We're already in Boulder, so it's only about 800 more miles — beautiful, scenic miles. Meade's toying with the idea of us going. It would be great blogging.
Anyone want to egg me on? (Egg salad me on?)
Searchlight is Harry Reid's little home town, so getting thousands of anti-Reidites to go there is pretty prankish. It got me thinking about those Philadelphia flash mobs that have been in the news these last few days:
[H]undreds of teenagers have been converging downtown for a ritual that is part bullying, part running of the bulls: sprinting down the block, the teenagers sometimes pause to brawl with one another, assault pedestrians or vandalize property....
“It was like a tsunami of kids,” said Seth Kaufman, 20, a pizza deliveryman at Olympia II Pizza & Restaurant on South Street. He lifted his shirt to show gashes along his back and arm. He also had bruises on his forehead he said were from kicks and punches he suffered while trying to keep a rowdy crowd from entering the shop, where a fight was already under way.
“By the time you could hear them yelling, they were flooding the streets and the stores and the sidewalks,” Mr. Kaufman said.....
Most of the teenagers who have taken part in them are black and from poor neighborhoods. Most of the areas hit have been predominantly white business districts.
In the flash mob on Saturday, groups of teenagers were chanting “black boys” and “burn the city,” bystanders said....
[T]he mobs started as a kind of playful social experiment meant to encourage spontaneity and big gatherings to temporarily take over commercial and public areas simply to show that they could.Tea Partiers need to maintain a strong culture of peaceful friendliness. Please don't rampage through the city. And don't chant anything racial this time. Just kidding. I don't believe anything racial was ever chanted by the Tea Partiers. But Tea Partiers do chant. They chanted "Kill the Bill," last weekend, and a crowd chanting anything with a violent word — like "kill" — is going to upset some people. Their opponents are keen to portray them as violently angry. Remember how a group of people from outside the neighborhood looks to the people who live and work there and keep the Conservative Woodstock true to the original Woodstock idea of peace and love.
“It’s terrible that these Philly mobs have turned violent,” he said.
१०१ टिप्पण्या:
Hey, pick up a couple of egg salad sandwiches and go for it.
Don't leave those sandwiches out in the sun, or in the car in sun.
Note: Egg salad is great for throwing at Congressman and Senators. Nice and soft, but icky.
Go, go, go!
Do you even have to ask?!
C'mon... possibilities like this don't come along every day!
You'll regret it if you don't!
You'll be happy about it if you do!
You're in Boulder?
I'm in Boulder.
Welcome to Boulder!
The people of Boulder welcome you.
Yeah - uttering "kill the bill" is racist.
It would be interesting to hear what an impartial observer has to say about it all. Not a fan, not a critic.
Re the flash mobs: note the tone of the article, brandishing this organized violence as silly and raucous, while the Tea Parties are portrayed as insane vandals.
Black flash mobs terrorizing small white towns?
Oh, that will surely end racism.
Empowered by Obama!!!
Go! Go! Go!
Meade can make me feel guilty again for staying home while he does the heavy lifting.
As far as the participants being well behaved, they could donate all their worldly goods and monies to starving children and crap daffodils and the media would still portray them as neo-nazi racists.
I'll be there at the Conservative Gay Pride booth, handing out those black tee shirts with the pink triangles that say "silence = death".
Just kidding.
Take the Socialist-Free Purity Pledge:
“I pledge to eliminate all government intervention in my life. I will abstain from the use of and participation in any socialist goods and services including but not limited to the following:
State Children’s Health Insurance Programs (SCHIP)
Police, Fire, and Emergency Services
US Postal Service
Roads and Highways
Air Travel (regulated by the socialist FAA)
Public Subways and Metro Systems
Public Bus and Light Rail Systems
Public Water and Sewer Services (goodbye socialist toilet, shower, dishwasher, kitchen sink, outdoor hose!)
Public and State Universities and Colleges
Public Primary and Secondary Schools
Municipal Garbage and Recycling Services
Treatment at Any Hospital or Clinic That Ever Received Funding From Local, State or Federal Government (pretty much all of them)
Medical Services and Medications That Were Created or Derived From Any Government Grant or Research Funding (again, pretty much all of them)
Socialist Byproducts of Government Investment Such as Duct Tape and Velcro (NASA Inventions)
Use of the Internets, email, and networked computers, as the DoD’s ARPANET was the basis for subsequent computer networking
Foodstuffs, Meats, Produce and Crops That Were Grown With, Fed With, Raised With or That Contain Inputs From
Crops Grown With Government Subsidies
Clothing Made from Crops (e.g. cotton) That Were Grown With or That Contain Inputs From Government Subsidies.ed
Angry white, racist rioters in Double Bumbuck, Nevada? Sounds like fun to me!
"Take the Socialist-Free Purity Pledge:"
This passes for humor in some circles.
If Sarah Palin attends the Searchlight happening, be sure to get her autograph for us. You two really are Road Warriors. But wasn't that Eisenhower's reason to build the Interstates...moving warriors rapidly across country to meet threats coming from either coast, like the Wehrmacht had been able to do to him.
Instapundit links to a hilarious post from Greg Gutfeld on "anger".
Greg ends his angry diatribe! with this:
"We are angry not because we lost, but that we lost to losers. I'm not talking about Obama, or the Dems. They're winners, sadly. I'm talking about progressivism. The reason why I'm angry, my friends are angry, and my imaginary unicorn Captain Sparkles is angry - is because the greatest, most winningest country in the history of the world, just embraced the loser's doctrine.
For two hundred plus years we've kicked ass, and we're now choosing the belief system of the idiots whose asses we've kicked.
So that's why I'm angry. And why you're angry too.
And when jackasses try to take away your right to be angry - by calling it racist or extremist - tell them they're the racists. Because it's those tools who assume that anger can only be about race. And if they disagree with you, then clearly they're not just racists - but probably homophobic cannibals, too."
How can you not want to go? It's a bloody novel of blogging! Politics, Spousal wishes, road trip...if you run over a couple of squirrels to boot...it might set a record for tags. And if you're doing those, add mine! ;)
"Public Water and Sewer Services (goodbye socialist toilet, shower, dishwasher, kitchen sink, outdoor hose!)"
When Democrats start taking credit for public water systems and sidewalks, you know they're delusional.
It's interesting to note that in France, most of the electrical generation is public, but water systems are privately owned. In my home state of New Jersey, administration of a lot of the municipal water systems is being outsourced to United Water, a subsidiary of Suez, the big privately owned French water utility. Suez can do it cheaper than the municipalities can and still turn a profit. (Makes you think, if you have a brain.)
Socialism has never produce one thing except poverty. All it does is reward slugs and thugs until no work takes place except pretend show work during the foreign visitor shows. If the intelligent and hard working Koreans cannot even get food to eat food North of the demilitarised zone, while the South Koreans are enjoying generations abundant capitalist wealth and freedom to worship as Christians under the American Military's protection, then only an ignorant person or an enemy liar would push Socialism on this country. And people want to talk about Dick Cheney as an enemy bogeyman. That is not believable.
Progressives don't understand how the world works.
Highways and bridges ... police and military protection et al.. = Good. We are happy to pay for such things.
Government overreach and punitive taxation without representation = Bad.
Government forcing individuals to purchase a product they don't want, and then taxing and fining them for it = Bad.
I don't think progressives should be allowed to partake in the Capitalist system.
Go to the store to buy groceries?
If you do, you're a capitalist, and you better stop, proggie.
Do you own your own home? Better stop and move into government housing or donate your dwelling to the government.
Freedom to select a vocation? Better stop and get government approval first. In fact, might at well work for the government and enforce all the freedom-killing over-reaches you so love.
I hear the government is hiring IRS agents.
Something to ponder...With all this talk/reprimanding/cautions about not getting mad/shouting/spitting...What WOULD it take for unruly behavior to be justified??? Bankrupting the country, destroying relationships with allies, embarrassing the country, dividing the country, ignoring the Constitution don't qualify apparently....SO WHAT WOULD IT TAKE???? SERIOUSLY???
Typo: Searchlight is like Double Bumfuck.
Did PA pass a castle law?
If so, the violent Philly flash mobs would end just as soon as a legally armed person defended their person and property with their Second Amendment rights.
Perfect opportunity to visit Zion National Park and the Color Country of SW Utah. On The way home take I70 trough the San Rafael Swell and go to Moab. Great time of year to be there and the scenery is spectacular. Meade can rent a mountain bike in Moab too.
Glad to have you in town, professor.
Go! And I was going to say "stick to singing Kumbayah", but then I'm sure that the MSM would suddenly discover that song's religious black-Creole-Hebrew roots to be the epitome of ignorance and racism. So instead, say whatever the Hell you feel like! Loudly! While it's still free.
Go! Go! Go!
Egg! Egg! Egg!
It would be fantastic blogging that few others are replicating probably.
In KY and many states, you can shoot someone illegally trespassing your home, car, or workplace, who are threatening to injure kill or rape you or steal.
In TX, a gas station/convenience store clerk shot and killed a man who openly stole a 12 pack of beer. Lifted the beer and was leaving without paying. Clerk never charged--legal under castle law.
This would be legal in KY according to the statute.
No duty to retreat either--Stand Your Ground state.
Enough incidents like this and the criminals would have to engage in the interesting calculus--is this worth my life?
The flash mobs appear to be a direct result of the loss of some funding for something related to youth violence. LOL.
We don't have "white" business districts in Phialdelphia. We just have business districts.
Hey, Crybabies, the government gives you roads and some police protection so shut up.
I enjoy a good political rally as much as anyone, but driving 800 miles...to a small town in Nevada?
Not seeing that, but it's still a semi-free country, for a while longer...
Hey, Crybabies, the government gives you roads and some police protection so shut up.
Yeah - there's that "shut up" again. It's a recurring theme.
I recall a washed-out bridge in Kauai. The locals were waiting for the government to fix it. They waited, and waited, and waited.... The government said it needed millions of dollars to fix it; So nothing happened. Meanwhile, the locals needed their bridge fixed.
What happened: The people/locals fixed it themselves, and spent very little doing it.
As we watch our government get more and more wasteful & arrogant, and we see the progressives whine for more and more unsustainable entitlements, how dare we display anger. How dare we expect our government to listen to us.
We must obey.
I wonder if they have WiFi at the KOA in Searchlight.
"Hey, Crybabies, the government gives you roads and some police protection so shut up."
Hey moron. The government doesn't "give" us anything.
We pay for it. In fact, we pay too much for it. Police in Boston have unions which negotiated pay that tops in many cases $200,000 per year (median pay in America for non-government jobs is about $40,000 per year).
A lot of the cops are criminals as well, faking injury to collect disability payments.
It's time to cut out-of-control government salaries and lay off the thieves.
Oh man, I love that old egg salad post and video. I laughed and laughed the first time I watched it, and actually I was thinking about it the other day - was talking to someone about why I read Althouse and that post popped into mind. Now I've got tears in my eyes from watching it again.
The hypocrisy just gets to me. SEIU thugs beat up a guy, shots were fired at several Republican offices, there was an ENTIRE LINE of "Kill Bush" merchandise(!!) Left wing blogs regularly have to lock threads because there's so many death threats against conservatives, and its our side that has to watch what we say.
There's only so much of this BS we can sit and take.
John Salmon said:
"We don't have "white" business districts in Phialdelphia. We just have business districts."
John- excellent point. I am so accustomed to just read the MSM crap without noticing idiotic statements like that! "White business ditricts" indeed in a city that has a black mayor, black police chief, black district attorney.
Trivia - the city once had a black pro hoopster named John Salmon.
wv = ragic = how Meade may act in Searchlight heh
Althouse: "What is fake mayonaisse, anyway?"
It's "Miracle Whip." I was raised on this stuff because we were dirt poor and it's a cheaper alternative to real mayonaisse. I thought this was what mayonaisse was. Until I got a lot older and started food shopping myself and realized this stuff really isn't mayo.
Go for it. Then hit either Reno/Tahoe, or head on down to Vegas, maybe swing by the Grand Canyon. Turn it into a REAL road trip!
"The hypocrisy just gets to me. SEIU thugs beat up a guy, shots were fired at several Republican offices, there was an ENTIRE LINE of "Kill Bush" merchandise(!!)"
You realize, of course, that their lack of consistency is a deliberate strategy, don't you?
Democrats are taught early on that being inconsistent is a way to keep their opponents off balance.
It is a time-honored Alinsky strategy designed to keep their opponents fighting the wrong battle.
If they can keep you flabbergasted by their lack of logical consistency, then you lose focus and become frustrated and angry that their opinions and actions change from moment to moment.
If you're frustrated and angry, then they are happy because that tells them that their strategy is working. It's deliberate.
Meanwhile, they're stealing billions of dollars out the back door while you're huffing and puffing about their lack of intellectual honesty.
They don't care about being honest because they're not honest and already they know this. They're thieves. Of course they're not honest.
They chuckle at your insistence that they be intellectually honest as they cart off the fucking cash by the truckload.
Interesting, so far I haven't heard one word from our betters urging restraint on the Philadelphia flash mobs. So hard to figure out why given the instantaneous labeling of Tea Partiers as racist mad dogs. I wonder why? Could it be....cowardice? Yup, that's it, the bien pensants are worthless cowards.
We have seen this movie before: "The Mild Ones" A group of senior citizens, sitting tall and arrogant in their RV's, roar into a small town and take it over. Their expensive sound systems blare out the pagan noise of Spanky and Our Gang and Freddie and the Dreamers. They consume egg salad sandwiches and who knows what other soft foods. The local diners are plundered of their Sweet N Low and Equal packets. The natives walk by with their heads down, hoping that this ruly mob will not pin them to the ground and start screaming about marginal tax rates. Not a pretty picture.....And unless we increase our funding for community centers and government subsidies for bingo night this pheneomenon will continue to grow.
If we can manage to egg you on, we should get an egg management fee.
What is the proper role of government? Until we answer this question there can't be any progress.
Althouse and Meade need to bring along a huge mouthful of raspberries to this wonderful gathering and sow them righteously!
The Political Class has a an interest in the flash mob pheneomenon, as it does with most manifestation of underclass and juvenile anarchy. It keeps normal, disenfranchised Americans on edge and crying out for their services and protection. Tea Parties, on the other hand, cannot and will not be tolerated.
So is this Kill the Bill Part 2?
You should go.
How fun to be able to be spontaneous. I'm jealous. ;-)
Ann said...
Meade's toying with the idea of us going. It would be great blogging.
Anyone want to egg me on? (Egg salad me on?)
Are we talking fetish here?
Searchlight is Harry Reid's little home town, so getting thousands of anti-Reidites to go there is pretty prankish.
It sounds so .... Alinsky.
Oh, Hell, do it.
It got me thinking about those Philadelphia flash mobs that have been in the news these last few days:
Those aren't anything but the usual Philly street gangs acting up. This has happened before, long before the Internet and cell phones. Nothing but thugs.
Remember how a group of people from outside the neighborhood looks to the people who live and work there and keep the Conservative Woodstock true to the original Woodstock idea of peace and love
I'll bet the conservative Woodstockers will be better at it than the ones in '69.
While we're on the subject of Woodstock, no running around naked and consummating your matrimony in front of people, you two.
New "Hussein" Ham said...
"Hey, Crybabies, the government gives you roads and some police protection so shut up."
Hey moron. The government doesn't "give" us anything.
Excellent point. The National Socialists keep hoping people don't get the connection between services and taxes. People like Bella have been told to conflate standard government services with the welfare state. They keep hoping the damned Constitution will go away, but somebody always has a spare copy.
Say hello to Stacy McCain.
After Searchlight, you might want to zip up to Montana and ask Max Baucus (God, what a thing to name a kid. No wonder he became a Democrat) about this.
The farther along we go, the more Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber are vindicated.
You voted for Obama and you are telling Americans how to behave? What nerve
Do it, go to Searchlight. It would be great blogging.
Afterward you can catch "O" at the Bellagio. Win Win.
While Iowa has its charms, perhaps farther west and south is better?
Sing the BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLICANS in front of his house.
In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
As he died to make men holy let us die to make men free,
That song always gets the liberals in a snit, especially insofar as it pulls them back to a time in which the Democrats were defending slavery, and the Republicans were agin it.
Be very polite, and pass the egg salad to the MSM.
Also, be sure to tell the MSM you are a LAW PROFESSOR, and that you VOTED FOR OBAMA! They can't believe it.
Meade and Althouse on a road blog trip to Nevada?
Throwing up a little in my mouth, Ann. Why would you ruin a good weekend.
Tempest in a teapot.
Vicki from Pasadena
You wouldn't have brought it up if you didn't want to go. You know that we want you to and most of us wish we could, too. GO!
- Lyssa
Has anyone heard a crowd estimate?
"Throwing up a little in my mouth, Ann."
Then it's worth it. How do we taste?
Go. Please. Harry Reid is toast and people should show up to remind him. Maybe he will get the message and drop out. He has done nothing for Nevada in years. Harry has been a corrupt politician his whole life. His greatest accomplishment is he never got caught.
First it was hope and change. then it was yes we can. Then it was yes we will. Then, yes we did. Now it is shut the fuck up you ungrateful bastards. Some government we have.
"Has anyone heard a crowd estimate?"
So far, 35 Harry Reid supporters have been caught throwing objets at passing vehicles in front of the Nugget Casino attempting to cause automobile accidents that could kill or maim Tea Party supporters.
Senile Delinquents!
victoria said...
"Throwing up a little in my mouth, Ann."
That's ok, Vicki. Surely no one needs to teach you to swallow.
Go! Go! Go! Even though I live in northern Nevada, I won't be in Searchlight. It would be nice to hear some reporting on what's happening there. And 800 miles? That's nothing!
We have seen this movie before: "The Mild Ones"
LOL William.
That truly made me laugh out loud. Hee hee marginal tax rates.
I'm inspired to make deviled eggs now, instead of egg salad sandwiches. Except now I have to wait for the kitchen floor, which I just waxed, to dry.
The town of Searchlight NV has something like 600 people.
At least we know the Tea Party group will clean up their own trash and not poop and piss on peoples lawns....UNLIKE the Rainbow Burning Man weirdos who come through our area every year.
VW: geyeett (off my lawn)......the rallying cry of the Tea Party Geezer group.
Keeping with the egg theme.....
Some supporters of Harry Reid (he still has some..who knew?) are throwing eggs at the Tea Party People.
Now if we just had some lemon juice, a bit of flour, whipping cream, butter and a pastry shell....we could have Lemon Tarts!!!
Yay. A lemon tart in every lunch box or something like that. How is that? Beats those damned chickens in the pot anyday.
It would drive the lefty bloggers nuts. They will zealously brand you a certified tea-bagging wing-nut if you go.
So of course, you should.
wv- materul
as in:
Thinka all the materul you can get for your blog.
Crap, you've turned into Glen Beck.
I don't believe anything racial was ever chanted by the Tea Partiers.
And, if it happened, you said "so what". And InstaPundit didn't think anyone was intentionally spit on, but if it happened, well how about an InstaPoll about whether they deserve to be spit on? Yuk Yuk. And the right-wing blogosphere is confident that all the criticisms of Tea Partiers are smears because they remember how they used to smear protestors for years.
But, anyway, I guess you're conceding, then, that Barney Frank was called a "f*ggot"? I saw him on MSNBC state he was called homophobic names more than once that day. The other Tea Partiers standing nearby broke out in laughter.
3/22/10 9:19 AM
Meade said...
You think I rode a bus for 48 hours to come home and listen to this wussy bullshit? I'm angry. I'm staying angry. In November we will start voting the bastards out. Deal with it.
Meade said...
The Scott Brown revolution... the Paul Ryan revolution... the Payback Is A Bitch revolution...
We're reading "Rules For Radicals" and will apply those very same tactics. The next battle has only just begun.
Meade said...
garage mahal said...
"What's part(s) of the bill anger you the most?"
The parts that were supported exclusively by one cynical, arrogant, power-grabbing political party.
Loafing Oaf, you have succeeded: Thanks to your research of his past comments, Mead is now officially the man every man would like to be and the one every woman wants to have.
Yes, so what?
Are you suggesting that in a crowd of thousands and thousands of people there won't be one agent provocateur? Are you so naive and stupid?
It has been documented that Democrats are planting people at Tea Party rallies to deliberately say, on camera, racist things, in order to reinforce the false charges of racism leveled, and debunked, by Nancy Pelosi and her SEIU thuggees.
What is your point exactly? Do you even have one?
Are you suggesting that one person in a crowd of thousands on a public Mall in Washington D.C. who might say something offensive is somehow indicative of the sentiments of those thousands of other patriots legally and sensibly protesting their government?
Is that what you're saying, Mr. Goebbels?
Answer me this Oaf ... when do the Swastikas begin appearing in the White House ... before, or after the election?
We intend to do violent damage to your political party. We're going to make it a memory. We're going to fight to the death until your Electoral victories of the past count for nothing. We're going to eviscerate any legislation you might pass between now and then.
As soon as we take back our House of Representatives and our Senate, we're going to investigate and prosecute and harass the criminals in your political party using every legal and moral means at our disposal. You will rue the day, sir.
Next, we intend to physically eject your president from our White House. We're going to fire his fucking ass and send he and his America-hating wife packing.
We're going to legally wreak havoc on everything you stand for and we're going to do it at polling places all over America on November 4, 2010.
And we don't care if you characterize this as violent imagery.
Remember how a group of people from outside the neighborhood looks to the people who live and work there and keep the Conservative Woodstock true to the original Woodstock idea of peace and love.
Ann, I'd like to introduce to New "Hussein" Ham. He needs a little help with the conservative peace and love thing. Best of luck.
Hey "Oaf," you must be stupid in addition to being dumb. Didn't you see the video of Cleaver, with a lady cop, stopping in front of a protester and then proceeding w/o any other acts at that moment. Then a minute later Cleaver comes back to that point with another cop and Cleaver couldn't recognize that self same protester standing exactly where he'd been a minute before.
Also,didn't you see those marching with Cleaver carrying cameras, likely camcorders, and yet none has shown a video demonstrating what you crying about. Why is that, you little baby?
Your pathetic sobbing over those peaceful protesters is comical and ridiculous too. Go home you little baby back to Big Momma's tender arms.
New Ham: I don't have a political party, and I'm more worried about the Cleveland Indians' starting rotation this spring than what may or may not happen on election day in November. In any case, I've already stated many times I think it will be healthy for the nation if the GOP takes back the House or the Senate.
Next, we intend to physically eject your president from our White House. We're going to fire his fucking ass and send he and his America-hating wife packing.
If he's not your President, how can you fire him? Oh, wait, are you an American? If so, why don't you consider the President of the United States to be your president? BTW, he beat you again last week. Are you getting used to it yet?
Anyway, since Meade and Althouse are plotting Alinsky tactics (Althouse blogged about some of these tactics the other day - such as preventing people at an airport to be unable to use the bathroom) I'm worried about what these crazies might do to that quiet little town. But at least the Tea Partiers are sending memos out to each other to leave the racist Obama Witchdoctor pictures at home this time.
Again, the right-wing blogosphere suspects all news reports that highlight negative outbursts at their protests are lies because the right-wing blogosphere has often used the "smear the protests we don't agree with" tactics in the past.
If InstaPundit is entirely right that the Tea Party protests have been smeared, that would mean that the MSM have adopted InstaPundit's tactics of the past. So why would Althouse be giving him a high five?
Althouse blogged about some of these tactics the other day - such as preventing people at an airport to be unable to use the bathroom
I meant, preventing people from being able to use the bathrooms at the airport. I don't know much about this Alinksy guy, but are those are the sorts of tactics Meade is plotting?
Barney Frank appaeared on the Rachel Maddow show and confirmed that he had been called homophobic names. He said more than one homophobic attack was hurled at him. Is it the position of this blog that Barney Frank is lying about this? That all these things are made up because no one called Meade a racial or homophobic name?
Hey, the easiest way to get an Instalanche to your site is to go to a Tea Party rally and hunt down the one or two black people you can find. Take their pics and put 'em on your site and say you kept running into black people all over the Tea Party event. Guaranteed to make it on Instapundit!
"Barney Frank appaeared on the Rachel Maddow show and confirmed that he had been called homophobic names."
He "confirmed" it, or "claimed it with no proof."
But really, what is your point? Is it that there are people in society who don't want gays to have rights?
Because I agree with you there are people in society. People such as Barack Obama, who hate gay people and want to keep them in the closet and not allow them to marry.
I'm quite certain that if you go anywhere in public, you'll find people like Barack Obama who hate gay people and slur them.
Perhaps that's who Barney Frank was talking about - since he did not specify the name of the gay-basher it could easily have been Barack Obama who slurred him.
LoafingOaf said...
Next, we intend to physically eject your president from our White House. We're going to fire his fucking ass and send he and his America-hating wife packing.
If he's not your President, how can you fire him? Oh, wait, are you an American? If so, why don't you consider the President of the United States to be your president? BTW, he beat you again last week. Are you getting used to it yet?
New is just using your rules, or have you so conveniently forgotten that for eight years, the Republican in the White House wasn't "your" President. Actually, The Zero is THE President, miserable excuse that he is, and New can toss his tail on the curb whether he regards him as his or yours.
As for winning, if you mean having to bribe a bill into existence because even the World's Greatest Echo Chamber wouldn't touch it unless they were paid off, it's gonna be a Pyrrhic victory.
Barney Frank appaeared on the Rachel Maddow show and confirmed that he had been called homophobic names. He said more than one homophobic attack was hurled at him.
Given that Slobbering Barney had a homosexual prostitution ring run out of his home, allegedly without his knowledge, and was doling out favors to his former boyfriends at Fannie Mae (insert punchline) while trying to cover up the mess he helped create, I wouldn't call him much of a credible source.
Brietbart has offered a reward for video substantiating these charges, but, kell sir prize, as the French say, no takers. Go back to Kos and tell him you said everything you were supposed to say and nobody buys it.
I just got back from Searchlight (I knew the back way out and left right after Palin spoke).
It was a good crowd (the 7,000 estimate seems right); it was cold and very windy, so the crowd size was impressive. It was held a couple miles outside Searchlight in a vacant lot.
It was an orderly and passionate crowd, a few weirdos notwithstanding. The people peddling the MSNBC narrative are liars. Yes, they are liars. There were no screams for racism and/or terrorism (except by me, with extreme sarcasm).
People have a right to protest peacably what they see as fundamental attack on the country's future. The left seems to have no answer on the merits, so they resort to defaming the whole movement with the words or fiction of the words of a very marginal fringe (and no, I don't accept Barney Frank's self-interested word absent corroboration).
Crap, you've turned into Glen Beck.
They've all turned into Glenn Beck Stepford Wives. Completely lost their fucking minds.
Barney Frank appaeared on the Rachel Maddow show and confirmed that he had been called homophobic names.
What, did someone call St. Barney a "teabagger" or something?
Yes, it would be great blogging. (Videoblogging as well! On-camera interviews of protesters!)
And you know you want to. It's such pretty country through there, too. Drive, Althouse! Drive like the wind!
Kudos on the peace and love focus :-)
Seriously - anger, violence, rage, blame and the like really aren't the way to go. If what you stand for is beautiful and good - you can inspire others - even as you *call out* the opposition.
Peace and love are attractors :-)
The crowd was bigger than that. Closer to 20,000.
Here's an overhead shot.
And they all showed up to see Palin. Pretty damn good for an irrelevant quitter.
I see that my command of html sucks today. Here is the direct link for cut and paste. Crowd was ginormous. Event security estimated 30,000 people, but I will be more restrained and say 20k.
"It's only about 800 more miles"
Searchlight is at least 800 miles from anywhere. On the way into town you'll see what I mean. But please go. Harry Reid needs your "support", Mead.
Section 9,
I was there and I estimated 7,500 and the AP article, which was surprisingly not totally biased, said the police estimated 9,000-11,000. People in my group were guessing between 7k and 15k. The photo you linked shows pretty much the entire crowd. The traffic on 95 was snarled, but that's a major route which has limited lanes and so gets snarled quite easily -- that congestion means nothing.
I think you're wrong. "Event Security" is a bit of a misnomer--they were just some random guys and women with marginal traffic control skills.
Lastly, of the 7 people in my group, all Nevadans, only 2 of us were there just to see Palin. 2 of us were there mainly to see Sue Lowden. 1 in our group thinks Palin is a sexy idiot. She's a draw, absolutely, but certainly not for everyone.
It was a nice event (it was a great crowd considering the cold temps, howling gusts, and sand / dust in the air), so there's no need to overstate it.
Glad to see you here, Bonfire of the Vanities, if that is you!
"The left seems to have no answer on the merits"
This is the glaring truth of the matters All this critique of the Tea Party and virtually none of it addresses their real stated purposes. It's all name calling and attempts to defame or diminish. This can only mean that the left concedes the actual arguments. I hardly blame them.
Barney Frank on Rachel Maddow. Barney is gay. Maddow is gay. Does anybody else smell bovine excrement?
I flew back from Las Vegas yesterday, after most of a week at a hospital with my SO. After I got on the plane, I asked myself, why hadn't I just gone down to Searchlight, or maybe stayed in LAS, which was apparently the next stop on the tour. One more day away wouldn't have mattered, esp. since they cleaned the carpets at work today. But, I didn't.
Last time I was through there was maybe six months after 9/11. I tried to take a rental truck with furniture, etc., over the Hoover dam, on my way back to AZ from UT, and got turned back because I couldn't get the rear door open on the truck. Had to go around, down through Searchlight, then Laughlin and Bullhead City, and thence to Kingman. Searchlight is very easy to miss, except that it is really the only town between maybe Henderson and the turn off to Laughlin. Amazingly, it is in Clarke county, with Las Vegas. Surprise - the grade school is named after someone named "Reid".
What is the proper role of government? Until we answer this question there can't be any progress.
I believe AprilApple provided at least a partial answer at 10:39 yesterday morning. To save you the scrolling time, here's a review:
Progressives don't understand how the world works.
Highways and bridges ... police and military protection et al.. = Good. We are happy to pay for such things.
Government overreach and punitive taxation without representation = Bad.
Government forcing individuals to purchase a product they don't want, and then taxing and fining them for it = Bad.
Well said, and I think that goes a long way toward answering Alex's question above.
Kentucky Liz wrote:
"If so, the violent Philly flash mobs would end just as soon as a legally armed person defended their person and property with their Second Amendment rights."
Your naivete is adorable, Liz.
These kids come from neighborhoods where you can get shot in the throat just for sitting on your front step, and they've likely seen someone get shot up close and personal by the time they're 18.
If they were afraid of getting shot, they wouldn't walk out of their front doors.
More importantly, there's probably a gun in the crowd for every 40 or 50 kids, and a knife in the crowd for every 5 or 10. (I used to live right off of South St. and on a night when these "kids" were running amok in the pre-"flash mob" days, a friend got stabbed in the hand when he went to get a pack of cigarettes.)
You also have no idea the size and density of one of these crowds, which have been going on since long before cell phones and the internet were commonplace. There was one night someone was throwing M80's in the densely packed crowd and there was a stamped and the cops on horses were *overrun*.
So it wouldn't be, "Bang. Thud. Silence." It would be more like, "Bang. Thud. Bangbangbangbang/Knifing/Screaming/Crowd Stampede that keeps cops from getting to the scene."
And it wouldn't stop them. People have been shot at overcrowded mob scenes like the one the other night on South St. before. They've been stabbed. Women have even been raped in the crowds with no possibility of help getting to them.
It doesn't really phase these "kids" too much, and they still come out to these mob scenes. That's why the cops come out in force, drawing personnel from every district in the city to push them off the street and disperse the crowd. If one of those mob scenes did get out of hand, it would be a riot that would leave a vital shopping and entertainment district gutted.
Woodstock? I'm guessing the conservative one isn't nearly as fun. But I'll bet it smells better.
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