April 13, 2010

Elvis and Adam Lambert.

Oh, there was so much potential for extravagant self-indulgence. But in the end, they were pretty much on the same level. And 2 must go this week. So everyone's at risk, and no one can be saved. Angsty!

IN THE COMMENTS: Lyssa says: "What I couldn't believe was that nobody, not even Randy, commented on Siobhan's 'sexy Elvis' Halloween costume."

Ha ha ha. Stray thought: When are they going to have Lou Reed night?


traditionalguy said...
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MadisonMan said...

I couldn't watch -- alas -- but saw the wrap-up, and Andrew was awful awful awful in the wrap-up. If he was that bad as a performer, then please let Andrew go home.

al said...

Andrew was terrible. Should have gone home last week. I don't think he would have been saved.

My pick for the bottom 3 this week - Andrew, Siobhan, and Aaron with Andrew and Siobhan going home.

MadisonMan said...

I have been worried about Siobhan for a week or two, that she might be the surprise early exit -- there's always at least one a season.

If I had my way, Andrew and Big Mike would go home, but apparently Big Mike was okay last night, so my friends have told me. Aaron or Katie leaving would be fine too.

Anonymous said...

What I couldn't believe was that nobody, not even Randy, commented on Siobhan's "sexy Elvis" Halloween costume.

- Lyssa

A.W. said...

mmm, i think for a singing competition, Elvis' catalogue is pretty thin gruel. i mean elvis was more known for performance, dancing, swagger, etc. than singing. there are a couple where elvis has pretty good vocals, but not enough to keep no one from singing blue suede shoes, which is such a tossaway song its hard NOT to sound kareyoke (sp?), singing it.

That being said, I will say this. When I saw lambert was the mentor, i thought, "what?" i mean if he has released any singles i haven't heard of it (but then i live in the D.C. area where all the radio stations suck). But, by the end of the evening, I was convinced that he was having a really positive influence. And to me that is more important than whether the person has a big career in music or not.

Trooper York said...

I can't believe that you didn't front page the funniest one liner ever spoken on American Idol.

When Seacrest told Adam Lambert "I don't have a talented tongue like you."

Sharpen up.

Trooper York said...

Siobhan shut up the judges when she told them that she doesn't have to be in a box.

They need to get over themselves. Especailly Kara.

Trooper York said...

American Idol is over as we know it since Ricky Minor the band leader just signed to do the Tonight show with Jay Leno. He is a huge part of the show and with Simon leaving it will be very different next year.

I think they really miss Paula big time.

Trooper York said...

If they name some shithead like Howard Stern to replace Simon as a judge I just hope that the Republicans fillibuster. I mean America has to get it's priorities straight. Who gives a shit about the Supreme Court when American Idol is at stake. Jeeez.

Trooper York said...

Hey Andrew had a tough time but he is really rocking that Philipino Lesbian look so maybe Ellen can rally her troops and he can hang on.

I think he is out along with Aaron Kelly. At least I hope that is what happens.

MadisonMan said...

American Idol is over as we know it since Ricky Minor the band leader just signed to do the Tonight show with Jay Leno.

Total agreement. He is so good. I don't want to say irreplaceble, but they'll have to work very hard to find someone as grand.

Ann Althouse said...

Aaron is a favorite here at Meadhouse. I'm afraid he's in trouble.

Mike, I think was good. Tim was good. I actually enjoyed those 2.

The women should all be safe. Casey should be safe.

I'd say Andrew is going, along with Lee. Or maybe Aaron.