The first commenter says: "I guess that's why they call it 'fee'-dom." A few comments down someone asks if maybe it's Photoshopping. Yes, it's so easy to Photoshop errors onto people's signs. (I wonder if there are any defamation lawsuits based on the photographic lie that results.)
Via Wonkette, where commenters are having fun mocking someone who wrote "I did’nt serve 22 years for Socialism":
I love the “Did’NT Serve” sign.So, one man served in the military for more than 2 decades and then misplaced an apostrophe, and another is skilled in the detection of racism and the use of mental disability as metaphor.
Seems the three Rs for Teabaggers is Retardism, Racism, and Recidivism not that librul reading, riting and rithmatics.
Simpleton white dumbfuck retards, all.
२९६ टिप्पण्या:
296 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»Simpleton white dumbfuck retards, all.
Why are liberals so hung up on race? What is the point of referencing the race of the protesters?
For many, using the Wonkette commenters as an example, I think the plan goes something like this:
Plan A: elect transcendent post-racial, post-partisan leader to take us into the Age of Aquarius
If that fails, Plan B: result to puerile name-calling and feces-flinging
The hatred of white middle class folks is quite remarkable.
Goes back to the contempt for white men. On TV, white men are invariably depicted as doofus retards and outright racists.
I'd ask why, but I know... We're all just hillbilly racists, waiting for the slightest justification to re-launch our local Klan.
The Republicans are pretty worthless, because they won't fight against racial and sexual quotas designed to punish white men. (That's why Sarah Palin, despite her negatives, is the best candidate to run again Obama. At least she can go on the offensive and criticize him. If the Republicans run a white man, he'll do what McCain did... chicken out in fear of being called a racist.)
But, the Democrats are just plain vicious assholes.
And the assholes carrying on this way are invariably white. Usually white women. This contempt for white men that is so characteristic of educated, liberal white women... what can I say?
I left them a long time ago for a Filipina. A Filipina respects her man and wants to build him up. The worthless white woman wants to tear her man down.
And, for you retard racists out there. My Filipina makes more money than most of you. She owns real estate in the U.S. and the Philippines. And, unlike the wretched liberal white woman, she knows how to cook.
How did liberal white women become so preposterously ugly and vicious? They worked really hard at it.
Any white man who wastes his time on a white, liberal woman... well, you've got to be a masochist. Look elsewhere for a woman who'll give you respect.
If I saw a misspelling that changed "Free" to "Fee" for a group that is concerned primarily about TAXES (ie, fee's) I wouldn't assume it was a typo.
Of course, for liberal protests they tend to get corporately made up signs that all say the same thing, so I don't know why they think their protests would be any better if their people actually made their own signs.
We all know that by virtue of their political party affiliation Democrats have a far superior intellect than Republicans.
Fortunately, we are lucky enough to pay the salaries of intellectual giants such as Democratic Congressmen Hank Johnson who has the wisdom to question a high ranking military officer about the possibility that the island of Guam could tip over and capsize from over-population.
Luckily, the admiral has apparently considered that possibility and reassures the astute Congressman, "we don't anticipate that". Whew!!
The term "teabagger" used by liberal haters is so unacceptable, I have started calling those who use it "dickwads" and "cunts" to their faces. This last Monday, while we visited a friends home, an acquaintance of our friends that I had not previously met started on a rant about teabaggers. I interrupted with "why do cunts like you always insist on using such derogatory terms for "tea partiers". She was stunned - strange for such a mouthy person - not the least because her 11 year old daughter was sitting next to her. Our friend looked at me and said "that was out of line" and I said "exactly - just my point" and then told the 11 year old exactly what "tea bagging" is. The girls mother left the room with her daughter in tow.
Sad when someone else has to educate a liberal"s kids in how evil their parents can sometimes be.
BTW, most of those people at Wonkette seem to be assholes, but "Strunk & White Power!" is pretty funny.
At least the Tea Party doesn't elect its idiot relatives to Congress.
hat tip to
The reason they are so hung up on race is due to the fact that they are projecting their subliminal hate for themselves onto others. Simply put, they are spoiled children who have never been disciplined or held accountable for their actions. They have no understanding of the value of anything because they never had to work for it.
If signs are misspelled I can only say that;
1. They are a victim of an educational system that is more worried about eubonics and feelings (How does that make you feeeeel?) Do our schools actually have spelling and grammar tests these days? Judging from some of the marquee's I see, as well as business signs, it doesn't appear to be so.
2. At least the signs in question were printed at home rather than by a bunch of SEIU thugs extorting the taxpayers to support the sign production and their cadillac retirement/health system.
Pity the entitlement crowd. They have no souls. They worship Darwin fancying themselves as superior until the proverbial bad guy threatens them. Darwinism and the survival of the fittest will be their undoing.
The one thing white liberals really care about is believing that they're smarter than white non-liberals.
> Simpleton white dumbfuck retards, all.
Okay, i am starting to really get creeped out with the left denigrating the mentally handicapped. You know, i have a niece who isn't exactly retarded, but does have alot of problems learning expressing herself. The thought of her life being in the hands of a universal healthcare system that regularly calls people it doesn't like "retarded" is scary.
Since the Democrats have gone from being reliant on the "Solid South" to relying on the "Black" and "Hispanic" vote to maintain their majority in Congress, it is important to make sure that "people of color" stay with their groups.
The old tactics still apply; one just switches targets and the adjectives used.
Whatever, let them have their fun. Making fun of perceived stupidity on the other side is a time honored tradition for those who want to avoid the substance of the argument (fine for a break, but, when continuous, shows that one has no substance).
What I'm more amazed at is the incredible cognitive dissodence that has to be ignored to accuse a group of racism while also using the phrase "simpleton white dumbfuck retards."
- Lyssa
Whoops .. I see MaggotatBroadWall beat me to it.
Shana .. I noticed that when I was watching the footage of Obama's visit to Iowa City on our local news. The pro-Obama crew had mostly professionally printed signs, the protestor's signs were almost entirely home-made.
Well, there's no spell check on a sign. If these Tea Partiers were really just astro-turf puppets of conservative lobbying groups like Dick Armey's FreedomWorks, then they're not getting their money's worth.
Not to mention the spelling errors typical on a blog post.
I wasn't really arguing for "white superiority" yesterday.
I was arguing that white men should aspire to compete equally with black men on the basketball court and the football field.
It's indicative of just how poisoned our attitudes have become toward white men that arguing that white men should aspire to compete on an equal footing is regarded as preaching for "white superiority."
Likewise, I'm repeated told that opposition to racial and sexual quotas designed to punish white men marks me as a racist. Expected to compete for a job on an equal basis is playing the victim, according to the diversity-philes.
ST seems to be very hung up on race. I can't deal with his posts.
More from the comments: “Yawn. This is so boring. Wake me when they kill somebody”. Seriously? I'm actually appalled at this.
Chase, if the only way for you to make a point about someone being tasteless is to inflict your own tastelessness (god, what an understatement) on an 11-year-old...then you're an asshole and a stupid one, at that.
Next time, try to approach the subject with reason and good manners. You may not convince the mother, but the daughter may have absorbed some of it.
shoutingthomas said: "I wasn't really arguing for "white superiority" yesterday."
You know, I glanced over them, and I could go back and parse them and try to decide whether you were or you weren't (I was kind of hung up on whether or not you were going for satire/irony), but that's not really the point that I was trying to make.
My point is, the reaction to it shows that the overwhelming attitude here is to reject racism. Those who cry racist are assholes and liars.
Worthless white women, worthless white men,
It's time to give the country to the darkies,
Jive talkin' engineers are what we need
And Tito Puente finger snappin' snarkies.
ST seems to be very hung up on race. I can't deal with his posts.
You're having some fun, here. What a childish game you're playing!
I'm an independent contractor who must constantly search for work. Every job goes first to the diversity candidate. Fortunately, few women and blacks gravitate to the tech field in which I work, so some employers are forced to hire me, despite their determination to fill their quota spots.
So, every time I seek work, the first considerations are racial and sexual quotas... And, I'm hung up on race!
Fuck you, Charley. I know when somebody's eating my lunch.
The reason the TV commercials are so overwhelming in negative depiction of men is now hard to fathom. I've been working in the tech/entertainment field for decades. The "creative" departments in LA and New York City are predominantly gay. In some shops, you'd better not apply unless you're gay.
The depiction of hetero men in the media is an ongoing war of revenge.
ST said to Shanna: "Fuck you, Charley."
I don't want to sound all blogmom again, but that was rude and uncalled for. Don't be an ass.
"I thought your name was "Shanna"...are you Paul" or "Shanna?" I'm confused."
Hilarious, Joe, but I already deleted that!
Can't tell you how glad I am that my husband does not refer to me as "my Irish-German." Nor does he brag about the farmland I own. For a white dude, he's a-ok.
“I don't want to sound all blogmom again, but that was rude and uncalled for. Don't be an ass.”
Don’t bother lyssa. I already know white women are “worthless” and “want to tear their man down” and a bunch of other stuff from previous posts, so I’m not terribly surprised. I just don't get any particular enjoyment from reading about it.
The "Feedom" sign reminds me of the "Chains you can believe in" sign.
It might be a misspelling. But I doubt it because he correctly spelled the very same word elsewhere on the very same sign.
Of course, if you hate the "teabaggers" so vehemently that you believe they are ignant racists all, why would you give them credit for being clever with language?
No. They are knuckle dragging mouth breathers and they can't even spell the word they claim to love and revere so deeply.
Why can't ya'll stand apart from this group of dum- dums? You have to come up with pathetic excuses that you would never accept from your kids or employees,
about why these stupid people who can't spell are worthy of defending. Propagating indeed.
Chase, if the only way for you to make a point about someone being tasteless is to inflict your own tastelessness (god, what an understatement) on an 11-year-old...then you're an asshole and a stupid one, at that.
I see your point, BUT obviously "mom" doesn't know or care to know how offensive she's being.
So to break thru that curtain of ignorance it might be necessary to throw an equally shocking and offensive term back.
"What did you just call me?!!"
"Much the same thing you just called me, Ma'am."
Shanna, it just drives me batty when someone responds to a perfectly reasonable and measured comment with caustic insults; it really lower the quality of the discussion. I mean, if you're just being funny (think Palladian) or responding to someone who's deliberately being an ass, or just going with the overall flow, no big, but that came out of nowhere.
- Lyssa
Why can't ya'll stand apart from this group of dum- dums?
We'll stand apart from them when:
1) Your side stands apart from ANSWER and Code Pink;
2) Your side stops calling them ignorant, racist, or retards...and begins to address them substantively.
Why can't ya'll stand apart from this group of dum- dums?
Why so we can stand with your side that held signs calling for soldiers to shoot their officers?
No thanks
Shanna, it just drives me batty when someone responds to a perfectly reasonable and measured comment with caustic insults; it really lower the quality of the discussion.
Oh I don’t like it either, but I suppose I’ve become mostly immune to it on this blog, since some people just seem prone to do that. I’m a little curious why I was called “charley” because, wtf? Am I supposed to be a member of the Viet-cong or something? Weird.
As for this: “why can’t ya’ll stand apart from this group of dum-dums”…nobody likes improper spelling (although I think the Feedom guy was making a rather obvious point) or bad grammar, but that doesn’t mean a person is evil, or even wrong about the substance. And people who get ridiculously overworked over spelling/grammar mistakes tend to be assholes.
"I’m a little curious why I was called “charley” because, wtf?"
I thought about commenting on that, but I was going to give him the benefit of the doubt that he was just choosing a common name.
But, it reminded me of when I was in college and waitressing at a restaurant called "O'Charley's." Around Memorial Day, they put up the sign advertising some specials that said something along the lines of "Celebrate Memorial Day with Charley!" Someone called and complained about the reference to the Viet-cong, or Asians, or something. We laughed about it for months. Good times.
I bet they know you can't tip over an island by adding people.
On my commute back in the early 80s, someone spray painted a blank billboard with the following phrase: "Down with Liberlas."
"why can’t ya’ll stand apart from this group of dum-dums"
It's "y'all," not "ya'll." Since apostrophe placement is apparently so important.
Sorry, Joe. Chase said he called a woman a c**t, and explained to her 11-year-old daughter what teabagging is. That is beyond the pale. Counter productive, too. I do not think the mom or the daughter thought BETTER of tea partiers after their encounter with Chase.
Always love the signs telling people to learn English, or go home. Then proceed to butcher English on the sign.
My favorite on the left, and it's pretty common, is the peace symbol mistakenly drawn as a Mercedes logo.
Dumb appears to apply to both extremes of the political spectrum.
So what's worse: a typo or extreme hatred of those you disagree with?
(Note: I know. I'm so retarded and racist that I ended a sentence with a preposition.)
"why these stupid people who can't spell are worthy of defending. Propagating indeed."
Yea, if they can't spell a sign right, they have no rights or ideas.
The left always ends up promoting Eugenics. Why not let them do health care for us?
I see this bad spelling all the time on leftist protest sign (the few that are not mass produced), but I never jump to the conclusion that they should not have rights or be listened to because of it. The ideas they express are what make me think they are idiots.
Sorry, Joe. Chase said he called a woman a c**t, and explained to her 11-year-old daughter what teabagging is. That is beyond the pale. Counter productive, too. I do not think the mom or the daughter thought BETTER of tea partiers after their encounter with Chase.
I doubt it either, but I believe that has more to do with someone who will call their opponents "Tea-Bagges"....I doubt using a nasty epithet is going to raise the consciousness of a Klansmen, but I doubt much of anything would.
I still like the calls "your" unconscious decisions to the fore...
"Hey, you can't call me THAT!"
"Well how come you think you can call me THIS?"
Beyond that I suspect you are a "concern troll." I doubt you are going to be too supportive of the Tea PArty position, but that's just a SWA Guess.
Prairie Wind...It's like my Pa..very Southern....a certain nut, can't recall which one, was called, colloquially, "N*gger Toes." And the word "N*gger" was tossed about quite casually by his class and generation.
Now Pa wasn't a bad man, in fact I think, that on the whole he was a pretty decent one, BUT he had that big blind spot....
So personally, I believe any time he dropped the word "N*gger" around a Black, a good response would have been to casually call my Pa a "C*ck-Sucker".
Because for a man of his age and class that was pretty much the WORST thing you could call a man....
It might have gotten my father's attention....
"Well, this bunch of N*ggers were standing around..."
"And then you showed up, eh C*ck-Sucker?"
Sometimes we really don't grasp just how offensive our underlying assumptions are until we're called on them.
I doubt it either, but I believe that has more to do with someone who will call their opponents "Tea-Bagges
I look at it from the point of view that my being opposed to such runaway government spending that we're in danger of losing our AAA rating gets me labled as a simpleton white dumbfuck retard and a racist then I know I've won the argument.
One of the best ways of keeping the Tea Party movement motivated is the lame attacks and disparagement from the left. It fans the flames and simultaneously admits to fence sitters that the movement is working and their opponents have no arguments to counter. In addition, the middle is starting to sympathize with the movement as an underdog under attack. That's why the President has started to acknowledge them as valid, but he still attacked and blew that opportunity.
Love it.
You know those lying right wing chain emails your relatives send out constantly? Well, turns out one of the would-be cop killers from that Michigan militia were motivated by one of those.
'"I'm peeved,,, when people in this country is getting kicked out of there homes everyday and our government passes a bill to spend more then 20 billion dollars to bring Hamas here and supplies them with food and homes that just wrong." [grammatical errors in the original]
Soon after, she added, "I'm so stressed I could KILL someone!!!!!!!"
For the record, H.B. 1388 was a national service bill, expanding AmeriCorps. It included no money for Hamas.'
Another shining example of conservative brilliance.
certain nut, can't recall which one, was called, colloquially, "N*gger Toes."
Brazil nuts.
They were called those in my northern Ohio town too.
How about the Tea Party leader posing with the sign with "Nigar" on it, who also denies the existence of any racism in the Tea Party movement?
You mean Dale Robertson, who is not a leader of anything and who has been disowned by actual Tea Party organizers?
What about him? Even nutters have rights.
BTW, Sarah Palin, Tea Party leader, has her interview special on Faux News tonight.
Odd thing is, the guests they claim she interviewed, LL Cool J and some Toby Keith say she never interviewed them.
Quiz: Is the Sarah Palin interview show where she never interviewed the guests, A) stupid or B) a lie?
Or perhaps that should be more directed toward the audience that believes this crap.
"If I saw a misspelling that changed "Free" to "Fee"
Yea, the misspelled sign actually makes perfect sense: Fee dom does NOT come free.
Right loves freedom, left loves fee dom. I like it!
It is April fools day people, I think this guy nailed us.
BTW, Sarah Palin, Tea Party leader, has her interview special on Faux News tonight.
I'd drop the "Faux News" ting there Alpha. You realize that it's audience is larger than CNN's and MSNBC's...COMBINED.
Diminuation and derogation have just are going to have to accept that Fox IS legitimate. Sorry.
Alpha, you need to move on from 2004....times they have changed...and yet your approach has not. It's sad, because you're fairly easy to refute and therefore, not a very good spokesperson for your PoV.
Sofa King, you seem to have a point. I will admit it and delete my comment.
Sofa King, chill out. It takes more than a few seconds to review information.
Good for you for posting a link to fact-based information. I look forward to more Mother Jones posts from you in the future!
So, Alpha, does that mean that any time a liberal makes a misspelling or gramatical error (or a play on words), it clearly provides evidence of intellectual shortcomings in the liberal movement? What about if they say they've been to 57 states? Or demonstrate a clear lack of understanding of car insurance? Or refer to millitary men as "corpse-men" on several occassions?
Does it mean that any time a liberal makes a racist statement, such as, oh, I don't know, "simpleton white dumbfuck retards", it shows that the liberal movement is racist?
Just checking.
- Lyssa
If FOX advertised Sara Palin will interview Socrates; they would get more viewers than any leftie on MSNBC, CNN, or HLN; and more lefties would tune in as well, hoping Socrates would make her look bad.
I'd drop the "Faux News" ting there Alpha. You realize that it's audience is larger than CNN's and MSNBC's...COMBINED. .
You need a refresher on logic. The size of the audience is not indicative of the accuracy of the news.
As Sofa King just showed, I was relying on news from the Washington Post, which they got wrong, as shown by Mother Jones. My bad, I admitted my error and retracted.
To the point, Faux News is broadcasting a show they describe as Palin talking to guests who say she has never talked to them.
Now "Faux" means "false." Isn't that false news and false advertising?
Even Brazil nutters...
Nah, Joe, I'm not a concern troll. Probably just old enough to think that you don't use bad language and explain sex to someone else's 11-year-old. How many times do I need to explain it? Surely I'm not the only one who has a middle school girl and reacted the same way. Not even sure you have to be a parent to be repelled by Chase's approach.
As for the tea-bagger label, I'd bet that there are some liberals who use it in all innocence. It isn't as if all liberals understand that term and all conservatives do not. I would rather Tea Party people get upset over something other than name-calling. Things like this morning's news that the Republicans are thinking about pulling back on the push to repeal the healthcare legislation.
OK, Alpha took down the post that I was responding to because of the error that Sofa King pointed to (I don't get the "delete a post" option for some reason).
But Alpha only retracted the part of the statement about Dale Robertson, so I assume that he still feels the same way about spelling errors showing "evidence of intellectual shortcomings," as he put it, so I'd guess that my point still stands.
- Lyssa
BTW, Sarah Palin, Tea Party leader, has her interview special on Faux News tonight.
My cousin’s husband sent me this yesterday. I’m still not sure why I’m supposed to care. I think it only matters if you're obsessed with Sarah Palin, Fox News, or both.
The FOX advertising of the Palin show was stupid and misleading, period. I would fire the producer who made that decision. That's all there is to that. It's not like nobody was gonna know. There's nothing much interesting about it. But if you want scandal bad enough...
From the article Alpha linked:
"In the press release that Fox issued Monday announcing the special, it was described as being “hosted by Sarah Palin” but did not say she interviewed the people in it. The release said the show would “feature Toby Keith.” It also said LL Cool J and Mr. Welch would “both speak about their success” in a separate segment called “In Their Own Words.”"
They're using old clips, which the Keith representative conceeded are the property of the network for their own use. Sounds to me like those saying that Fox is misrepresenting are the ones who are actually doing the misrepresenting.
A trip down memory lane for our smug and morally superior lefties.
As for the tea-bagger label, I'd bet that there are some liberals who use it in all innocence. It isn't as if all liberals understand that term and all conservatives do not. I would rather Tea Party people get upset over something other than name-calling.
When then this Liberal/Prrogressive got a lesson, didn't she?
My father never really meant to hurt anyone's feeling with the word "N*gger" either, it's what people of his age and class called African-Americans....
BUT, that doesn't mean it wasn't painful and unpleasant, does it?
So too Ms. "Tea-Bagger" and the daughter...
Here's the thing, Alpha:
There is sign stupidity on both sides and other kinds of stupid acts, but your side claims to be superior in intelligence and compassion and therefore, appropriate to lead the rest of us off a cliff. When your superior intellect and compassion is what you base your authority on and then you do stupid things and produce vile racist, misogynistic and hateful rhetoric, you are the hypocrites and fools. Not the the ones claiming authority by way of ideas and natural rights.
And Alpha since it's SO obvious that "Faux" News ins't news, you can give me all those stories that were "false."
You know like Dan Rather's Memogate story....I'll wait.
As for the tea-bagger label, I'd bet that there are some liberals who use it in all innocence. .
Let's get this straight. The teabag verb and the teabagger label were first used by the tea partiers, themselves. There's the famous sign "Teabag liberal Dems before they teabag you."
So, stop the whining, please. It's not exactly a slur when you take it for yourselves.
And, honestly, I never heard of it as a sexual act until then, either. But it's still funny.
Does it mean that any time a liberal makes a racist statement, such as, oh, I don't know, "simpleton white dumbfuck retards", it shows that the liberal movement is racist?
Of course Alpha would say that is racist. I know that because Alpha said Bud Day was racist for pointing out Obama and Sotomeyer's ethnicity in the course of making a comment about them.
And Alpha is all about consistency.
And Alpha since it's SO obvious that "Faux" News ins't news, you can give me all those stories that were "false." .
I know a fool's errand when I see one. Volumes have been written on this. Studies have shown that Fox viewers are the worst informed in the land.
But none of that will affect you. You will not take new data, as I did before, and dispose of a previous opinion.
Years of experience have taught me conservatives are not swayed by facts and data.
To the Palin fraud show:
A Fox News website, for example, said Palin "will kick off her new Fox News series with one of the most diverse guest lineups in memory.... The three very different guests will speak to Palin for her inaugural episode of 'American Stories ' on April 1st." .
OK, gotta go. Hope you all have some fun today and smile some.
Let's get this straight. The teabag verb and the teabagger label were first used by the tea partiers, themselves. There's the famous sign "Teabag liberal Dems before they teabag you."
Nice try, dude/dudette...never heard the TEA PARTY Movment call itslef the Tea BAGGER movment...and one sign doesn't make it so.
Thank you for playing though....
Let's get this straight. The teabag verb and the teabagger label were first used by the tea partiers, themselves. There's the famous sign "Teabag liberal Dems before they teabag you."
Ah, so you're saying that as long you can find one black person who used "The N Word", it's perfectly OK to use that word on any black people you happen to run into.
After all, they started it.
I know a fool's errand when I see one. Volumes have been written on this. Studies have shown that Fox viewers are the worst informed in the land.
I don't know, Alpha. After making the relevant assumptions about your viewing patterns, those of your lefty associates here, and those of many other Althouse commenters, it appears that the Fox watchers get the nod - for being informed and being intelligent.
Ann Althouse said...
Seems the three Rs for Teabaggers is Retardism, Racism, and Recidivism not that librul reading, riting and rithmatics.
OK, let's have a look here. As Ann suggests, the only public figure in recent memory who's used the word 'retard' as a derogatory noun is The Zero's COS. And, last I checked, it was 'rithmatic, not rithmatics (not to mention 'riting) - unless there's a new discipline.
Then again, take a look at the comment boards on DU or Kos (you may as well go off your meds that day) and then you'll know why outfits like ACORN and ANSWER feel obliged to hand out printed signs at their demonstrations.
AlphaLiberal said...
I'd drop the "Faux News" ting there Alpha. You realize that it's audience is larger than CNN's and MSNBC's...COMBINED. .
You need a refresher on logic. The size of the audience is not indicative of the accuracy of the news.
Yes, we all know MSNBC is known globally for its faultless accuracy.
As for the tea-bagger label, I'd bet that there are some liberals who use it in all innocence.
Let's get this straight. The teabag verb and the teabagger label were first used by the tea partiers, themselves. There's the famous sign "Teabag liberal Dems before they teabag you."
That's a lie and you know it. It was first used on CNN. Some idiot commenter and Wolf Blitzer were chortling over it.
Nice try, dude/dudette...never heard the TEA PARTY Movment call itslef the Tea BAGGER movment...and one sign doesn't make it so.
Wasn't it their brilliant idea to send thousands of tea bags to congress? They don't have any rules on what they call Democrats or liberals, why should we?
That's a lie and you know it. It was first used on CNN
Not a lie, here is the sign
Wasn't it their brilliant idea to send thousands of tea bags to congress? They don't have any rules on what they call Democrats or liberals, why should we?
Again nice try...the tea bags, a reference to the Boston TEA PARTY, for the History/Metaphor impaired.
They don't have any rules on what they call Democrats or liberals, why should we?
garage, you have my permission to call me a Teabagger if you like. I don't mind at all and will wear the title as a badge of honor.
That's because I can appreciate irony.
Wasn't it their brilliant idea to send thousands of tea bags to congress?
One group references an event that lead to the founding of our country. One group chortles about sex. Do you really think there is any comparison?
Again nice try...the tea bags, a reference to the Boston TEA PARTY, for the History/Metaphor impaired.
So it begts the question why they would want to be assoicated with the original Tea Party in the first place. The original rebellion was AFTER a huge tax break. They were protesting against cheap tea!
So is there a move afoot requiring all of us to pass a spelling test before we vote?
The original rebellion was AFTER a huge tax break. They were protesting against cheap tea!
History IMPAIRED aren't you...the British East India Company was granted a MONOPOLY on teas sales in the Colonies.
The Tea Party was a protest against that....not "cheap tea" but rather an INCREASE in the cost.
Focus, people. If Tea Partiers are not stupid, then don't get sidetracked. Who cares if they call us tea-baggers? Why come off all prissy about something that we would have called ourselves if it didn't also refer to a sexual practice?
oh c'mon, you know those signs are funny. as much as ms althouse rants about sentences and spelling and grammar, it seems a bit hypocritical to give all of this a pass.
and on "and another is skilled in the detection of racism and the use of mental disability as metaphor" -- i'm stunned that you accept palin's addition to the pc lexicon.
again, if TPers dont want to be mocked, they need to get their s&*t together.
The original rebellion was AFTER a huge tax break. They were protesting against cheap tea!
garage buddy we've been through this before. The protest wasn't over the tax itself, it was mainly over British Parliament passing laws that infringed on the legislative rights of the colonies. In other words, it was about principle not money.
Seriously where did you learn American history?
the British East India Company was granted a MONOPOLY on teas sales in the Colonies.
The people that planned and organized the Tea Party were protesting duties and taxes being lifted by the British East India Company, from the Tea Act of 1773, to the point is was undercutting the price of Dutch tea they were smuggling in.
Garage you are correct, i apologize...
HOWEVER, they were protesting not only cheaper tea, but the power of Parliament to tax them WITHOUT representation...
Also, I'm not sure the TP set understands how, well, stupid it looks when they make wild and easily disproven claims.
Like that Obama is a socialist (and a Nazi, as well as a peacenik).
Or that this health care bill, which relies on the private (pirate) sector insurers is a "government takeover."
Or that the government is the enemy of the American people and the corporations are our saviors.
Or that Glenn Beck is not a complete charlatan nutjob!
There is a huge list of non-credible claims (which make for some of the humor of the signs). They don't make sense, we try to point that out and the responses consist of non-sensical insults, off-topic remarks, childish "I'm rubber and your glue" deflections or, ironically enough, saying we're dumb for not disagreeing with Tea Party claims!
So, if you don't want to be ridiculed you might want to be a bit more grown up and rational in your approach to discussing public policy.
Or you can be the butt of jokes. Your call.
Y'know, I saw one of those stupid racist retards filling out his bracket on ESPN and he spelled Syracuse "Sycacuse" and they didn't laugh at him.
They just let this inbred moron get away with it. Even edited the footage to make it appear that it didn't happen.
So, if you don't want to be ridiculed you might want to be a bit more grown up and rational in your approach to discussing public policy.
Did you actually keep a straight face when you typed that?
Also, I'm not sure the TP set understands how, well, stupid it looks when they make wild and easily disproven claims.
Well, you'd certainly be an authority on that, no argument there.
Anne, I always wondered if your CV was photoshopped.
The left has shown us they know how to spell c**t right.
Guess they're pretty smart.
The homophobic term "teabagger" was probably first uttered by Anderson Cooper. Irony on stilts.
In any event, if the right used a homophobic epithet against their "ideological" opponents then you can be sure it would be noted as vulgar, unacceptable and a dangerous provocation to violence.
The fact that the left would use the epithet against peaceful demonstrators tells much about the "tolerance" of the "progressive" movement and their reverence for free speech.
"Also, I'm not sure the TP set understands how, well, stupid it looks when they make wild and easily disproven claims."
Like that the Iraq War was all about oil?
Or that nobody will ever attack an airplane again so there's no need for increased security measures?
Or that it was a fake turkey?
"...if you don't want to be ridiculed you might want to be a bit more grown up and rational in your approach to discussing public policy. "
Yeah. Oh wait, you're disagreeing with me...
The protest wasn't over the tax itself, it was mainly over British Parliament passing laws that infringed on the legislative rights of the colonies.
Hence, the slogan “No Taxation without representation”, rather than “we want cheaper tea. When do we want it? Now”!
Besides, do lefties ever make their own signs?
Thought not. They come pre-printed for the lefties because they don't know how.
Yes, I am grumpy
HOWEVER, they were protesting not only cheaper tea, but the power of Parliament to tax them WITHOUT representation...
It was all about the power of British parliament exercising authority over the colonial legislatures. Jesus Christ this is 8th grade American history.
Garage you seem to have a good head for grilling but leave the history lessons to those of us who actually have a degree or two in it.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Just when you think it's safe to leave Althousiana. Here is a recent example of Faux News publishing falsehoods and misleading their viewers. Someone asked for same. If these were numbered sequentially, we'd be well into the six figures.
Can't copy text from Basically they published a false story about an environmental activist freezing to death. Ha ha.
Here is a Google search of the web site for the text string "Fox News".
Again, I don't expect hundreds of facts and examples of Fox News deliberately reporting falsehoods to their gullible listeners to sway any conservatives who are deeply committed to their views. They need to believe Fox News.
And, yet again, when you stubbornly believe and repeat such a never-ending stream of falsehoods, you're just asking to be the butt of jokes.
halojones-fan makes my point:
Like that the Iraq War was all about oil?.
Dick Cheney's oil industry-dominated Energy Task Force poured over plans and maps of Iraqi oil fields pre-invasion. The oil fields have been a prime target for military security during the occupation.
Or that nobody will ever attack an airplane again so there's no need for increased security measures?.
What? have no idea what you imagine you are referring to.
Or that it was a fake turkey? .
A fake turkey. Ya got me there. Again maybe some guy in comments said that one day some where.
I actually put a list of goofy claims in my post. That you ran away from them demonstrates I was spot on.
Outta here.
Wow Alpha, substitute "CBS News" for "Fox News" you get a lot of "false" reports, there too...I guess we just can't trust CBS either.
News story from last year showing Teabaggers taking the title upon themselves.
Call the Waaahmbulance!
Dick Cheney's oil industry-dominated Energy Task Force poured over plans and maps of Iraqi oil fields pre-invasion. The oil fields have been a prime target for military security during the occupation.
Yeah they would be wouldn't they being the PRIME source of Iraq's income....And when you say "pre-invasion" do you mean 2001 or do you mean 2002? Because YEAH, we'd be looking at the Iraqi oil fields prior to invsion simply as targets and as sources of pollution and counter-attacks. Or have you forgotten what the Iraqi's did in Kuwayt in 1991, destroying the well heads, starting fires and then lurking in the inferno?
And just for the record, Anderson Cooper has jumped into the fray. On his "Anderson Cooper 360 program" on Tuesday, in response to a comment that Republicans were "searching for their voice" after two electoral losses, Cooper quipped, "It’s hard to talk when you’re tea-bagging."
From the article...dood.
here you go, Joe:
Fox News on Snopes: 381
CBS News: 51
It's easily done from the link I provided. And the numbers don't tell the whole story. A person may want to review some of the stories under each.
Alpha so the Numerator is 381(Fox) and 51 (CBS)...what's the denominator?
And then once we ahve that's what is that result times 100 to give percentage?
In short of the Denominater for Fox is 10,000 and for CBS is 400, the result would be 3.81% and for CBS...12.75%...without all the numbers a meaningful comparison is IMPOSSIBLE.
This is an example of figures never lie, but that Liars figure.
Thank you for your contribution, though.
Dick Cheney's oil industry-dominated Energy Task Force poured over plans and maps of Iraqi oil fields pre-invasion.
Hey, Alpha. It's pored you simpleton white dumbfuck retard.
AC outed himself with his teabagger comment--no straight man would ever think or say that you couldn't talk while teabagging, because a straight man wouldn't be on the receiving end of someone else's balls.
AC knows from personal experience that you can't talk with your mouth full during teabagging.
I DM'ed him and told him so.
I will choose misspelled homemade signs every time, over the giant puppets and violent protests like WTO Seattle, and the violence of shooting a gun into a Congressman's field office.
I think Chase could have made his point without calling the lady a cunt. He could have said, "Now explain to your daughter what teabagging is." If silence, turn to the daughter and tell her to google it on urban dictionary.
AL: "News story from last year showing Teabaggers taking the title upon themselves."
Where, exactly, in that article is the "taking the tile upon themselves" part? All I read was stories about lefty journos using it to mock and righty folks taking offense.
Perhaps I can explain the motivations of folks on the left, being one myself.
The reason people comment on the misspellings and grammatical mistakes in protesters' signs is because there are so many of them.
The reason people talk about protesters being white is because the overwhelming majority of them are white.
The reason people call the protesters "teabaggers" is because that is the name they have given themselves.
Spelling and grammar really aren't that hard. If you don't want to appear ignorant, make the tiny extra effort and proof-read your work.
The Queen - "So, one man served in the military for more than 2 decades and then misplaced an apostrophe, and another is skilled in the detection of racism and the use of mental disability as metaphor."
I have no idea if this guy actually served, nor do I know what he did while in the military if it's true. He may have been a file clerk or served on the front lines, but what does that have to do with this ridiculous "socialism" bullshit?
Does he accept any assistance from the Veteran's Administration? Will he forgo Medicare and Medicaid?
I doubt it.
The tea bagger crowd evidently thinks any form of government assistance is leading us down the path to full out Marxism or socialism, and it's patently ridiculous. for using serving in the military as his credentials for bitching and complaining; it's certainly an honorable attribute, but Timothy McVeigh also served in the military and if he was still alive...he'd be a loyal member of this idiotic tea bagger group.
And he bitched about the exact same kinds of things these people do.
Going after someone for spelling errors is stooooopid.
Often verbal skills are weak in those strong in technical/manual skills. It doesn't mean they're stupid.
In fact, I'm weak in the technical/manual skills and have great admiration of people with those skills.
russell - GFL getting many here to buy into any of that.
Telling it like it is doesn't fly with this crowd.
So many falsehoods, so little time
The reason people comment on the misspellings and grammatical mistakes in protesters' signs is because there are so many of them.
As compared to what? As compared to the calls for the elimination of the "Juice" or as a percentage of all signs at the rallies? Please give us your mathematical/statistical basis for your claim.
The reason people talk about protesters being white is because the overwhelming majority of them are white.
As is America...are the rallies ALL white, mostly white and how does that compare tot eh racial/sexual distribution of the populace as a whole, or likely voters. Again, show us your work, for credit.
The reason people call the protesters "teabaggers" is because that is the name they have given themselves.
Uh no, we were just in the process of refuting/discussing that claim...a simple assertion is not "proof."
I'm afraid, as of now, your submission is lacking, please correct the deficiencies listed.
The reason people talk about protesters being white is because the overwhelming majority of them are white.
Makes perfect sense.
russell - GFL getting many here to buy into any of that.
Telling it like it is doesn't fly with this crowd.
Lies or gratuitous assertions seldom do....
kentuckyhusseinliz "Often verbal skills are weak in those strong in technical/manual skills. It doesn't mean they're stupid."
No, but standing on a corner holding up a sign calling the President the N-Word...but misspelling it, or saying "Get a brain morans" or "The American taxpayers are the Jews for Obama's ovens" or that "Make English America's offical language" or "remember descent the highest form of patriotic" sure as hell make them look downright...stoooopid.
"The reason people talk about protesters being white is because the overwhelming majority of them are white."
Isn't unemployment among blacks the highest it has ever been? Sadly, I think it would have to get to 90% before many black Americans would come out to protest against the first Black President.
Joe "Lies or gratuitous assertions seldom do...."
Which part of what he said do you think is not true?
You don't think "misspellings and grammatical mistakes in protesters' signs" makes them look less than intelligent or at the very least detracts from their message?
Or that "the reason people talk about protesters being white is because the overwhelming majority of them are white?" (Where are ALL the protesters of color, Joe??)
Or my favorite, which drives you and the rest of the local tea baggers crazy: "The reason people call the protesters "teabaggers" is because that is the name they have given themselves."
You did choose the name, Joe. Couldn't any of you do a little research before jumping the shark?
But hey...don't YOU think if someone is going to go to the trouble of standing on a corner, holding up a sign of protest...they should at least take the time to make sure the "spelling and grammar" is correct?
It's one thing to punch out a comment on a blog site with misspellings, etc...but to stand on a corner holding it up for the world to see?
That's just plain...stooopid.
All this about the term "teabagger".
Geeze. If you guys want to use that term to describe your opponents then fine. Do it with pride. I know what it says about you and me both and I'm happy with that. It associates me with a position that I respect and insults you personally as a classless fool without ideas to argue.
Well done! Give us some more.
You need to worry about votes from here on and that tactic is just backfiring. C'mon keep it up.
Teabagger, Teabagger, TEABAGGER!
Lefties are on a roll with signage, witness the majesty of the Obama campaign website efforts, not only was it a massive monetary success, but it was universally
praised for graphic unity. Part of their success was the downloadable files that could be printed anywhere, and incorporated into lots of different media.
JAL, they do know how to do signage.
Turtledove said..."I think it would have to get to 90% before many black Americans would come out to protest against the first Black President."
What exactly is it President Obama is doing...that the white people are protesting?
Do you think he's responsible for unemployment? The recession began in December of 2007.
And by the way, dipstick...he's half white.
Michael is correct. I thought it was Blitzer, but I recall the news items of him yukking it up the next day.
AlphaLiberal said...
Also, I'm not sure the TP set understands how, well, stupid it looks when they make wild and easily disproven claims.
Like that Obama is a socialist...
No, like his pal, William Ayers, he's a "small c communist". After all, Mommy was a commie.
(and a Nazi, ...
His desire to bring as much as a third of the economy under government control with nomianl private ownership is the classic textbook definition of National Socialism. well as a peacenik)
He's the one on record as being "uncomfortable" with the idea of Japan surrendering to the Allies on the quarter deck of the USS Missouri. He also promised us he would leave Iraq (well...).
Or that this health care bill, which relies on the private (pirate) sector insurers is a "government takeover."
The Zero is on record (and videotape) saying his ultimate goal is single payer (i.e., government control) health insurance. And didn't a bill adding the public option, widely regarded as the first step to that, get introduced as one of the "fixes" to ZeroCare?
Or that the government is the enemy of the American people ...
Does the use of the punchline, "We're from the government and we're here to help", among the overwhelming majority of the American people ring a bell?
...and the corporations are our saviors.
You're the only one who's mentioned salvation by corporation. Most people in this country believe in the free market and oppose government control of their lives.
Or that Glenn Beck is not a complete charlatan nutjob!
Many of us would agree with that.
Jeremy said...
The Queen - "So, one man served in the military for more than 2 decades and then misplaced an apostrophe, and another is skilled in the detection of racism and the use of mental disability as metaphor."
I have no idea if this guy actually served, nor do I know what he did while in the military if it's true. He may have been a file clerk or served on the front lines, but what does that have to do with this ridiculous "socialism" bullshit?
Does he accept any assistance from the Veteran's Administration? Will he forgo Medicare and Medicaid?
OK, first, nobody views aid to veterans as socialism. It's viewed as a debt owed to men and women for their service.
Second, most people do not need Medical Assistance. It's only for people who can't pay any of their medical bills, the welfare form of Medicare.
Third, as a veteran, he may not need Medicare. Veterans' benefits may do the job for all he needs.
One problem that nobody wants to address is that, as the younger generations object to paying for Social Security and Medicare because they know it won't exist for them, socialism, and that's what it is whether everybody who uses it is a hypocrite or not, is going to be under increasing attack.
Like it or not, this is just the first round. As I assume you're younger rather than older, Jeremy, you may find yourself swimming against an increasing tide.
Bag-O-Wind - Hey...YOU chose the term.
Let them balls drop...and live with it.
"And by the way, dipstick...he's half white."
He's 100% African. We all are, get over it.
"Let them balls drop...and live with it."
You're right we did say it first.
How's view down there?
site with misspellings,
covering for yourself now Jeremy?
(Where are ALL the protesters of color, Joe??) I take it you missed the Tea Party response to keith Olberman and their invitation to meet with them...noticing all the People of Colour in the invite. 12% of the Movement is Non-white, BTW.
You did choose the name, Joe. Couldn't any of you do a little research before jumping the shark?
No again assertion is not evidence and so far the "evidence" presented has not been anyhwere close to being conclusive. One article that doesn't even make the claim is NOT evidence.
lyssalovelyredhead said...
Whatever, let them have their fun. Making fun of perceived stupidity on the other side is a time honored tradition for those who want to avoid the substance of the argument (fine for a break, but, when continuous, shows that one has no substance).
The problem with letting it go is that the Progressive Jews and the non-Jewish Left then control the language. Just as theoreticians like Herbert Marcuse
That is a permanent power shift.
If one faction of Americans can say:
"Stupid pasty-white supremacist inbred backwoods blue-eyed Southern teabaggers, of overprivilege in all good jobs so far" with impunity, socially, on TV, in front of children" letting it go signifies that it is an acceptable and legitimate thing to say.
But the drill is that similarly vile words directed at the Other side are evil, intolerable, and All Sides must immediately come forth and Apologize! Apologize! for "Offending minorities of race, sexual identity, gender". And we must all support the firing or other punishment of those that say "hate speech, or just unacceptable things."
Imagine the reaction if someone in media or office said "Stupid, on the down-low, fat-lipped nappy-haired inbred product of three generations of welfare mommas black guy"?
Why the only question would be when the denuciation chorus and job termination would be faster than the death threats and the "official investigation"? On how anyone who said that was ever admitted to college, allowed to have a job..and if there are any "criminal sanctions" on top of civil lawsuits for the hurt minority to lodge..
Imus says nappy-headed Hoes "jokingly" and a coalition of perpetually outraged blacks, sponsors who follow PC, ernest liberals, and progressive Jews in CBS management all agree he should be fired immediately.
Anderson Cooper, a closeted dicksmoker, goes on TV multiple times talking about ill-educated, stupid white teabaggers living in trailers and absolutely nothing like what hit Imus happens. So Anderson Cooper and Bill Mahre and others feel free to say "stupid almost all-white, racist, violent teabaggers" just about every other show.
They can get away with it - and liberal Moms then begin to teach their kids about "evil white teabaggers"
educher - "OK, first, nobody views aid to veterans as socialism. It's viewed as a debt owed to men and women for their service."
Keep telling yourself that.
Jeremy, depending on the "aid" it's not "socialism" so much as a contractual obligation.....certain veterans benfits are are part of the enticement to volunteer.
You need to worry about votes from here on and that tactic is just backfiring. C'mon keep it up.
Okay then!
"What exactly is it President Obama is doing...that the white people are protesting?"
Spending more money in his first year than Bush spent in his entire term - dipstick.
I'm not sure how you get to be an official Teabagger, but the clearly hate-excited people here who don't like them make me want to join up. I sure don't want to be what's left over: Teabagees or voyeurs.
I'm a Teabagger, what are you?
.............Which brings up Chase...
I think the situation of 30-40 years of one-sided, Alinskyite incivility is collapsing into mutual incivility as America declines.
Say what you will, but what he called - "The Cunt and her daughter" while explaining what Mommy really meant by teabagging..may just lead to a cessation of Mommy using teabagging as an acceptable word to teach the 11-year old.
"Is calling a stranger a ball-sucker as bad as using the bad word for vagina, Mommy?"
And of course both sides adopting the confrontational language established by Progressive Jewish polemicists like Alinsky, Neuer, Chomsky and Herbert Marcuse and certain trendy Gentile Hard Left means the social fragmentation will accelerate. We have trend now where younger people aren't dating or forming relationships with others outside their ideology.
Besides the communist, post-communist, and socialist radicals who use nasty words and insinuations for the grand strategies Alinsky and Marcuse envisioned changing America through it's discourse and intolerance of the "oppressors" speech - many on the Left and many normal everyday liberal Jews and blacks now use vile words because it is tribally reinforcing and feels good to demonize the other.
Chase using the words dumb cunt, and explaining what Mommy meant by teabagging was effective, But it also SIGNIFICANTLY lessened the chances Chase and "Mommy" will ever socially interact again, but less civilly debate their political differences. Extremists have won the day, making some wedge into oppositional camps insult words completely acceptable. Now others of a different ideological stripe have said "OK, now we play by your rules!" An ominous sign is leaders like Dick Armey telling right wingers to: "Read Alinsky and Marcuse. Study their tactics for destruction of the Establishment. Employ them, while keeping within the law."
So we have started to see the Right devolve into the speech and tactics of the hard left.
"Tell us about the illegitimate bastard in the White House who is a secret Muslim who wants to murder white elderly with his Obamacare. When he is not murdering innocent Afganis w/o trial with Hellfire missiles."
Open discussions on how meetings of notable leftists, ACLU, leftist foundations and key Leftist speakers might be disrupted, and speech shut down.
The banner of Obama as Joker with the words Socialism underneath was another tribal warfare warning shot. That caused the smirking Anderson Cooper considerable consternation on the "utter meaness, the subtle racist undertones of it".
Joe - You REALLY need to take the time to organize your thoughts before posting them as comments.
I have a hell of a time understanding exactly what you're trying to say.
"covering for yourself now Jeremy?"
Covering what??
"I take it you missed the Tea Party response to keith Olberman and their invitation to meet with them...noticing all the People of Colour in the invite. 12% of the Movement is Non-white, BTW."
As in an "overwhelming majority of them are white?" Wasn't that the point?? Duh.
"No again assertion is not evidence and so far the "evidence" presented has not been anyhwere close to being conclusive. One article that doesn't even make the claim is NOT evidence."
Say what??
"No again assertion is not evidence"?? (HUH?)
"so far the "evidence" presented has not been anyhwere close to being conclusive"?? (What "evidence" are you referring to??)
"One article that doesn't even make the claim is NOT evidence."
(WHAT article are you referring to??)
I had no idea about the power of the JEWS. Why has no one before Cedarford warned us of this? We got to do something about it, now! Who's with me? Lets get em!
So we have started to see the Right devolve into the speech and tactics of the hard left.
And the hard left can just say they got their tactics and speech from Lee Atwater.
As in an "overwhelming majority of them are white?" Wasn't that the point?? Duh.
But again a vast majority of the US IS white Jeremy, andyou asked where are the People of Colour...I just showed you, they are about 1 in 8 of the crowd.
I'm referring to the ONLY evidence adduced here, a magazine article on the subject.
Keep up man....
We may only be racist, retards but we read the links, why can't YOU?
And the hard left can just say they got their tactics and speech from Lee Atwater.
Didn't realize Lee Atwater was powerful in 1968....
Bag-O-Wind - "I'm not sure how you get to be an official Teabagger, but the clearly hate-excited people here who don't like them make me want to join up."
First of all, you're already a tea bagger...
And you better start recruiting because according to a Quinnipiac University National Poll out this week:
Only 13% of of American voters say they are part of the Tea Party movement.
The more I read by the homophobic liberal commentators the more I am convinced that they are products of very unhappy homes and very poor public school educations. The reasoning skills of this cohort were clearly not honed by demanding or well educated teachers and parents. It is really too bad because the balance of the commentators tend to stay on the well chosen topics and debate them with good cheer, reasoned arguments and well written ripostes. The quality of the commentary by two or three of these foul mouthed "progressives" is tiresome.
Only 13% of of American voters say they are part of the Tea Party movement.
But they hold a favourable rating, as compared to both Republicans or Democrats....
Membership is not voting strength.
You might profitably read teh article, it doesn't necessarily say what you think it does....
Again I'm only a racist, retard but I did understand the that point, again the voting public is only 13% Tea Party, but the MOVEMENT has good favourble ratings, amongst voters.
"Only 13% of of American voters say they are part of the Tea Party movement."
Make that 13% + 1, and thanks for nominating me, Teabagee. We make a great team!
From the article Jeremy:
By a 28 - 23 percent margin, American voters have a favorable opinion of the Tea Party, with 49 percent who say they don't know enough about the group to form an opinion.
Joe - Set up a meeting with Bag-O-Wind and you can share razor blades for that testicle shaving thing.
,i.HOWEVER, they were protesting not only cheaper tea, but the power of Parliament to tax them WITHOUT representation...,/i/
But Tea Baggers have Representation. They voted. They just lost.
Also if you are against taxation without representation than surely you are in favor of DC gaining statehood. Can't have citizens being taxed without representation, right?
But Tea Baggers have Representation. They voted. They just lost.
So the Health Care Reform Bill, under water since August, we didn't want it but we got it any way...
The more I read by the homophobic liberal commentators the more I am convinced that they are products of very unhappy homes and very poor public school educations.
Or they just enjoy tormenting people that clearly hate, hate, HATE being called a teabagger. The same people using the term teabagger are constantly called commies, traitors, fascists, etc, by teabaggers, so you might guess it's sometimes irresistible to use it. Also, "teabagging" can just as easily be deployed on the opposite sex as well, so it can't be a strictly homophobic term.
Set up a meeting with Bag-O-Wind and you can share razor blades for that testicle shaving thing.
What paasses for wit in Jeremy Land...well I'm not a Tea-Bagger...simply because you CLAIM it, doesn't make it so.
But thank you for contributing.
Michael - You've really got something stuck in your craw about people who refer to tea tea baggers. And why do you continue to talk about "homophobes?" I guarantee you that there are women who handle the task just as well as men.
Here's the definition your friends forgot to look up:
The act of tea bagging a person while their face remains perpendicular to the floor. The one performing the tea bag must be nude in the lower region, get a running start and fly crotch first at another person's face. The key is good aim along with excellent timing, because it must happen when the victim has their mouth open and is unsuspecting.
*There's no mention of both parties being men.
Once again: the tea bagger crowd chose the name; a name that can obviously mean something they should have known before they elected to name their organization (if you want to call these fools organized) without doing their homework (home schooling perhaps?)
Quit whining and shave your testicles.
Bag-O-Wind and Joe can help out.
Dan B. said..."But Tea Baggers have Representation. They voted. They just lost."
These fools don't even know what the tea party movement was all about.
*And it's a rumor many of them have very shiny balls.
"because it must happen when the victim has their mouth open and is unsuspecting."
Oh c'mon, no way you can claim you were unsuspecting. I call BS, Teabagee.
You know, it's been a long time since I've seen pictures of left-wing demonstrations with home-made signs. I think it would be good to bar professionally-printed signs from all demonstrations, then we'd find out whether liberals can spell. After reading the comments posted by Alpha, downtownlad, and Jeremy, I have my doubts.
This is an amazing country. I was a registered Democrat my whole life right up till the HCR passed. In just a few days I went from that to Teabagger. All I had to do was accept Freedom as my highest principle and Personal Responsibility as my highest duty and here I am, a Teabagger.
It just goes to show you that no matter how low you start, in America you can rise above it and look down upon those still confused and try to lift them up if they want to get out from under the balls of government.
Reach up Teabagees go to the light!
Michael "The more I read by the homophobic liberal commentators the more I am convinced that they are products of very unhappy homes and very poor public school educations."
But tea baggers can be women, too, so how does that relate to homophobia? And, why would one's disapproval of the tea bagger crowd have anything to do with an "unhappy home?"
"The reasoning skills of this cohort were clearly not honed by demanding or well educated teachers and parents."
You think people who illustrate the fact that they're ignorant, bigoted and racist...carrying signs calling our own President the "N-Word" or denying he's an American citizen or saying he's not a have proper "reasoning skills" and are "well educated??"
"It is really too bad because the balance of the commentators tend to stay on the well chosen topics and debate them with good cheer, reasoned arguments and well written ripostes."
Calling anyone who supports President Obama or the Democrats a socialist, Marxist or even Communist is what you consider to be "good cheer, reasoned arguments?"
You're just another tea bagging wing nut.
Calling anyone who supports President Obama or the Democrats a socialist, Marxist or even Communist is what you consider to be "good cheer, reasoned arguments?"
You're just another tea bagging wing nut.
That'll show him Jeremy...Do they call ANYONE those terms? I haven't seen it...they call SOME people those terms.
Of course in Van Jones' case it was merited.
Shanna - What you and others find so amusing about the ignorance depicted on many of the tea bagger signs is hard to understand.
Many of them are nothing more than bigoted, racist rants incorrectly spelled out for the world to see...and it makes all of us look less than American.
"Calling anyone who supports President Obama or the Democrats a socialist, Marxist or even Communist is what you consider to be "good cheer, reasoned arguments?""
So we agree that Socialism, Marxism and Communism are bad things, right?
It does not matter to me personally, but does anyone think Obama is a Christian rather than a secularist?
Joe - "Do they call ANYONE those terms? I haven't seen it..."
Well, based on your writing skills, I have to assume your reading skills are failry suspect.
Many here refer to our own President by all of those terms.
Quit lying.
If only Jeremy were capable of dealing with what people have actually said, rather than knocking down strawmen...
bagoh20 said...
I had no idea about the power of the JEWS. Why has no one before Cedarford warned us of this? We got to do something about it, now! Who's with me? Lets get em!
The Russian middle class was not snickering about their power in 1920.
The Bolsheviks proved the power of a small disciplined group to manipulate and supress the "cattle".
That the Jews were ousted from primacy by Stalin who wanted to make Communism more local, less cosmopolitan and less Jewish (by 1925) likely hurt. But Stalin rather liked their ideas, their means of organizing and using state terror to maintain a wise, iron grip on the guidance of the proletariate. So the original Jewish Bolsheviks and the Menshiviks they folded in at least had the consolation of knowing that Stalin liked their approach. He also kept many Jews in high positions, many in his inner circle, many in leadership of state terror apparatus. Stalin's anti-Semitism was a myth until he turned on them circa 1952.
Same sorta thing happened in the 60s when blacks tossed Jews out of being the bosses of black unions, the NAACP, the local judges, prosecutors, heads of school boards and ownership of most stores blacks patronized, the Democrat party bosses in all black districts, and so on. Amidst much rancor - as Jewish socialists and communists warned black activists that they had not "evolved" yet to the point where they could competently self-rule themselves. And blacks responded, "get out".
The history books say that that 60s purge of blacks of Jews controlling significant aspects of the black community still has left a residue of ill will between the two groups today, though they ideologically agree on most matters outside Israel. It was all about who had the power over blacks.
bagoh20 said..."It does not matter to me personally, but does anyone think Obama is a Christian rather than a secularist?"
And there you have an example of the ignorance displayed here by some: This idiot still will not concede to the fact that President is a Christian.
Something that he himself has reiterated over and over again...but you just can't get these tea baggers to back off.
Well, based on your writing skills, I have to assume your reading skills are failry suspect.
And MY reading skills ae suspect, obviously I weas saying they call ANYONE who supports Obama, these terms?
I haven't seen it....
Again I'm sorry I wasn't clear and wrote my statement a bit obliquely. I need to put my comments on a 6th grade level for you I guess.
Man those Juice shure are tricksy....
Shanna said..."If only Jeremy were capable of dealing with what people have actually said, rather than knocking down strawmen..."
Yeah, right.
I can read the signs these idiots carry around.
When someone stands on a corner with a sign that refers to your own President as the "N-Word"...what exactly do YOU make of that, Shanna?
Do you consider that some kind of straw man argument?
How about when Glenn Beck, a God to the tea bag crowd, says a man who has a white mother is a racist and hates whites?
Straw man argument?
Defending these bigots is a waste of your time and makes you look foolish.
Rep Jack Kingston makes my point, trying to back off the anti-health care reform hysterics and nonsense..
"Instead Kingston, who had joined all other Republicans in the House in voting against the overhaul, focused on changes he thinks should be made to make it better. He said lawmakers have “unfinished business” and both parties should work together to improve the nation’s health care system….At one point, he assured the crowd there are no “death panels,” a charge made by some conservatives over the course of the year-long debate and echoed by at least one citizen in attendance Wednesday. He also said it is too early to tell if the new law violates the U.S. Constitution."
Some times, tea party gang, you need to take a little responsibility for your own actions!
Want to taken seriously? Get serious!!
So the GOP isn't going to try and repeal this monstrous debacle that was rammed, shoved, and forced down our throats that will ruin America? WTF
AL, did you see that there is apparently something in the bill that means you can't buy aspirin/nyquil/vitamins on an HSA anymore unless they are prescribed by a doctor? WTF is that about?
Roger Ebert loves this stuff. Ebert should stick to flicks.
"And there you have an example of the ignorance displayed here by some: This idiot still will not concede to the fact that President is a Christian."
I was a Democrat too, but you would never know it from my actions or votes. That's my point.
Jeremy said...
educher - "OK, first, nobody views aid to veterans as socialism. It's viewed as a debt owed to men and women for their service."
Keep telling yourself that.
You've heard enough political rhetoric to know not even the Left sees veterans' benefits as socialism. It's considered part of the Constitutional obligation to provide for the common defense and raise armies and navies.
I was hoping we'd gotten beyond that sort of thing.
bagoh20 said..."I was a Democrat too, but you would never know it from my actions or votes. That's my point."
What does that even mean?
What has President Obama done that makes you say he's not a Christian?
"So many falsehoods, so little time"
OK let's take a look.
"The reason people comment on the misspellings and grammatical mistakes in protesters' signs is because there are so many of them.
As compared to what? Please give us your mathematical/statistical basis for your claim."
Compared to all of the other printed statements that appear in public on any given day.
The mathematical basis of my claim is the Flickr spread Althouse links to. A little over 120 examples of general lack of English skill. As compared to a lot less than that in pretty much any other public display I can think of.
So yeah, so many of them.
"The reason people talk about protesters being white is because the overwhelming majority of them are white.
As is America...are the rallies ALL white, mostly white and how does that compare tot eh racial/sexual distribution of the populace as a whole, or likely voters. Again, show us your work, for credit."
The US population is about 80% white. If you break Hispanics out of that, it's about 65% white.
So if the protesters were a representative slice of America, I'd expect to see about 2/3 non-Hispanic whites.
I see something more like 90-95% white, and I'm being generous.
So, overwhelmingly white.
"The reason people call the protesters "teabaggers" is because that is the name they have given themselves.
Uh no, we were just in the process of refuting/discussing that claim...a simple assertion is not proof."
Sorry, you lose. For example:
Look, if folks are unhappy about the bill, and they want to protest, more power to them.
But they're mostly white, and a hell of a lot of them have forgotten anything they might have learned in English class.
You can blame "the liberals" for picking on them, but a lot of the responsibility for their reputation as dumb white people belongs to them.
"Feedom doesn't come free". The dude holds a sign with four words on it. Some version of the word "free" appears twice. Two out of four words. He spells it correctly once, and incorrectly once.
That's not stupidity or ignorance, the guy just doesn't give enough of a crap to do it right.
If he doesn't give a crap, why should I?
If you don't want to seem dumb, don't act dumb.
I'll say it again, when the left resorts to the teabagger-racist retort you know you've won the debate.
They evidently didnt' think the preponderance of white anti-war protesters invalidated their message but have to point out race in the Tea Party as if it means anything. Sorry liberals but calling me a racist as the same effect as calling me a poopy face. Might want to come up with an actual logical argument at some point so you don't keep looking like petulant 5 year olds.
Jeremy, you are very weak at argument and it's boring, but I appreciate you making me a Teabagger. For that, I am always in your debt, and appreciate your sacrifice. I gotta go earn some money to pay for your Health care now. Remember, mouth hygiene is very important.
AlphaLiberal said...
"Instead Kingston, who had joined all other Republicans in the House in voting against the overhaul, focused on changes he thinks should be made to make it better. He said lawmakers have “unfinished business” and both parties should work together to improve the nation’s health care system….At one point, he assured the crowd there are no “death panels,” a charge made by some conservatives over the course of the year-long debate and echoed by at least one citizen in attendance Wednesday. He also said it is too early to tell if the new law violates the U.S. Constitution."
Not now. The death panels will be a feature of single payer, which is the ultimate goal of the exercise. When rationing starts, then they come into being.
edutcher - Veteran's benefits are funded, just as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Child Welfare, and other "socialist" programs...via taxpayer money.
You can post jingoistic blather all you want about how veteran's benefits are just being provided as a form of American "debt" to those who serve, and isn't a form of socialized assistance, but that's bullshit...and you know it.
Actually the VA is a single payer system.
russell, was your 2:45 comment satire? I'm actually not sure, because you disparage spelling/grammatical errors while making not just one, but several yourself.
Then, you disparage a person for writing "feedom," when, even if you were not smart enough to get the pun on your own, several commenters have already pointed it out.
Then you have the balls to say "If you don't want to seem dumb, don't act dumb." If you're serious, you're really seeming dumb.
- Lyssa
edutcher "Not now. The death panels will be a feature of single payer, which is the ultimate goal of the exercise. When rationing starts, then they come into being."
(Thank you tea baggers of America & Princess Sarah)
Now tell me what in the world does the single payer system have to do with this insane "death panel" garbage?
Do you even know what a single payer system is?
Single payer health care systems have been highly effective for years in Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom...and oh...right here in America via Medicare.
Are you aware of any "death panels" in any of those countries or here?
Can you provide any articles or evidence of anything of the kind?
It's just a single insurance pool, (with individual/corporate/government contributions) that spreads out the cost of everybody's insurance across the board. One source collects the fees, one source pays the bills.
I called on doctors and hospitals for years and never once heard a doctor, nurse or administrator not endorse sing payer as the best solution to national health care.
"But tea baggers can be women, too, so how does that relate to homophobia?"
Liberal logic in action!!
Here's how. The term is a homophobic epithet. That is how it relates to homophobia. Imagine if all the protesters were called the N word but some of the protesters were white. The N word would still be racist. Get your mind around that. If you can.
But keep using a vulgar homophobic sexual term that describes people exercising their right to protest the Government. It reveals much.
Garage wrote: "Actually the VA is a single payer system."
Garage, I know that you have a child with a chronic condition. Have you ever worked closely with a person who has a chronic condition and VA care? I worked in disability, and part of my job was to sort through the med. records of the disabled and give them some support and help. There was simply no comparison between those receiving private care and VA. VA patients saw a different doctor every time, were rushed in and out, and were treated like animals.
VA does a good job at simple things, like a broken bone or the flu. It is miserable for patients who have complex, ongoing issues.
- Lyssa
lyssalovelyredhead - Firing out comments on a blog thread isn't quite the same as carrying signs around in public, touting beliefs that you can't even spell correctly.
There's not a person here or on any blog that doesn't periodically misspell a word or create an inadvertent typo...even "The Queen" has done it on occasion.
The crux of his argument is sound, and your criticism is just another way of sucking up to your fellow wing nuts who just can't stand hearing anything they don't already believe to be so.
"russell, was your 2:45 comment satire?"
No, it wasn't.
I'm sure there are errors in my post. Blog comments are like that. C'est la vie.
I think you're giving our friend with the "feedom" sign more credit than he deserves. Especially since the sentence doesn't really scan giving the word the meaning you want to give it.
And, he's just one of many examples.
And yes, for the record, I have an adequately large set of balls.
Look, let me break it down for you another way.
Imagine you want to tell me something, something very important, and you want me to take you seriously.
But when you come to talk to me, you have a big string of snot hanging out of your nose. Or a big trail of toilet paper stuck to the bottom of your shoe.
When you talk to me, I'm not really going to hear you. I'm going to be distracted by the big string of snot, or the big trail of toilet paper.
And if you approach some of the less charitable among us that way, some of them will not only not take you seriously, they will make fun of you.
Maybe it shouldn't be that way. Maybe we should all just see through stuff like that and not let it get in the way.
But it does.
If you want to talk to someone and have them take you seriously, first wipe your nose, or take the big toilet paper streamer off of your shoe.
Or, make sure the words on the freaking sign you carry are spelled correctly.
Or not, as you wish.
But if you don't, you have no place blaming other folks for not taking you seriously.
Take responsibility for your own behavior. Isn't that a strong conservative principle?
If you want people to take you seriously, be serious. Make a tiny effort to do simple things correctly. If you can't go that far, I'm not going to take you seriously.
And the fault for that will lie with you, not me.
Compared to all of the other printed statements that appear in public on any given day.
The mathematical basis of my claim is the Flickr spread Althouse links to. A little over 120 examples of general lack of English skill. As compared to a lot less than that in pretty much any other public display I can think of.
So yeah, so many of them.
So you're claim is that because you saw 120 signs mis-spelled you'd claim that Tea Party folks can't spell....
What's your base-line for comparison?
That's my point? Go to ZombieTime, count up the mis-spellings in the Anti-War crowd and get back to me.
So NO, you DON'T have an argument....seeing 120 mis-spelling without any reference tot he total population of signs says little.
I see something more like 90-95% white, and I'm being generous.
Sadly your problem is based on "what you (want to) see."
Demographics show the Tea Party is about 12% non-white.
So we refute, right there, your claim of that makes it whiter than "average" America, but I don't know if it makes it whitre than average VOTING America.....
Well THAT'S conclusive, some teenager holding a sign. How foolish to argue with THAT.
Your arguments lack substance, but thank you for adding to what you had previously are beginning to approach adequate-i-tude.
A tea bagger's take on how the term "tea bagger" is h-o-m-p-h-o-b-i-c:
Michael - "Here's how. The term is a homophobic epithet. That is how it relates to homophobia."
No it isn't.
It just happens to be a term that refers to dropping testicles into a mouth (man or woman)...sometimes evidently with a running start, although that sounds dangerous...and there's nothing in that statement reflecting anything "homophobic."
If someone says they're going to stick their dick into someone's mouth...would you consider that to be a "homophobic epithet?"
I realize most married men can only dream of times gone past, but...women do actually allow penises to enter their mouths on occasion. (Booze or nice gifts usually plays an important part.)
And when you say: "Imagine if all the protesters were called the N word but some of the protesters were white. The N word would still be racist."
Only the blacks would consider it to be racist. The whites would consider it ridiculous. (At least the ones who even know what it means or how to spell it.)
And: "But keep using a vulgar homophobic sexual term that describes people exercising their right to protest the Government. It reveals much."
THEY picked the term, fool. Nobody (unless it was one hell of a joke via a liberal) called up this band of wing nuts and tell them they should consider using a term depicting a ball-dropping as their fucking moniker.
You're confusing making fun of these idiot's choice of their "team" name with homophobia.
And that just ain't the case, Dude.
Oh, and if they want to protest...tell 'em to vote like the rest of us.
I must say, Jeremy, that in my entire life you must be the absolute dumbest person I have ever encountered that did not have an obvious disability. If you have one I apologize, otherwise you take the cake.
Why are liberals so hung up on name-calling? They always claim they want an honest discussion, then get frustrated when they can't string together a few argumentative sentences, throw discussion out the window and call their opponents kooks or worse.
Michael - Calling me dumb isn't quite the same as providing a sound argument to refute what I said.
I'd say na-na-na and stick out my tongue, but you wouldn't be able to see it.
Polish up those nuggets and get back to your friends.
TO: Cretin @ Wonkette
RE: Heh
Simpleton white dumbfuck retards, all. -- Cretin @ Wonkette, as cited by Ann Althouse
....tell me how many advanced degrees you have, Buckie.
Show me your Mensa membership card and I'll buy you a drink and call you 'Sis'....
P.S. It's probably just 'projection' on their part in the first place....
Truth be told it is very difficult to get liberals out of their mental groove. Use the words Conservative Protest Meeting and their default state of mind is Klan Rally. I honestly don't think they can view it any other way
I honestly forgot about Wonkette. When i saw the tag I thought what ever happenned to her. She seems to have gone the way of LGF to some degree.
TO: Dick Stanley, et al.
RE: Why?
Why are liberals so hung up on name-calling? -- Dick Stanley
It's because they can't win in any 'honest' discussion/debate. So they apply the third option of the Lawyers' Rule
[1] If the Law is against you, argue the facts.
[2] If the facts are against you, argue the Law.
[3] If the Law and the facts are against you, call the other side names.
[If you can't convince them, beat them.]
A friend of mine is an actor and is a member of several casting networks.Many of the projects looking for actors are student films. The breakdown for almost every male character over 40 and Caucasian runs pretty much as follows...
"Mr.Philips...Late 50s, ex-military...aggressive , angry, racist.."
"Bartender Mike....Mid-40s , heavyset...angry, bitter , picks fight with black customer.."
"Travis...short crew-cut, former Marine in his 50s...hates gays and Latinos.."
"Rev. Hopkirk 40 - 50...fundamentalist Christian preacher who beats his daughter ..."
"Gary..drug addict and Militia early 40s...ex-Military type ...racist and misogynist.."
So the future Hollywood directors and screenwriters have a clear vision of what they believe most middle-aged white males are all about. In two years worth of roles and scripts my friend hasn't seen a single white ex-US Military member portrayed in a friendly, good-guy role. What is going on out there?
Hmmm. It's not like there's EVER been a misspelling on a LIBERAL sign...No, no, not ever. Not possible from our intellectual elite, from our betters, our rulers! *genuflecting*
But what strikes me here is that the Liberals complaining that half the country are evidently ignorant, uneducated illiterates is that they are admitting that the very liberal, liberal-designed and liberal-controlled education system has failed to teach the basics.
Should we bring up the Democrat Congresscritter who is afraid that Guam will tip over if too many people board the island? I hope it's got lifeboats!
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