I wonder how much substance there is to this staffer-groping business? Was it annoying over-friendly arm-around-the-back stuff or something more? "Groping." There's a loaded word. Can we have some details?
Are the Democrats really policing their own? Does every member of Congress at Massa's level of touchiness get investigated, or was this selective investigation?
gropeI think they are all groping in one way or another.
1: to feel about blindly or uncertainly in search <grope for the light switch>
2 : to look for something blindly or uncertainly <grope for the right words>
3 : to feel one's way
UPDATED: Massa says it was a tickle fight.
१२८ टिप्पण्या:
I think they are all groping in one way or another
Get a grip. Grope is etymologically related to gripe. Link
And he sits when he showers...but then again, Ann thinks he may have a disability.
Personally I think it's to enhance his line of vision.
I find the entire episode gross.
I for one would never "grope" another man. Would I wish do be groped, sure? Always the grope never the groper-that is my motto.
I want to be desired and wanted and needed and I don't want anyone else to let know of any desires I may have.
I have been groped and appreciated it greatly.
That blogad on your sidebar (which I refuse to click on) is worse than the old Pamela Anderson one.
I just finished reading that David Foster Wallace piece on the porn industry award thing, so I'm visualizing the Democrats in Congress "all groping" each other "in one way or another". A big group shower scene, with Rahm Emmanuel.
This whole story is just an absolute delight, in every way. Unless you actually visualize the scene above. Sorry about that one.
They are both right. Massa was offending his staff with bad jokes and male domination moves like Bill Clinton used to do, so they say, and the Dems used that to force him to resign. At least Massa is fighting back. If it was not for Clinton's perjury in a deposition, then Massa and Clinton could equally say "no crime, no punishment".Maybe Pelosi's district just cannot approve of a male charged with acting affectionate towards another male.
One guy offered me 500.00 to shit on him. I seriously considered it because I was broke. So we compromised and I pissed on him for $250.
The health bill is a circle jerk and multiple mutual reach-around, so he's pretty much the norm.
Massa tells a "salty" anecdote from his naval experiences. Suddenly an old Village People song comes to mind:
In the navy, in the navy
Can't you see we need a hand
In the navy
Come on, protect the motherland
In the navy
Come on and join your fellow man
In the navy
Come on people, and make a stand
In the navy, in the navy, in the navy (in the navy)
They want you, they want you
They want you as a new recruit
Another time, he walked in on a shipmate who was by himself and in a compromising position. "I smacked him on the leg, said, 'If you need any help with that, let me know,' and I went to bed," Massa said.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2010/03/08/2010-03-08_departing_rep_eric_massa_goes_down_swinging__at_his_fellow_democrats.html#ixzz0hicr7yEs
Multiple males! Multiple males!
Titus is kvelling and Palladian quails.
I wonder if he ever met Obama? Did Obama call him Massa or Congressman? Just curious.
"Ann thinks he may have a disability."
He has cancer.
I'd take a dump on somebody for 500 hundy.
From the article: Gibbs said. "So, look, I think, clearly, his actions appear to be in the appropriate venue in the ethics committees to look at, but we're focused not on crazy allegations but instead on making this system work for the American people rather than work for insurance companies.
Once again, this obsession with evil insurance companies. I'm telling you, it's all about a vengeful President getting back for what happened to his mom.
O: "You duh Massa."
M: "No, you duh Massa."
O: "No, you duh Ma...aw sheeit, cain't we all just git along?"
Massa denies ever touching any of his staffers sexually. "I did nothing sexual," he said on Fox.
I'll give the Dems $500 to not dump their so-called health care bill on us.
"I'll give the Dems $500 to not dump their so-called health care bill on us."
Meade: I'm almost certain you're being outbid by Harry & Nancy - and their offers have another couple zeroes behind it (and I don't mean the O...).
Massa, holds up an x-ray of his liver, says doctors don't know whether his cancer is back..
I wonder if Massa was just playing grabass.
Ann - Near the end of his Navy career he was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, from which he later recovered.
What does that have to do with sitting down when he showers or groping people?
"It's not tickle fights" that got him into trouble Massa said.
"It's inappropriate language"
Massa said he will do "this interview, one more and then go away."
con las manos en la masa - with his hands in the cookie jar.
In the pantheon of Congressional Sex Misdeeds, Massa is an amateur. Had he been able to stay in office he clearly would have been working up to actual harrassment and even actual sex, possibly with both sexes, minors, and prostitutes on government property.
I thought the Demos were supposed to be so gay positive. I guess that only goes for people whose votes they want.
It's not just the Democrats who think this creep is an asshole, and whether they are are or not actually applying pressure, since when is it bad for a political party to push for someone like this to get out of Dodge? Are people here implying the Democrats should handle him like the GOP handled Sanford, Vitter, Ensign and others who are an embarrassment?
Oh, and a couple of the local Ann Althouse wing nut pack's heroes have also joined the fray: Michelle Malkin trashed Glenn Beck on his own radio show Tuesday for asking Massa on, while Rush Limbaugh dismissed Massa as a no-name "kook" on his broadcast Tuesday, warning, "Anybody who embraces this guy is going to get caught."
When you have two wing nuts like Malkin bad mouthing this fool, you know the guy has big problems.
*Ann - Why not call your good friend and see what he has anything more to say? Maybe he'll give you a mention on his show.
He's a 'rat, I can't trust him. He's beset by 'rats, I can't trust them. However, the way they typically treat their transgressors, ie, as heroes, I have to wonder if there's more behind it. Anyway, in this case, all I count is his vote against obamacare (the ail for what cures us) and I have to go his way.
edutcher said..."I thought the Demos were supposed to be so gay positive. I guess that only goes for people whose votes they want."
Democrats favor gay rights, but this is a case of harassment.
Why not actually read up on what's being discussed before posting right wing drivel?
El Pollo Loco - "Once again, this obsession with evil insurance companies."
Yeah, why jump on those wonderful insurance companies?
Massa said that the most important thing is demand lawmakers reform campaign finance laws.
"Until we do that, nothing will change," he said. "That to me is the No. 1 issue facing America today."
Is he efing kidding me?
According to ABC, Massa's "cancer" has suddenly cropped up again...what a weird coincidence.
"Massa said that the most important thing is demand lawmakers reform campaign finance laws."
I think the Supreme Court just did a pretty good job of putting a stop to any of that nonsense.
Typical lefty stuff. Groping, homosexual behavior, harassment (yawn). This is just another example of tossing out the unfavored when convenient. it's Bob Packwood all over again. Massa's not needed anymore. Do whatever it takes to get (our) project through. Barney would've been gone long ago if they didn't need him.
Selective investigation. Guy was a turncoat on the most important issue to the Obamites.
However, this guy Massa really is a jerk. Nothing he says is reliable (which does not mean it isn't true, but you just can't tell.)
I do want to see what Colbert, SNL etc. do with this.
Jeremy...You are doing a full Sarah Palin assasination on this Massa dude. Do we need to wait for the rest of the story before we rush to judgement? Maybe he actually is Trailer Park Trash, so then whatever happened, he deserves to be punished anyway. This is why accused people need a defense in court where the standard is no crime,no punishment.
The Democrats are imploding. If you don't like the Democrats, stand back.
Splattered with Democrats. Ick.
I'll give the Democrats $500 to implode well downwind.
Meade said..."I'll give the Democrats $500 to implode well downwind."
It looks more like the GOP and the wing nut crowd are the ones having a fit over this.
And is it true you also sit when you shower?
If you didn't have your fill yet.. there will be more Massa on Larry King tonight.
traditionalguy said..."Jeremy...You are doing a full Sarah Palin assasination on this Massa dude. Do we need to wait for the rest of the story before we rush to judgement?"
I'm not rushing anywhere.
If he didn't do what they say, why doesn't he stay put?
Vitter, Sanford and Ensign have done so, and we ALL know what fools they are.
rcpilotva said..."Typical lefty stuff. Groping, homosexual behavior, harassment (yawn)."
Speaking of mouth open "yawning"...
1. Mark Foley, U.S. Representative
2. Ted Haggard, Leader of the National Association of Evangelicals
3. Larry Craig, U.S. Senator
4. Bob Allen, Member of the Florida House of Representatives/Florida Chairman of John McCain’s Presidential Campaign
5. Glenn Murphy Jr., National Chairman of the Young Republicans/Chairman of the Clark County Republican Party
Jeremy said...
"Democrats favor gay rights, but this is a case of harassment."
Finally. After cynically closing ranks around Bill Clinton in 1998, Jeremy and Democrats now acknowledge the seriousness of sexual harassment. Commendable.
en. Teddy KennedyS
Rep. Mel Reynolds
Rep. Gerry Studds
Rep. Wayne Hays
Rep. John Young.
Rep. Fred Richmond
Sen. Brock Adams
Rep. Barney Frank
Rep. Gus Savage
Sen. Daniel Inouye
ALL Democrats involved in sex scandals.. proving its not about the politics Jeremy.
Ann Althouse wrote: "The Democrats are imploding. If you don't like the Democrats, stand back."
Or, more accurately, if you don't like the Democrats grab your popcorn and sit on the edge of your seat and enjoy the show.
It's fun watching the President of the United States committing bribery and the watching the House leadership committing blackmail in pursuit of their un-Constitutional legislation.
When the Tea Party takes over the House of Representatives in November, I hope they have their subpoena copy machines full of toner and stocked with paper.
There's going to be a run on the Fifth Amendment.
Jeremy tracks the gay exploits of Congress like a 13 year old girl follows her Tiger Beat faves.
I imagine his bedroom walls decorated with posters of Massa, Foley, Frank, Haggard, and all the gay and bi-curious Senators, Representatives, and a few stray Governors.
Plus lots of pink hearts and sparkly stars.
Garage Mahal wrote: "What about him?"
Well, for one, he's a criminal who is Untouchable.
"Frank confirmed that he had once illegally paid Gobie for sex, hired him with personal funds as an aide and wrote letters on Congressional stationery on his behalf to Virginia state probation officials, but Frank said he fired Gobie when he learned that prostitution clients were visiting his apartment."
Jeremy tracks the gay exploits of Congress
Roy Ashburn's recent exploits remind me that with few exceptions (Massa) the closeted gays who get caught all seem to be Republican.
Why must Republicans hide their same-sex attraction?
So Frank paid a guy for sex? My heaven. It's always so shocking when we hear something like this about a Democrat.
And every single liberal in the world can never ever say anything about sexual harassment, because of Bill Clinton. Hmmph.
*hands on hip -- foot stomp*
"Why must Republicans hide their same-sex attraction?"
Good question.
OTOH, what business is it of yours?
Along the same lines, since Democrats will expose your secrets whether you vote GOP or the straight Dem ticket, what makes you think that government-run health care will secure privacy in any way?
Because, bullshit.
It won't.
It's the new Health care Miranda Warning:
Massa's political destruction by Rahm et al is potent evidence that information from any and every source can and will be used against you in the court of public shaming.
"It's the new Health care Miranda Warning:
Massa's political destruction by Rahm et al is potent evidence that information from any and every source can and will be used against you in the court of public shaming."
Good point.
According to Meade, Democrats can neither rally or admonish of of their own when it comes to sexual harassment.
"It's the new Health care Miranda Warning:
Massa's political destruction by Rahm et al is potent evidence that information from any and every source can and will be used against you in the court of public shaming."
Good point."
Actually, dumb point. Really, really dumb.
This guy destroyed himself. Sheesh.
Rs used to claim they cared about personal responsibility. I guess that was tossed into the trash heap w/ fiscal responsibility (in practice, as opposed to in rhetoric--they're still for it in rhetoric).
Selective investigation! Meaning complaints of groping staffers should have been ignored by the House.
How many years did they ignore Charlie Rangel? Under normal circumstances this complaint against Massa goes to the House Ethics Committee and is never heard from again.
Sen. Daniel Inouye!?
How the hell did I miss that one.
Nevermind, the press probably sat on it the same way they sat on Edwards.
will be used against you in the court of public shaming.
It's always the coverup. Nobody cares who Barney Frank is attracted to. Mark Foley and Gary Studds got in trouble mostly because they were attracted to (a)pages (b) under 18. Living a lie is the root cause of public shaming.
How the hell did I miss that one.
It happened during all that Watergate excitement.
I'd forgive Barney Frank his corruption if it didn't extend to his work on the House Financial Services Committee. He's probably the person most responsible for the mess Fannie and Freddy (and, by extension, the taxpayers) are in.
There seems to be a larger than usual obession with gay sex here today. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Of course that is because Jeremy is here.
I just think it might be time for a palate cleanser! Magnigico!
Wait, there was an "F" in there somewhere!
Don't worry. I won't tell you know who.
Thanks that explains a lot.
As ye sow, so shall ye grep.
"It's the new Health care Miranda
Massa's political destruction by Rahm et al is potent evidence that information from any and every source can and will be used against you in the court of public shaming."
"Good point."
Good point? This idiot just admitted on national TV that he and only he was responsible for his political destruction. I suspect anyone who consider the above nonsensical statement to be a "good point" must be one of those guys who sits down to take a shower.
he walked in on a shipmate who was by himself and in a compromising position
The correct response is always "Mine's bigger," regardless of truthfulness.
So a naked Rahm Emanuel commits battery against a naked Rep. Massa in a steamy shower room, and the Dems respond by investigating allegations that Massa may have acted like a Kennedy?
Was Barney Frank on the panel?
"It's always the coverup. Nobody cares who Barney Frank is attracted to."
'The coverup?'
You prove my point.
If sexuality isn't private, nothing is or can be.
If one's sexual preference cannot be kept to oneself, revealed in due time or not at all by your own guide, without it being considered a crime being 'covered up', then there is no privacy from prying eyes.
Nobody cares about Frank until he fails to toe the line.
That's the point.
Everyone becomes expendable to the will of the party.
All illnesses and medications can be considered potential political footballs.
All thanks to Democrats.
Wow. Political correctness has just run amok, if a grown man can't start up a little tickle fight with his subordinates at work. Goddamn hippie commie feminazi liberals.
I love how the out-of-touch come up with 'explanations' that they do not seem to grasp cannot possibly fly.
A tickle fight? Really?
I mean, nothing quite bullies up the old office morale than a good, manly tickle fight. It is so professional, to boot!
People, if you're queer, just come out and be queer. You'll save yourself a lot of heartache. You won't think your life is over because someone snapped a picture of you coming out of a gay bar. You'll finally get through adolescence and stop acting an ass with people you're attracted to but can't admit it. You'll find a nice mate and settle down, most likely, after sowing some oats like everyone else, and the world won't end because you're gay.
It's not a crime, and you don't need to cover it up, in the closet.
Beth took my point, phrased it significantly better, and got it in a minute or two ahead of me while I fought with the captcha word.
Life's fair.
Massa offered a series of bizarre, even inexplicable explanations for his abrupt departure from office. Coming just hours after news broke that the he was under investigation for groping multiple male staffers, Massa insisted that the interactions were playful in nature, though inappropriate in retrospect.
"Not only did I grope him, I tickled him until he couldn't breathe," he said. "I should have never allowed myself to be as familiar with my staff as I was... I own this misbehavior."
But Ann thinks he's kinda...cool.
"People, if you're queer, just come out and be queer."
Because if straights don't make your life miserable, the gays will effing destroy you, got it?
It's all about their compassion.
P.S. Too bad about those stupid cultures that still murder gays, like Muslims. Whatever, as long as The Party will is served.
Plus, be forewarned. Don't try to keep any of your little health problems private, because Democrats will literally own that data, all your STDs and obesity problems, that newly-diagnosed cancer or MS. Your depression or ED or vaginismus or rape.
All open, because otherwise it's a coverup right?
People, if you have an illness, just come out and have an illness. You'll save yourself a lot of heartache.
Meade wrote: "I'll give the Dems $500 to not dump their so-called health care bill on us."
avwh worte: Meade: I'm almost certain you're being outbid by Harry & Nancy
I'll give the Dems $500 TRILLION not to dump their so-called health care bill on us.
Sure, I have the money. I'll loan it to myself from my future retirement benefits.
Meade - or is it "needy? says -
"Finally. After cynically closing ranks around Bill Clinton in 1998, Jeremy and Democrats now acknowledge the seriousness of sexual harassment. Commendable."
Nothing like a truly topical and current reference.
Needy - Got anything relating to Kennedy?
Because if straights don't make your life miserable, the gays will effing destroy you, got it?
No, because you'll destroy yourself. Pogo, climb down off the roof.
thanks, enigmatic one.
Beth - Why are you trying to communicate with Pogo?
He's a moron.
Henry - who pays for your insurance?
I dunno, Beth.
It's always amazed me how free the left feels to mess with other people's lives, to make decisions for them, like they know what's best.
From the privacy of your sexuality to how much you should earn to what you should drive to where you can fish to who you can see for a doctor.
Never understood it myself.
Pogo - "It's always amazed me how free the left feels to mess with other people's lives, to make decisions for them, like they know what's best."
Things like...voting rights, social security, a woman's right to choose, welfare, medicare, medicaid...?
Pogo, you're still just as dumb as a fucking stump.
I somehow knew you'd be into fucking stumps, J, it just makes total sense.
Pogo - Dumb.
Pogo - Illiterate.
Voting Rights:
Senate: 77–19
* Democrats: 47–17 (73%-27%)
* Republicans: 30–2 (94%-6%)
House: 333–85
* Democrats: 221–61 (78%-22%)
* Republicans: 112–24 (82%-18%)
Be careful of those stumps, J; never know where they been.
Pogo, the right's way of "respecting" people's privacy is to make it much, much more desirable to remain in the closet and not make people feel icky by talking about your life. When you're as upset by the things that conservatives and Bible thumpers do to make gay people afraid for their lives and well-being, I'll give a small hoot about the rest of your web of complaints.
In the meantime, I'm pretty happy with how the lives of gay people have improved over the past couple of decades. A lot of that is due to gays deciding not to hide. A lot of straight people responded to that by coming to realize they care about people who are gay - family members, friends, neighbors - and that's been good for everyone.
Sure I got it. Everyone must fall in line. It's no longer about freedom. The govt will make all your decisions for you.
For instance, if you are gay, get out of that closet! At least until the govt changes and it decides that is not what they want.
So AJ and Pogo were all up in arms when Ken Starr revealed Bill Clinton's sexuality, right? Damned government!
"So AJ and Pogo were all up in arms when Ken Starr revealed Bill Clinton's sexuality, right?
Actually, I was.
Prejudice is a funny thing.
When you're as upset by the things that conservatives and Bible thumpers do to make gay people afraid for their lives and well-being
Oh, bullshit. Or maybe you meant Muslims, who are in fact the main threat to gays in the past 50 years.
But you'll be too late to give a hoot about your health privacy, given the impending vote.
Wood Head - The form is designed to accommodate those with a fucking brain.
You can't possibly be this dumb.
Q 9 of the Short Census Form
Q 6 of the long Census Form (American Community Survey)
ask about your race.
In each form, Box two of the various laundry list of choices lists "Black, African Am (can't even write out "American"; not important), or Negro"
Who designed these forms, Dan Rather?
What's bullshit about it, Pogo? You've got such a hard-on for Islam you've lost track that we don't live in an Islamic country. I might as well tell you to stop whining about the healthcare vote because it's not like any hospital can help you when the Muslims cut your head off. 'Cause that's so likely to happen. To you.
But you'll tell me, no doubt, that no one loses a job, gets thrown out of their house, gets beaten in the street, for being gay, here in America. We're not talking about a Saudi or Iraqi or Iranian politician, or anything at all to do with any Islamic country. You're just playing bullshit rhetorical sleight of hand.
HIPPA was crafted pretty much in to guard the confidentiality of the med records of people with AIDS.
Now the govt wants to put everyone in one big fed govt system run by morons. It's time to stand up and say hell no.
Not sure what you are talking about re Ken Starr and Clinton's "sexuality"
Prior to Monicagate, most informed Americans knew Clinton was a predator boss who picked on woman in subordinate roles and preferred woman who looked like they might be "tons of fun".
Peter - We all know you're just a drunk.
Give it a rest.
Now we've got Pogo and Wood Head taking the Michelle Bachmann route to delirium.
The census...is our enemy.
AJ Lynch - Right now Bill Clinton is still one of the most popular and revered public figures in the entire world.
To continue denigrating the man is rather disgusting, even for you.
Tell us what you've ever done for America.
The census asks for your phone number, your race and whether you have a mortgage or not. Ain't getting that info from me.
"No one"?
Tall order, Beth.
Dunno that anyone can claim to have fixed all prejudices, not against gays or old white bisexuals in congress.
The US has been a better place for most people in the last 100 years. Your welcome to believe Democrats invented all of it, but I think it's vastly more complicated than that.
The Muslim threat against gays I am referring to is occuring in Minnesota and NYC, actually.
But I'm a conservative and I suppose this stuff shouldn't bother me.
But it does.
How did I denigrate Clinton? I told the truth. He is a predator who hits on weak, unattractive women. That is common knowledge. I don't know how Gennifer Flowers snuck in - she is the only one who was good looking.
Well, I was suspicious with the first story. It would never occur to a str8 man to say to another man, I ought to frack you and tousle his hair. Accidentally outed himself.
Just like Anderson Cooper joking around about the teabaggers and saying you can't talk with your mouth full. Well, that would never occur to a straight man because he would not be on the receiving end of the teabagging. Only a gay man would. I sent AC a message telling him he outed himself with that comment.
So this week, a Republican comes out of the closet but keeps his office, and a Democrat is outed by Democrats and forced to resign.
Pure homophobia. Wuzzup with the witch hunts?
AJ - "He is a predator who hits on weak, unattractive women."
Clinton fucked more beautiful women than you've ever known.
You're such a putz.
Pogo, good to see someone taped the immigrant kids attacking the gay guy. They should be charged with that. Hey! Here in America, assaulting people is illegal. That's good.
I don't think all advances are due to Democrats. Where did you ever see or hear me say that? Nice try, but no cigar. Nor do I believe they are the root of all evil - that would be crrrrazy. Just sayin'.
Pogo - "But I'm a conservative and I suppose this stuff shouldn't bother me."
You're actually nothing more than a bitching and whining tea bagger.
Get a life.
Ah, Jeremy,
I see when you cannot refute an argument, you go right to the insults. It is a proven fact you are a horse's ass. You are a charlatan and a fraud. You are nothing more than a paid talking points astro-turfer.
As Jan Schakosky said- you are disgusting, despicable, deplorable, and detestable.
BTW, how are you coyote and drug businesses going? Hmmmm?
k-liz, was he forced to resign for being gay, or because his staffers complained about harrassment? I'm sad for Massa, no doubt about it. He's clamped down on himself, and unfortunately, it looks like that means he ended up acting stupidly - getting grabby when drunk, acting inappropriately and creeping out his subordinates.
There's a big difference between what happened with him, and with the GOP guy. The GOP guy just has a DUI to deal with, and we've got beaucoup politicians with DUIs.
Petey - "BTW, how are you coyote and drug businesses going? Hmmmm?"
Missed that English course, huh?
("how are you coyote and drug businesses going?)
Or is it the booooooozzzzze??
The GOP:
1. Mark Foley, U.S. Representative
2. Ted Haggard, Leader of the National Association of Evangelicals
3. Larry Craig, U.S. Senator
4. Bob Allen, Member of the Florida House of Representatives/Florida Chairman of John McCain’s Presidential Campaign
5. Glenn Murphy Jr., National Chairman of the Young Republicans/Chairman of the Clark County Republican Party
Clinton fucked more beautiful women than you've ever known.
Jeremy, is adultery a progressive liberal family value? Just like hatred? I see that you have no morals, no decency, and no shame.
wv:tedstr= streets named after Ted Kennedy- One Way and Dead End.
David Gergen = "People say that Washington politics is a freak show," he observed. "And Eric Massa is writing a whole new chapter.
Gergen about his time in the Navy.
"I don't remember any tickle fights."
Petey - I didn't say anything about the morality of what Clinton did...did I? And I would assume he fucked plenty BEFORE he was married.
But since you're representing yourself as such a moralist conservative...what are your thoughts on this?
The GOP:
1. Mark Foley, U.S. Representative
2. Ted Haggard, Leader of the National Association of Evangelicals
3. Larry Craig, U.S. Senator
4. Bob Allen, Member of the Florida House of Representatives/Florida Chairman of John McCain’s Presidential Campaign
5. Glenn Murphy Jr., National Chairman of the Young Republicans/Chairman of the Clark County Republican Party
Petey - Pass out.
This could be a great song, sort of like "I've Been Everywhere...":
"We've outed:
Billy Clinton, Eric Massa, Eliot Spitzer, Jim McGreevey,
Kwame K, MLK, JFK, Wayne Hays,
John Edwards, Gavin Newsome, Gary Condit, in illicit twosomes"
Or we can do a GOP/Dem version, based on "Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better" -
"Anyone you can name, I can then counter. I can name pols of shame louder than you!"
"Barney Frank"
"Larry Craig"
"Barney Frank!"
"Larrrrry CRAIG!"
"I can do anything better than you."
wv: perpes. Ha!
Gergen about his time in the Navy.
"I don't remember any tickle fights."
That's because everyone ran away when he tried to start one.
Don't nourish the trolls. As the Good Professor once said:
"If you do, you are the problem. Get it? You are the problem."
Thank you.
"Don't nourish the trolls."
Hard to avoid mocking the J-man, he's a giant Fruit-of-the-Loom waistband just waiting to be pulled up chest-high.
It's like not popping bubble wrap bubbles. She-hit, my retarded brother would mock him, if he could type.
But you're right, of course.
And Barney Frank is still in office why......?
Hey, I was right!
The NHS:
Patients' medical records go online without consent
Ever notice how Dems out themselves everyday as being the biggest jerks in Congress?
And that robotic Dem supporters out themselves on every thread as, well, being the most robotic Dem supporters?
(1) If you attack a Dem or the product of his/her unthought, be prepared to be attacked by the unthinking.
(2) If you think that government forms ask poorly-formed questions to which it’s a waste of time answering, why would you bother to answer poorly formed unthought on a blog?
(3) If a Blog commenter cannot answer your point & then chooses to claim that you made another point which he/she will dispose of by name calling, why should you try to play his/her game, rather than “let it rest, unaddressed”? Wrestle with a pig, dept.
"Hey, I was right!"
Good point.
Walter Gropius would be proud.
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