March 5, 2010

"Men are intimidated by me."

"My friends say, 'You have to find someone more famous and successful than you, or someone who's so happy with their own life they can handle the attention you get.' I want to be worshipped and adored, but then again I also love to be ignored. Hurgh! It’s the same old, same old."

Let me second that: Hurgh!


The Drill SGT said...

I opened the link thinking it was Mo Dowd

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

Um, looking at imdb, I haven't seen any movie she's been in. I recognize a few, including one that Roger Ebert walked out on that is famous for one thing.

"Hurgh," indeed.

traditionalguy said...

She probably wants the men to be intimidated by her. I suspect that she is far from wanting a home and family. When she wants a man to stick around after the sex is over, she can always try out being nice to them and see if they will stay. But that would be "Settling for one man"...Hurgh!

Irene said...

Smart cookie.

She is brilliant in Big Love.

She is so good in that role, that I've come to think of her as that character from Juniper Creek. When I see her out of that character, it is somewhat of a shock. For example, the photos at the link made me think, "Gee, why is this nice Mormon girl slutting it up?"

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

She took a big risk some years ago in a movie scene that I think will follow her for the rest of her career.

rhhardin said...

Sound judgment differs from intimidation.

Men make a judgment of how likely she is to be satisfied with them.

Not likely, they think, judging from her personality.

Having judged she'd be a long day, they move on.

Let her find somebody more desperate.

Christopher in MA said...

Chloe Sevigny? The girl who played Jake Gyllenhall's girlfriend / wife in "Zodiac?"

Elvis H. Presley on a pogo stick, any man (and I use the term loosely) intimidated by that mousy, washed-out, third-generation photocopy of Eve Plumb would probably dissolve into a puddle of translucent goo just by looking sideways at a picture of Bette Davis.

John said...

Never heard of her, then I don't go to the movies all that oftern.

Daniel Fielding said...

Her attitude- nothing a good hard slap across the face (like that Romanian cop), or a hard punch to the stomach wont cure in a jiffy.

Martha said...

Lem said...
She took a big risk some years ago in a movie scene that I think will follow her for the rest of her career.

Oh you must be referring to Brown Bunny--the movie in which Chloe crossed the boundary from actress to porn star.

SteveR said...

Never heard of her either. I agree with rhhardin, who needs that? Men who can get good looking women have plenty of choices and they may stick around long enough to stick it in, but intimidated? Not impressed probably.

TMink said...

I am always suspicious of people who say that they are too intimidating or too successful or too beautiful to find someone to date.

And I wonder how many decent guys date women who have performed sex acts on the screen? That is either a big plus for some guys, or a likely deal breaker for more.


Joan said...

If "hurgh" means "psychic vomit", yeah, me too.

I think Sevigny's great on Big Love, although I haven't watched the last season - but I can't imagine anyone wanting to spend any time with her if they weren't getting paid to do so.

Trooper York said...

I was on a plane to Vegas a couple of years ago when we were both flying first class. (Hey I used all my airlines mile to upgrade)

Anyway she was totally high and hitting on one of the Knicks rookies who was flying out to the summer league. I kept pretending to sneeze and going real loud "BBBROOOWWNNN BBBBUNNNNYYY"

She kept turning around but she didn't know it was me.

Trooper York said...

Of course she was a lot cooler than Robert Patrick on the return flight. He was sitting across from me and I leaned over to him and said "Where is Sarah Conner?"

He leaned forward. Looked very serious. Beckoned to me to lean forward. And said "Fuck off."

Trooper York said...

On second thought. That was cooler.

Trooper York said...

Chloe Sevigny was great in the best movie ever made about what it is like hanging out in a neighborhood bar. "Trees Lounge" which was written and directed by Steve Buscemi. It is the real deal. All the boredom and crazyness and weird situations you get into are prefectly realized.

Once written, twice... said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Once written, twice... said...

At least Chloe Sevigny is young, thin, pretty and famous.

Ann, what is your excuse?

Trooper York said...

She plays a young girl who is really into Steve's character who is a loser but who is very popular at the bar. Lots of great character actors like Carol Kane, Debi Mazer and the dude who plays Bobby on Sons of Anarchy.

Trooper York said...

The scene where Steve and the Bobby dude hang out with the two young chicks and it gets weird is the perfect description of what happens when you are drinking too much and are in a weird situation.

It rings true man. It rings true.

Anonymous said...

"I opened the link thinking it was Mo Dowd."

Drill Sgt., I thought the same thing!

Mean women like her always think, well, I won't be mean to my boyfriend, so why don't you want to be my boyfriend! But they will be. They're just plain mean.

Trooper York said...

There is one scene where this old drunk guy who was always spouting nonsense didn't show up at the bar. They were all freaked out because he was there every day in the same seat ordering the same drinks until he staggered out at closing time. When he stopped showing out they were freaked. They wouldn't let anybody sit in his seat. But nobody had his real name or a number to call or a way to get in touch with him as I recall. He was there but he wasn't really there.


Unknown said...


You must be joking.

traditionalguy said...

Coffey guy...I would trade you one Ann Althouse celebrity card for ten of Chloe what's her name's cards, but that would not be a fair to me. Women are judged by their minds and their fun personalities more than by their thin body types. Thin women are a synonym for weak and helpless women. You can have all of those types, and I will stick with a strong woman any day.

former law student said...

She took a big risk some years ago in a movie scene that I think will follow her for the rest of her career.

But that won't be that long. Most leading actresses' careers end while they're in their early 40s. Unless they're making movies about how older chicks can still attract men. But most likely her career will be over in five years or so.

Unless she becomes a character actress like Alice Ghostley, Nancy Kulp, or the woman who played the maid in The Brady Bunch.

Ann Althouse said...

"Gee, why is this nice Mormon girl slutting it up?"

Nicki is not nice.


She's great on "Big Love." In the movies, she's been in some very weird stuff. I've only seen 2 of her movies, "Boys Don't Cry" and "Melinda and Melinda."

Trooper York said...

Well with her very skinny body type she will have a long career playing the sex-crazed drug addled mom's of major characters in sitcoms who hit on the unsuspecting husbands.
Like Annie Potts who did that same character in "Men in Trees", "2 and a Half Men" and a couple other shows with men in the title I think.

Trooper York said...

Or she can just settle for doing Dyson Vacum cleaner commercials.

Trooper York said...

You know like Joey Heatherton did for Serta.

Trooper York said...

Why don't they wear skin tight pants suits like that anymore.

I miss Lola Falana.

She was a showgirl you know.

Julie C said...

She's got great legs, I'll say that for her. She's a favorite of the Fug Girls due to her bizarre outfits. Does she fit the "homely actress who may play a beautiful woman on screen" Althouse category (of a few days ago)? I haven't seen her in any movies, athough I did see Zodiac and have no memory of her in it.

She's great in Big Love, that's for sure. But she's very homely-looking in it, due to the patterned Mormon dresses. Seriously, men are intimated by her incredible career, talent, success, etc? She's reading too much of her own publicity. Brangelina she ain't.

MayBee said...

I always assumed she was a lesbian.

Trooper York said...
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Trooper York said...

She sure as hell ain't no Lola Falana!

Tank said...

Admit, never heard of her.

Me out of loop.

Her comments led me to this thought: Lotta girls on the girl tree. Why put up with that?

Trooper York said...

Here's Steve Buscemi showing the typical drunken nonsense that passes for wit at the bar!

Triangle Man said...

"Men are intimidated by me" may be true for a subset of women who say that. For Chloe, however, this is just what she tells herself instead of accepting that men just don't like her.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the trenchant reminder as to the literal meaning of "insufferable."

Anonymous said...
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Trooper York said...

Talking about trailers how about the trailer from Trees lounge with a young Chloey"

Roger J. said...

Drill and others--indeed I though of the MoDo herself--alas not so

So who is the chloe chick? never heard of her

And coffee guy--you probably have no conception of the difference between women and girls--but keep trying.

traditionalguy said...

Perhaps the angst in Chloe springs from men wising up that she only wants to use them for a one night stand. The less experienced men would fall for her considerable "I am available" seductiveness. The men she is meeting lately may be smart enough not to harm themselves with that. Life is a bitch and then people discover that you are one. Hurgh!

victoria said...

Thank you, Ann. I was wondering if anyone who really watched Big Love knew that Nikki is just a horrible person, that is why we all love her. Chloe is just perfect in the role, now I understand this may not be much of a stretch for her. Hmmm.

Vicki from Pasadena

Irene said...

"nice girl" = tongue-in-cheek.

Freeman Hunt said...

Grace Kelly married. Before that she was pursued by many men.

See rhhardin's 10:31.

William said...

I know who she is, but I never bothered to form an opinion one way or another. Perhaps that's why she's not a star. At least the writer cared enough about her to be repelled by her. I don't have an opinion on Jaime Pressly either, but I would much rather be intimidated by her.

jayne_cobb said...

I had no idea who she was before this, and having read through these comments and the article I am still in the dark.

Trooper York said...

Cookie it is not obessive. It is just that I love that movie and I want everyone to get it on Netflicks.

You know like the way you feel about "Reds"

DADvocate said...

Never hear of her, but it's definitely the same old, same old.

The Crack Emcee said...

"I want to be worshipped,...."

I think I see the problem with this lady already.

"Good luck with that" is The Macho Response.

EHF said...

"Men are intimidated by me."

Yet quite a few are apparently having no problem getting into her pants, since her sex life is so great. Getting screwed and loving it. What a twit.

Christopher in MA said...

Freeman Hunt said - "Grace Kelly married. Before that, she was pursued by many men."

Der Bingle and Marlon Brando being two of the men who got to shtup her before Prince Rainier transformed the former bug spray model who couldn't keep her legs closed into Her Serene Highness.

BTW, FLS - you're thinking of Ann B. Davis. She was a great foil to Doris Day in "Lover Come Back." (or was it "Pillow Talk?" I always confuse the two)

wv - "folomino." The call of an Italian general leading his troops into battle.

Tank said...

I've got no info on Grace Kelly's sex life, but I can see with my own eyes that Chloe is no Grace Kelly, not by a long shot.

Tank said...

Then again, I'm no Marlon Brando.

Although, at my age, he was a fat pig, and I'm not.

Joe said...

Grace Kelly married. Before that, she was pursued by many men.

Word is that she was a nymphomaniac and screwed just about every man in Hollywood.

As for Chloe Sevigny; I agree with the comments that she a great actress and a total ditz.

Ann Althouse said...

""I want to be worshipped,...." I think I see the problem with this lady already. "Good luck with that" is The Macho Response."

I strongly disagree. That may be "The Macho Response," but it is *not* the macho response. The macho response is to see the opening in the paradox of wanting both to be worshipped and to be ignored. Weak men are frightened off, and the real man is the one who can solve that puzzle and get to her. Do not be an ordinary man who gives up in the presence of a strong, complicated woman. She's not really saying you must worship her. She's posing a riddle to screen out the lesser men.

William said...

There was a recent Vanity Fair article about Grace Kelly. According to the article, the rumours about her having love affairs with all her leading men were untrue. She was reasonably well behaved and had only a few affairs before marriage. I was diappointed to read it. It gave another dimension to the perfection of her beauty to think that a needy slut lurked just beneath the vestal robes. For all we know, maybe some studio publicist encouraged the rumours.

William said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

I do admit to being obessed by
Joey Heatherton!

(Not safe for work.)

Methadras said...

Really honey? Two words: Brown Bunny.

NotWhoIUsedtoBe said...

All right, Trooper. I'll have "Trees Lounge" tomorrow.

It better not suck.

Trooper York said...

Oh yeah. And Stella Stevens!

How far we have fallen. We used to have Stella Stevens and Angie Dickensen and Elizabeth Montgomery and Barbara Eden and now we have to make do with the likes of Chloey Sevigny and Chloey Kardashian!

What a gyp!

Trooper York said...

John just realize it is a character study. Not the typical movie I like with nude babes and exploding aliens. But it is so spot on about bar life that if you never hung out in one you won't have missed anything if you see this movie.

But that is the far as I can go in a review. For a more educated view you have to talk to blake or rc.

Calypso Facto said...

@ Joe "actress and total ditz"

Which means of course her incisive political views must represent all of America in the press: "everybody around the world is really enthusiastic about President Obama and America's kind of feeling a resurgence and joy and celebrating ourselves again, so I think it's a nice thing"

wv = humse. A doozy of a hummer? See also, Brown Bunny.

Trooper York said...

Why not do a double feature with Stella and the great Dean Martin in the Silencers?

Talk about your Macho Response!!1

DBrooks17 said...

"How far we have fallen. We used to have Stella Stevens and Angie Dickensen and Elizabeth Montgomery and Barbara Eden and now we have to make do with the likes of Chloey Sevigny and Chloey Kardashian!"

To paraphrase Mort Sahl--"What's that tell us? Darwin was wrong."

Although, his joke was a comparision of the Founding Fathers to that year's current crop of National Government "Officials"--still rings true today.

Joan said...

She's not really saying you must worship her. She's posing a riddle to screen out the lesser men.


Rialby said...

Ah yes, Brown Bunny where she went home with a full tummy.

Yeah, men are totally intimidated by you. Because of all the attention you get. Uh huh.

Penny said...

Good to know that the men who get past her "intimidation factor" can share in her rampant sex life.

I have no clue who she is, but all in all, not such a bad sales pitch.

Trooper York said...

I mean once you have seen the bewitching Elizabeth Montgomery how can you accept a frozen faced anorexic mess like Nicole Kidman for crying out loud!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eric said...

I don't get this whole "intimidated" thing. I'm intimidated by the steroid freak bouncing at the local bar. I'm intimidated by, you know, mafia guys and big dogs. Who's intimidated by a 98 pound semi-famous actress?

Is "intimidated" really a simile for "don't want to stick around after the sex"? This reminds me of women who get together at Starbucks and tell each other they're not married because men are afraid of commitment. No, we're not afraid of commitment. We just don't want to commit to you.

bagoh20 said...

"You have to find someone more famous and successful than you, or someone who's so happy with their own life they can handle the attention you get."

So that's my problem and why Jesus never married either. I feel good about both of us.

traditionalguy said...

So the Professor wants to be pursued as a complicated woman. Guess what, all women are complicated. The interested man's best bet to be there for the duration is to let her work out her own problems while offering her a diet of romance and respect for her intelligence in equal servings. Sooner or later Miss Complexity will figure out her own answers to plans to solve every complexity in her life, and then she will help the guy to enjoy a season of romance and love with her for being such a patient sweetheart. But Chloe seems to be of a far less complicated breed.

Chennaul said...


Could really mean


PMS, Menopause.

or rudderless.

When you call yourself complicated-you're preemptively excusing your behavior.

Basically you're looking for the guy messed up enough to sign off on that deal.

Fun! [Hurl.]

Titus said...

I want some breasts on this blog and I want them now.

Also, AllenS makes me a little horny.

Titus said...

I do think she is totally hot though. She has a big mole on her nipple-you see it in Boys Don't Cry.

Fab style. So thin and gorgeous.

Trooper York said...

You want intimidating?

How about Kitten with a Whip!

Totally safe for work.

Chennaul said...

Hell it sounds like Obama.

Always makes me think of that Katie Perry song:

You change your mind
Like a girl changes clothes
Yeah you, PMS
Like a bitch
I would know

And you over think
Always speak

I should know
That you're no good for me

Ann Althouse said...

"So the Professor wants to be pursued as a complicated woman."

No. Not anymore.


And has a man ever complained about a blow job as much as Theo? Really!

Chennaul said...

And has a man ever complained about a blow job as much as Theo? Really!.


Look his specialty is the woodwind...

Trooper York said...

How to win friends and influence people. Hee.

traditionalguy said...

Timing is everything.

Chennaul said...

Well ya, now that you've been to MeadeCamp.

Five miles of cross country, followed by only half a cheeseburger and then whatever he's making you do with that ball.

Chennaul said...

I'm out.


Trooper York said...

In fairness to Theo, someone else
complained a lot more about a blowjob!

But who wants to fair at this joint anyway!

The Crack Emcee said...

'She's not really saying you must worship her. She's posing a riddle to screen out the lesser men."

Oh, I get it. You mean like this:

President Obama meets with the Queen of England. He asks her, "Your Majesty, how do you run such an efficient government? Are there any tips you can give to me?"

"Well," says the Queen, "the most important thing is to surround yourself with intelligent people."

Obama frowns. "But how do I know the people around me are really intelligent?"

The Queen takes a sip of tea. "Oh, that's easy. You just ask them to answer an intelligence riddle." The Queen pushes a button on her intercom. "Please send Tony Blair in here, would you?"

Tony Blair walks into the room. "Yes, my Queen?"

The Queen smiles. "Answer me this, please, Tony. Your mother and father have a child. It is not your brother and it is not your sister. Who is it?" Without pausing for a moment, Tony Blair answers, "That would be me."

"Yes! Very good," says the Queen.

Back in the White House, President Obama asks to speak with the Vice President Joe Biden. "Answer this for me. Your mother and your Father have a child. It's not your brother and it's not your sister. Who is it?"

"I'm not sure," says Joe. "Let me get back to you on that one." Joe goes to his advisers and asks everyone, but none can give him an answer. Joe sees former President George Bush and took the opportunity to make him look stupid.

Joe looks around to see if anyone can overhear them, and he whispers, "George, can you answer this for me? Your mother and father have a child and it's not your brother or your sister. Who is it?"

George whispers back, "That's easy. It's me" Joe smiles and says "Thanks!"

Joe goes back to the White house to speak with President Obama. "I have the answer to that riddle. It's George Bush."

Obama gets up and angrily yells into his face, "No, you idiot! It's Tony Blair!"

Note to Ann: real men don't have time for self-glorifying mental problems.

That's The Macho Response .

Joe said...

The Vanity Fair article on Grace Kelly was written by a known Grace apologist. I ended up at it through a link of a Hollywood insider type who didn't buy into the meme of Grace Kelly as nymphomaniac. That person pointed out that the author of the VF article completely avoided several known facts, including statements by Grace Kelly herself. (The VF writer also used a lot of third party hearsay and avoided several eyewitness/contemporary accounts.) I stand by the meme that Grace Kelly was a slut (and am devastated that I'm not old enough to have worked on movies with her.)

The Crack Emcee said...

And please, oh please, don't get me started on the perils of bad blowjobs.

There is nothing - absolutely nothing - worse in the world.

Except, maybe, flabby asses. I can't stand a flabby ass.

Once written, twice... said...

"flabby asses"

Please! Lets not make this another post about Ann!

Trooper York said...

Hey do you think coffee guy is a barista in Madison where they go and split one mocha java and "leave a big tip?"

Just sayn'


rcocean said...

Regarding Grace Kelly, LOTS of people desperately WANT to believe Kelly was some kind of bed-hopping slut. Lack of proof doesn't seem to matter. And they get really worked up about it.

Don't understand why - maybe they're still mad about Judy's Oscar.

From what I've read she slept with Gable, Cooper, Milland. Not much of a list.

Trooper York said...

And one more thing. As much as I might hate to disagree with my brothers Theo and the Crack Emcee, I have to say even a really bad blow job is still....well pretty awesome.

Just sayn'

The Crack Emcee said...

(Brother-man) Trooper,

I said don't go there, because then I'll be compelled to,, just don't do it.

Freeman Hunt said...

My point about mentioning Grace Kelly is that it's hard to think of anyone who was more beautiful and successful for her age in Sevigny's industry.

And yet, it does not seem that men were intimidated.

You can be an incredibly intimidating woman, and yet, you'll not hurt for dates. It's not intimidation that's working against you, it's something else.

As far as people calling Kelly a slut, give me a break. Sheesh. I think some people, including plenty of men, can't look at a beautiful woman without wanting to tear her down.

Freeman Hunt said...

On second thought, plenty of people can't look at a homely woman without wanting to tear her down either. It's a woman thing. Something about women makes people speculate in a particularly vicious way.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ann Althouse said...

"Note to Ann: real men don't have time for self-glorifying mental problems."

Or bad blow jobs?

Titus said...

She is so Euro...and I love it.

Loved her in Party Monster.

Last Days of Disco tour de force.

Rarely does interviews-totally cool and mysterious.

What all young girls and women of all ages should aspire to. A total package.

Eric said...

"Note to Ann: real men don't have time for self-glorifying mental problems."

Or bad blow jobs?

I'm with Trooper. A bad BJ is better than no BJ. And besides, a man is apt to get the same response he gets for everything else when he complains: "Fine. Do it yourself."

Titus said...

She shows her breasts in movies too and I really like that.

I think she has done movies where she has showed her beave as well and that is even better.

knox said...

he plays a young girl who is really into Steve's character who is a loser but who is very popular at the bar.

Oh, so it's like Sideways, another movie a lot of men adore. Ugly, often fat, loser guy magically enchants woman. For further examples, see various Jud Apatow movies.

Meade said...

Worshipped, adored,
loved, and ignored

done by a master.

Titus said...

I have to disagree regarding the blowjob. A bad blowjob can be very uncomfortable.

It can be boring and sooner rather than later you will have to take their head off the hog and jerk it yourself. It can prove demeaning to the blower and time consuming for you. A maximum of 10 seconds will allow you to determine if the blow job is a good one or a bad one.

Don't start giving directions to the header in hopes that things will get better. It won't. Just take things in your own hands. I am an awful cock sucker.

knox said...

As far as people calling Kelly a slut, give me a break. Sheesh.

Yes. It's all about "envy" -- for men, of the guys who wooed her. For women, her success and beauty. Or her success because of her beauty.

knox said...

... just to be clear, I think she was a fine actress, and there are several of her movies I really love. But a good deal of her success could also fairly be attributed to her beauty.

Titus said...

Now that I am married I am totally over sex.

I am seeing him tonight and I am dreading having sex. Isn't that awful?

The Crack Emcee said...

See, Troop, now you've gone and done it.


"Note to Ann: real men don't have time for self-glorifying mental problems.

Or bad blow jobs?"

Stop. Staring. At. Me.


Titus said...

I don't like having my head pushed down on a hog either. It is totally degrading.

I don't do anal either. I am really a total bore in bed. I don't even cum anymore and I only jerky jerky like once every couple weeks.

I want a Plazaburger and cheesecurds. Instead I am going to being having vegan shit tonight. I am over the food big time too.

Titus said...

The sex talk with Althouse gets all the straighties here horny, I can tell. Pervs.

Trooper York said...

Just so you know, the plot of Trees Lounge is about how a young girl wants to piss off her father by dating a totally inappropriate older loser guy. You know that never happens in real life right? Steve Buscemi's life in that movie is not any man's fantasy.

former law student said...

titus -- are you on medication?

a lot of pills people take depress their libido.

Meade said...


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

Trooper York said...

I will be happy to concede that the Jud Apatow movies are really fantasy wish fulfillment with no basis in reality much like any movie that features Sarah Jessica Horseface as a beautiful and sexy woman.

Unless of course she is as rumored going to play the love interest in the Seattle Slew bio-pic.

I will give her that one.

William said...

I sense that the women here do not realize how the meaning of the word "slut" has morphed into a term of endearment. Feminists claim that since men can brag about their sexual voracity, women should be allowed the same freedom. Such liberated women use the word "slut" in the same serio-ironic way that gays use "faggot" and blacks use the n-word. I also meant no disrespect when I called Grace Kelly a slut. Sluttiness implies a dimension other than propriety and respectability. If for all her regal beauty, she knew some trailer park moves, then more power to her. I'm grateful to Joe for restoring her reputation. Grace Kelly is a lot more interesting as a slut than as a prig.......Also thanks to Theo for posting such an accomplished performer. It is very rare that such a brassy blonde takes the trouble to hit all the right notes instead of just getting by on her looks.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trooper York said...

Hey I have a really cool video I can post with Seka that is right on point, but I know it would be deleted by the blog administrator.

rcocean said...

"inappropriate older loser guy"

You called?

Methadras said...

Trooper York said...

Oh yeah. And Stella Stevens!

How far we have fallen. We used to have Stella Stevens and Angie Dickensen and Elizabeth Montgomery and Barbara Eden and now we have to make do with the likes of Chloey Sevigny and Chloey Kardashian!

What a gyp!

Ugh!!! How I miss these beautiful and alluring women like Stevens and Dickensen. Eden and Montgomery were hot as hell. All the women of the 60's and 70's were and are my baseline for greatness and downright hotness!!!

LoafingOaf said...

Yeah, Trooper, I love that movie Trees lounge, too.

And Chloe is obviously cool because she's been spotted at Morrissey concerts. :)

Methadras said...

madawaskan said...

And has a man ever complained about a blow job as much as Theo? Really!.


Look his specialty is the woodwind...

Oh, I thought he was Master of the Pan Flute.

Penny said...

This world of ours is always filled with amusing assumptions, like women, if they're the "right kind of woman" can have unlimited dates, and women of any age, regardless of how they look, can easily get herself a sexual partner.

Generally speaking, it is a guy making these claims. Present company excluded. ;)

On the other hand, I also admit that there are more and more women using this "Men are intimidated by me" nonsense.

What gives with all this self-defeating, oft repeated crap?

knox said...

Old, ugly, loser guy, young hot woman--mad at her dad or not -- sounds like a fantasy to me.

Whether or not SJP is "pretty enough" to deserve to be Carrie Bradshaw ... well I never was a Sex in the City fan, so it doesn't interest me.

Trooper York said...

You lost the plot again knox. Chloey plays a barely pubsecent lolita type who is trying out her cock teasing abilities on her sisters old boyfriend who is "safe" but wildly inappropriate and sure to infuriate her mom and dad. It would have been just as bad if she went after Samuel L Jackson who is also in the movie.

The guy who gives the great performance is the Bobby guy from Sons of Anarchy who plays this dude whose wife is forcing him to move to Long Island from the City and he hates it. So he is in the bar all day drinking and answering the phone and telling his wife he is working when he is just morose and sad at the bar. He ends up with Buscemi and two bims at his new house drinking and smoking pot until his wife calls him and he freaks out.

Man that is true to life.

Trooper York said...

Plus you should be nice to older loser guys here.

That's Althouse's base.

You might as well insult Conservative Christians if you were a Republican or Communists if you were a Democrat.

So take it easy there missy.

Trooper York said...

Just kiddin' you there.

You have a point.

WV: codupst: the stuff that Titus is always talking about. Ick.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Methadras is Master of the Skin Flute.

knox said...

Well, to be fair, I haven't seen it, so there's probably a *lot* to the movie I'm not getting. But they could certainly move that plot point along with a less attractive actress, and they chose not to.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Post the video anyway, Trooper. Be a rebel!

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

lol @Christopher 10:35 AM.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

It's just that in my world I'm used to a high level of virtuosity.

Methinks a certain someone might want to rethink the title and content of a blog that goes by the name "A Quiet Evening".

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