१४ एप्रिल, २०१०

"New Hampshire Democrats are engaged in a statewide search for liberal activists willing to attend so-called tea parties on Thursday and carry signs expressing racist or fringe sentiment..."

Who knows the extent and organization of the Tea Party Crashers movement? Given this mystery, what should Tea Partiers do? Let's brainstorm. I'll start:

1. If any Tea Partiers feel tempted to express themselves in a manner that can help their opponents paint the movement as racist/extreme/violent, they need to resist that temptation. If they now think it's okay or humorous or something, they'd better think again. They are hurting the movement.

2. Tea Partiers should look around and listen and notice people who might be Crashers. Whether they are Crashers or actual fringe Tea Partiers, talk with them. It's good for people at these gatherings to talk to each other and be friendly anyway. It helps project the image of normality, which, I think, is the reality with most Tea Partiers. And it's nicer for everyone, and it encourages even more participation by average folks. You can also reach out to the outlier types in your own movement and help them become more mainstream. And, in the process, you have a shot at detecting the frauds. That's all good.

3. People should talk a lot — here for example — and get the message out that those who attend a Tea Parties are going to be trying to spot the Crashers. They should fear exposure. Right now, the frauds may be assuming that Tea Partiers just accept people in their group who stand around with offensive signs and yell terrible things. That makes it easier to crash. But if they think your name and face will be all over the web displaying your ugly fakery, it will take some boldness to crash.

4. ....

२३७ टिप्पण्या:

«सर्वात जुने   ‹थोडे जुने   237 पैकी 201 – 237
Chennaul म्हणाले...


Thanks for the local information.

Also what's kind of not fitting the narrative is that there are white supremacists marching in New Hampshire-if it had happened in the South where they could smear Republicans supposedly with it-that would be one thing-but in the beloved blue state area of New England-not so much coverage.

Think of poor Titus...his bubble of New England Liberal supremacy would be busted!

Steve M. Galbraith म्हणाले...

"Under an alternative scenario that drops those assumptions, the deficit at the end of 2020 would be 9% of GDP and the federal debt would balloon to more than 100% of GDP."

This is what is behind the Tea Partyers.

And for our liberal friends, the consequences of this debt - a devalued dollar, higher interest rates - will hurt the poor more than the rich.

If you're really interested in helping low income people - and I think you do - addressing this debt burden is essential.

Chennaul म्हणाले...

And, these intertubes don't actually use "ink," old-timer.

Dude! LOL!

I think we both sound a lot younger online-I just always imagined you under thirty-I'm just sayin'.


Ya attacked with what? Tea bags and sympathy?

Chennaul म्हणाले...


Such violent language tsk, tsk-

And even blogger is telling me to "reload".

Oh the humanity!!1!

bagoh20 म्हणाले...

Carter's fault, Reagan blamed who, all Bush's fault; none of that makes Obama's policy better or worse for the future. It must stand on it's own and that means long term.

The numbers and the philosophy itself both weaken the private sector and discourage entrepreneurship and business expansion while further destroying the global competitiveness of the U.S.. That's what matters to us today and to us tomorrow. There will be economic upticks and reversals. Each cycle ratcheting up the dependence and down the strength of Americans as government attempts to fix the temporary problem with a long term one.

This did not start with Obama, but he broke out with the biggest ratchet in history and it must be returned to the dust bin of history along with all the high speed socialist attempts that never last more than a few generations without attaining insolvency. This cycle is getting shorter every time. This will be one of the fastest to date. The U.S. is one of the few if not the only industrial society moving away from privatization. Those who have been socialist are now moving to the right and ahead of us on the wave of the future: free enterprise.

paul a'barge म्हणाले...

People should talk a lot...

That's what the British said to American revolutionaries back in the late 1700's.

Dustin म्हणाले...

And on and on and on..."

Alphaliberal, I think that really describes your comment well. You go on and on, claiming I rewrote history, but you don't actually say anything that relates to the points I made. You quote a lot of stuff that isn't related to what I said and doesn't contradict me.

It's strange, except if you know you're wrong and think you need to win anyway. Why would you need to win if you think you're wrong? If you don't think you're wrong, why not rebut the actual points I've made?

Is this really that difficult to understand? You could even just ignore me, if you don't think you have the chops to debate me. I don't mind.

Dustin म्हणाले...

Cherrits camily, you say they are poorly informed by quoting someone accurately pointing out that Obama has failed to find a church after a year.

And we're talking about someone who ran on his religiosity and proclaimed he was a 20 year devout member of a church.

I think there's no basis to claim Obama's muslim, but his church was extremely kooky and he has dropped it like a bad habit for some reason. There's plenty of reason to criticize him as strange because of his horrible membership at that disgusting church.

It's completely legitimate. The church Obama had his kids brainwashed at is antisemitic and pleased 9/11 occurred and thinks the CIA invented AIDS.

And of course, if Obama were a Republican, you would completely agree this is legitimate. Far less kooky and not even true 'facts' about Palin's religion are batted around quite a bit.

GMay म्हणाले...

I guess Betalib or garage or whichever dipshit was telling us how rosy the economic outlook was needs to tell Bernanke he's not getting the right memos.

Unknown म्हणाले...

And as far as Palin's religion, the facts are on the record. She's got a sketchy relationship with religion and surely with the 10 commandments and the education of her children thereof and the comportment of her family thereby. Palin is a sad case and this half term governor doesn't deserve to be part of our national discourse. She just doesn't. Keep the values if you choose, I's applaud you, but lose Palin, please, oh please.

Unknown म्हणाले...

Woops, there was much more to that post before the Palin "ps". It was somehow lost in the posting. sorry

former law student म्हणाले...

'MODESTO, Calif. -- Vacant storefronts, abandoned homes and shuttered schools tell the story of the economy in the Northern San Joaquin Valley: This is the new normal.

Sad indeed to look at the wreckage of W's "Ownership Society." There are no employment centers in Modesto other than Gallo. People with jobs in the Bay Area bought houses in Modesto during the bubble so that they could enjoy The American Dream. The bubble burst; the recession came; the ARMs reset; Toyota decided to quit making Corrodas and Tundras in Fremont, and there you are.

KCFleming म्हणाले...

And Obama's making damned sure it never ever improves again.

Heckuva job, Barry!

richard mcenroe म्हणाले...

"Nobody can Moby your vote."

"I'll take that bet," -- Washington Secretary of State.

TANSTAAFL म्हणाले...

" I wonder if that covers those who can not spell America?"

Another reactionary leftist ploy.

TANSTAAFL म्हणाले...

"Reagan blamed Carter for bad economy."




TANSTAAFL म्हणाले...

"There are no employment centers in Modesto other than Gallo. People with jobs in the Bay Area bought houses in Modesto during the bubble so that they could enjoy The American Dream."

Democrats run California.

Jared Rhoads म्हणाले...

FYI, I have posted some photos of Tea Party crashers from today's (April 14, 2010) event in Boston, MA.

See: http://lucidicus.org/editorials.php?nav=20100414a

Tim Shell म्हणाले...

Get a big sign that reads:

NARC -->

and then stand next to the crasher with the arrow pointing at him, and take pictures.

अनामित म्हणाले...

OOOOh, AlphaLiberal, you seem rather panicky today. The scent of flop sweat is in the air. Tea Partiers got you down? Pobrecito.

No one, not even the bigots in the media, can seem to rid you of that troublesome Tea Party. Those people just won't sit down and shut up, will they?

And you've tried everything, including shrieking "raaaaacist!" just as loud as you possibly can.

The more you shriek "raaaaacist!" the more people empathize with the Tea Partiers and not with your Inquisition.

You're kind of like the "good" people of Salem circa 1692, screaming "wiiiitch!" at anyone you didn't like.

Only this time, you can't seem to get a proper prosecution and show trial going. I guess trial by "fake but accurate" reporting in your pet MSM will have to do.

It's just that, like the government which prints money to stave off financial disaster, the constant cry of "raaaaacist!" is diluting the value of the currency to the point that it's nearing complete worthlessness.

sigh... it's not easy being a leftist stooge trying to curry favour with the current regime, is it?

Van Halen म्हणाले...

Wow, the Libs trolling on this page are giving us some real insight as to how absolutely terrified they are of the TEA party movement. And they should be, because they know Teleprompter Jesus up in the White House is screwing things up way too much and people, even Liberals are getting pissed at him.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Sure is easy to spot the ones posting remarks here that no longer feel shame when they look in the mirror. Zachary Paul Sire, you may already be dead inside and not know it!

DaveS म्हणाले...

Someone setup "LeftWingBigots.com" with a brief bit of background and post any pictures of racist/nutjob imagery from TPs on that site. Make 'em famous for holding up racist material.

These people basically handed the tea party a potent weapon... they now OWN any remotely-racist imagery that shows up.

Greg Moon म्हणाले...

The Seattle organizers have been coordinating closely with the Seattle Police to keep an eye on trouble makers, and to keep things civilized.

Charlie Martin म्हणाले...

Hey, how about that crazy racist Governor of Virginia? Now he wants a writing test for felons to get their voting franchise back after paying their die to society.

You know, I'm not quite getting this. Are you saying that blacks aren't capable of learning to read and write, and thus a literacy test is racist?

Who's supposed to be the racist again?

Charlie Martin म्हणाले...

In any case, the New Hampshire story isn't the only example; AP has reported it, and Crash the Tea Party web sites and facebook pages are easily found. (Google it, I'll be damned if I'll link them.)

In the mean time, though, whatever the motivation is, racist, sexist, or homophic signs, or signs comparing Obama to Hitler, aren't any more acceptable now than it was acceptable when Bush was president. If you see anything of the sort, send pictures to us at tpcrashers@pjtv.com for immediate admission to the Hall of Shame.

If some of those shamed happen to be liberals who just give the appearance of being racists, well, then all they have to do to avoid it is not carry those signs.

अनामित म्हणाले...

Take and post photos of all people with racist signs. Then when it turns out those people are Democrat activists, attach their names to those photos, and post them everywhere. Let everyone know what a racist pig that person is.

Michael म्हणाले...

I suggest out-Alinskying the Alinskyites: isolate and marginalize. If you see someone who is offensively fringe or a likely crasher, and positive engagement/conversation does not, as Ann suggests, help move them toward the mainstream or otherwise dissuade them, try the following. Form a wide (10 feet diameter or larger) shoulder-to-shoulder circle around the offending individual with your backs to him/her and arms crossed in disapproval. Isolate and marginalize. The "optics" of such a peaceful group repudiation of the fringe/crasher's message will be unmistakable and very difficult to spin as anything other than disapproval by the media or other Tea Party opponents. Call it the "Circle of Disapproval".

Revenant म्हणाले...

Hey, how about that crazy racist Governor of Virginia? Now he wants a writing test for felons to get their voting franchise back after paying their die to society.

"Stupid" isn't a race, Alpha.

rodc1128 म्हणाले...

In addition to politely asking the crashers and/or radical attendees to either stop or leave, I would video tape (or ask someone nearby to video tape)the very low key and polite request to stop their rude behaviour.

Afterwards, when the Tea Party is accused of being racist and radical these videos can be played in the media or on You Tube for all to see.

Arturius म्हणाले...

That's why returning to bush economic policies would be disastrous for our nation.

It would have been better for the nation if Bush had an economic policy other than spending a lot of money that we didn't have which seems to be the same policy the current President is following.

setnaffa म्हणाले...

"Teabaggers"? The left is still using that homophobic term?

Maybe that--and the repugnant idea of spreading racial hatred and division (under the guise of discrediting the tax protestors) should buy a vowel or two for people of good will who don't happen to enjoy mocking gays or people of color...

The Left is not Liberal any more. It's turning into a bunch of Nazis...

peggy38 म्हणाले...

Here is another idea.

Make at least one sign that says something like "The Tea Party welcomes diversity" or "Everyone is welcome at the Tea Party." Or "I don't hate anyone." or "I believe in the vote, not violence." something like that. And then stand around or in front of a Crasher or your garden variety nut case with an offensive sign, esp if someone is taking pictures.

paul a'barge म्हणाले...

Planning on attaching my Tea Party sign to a baseball bat at the demonstration.

Look for my sign, lefties.

Mambo Bananapatch म्हणाले...

> AlphaLiberal, to start why so angry? Seriously, relax or you might have a heart attack or something. Need to try to calm down and watch the old blood pressure. Second, why do you insist on using a derogatory gay sex term to describe people you have a political disagreement with?

What d'you expect from a pig but a grunt?

Methadras म्हणाले...

Alpha, there is only two things that one can surmise from your insipid contribution to this thread:

1) TP'ers are racists.

2) You don't like TP'ers regardless if they are racist or not.

This is the culmination of your argument, which in this case is none at all. Your vapid insecurities against The Tea Party and TP'ers is a classic example of your inherent fear of not only the people but of the message against the ideology that you ascribe to, which is government involvement in all aspects of daily American life. You clearly are a proponent of such atrocious Marxist policies and you are now railing against TP'ers who diametrically oppose that view. So you've been shrillingly letting all of us know how opposed you are to the TP movement. Well, that's great. Keep it going at least it doesn't take all that much to see what your threshold against fear is.

By the way, everything you are saying is to be taken with a grain of salt, not because it doesn't have any value, but because it is most likely a fabrication. You are a known liar and you've been called out on it many times here. Since you have no shame in promoting fictions and lies, I have zero problem telling everyone here what you are.

jimspice म्हणाले...

"...derogatory gay sex term..."

The term is not exclusive to homosexuals, and is not inherently derogatory. And I believe it was first used by tea partiers themselves before they learned the street meaning.

«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने   237 पैकी 201 – 237   नवीन› नवीनतम»