And purportedly thought "Now get your fuckin' shinebox," according to this blog, which Glenn likes/pretends to like, but which fails to comply with Flickr terms of service — by not linking to the photo page — and my Creative Commons license — by not giving me credit for the photograph I took.
I think it's very funny blog too, actually. I'm not even sure what I want more, credit for the photograph of mine that it used or an Althouse-focused equivalent of Analyze Glenn Reynolds’ Body Language. I mean if Charles Johnson is going to say "Glenn Reynolds is ... engaging in political analysis via Flickr. And Ann Althouse, too!" and then direct readers to the Analyze Glenn Reynolds’ Body Language blog, where's the parity?
६४ टिप्पण्या:
Charles Johnson and Andrew Sullivan are racists, in the sense they look for it like a couple of bored kids playing a game of "Punch Buggy" so they can yell out RACIST!
How about the obvious, it is tedious even for Barack Obama to talk with Joe Biden?
Irish Hoodlums!!!!
The Racism Must Stop!!!!!
Charles Johnson and Andrew Sullivan are racists
Unable to hope and pray Rush to an early grave, the new left is now trying out new and different targets.
I'd say that Reynolds definitely likes that blog. It's hilarious. He's not some wussy-pants. Of course he likes it.
LOL, that is a funny blog. Looks like it was created for the occasion.
@Freeman I agree, but I'm just acknowledging that I don't know and that if one did not like such teasing, the best strategy would be to pretend to be amused.
Charles Johnson and Andrew Sullivan are just spinning into butter.
Looks like Jeff Goldstein nails it.
CJ and AS spinning into butter? LOL.
Where are the pancakes. eh?
wv: bachag you dog you!
Geez, it was a fun photo that we riffed on.
I think the reaction to the comments was more revealing than the comments.
A reverse Rorschach test.
Okay, guys, this has now become so self-referential that I'm totally not getting it at all.
Charlie, check out the hyperlinks.
And this comment at PW made me laugh:
Comment by Matt on 1/4 @ 5:45 pm #
I think its great that even in this tough economy, Andy still has access to the best drugs.
Charlie, Little Miss Attila has the back story here.
Hey some people can dish it out but they can't take it.
Welcome to the NFL.
I do have to agree with Andrew Sullivan that the bunny picture with Glenn is the best one.
Trooper? Did you make a New Year's resolution? (Or break one?)
A good puzzle, it's a fair thing. Nobody is lying. It's very clear, and the problem depends just on you.--Erno Rubik
wv: sance "Sense with sass."
Hey that was last year, this is this year. They only last a year right?
poor Rush--praises the hospital system and
as clkose to socialism as it gets!
Glenn Reynolds is an odd bird - not only is he weird looking, but I can't understand his editorial decisions, like why he linked to The Beast's hookers during the Tiger mess, or insists on telling us what he's bought or buying. I can't listen or watch he and his wife's podcasts, or videos, because they talk funny and have grating voices to match - like nails on a chalkboard. (I also don't watch Roger L. Simon with that damn hat,...)
There's something about this "blogging professor" world that smacks of elitism when it comes to Reynolds. I've never seen anything other than the rabid atheist perspective (think Richard Dawkins) on Reynolds's site, though he'll give time to The Anchoress (who I love) and other individualized religious types. And, while he linked to The Misandry Bubble, I've never seen him take up the cause, or link to anyone else who's been regularly addressing it, but his wife. (To be honest, I don't know which bothers me the most: the fact I'm not a blogger he links to - when Reynolds, along with Ann, is part of the crew that made a nutcase like Andrew Sullivan popular - or that I can easily detect the favoritism/nepotism he shows towards others.) Does being someone who's usually right/correct matter to Reynolds? Or is he too wimpy/elitist to engage men who are neither? Or, maybe, he just refuses to link to anyone who ain't playing the nice guy/political fence-sitter - as we're being fleeced for trillions over crap like "Climate Change" - as his accepted pose appears to be? I can't tell. Someone tell me:
Before ClimateGate, did Glenn Reynolds ever say "this is a load of crap"? And, if not, why?
If he's so smart, why couldn't he see the obvious - that this (by comparison) uneducated black guy from South Central, L.A. could see - and direct his millions of readers to ways to stop it? AGW was an obvious scam but what good was Reynolds to alerting anyone about it? How about the issue of money wasted on "alternative medicine" and (since he'll link to religious types) all the NewAgers in Washington pushing their agenda? Oprah was out with the president, did Glenn Reynolds mention, even once, that she's a NewAge fruitcake known for hanging out with flakes and giving bad advice? Does he even have an interest in why or how the specific issues of these certain "spiritual" types - health, the environment, women's rights, etc. - are being forced on us? How we got here - really - and where we're going, aren't these the real issues of our time? Seriously, I'd like to know:
When is Glenn Reynolds going to stop settling for being popular and start to matter?
At this point, I have much more interest in Glenn Beck - who speaks truth to power when we need it most - than the hey-look-at-this/it-could-be-this-way-it-could-be-that/I'll-wait-to-see-how-the-wrongs-play-out nonsense of Glenn Reynolds. I mean, he says he'll start acting like there's an environmental crisis when the green meanies do. Well, I feel the same way about Glenn Reynolds on a whole host of other issues, that are just as important - and, as he knows, are bleeding us dry as we speak.
You guys make jokes about it but - seriously - you are professors, and some of us expect more of you. We need more of you. Right now, in my opinion, you're not too many steps above AGW scientists, insisting your critics are the crazy ones and we should just accept that you, as gatekeepers, dish out the best information we have. It's bullshit and anyone with a functioning brain - anyone who sees through conventional wisdom - can see it.
I think many of our online gatekeepers are a big part of why this country is having such a hard time getting moving again.
That's kind of backwards Crack. You're simultaneously accusing the guy of being an elitist and damning him for not acting one and trying to lead public opinion too far.
Point is, if you genuinely believe solving these problems requires popular acceptance of "big government" and rule by "elites" as a problem, the solution is not going to be replacing the current opinion-forming elite with a new one. It's getting people to form their own opinions and acting on them.
I applaud folks that don't try to overreach their mandate and their abilities. People who do usually wind up being... not good.
A man's got to know his limitations.
So it's a matter of style that you object to. You'd prefer he become more concrete.
In his defense, as a matter of style, he has been saying all along he'd take anthropomorphic climate change seriously if those propounding it as crisis acted so. That's all I needed to know where he stood definitely. I don't mind at all he's not shrill.
As far as odd birds, who isn't?
The (on? )Crack Emcee
"our online gatekeepers"
That is the dumbest comment I've seen this year. Please tell me this was a joke I didn’t get.
“Help my mouse is stuck and I can’t click a different link!”
Click on a different link you moron!
Was this post supposed to be coherent?
"The solution is not going to be replacing the current opinion-forming elite with a new one."
If they're right - meaning correct - why not? If Glenn Beck can bring down these people, why can't Glenn Reynolds? Isn't bringing them down what we're supposed to be doing? They are blowing our money, taxing us up to our eyeballs, and destroying any respect we may have built up on the world stage. What's the answer? Saying "Look!" over and over again?
"I applaud folks that don't try to overreach their mandate and their abilities. People who do usually wind up being... not good."
Oh yea? Tell that to Rush Limbaugh.
Glenn (Reynolds?),
"A man's got to know his limitations."
I agree, but it's when they become obvious you've got a problem. Or when you're not even willing to try to exceed them. We're Americans. Leading is what we're supposed to be about.
"In his defense, as a matter of style, he has been saying all along he'd take anthropomorphic climate change seriously if those propounding it as crisis acted so."
That's still fence-sitter talk: these people, starting with Al Gore, should be hung in the public square for the damage (financial and otherwise) they were attempting to inflict on our country and - through their behavior-controlling nonsense - on us as individuals. Fuck that "I don't take this seriously" crap - this is a crime of epic proportions that the rest of you will allow to play out while the perps walk away rich. People who knew better have been catching hell over this shit and what's your answer to them? Nothing. They have to take their lumps and use this as a lesson about the nature of the world you're creating - a world where right is merely an opinion.
You're being too dumb for me to be bothered.
The blog is maintained by James Urbaniak, one of the voice actors on the cartoon show The Venture Brothers. Or so he tweeted.
Sully has certainly gone crazy the same way Ray Nagin went crazy after Katrina. It's all about race or whatever.... At least Ray Nagin has the stress of Katrina to blame... What does Sully have to blame... Oh that's right the stress of getting caught smoking pot on the beach and getting away with it.
Actually he has since credited you with taking the photo and is now trying to turn it into a joke as well.
Overall it's kind of amusing, but I can't imagine this will remain funny for more than a day or two before it just becomes boring.
Regardless of how quickly it dies off I can't imagine that Reynolds is bothered by it.
I can tell from that photo that Reynolds' presidency is in shambles.
"Go home and get your [fuckin'] shinebox."
To be accurate, "Shinebox" wasn't a threat of violence, but provoked one instead.
Point is, if you genuinely believe solving these problems requires popular acceptance of "big government" and rule by "elites" as a problem, the solution is not going to be replacing the current opinion-forming elite with a new one. It's getting people to form their own opinions and acting on them.
I don't think you understand the basis for the "opinion-forming elite" claim. The complaint is that there are existing powerful institutions that have a powerful opinion-forming role simply by virtue of their status as powerful institutions. The complaint isn't "people listen to X instead of thinking for themselves"; it is "X has a soapbox that other people lack".
If a million people get up on soapboxes and the end result is that a dozen of them end up being the opinion-setters, that's fine. The point is, those dozen will have earned that role on the merits of their arguments, rather than on the basis of their ability to get hired by a media company.
Reynolds wasting peoples' time by distracting them with the bauble of a photo is certainly a few steps up from his past efforts, such as encouraging people to swarm politicians at their events and celebrating making gestures about politicians behind their back.
Meanwhile, if Reynolds had simply encouraged his readers to find smart people to go "cross-examine" pols at their appearances - engage them intellectually - BHO might not be president and UHC might not be about to pass.
That's the bottom line: what Reynolds promotes just isn't that effective, and he refuses to promote things that would be effective.
See my Glenn Reynolds coverage for more (each one of those listed is a link to a full post).
Dude, when Ann said Andrew Sullivan was "important", I reached some kind of tipping point: the man is just another NewAge huckster, taking his seat at the Mad Hatter's party, convincing "seekers" it's all good. But it's not all good. The man's a freak who has, with the wrong-headed influence he's been given, put us all in danger.
I don't know about you, but I'm willing to let a lot of shit from the last decade go, if y'all won't carry this into the next one.
Well said.
Crack Emcee,
I think that being a good professor is probably highly correlated with using hedging language and leaving room open for doubt. I think there's a place for both that and the sure-worded activist.
I think I understand the opinion-forming elite claim pretty well, actually.
Reynolds earned his big soapbox by doing a particular sort of thing. Being disappointed that he doesn't then change his formula for success, or that his formula isn't what you wish it to be is like wishing the sky is red.
Crack mentions Rush Limbaugh. Well, Limbaugh is similarly successful because he's got a good formula and he sticks to it. You don't see him jumping the shark and running for President, or trying to actually become a politician. Would Rush Limbaugh as, say, chairman of the RNC be a good thing? I don't see any reason why.
That gets to the leadership thing. Yeah, this is America, but the quest for everyone to be a leader nonsense is often counterproductive. At worst, it results in semi-cultish nonsense like that which derives from Obama. Like he's some leader dragging the other 300M of us to enlightenment.
A better kind of leadership, and in my mind a more fundamentally American one (in the historical sense) was folks understanding what they're good at and leading in that field, whatever it is. In that sense, everyone can take pride in what they do.
By that meaning, leadership isn't a competitive game, it's a cooperative game.
In the Obama sense, and the sense I get from Crack, to be honest, it's a competitive game. You get a dominant guy and a bunch of followers. Supplicants. Yuck.
You've got some wild shit there, and done some great work. Bravo!
Freeman Hunt,
This isn't activism, this is obvious citizenship. As LwDC said: Reynolds has been "encouraging people to swarm politicians at their events and celebrating making gestures about politicians behind their back. Meanwhile, if Reynolds had simply encouraged his readers to find smart people to go 'cross-examine' pols at their appearances - engage them intellectually - BHO might not be president and UHC might not be about to pass.". Don't you see, Freeman? That's how we got here. It certainly wasn't because of the "crazies", like me, screaming "Stop this guy!" - Glenn Reynolds wouldn't hear of that, not when he's got all those other big and important idiots to link to instead, saying, "Well, if you look at it this way" (HEH) and "Well, if you look at it that" (OUCH) when - you know as well as I do - everything's going to look exactly like we've been sold down the river once we arrive where those losers have led us. Like I said, this isn't activism, this is obvious citizenship:
You don't let people do this to your country.
But what do I know - except I didn't do it? If you ask me, that alone - having openly railed against Obama's election - should be enough to earn anybody a mouthpiece out there. That's a person who hasn't been fooled and should be heard. Did Glenn Reynolds do that? He had access to more information than I did, and a huge audience, so he also should've been able to say the man is a cypher - so why didn't he? This is the fate of our country we're talking about. This was all obvious. Glenn Reynolds is flown places to give public speeches like he's as "important" as Andrew Sullivan. What gives, Freeman? What's going on? This is a bad dream and I'm just not waking up yet, right? I mean, if I was awake, people - normal people - would already know this stuff, right? Right?
Like I said to Chip Ahoy, I'll start taking Glenn Reynolds seriously when he starts acting like someone to take seriously. I'm supposed to care about Ken Gladney when these fools were playing games that served, ultimately, to get him beat up? Please. Who does Reynolds think he's fooling?
And y'all wonder why people don't take education seriously, or respect our betters, or shit like that. They're no examples to be following. There's nothing on the line - for them - while everyone else eats a scam sandwich. Look: Glenn Reynolds can't make up his mind if he's buying a new Hybrid vehicle during the recession or not. Hope he makes up his mind soon:
Because, personally, I'm sick of hearing about it.
'Reynolds earned his big soapbox by doing a particular sort of thing. Being disappointed that he doesn't then change his formula for success, or that his formula isn't what you wish it to be is like wishing the sky is red."
Aah, so it's the shitty T.V. syndrome all over again: 30 posts a day and there's still nothing on,...
"Limbaugh is similarly successful because he's got a good formula and he sticks to it."
Bullshit. Limbaugh broke the rules, went against the conventional wisdom, and continues to do so to this day. He says Democrats are not to be appeased but defeated. In this environment, that's brave.
"Yeah, this is America, but the quest for everyone to be a leader nonsense is often counterproductive. At worst, it results in semi-cultish nonsense like that which derives from Obama."
Bullshit again. I'm talking merit and you're describing delusion. In my scenario, Obama wouldn't ever have gotten close to the presidency.
"Leadership isn't a competitive game, it's a cooperative game."
Hey, Ann, where do you get these people? They're like on drugs or something,...
<< I'm supposed to care about Ken Gladney when these fools were playing games that served, ultimately, to get him beat up? >>
When anyone latches on to the Gladney money machine without bothering to research the rest of the story, it becomes obvious they are just copying off the other kids.
James Urbaniak, aka Doctor Venture, so let's have a bit of fun over some film stills he's in.
Here's a link to the photos, from which I'll decipher his body language and innermost thoughts (captions from top to bottom)
1) Here we see the actor confronted with the daunting task of opening a snackfood package on film. The grimace is because he really wanted to eat a Twinkie in the scene, instead.
2) Here we see the actor's twisted posture which suggests he hasn't carried that much weight in decades, and it's killing his back, but he's doing it for art.
3) Here we see the actor deciding if he should have a 'Star Waggon' fling with his costar.
4) And, we can see, the answer was yes, clearly post-coital.
5) Here we see the actor contemplating whether or not to tell his wife about his fling with his costar
6) In the final picture, the actor's trying to figure out how to let his costar know that he's not going to leave his wife for her, but that he's willing to work out something 'on the side' if she's interested.
There's a sentence missing at the beginning of my previous comment.
James Urbaniak is the guy behind the Glenn Reynolds body language site. Guess there's a lot of downtime when you are an actor.
Althouse kicks the absurdity up a notch...Reynolds parries...Sullivan must be seething.
Wait, why was I supposed to care about some photo of Obama? Because hardcore anti-Obama partisan Glenn Reynolds was going on about it?
This whole photo debate has nothing of substance to it. It's just a bunch of bloggers yapping because they didn't know what else to yap about on some slow news days.
I'm with SMGalbraith.
The reaction to comments about this photo is becoming, in a small way, positively Palin-esque.
I don't think a guy who writes a book call An Army of Davids:How Markets and Technology Empower Ordinary People to Beat Big Media, Big Government, and Other Goliaths/ can be called an 'elitist' in the commonly recognized meaning of the word.
I saw this site yesterday, via a twitter link. It's pretty good and I like Glenn's reaction (someone not taking things so feverishly personal for a change). And a shout-out on the photo would have been nice.
Meanwhile, if Reynolds had simply encouraged his readers to find smart people to go "cross-examine" pols at their appearances - engage them intellectually - BHO might not be president and UHC might not be about to pass.
Readers! Go! Go find smart people!
Wow, blogging is so surreal. Following this extended stream about an old fave prof of mine is so . . . weird. Makes my brain hurt. Please stop. B/c I can't seem to stop reading it. haha
Bullshit again. I'm talking merit and you're describing delusion. In my scenario, Obama wouldn't ever have gotten close to the presidency.
Jeez, you're even worse than that nitwit Glenn Reynolds. He's just an ivory tower fop who doesn't know any better or have the balls to stand up for what's right.
But you, you've got this scenario all worked out, and you withheld it from the world and subjected us to an Obama Presidency?
Sir, have you no decency?
Good grief. Crack -- I do what I do, and I'm happy for you to do what you do. You want charismatic leadership from a law professor? Sorry, I'm a dweeb. I do what I can.
Feel free to do what you can, too. I'll support it if I can.
LoneWacko: I didn't push your Joe-The-Plumber-Redux plan because (1) I didn't think it would work; and (2) If it had any chance of working, it wasn't going to work if I pushed it, because then it would have been tagged as "astroturf" by the media.
It's fine if some want to think big, but frankly, there really are too many thinking they are all that. In that arena, style always wins over substance, unfortunately. That's just how it works.
All that's needed is for us, one on one, to convince one other person with reason, love, calm and passion. This is possible. This will not create one new opponent for every convert, as going big often does. This is democracy. This, I will do, and I know I will succeed. I'm busy, I'm lazy, and I can still do this.
Reynolds is the opposite of shrill. It is part of his appeal. He respects the reader's inteligence so his simply puts the links out there so the readers can form their own opinions.
Sometimes, he tips his hand and gives a clue to his opinion with his comments "good grief" or "heh". But he obviously does not want to lead a movement.
Is his blog more widely read than NYT? I bet it is.
In my 7:47 post, I should clarify that 'this photo' refers to the picture posted on the White House Flickr page of Obama and Biden backstage at the Kennedy Center.
Not the photo of Glenn Reynolds putting a bunny in blender.
(hopefully some will have been reading Instapundit long enough to get that reference)
"You've got this scenario all worked out, and you withheld it from the world and subjected us to an Obama Presidency? "
I withheld nothing - you've never read my blog, have you?
"Good grief. Crack -- I do what I do, and I'm happy for you to do what you do. You want charismatic leadership from a law professor? Sorry, I'm a dweeb. I do what I can. Feel free to do what you can, too. I'll support it if I can."
Come on, Glenn, I've done 45 posts on misandry without a peep from you. Was I wrong? No - haven't been wrong about much since I started the thing - but what do I get? A link on French food - through Ann. (Thanks, still.) I've done tons on the subject of "no-fault" divorce, feminism, the roots of NewAge - you name it - the background and foreground, but, after years of such work, you'll instead link to The Misandry Bubble. (OUCH) Hell, man, if you can't stomach linking to me, then link to Chris Locke - anybody who's down with where the action is now:
The corrosive influence of NewAge.
It's frustrating, and exasperating, to see you (and others) dancing around the subject - and it is "the subject" (that affects everything: what you call the "singularity") - that, more than any other, deserves a direct laser-like examination. Everything is failing because of it and you - who AJ Lynch suggests is "more widely read than NYT" - say nothing. The Tea Party Movement *is nothing* compared to the NewAge Movement - which has a 40 year head start, people in government already, on TV, and, with "Avatar", holds the current top position even in film, kills people regularly, drives others insane or to the poorhouse - but you go ahead and keep doing what you "can", if that's all you "can'. As my foster mother used to say, "He's doing the best he can with what little he has."
Look, I've got to get to work - which, being a corporate job, is a hotbed of NewAge's wrong-headed Large Group Awareness Training (something else you're ignoring as a source of our problems) - but I'll leave you with this, my "mantra":
Eliminate the Democrats and we'll still have NewAgers working to bring them back or otherwise destroy our lives. Eliminate the NewAge Movement, though, and we're done with the whole lot of 'em.
But that, my friend, takes exposure.
You (and Dr. Helen) are too big not to be playing a real role in this.
Crack...The Instapundit Blog has a niche of linking to other sources that is like a bee going from flower to flower. He sticks to that diplomatic role and avoids partisanship. I think of Glenn Reynolds as a truce emmissary that is useful after warriors have shot each other up enough to desire to quit the bloodletting, for a while. But the dude works very hard and faithfully to serve the role that he has created for his Blog, as you do for your Macho Responses.
Damn it, I gotta go:
Then nobody keep telling me how awful shit is, O.K.? Let's do like Reynolds and play diplomat - it's working real well, for Obiwan, fixing our problems, right?
We need MEN, now, damn it! As Charles Krauthhamer (sp?) said, "Decline is a choice" and, by the actions of Reynolds and others like him, that choice is obvious. It's pretty clear, if nothing else, that he's willing to sacrifice those of us at the bottom of the food chain - who get hit hardest by this nonsense he's "cool" (like Obama) on - just because we're passionate about wanting to, at least, save our own skins.
I really gotta go. Love you, man.
Read The Misandry Bubble.
Crack, I really don't think you're reading my blog much.
Here you go, Ann!
It's all about you!
The Crack Emcee has been reading Instapundit since he was five years old.
If I didn't read you I wouldn't care: I visit several times a day, actually. Over the last couple of days, I was most impressed by the link to Bill Whittle's work - which is usually very good - he's inspiring. (Hell, if Pajamas Media put him, Andrew Klavan, Sonia Schmitt, and Bill Hicks together, they'd have a real-TV-ready version of a conservative 60 Minutes or something. (30 Minutes?)
I gotta go - I'm almost done here, but will write more when I get home.
Well, Crack, I really feel you're missing out on what I'm doing. I'm sort of a "gateway blogger," which in some ways limits what I do, but in exchange sends more traffic to other folks and -- by design -- builds up a whole ecosystem of other blogs.
I get the idea that you're unhappy that I haven't been linking you, but actually I only knew you through comments on Althouse; I was only vaguely aware that you have a blog. Sorry; the blogosphere is a big place, and I try to keep up, but it's an impossible task. I'll try to drop by in the future.
I agree - and I feel kind of stupid now: I didn't think about how you might see your role, or what you might be trying to accomplish, through your choices. To me it was just "stuff" kinda, with a massive dose of favoritism. I'm sorry for the mistake.
No sweat. You got stuff you think is right for Instapundit -- bearing in mind it's a "family blog" (which is why I don't link to Ace that much . . .) -- send me a link. No promises, as I get a lot of email and miss a lot of stuff, but I'll try.
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