist lovers.
You mean when liberal icon Michael Moore referred to the insurgents as Minutemen or why did al qaeda attack NYC because NY didn't vote for Bush?
Or when Dick Durbin compared Gitmo to the nazis, gulags and Pol Pot?
Or when Harry Reid said we lost the war?
Or when protesters were carrying effigies of Bush being lynched and calling for soldiers to shoot their officers?
And why were you anti-war protesters so monochromatic?
If the shoe fits pal.
An oldie but goodie:
the Tarp song
The only thing that is free is the air we breathe, so far. Water's not free because we have to pay for the infrastructure that gets it where we want it.
Many -- perhaps most -- people don't understand this. I've already discussed this with my children many times, when the opportunity presents. At a hotel, breakfast isn't "free", it's "included" -- as in, the cost of the breakfast is covered by what we are (or someone else is) paying for the rooms and other services offered, otherwise the hotel could not afford to serve the breakfast. Simple fact of business life, but so many people don't get it.
Happy Meals would be cheaper if they didn't include the "free" toy.
How much more sensible would our laws be if 1) everyone understood that everything (except air, so far) has a cost associated with it that must be covered by someone, and 2) "the government" gets all of its money from us.
Even "air" being free has its limits: think of cooling, heating and recirculating it, for examples.
; )
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