February 24, 2010

Newsweek loves Rielle Hunter.

A ridiculous puff piece by Jonathan Darman. It's called — I am not kidding — "The Quiet Dignity of Rielle Hunter." It ends:
That's not to say we've heard the last of Rielle Hunter. She is too rich and intriguing a character for her story to end here. Eventually, she will talk to someone. When she does the inevitable interview, the questions will be all about the affair: Did John say he loved her? Did she love John? Did she know it was wrong to go after a married man? But I hope someone thinks to ask her about what came after: What was the strength that kept her head down through the years? And why is that strength so elusive to the rest of the world?
Ha ha ha. Well, I've already written about Darman's writing about Hunter — back in August 2008. It ends:
Our adorable reporter tries to do his job as he teeters between falling for her and figuring out what is going on.


KCFleming said...

"Character comes out in a sex scandal."

Certainly becoming involved in a sex scandal reveals something about character, no?

Anonymous said...

Time to break out the "Newsweek is like People Magazine" tag

traditionalguy said...

Rielle's great deed has been bringing down and capturing a wealthy and politically powerful man. That puts her high up inthe elite section of the real women's movement, called the Daughter's of Jezebel. She's in a long line of huntresses.

former law student said...

This whole situation screams to be a made-for-TV movie. (Whatever happened to them, anyway?)

I would like to see Julia Louis-Dreyfus play Hunter.

former law student said...

Not because there's a resemblance. After googling Hunter's picture, my reaction is "What was he thinking?"

rhhardin said...

Did John say he loved her? Did she love John? Did she know it was wrong to go after a married man?

That's soap opera formula. He's after ratings.

Which is more important, a woman's heart or a mother's duty? Could a woman be happy with a man fifteen years older than herself? Should a mother tell her daughter that the father of the rich man she loves ruined the fortunes of the daughter's father? Should a mother tell her son that his father, long believed dead, is alive, well, and a criminal? Can a good, clean Iowa girl find happiness as the wife of New York's most famous matinee idol? Can a beautiful young stepmother, can a widow with two children, can a restless woman married to a preoccupied doctor, can a mountain girl in love with a millionaire, can a woman married to a hopeless cripple, can a girl who married an amnesia case - can they find soap-opera happiness and the good, soap-opera way of life?

James Thurber ``II - Ivorytown, Rinsoville, Anacinburg, and Crisco Corners'' _Soapland_ in _The Beast in Me and Other Animals_ p.222

Greg Hlatky said...

Next in Newsweek: "The Quiet Wisdom of Joe Biden"

Fred4Pres said...

Hunter deserves some credit for keeping her mouth shut. But that is about it.

I will give Newsweek this, Edwards is the ultimate snake in all of this.

TMink said...

Character? In a woman who cheated with a married man whose wife has terminal cancer?


Trey - wv= skirt, an apt definition of Ms. Hunter

Automatic_Wing said...

Damn, Althouse, you are good.

Fred4Pres said...

Greg Hlatky said...
Next in Newsweek: "The Quiet Wisdom of Joe Biden"

Perhaps the "Gravitas of Plugs."

traditionalguy said...

Rielle has her work cut out for her if she expects to have Edwards to herself. He is fickle and sneaky. She may have met her match.

raf said...

Hunter deserves some credit for keeping her mouth shut

She was being paid to, was she not? She deserves no credit, she got debits.

Steve M. Galbraith said...

And why is that strength so elusive to the rest of the world?

Maureen Dowd giggles over that one.

But she'll probably use it in one of her columns.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Lisa Dreck.

Watching the Olympics last night, I noticed the cameraman cruelly focused in close on the apparent nose-bleed of a US figure skater. All I could think: Our media sucks.

garage mahal said...

Democrat's sex lives are so irresistible and interesting!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What was the strength that kept her head down through the years?

uh, being on the payroll.

/if you are a Democrat donor who happens to own the LA Dodgers - you don't have to pay taxes!

Money, baby. Money (D).

vet66 said...

A back street lawyer with BRECK hair wins a lawsuit based on junk science. Then he gets used by a loon who thinks he is the incarnation of some GOD figure and ends up hiding from his responsibility in the men's room of a Beverly Hills hotel. All this while his wife is fighting for her life.

This scenario reminds me of The Long Hot Summer with Paul Newman playing Ben Quick. Only in this case Edwards plays Ben Had in Mayberry, RFD, instead of Frenchman's Bend.

Franco said...

"That same spring, Rielle came to dinner at my home in New York. The Edwardses had just announced that Elizabeth's cancer was back and was incurable, engendering a national outpouring of support. That didn't stop Rielle from explaining to the group at dinner, which included journalists from other national publications, that Elizabeth had gotten cancer because she was filled with "bad energy.""

Right under their noses, trash talking Elizabeth then the National Enquirer story and still nothing from these stenographers.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

There are "Two Americas".
One America is where an elite junk- science-lawyer-turned-politician resides in a sprawling mansion and has a media to cover for him.
The other America is where the rest of us reside, and we should shut up about it.

John henry said...

Not to be ghoulish or anything but for a woman who was supposed to be dying, Elizabeth Edwards is sure taking her time about it.

Last year she even opened a furniture store.

I've become dubious about the entire "dying of cancer" meme.

mrs whatsit said...

"Did she know it was wrong to go after a married man?"

Are ya kiddin me?

Like, if only somebody had clued her in ahead of time to the little-known fact that there might be a few minor ethical difficulties involved in conducting a lengthy, secret affair with a father of three living children who is still married to a cancer-riddled wife and oh, by the way, running for President, she wouldn't have done it?

Newsweek has become a parody of a parody. Ann, do you have a tag "Newsweek outdoes the Onion"? It might be time.

traditionalguy said...

So Rielle says Elizabeth is filled with bad energy. Why is that any of her business unless she has plans to use it to position herself as the guru that manipulates the energy within the Edwards family. Anger in Elizabeth was normal. She was fighting to cover up her Husband's many weaknesses and still raise sons and withstand the MD's many invasions of her body with poisons to kill the cancer cells. The cruelty of Rielle is that she took advantage of the weak moment. She decided to abort the Edward's marriage, so she acted to make her will superior over boy Johnny's will. That is the oldest game around.

Henry said...

When she does the inevitable interview, the questions will be all about the affair: Did John say he loved her? Did she love John? Did she know it was wrong to go after a married man?

Let me other Mr. Darman another conjectural question for his rhetorical rucksack:

When she publishes her memoir, what will she title it?

My vote: Eat, Prey, Love.

X said...

The media would do well to fire everyone who has a journalism degree and get back to hiring reporters.

David said...

Hunter and Edwards are both world class flakes.

It is kind of interesting that she has kept her mouth shut all this time.

That's about it, though.

Go away now. Please.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Not to be ghoulish or anything but for a woman who was supposed to be dying, Elizabeth Edwards is sure taking her time about it.

Probably depends on what kind of cancer it is and the type of treatment I suppose. I recall Cardinal Bernadine from Chicago had pancreatic cancer and chugged along for a couple of years. My mother in law had it and was gone in six months.

I don't know what she has actually but usually when I hear the word terminal, six months comes to mind.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Not because there's a resemblance. After googling Hunter's picture, my reaction is "What was he thinking?"

Get real FLS, you do know it has a mind of its own don't you?

Unless you lived a really monastic life, I'm betting a lot of guys had a 'wtf was I thinking moment' at some point in their life whether we admit it or not. That chewing your arm off joke the morning after wasn't made up.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Greg Htlaky said:
"Next in Newsweek: "The Quiet Wisdom of Joe Biden""

I just figured out Newsweek's business model. Write love stories about liberals that are so far-fetched that conservatives will buy Newsweek because it's like The Onion to them. That is brilliant!

former law student said...

you do know it has a mind of its own don't you?

That excuses one time. (I was lonely/horny/drunk/curious/etc.)


But not going back again and again.

Or did he pollinate her on the first try?

MadisonMan said...

I've become dubious about the entire "dying of cancer" meme.

Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi agrees with you.

Bob From Ohio said...

"Next in Newsweek: "The Quiet Wisdom of Joe Biden"

Already done,

You missed the October issue with Biden on the cover:

Next to a picture of firm, smiling Vice President Biden were the words "WHY JOE IS NO JOKE: From Afghanistan to Health Care, a Vice President to be Reckoned With."

The internal headline was:

An Inconvenient Truth Teller
From health-care reform to Afghanistan, Joe Biden has bucked Obama—as only a good Veep can.

the gold digger said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
the gold digger said...

Not to be ghoulish or anything but for a woman who was supposed to be dying, Elizabeth Edwards is sure taking her time about it.

I am convinced that the severity of someone's cancer is directly related to the length of time her ex-husband is required to pay alimony.

That does not keep that person from pulling the cancer card to keep the ex-husband from walking his stepdaughter down the aisle at her wedding and even from attending the wedding. The cancer is severe enough that ex-wife cannot bear to have ex-husband at his stepdaughter's wedding but not severe enough for her to - you know - expire.

From Inwood said...

Newsweek had that famous scare cover about Global Freezing back in the '70s....

So what's new about this "reporting"?

The tradition continues, the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die, gurgle, gurgle....

From Inwood said...

I think that in any movie about this Rielle should be hired to play John Edwards.

He's prettier, tho.

Derek Kite said...

If Richard Nixon can be rehabilitated, so can John Edwards.

Edwards for 1012.


AllenS said...

Edwards for 1012.

That probably isn't a typo.

Shanna said...

That didn't stop Rielle from explaining to the group at dinner, which included journalists from other national publications, that Elizabeth had gotten cancer because she was filled with "bad energy.""

Was the bad energy voodoo?
Seriously, that’s a pretty low thing to say.

William said...

Rielle is the most decorous person at the orgy. Unfortunately you cannot call attention to the demure way she wears her tassels without calling attention to the fact that she's wearing tassels at an orgy.

Unknown said...

Why do I think this is the beginning of the political rehabilitation of John Edwards?

I can see it now, he moves in with her, they break up after he has a Road to Damascus conversion, he moves back in with Elizabeth who has a miraculous remission. They run for POTUS a la Wlille and Hilly. All hail, the New (and Improved) Messiah.

former law student said...

Not because there's a resemblance. After googling Hunter's picture, my reaction is "What was he thinking?"

For only the second time, we agree. She must be great at something.

John said...

Not to be ghoulish or anything but for a woman who was supposed to be dying, Elizabeth Edwards is sure taking her time about it.

4 or 5 years, I think. And she finds time (and strength) to be politically active and smack her philandering husband around (not that he doesn't have it coming).

sonicfrog said...

"But I hope someone thinks to ask her about what came after: What was the strength that kept her head down through the years? And why is that strength so elusive to the rest of the world?"

typeing... this blind.... eyes .... jsut... rolled.... into.... back....of.... head.....stuck....can't unstick them....

This goes out to the fine people currently running Newsweek into the ground!

michael farris said...

"Rielle is the most decorous person at the orgy."

I was going to say "unusually well-mannered crack whore" but the high road you took is probably better.

traditionalguy said...

Edwards is a fickle and weak man. He cannot remember the story longer than it takes for the Jury to return the verdict he talked them into. But Rielle has him now. She has his future as his wife and mother of his daughter as soon as Elizabeth gets a divorce, or more conveniently, dies from bad energy. She is a lot more than a bimbo.

Anonymous said...

This young Darman fellow appears to be the son of the more famous Dick Darman, head of OMB under Bush I. It really is scary how incestuous the government/media world has become. Please MSM, this is a country of 300 million people, expand the talent search!

TMink said...

"She must be great at something."

She is great at feeding his bulimic ego. She talked about him in messianic terms.

He agreed.


Lawyer Mom said...

It wasn't puff or fluff. To even call it drivel would be a compliment.

Though it did underscore Elizabeth Edwards's deplorable conduct throughout her "man's" man-made catastrophe. She certainly exhibited no "quiet dignity" during her recent book tour, and her complicity in asking Andrew Young to claim paternity for her husband's kid while all the while knowing the truth? There are not words.

Say, is there an iPhone app that lets you block columns by pathetic reporters so their writings never appear on your iPhone Internet again? I'd pay $$ for that one.

Revenant said...

If Richard Nixon can be rehabilitated, so can John Edwards.

Nixon could be rehabilitated because he actually did a few worthwhile things during his political career. A lot more bad than good, but the memories of the bad faded and the good remained.

What's the good stuff we're going to remember about Edwards? He was all talk, no action, and it turned out that the talk was bullshit too.

What are people going to say at his eulogy? "He always had a spring in his step when he chased those ambulances"?

The Crack Emcee said...

Yes, I pre-plan everything:

Just Making Sure You've Got The Whole Picture.

Pogo nailed it first.

wv: "locapht" - Rielly Hunter when pregnant.

The Crack Emcee said...


TMR's Rielle Hunter Collection.


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