February 26, 2010

At the Sweet and Salty Snackhouse...


... you can get your fill. And you know damned well that none of this is any good for you. Yet you cannot stop!


Irene said...

This morning's "[n]ow that at long last no one cares, Carly Simon" post for me led to a *sweet* day of thinking about Joni Mitchell and listening to her music.

The nostalgia first brought me to this piece, which made me wonder more about the Carly Simon/Joni Mitchell relationship. It also reminded me of why I once tried to learn to play the dulcimer.

Later, I returned to a *salty,* old favorites, "Twisted". It brought back to mind a late night during my sophomore year in college in the 1970s. A dorm-mate and I, still spending "a lot of time staring into cups," decided that it would be fun to master the song's lyrics. We had no liner notes. I don't think we even had the album because I recall listening to the ditty on a small cassette player. The dorm-mate and I stayed up the entire night, repeatedly playing that one song and transcribing every word . . . that we could make out . . . onto a sheet of notebook paper. At dawn, we went out for one of those big breakfasts undergrads make their *fill* after an all-nighter. The meal was hardly a *snack,* but it was *good for you.*

I have that sheet of paper somewhere in the basement at the bottom of the "college box." I still have those lyrics somewhere at the bottom of my memory file: I *cannot stop.*

ricpic said...

Ronald Reagan said you can tell a lot about a person by the way he eats jelly beans. I guess what he meant by that is that there are scooper uppers and then there are picky pickies. Anyhow it's interesting. So I'm passing it on.

The Crack Emcee said...

I'm going to post this tomorrow, but want someone else to see it today.

If someone else took the level of depravity these people are capable of seriously, I'd sleep a hell of a lot better. Unfortunately, we who have had to endure cult-induced PTSD do so alone, and mostly to the sound of laughter.

Unknown said...

Ann said...

And you know damned well that none of this is any good for you. Yet you cannot stop!

Interesting that we all hurtle to our destruction when we know its form beforehand.

What fools these mortals...

Wince said...

Alright, let's go deeper.

What kind of man are you?

Well, you're weak, spineless, a man of temptation...

But what tempts you?

You're a portly fellow. A bit long in the waistband. So what's your pleasure? Is it the salty snacks you crave?

No no no no... Yours is a sweet tooth...

Oh, you may stray, but you'll always return to your dark master... The cocoa bean! And only the purest syrup nectar can satisfy you. If you could, you'd guzzle it by the gallon...

Anonymous said...

Where's the li hing mui mango crack seed? Nobody can eat just one piece.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Saw Crazy Heart this evening. It's a made-for-TV cum in-the-theater movie about country music! Jeff Bridges was superb, Maggie Gyllenhaal was lovely, and that consigliere dude from the Godfather was... ummm... there.

It was super-duper-good.

I cried during the credits while T-Bone Burnett's music was playing. My pseudonymous personality is writing that fact here because I can't tell anyone in the real world that or I'll lose all my self-respect.

And it's a New Mexico movie too! God, I love Santa Fe. The whole area around there is indeed enchanted, and goes perfectly well with the storyline.

Peter Hoh said...

I'm tired of these ambiguous posts.

I demand answers.

Are you, a law professor, actually for sweet and salty snacks?

Peter V. Bella said...

Ann Althouse for President. Sweet and Salty snacks for the masses!

traditionalguy said...

This is the Sweet and Salty Blog. None of this is good for us, but we cannot stop. And I cannot sleep yet...drank too much tonight at a celebration of a victory in a long Condemnation compensation fight with the Ga DOT Right of Way Acquisition Specialists. That is a bureaucracy from hell. Never trust the government to play fair unless they are cornered.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I've just streamed Julia 2008 with Tilda Swinton. She plays the best desperado in the movies today.

traditionalguy said...

Just read on Drudge that the IMF wants to talk about a New International Reserve Currency. The ducks are in a row now. Anyone want to bet on Soros's leadership behind this? He has his own US President and Democrat Party to do whatever nonsense he needs to wreck the US credit rating, and then the Boys in Europe slip in their new version of SPQR and take over our currency. Then who funds our US Military...or do the troops bring their own weapons with them from home?

As my whimsy leads me.. said...

Circus peanuts--YUCK!--were one of my grandfather's favorite candies. Along with orange slices and maple nut goodies. The last two are nearly irresistible when they are fresh. Every time I see any of those--or Moon Pies--I think of him.

Jason (the commenter) said...

And you know damned well that none of this is any good for you.

Funny how we call something with a lot of calories which is pleasant to eat, bad for you. What a decadent way of thinking.

Issob Morocco said...

Kashi can wash away the sin.

q12345q6789 said...

damn you Swedish fish...Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in...

KCFleming said...

I never enjoyed circus peanuts, but every few years I take bite of one.

My sister called them 'noo noos' when she was very little and so our whole family called them that from then on.

It still surprises me how one little bite can bring back the same simple memory from over 40 years ago, every time. Nothing remarkable to the memory, either; just a simpler time recorded and triggered by a waxy orange candy.

Crack Emcee's link reminds me how very good my parents were, and how very lucky I was to avoid evil like that for most of my life.

If only a small bag of shared noo noos were answer enough.

Dust Bunny Queen said...
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Dust Bunny Queen said...
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Dust Bunny Queen said...

(Third time is the charm. Broken links /sigh)

I used to love Mr. Salty pretzels. They came in a box, so they were never crushed. They also lived up to their name and were salty, with the salt still remaining on the pretzel instead of in a heap at the bottom of the bag, because they were in a box. Mr. Saltys were also cooked in the old fashioned way with a glaze that gave it a slightly sweet and bitter at the same time flavor.

They were wonderful.

Paired with a Coca Cola in frosty green glass bottles. If we were really lucky we were able to buy Coca Cola that had been made with real cane sugar. You have no idea the difference until you have had one!!! Real cane sugar instead of corn syrup crap like we get now. In Mexico and other Latin countries you still can get Coca Cola made this way. It was so good....they made a song about it

BUT ....there is hope on the horizon. Pepsi is about to bring back the Retro Pepsi" that is sugar sweetened.

Now if we could just get Nabisco to bring back Mr Salty, I would be in heaven.

The food Nazis will probably ruin my trip down sweet and salty nostalgia lane, though.

Peter Hoh said...

DBQ, do you get Snyder's pretzels where you live? They used to be limited to the Northeast, but a few years ago they expanded into wider markets. Not sure if they are national, though.

Anywho, their large sourdough pretzels are my favorites.

I'm totally with you on sugar sweetened Coke. Their switch to corn syrup has made it easier for me to give the stuff up.

As my whimsy leads me.. said...

Oh, I forgot about candy corn. That was another grandpa favorite. He didn't have candy often, but when he did, it was circus peanuts, orange slices, maple nut goodies, or candy corn. Bought from a real country store--with board floors and tiny grocery carts. The Moon Pies, of course, were always teamed up with RC Cola. Pronounced Arr-Sehy.

Unknown said...

traditionalguy said...

Just read on Drudge that the IMF wants to talk about a New International Reserve Currency. The ducks are in a row now. Anyone want to bet on Soros's leadership behind this? He has his own US President and Democrat Party to do whatever nonsense he needs to wreck the US credit rating, and then the Boys in Europe slip in their new version of SPQR and take over our currency. Then who funds our US Military...or do the troops bring their own weapons with them from home?

I've been reading snippets like that for a while. Insta points to an NRO piece (http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=NmQyOTI5NzNkMmMxY2IyYThhMjBmNjhkOWQ2MTY5YjE=) that goes one step further, noting that Tippytoes' permanent majority is based on the idea that cap-and-trade and BarryCare, once installed, will be unremoveable. As they are a pack of hard core communists, blowing an election or two doesn't matter. This is why the Clinton (as hard core as the Chicago gang and the Pelosicrats) crowd all the "conservatives", "libertarians", and "independents" say they miss is hot to Alinskyize the Tea Partiers (http://biggovernment.com/capitolconfidential/2010/02/17/clinton-plotting-tea-party-counterattack/). Unlike the RINOs, the idea of the word, "repeal", won't give the patriots the vapors.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

(Third time is the charm. Broken links /sigh)

I used to love Mr. Salty pretzels. They came in a box, so they were never crushed. They also lived up to their name and were salty, with the salt still remaining on the pretzel instead of in a heap at the bottom of the bag, because they were in a box. Mr. Saltys were also cooked in the old fashioned way with a glaze that gave it a slightly sweet and bitter at the same time flavor.

They were wonderful.

Paired with a Coca Cola in frosty green glass bottles. If we were really lucky we were able to buy Coca Cola that had been made with real cane sugar. You have no idea the difference until you have had one!!! Real cane sugar instead of corn syrup crap like we get now. In Mexico and other Latin countries you still can get Coca Cola made this way. It was so good....they made a song about it

BUT ....there is hope on the horizon. Pepsi is about to bring back the Retro Pepsi" that is sugar sweetened.

Now if we could just get Nabisco to bring back Mr Salty, I would be in heaven.

The food Nazis will probably ruin my trip down sweet and salty nostalgia lane, though.

Agree on the Coke, dbq, but the best salty ever was Wise Potato Chips. Never blanched, rich flavor, natural golden brown. And the Barbecue was to die for.

victoria said...

I love UTZ pretzels. They do not sell them in California so I have to order them by the case and ship them out here. Extra dark specials. Yummy. We have the best candy in the world, See's, but our pretzels leave something to be desired. Also, for sweet and salty, Garrett's cheese and carmel corn mixed "Chicago Style". My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

Vicki from Pasadena

knox said...

TARGET carries a Butter Toffee popcorn that is unbelievably good. I think it's their Archer Farms store brand.