Obama was sitting there and his lips were pursed. There as tight as he could be. He had one finger over his mouth and he was shooting Boris Karloff eyes.So, something like this?
Or this?
More Rush:
He just looked like, "How dare you do this! This is not going the way I had it planned. I'm the one being embarrassed here! They're the ones are supposed to be made to look like a bunch of mean-spirited extremists, and now they're throwing my own words and my own plan right back at me and they don't even know how to respond to this." So he had to come over some help. Some aide had to come over and give him some advice on how to respond like he was a witness in front of a congressional committee, like a mob guy and his lawyer whispering. "Psst, pss, pss, pss."Utter panic? Really?
There was utter panic.
१२६ टिप्पण्या:
Rush did have fun with it. But seriously, one skill I would assume lawyers need to acquire, (as well as managers and Senators) is the ability to keep a moderate facial expression in long boring exasperating meetings. Al Gore didn't aquire this and so evidently didn't Obama
Hyperbole on Rush's part, of course, but not entirely.
Some pictorial evidence of Obama's discontent.
Green's accompanying comment: "12:57PM Wow. Who’s got this on TiVo? I need a screen grab of something. Sometime around 12:56PM Mountain C-SPAN showed Obama just glowering at Ryan. I mean, a real if-looks-could-kill moment. Just brutal. No… wait… not “just” brutal. It was also quite revealing."
In reality, Obama just looked small, thin skinned and not very well informed. I agree Rush was over the top.
I think that he had a different actor in mind -- Bela Lugosi, perhaps.
And I did notice that Obama's expressions did seem to alternate between "eating a shit sandwich" and "how dare you question me".
In fact, I think I heard the word "boy" at the end of that last one.
When Barry is pushed into a corner (as he was yesterday), he is much scarier looking than Karloff ever was.
Seriously, compared to how Bush was described for eight long years I don't see how anyone can say comparing him to Karloff is over the top of anything.
Rush was exaggerating to make a point. But their is a significant amount of truth behind what he said about Obama's facial expressions and body language. That has been obvious for three years.
You know, as I look at photos of Obama glaring, and photos of Boris Karloff, I can see a little bit of a resemblance.
Both have very prominent eyebrow ridges and they move their eyebrows down quite close to their eyes, with very little arch (as opposed to the high-arch glare of Lugosi), giving the eyes a shaded, dark, hollow look.
And that pursed-lip mouth is another similarity, when Obama looks contemptuous and disgusted, and when Karloff looks menacing.
They don't look too similar when Karloff is in full Frankenstein make-up, though, so I'll give you that. Or if he's wrapped up in strips of cloth in The Mummy. I'm not sure what you were trying to prove there, to be honest.
This is no more over the top than what the Democrats do.
It's classic Alinsky: Ridicule.
Rush is punching back twice as hard. Something that is part of his schtick, as you are no doubt aware.
But for you to call it "over the top" Ann ... wouldn't you have to watch the video for yourself before criticizing others who have actually seen the video?
There was no doubt in my mind that the body language on display by Obama was extremely revealing of the fact that this entire dog and pony show was a put on from the get go and belied Obama's protestations of desiring a debate on the state of health insurance in our country.
I can say that, because I ... you know ... actually watched him.
Hey, I just noticed another similarity between Obama and Karloff. Take a look at that second photo you've posted.
See how his index finger is in the shade, so that it appears as though it might be retracted? And notice how the finger next to it is extended?
That's Obama's move: His patented "inadvertent" fuck-you-very-much.
I watched some of the clips last night around 1am (my puppy was keeping me awake) and was struck by how bad he looked on the CNN clips.
I was also struck, again, by how legislators think they can do anything: police work, healthcare, bowl series, car brakes, etc.
The archives have changed. Yes?
James Taranto has had a running theme that the MSM, by being unchallenging cheerleaders for the Dems, hurt the Dems ability to sharpen their arguments, and helps Repubs sharpen theirs.
I would also remind you, Ann:
There's no crying in baseball.
Politics 'aint beanbag.
If your opponent is whining then you're winning.
And you're whining, Ann.
The Democrats taught us a lesson with Bush: There is no over-the-top.
There is only Alinsky and his tactics - which work.
They're just whining like little pussies because we're better at Alinsky than they are.
He described it pretty much as it was, as others (PJM, I believe) have shown in screengrabs. Obama couldn't contain his almost grammar-schoolboyish frustration/bubbling-under-tantrum; well, that's what his facial expression seemed to betray at points.
He spoke with his typical "exasperated measuredness" tone of mild annoyance but that's something he mastered well enough to get elected so it's nothing remarkable ("You're likeable enough...", etc.).
He didn't suffer from this PR misfire as much as his Congress did, but there were a lot of precious moments where he looked smallish, and the whole exchange with Lamar Alexander where he thought he'd get away with his mischaracterization and by nightfall even ABC and other MSM outlets were reporting his errors, did to his all-around credibility (not just on healthcare) what a full-swinging kick to the guts does to someone who's already been beaten to the ground. Apart from the core true-believers (whose numbers are shrinking), voters increasingly don't believe a word he says about much of anything anymore.
That's my prediction of the outcome over the next days and weeks, anyway. He needs miracles; this was merely the face of Jesus on a piece of toast.
wv: "yingeam" -- hermaphroditic bodyparts.
I met Karloff's daughter once. She has her father's eyes.
Ed Schultz is the left's Rush Limbaugh. He also has a radio show. Here's what he said yesterday about Dick Cheney's heart attack:
Democrat Ed Schultz: "Damn right Dick Cheney's heart's a political football. We ought to rip it out and kick it around and stuff it back in him."
Let's see ... one radio show host commented on how stiff Obama looked during a meeting on TV.
The other radio show host is recommending that our former vice president's heart should be ripped out of his chest and kicked around before being put back in.
And you really think, Ann, that we need to stop everything and make sure that it's Rush Limbaugh who receives some criticism.
What a pathetic joke.
You're clearly not keeping up with what goes on in lefty talk radio.
Rasmussen's Presidential Approval Index shows Obama dropping 5 points since yesterday. It will be interesting to watch over the next two days as the three day rolling average kicks into high gear, post-summit.
Ace referred to it as a "Nixonian glower" which I thought sounded quite... Althousian.
You're clearly not keeping up with what goes on in lefty talk radio..
Well, to be fair to Althouse, who is?
I have been trying to think whom Obama reminds me of. I think it is a sort of combination of Alger Hiss and the late shah of Iran.
If Rush was posing as a "reporter" and he said this in the context of a supposedly objective article, then there might be some legitimate argument that "it wasn't a fair description."
But two points:
1) The illusion of journalists being actually "objective" has long since been stripped away. There have been far worse "fair descriptions" of Bush and other Republicans throughout the years.
2) Rush is a political entertainer. As such, he has no obligation to be "fair." He has a point of view which is open for the world to see, and yes - I can definitely see that if you ignore the movie makeup that there is a definite similarity to Boris Karloff's eyes.
3) Is there anybody in Obama's inner circle who was the cajones to tell him that he comes off like an arrogant jerk? He has some serious body language issues along with a complete inability to control his micro-expressions or maintain even the illusion of disaffection whenever he or his policies are criticized.
I keep waiting for the supposed Obama-cool that people keep talking about, but I think the reality is that the people who keep claiming that he has it have mistaken "disdain" for "cool."
ok...it was 3 points...I got carried away...
It could have been the look of Blackula.
Is that funny, or racist?
Or both?
The real problem is that Obama brought a glare to a knife fight.
"Well, to be fair to Althouse, who is (keeping up with lefty talk radio)?"
Fair enough ... but if you're going to set yourself up as a critic of what is "over the top" and what is not "over the top" doesn't it behoove you to see what the opposition is doing?
The entire purpose of this post is a criticism - to even out, as Ann put it, previous praise.
Except ... she hasn't watched the video so she doesn't have any idea whether there is any criticism to be doled out, and she doesn't compare and contrast what the other side is doing to determine even if this is "over the top" or not.
How else would you define "over the top" except that a comment stands out against other commentary.
The left frequently engage in horrific personal attacks in which they fantasize about the horrific deaths of Republicans; oftentimes outright urging that their political opponents should die.
This sort of commentary leads directly to Amy Bishop, Andrew Stack and other entitled Democrats who, when they don't what they want, just plain start killing people.
It's the Democrats who are over the top. Blood is in the streets. Dead bodies are piling up.
Rush doesn't even come close to being over their top.
Oh yes--that is a fair description of the way Obama looked at the summit whenever a Republican dared to speak. Several bloggers referred to Obama's look when Paul Ryan was speaking as a DEATH STARE. Moe Lane, for example, posted: You can just hear him thinking, Why is Rep. Paul Ryan’s trachea not being crushed? I’m sure that I’m doing it right…
Why is Rep. Paul Ryan’s trachea not being crushed? I’m sure that I’m doing it right…
It was Biden, who was heard muttering under his breath: "Vader, release him."
He had one finger over his mouth and he was shooting Boris Karloff eyes.
That sounds about right.
Boris Karloff's High Priest in The Mummy is an exact underlying form for the persona of Barak the High Priest that The Soros Wing has installed into our Presidency . Nobody said the Egyptians Jannes and Jambres, who opposed Moses, were faking it. Obama's trillions of dollars in deficits are, as we speak, destroying the US's ability to wage war. IMO Obama and Soros have an eye on that prize which explains the nonsensical conduct that we tend to see as a confused Obama who is demanding, against our wishes, his Free Health Care Plan be enacted.
Democrat Ed Schultz: "Damn right Dick Cheney's heart's a political football. We ought to rip it out and kick it around and stuff it back in him."
An obvious comic riff. It's humor. Satire!
Democrat Ed Schultz: Damn right Dick Cheney's heart's a political football. We ought to rip it out and kick it around and stuff it back in him."
These are the motherfuckers who want control over health care in our country.
These are the motherfuckers who want to play political football with your heart treatment.
Do you trust them that they're only engaging in satire?
I don't. Not with my kid's health care.
On that one little clip yesterday when Ryan was talking I thought Obama looked angry. Didn't he?
Jim B asked:
"3) Is there anybody in Obama's inner circle who was the cajones to tell him that he comes off like an arrogant jerk? He has some serious body language issues along with a complete inability to control his micro-expressions or maintain even the illusion of disaffection whenever he or his policies are criticized."
That is a very good question. When some of the current WH bigwigs begin to resign [spend more time with the family, etc], I bet we will hear gossip that Obama does not take advice well.
Rush was right...as usual. And one thing libs cannot tolerate is the truth shined brightly...just like their vote for barry...they hate the fact that he is melting and Rush is simply pointing it out...hurts!!!
You're clearly not keeping up with what goes on in lefty talk radio.
Who Is?????
It is ironic. For the last week, Rush was demanding that the Republicans not even go to the thing. Yet, as it turns out, they would have been in a weaker position, would have been void a positive political notch on the post had they followed his advise.
An obvious comic riff. It's humor. Satire!
Go fuck yourself with a chainsaw.
Go fuck yourself with a chainsaw.
More satire. Awesome! Keep it coming Alec.
I would agree that BO didn't look good and he sounded pissed.
OTOH Rush never looks good. And the limited times I've listened to him, he doesn't sound good either.
(Ann, what's with the Limbaugh love lately?)
Back to the visuals. Its surprising what happens to BO when he and his crew is not in control of the "production". I only saw clips but his pissed off comments to Cantor about the stack of papers (it was the Senate bill) didn't set a good tone. (But to be fair I didn't watch the whole thing, let alone much of it)
BTW, I love how Ann listening to Rush drives the trolls insane.
Dr. NewHam (@12:02): "And so you and Ed Schultz were..."
Frau Pelosi: "Yes! Yes! Say it! Ed Schultz vas my BOYFRIEND!"
Obama comes off like a prick.
My increasing sense is that he is a prick, and not very deep down, either.
I think Rush was fairly accurate, in fact, and the Mummy photo gets my vote. I'm pretty sure Congressman Ryan was on the receiving end of yet another of Obama's infamous and infantile "One-fingered salute" more than once during the day. Yes, the photo from VodkaPundit says it all.
The President is thin-skinned and peevish and it showed yesterday. Why didn't he repeat, "I won" and be done with it?
"NewHam" has put it best: "The Democrats taught us a lesson with Bush: There is no over-the-top." Sad, but accurate.
"And the limited times I've listened to him, he doesn't sound good either."
This is a typical lefty criticism.
They don't even listen to Rush, and they'll explain all the ways he's wrong to you ad nauseum.
Don't they understand how stupid this sort of a criticism makes them look?
That's what has me in a tizzy over this post. Ann falls right into that laziness: "I didn't watch it, and here's why Rush deserves criticism."
Rush: "There was utter panic."
Althouse: "the Democrats came across looking frenzied and not well-grounded in sound policy."
There may be some subtle differences between frenzy and panic, but if the one is a fair description, the other can't be called over the top, can it?
Obama looked like the liberal professor listening to a conservative student during a free speech day in the professor's class. Peeved, pissed and put out. I think the observation that Obama is a prick is accurate. A tiresome prick.
I agree Obama is a rude, tiresome prick.
Rush is deaf, yet manages to get by with aids when he interracts with the rest of us. His mind is his asset. He does not miss the clues that he sees in the public communications based on certain memes coming from the Democrats. He decodes and interprets really fast, and we are usually catching up to him. As a decoder of enemy communications he misses it on occaision, but he is a national treasure.
As a decoder of enemy communications he misses it on occaision, but he is a national treasure.
Yet the left trashes him as evil, vile, disgusting.
"Yet the left trashes him as evil, vile, disgusting."
That's how you know when he's right. If they jump up to protest (as Ann did without even watching the video to see if his description was accurate) then you can bet your money Rush is dead on.
The left expends its ammunition on Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin. That's where they consume their ammo.
So, you know who they fear, right?
"That's how you know when he's right."
And do you know how I know when I'm right? When "garage mahal" pipes up to protest something I wrote.
That's when I know I hit just the right nerve. He's the smoke that signals me that my mortar fire hit its target.
He only comments when someone has said something devastating to his side.
TTTO: Bette Davis Eyes
His hair is tinged with gray,
His lips pursed and grim
His hands are pointing away,
He's got Boris Karloff eyes
He'll turn his magic on you,
You won't have to think twice
He’s pure Chicago snow,
He got Boris Karloff eyes
And He'll taunt you,
Just to haunt you
All the better just to tease you
He’s a stomper and he knows just
What it takes to read a prompter
He got Rahm Emanuel by his side
He’s got Boris Karloff eyes
He'll show you ‘round his home,
It whets his appetite
He'll sit upon his throne,
He got Boris Karloff eyes
He'll take a rumble on you,
Roll you like you were dice
Until you come out blue,
He’s got Boris Karloff eyes
He'll expose who, when he snows you
Off your feet with the crumbs he throws you
He’s against Rush and he knows just
What it takes to make a pro blush
All the MSM think he’s fly,
He’s got Boris Karloff eyes
And he'll fool you, he'll undo you
All the better just to screw you
He’s against Rush, and he knows just
What it takes to make a pro blush
All the MSM think “what a great guy”
He’s got Boris Karloff eyes...
wv: tesshi (of the d'ubervilleshi)
Rush always sounds over the top.
I defend him, generally, and I do like reading him in transcript usually, but I really don't like listening to him because he's annoying.
But that's his over the top style and my personal preferences. It's not a critique of substance.
I had said yesterday as Paul Ryan was speaking..
This kid Paul Ryan is eating the Dems lunch. 2/25/10 1:55 PM
Rush said earlier today Paul Ryan ate Obama's lunch.
I'm flattered ;)
I met Karloff's daughter once. She has her father's eyes.
@Chicken King
Karloff's daughter is a dead ringer for The Church Lady.
Sara Karloff: http://blogs.citypages.com/amadzine/boris&sarakarloff.jpg
The Church Lady:
Rush had me cracking up with his interjections. But then, Obama was off his game,...
He only comments when someone has said something devastating to his side.
It couldn't been too big of a blow, I didn't notice. What was it again?
Limbaugh and Palin are both are largely unpopular to the American public, why would liberal fear them? They're low hanging fruit to be picked.
The Democrat Governor of New York has been accused by the New York Times of sending his official Gestapo (the state Police) to intimidate a woman into dropping her complaint against one of the Governor's top aids.
But what's post-worthy is Rush Limbaugh saying that Obama looked stiff during his health care summit.
You've got actual Gestapo threat tactics being employed by a sitting Democrat governor employing armed thugs to silence people.
But Rush's discussion of presidential optics is what we're discussing today?
Not obstruction of justice?
Boris Karloff?
"Limbaugh and Palin are both are largely unpopular to the American public, why would liberal fear them?"
Keep fucking that chicken, Garage.
You're a Geiger counter for effective criticism of Democrats.
Prof A, stung by Liberal criticism of what they see as over-the-top support of Rush engages in over-the-top criticism of Rush's attempt at satire!
hagar: a combination of Alger Hiss and the late shah of Iran.
That's good.
Remember Dorothy Parker's (or was it Alice Roosevelt's?) criticism of Cal Coolidge (OK I wasn't alive then either) as having been weaned on a pickle?
Old Ham
That's it. Off to the FEMA trailers you go!
I "embiggened" (My God, what ever happened to the English language?) that photo and my reaction was different. Instead of a death stare, I saw "Oh, f**k, I'm absolutely screwed. They're onto me. How do I get out of this?". He got what he didn't expect; McConnell and Co. came prepared and ready to rumble.
To paraphrase George C Scott, "We read your book, Saul. We read you damn book".
PS Love the new lyrics, CP
"See how his index finger is in the shade, so that it appears as though it might be retracted? And notice how the finger next to it is extended?That's Obama's move: His patented "inadvertent" fuck-you-very-much.
If Republicans were smart, they'd pick some medium-level no-name-recognition Senator to call Obama out on this practice in a very public way.
It would be devastating for a junior no-name Senator to stop in the middle of one of these TV reality shows Obama puts on and say:
Mr. President, why are you flipping us off with your middle finger like that? (Holding middle finger up). Do you think we don't know what you're signaling when you do that? It's very un-Presidential and you need to stop doing that with your middle finger. It's rude and immature and brings disrepute on the Office of the President. Will you agree to stop doing that, sir, in the interests of bi-partisanship and comity?"
That clip would be played until the end of Obama's short Presidency.
The left expends its ammunition on Rush Limbaugh and Sarah Palin. That's where they consume their ammo.
If the left was smarter, they'd try to destroy the GOP rising stars like Cantor, Ryan. That's where I'd focus if I were the Dem base of ops.
I heroically watched the whole thing. I was struck by how lame and feckless the Democrat supporting team seemed. All they had to offer was their whiny little personal stories where all Americans are pathetic victims that need the big Federal Gov't to come to their rescue.
Many of the Republicans were very sharp and communicated with a reality based intensity.It was very refreshing and reassuring to see that there are some lively brains in the GOP ranks.
That's it. Off to the FEMA trailers you go!
Let us know how the accommodations are. We know you like it in government housing.
I don't know if you people notice but music was playing in the background when Paul Ryan was speaking..
Dirty tricks?
The Three Amigos:
@Garage, who wrote: "That's it. Off to the FEMA trailers you go!"
They told me if Obama got elected he'd pay my rent and gas.
And they were right!
Really? Kill the Jew? Is that where you want to go?
NewHam - if I were a Democrat destroying Cantor & Ryan would be my top priority. Plant drugs/hookers on 'em.
He probably means Bela Lugosi.
I started out with no animosity toward Obama, just disagreement and feeling him unworthy and unqualified for President. In the intervening year he has planted and developed a hatred in me. I just can't stand him anymore. He is creepy and the exact opposite of inspiring. Far scarier than McCain ever was and don't even try giving me that pragmatic crap. The total failure of the left and it's top down government is the only possible benefit of his election. Which means we have to be seriously hurt for this to turn out well. Like chemotherapy, it's a tough medicine.
I'm seriously concerned for him. Since he has no history of overcoming any tough challenges in his life, how do we know he won't just snap?
Ann really ought to be posting up these Imageshack jpegs on the front page.
It's uncanny how closely these guys resemble Karloff.
Obama likes to shoot the evil eye at people he doesn't approve of. Hence, he has earned the moniker with me "old evil eyes".
As for the "panic" I think Rush has a point. While there was no wailing and flop sweat there, they did take the thing way over the time limit they planned as if to try to save their hide through more doublespeak. And Obama's final word was some kind of veiled threat to the Republicans that if they upset the voters they will be out in November.
Of course, what he failed to see was the irony of that statement. He was really talking about his own peeps.
This http://pajamasmedia.com/vodkapundit/files/2010/02/Obamas-Death-Stare.jpg
is the picture of a man watching his presidency going down in flames after just one year.
(BTW That's not a subtle "finger" it's a "gun" at the ready gesture.)
garage -
Limbaugh and Palin are both are largely unpopular to the American public, why would liberal fear them? They're low hanging fruit to be picked.
The last poll of Sarah Palin's popularity that I found was in December by CBS which showed her with a 46/46 even split.
On the other hand, Obama is currently at 44/55 which puts him at -11.
So if, by your definition, Sarah Palin is "largely unpopular," then what kind of wretched refuse is Barack Obama in the public's view given that his Q is 11 points lower?
"...is the picture of a man watching his presidency going down in flames after just one year."
Was that before, or after, he pulled that ginormous booger out of his nose?
"Boris Karloff eyes"
Bets on how long it takes for the newest parody Youtube video on that song.
A first in American politics ... The Booger Cam:
Limbaugh and Palin are both are largely unpopular to the American public, why would liberal fear them? They're low hanging fruit to be picked.
And yet, they are still around and going strong. For low hanging fruit, they sure have some staying power.
"Since he has no history of overcoming any tough challenges in his life, how do we know he won't just snap?"
I'm afraid for Michelle.
Once Obama is jobless, I suspect that Harry Reid's predictions that he might become abusive towards his wife might come true.
Should we re-elect him so he won't beat his wife?
Funny that you mention those kinds of tactics Alex...even as a moby troll you're useful.
This from CNN-back when they did some critical reporting on him because it was the Democratic primary-
"That was Chicago politics," said John Kass, a veteran Chicago Tribune columnist. "Knock out your opposition, challenge their petitions, destroy your enemy, right? It is how Barack Obama destroyed his enemies back in 1996 that conflicts with his message today. He may have gotten his start registering thousands of voters. But in that first race, he made sure voters had just one choice."
Obama's challenge was perfectly legal, said Jay Stewart of the Chicago's Better Government Association. Although records of the challenges are no longer on file for review with the election board.
[...]If names were printed instead of signed in cursive writing, they were declared invalid. If signatures were good but the person gathering the signatures wasn't properly registered, those petitions also were thrown out. [...]
Kass, the Chicago Tribune columnist, said the national media are naive when it comes to Chicago politics, which is a serious business.
He said they have bought into a narrative that Obama is strictly a reformer. The truth, Kass says, is that he is a bare-knuckled politician. And using the rules to win his first office is part of who Obama is.
"It's not the tactics of 'let's all people come together and put your best ideas forward and the best ideas win,' " Kass said. "That's the spin; that's in the Kool-Aid. You can have some. Any flavor. But the real deal was, get rid of Alice Palmer.
"There are those who think that registering people to vote and getting them involved in politics and then using this tactic in terms of denying Alice Palmer the right to compete, that these things are inconsistent. And guess what? They are. They are inconsistent. But that's the politics he plays."
Now isn't it funny how records get sealed or disappear? Somebody has cleaned up well after Obama.....
Axelrod's Rotor-Rooter Service?
Saul Alinsky, on ridicule:
"Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage."
I wonder how they like the taste of ass?
Al Franken is low-hanging fruit.
wv = "burgram" (ends in gram, hmmm)
How To Make An HTML Link
To the tune of Do Re Mi.
Pathetic Lyrics by Triangle Man
Let's start from the very beginning, a very good place to start
When you you read you begin with A,B,C (A,B,C)
When you link you begin with open angle (<)
A HREF, Equals Quote
Paste the URL in here
Close the quote, close the angle
Now you write some witty text
Open angle once again
Slash, then type another “A”
Hey, you've almost got it now
Last,you close the angle bracket.
<a href="url">Link text</a>
Ridicule only works if the audience is receptive in the first place.
Flashback to when they did it to Bush:
How's that ass taste? Miss him yet?
I watched most of the summit, I'd say it was interesting and well worth it.
Why did Nancy Pelosi say this legislation would almost immediately create 400,000 jobs, and 4 million eventually? Is the government going to cut costs by hiring that many people? Maybe those people will be tasked with uncovering fraud.
Democrats like to decry insurance company profits as if the government would put that money to good use. Of course, they'd just convert it to waste, by hiring lots of overpaid unionized people who don't do their jobs and can't be fired, but reliably vote Democrat.
Paul Ryan KICKED ASS. All Obama could say was something like "we disagree on some figures. . . " which was pretty weak.
It's true Obama gives Republicans the evil eye but he didn't look to pleased when Bumblin' Joe was speaking. He was thinking, "Please don't say something stupid, Joe, or is that too much to expect?"
Obama was startlingly rude to McCain and McCain looked shocked--that was the president's mean streak on display. I bet McCain sometimes wishes he'd actually run against Obama in 2008.
Notice how Obama starts every meeting like this by warning the Republicans not to get up to their "talking points" and "partisan bickering" and "cheap shots" and then he's the first one to take cheap shots, as he did with McCain?
I've only found the first part of this meeting on YouTube. Is the whole thing available somewhere?
I'm looking at you and your linkless comments New Ham. You and Former Law Student should form some kind of club.
The message, I hope, has been made clear: we're not fucking backing down. So whine all you want.
This post represents a classic Democrat Party tactic: work the umps.
Here's how Democrats have always "worked the umps": they whine to the mainstream media about the political tactics used against them, and then the media dutifully write stories supportive of the Democrats' complaints. Even though there are many examples of the Democrats using those exact same tactics on conservatives ... which of course, the media never report.
Previously, the umps were the mainstream media. But comment sections have disintermediated the gatekeepers.
Now, when media types write these lame sob stories about things they admittedly haven't even watched, a panoply of examples of those tactics being used by Democrats in the past can immediately can be linked to for the reader to witness for themselves.
The hypocrisy is thus laid bare. Those who employ this tired trick of complaining about the very tactics used against conservatives are then exposed for being the hacks they are.
So keep whining. It tells us when we've hit the sore spots and that's precisely where we'll be aiming.
Rush is often offensive. His audience likes it. Who in public life is not offensive at times? People have a choice whether to listen to Rush or not. What choice do they have about what Obama does every day?
Obama seemed yesterday like he thinks he is *KING* of America - not President. I could so easily imagine him sitting on a throne, crown on royal head- robes etc - telling every speaker whether what they had to say was good or bad (King's are the arbiters of goodness and truth for their Kingdoms) - whether it was ok for them to have said what they said - whether they need to change their beliefs and attitudes to be more in line with his - etc etc
Apparently, Obama does not realize that he is a human being, with opinions, just like everyone else.
I'm looking at you and your linkless comments New Ham. You and Former Law Student should form some kind of club.
Dude, copy paste you lazy bum.
Heh. I hate Blogger comment functionality.
It's true though: non-hyperlinked links rarely get cut and pasted anymore unless one is specifically interested.
What's so potent about ridicule? In politics especially, which is essentially a debate before an audience that for the most part is in neither camp, if the side that is ridiculed ignores the ridicule and continues to pile up substantive debate points the sympathy of most in the audience eventually turns toward that side.
All those sad, personal stories that the Democrats told, one by one, for hours on end, were there for a reason. Specifically, they wanted those at home to think..."There but for the grace of God, go I (at some future time or when I lose my job)."
People tend to support this plan, or not, based on their current circumstances. The majority of Americans are satisfied with their health insurance, which has not worked in the Democrats' favor so far. They need for more Americans to imagine themselves without a job, with a healthcare crises, and at the mercy of the big, bad insurance companies.
It really isn't by chance, or through illogical thinking that Obama and the Democrats have placed healthcare reform BEFORE lost jobs. That FEAR FACTOR was expected to result in more support of their plans for the government to take over one sixth of our economy.
"They need for more Americans to imagine themselves without a job ..."
What, is 25 million unemployed not enough to git 'er done?
Do the Democrats need to close some more dealerships? Put some more salesmen out of work? Maybe close up Ford?
Would that help, you think?
Crazy priorities. Listen to Lush Windbag, not national leaders.
Limbaugh is a hate-spewing creep:
Right-wing media figures have mocked Democrats' descriptions of hardships faced by their constituents who lack health insurance, including a story Rep. Louise Slaughter told about a woman who wore dentures that previously belonged to her dead sister. For example, Rush Limbaugh said, "So if you don't have any teeth, so what? What's applesauce for?"
When I heard Rep Louise Slaughter relate the used denture story, I laughed so hard I nearly wrecked the car.
I thought to myself, what a flaming idiot....no one would believe this crap.....then I realized the Lamestream Media was listening and would report it as fact.
I am struck by how threatened the commenters are by our president. The same words used over and over:
contemptuous, small, smallish, arrogant, arrogant jerk...comes off like a prick....
Not an empowered group.
Not an empowered group.
Interesting comment. What words would you suggest we use that you would regard as "empowered"?
More to the point, what words should we use when, in fact, we regard the President's performance yesterday as being substantially less than presidential? For instance his disgusting use of the surreptitious one-fingered salute? Should we call it "infantile" instead of "contemptible"? I mean, if we really view the gesture with contempt, then I should think that "contemptible" is about right. My well-worn copy of Roget's Thesaurus suggests "despicable." Would "despicable" make you happier?
Sadly I must admit, Althouse, that satire often flies right over my head. Irony, on the other hand, not so much. ;)
It has to be asked - why does Althouse ridicule our President so often when she never did it to Bush?
"cruel neutrality" my ass.
I am struck by how threatened the commenters are by our president. The same words used over and over:
contemptuous, small, smallish, arrogant, arrogant jerk...comes off like a prick....
Not an empowered group.
Weren't these exactly the same words used against Bush by people like you for 8 years? Oh don't ask me to back it up with links...
master cylinder -
When someone acts like an arrogant jerk, there's really not a better way to describe the behavior than simply to say "he's an arrogant jerk."
What would you have people say instead?
"He's acting just like master cylinder."
Would that make you feel better?
"And the limited times I've listened to him, he doesn't sound good either."
This is a typical lefty criticism.
They don't even listen to Rush, and they'll explain all the ways he's wrong to you ad nauseum.
Don't they understand how stupid this sort of a criticism makes them look?
Please, please get back on your Haldol.
""They need for more Americans to imagine themselves without a job ..."
"What, is 25 million unemployed not enough to git 'er done?""
Precisely. The other 90 percent are still working, and still thinking about this issue in very personal terms. "Do I like the health insurance that I have?"
And then, of course, you have those who are on Medicare or Medicaid, or about to be, (think boomers). They are most pleased with their current health insurance, and prospects thereof.
It's all so "personal", you know?
The nation's problem, on the other hand, is a lot less "personal".
As a nation, we can't afford what we are committed to right now in the way of Medicare and Medicaid benefits. Politicians on both sides of the aisle are well aware of this, yet none are willing to go so far as to say that not only do we need to make changes, but we must do so in short order. They fear they would not be reelected if they even dared to frame the health insurance question factually, let alone if they would move to make changes to current entitlements.
We, the electorate, have pretty well boxed them in. Haven't we?
And so it is, we sadly have summits like the one yesterday. There were no winners or losers, just a nation with the same unresolved, unstated problems that are likely to bring her to her knees..."eventually".
"As a nation, we can't afford what we are committed to right now in the way of Medicare and Medicaid benefits."
Then Democrats should have cut those benefits back when they had 60 votes in the Senate for a year. But they didn't.
They have 55 votes now and can cut the budget any time they wish by changing the Senate rules regarding cloture. Only takes 51 votes to change Senate rules.
Democrats can cut elderly voters' health care benefits whenever they want. And they can do it without a single Repbulican vote.
And that's just how they're going to have to do it.
Rush was referring to a specific moment during Paul Ryan's presentation. I was watching live at the time and several things came to mind.
1. Ryan was doing an excellent job of merging a comprehensive critique of the financial weaknesses of the bill with very specific factual assertions.
2. He was addressing Obama directly. When Ryan said "you" or "your bill," he clearly meant Obama. The link between the President and the financial trickery was made explicit.
3. Obama was pissed. He looked angry, his lips did tighten and it seemed to me that he wanted to interrupt or divert Ryan.
4. Problem was, Obama did not have the facts at hand to refute Ryan, so interrupting was probably not a great tactic, as Obama had no effective response.
5. An aide rushed up to give Obama some info.
6. The info obviously wasn't enough because when Ryan finished, Obama dismisssively said that they could discuss the numbers "some other time" and went into a riff on Medicare Advantage. He was explicitly ungracious, did not thank Ryan for his views and was not responsive to Ryan.
When do you suppose was the last time that Barack Obama sat and listened to nearly eight uninterrupted minutes of cogent criticism of him and his views? If you answered "never" you might well be right.
And this smackdown was on national television. You bet the President was pissed--not just at Ryan but at his damn fool advisers who helped get him in this spot. Any President would be pissed in that situation.
So in answer to your question, and based on observing the moment and my personal reaction at the time, I do not think Rush was over the top. Rush was colorful in his descriptions as usual, but he portrayed the moment very accurately.
(I am not, by the way, a Rushbot--rarely listen to him and do find him unfair and annoying at times. But he had this one right.)
NewHam -
They have 55 votes now and can cut the budget any time they wish by changing the Senate rules regarding cloture. Only takes 51 votes to change Senate rules.
Actually it takes 67 votes to change Senate rules regarding cloture.
David, as a point of information. Much later in the summit, Obama called out Ryan by name, saying that he was sure they could work together, and really had more in common than not. *paraphrasing*
""As a nation, we can't afford what we are committed to right now in the way of Medicare and Medicaid benefits."
"Then Democrats should have cut those benefits back when they had 60 votes in the Senate for a year. But they didn't.""
Nor did the Republicans before them. And that is to my point that legislators do not want to even state our nation's problems as they really are for fear of losing reelection. Worse than that, the majority of the American populace is well aware of the realities, but they too are willing to go along with the charade because it suits their own personal agenda. They want their entitlements.
Re: Ryan presentation. I can't comment much on BO's response (verbal or otherwise) but Ryan was spot on
"We can't afford the programs we have now"
Why is that concept so hard to grasp? Its not that I don't care about the uninsured but look at how we did when we got everyone covered (albiet only over 65), didn't consistently and effectively manage the cost, allowed politics to continually blunt or abrogate many important financial constraints and in fact, added more and more benefits.
We can crow about our successes: everyone over 65 is covered, most recipients are satisfied, docs and hospitals are still participating but.....
(And both Democrats and Republicans are equally guilty for pandering to elderly constituents by being shocked that we might cut into Medicare.)
Here is my my side-by-side comparison of Karloff vs Obama. I don't think Rush was being unfair.
You get a distinctly different Obama vibe watching this short video of the summit: http://www.youtube.com/user/Optoons#p/u/0/nJUQN2juXck
What is hard to grasp is the sudden concern for our deficit. There was no one standing for fiscal responsibilty when Bush blundered into Iraq and launched the Medicare discount drug card scam with only tax cuts to fund them. It's hard to take it seriously when you threw out the baby when a republican was in charge.
What is hard to grasp is the sudden concern for our deficit. There was no one standing for fiscal responsibilty when Bush blundered into Iraq and launched the Medicare discount drug card scam
Does it really make you feel better to say "they did it too!"
If you foreclose on your home because you picked a bad loan and then the market went sour, can you really go to the bank and say "Well I didn't piss away my money as badly _____________"
How about and adult conversation.
Someone asked why the deficit argument is so hard to grasp and I'm saying consider the source, widdle baby boo boo, need a diaper change?
Own it-y'all only want fiscal responsibilty when it dovetails with your agenda. Same as Dems.
mc you are merely an obnoxious troll so I don't know why this "widdle baby boo boo" is even bothering to respond to you. Not all of the Althouse hillbillies were 100% behind W when he enacted Medicare part "D" (for deficit). It was just another transparent Washington DC effort to buy votes from the elderly. I would have been happy to support prescription benefits if they had been means tested; after all, we don't want granny to have to choose between food and blood pressure meds, but there is no reason to require a minimum wage earner to help pay for Warren Buffett's Viagra. Didn't like No Child Left Behind either. We need less, not more, federal interference in our lives and local school districts.
Penny said...
"David, as a point of information. Much later in the summit, Obama called out Ryan by name, saying that he was sure they could work together, and really had more in common than not."
By then Obama has recovered his aplomb. Plus his "call out" was a lie--or to put it more graciously, a tactic. The Ryan and Obama positions are irreconcilable. There may be minor points of agreement, but the overall approach is radically different.
Agree, it was a tactic, however, I was responding to this statement you made.
"He was explicitly ungracious, did not thank Ryan for his views and was not responsive to Ryan."
I thought perhaps you missed that he specifically went back and mentioned Ryan.
MC, why are people concerned about deficits now when they weren't under Bush?
There is the whole degree of the problem thing.
The deficits Bush and the GOP and alienated the conservative base with were fractions of what it is now. The first deficit with the Dem Congress was a record breaking 450B. Obama is easily doubling and approaching tripling that.
If somebody you are with is going 70 in a 55 mph zone, you get worried. But far less than if you are with somebody going 160 in a 55
master cylinder said...What is hard to grasp is the sudden concern for our deficit. There was no one standing for fiscal responsibility when Bush blundered into Iraq and launched the Medicare discount drug card scam with only tax cuts to fund them.
As a registered Republican I was outraged at Bush's profligacy. He destroyed the party's credibility on fiscal responsibility and I will never forgive him for that and many other things, such as his open-borders policy and Iraq occupation which did so much damage to the country. I also lost respect for talk radio people like Rush and Hannity who didn't hold Bush's feet to the fire for his wasteful spending. That doesn't mean I like Obama any better.
No, the correct Obamonster separated-at-birth is here:
Now, if you want a Frankenstein comparison, there's this old standby:
That's an honest comment Paul, thanks.
Many here would not concede as much. As I said, Dems are the same.
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