Love the Obama is like Palin tag. The truth is that Obama is exactly like Palin -- young, shallow, not qualified to be president, and for whatever reason came along at the right time in the zeitgeist.
That's why Palin -- a woman who has done nothing but lose as a vice presidential candidate -- drives the left bat-shit insane. It's their id screaming out to them.
Trad -- Come on. Palin is not a serious contender in 2012. Most of the serious ones sat out 2008 because they saw the writing on the wall, just like Clinton did in 1988.
It's Pawlenty, Romney, maybe Daniels, and somebody else who I don't even know yet.
Liberal comments below to boil down to: "Bush was wrong offshore and arctic drilling, about how and where to drill, BUT Obama is going about it the right way, and Oh yeah, conservatives are still . . . . ". Just your daily basic mindless dose of liberal hypocrisy. There - I just saved you a lot of time.
Mr. Salazar has said that he hoped to rebalance the nation’s oil and gas policy to find a middle ground between the “drill here drill now” advocacy of many oil industry advocates
Funny, I thought the drill, baby drill was a Palin thing, unless she is now an Oil industry lobbyist
and the preservationist impulse to block oil exploration beneath virtually all public lands and waters.
I'm still a Westerner in my psyche. What most folks back East don't understand is that most of the Western states is Federal land. Locking it up from use forever grates on most Westerners.
In many of the newly opened areas, drilling would begin only after the completion of geologic studies, environmental impact statements, court challenges and public lease sales. Much of the oil and gas may not be recoverable at current prices and may be prohibitively expensive even if oil prices spike as they did in the summer of 2008.
So, even though we have capped well heads off Santa Barbara, that were cost effective at $10/bl, we aren't going to tap them now at $80/bl. The area naturally seeps oil from the ocean floor that fouls beaches. Drilling would actually reduce the beach polution, but we're going to never drill off California and punt on the East coast for 10 years.
an agreement between the Pentagon and the Agriculture Department to use more biofuels in military vehicles and the purchase of thousands of hybrid vehicles for the federal motor pool.
Dumber than $h_t. Run up the purchase price of the fleet, the operating cost, and drive up the cost of food supplies to get a feel good huggy to balance out that nasty drilling PR.
Bet all those new fleet purcahses are going to be GM? any takers?
Heh! Some expiration dates are welcome, but we could have gotten here sooner with a vote for someone else. Perhaps now Florida's economy can pick up a few jobs.
Seven Machos...The white men you named as GOP candidates may make good Presidents. I don't know how good. But there is the problem of getting elected first. Only Palin has shown any talent in that area. Win, baby win comes first.
Given Mr Obama's broken promises, I remain a bit skeptical, but if true, good for him and good for the country.
I agree with Roger on this. It would be good in reducing our dependency on foreign oil and put Americans to work (kind of a novel concept with 10% unemployment)
But I also wonder about the sincerity of the move just like his apparent support of nuke plants. Are these simply empty gestures because he knows that the envrio-weenies will be filing preventative lawsuits before the first drill bit is lowered that way he can play Pontius Pilate and just walk away?
Sorry for my skepticism but I take most of what this guys says with a grain of salt.
Candidate Obama: "I strongly reject drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge because it would irreversibly damage a protected national wildlife refuge without creating sufficient oil supplies to meaningfully affect the global market price or have a discernible impact on US energy security."
From the Times article Ann links to:large tracts in the Chukchi Sea and Beaufort Sea in the Arctic Ocean north of Alaska — nearly 130 million acres — would be eligible for exploration and drilling after extensive studies.
So, the Beaufort Sea Polar Bear, who uses the Beaufort Sea Coast on ANWR for birthing and 70 plus species of birds can all see the Obama off-shore drilling right off to their environmentally sensitive coast.
I'm still a Westerner in my psyche. What most folks back East don't understand is that most of the Western states is Federal land.
A co-worker once told me she thought Palin a hypocrite because Alaska is the biggest recipient of Federal funds per capita.
When I informed her that as 65% of Alaska is owned by the Federal government it really doesn't come as a surprise that a larger portion of Federal tax dollars would go there.
Then I had to explain to her the concept of Federal ownership of State lands. This was heretofore an alien concept and yes she votes.
Lars has it right. This is just Chicago politics on a national scale. I suspect he has already sealed the fate of this smoke-and-mirrors charade with the environmentalists. It will be tied up in years of research, reports, climate change, some here-to-fore unknown mug wart fish darter, states demanding their share, blue-bloods in Nantucket NIMBY clowns who want oil wells over the horizon from Jersey, and the list goes on.
Obama is a one-trick pony who holds out the shiny stuff with one hand while getting low-fived with the other hand behind his back.
Don't fall for it. This is his version of the old carny shell game with a hidden hole underneath one of the shell positions. These guys are carny barkers with dazzling white teeth and a line of non-stop drivel designed to mesmerize the rubes.
Given Hoosier's and other's points, including mine, the larger issue is Mr Obama's veracity--when you continually violate your promises, your credibility becomes an issue.
Had Mr Obama's policies matched his campaign rhetoric, he would, I think not be facing this degree of doubt (and I am a doubter)
Your constant railings against Palin reveals your fear of her in particular and women in general. Whether she gets elected or not depends little on your opinion.
I agree with AllenS- Palin won't run but if she was Prez, she'd cut thru the crap and would not over-complicate and over-politicize very stinking issue.
It's tiresome to have to point out that Obama campaigned on off shore drilling "as part of a comprehensive energy strategy" so once again, this announcement will only blow the minds of two groups of people. One, conservative/nutbag Obama haters who think he's a commie captain planet bong smoker. Two, naive greens who think Obama stands for everything they stand for.
Hopefully there aren't too many of either group left, if those people have paid any attention at all in the last year.
U.S. oil refining capacity has been flat and maxed out for a long time. Even if we bring more domestic oil reserves into production, we don't have the additional capacity to use it. The oil is just going to be arbitraged to replace middle eastern oil; depleting our reserves with little impact on the cost of gasoline, jet fuel, or heating oil.
So why is Dear President doing this? Tax money. Obama just wants the injection of cash from the oil leases to make his domestic programs look less costly in the short term. This is a short sighted and incredibly cynical political calculation; a band-aid to try to keep his domestic agenda from bankrupting the country. It's not an energy policy.
Althouse needs a "Obama is like Mussolini" tag. Only the short-bus Uglycrats can defend him on this one.
It's tiresome to have to point out that Obama campaigned on off shore drilling "as part of a comprehensive energy strategy"
Maybe we were tired of the workers of the world unite speeches and slept through the part where he said he was going to open up the oil wells.
I know I heard more about how dissapointed he was in the rate in which gas prices rose than he was about gas prices rising and if we just inflated our tires.....
Your constant railings against Palin reveals your fear of her in particular and women in general
I am not afraid of Palin. I agree with her in a lot ways. But she is not qualified to be president, just like Obama. Reagan, both Bushes, and Clinton were qualified to be president.
Are you serious with the absurd mental leap abut fearing women in general? Surely you are trying to be funny. Surely you aren't that bad at basic reasoning.
It is bullshit. The "extensive studies" line is the tell. The studies have been done, long ago. There really isn't anything new to learn. It's time to start producing.
But another round of "study" lets him punt the issue for a few years while we wait for this round of tests to conclude so we can finally get around to doing what we should have started years ago. Then once the tests near conclusion, they'll find some other reason to delay, and then start "studying the issue" again.
There's oil and gas potential here on the SC coast. The enviros will have a total shit fit but the state government needs the revenue, and the people need jobs.
Over time this is a government revenue booster at state and federal levels.
Seven, with all due respect. Everyone is qualified to be President. And, at the same time, nobody is qualified to be President. It's what you do once you're in the position that matters, and until someone is installed in that position, you don't know what you're going to get.
Barack Obama knows gas prices are about to go to $3.50 a gallon for the summer and he's trying to get out in front of that issue.
After the summer is over, he'll renew the drilling ban to re-ignite his nutty environmental base (who he has already told what the strategy is and that's why they're so quiet today.)
Off-shore drilling, occupation of Iraq, drones killing bad guys in Afghanistan, and Gitmo running like butter.
If it weren't for the tax hikes that Obama delivered despite his promise not to, I'd say Bush was still president.
Of course, Bush was an idiot puppet of evil dark overlord Dick Cheney. So off-shore drilling, occupation of Iraq, drones killing bad guys in Afghanistan, and Gitmo running like butter are dumb and evil. Except they are smart and nuanced and filled with light.
Scott brings up an excellent point--our ability to produce petroleum products is limited by our refining capacity--until new refineries are put on line, all the crude that is recovered will not be useful. A comprehensive energy strategy has to focus on the production bottleneck.
The United States Constitution lays out the qualifications that one must possess in order to become President. You must be at least 35 years of age to be President, and you must be a natural-born U.S. citizen.
Many people believe that Barack Obama is not a natural-born citizen and thus, is not qualified to be our President.
Nevertheless, there are qualifications.
Palin's qualifications are not in dispute. She is 35. And she is a natural-born citizen.
Obviously, Ham, I was refering to those qualified by the definitions of our Constitution, not that I was advocating everyone in the world could do the job.
Allen -- I disagree. All of us who are American from birth and are 35 meet the qualifications from a sort of procedural point of view. But few of us are qualified.
You have to be a long-time state governor or a long-time general to be able to successfully run this country. A very long history in public life can sometimes do the trick as well.
"If it weren't for the tax hikes that Obama delivered despite his promise not to, I'd say Bush was still president."
The only difference between the Repubulican Party and the Democrat Party is that the Republican Party uses tax rate cuts to generate more revenue and the Democrat Party uses tax hikes to generate more revenue.
Everything else about the two Party's is identical, and that is by mutual agreement. Do individuals within the parties argue about how to do things? Sure. But they've agreed on the strategy for growing government influence in our lives and that one way or another the Federal Government budget will outpace grow faster than inflation no matter which Party is in power.
The evidence for this is what they do (not what they say).
Seriously, it is sad that every time the big zero opens his mouth, so many of us doubt his veracity. We basically view him as a liar and a con man.
1. Let me know when the drilling starts.
2. I wonder "what else" is going on here. See above. There must be something. Yes, I just don't trust the guy. He has not earned it. He's done the opposite.
3. I wonder if there are payoffs involved here for healthcare votes.
4. I'm guessing there will be "more" facts soon. We'll see.
"Seriously, it is sad that every time the big zero opens his mouth, so many of us doubt his veracity."
And don't you find it even more troubling that when the press reports what Obama is saying, we have also learned that there is a high probability they are not giving us all of the facts?
And that later on, we'll discover they were complicit in writing the story in such a way that it deliberately put Obama in the most favorable light? Even if the facts point otherwise?
Dictators and despots we have nothing to fear from. They hang easily enough.
However, the free press has been compromised and is working with the government now to shackle us into socialism.
That is infinitely more disturbing to me than some mere politician's lies.
Nobody seriously disputes she was born in Idaho, dude. And I'm not someone who thinks filing a court challenge to Obama's qualificaton as President on basis of birth was a smart move.
And it's off topic. The point is: does Obama actually intend to follow through with off-shore oil drilling? My gut feeling is this is a political maneuver to get support for cap and trade by holding out the possibility of tax revenue from domestic oil production. It will take years to get the oil production online, and by then, who knows if Obama will keep this promise? Enviros will delay this as long as possible.
Think how much cap-and-trade will help the economy, though. All those green jobs. Or something.
That and killing innovation in health care and raising taxes to pay for health care and the exploding debt -- that all means this economy is about ready to take off.
7 nachos; Do you perchance pen any letters for Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR)? Your writing isn't that good as it lacks specifics and is contrarian.
Your sophistry bores me. I suggest you not give up your day job. If you want to talk about screaming IDS I suggest you think about your own because it is exactly yourself you are describing.
I'm glad to see this policy shift, but it does again represent an expired campaign promise. Even ABC News saw this one coming.
In June 2008, then-Sen. Obama told reporters in Jacksonville, Florida, "when I'm president, I intend to keep in place the moratorium here in Florida and around the country that prevents oil companies from drilling off Florida's coasts. That's how we can protect our coastline and still make the investments that will reduce our dependence on foreign oil and bring down gas prices for good."
Today, the "Obama administration is proposing to open vast expanses of water along the Atlantic coastline, the eastern Gulf of Mexico and the north coast of Alaska to oil and natural gas drilling, much of it for the first time," including off the coast of Jacksonville, where Obama offered that statement.
@Aridog: "Stupaked" is inapposite. Palin isn't holding an office now, and I would guess she never will again. She's living the lush life as the Al Gore of the GOP, telling people what they want to hear and cashing big checks as a speaker on the rubber chicken circuit. She doesn't have to answer her critics -- just thumb her nose at them.
When Obama makes a pronouncement like drilling offshore, it is prudent to wait for the rest of the (usually hidden) details to arrive before judging what he really intended to say.
It could be that he's going to go all mini-Hugo Chavez here, and will declare that the federal government actually owns the oil resources, and will drill, refine and market oil itself.
Single-payor oil products. No big greedy capitalists with their fat paychecks involved. No siree.
That'll pay for healthcare, unicorns, free mortgages, free tuition, an SEIU nurse in every hospital room, and a whole buncha other stuff he wants.
The vision of Palin as a money grubber celebrity that will never serve her country by being its President is a false image that becomes no truer by being confidently repeated. I am sure that Romney and Pawlinty day dream of Sarah doing a 180 and letting them run against men they can have a shot at beating for the nomination, but she has shown Zero signs of following that day dream path to date.
Well, then there's this in the State of the Union Obama said: “To create more of these clean energy jobs, we need more production, more efficiency, more incentives. That means building a new generation of safe, clean nuclear power plants in this country. It means making tough decisions about opening new offshore areas for oil and gas development.”
My guess is he’s doing this as a peace offering before he tackles energy policy. If he tries to do energy policy without this, he’ll hear nothing but screams of “drill, baby, drill.” Now, they can’t scream that and ain’t nobody drilling anyway (until oil hits $200/barrel). In poker this is what’s called “calling a bluff.”
Lars and vet66 have it right. The Zero wants $8 a gallon gasoline the same way he wants single payer health care. It's part of his long term goals.
Given that Lindsey ("I'm the new Specter") Graham is so eager to reach across the aisle to his friend Lurch in the Democrat Party on cap & trade, we may see a fight over this before November.
Anent Miss Sarah, she's already opted of of '12, although anyone who says she isn't qualified is ignoring the fact that she worked her way up in local government to the State house in Alaska. Which is more than most POTUS hopefuls, R or D, ever do.
Seven Machos said...
Love the Obama is like Palin tag. The truth is that Obama is exactly like Palin -- young, shallow, not qualified to be president, and for whatever reason came along at the right time in the zeitgeist.
That's why Palin -- a woman who has done nothing but lose as a vice presidential candidate -- drives the left bat-shit insane. It's their id screaming out to them.
Hardly shallow - she galvanized the anti-ZeroCare forces with two words which, yes, does drive the National Socialists insane.
As to what she's done - mayor of the fifth-largest town in AK, governor, and VP candidate who brought almost all of the undecideds to the Republicans, stemming a double digit loss by McCain is hardly nothing. This is more whistling in the graveyard.
Those who say she may never go for the top spot may be right. It will be interesting to see if she's offered a Cabinet post in the next administration, which will be Republican. Since her instincts seem to be as a reformer, she may end up as chair of the RNC or keep driving public opinion the way she's been for the last year or so.
Either may turn out to be the Demos' worst nightmare.
WV "inglesh" What people in NE Ohio claim to speak.
When I was a lad bouncing on my father's knee, bouncing on my spring-loaded hobby horse, bouncing on my pogo stick, pretty much bouncing all over the place, our household had a children's encyclopedia set that I devoured between bounces. Read the whole thing, where reading means looking at every single picture. It was all pictures. I was particularly stricken by a map of the world in which resources of each place were indicated with a tiny icon representing that resource; coal tram for coal, oil well for oil, salmon for fish, bail of cotton for cotton, lamb for wool, wheat plant for wheat, ear of corn for corn, etc. So simple a child could grasp. I thought as a child, "Holy crap, the US sure has a lot of resources, innit." That map took hold in my mind. Correctly questioned many a Jeopardy! answer because of it. I concluded early the US is quite self-sufficient when it comes to natural resources, as contrasted with, say, Japan. My mind flips to the memory of that map whenever the subject of resources comes up and I'm saddened when other more delicate values unrealistically override the fundamental value of self-sufficiency. I suppose that encyclopedia insufficiently propounded delicate values.
You bitch and whine when he doesn't do what you think he should do...and now you bitch and whine when he does do what you think he should do.
Hypocritical tea baggers.
Oh...and when will the "freedom of speech" thread begin...discussing how the University of Wyoming canceled a speech by...William Ayers??
You trashed the Canadians for their unfair cancellation of Ann "The Walking Trash Barrel" Coulter...because they just don't understand "free speech" as we enlightened Americans when will the trashing of the American university begin?
You trashed the Canadians for their unfair cancellation of Ann "The Walking Trash Barrel" Coulter...because they just don't understand "free speech" as we enlightened Americans when will the trashing of the American university begin?
Well if the students at the University of Wyoming intentionally disrupted the speech, pulled fire alarms and attempted to block entrance then I would be in agreement with you.
I know its a difficult concept for your limited intelligence to grasp but there is a difference between not choosing to allow someone to come speak at a campus and physically preventing it or disrupting it.
And thank Allah and the Prophet for that too! I have been living in mortal terror since the fall of the Soviet Union 20 years ago that we were on the brink of nuclear annihilation with the Russians.
The primary bitching and whining last week via the local tea bagging wing nuts was related to the Canadians not understanding the concept of "free speech"...not fire alarms or disruptions. And as for Ayers being a "criminal," G.Gordon Liddy gives speeches all the time, as do many others who have committed crimes and served time.
You just can't get those little minds of yours around what you yourselves say.
Well, one thing's for certain: Obama is no socialist, but rather the best friend of Big Business in a long time. Seriously, he makes Bush look like a piker in this regard. Banks, insurers, car companies, pharma, oil companies--Obama loves 'em all! Remember how the left went nuts about Cheney's "supa-sekrit energy policy group"? What did those guys actually do? All that secrecy and they couldn't manage to do what Obama just did with one stroke of a pen.
Oh, and just to be clear, I'm okay with exploration and even production. Why is it that the United States is the only country in the world that declines to drill its domestic reserves of oil? Everyone else, the Brits, the Norwegians, the Canadians, the Russians, etc., starts drilling as soon as deposits are found. But in our country we find a deposit and the default assumption is that we won't drill. Is it American exceptionalism?
Corn Cob - You really need to get out of that field and do some reading.
Any form of agreement that lessens the likelihood of a nuclear confrontation is good for everybody, even tea baggers like yourself.
The only reason you denigrate the new agreement is directly related to your hatred of our President. If Bush had pushed this through, you and others here would be screaming from the roof tops, praising him.
Oh, and your comment "thank Allah and the Prophet" is nothing more than religious bigotry. (As usual)
President Obama is not a Muslim, nor has he ever represented himself as a Prophet.
Trad -- Come on. Palin is not a serious contender in 2012. Most of the serious ones sat out 2008 because they saw the writing on the wall, just like Clinton did in 1988.
Except you don't get the Republican nomination by sitting on the side lines. With the exception of George W. Bush, there probably hasn't been a Republican win the nomination since Eisenhower who hadn't seriously run before, at least as a VP candidate (or been the incumbent).
Which means that we are probably stuck with a choice among Romney, Palin, and Huckabee (unless you want Bob Dole, John McCain III, Pat Buchannan, or Dick Cheney to run again).
Contrast this with the Democrats who seem to need to run unknowns in order to win the Presidency, at least since LBJ. Two governors from small southern states, and a back bench Senator with almost no seniority.
The primary bitching and whining last week via the local tea bagging wing nuts was related to the Canadians not understanding the concept of "free speech"...not fire alarms or disruptions. Jeremy. The complaint was in two parts 1) that she was physically prevented from giving her speech and 2) that she could be subject to criminal prosecution if she said something deemed offensive or hateful.
Ayres was neither physically prevented by a mob of students nor warned of being criminally prosecuted for possibly saying something offensive.
I have to hand it to you. You never fail to disappoint when demonstrating a complete lack of focus and intelligence.
Any form of agreement that lessens the likelihood of a nuclear confrontation is good for everybody, even tea baggers like yourself.
Well I do tend to do a lot of reading Jeremy and the chances of having a nuclear confrontation with the Russians in the last 20 odd years was about the same as having one with France.
Oh, and your comment "thank Allah and the Prophet" is nothing more than religious bigotry. (As usual)
Yes I know how much respect you hold for Christians. Maybe I was trying to be all inclusive.
" Jeremy. The complaint was in two parts 1) that she was physically prevented from giving her speech and 2) that she could be subject to criminal prosecution if she said something deemed offensive or hateful."
That is patently false.
She was never "physically prevented" from doing anything. Her speech was canceled.
From an interview with Bill O'Reilly on March 26th:
O'REILLY: "Pretty frightening in Iowa you couldn't even get on the stage? Iowa, in Ottawa."
COULTER: "No, I was no — Ottawa, yes. I was nowhere near the building. I was sitting in a lovely Ottawa club with my bodyguard, waiting for them to tell us it was time to come, because you know, they have to get everyone seated. There was a speaker before me. And the cops called my bodyguard and said it's been cancelled."
(See anything about being physically restrained or prevented? Her bodyguard got a "phone call.")
As to the other inane point; they have laws that directly relate to the kind of incendiary crap Coulter throws out there...
"Canadian law puts reasonable limits on freedom of expression. For example, promoting hatred against identifiable group would not only be considered in appropriate, but could, in fact, lead to criminal charges."
"Well I do tend to do a lot of reading Jeremy and the chances of having a nuclear confrontation with the Russians in the last 20 odd years was about the same as having one with France."
So your advice to any President would be to forget about any kind of nuclear pact or agreement? Tell me you're not that dense.
"Yes I know how much respect you hold for Christians. Maybe I was trying to be all inclusive."
I personally could care less what religion or belief anybody feels obliged to carry through life, but...
You weren't being anything other than a tea bagging bigot. You just don't like being called out for it, and don't have the guts to admit it.
"Canadian law puts reasonable limits on freedom of expression. For example, promoting hatred against identifiable group would not only be considered in appropriate, but could, in fact, lead to criminal charges."
Yeh, I love the way she turned this around. Another conservative woman whom the liberals love to hate, in this case, beating them at their own game.
As to the other inane point; they have laws that directly relate to the kind of incendiary crap Coulter throws out there...
Thank you for making my 'inane point' Jeremy. They have laws that prevent free speech. Just like North Korea and Cuba.
Glad to know which side you're on Pro-totalitarians like yourself who like to call themselves liberals aren't quite so honest about restricting rights. You are to be congratulated for your honesty.
You weren't being anything other than a tea bagging bigot. You just don't like being called out for it, and don't have the guts to admit it.
Actually Jeremey I don't really care what you (especially you) or anyone calls me out for. If you really care less what religion somone follows my comment shouldn't have raised an eyebrow with you but it did which means you do care.
Corn Cob - We also have laws against specific kinds of speech.
The law I provided didn't say anything about not allowing "free speech."
It puts "reasonable limits on freedom of expression," that might promote "hatred against identifiable group(s)" know, like the minorities, gays, Muslims and others she loves to denigrate.
Which, by the way, is exactly what laws right here do to hold people accountable for pulling false alarms in buildings, screaming fire in a crowded theatre that is not in fact on fire, or in the case of the internet, laws that address bullying and overt threats, etc.
Do you EVER actually read anything before posting your tea bagger drivel?
Jeremy...As the funds spent and the target number of remaining working H-Bombs goes down along with the numbers of their delivery systems, who will defend us from Iran, North Korea, Pakistan, and soon Venezuela? We may not get the usual help from our former close ally, Israel, when we need it in the future. All bets are off with England too so that Super Obama can shake up our allies and win friends among our natural enemies that watched him do in our natural friends. That's brilliant work.
Regarding the original topic, Jeremy. Nobody's complaining, it's just that nobody trusts The Zero any more. As El Rushbo put it, everything he says has an expiration date.
traditional fool - So, you think Obama is doing a pretty poor job dealing with our international allies and enemies, huh?
Well, let's take a look at a review via someone who know infinitely more than you'll ever know:
Barack Obama’s approach to Iran and Syria won plaudits yesterday from James Baker, the former US secretary of state who served in two Republican administrations.
“If harsh rhetoric means you don’t talk to people, then we shouldn’t have been meeting with the Soviet Union for 40 years during the Cold War,” he said on a visit to Abu Dhabi. “But you do more than talk, that’s what the current administration in my view is doing.”
Mr Baker, who served under both George HW Bush and Ronald Reagan, implicitly criticised Mr Obama’s Republican critics who have said that the decision to negotiate with Iranian leaders without preconditions had encouraged Iran’s nuclear programme and legitimised the results of last summer’s disputed election.
Oh, and even when it's completed, we'll still have 1,500...just in case.
The law I provided didn't say anything about not allowing "free speech." It puts "reasonable limits on freedom of expression," that might promote "hatred against identifiable group(s)" know, like the minorities, gays, Muslims and others she loves to denigrate.
Well yes putting limits on speech that might ‘offend’ or ‘promote hatred’ is restricting free speech. You don’t have a right not to be offended or be hated at least not in the US.
Which, by the way, is exactly what laws right here do to hold people accountable for pulling false alarms in buildings, screaming fire in a crowded theatre that is not in fact on fire, or in the case of the internet, laws that address bullying and overt threats, etc.
You’re kind of thick aren’t you? You want to equate saying speech that would offend someone’s sensibilities with yelling fire in a theater? I mean that’s a stretch of stupidity even for you.
Being a bigot isn't much fun when someone directly confronts it?
Actually I find it quite amusing to be called a bigot for making some satire of a religion that refers to me (a Christian)as an infidel and Jews as monkeys and pigs.
Corn Cob - "You don’t have a right not to be offended or be hated at least not in the US."
Still staying away from those nasty newspapers and books I see:
Hate crime laws in the United States protect against hate crimes (also known as bias crimes) motivated by enmity or animus against a protected class. Although state laws vary, current statutes permit federal prosecution of hate crimes committed on the basis of a person's protected characteristics of race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability.
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)/FBI, as well as campus security authorities, are required to collect and publish hate crime statistics.
The FBI defines a hate crime (a.k.a. bias crime) to be:
"a criminal offense committed against a person, property or society which is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender's bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin."
Has Obama done anything to start the nuclear development he promised in the same sentence as he said "hard choices" about off shore drilling?
(We do all understand that "hard choices" is not at all any sort of endorsement of opening up off shore drilling. It's an Obamanism... a word construction that has no clear meaning but can be interpreted according to the listener's preferences.)
Maybe he directed a big chunk of the stimulous toward nuclear power and I missed it.
Maybe those construction jobs are out there and the media failed to report it.
Jeremy...FYI James Baker has been anti-Israel and pro Saudi Arabian since time began. He is no more a representative that wants to maintain the Israel/American alliance than Jimmy Carter is. The 1993 Oslo Peace Accords were a James Baker forced upon Israel peace with no peace partner available except for Saudi promises that they would ask Yasser Arafat to exterminate the Jews as painlessly as possible.
Still staying away from those nasty newspapers and books I see:
Hate crime laws in the United States protect against hate crimes
I was wrong. You are dumber than I thought. Sigh. Last time I checked, no one has been arrested and prosecuted for offending someone with speech. Hate crimes as you describe are an additional charge when a criminal act (assault, battery, property crimes) are committed with bias. This has nothing to do with offensive speech.
Maybe you should take the time to read up on those wonderful Christians...and take a look at how they feel about other religions.
The Crusades come to mind.
Wow..the Crusades. I almost forgot about those. Well understandable since the last one took place about 800 years ago. You'd probably know that if you actually read anything yourself.
Energy will never be a problem in this country unless we insist on making it so. We have endless reserves of fossil, nuclear and others not yet envisioned. Technology will create the answers if we listen and don't tell it what the answers are before they show themselves.
As Bagoh 20 points out, we have unlimited sources of energy without having to buy oil from canada and mexico. If we are serious about tapping that energy we have to reduce the constraints on those energy sources.
Again, I think Mr Obama has taken a step in the right direction (with all the caveats already cited). Were he to reduce the constraints on refinery construction and nuclear generating capacity, I might even believe he is serious.
Hey garage--loved the cheddar and waiting for a good warm weekend to do the brats.
Re Neely and Interstate--Same family but I think there was a family falling out. Jim Neely founded interstate, and a lot of folks in Memphis think those are the best--The Neely ribs I sent were from a breakaway family member.
Heres a good recipe for ribs if you have a smoker: get a slab of costco ribs, trim the fat--put on a dry rub of your choosing and smoke in a hot smoker for about two hours--recommend hickory. After the ribs have colored up, put them in aluminum foil and put in your oven for another two hours--they will be meaty and tender--the only problem with open pit dry rub ribs is they tend to dry out a bit.
If you want some real fun, come to the Memphis Kosher BBQ festival in september (great fun, but all beef)
Roger I've smoked ribs for years, the dry rub I've tinkered with (that I stole from a friend) is just about perfect now. The Neelys were a sparerib, not babybacks, nothing wrong with that of course, but the Interstate babybacks were out of this world. The Neelys had way too much paprika for my liking. But, of course was much appreciated :)
Roger I plan on making some ribs this weekend and my usual method was slow bake in the oven around 200 for 2-3 hours and then off to the grill for about a half hour. Unfortunatelty I don't have a smoker. Its worked ok but I'm still trying to get a fall off the bone masterpiece.
You can smoke in any charcoal grill. Just buy bag of apple or hickory chips, soak them in water for an hour, and put them in a tin foil pack. Best to smoke them on the grill first, then tin foil the ribs in the oven. If you really feel adventurous you could marinate the ribs in red wine vinegar/veg oil/crushed garlic/ chopped parsley for a few hours beforehand. Guaranteed fall off the bone ribs.
Hoosier--reverse the process--rub them with any rub you like, brown them on the grill, (10 minues on a side) and then put them in the oven at 200-225 in a roaster pan. Add a bit of liquid. Slow cook for a couple of hours. best way to tell is if they do fall off the bone--you can thicken the juice up with whatever you like and it makes a sauce of your own choosing.
What Garage said--dont need a smoker--just wood chips and aluminum foil--or you can even put them in a pie pan. Have a spray bottle hand, because if the wood ignites it raises the temp too high.
An Garage's method also is dynamite for smoked salmon, but use apple or alder for the best smoked salmon.
2/16/10 - President Barack Obama announced $8.3 billion in loan guarantees Tuesday to build the first U.S. nuclear power plant in nearly three decades, a move designed to help advance climate legislation in Congress.
It is highly doubtful that a license for a single rig will be issued during Obama's first term and less likely still that a platform will be put in place in the next six years. I would expect that this drilling will find itself as a trading chip in some gigantic energy/global warming bonanza that is being cooked up as we write. Still, it is nice to see this announcement and I will withhold questioning why it took a year to make it.
Corn Cob - "Last time I checked, no one has been arrested and prosecuted for offending someone with speech."
Once again:
Hate crime laws in the United States protect against hate crimes (also known as bias crimes) motivated by enmity or animus against a protected class. Although state laws vary, current statutes permit federal prosecution of hate crimes committed on the basis of a person's protected characteristics of race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability.
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)/FBI, as well as campus security authorities, are required to collect and publish hate crime statistics.
The FBI defines a hate crime (a.k.a. bias crime) to be:
"a criminal offense committed against a person, property or society which is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender's bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin."
Michael said..."It is highly doubtful that a license for a single rig will be issued during Obama's first term and less likely still that a platform will be put in place in the next six years."
And once again, Michael drags out his trusty crystal ball to tell us what is "going to happen"...before it that Health Reform Bill everybody here said WOULD NEVER BE PASSED.
Oh, and can you tell us who will win the NBA and MLB and NFL championships?
Jeremy... I don't like Beck's style of showmanship because today's issues are too important to give your mind over to watching his performances. Limbaugh is truly an intelligent man, and he is always around the 8 or 9 ring when he is not hitting the bullseye. The real story of the demolition of the world's super power by Obama placed charges will someday be told, but for now we have to watch his belt buckle rather than his head fakes if we want to keep up. He is slick.
Free speech? Hate speech? Crusades? Barbeque ribs (now there's something we can all unite behind in a bipartisan fashion)!
I've been tied up all day in meetings, but getting back to the original post, one thing I note is that Deleware seems to be exempted, and consequently the areas marked for offshore drilling are all off the coasts of states that are either red or rated as likely to go Republican in the 2010 elections. So from a political standpoint, Barack Obama is incurring hardly any additional political risk in proposing opening these areas for drilling.
Two things have not escaped my notice. To add onto what Drill SGT noted, the place near Santa Barbara, CA, where the coastline stops running east-west and heads northwest again is named Coal Oil Point because the oil is so close to the surface that it seeps up on its own, polluting the local waters instead of being refined into gasoline. But Barbara Boxer's senatorial seat and numerous congressional seats are in play in 2010, so no drilling off the California coast, baby!
The second thing I noted is that the drilling isn't fast-tracked, so the drilling can be stopped by regulatory review anytime it looks like it might impact a Democrat's election prospects (e.g., in 2012).
The term is "Tea Party" not "Teabagger." The latter is the obscene nick devised by liberal Kool Aid drinkers,eh.
I'm neither Dem or Repub or Tea Party, but I'd like to see you not sound like a high school sophmore with low self esteem. Apologies to high school sophmores.
Aridog said..." Gee thanks for the advice oh wise one, but I think I'll stick with the "tea bagger" moniker for the crazos who worship Glenn Beck and others. (And don't you think they should have thought about the other definition before latching onto the name?)
Google "tea baggers" and the first thing that comes up is this:
"New York Daily News - Right-wing Republicans often masquerade as tea baggers..."
And do you think any of them actually understand what the initial tea party movement was all about?
You know, that taxation without representation thingie Jonathan Mayhew came up with...that most of us read about during our school days?
Where do you suppose most of these people live that there are no elected officials representing their interests?
And do you even think most of them vote in the first place?
edutcher said..."As El Rushbo put it, everything he says has an expiration date."
Well, who wouldn't put their faith in something Rush Limbaugh has to say?
Can you get anything from Glenn Beck and Sean know, just to make sure?
*Oh, and what was the "expiration date" on that we're not going to be a "nation builder" thing Bush touted when running for office?
As I've said before, I've never been one of Beck's acolytes, and I can take or leave Hannity.
Problem for you is, on this one, Rush has a pretty good track record.
Obama has nothing to lose with the drilling.
Have to disagree here. The enviros have made a life's work out of digging in their heels on this issue. It may be a couple of points, but, in the next few months, he may need those points.
LarsPorsena said... I call bullshit. It's only going to allow exploration. There will never be any drilling for production. A transparent ruse to secure a few votes for the Cap 'n Tax legislation.
He's Stupaking reps who want to drill.
Scott's point that Goddess Palin is now the revered Al Gore figure of the Right. Tell's them what they want to hear, collects her lush paychecks and fan love, and has no intent of ever running for office again.
---------------- My take. Love the "Spupaked" concept. Of course Obama has picking off fold s who could make money on oil drilling and have no problem passing on a massive new carbon tax on citizens. Oil companies actually see the carbon tax as a new revenue stream for them - as cap n' trade brokers.
The Cult of Goddess Palin of the Religious Right DOES resemble the Algore is our Salvation, and Earths - Cult.
Because of refining capacity constrictions, Dear President's policy isn't going to decrease the cost of gasoline, home heating oil, or jet fuel. All it will do is create an arbitrage solely for generating tax revenue -- obviously a scheme to try to pay for the Uglycrats' massive overreach in social policy.
It is cynical and stupid. And it is not an energy policy.
Machiavelli lives. Nixon smiles. America suffers. Jeremy plays with his straw dogs and foams at the mouth.
Traditional Guy - "FYI James Baker has been anti-Israel and pro Saudi Arabian since time began. He is no more a representative that wants to maintain the Israel/American alliance than Jimmy Carter is."
Last I looked, James Baker was one of the pro-Americans who put America's interests over Israel's when our two interests diverged.
That is hard for certain brain dead conservatives who equate patriotism and conservatism with complete love of Israel and doing as Israel demands - to understand. Let alone the dual-loyalty or "higher loyalty to Israel" Christian Zionists who think their religious salvation means obeying God himself's word that "those who go against Israel" will not be saved.. And add the odious neocons who seek new wars to spend US lives and treasure in - "to serve Our Special Friend's needs"
Those conservatives that would damage America to serve Israel - are no more patriots than the leftist lawyers that sympathize with terrorists are.
As Obama makes his inevitable tact to the right to attempt to neutralize the public animosity and recover in the polls, we will see, as we do here today, that his supporters will abandon their own stated principles to defend him. It's always been a cult of personality where all good leftist truly feel comfortable. Hell, they may even fall in love with Bush once they find out Obama has been meeting with him to get his policy ideas. Cheney too.
Jeremy: Please stop using the homophobic term "teabagger" to describe people using their constitutional rights to protest the government. It is uncalled for. You should have the good taste not to employ such vulgarities. The homosexual community cannot be pleased.
C-4...You are so sharp at enemy recognition today. Do we all have to wear Yellow Stars of David again? How about just criticising Israeli Jews for what they do and not for "being Jewish on the planet" and "causing disloyal Americans (like Harry S Truman) to love them. Neither of those accusations have been a crime since May 8, 1945.
Jeremy: Please stop using the homophobic term "teabagger" to describe people using their constitutional rights to protest the government.
Screw that, if they can call me a homo, I can hit back. They can call Obama and liberals baby killing terrorist Nazis, and we can't respond? Don't work that way.
"Screw that, if they can call me a homo, I can hit back. They can call Obama and liberals baby killing terrorist Nazis, and we can't respond? Don't work that way."
I linked to a sign from a tea partier that said "Teabag liberal Dems before they teabag you!". If they dont want to be called teabaggers they have a funny way of showing it.
Hey, guess what If I look up the n-word, it also applies to people who find it offensive and goes back to their origin. I guess it's ok then. They should have looked that up first if they don't like it.
"I linked to a sign from a tea partier that said "Teabag liberal Dems before they teabag you!". If they dont want to be called teabaggers they have a funny way of showing it."
I don't mind the term, if you don't mind being the Teabagee.
We are both using the same source, so I guess you don't. How's the view down there?
Slightly OT (but not really): Does anyone know of a RSS feed reader that allows filtering on commenter name?
In the real world, I don't allow people to talk to me who engage in juvenile invective. If I had an RSS reader that would permit me to say bye-bye permanently to these children, it would make the comments on Althouse a lot more readable.
Slightly OT (but not really): Does anyone know of a RSS feed reader that allows filtering on commenter name?
That would be handy. In World of Warcraft if you don't want to ever hear from a person again you put them on your ignore list. /ignore. That way the moron can try to chat at you all they want, but they are invisible to you in the ingame chat windows. They also get a nifty message that they are being ignored by you.
I just use this method.
Scan the name Jeremy....skip Ritmo....skip and so on. Sometimes you do need to read them anyway just to get the context of the thread.
Which, by the way, is exactly what laws right here do to hold people accountable for pulling false alarms in buildings, screaming fire in a crowded theatre that is not in fact on fire, or in the case of the internet, laws that address bullying and overt threats, etc.
No, no, and no. The US allows for content-neutral time and place restrictions and "fighting words" restrictions. We do not allow the gov't to ban speech based on discrimination against particular viewpoints or content. This is very different from Canadian law, which allows a person to be sued or prosecuted for saying mean things against certain protected groups. Which is, IMO, pretty messed up, since you can say "Atheists should die," but you can't say "Christians can go hang."
BTW, most conservatives are opposed to the notion that the gov't should regulate (or even define) "hate speech" or "hate crimes."
"2/16/10 - President Barack Obama announced $8.3 billion in loan guarantees Tuesday to build the first U.S. nuclear power plant in nearly three decades, a move designed to help advance climate legislation in Congress."
Cool, Jeremy.
Where are they building it, who is building it, and when do they start hiring?
Thanks for the tips on the ribs and smoking. I didnt' realize that I could smoke using a charcol grill since I've used a gas grill since Christ was in boots.
Which means I now have to go get me a good old Webber and fire that bad boy up this weekend.
Since this is a Blogger blog, maybe we could suggest to Google that user profiles could include an "ignore" button. You login, click thru to the profile, click ignore... poof! They're gone.
Back in the old BBS days (remember those?) one of the freeware board software packages had an evil feature. The SysOp could put a user on invisible. That user could login and post comments -- and they could see their own posts, but nobody else could! They would go on for months before realizing that nobody was aware they existed.
It's true but it's nowhere good enough. It only allows drilling in the Gulf of Mexico 125 miles off-coast and no drilling at all off the coast of California (don't want to ruin the Malibu/Santa Barbara "viewshed").
I don't think Obama actually wants to find any oil or natural gas. I suspect he wants to make fossil fuels so scare (and therefore expensive) solar and wind power will finally be competitiveness. By the time that happens of course no one in America will have a job anymore.
dear ann, isn't there something that can be perhaps a limit on the number of comments per post or something? prevent someone from hijacking the comment threads ? there's a couple of folks who think it's their duty to follow every comment with one of their own in which they do little more than insult the original commenter. why should the rest of us be victimized by constant ad hominem attacks from a couple of bad apples ? they're ruining your site.
Speaking of environmentalism, known expert in that field, Hank Johnson (D-GA) is worried that if we place a military installation on Guam, the influx of people could cause the island to flip over completely.
Remember, people like this know how to live your life better than you do.
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१८० टिप्पण्या:
Dear President is a fraud. How unexpected.
This seems good if it is true. It certainly outflanks Palin's biggest 2012 issue. May the One be really making a good decision for the first time?
Unfortunately, he isn't going to do it. Just like everything else.
This sounds promising until you remember his promises to end the war immediately and close Gitmo.
There is a great list of the zero's lies here:
Love the Obama is like Palin tag. The truth is that Obama is exactly like Palin -- young, shallow, not qualified to be president, and for whatever reason came along at the right time in the zeitgeist.
That's why Palin -- a woman who has done nothing but lose as a vice presidential candidate -- drives the left bat-shit insane. It's their id screaming out to them.
Trad -- Come on. Palin is not a serious contender in 2012. Most of the serious ones sat out 2008 because they saw the writing on the wall, just like Clinton did in 1988.
It's Pawlenty, Romney, maybe Daniels, and somebody else who I don't even know yet.
Drill, baby drill.
Liberal comments below to boil down to: "Bush was wrong offshore and arctic drilling, about how and where to drill, BUT Obama is going about it the right way, and Oh yeah, conservatives are still . . . . ". Just your daily basic mindless dose of liberal hypocrisy. There - I just saved you a lot of time.
Next on Obama's agenda after Gitmo and drilling: tax cuts and Social Security privatization.
I call bullshit. It's only going to allow exploration. There will never be any drilling for production.
A transparent ruse to secure a few
votes for the Cap 'n Tax legislation.
He's Stupaking reps who want to drill.
Given Mr Obama's broken promises, I remain a bit skeptical, but if true, good for him and good for the country.
And if true this will drive the progressives even more bat shit crazy--could be a twofer.
Where to start, let me count the ways.
Mr. Salazar has said that he hoped to rebalance the nation’s oil and gas policy to find a middle ground between the “drill here drill now” advocacy of many oil industry advocates
Funny, I thought the drill, baby drill was a Palin thing, unless she is now an Oil industry lobbyist
and the preservationist impulse to block oil exploration beneath virtually all public lands and waters.
I'm still a Westerner in my psyche. What most folks back East don't understand is that most of the Western states is Federal land. Locking it up from use forever grates on most Westerners.
In many of the newly opened areas, drilling would begin only after the completion of geologic studies, environmental impact statements, court challenges and public lease sales. Much of the oil and gas may not be recoverable at current prices and may be prohibitively expensive even if oil prices spike as they did in the summer of 2008.
So, even though we have capped well heads off Santa Barbara, that were cost effective at $10/bl, we aren't going to tap them now at $80/bl. The area naturally seeps oil from the ocean floor that fouls beaches. Drilling would actually reduce the beach polution, but we're going to never drill off California and punt on the East coast for 10 years.
an agreement between the Pentagon and the Agriculture Department to use more biofuels in military vehicles and the purchase of thousands of hybrid vehicles for the federal motor pool.
Dumber than $h_t. Run up the purchase price of the fleet, the operating cost, and drive up the cost of food supplies to get a feel good huggy to balance out that nasty drilling PR.
Bet all those new fleet purcahses are going to be GM? any takers?
Heh! Some expiration dates are welcome, but we could have gotten here sooner with a vote for someone else. Perhaps now Florida's economy can pick up a few jobs.
Seven Machos...The white men you named as GOP candidates may make good Presidents. I don't know how good. But there is the problem of getting elected first. Only Palin has shown any talent in that area. Win, baby win comes first.
Given Mr Obama's broken promises, I remain a bit skeptical, but if true, good for him and good for the country.
I agree with Roger on this. It would be good in reducing our dependency on foreign oil and put Americans to work (kind of a novel concept with 10% unemployment)
But I also wonder about the sincerity of the move just like his apparent support of nuke plants. Are these simply empty gestures because he knows that the envrio-weenies will be filing preventative lawsuits before the first drill bit is lowered that way he can play Pontius Pilate and just walk away?
Sorry for my skepticism but I take most of what this guys says with a grain of salt.
How sweet is this? Follow the dots below:
Candidate Obama: "I strongly reject drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge because it would irreversibly damage a protected national wildlife refuge without creating sufficient oil supplies to meaningfully affect the global market price or have a discernible impact on US energy security."
From Website of Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: ANWR, is bordered on the north by the Beaufort Sea
From the Times article Ann links to:large tracts in the Chukchi Sea and Beaufort Sea in the Arctic Ocean north of Alaska — nearly 130 million acres — would be eligible for exploration and drilling after extensive studies.
So, the Beaufort Sea Polar Bear, who uses the Beaufort Sea Coast on ANWR for birthing and 70 plus species of birds can all see the Obama off-shore drilling right off to their environmentally sensitive coast.
Haha your pragmatic Obama finally shows up.
I wonder if he will call off the dogs at the EPA and ban tree-hugger lawsuits so the drilling can actually be done? That is the crux of the issue.
I'm still a Westerner in my psyche. What most folks back East don't understand is that most of the Western states is Federal land.
A co-worker once told me she thought Palin a hypocrite because Alaska is the biggest recipient of Federal funds per capita.
When I informed her that as 65% of Alaska is owned by the Federal government it really doesn't come as a surprise that a larger portion of Federal tax dollars would go there.
Then I had to explain to her the concept of Federal ownership of State lands. This was heretofore an alien concept and yes she votes.
Lars has it right. This is just Chicago politics on a national scale. I suspect he has already sealed the fate of this smoke-and-mirrors charade with the environmentalists. It will be tied up in years of research, reports, climate change, some here-to-fore unknown mug wart fish darter, states demanding their share, blue-bloods in Nantucket NIMBY clowns who want oil wells over the horizon from Jersey, and the list goes on.
Obama is a one-trick pony who holds out the shiny stuff with one hand while getting low-fived with the other hand behind his back.
Don't fall for it. This is his version of the old carny shell game with a hidden hole underneath one of the shell positions. These guys are carny barkers with dazzling white teeth and a line of non-stop drivel designed to mesmerize the rubes.
Given Hoosier's and other's points, including mine, the larger issue is Mr Obama's veracity--when you continually violate your promises, your credibility becomes an issue.
Had Mr Obama's policies matched his campaign rhetoric, he would, I think not be facing this degree of doubt (and I am a doubter)
note to seven nachos;
Palin for Prez!
Your constant railings against Palin reveals your fear of her in particular and women in general. Whether she gets elected or not depends little on your opinion.
Happy Easter!
I don't think Palin will be running for POTUS. Having said that, there's no way that she would be worse than the POS that is in the position now.
The President is going to Maine tomorrow. Perhaps he'll shoot a moose.
If only Obama were enough like Palin to quit his job!
I agree with AllenS- Palin won't run but if she was Prez, she'd cut thru the crap and would not over-complicate and over-politicize very stinking issue.
It's tiresome to have to point out that Obama campaigned on off shore drilling "as part of a comprehensive energy strategy" so once again, this announcement will only blow the minds of two groups of people. One, conservative/nutbag Obama haters who think he's a commie captain planet bong smoker. Two, naive greens who think Obama stands for everything they stand for.
Hopefully there aren't too many of either group left, if those people have paid any attention at all in the last year.
This is NOT about energy policy!
U.S. oil refining capacity has been flat and maxed out for a long time. Even if we bring more domestic oil reserves into production, we don't have the additional capacity to use it. The oil is just going to be arbitraged to replace middle eastern oil; depleting our reserves with little impact on the cost of gasoline, jet fuel, or heating oil.
So why is Dear President doing this? Tax money. Obama just wants the injection of cash from the oil leases to make his domestic programs look less costly in the short term. This is a short sighted and incredibly cynical political calculation; a band-aid to try to keep his domestic agenda from bankrupting the country. It's not an energy policy.
Althouse needs a "Obama is like Mussolini" tag. Only the short-bus Uglycrats can defend him on this one.
It's tiresome to have to point out that Obama campaigned on off shore drilling "as part of a comprehensive energy strategy"
Maybe we were tired of the workers of the world unite speeches and slept through the part where he said he was going to open up the oil wells.
I know I heard more about how dissapointed he was in the rate in which gas prices rose than he was about gas prices rising and if we just inflated our tires.....
Your constant railings against Palin reveals your fear of her in particular and women in general
I am not afraid of Palin. I agree with her in a lot ways. But she is not qualified to be president, just like Obama. Reagan, both Bushes, and Clinton were qualified to be president.
Are you serious with the absurd mental leap abut fearing women in general? Surely you are trying to be funny. Surely you aren't that bad at basic reasoning.
It is bullshit. The "extensive studies" line is the tell. The studies have been done, long ago. There really isn't anything new to learn. It's time to start producing.
But another round of "study" lets him punt the issue for a few years while we wait for this round of tests to conclude so we can finally get around to doing what we should have started years ago. Then once the tests near conclusion, they'll find some other reason to delay, and then start "studying the issue" again.
Drill Baby Drill!
"Ok, I'll drill".
I smell a rat.
Hope I'm wrong.
Why just Virginia?
There's oil and gas potential here on the SC coast. The enviros will have a total shit fit but the state government needs the revenue, and the people need jobs.
Over time this is a government revenue booster at state and federal levels.
Cash is king.
Seven, with all due respect. Everyone is qualified to be President. And, at the same time, nobody is qualified to be President. It's what you do once you're in the position that matters, and until someone is installed in that position, you don't know what you're going to get.
Barack Obama knows gas prices are about to go to $3.50 a gallon for the summer and he's trying to get out in front of that issue.
After the summer is over, he'll renew the drilling ban to re-ignite his nutty environmental base (who he has already told what the strategy is and that's why they're so quiet today.)
Nothing to see here. Move along.
Drill, liar, drill.
Off-shore drilling, occupation of Iraq, drones killing bad guys in Afghanistan, and Gitmo running like butter.
If it weren't for the tax hikes that Obama delivered despite his promise not to, I'd say Bush was still president.
Of course, Bush was an idiot puppet of evil dark overlord Dick Cheney. So off-shore drilling, occupation of Iraq, drones killing bad guys in Afghanistan, and Gitmo running like butter are dumb and evil. Except they are smart and nuanced and filled with light.
I am so fucking confused right now.
Scott brings up an excellent point--our ability to produce petroleum products is limited by our refining capacity--until new refineries are put on line, all the crude that is recovered will not be useful. A comprehensive energy strategy has to focus on the production bottleneck.
"Everyone is qualified to be President."
This is incorrect.
The United States Constitution lays out the qualifications that one must possess in order to become President. You must be at least 35 years of age to be President, and you must be a natural-born U.S. citizen.
Many people believe that Barack Obama is not a natural-born citizen and thus, is not qualified to be our President.
Nevertheless, there are qualifications.
Palin's qualifications are not in dispute. She is 35. And she is a natural-born citizen.
Has Palin showed us her birth certificate? NO
Obviously, Ham, I was refering to those qualified by the definitions of our Constitution, not that I was advocating everyone in the world could do the job.
Allen -- I disagree. All of us who are American from birth and are 35 meet the qualifications from a sort of procedural point of view. But few of us are qualified.
You have to be a long-time state governor or a long-time general to be able to successfully run this country. A very long history in public life can sometimes do the trick as well.
"If it weren't for the tax hikes that Obama delivered despite his promise not to, I'd say Bush was still president."
The only difference between the Repubulican Party and the Democrat Party is that the Republican Party uses tax rate cuts to generate more revenue and the Democrat Party uses tax hikes to generate more revenue.
Everything else about the two Party's is identical, and that is by mutual agreement. Do individuals within the parties argue about how to do things? Sure. But they've agreed on the strategy for growing government influence in our lives and that one way or another the Federal Government budget will outpace grow faster than inflation no matter which Party is in power.
The evidence for this is what they do (not what they say).
Why change the subject, Garage? Is it the manifest discomfort or the pummeling?
Look! Squirrel!
Seriously, it is sad that every time the big zero opens his mouth, so many of us doubt his veracity. We basically view him as a liar and a con man.
1. Let me know when the drilling starts.
2. I wonder "what else" is going on here. See above. There must be something. Yes, I just don't trust the guy. He has not earned it. He's done the opposite.
3. I wonder if there are payoffs involved here for healthcare votes.
4. I'm guessing there will be "more" facts soon. We'll see.
"All of us who are American from birth and are 35 meet the qualifications from a sort of procedural point of view. But few of us are qualified."
Inigo Montonya says: You keep using this word "qualified" but I do not think it means what you think it means.
Palin (and Obama) are both over 35 years of age and are both natural-born citizens. Thus, both meet the qualifications to be President.
I think you're trying to say that one, or the other, doesn't have enough "experience" to be a good President.
And that point is certainly debatable, but they are both qualified to be President.
Words have meanings. Look them up.
"Seriously, it is sad that every time the big zero opens his mouth, so many of us doubt his veracity."
And don't you find it even more troubling that when the press reports what Obama is saying, we have also learned that there is a high probability they are not giving us all of the facts?
And that later on, we'll discover they were complicit in writing the story in such a way that it deliberately put Obama in the most favorable light? Even if the facts point otherwise?
Dictators and despots we have nothing to fear from. They hang easily enough.
However, the free press has been compromised and is working with the government now to shackle us into socialism.
That is infinitely more disturbing to me than some mere politician's lies.
Main Entry: qualified
Part of Speech:
Definition: able, skillful
Synonyms: accomplished, adept, adequate, all around, au fait, capable, catechized, certified, competent, disciplined, efficient, equipped, examined, experienced, expert, fit, fitted, good, instructed, knowledgeable, licensed, practiced, pro*, proficient, proper, proved, quizzed, talented, tested, trained, tried, up to snuff, up to speed, vet, veteran, war-horse, wicked
I write for a living, dude. Get off your language high horse. You look ridiculous.
Now all Palin has to do is press the issue - make Obama rue the day he opened his mouth.
LarsPorcena said: "A transparent ruse to secure a few
votes for the Cap 'n Tax legislation.
He's Stupaking reps who want to drill."
And I am so stealing that term "Stupaking." It so neatly represents politically sodomized, gamed, and discarded.
I'd make a good President. Never been a governor, but I'm over 35, natural born, veteran...
Obama: "Hope and change."
AllenS: "You're dead."
AlmostAli said: "Now all Palin has to do is press the issue..."
Right. Just like she stayed the course as Governor of Alaska, as well as her prior state level executive position on ethics.
Oil is up about $1.00 a barrel as of now. If BO's plan had any credibility it would be down.
@Almost Ali: That's the ticket. I bet it's going to happen, too.
You can smell the desperation in the air. It's coming from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
The only thing I don't like about the American system of government is that we can't demand a vote of no confidence to force new elections.
Has Palin showed us her birth certificate? NO
Nobody seriously disputes she was born in Idaho, dude. And I'm not someone who thinks filing a court challenge to Obama's qualificaton as President on basis of birth was a smart move.
And it's off topic. The point is: does Obama actually intend to follow through with off-shore oil drilling? My gut feeling is this is a political maneuver to get support for cap and trade by holding out the possibility of tax revenue from domestic oil production. It will take years to get the oil production online, and by then, who knows if Obama will keep this promise? Enviros will delay this as long as possible.
I think I was born via a C-section. Does that disqualify me from being president?
wv = shmen = what Althouse thinks of John Cole
Think how much cap-and-trade will help the economy, though. All those green jobs. Or something.
That and killing innovation in health care and raising taxes to pay for health care and the exploding debt -- that all means this economy is about ready to take off.
Right, leftist economists?
7 nachos; Do you perchance pen any letters for Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR)? Your writing isn't that good as it lacks specifics and is contrarian.
Your sophistry bores me. I suggest you not give up your day job. If you want to talk about screaming IDS I suggest you think about your own because it is exactly yourself you are describing.
That's a nice wish, but unrealistic. Obama is the better "gamesman" while Palin is a proven "quitter." She'll be "Stupaked." [Love that term]
It's like SevenMachos said early on here: "The truth is that Obama is exactly like Palin -- young, shallow, not qualified to be president..."
But he knows how to make folly look grand, not just hysterical.
It must be pick on Seven today. I thought we agreed to wait til tomorrow so we could all yell April Fools!
NRO sums it up:
Expiration Date on 'Offshore Drilling' Achieved
I'm glad to see this policy shift, but it does again represent an expired campaign promise. Even ABC News saw this one coming.
In June 2008, then-Sen. Obama told reporters in Jacksonville, Florida, "when I'm president, I intend to keep in place the moratorium here in Florida and around the country that prevents oil companies from drilling off Florida's coasts. That's how we can protect our coastline and still make the investments that will reduce our dependence on foreign oil and bring down gas prices for good."
Today, the "Obama administration is proposing to open vast expanses of water along the Atlantic coastline, the eastern Gulf of Mexico and the north coast of Alaska to oil and natural gas drilling, much of it for the first time," including off the coast of Jacksonville, where Obama offered that statement.
@Aridog: "Stupaked" is inapposite. Palin isn't holding an office now, and I would guess she never will again. She's living the lush life as the Al Gore of the GOP, telling people what they want to hear and cashing big checks as a speaker on the rubber chicken circuit. She doesn't have to answer her critics -- just thumb her nose at them.
Was he lying when he was a candidate or is he lying now?
I think you're right about Palin. And this role is better for her and better for Repub's.
@rdkraus: right on brother.
Scott said: ""Stupaked" is inapposite."
Agreed. But I just couldn't resist using it. Palin as the opposite Al Gore...perfect.
@ari: Yeah, words can be seductive, but they can't always dance the Lambada.
Or something like that. :)
I think he promised EXPLORATION. This will be fought by the enviro lawyer lobby and tied up forever in the courts. As he planned.
We can see through you, Barry.
When Obama makes a pronouncement like drilling offshore, it is prudent to wait for the rest of the (usually hidden) details to arrive before judging what he really intended to say.
It could be that he's going to go all mini-Hugo Chavez here, and will declare that the federal government actually owns the oil resources, and will drill, refine and market oil itself.
Single-payor oil products. No big greedy capitalists with their fat paychecks involved. No siree.
That'll pay for healthcare, unicorns, free mortgages, free tuition, an SEIU nurse in every hospital room, and a whole buncha other stuff he wants.
Wait for the details. Wait for the details.
rdKraus said: "Was he lying when he was a candidate or is he lying now?"
Does it matter?
These days, the word "rebalance" means we're in for a rocky ride.
It's what you do once you're in the position that matters, and until someone is installed in that position, you don't know what you're going to get.
So, you have to elect a president to find out what's going to be in his/her presidency?
Don't jinx me! I just re-balanced a KEO account yesterday. heh.
It's tiresome to have to point out that Obama campaigned on off shore drilling "as part of a comprehensive energy strategy"
Oh Montagine, you comedian - you make us all laugh!
But why tell only part of the story on your boy Barack - let everyone know about his integrity:
From the Huffington Post, no less: Shifting from his previous opposition to expanded offshore drilling, the Illinois senator told a Florida newspaper he could get behind a compromise with Republicans and oil companies to prevent gridlock over energy.
Republican rival John McCain, who earlier dropped his opposition to offshore drilling, has been criticizing Obama on the stump and in broadcast ads for clinging to his opposition as gasoline prices topped $4 a gallon. Polls indicate these attacks have helped McCain gain ground on Obama.
"More Trees, Less Obama" doesn't have the same ring somehow.
Obama drilled, polar bears died.
The vision of Palin as a money grubber celebrity that will never serve her country by being its President is a false image that becomes no truer by being confidently repeated. I am sure that Romney and Pawlinty day dream of Sarah doing a 180 and letting them run against men they can have a shot at beating for the nomination, but she has shown Zero signs of following that day dream path to date.
Well, then there's this in the State of the Union Obama said: “To create more of these clean energy jobs, we need more production, more efficiency, more incentives. That means building a new generation of safe, clean nuclear power plants in this country. It means making tough decisions about opening new offshore areas for oil and gas development.”
My guess is he’s doing this as a peace offering before he tackles energy policy. If he tries to do energy policy without this, he’ll hear nothing but screams of “drill, baby, drill.” Now, they can’t scream that and ain’t nobody drilling anyway (until oil hits $200/barrel). In poker this is what’s called “calling a bluff.”
Lars and vet66 have it right. The Zero wants $8 a gallon gasoline the same way he wants single payer health care. It's part of his long term goals.
Given that Lindsey ("I'm the new Specter") Graham is so eager to reach across the aisle to his friend Lurch in the Democrat Party on cap & trade, we may see a fight over this before November.
Anent Miss Sarah, she's already opted of of '12, although anyone who says she isn't qualified is ignoring the fact that she worked her way up in local government to the State house in Alaska. Which is more than most POTUS hopefuls, R or D, ever do.
Seven Machos said...
Love the Obama is like Palin tag. The truth is that Obama is exactly like Palin -- young, shallow, not qualified to be president, and for whatever reason came along at the right time in the zeitgeist.
That's why Palin -- a woman who has done nothing but lose as a vice presidential candidate -- drives the left bat-shit insane. It's their id screaming out to them.
Hardly shallow - she galvanized the anti-ZeroCare forces with two words which, yes, does drive the National Socialists insane.
As to what she's done - mayor of the fifth-largest town in AK, governor, and VP candidate who brought almost all of the undecideds to the Republicans, stemming a double digit loss by McCain is hardly nothing. This is more whistling in the graveyard.
Those who say she may never go for the top spot may be right. It will be interesting to see if she's offered a Cabinet post in the next administration, which will be Republican. Since her instincts seem to be as a reformer, she may end up as chair of the RNC or keep driving public opinion the way she's been for the last year or so.
Either may turn out to be the Demos' worst nightmare.
WV "inglesh" What people in NE Ohio claim to speak.
When I was a lad bouncing on my father's knee, bouncing on my spring-loaded hobby horse, bouncing on my pogo stick, pretty much bouncing all over the place, our household had a children's encyclopedia set that I devoured between bounces. Read the whole thing, where reading means looking at every single picture. It was all pictures. I was particularly stricken by a map of the world in which resources of each place were indicated with a tiny icon representing that resource; coal tram for coal, oil well for oil, salmon for fish, bail of cotton for cotton, lamb for wool, wheat plant for wheat, ear of corn for corn, etc. So simple a child could grasp. I thought as a child, "Holy crap, the US sure has a lot of resources, innit." That map took hold in my mind. Correctly questioned many a Jeopardy! answer because of it. I concluded early the US is quite self-sufficient when it comes to natural resources, as contrasted with, say, Japan. My mind flips to the memory of that map whenever the subject of resources comes up and I'm saddened when other more delicate values unrealistically override the fundamental value of self-sufficiency. I suppose that encyclopedia insufficiently propounded delicate values.
You bitch and whine when he doesn't do what you think he should do...and now you bitch and whine when he does do what you think he should do.
Hypocritical tea baggers.
Oh...and when will the "freedom of speech" thread begin...discussing how the University of Wyoming canceled a speech by...William Ayers??
You trashed the Canadians for their unfair cancellation of Ann "The Walking Trash Barrel" Coulter...because they just don't understand "free speech" as we enlightened Americans when will the trashing of the American university begin?
Let's take a guess...
AllenS said..."Unfortunately, he isn't going to do it. Just like everything else."
Guess you missed that Health Reform thing, huh? Or that Russian nuclear pact last week?
The Chipper knows we have many natural resources.
Ayers is an admitted anartchist who is married to a convicted felon. What crimes has Coulter copped too?
You trashed the Canadians for their unfair cancellation of Ann "The Walking Trash Barrel" Coulter...because they just don't understand "free speech" as we enlightened Americans when will the trashing of the American university begin?
Well if the students at the University of Wyoming intentionally disrupted the speech, pulled fire alarms and attempted to block entrance then I would be in agreement with you.
I know its a difficult concept for your limited intelligence to grasp but there is a difference between not choosing to allow someone to come speak at a campus and physically preventing it or disrupting it.
Or that Russian nuclear pact last week?
And thank Allah and the Prophet for that too! I have been living in mortal terror since the fall of the Soviet Union 20 years ago that we were on the brink of nuclear annihilation with the Russians.
AJ Lynch & Corn Cob -
The primary bitching and whining last week via the local tea bagging wing nuts was related to the Canadians not understanding the concept of "free speech"...not fire alarms or disruptions. And as for Ayers being a "criminal," G.Gordon Liddy gives speeches all the time, as do many others who have committed crimes and served time.
You just can't get those little minds of yours around what you yourselves say.
You're just hypocrites.
bitch and whine
bitch and whine
bitch and whine
Who comes to this blog and bitch and whines constantly?
Well, one thing's for certain: Obama is no socialist, but rather the best friend of Big Business in a long time. Seriously, he makes Bush look like a piker in this regard. Banks, insurers, car companies, pharma, oil companies--Obama loves 'em all! Remember how the left went nuts about Cheney's "supa-sekrit energy policy group"? What did those guys actually do? All that secrecy and they couldn't manage to do what Obama just did with one stroke of a pen.
Oh, and just to be clear, I'm okay with exploration and even production. Why is it that the United States is the only country in the world that declines to drill its domestic reserves of oil? Everyone else, the Brits, the Norwegians, the Canadians, the Russians, etc., starts drilling as soon as deposits are found. But in our country we find a deposit and the default assumption is that we won't drill. Is it American exceptionalism?
Corn Cob - You really need to get out of that field and do some reading.
Any form of agreement that lessens the likelihood of a nuclear confrontation is good for everybody, even tea baggers like yourself.
The only reason you denigrate the new agreement is directly related to your hatred of our President. If Bush had pushed this through, you and others here would be screaming from the roof tops, praising him.
Oh, and your comment "thank Allah and the Prophet" is nothing more than religious bigotry. (As usual)
President Obama is not a Muslim, nor has he ever represented himself as a Prophet.
Trad -- Come on. Palin is not a serious contender in 2012. Most of the serious ones sat out 2008 because they saw the writing on the wall, just like Clinton did in 1988.
Except you don't get the Republican nomination by sitting on the side lines. With the exception of George W. Bush, there probably hasn't been a Republican win the nomination since Eisenhower who hadn't seriously run before, at least as a VP candidate (or been the incumbent).
Which means that we are probably stuck with a choice among Romney, Palin, and Huckabee (unless you want Bob Dole, John McCain III, Pat Buchannan, or Dick Cheney to run again).
Contrast this with the Democrats who seem to need to run unknowns in order to win the Presidency, at least since LBJ. Two governors from small southern states, and a back bench Senator with almost no seniority.
bitch and whine
The primary bitching and whining last week via the local tea bagging wing nuts was related to the Canadians not understanding the concept of "free speech"...not fire alarms or disruptions. Jeremy. The complaint was in two parts 1) that she was physically prevented from giving her speech and 2) that she could be subject to criminal prosecution if she said something deemed offensive or hateful.
Ayres was neither physically prevented by a mob of students nor warned of being criminally prosecuted for possibly saying something offensive.
I have to hand it to you. You never fail to disappoint when demonstrating a complete lack of focus and intelligence.
Allen - And in your case, it's more bitch and "wine."
Any form of agreement that lessens the likelihood of a nuclear confrontation is good for everybody, even tea baggers like yourself.
Well I do tend to do a lot of reading Jeremy and the chances of having a nuclear confrontation with the Russians in the last 20 odd years was about the same as having one with France.
Oh, and your comment "thank Allah and the Prophet" is nothing more than religious bigotry. (As usual)
Yes I know how much respect you hold for Christians. Maybe I was trying to be all inclusive.
Corn Cob -
" Jeremy. The complaint was in two parts 1) that she was physically prevented from giving her speech and 2) that she could be subject to criminal prosecution if she said something deemed offensive or hateful."
That is patently false.
She was never "physically prevented" from doing anything. Her speech was canceled.
From an interview with Bill O'Reilly on March 26th:
O'REILLY: "Pretty frightening in Iowa you couldn't even get on the stage? Iowa, in Ottawa."
COULTER: "No, I was no — Ottawa, yes. I was nowhere near the building. I was sitting in a lovely Ottawa club with my bodyguard, waiting for them to tell us it was time to come, because you know, they have to get everyone seated. There was a speaker before me. And the cops called my bodyguard and said it's been cancelled."
(See anything about being physically restrained or prevented? Her bodyguard got a "phone call.")
As to the other inane point; they have laws that directly relate to the kind of incendiary crap Coulter throws out there...
"Canadian law puts reasonable limits on freedom of expression. For example, promoting hatred against identifiable group would not only be considered in appropriate, but could, in fact, lead to criminal charges."
Read less.
Corn Cob -
"Well I do tend to do a lot of reading Jeremy and the chances of having a nuclear confrontation with the Russians in the last 20 odd years was about the same as having one with France."
So your advice to any President would be to forget about any kind of nuclear pact or agreement? Tell me you're not that dense.
"Yes I know how much respect you hold for Christians. Maybe I was trying to be all inclusive."
I personally could care less what religion or belief anybody feels obliged to carry through life, but...
You weren't being anything other than a tea bagging bigot. You just don't like being called out for it, and don't have the guts to admit it.
Oh, and your comment "thank Allah and the Prophet" is nothing more than religious bigotry.
But it is cute.
"Canadian law puts reasonable limits on freedom of expression. For example, promoting hatred against identifiable group would not only be considered in appropriate, but could, in fact, lead to criminal charges."
Yeh, I love the way she turned this around. Another conservative woman whom the liberals love to hate, in this case, beating them at their own game.
Bruce - I realize you love to suck up to fellow tea baggers, but why identify yourself as also being a religious bigot?
What is it about bigotry that makes you feel so good?
Bruce - Ann Colter, by being canceled...beat them at their own game?
So, based on that ridiculous notion, William Ayers did the same to the University of Wyoming.
Some of you people are really, really dumb.
As to the other inane point; they have laws that directly relate to the kind of incendiary crap Coulter throws out there...
Thank you for making my 'inane point' Jeremy. They have laws that prevent free speech. Just like North Korea and Cuba.
Glad to know which side you're on Pro-totalitarians like yourself who like to call themselves liberals aren't quite so honest about restricting rights. You are to be congratulated for your honesty.
You weren't being anything other than a tea bagging bigot. You just don't like being called out for it, and don't have the guts to admit it.
Actually Jeremey I don't really care what you (especially you) or anyone calls me out for. If you really care less what religion somone follows my comment shouldn't have raised an eyebrow with you but it did which means you do care.
Corn Cob - We also have laws against specific kinds of speech.
The law I provided didn't say anything about not allowing "free speech."
It puts "reasonable limits on freedom of expression," that might promote "hatred against identifiable group(s)" know, like the minorities, gays, Muslims and others she loves to denigrate.
Which, by the way, is exactly what laws right here do to hold people accountable for pulling false alarms in buildings, screaming fire in a crowded theatre that is not in fact on fire, or in the case of the internet, laws that address bullying and overt threats, etc.
Do you EVER actually read anything before posting your tea bagger drivel?
Corn Cob - "Actually Jeremey I don't really care what you (especially you) or anyone calls me out for."
Sure you do.
Otherwise you would have moved on.
Being a bigot isn't much fun when someone directly confronts it?
Jeremy...As the funds spent and the target number of remaining working H-Bombs goes down along with the numbers of their delivery systems, who will defend us from Iran, North Korea, Pakistan, and soon Venezuela? We may not get the usual help from our former close ally, Israel, when we need it in the future. All bets are off with England too so that Super Obama can shake up our allies and win friends among our natural enemies that watched him do in our natural friends. That's brilliant work.
Regarding the original topic, Jeremy. Nobody's complaining, it's just that nobody trusts The Zero any more. As El Rushbo put it, everything he says has an expiration date.
traditional fool - So, you think Obama is doing a pretty poor job dealing with our international allies and enemies, huh?
Well, let's take a look at a review via someone who know infinitely more than you'll ever know:
Barack Obama’s approach to Iran and Syria won plaudits yesterday from James Baker, the former US secretary of state who served in two Republican administrations.
“If harsh rhetoric means you don’t talk to people, then we shouldn’t have been meeting with the Soviet Union for 40 years during the Cold War,” he said on a visit to Abu Dhabi. “But you do more than talk, that’s what the current administration in my view is doing.”
Mr Baker, who served under both George HW Bush and Ronald Reagan, implicitly criticised Mr Obama’s Republican critics who have said that the decision to negotiate with Iranian leaders without preconditions had encouraged Iran’s nuclear programme and legitimised the results of last summer’s disputed election.
Oh, and even when it's completed, we'll still have 1,500...just in case.
The law I provided didn't say anything about not allowing "free speech."
It puts "reasonable limits on freedom of expression," that might promote "hatred against identifiable group(s)" know, like the minorities, gays, Muslims and others she loves to denigrate.
Well yes putting limits on speech that might ‘offend’ or ‘promote hatred’ is restricting free speech. You don’t have a right not to be offended or be hated at least not in the US.
Which, by the way, is exactly what laws right here do to hold people accountable for pulling false alarms in buildings, screaming fire in a crowded theatre that is not in fact on fire, or in the case of the internet, laws that address bullying and overt threats, etc.
You’re kind of thick aren’t you? You want to equate saying speech that would offend someone’s sensibilities with yelling fire in a theater? I mean that’s a stretch of stupidity even for you.
edutcher said..."As El Rushbo put it, everything he says has an expiration date."
Well, who wouldn't put their faith in something Rush Limbaugh has to say?
Can you get anything from Glenn Beck and Sean know, just to make sure?
*Oh, and what was the "expiration date" on that we're not going to be a "nation builder" thing Bush touted when running for office?
Being a bigot isn't much fun when someone directly confronts it?
Actually I find it quite amusing to be called a bigot for making some satire of a religion that refers to me (a Christian)as an infidel and Jews as monkeys and pigs.
My irony bone is really twinging right now.
Corn Cob - "You don’t have a right not to be offended or be hated at least not in the US."
Still staying away from those nasty newspapers and books I see:
Hate crime laws in the United States protect against hate crimes (also known as bias crimes) motivated by enmity or animus against a protected class. Although state laws vary, current statutes permit federal prosecution of hate crimes committed on the basis of a person's protected characteristics of race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability.
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)/FBI, as well as campus security authorities, are required to collect and publish hate crime statistics.
The FBI defines a hate crime (a.k.a. bias crime) to be:
"a criminal offense committed against a person, property or society which is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender's bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin."
Corn Cob - Maybe you should take the time to read up on those wonderful Christians...and take a look at how they feel about other religions.
The Crusades come to mind.
Do YOU read ANYTHING...???
Come to think of it...
Has Obama done anything to start the nuclear development he promised in the same sentence as he said "hard choices" about off shore drilling?
(We do all understand that "hard choices" is not at all any sort of endorsement of opening up off shore drilling. It's an Obamanism... a word construction that has no clear meaning but can be interpreted according to the listener's preferences.)
Maybe he directed a big chunk of the stimulous toward nuclear power and I missed it.
Maybe those construction jobs are out there and the media failed to report it.
Jeremy...FYI James Baker has been anti-Israel and pro Saudi Arabian since time began. He is no more a representative that wants to maintain the Israel/American alliance than Jimmy Carter is. The 1993 Oslo Peace Accords were a James Baker forced upon Israel peace with no peace partner available except for Saudi promises that they would ask Yasser Arafat to exterminate the Jews as painlessly as possible.
Still staying away from those nasty newspapers and books I see:
Hate crime laws in the United States protect against hate crimes
I was wrong. You are dumber than I thought. Sigh. Last time I checked, no one has been arrested and prosecuted for offending someone with speech. Hate crimes as you describe are an additional charge when a criminal act (assault, battery, property crimes) are committed with bias. This has nothing to do with offensive speech.
Maybe you should take the time to read up on those wonderful Christians...and take a look at how they feel about other religions.
The Crusades come to mind.
Wow..the Crusades. I almost forgot about those. Well understandable since the last one took place about 800 years ago. You'd probably know that if you actually read anything yourself.
Energy will never be a problem in this country unless we insist on making it so. We have endless reserves of fossil, nuclear and others not yet envisioned. Technology will create the answers if we listen and don't tell it what the answers are before they show themselves.
As Bagoh 20 points out, we have unlimited sources of energy without having to buy oil from canada and mexico. If we are serious about tapping that energy we have to reduce the constraints on those energy sources.
Again, I think Mr Obama has taken a step in the right direction (with all the caveats already cited). Were he to reduce the constraints on refinery construction and nuclear generating capacity, I might even believe he is serious.
Time will tell.
What did you think of that cheddar and brats I sent ya Roger? TYhe Neely ribs were great, but the Interstate ribs were awesome.
If all else fails, it's always a good idea to fall back on the old bitch and whine about the Crusades factoid.
Hey garage--loved the cheddar and waiting for a good warm weekend to do the brats.
Re Neely and Interstate--Same family but I think there was a family falling out. Jim Neely founded interstate, and a lot of folks in Memphis think those are the best--The Neely ribs I sent were from a breakaway family member.
Heres a good recipe for ribs if you have a smoker: get a slab of costco ribs, trim the fat--put on a dry rub of your choosing and smoke in a hot smoker for about two hours--recommend hickory. After the ribs have colored up, put them in aluminum foil and put in your oven for another two hours--they will be meaty and tender--the only problem with open pit dry rub ribs is they tend to dry out a bit.
If you want some real fun, come to the Memphis Kosher BBQ festival in september (great fun, but all beef)
Garage--most important thing--don't let the temp get much above 220
I've smoked ribs for years, the dry rub I've tinkered with (that I stole from a friend) is just about perfect now. The Neelys were a sparerib, not babybacks, nothing wrong with that of course, but the Interstate babybacks were out of this world. The Neelys had way too much paprika for my liking. But, of course was much appreciated :)
Roger I plan on making some ribs this weekend and my usual method was slow bake in the oven around 200 for 2-3 hours and then off to the grill for about a half hour. Unfortunatelty I don't have a smoker. Its worked ok but I'm still trying to get a fall off the bone masterpiece.
" AllenS said...
I'd make a good President."
Good, that's just what we need.
When can you start?
You can smoke in any charcoal grill. Just buy bag of apple or hickory chips, soak them in water for an hour, and put them in a tin foil pack. Best to smoke them on the grill first, then tin foil the ribs in the oven. If you really feel adventurous you could marinate the ribs in red wine vinegar/veg oil/crushed garlic/ chopped parsley for a few hours beforehand. Guaranteed fall off the bone ribs.
Hoosier--reverse the process--rub them with any rub you like, brown them on the grill, (10 minues on a side) and then put them in the oven at 200-225 in a roaster pan. Add a bit of liquid. Slow cook for a couple of hours. best way to tell is if they do fall off the bone--you can thicken the juice up with whatever you like and it makes a sauce of your own choosing.
What Garage said--dont need a smoker--just wood chips and aluminum foil--or you can even put them in a pie pan. Have a spray bottle hand, because if the wood ignites it raises the temp too high.
An Garage's method also is dynamite for smoked salmon, but use apple or alder for the best smoked salmon.
2/16/10 - President Barack Obama announced $8.3 billion in loan guarantees Tuesday to build the first U.S. nuclear power plant in nearly three decades, a move designed to help advance climate legislation in Congress.
traditional - So James Baker isn't good enough for you, huh?
What does Beck or Limbaugh have to say?
It is highly doubtful that a license for a single rig will be issued during Obama's first term and less likely still that a platform will be put in place in the next six years. I would expect that this drilling will find itself as a trading chip in some gigantic energy/global warming bonanza that is being cooked up as we write. Still, it is nice to see this announcement and I will withhold questioning why it took a year to make it.
Corn Cob - "Last time I checked, no one has been arrested and prosecuted for offending someone with speech."
Once again:
Hate crime laws in the United States protect against hate crimes (also known as bias crimes) motivated by enmity or animus against a protected class. Although state laws vary, current statutes permit federal prosecution of hate crimes committed on the basis of a person's protected characteristics of race, religion, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and disability.
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)/FBI, as well as campus security authorities, are required to collect and publish hate crime statistics.
The FBI defines a hate crime (a.k.a. bias crime) to be:
"a criminal offense committed against a person, property or society which is motivated, in whole or in part, by the offender's bias against a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, or ethnicity/national origin."
Michael said..."It is highly doubtful that a license for a single rig will be issued during Obama's first term and less likely still that a platform will be put in place in the next six years."
And once again, Michael drags out his trusty crystal ball to tell us what is "going to happen"...before it that Health Reform Bill everybody here said WOULD NEVER BE PASSED.
Oh, and can you tell us who will win the NBA and MLB and NFL championships?
People who bet want to know.
yo Jeremy--easy. Superbowl: Steelers, MLB: Cubbies, NBA: Miami Heat
Bonus answer: buy Halliburton what with that offshore drilling
next question?
I realize few here would take a suggestion of any sort from little ol' me, but...
Check out for recipes for literally anything.
Jeremy... I don't like Beck's style of showmanship because today's issues are too important to give your mind over to watching his performances. Limbaugh is truly an intelligent man, and he is always around the 8 or 9 ring when he is not hitting the bullseye. The real story of the demolition of the world's super power by Obama placed charges will someday be told, but for now we have to watch his belt buckle rather than his head fakes if we want to keep up. He is slick.
Roger, I see you either don't follow sports that closely or are a wishful thinker.
I'd love to see the Cubs win, but what are the chances of that?
Halliburton is probably a good bet...and since I've mentioned the Russian's a great stock pick: VIP
AllenS said..."If all else fails, it's always a good idea to fall back on the old bitch and whine about the Crusades factoid."
What the hell are you talking about now?
Free speech? Hate speech? Crusades? Barbeque ribs (now there's something we can all unite behind in a bipartisan fashion)!
I've been tied up all day in meetings, but getting back to the original post, one thing I note is that Deleware seems to be exempted, and consequently the areas marked for offshore drilling are all off the coasts of states that are either red or rated as likely to go Republican in the 2010 elections. So from a political standpoint, Barack Obama is incurring hardly any additional political risk in proposing opening these areas for drilling.
Two things have not escaped my notice. To add onto what Drill SGT noted, the place near Santa Barbara, CA, where the coastline stops running east-west and heads northwest again is named Coal Oil Point because the oil is so close to the surface that it seeps up on its own, polluting the local waters instead of being refined into gasoline. But Barbara Boxer's senatorial seat and numerous congressional seats are in play in 2010, so no drilling off the California coast, baby!
The second thing I noted is that the drilling isn't fast-tracked, so the drilling can be stopped by regulatory review anytime it looks like it might impact a Democrat's election prospects (e.g., in 2012).
Ahh, Mr Jeremy--so you have crystal ball after all-so who is your money on for the coming sports season.
Roger - Well, I don't have anything against your picks, and as I said, the Cubs sure are due...
But, I guess if I had to take a shot:
NBA - Lakers
MLB - Cardinals
NFL - Indy
Memo to Jeremy:
The term is "Tea Party" not "Teabagger." The latter is the obscene nick devised by liberal Kool Aid drinkers,eh.
I'm neither Dem or Repub or Tea Party, but I'd like to see you not sound like a high school sophmore with low self esteem. Apologies to high school sophmores.
Obama has nothing to lose with the drilling.
His base will stay regardless, and it pacifies the conservative states that have been screaming for drilling, regardless of the possible consequences.
It's interesting to note that oil is at about $90...but the price of gas is going down.
Kind of makes you wonder who's manipulating who.
Mr Jeremy--yours look pretty good too--hope my memory holds out long enough to see the end of the sports season.
and we are in agreement (gasp) on the cubbies as sentimental MLB favorites
Aridog said..." Gee thanks for the advice oh wise one, but I think I'll stick with the "tea bagger" moniker for the crazos who worship Glenn Beck and others. (And don't you think they should have thought about the other definition before latching onto the name?)
Google "tea baggers" and the first thing that comes up is this:
"New York Daily News - Right-wing Republicans often masquerade as tea baggers..."
And do you think any of them actually understand what the initial tea party movement was all about?
You know, that taxation without representation thingie Jonathan Mayhew came up with...that most of us read about during our school days?
Where do you suppose most of these people live that there are no elected officials representing their interests?
And do you even think most of them vote in the first place?
The smart money says this is just another one for the list.
A brief history on "tea-bagging". Shorter: They started it.
Jeremy said...
edutcher said..."As El Rushbo put it, everything he says has an expiration date."
Well, who wouldn't put their faith in something Rush Limbaugh has to say?
Can you get anything from Glenn Beck and Sean know, just to make sure?
*Oh, and what was the "expiration date" on that we're not going to be a "nation builder" thing Bush touted when running for office?
As I've said before, I've never been one of Beck's acolytes, and I can take or leave Hannity.
Problem for you is, on this one, Rush has a pretty good track record.
Obama has nothing to lose with the drilling.
Have to disagree here. The enviros have made a life's work out of digging in their heels on this issue. It may be a couple of points, but, in the next few months, he may need those points.
PS Thank you for using my name.
Where do you suppose most of these people live that there are no elected officials representing their interests?
Couple of great posts:
LarsPorsena said...
I call bullshit. It's only going to allow exploration. There will never be any drilling for production.
A transparent ruse to secure a few
votes for the Cap 'n Tax legislation.
He's Stupaking reps who want to drill.
Scott's point that Goddess Palin is now the revered Al Gore figure of the Right. Tell's them what they want to hear, collects her lush paychecks and fan love, and has no intent of ever running for office again.
My take. Love the "Spupaked" concept. Of course Obama has picking off fold s who could make money on oil drilling and have no problem passing on a massive new carbon tax on citizens. Oil companies actually see the carbon tax as a new revenue stream for them - as cap n' trade brokers.
The Cult of Goddess Palin of the Religious Right DOES resemble the Algore is our Salvation, and Earths - Cult.
To reiterate a point I made in my second post:
Because of refining capacity constrictions, Dear President's policy isn't going to decrease the cost of gasoline, home heating oil, or jet fuel. All it will do is create an arbitrage solely for generating tax revenue -- obviously a scheme to try to pay for the Uglycrats' massive overreach in social policy.
It is cynical and stupid. And it is not an energy policy.
Machiavelli lives. Nixon smiles. America suffers. Jeremy plays with his straw dogs and foams at the mouth.
Traditional Guy - "FYI James Baker has been anti-Israel and pro Saudi Arabian since time began. He is no more a representative that wants to maintain the Israel/American alliance than Jimmy Carter is."
Last I looked, James Baker was one of the pro-Americans who put America's interests over Israel's when our two interests diverged.
That is hard for certain brain dead conservatives who equate patriotism and conservatism with complete love of Israel and doing as Israel demands - to understand. Let alone the dual-loyalty or "higher loyalty to Israel" Christian Zionists who think their religious salvation means obeying God himself's word that "those who go against Israel" will not be saved..
And add the odious neocons who seek new wars to spend US lives and treasure in - "to serve Our Special Friend's needs"
Those conservatives that would damage America to serve Israel - are no more patriots than the leftist lawyers that sympathize with terrorists are.
As Obama makes his inevitable tact to the right to attempt to neutralize the public animosity and recover in the polls, we will see, as we do here today, that his supporters will abandon their own stated principles to defend him. It's always been a cult of personality where all good leftist truly feel comfortable. Hell, they may even fall in love with Bush once they find out Obama has been meeting with him to get his policy ideas. Cheney too.
Look! Over there! A Crusade!
Jeremy: Please stop using the homophobic term "teabagger" to describe people using their constitutional rights to protest the government. It is uncalled for. You should have the good taste not to employ such vulgarities. The homosexual community cannot be pleased.
C-4...You are so sharp at enemy recognition today. Do we all have to wear Yellow Stars of David again? How about just criticising Israeli Jews for what they do and not for "being Jewish on the planet" and "causing disloyal Americans (like Harry S Truman) to love them. Neither of those accusations have been a crime since May 8, 1945.
Jeremy: Please stop using the homophobic term "teabagger" to describe people using their constitutional rights to protest the government.
Screw that, if they can call me a homo, I can hit back. They can call Obama and liberals baby killing terrorist Nazis, and we can't respond? Don't work that way.
Uh, oh, someone called garage a homo. Gonna be a big fight at recess, LOL.
@garage, you're a [derogatory term for a person sexually interested in members of own gender deleted]?
I didn't get that memo.
Does your family know?
"Screw that, if they can call me a homo, I can hit back. They can call Obama and liberals baby killing terrorist Nazis, and we can't respond? Don't work that way."
But, don't facts matter? The Tea Partiers, don't condone teabagging, but...
Michael - Hey, maybe the idiots who started the tea bagger thing should have done a little research before choosing such an insane name.
Google "tea baggers" and the first thing that comes up is this:
"New York Daily News - Right-wing Republicans often masquerade as tea baggers..."
And do you think any of them actually understand what the initial tea party movement was all about?
You know, that taxation without representation thingie Jonathan Mayhew came up with...that most of us read about during our school days?
Where do you suppose most of these people live that there are no elected officials representing their interests?
And do you even think most of them vote in the first place?
But, don't facts matter? The Tea Partiers, don't condone teabagging, but...
I linked to a sign from a tea partier that said "Teabag liberal Dems before they teabag you!". If they dont want to be called teabaggers they have a funny way of showing it.
Michael - Since you appear to be extremely sensitive about the term "tea bagger," how about a little history lesson?
Via Garage at 3/31/10 3:11 PM
Educate yourself.
bagoh20 "But, don't facts matter? The Tea Partiers, don't condone teabagging, but..."
Uh...Via Garage at 3/31/10 3:11 PM
Educate yourself.
Hey, guess what If I look up the n-word, it also applies to people who find it offensive and goes back to their origin. I guess it's ok then. They should have looked that up first if they don't like it.
"I linked to a sign from a tea partier that said "Teabag liberal Dems before they teabag you!". If they dont want to be called teabaggers they have a funny way of showing it."
I don't mind the term, if you don't mind being the Teabagee.
We are both using the same source, so I guess you don't. How's the view down there?
I'm not a teabagger. No thanks! I'll stay out of both ends.
That sign says you are, who we to argue.
Slightly OT (but not really): Does anyone know of a RSS feed reader that allows filtering on commenter name?
In the real world, I don't allow people to talk to me who engage in juvenile invective. If I had an RSS reader that would permit me to say bye-bye permanently to these children, it would make the comments on Althouse a lot more readable.
Slightly OT (but not really): Does anyone know of a RSS feed reader that allows filtering on commenter name?
That would be handy. In World of Warcraft if you don't want to ever hear from a person again you put them on your ignore list. /ignore. That way the moron can try to chat at you all they want, but they are invisible to you in the ingame chat windows. They also get a nifty message that they are being ignored by you.
I just use this method.
Scan the name Jeremy....skip Ritmo....skip and so on. Sometimes you do need to read them anyway just to get the context of
the thread.
Which, by the way, is exactly what laws right here do to hold people accountable for pulling false alarms in buildings, screaming fire in a crowded theatre that is not in fact on fire, or in the case of the internet, laws that address bullying and overt threats, etc.
No, no, and no. The US allows for content-neutral time and place restrictions and "fighting words" restrictions. We do not allow the gov't to ban speech based on discrimination against particular viewpoints or content. This is very different from Canadian law, which allows a person to be sued or prosecuted for saying mean things against certain protected groups. Which is, IMO, pretty messed up, since you can say "Atheists should die," but you can't say "Christians can go hang."
BTW, most conservatives are opposed to the notion that the gov't should regulate (or even define) "hate speech" or "hate crimes."
"2/16/10 - President Barack Obama announced $8.3 billion in loan guarantees Tuesday to build the first U.S. nuclear power plant in nearly three decades, a move designed to help advance climate legislation in Congress."
Cool, Jeremy.
Where are they building it, who is building it, and when do they start hiring?
Roger - Garage
Thanks for the tips on the ribs and smoking. I didnt' realize that I could smoke using a charcol grill since I've used a gas grill since Christ was in boots.
Which means I now have to go get me a good old Webber and fire that bad boy up this weekend.
@DBQ: Thanks for the tip.
Since this is a Blogger blog, maybe we could suggest to Google that user profiles could include an "ignore" button. You login, click thru to the profile, click ignore... poof! They're gone.
Back in the old BBS days (remember those?) one of the freeware board software packages had an evil feature. The SysOp could put a user on invisible. That user could login and post comments -- and they could see their own posts, but nobody else could! They would go on for months before realizing that nobody was aware they existed.
Ah, those were the days. :)
Tradionalguy: "This seems good if it's true."
It's true but it's nowhere good enough. It only allows drilling in the Gulf of Mexico 125 miles off-coast and no drilling at all off the coast of California (don't want to ruin the Malibu/Santa Barbara "viewshed").
I don't think Obama actually wants to find any oil or natural gas. I suspect he wants to make fossil fuels so scare (and therefore expensive) solar and wind power will finally be competitiveness. By the time that happens of course no one in America will have a job anymore.
dear ann, isn't there something that can be perhaps a limit on the number of comments per post or something? prevent someone from hijacking the comment threads ? there's a couple of folks who think it's their duty to follow every comment with one of their own in which they do little more than insult the original commenter. why should the rest of us be victimized by constant ad hominem attacks from a couple of bad apples ? they're ruining your site.
Speaking of environmentalism, known expert in that field, Hank Johnson (D-GA) is worried that if we place a military installation on Guam, the influx of people could cause the island to flip over completely.
Remember, people like this know how to live your life better than you do.
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