January 7, 2010

At the Sunset Restaurant...


... Happy Hour has just ended, and we are settling in for a night of... well, maybe football! Horns up!


HT said...

why why why?

why say anything ... if you don't care?

Mark Daniels said...

The Horns may go up, but I have a feeling that the Horns will go down.

HT said...

and now a jinx.


Ann Althouse said...

I care! Of course, I want Texas to win! I'm here in Austin. I want the people around me to be happy.

And don't forget, I was born in Texas. I mean, not really born, but... conceived.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Horns up!

Oh great.. something other than Tiger Woods.

HT said...

logging off
logging off
logging off
logging off
logging off
logging off

Anonymous said...

Neat moderne house.

Don't you feel on display with those windows through?

Peter Hoh said...

I'm wondering how money I'd have to have in order to be willing to shell out $25,000 for dinner with Brit Hume.

I'll have to buy a Powerball ticket. If I win, who wants to fill out my roster of 6 guests?

Anonymous said...

Texas Fight!

EK said...

This UT Austin alumnus says "Hook 'em, Horns!"

The rule of Lemnity said...

$25,000 for Brit to tell me to come to Jesus?

Thats a bit much.. specially in the Obama economy.

wv - pedin - a cake made of donations.

hombre said...

I can't tell from the photo, but I hope you made The Oasis.

Palladian said...

I hate sports.

I'd rather sit in one of those Arne Jacobsen chairs and read a book or the internet.

Palladian said...

Is that an Eames elliptical table?

traditionalguy said...

Peter hoh...Can I bring my wife? Put me on your list and I'll put you on mine.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I'm watching Napolitano on CSpan and I cant help thinking the lady that help kids cross the street after school know more about security than Napolitano.

Freeman Hunt said...

I'm wondering how money I'd have to have in order to be willing to shell out $25,000 for dinner with Brit Hume.

You'd think that if you had that kind of money to spend that kind of way, you'd have access to those kinds of social circles where you could just invite him over to dinner.

Unknown said...

You look quite serene. The spectacles look nice.

Ann Althouse said...

I care! Of course, I want Texas to win! I'm here in Austin. I want the people around me to be happy.

And don't forget, I was born in Texas. I mean, not really born, but... conceived.

Careful there, you starting to sound like Hillary and her, "I've always been a Yankees fan".

Yehudit said...

Austinites like to put Xmas tree lights on everything all year round, so not sure where you are.

Moose said...

Please don't tell me that's your son sitting there...

The rule of Lemnity said...

Texas has no confidence in their bkup q4back.

vbspurs said...

Careful there, you starting to sound like Hillary and her, "I've always been a Yankees fan".

Yeah, but Ann is never going to claim she has a Jewish grandmother to get more bloghits.

vbspurs said...

Hey, is that your son John Althouse Cohen? Because it doesn't look like Chris. They're both hot, though, right Palladian?

vbspurs said...

I went to find out about a hotel for my upcoming cruise in March, and what do I find on this site -- GAY HOTELS!

Why am I always the last to know about these things?

(They're interior decoration must be FABULOUS)

KCFleming said...

Althouse looks serene.

I think I was serene once. I was about 2 months old, and Mom mistook it for gas, but it was indeed serenity.

After that, I was cynical. One of the few cynical infants, but there it was. Formula has that effect.

Serenity looks good on you. As I near 50, there are rare moments where I approach that feeling, but once again others think it's just gas.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I want Texas to win!

The Althouse kiss.

David said...

Horns up!

Colt down . . . . .



Pogo: Serenity comes, then senility, often in rapid progression.

traditionalguy said...

Texas has a long way to come back after that last shuffle pass interception. Mark Ingram sure looks good. The phrase Roll Tide seems to be taking on a clearer meaning.

Chip Ahoy said...

I made a cake. (but it wasn't very good.)

vbspurs said...

Shame about Colt. I don't see the 'horns winning without him. And that means ex-Dolphins coach Nick "Dick" Saban will win. Meh.

J. Cricket said...

I guess the football part of the evening is now over, since the Horns are looking almost as effective as the Bush presidency.

The rule of Lemnity said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kentuckyliz said...

Well, I couldn't pick a team. One of my fave Olympic women rowers is a coach at Texas--Carrie Graves. We used to row in Austin during spring break to get in some early water time. My SIL was born in Texas.

I have no Bama connections to speak of. I have visited the studios and monastery in Birmingham a few times. But no U connections.

I suppose I should choose SEC loyalties.

I dunno.

I have had the game on in the background while I'm in another room--and it looks like the tide is rolling all over the horns. Unless there's a 4th quarter miracle....

I hope that young man isn't seriously hurt.

Freshman players...OMG HS to Rose Bowl in one year. Can you imagine?

Iowa won the Orange Bowl! My alma mater. I am still happy about that. Just had to mention it again.

Bad snowstorm with cold temps blowing through--work closed early today and I just found out we're closed tomorrow too. Yeay! A free day off. After having two solid weeks off for the holidays. I haven't worked a full week yet, though I did work until 9 pm last night--took that long to take care of the students that signed in by 6 and wanted to stay and be served. Two elected to come back today with priority sign in to see e, since they've already waited. Makes things difficult for the receptionist--perceived apparent unfairness or cutting, but I explained things and smoothed over people's feelings. My lines are short, but take forever, because I untangle complicated situations. It takes a long time with each student. I hate that they get stuck waiting so long, but I serve them cheerfully and thoroughly once they get back to me. That's why I'm the go-to gal. I work out creative solutions and overcome red tape and help the academically vulnerable turn things around and become successful and I'm a transfer guru and I am a veterans benefits guru and I am just a guru in general. I rawk.

But it's nice to have a bonus day, still. I love my job and I love the occasional snow day. Leisure is a foretaste of heaven.

No alarm clocks in heaven.

If there are, there also better be guns so I can shoot the damned alarm clock. LOL

Meade said...


Methadras said...

New Jersey killed homosexual marriage. That is all.

Triangle Man said...

The dinoflagellates persevere over the mighty impressive bovines.

Meade said...

Tough when you lose your star quarterback. Texas players showed great heart.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Are they filling that with jelly beans?

Titus said...

I went to see Avatar tonight at the Museum of Science.

I liked it and I don't care for special effect kind of movies.

The 3D shit bugged me sometimes.

It was too long for me though. It is hard for me to sit still for 2 hours and 45 minutes.

Any time I think of Alabama football I think of the Bruno scene where he is cheerleading and the entire crowd is yelling fag at him.

Palladian said...

"Hey, is that your son John Althouse Cohen? Because it doesn't look like Chris. They're both hot, though, right Palladian?"

They are both attractive young men, though I'm partial to Christopher as he doesn't come across as an unpleasantly snarky, privileged young lefty the way JAC sometimes does. But I forgive JAC of that, as he's a straight boy and the chicks dig that sort of thing. At least the kind of chicks he probably runs across.

Palladian said...

That's Christopher, as he's the one in Austin according to my recent intel and surveillance data.

verification word: gluelube

um... ok, now I know they're messing with us. gluelube?! The mere idea makes my testes shrink back into my body like a pair of frightened Lhasa-apsos hiding under a teal couch.

Titus said...

Hi Palladian!!!

Special Hugs going your way.

And a very special Happy New Year.

Now give me a big kiss.

Beth said...

Okay, this is off topic but since this is a law professor's blog, and this thread has included football as a topic, there's some coherence to my post.

The quarterback of the professional football team in my general area has an opinion piece in the Washington Post, regarding a case before the Supremes.

I don't know much about the issue, but as a Saints partisan I swell with pride at Drew Brees' mostly readable prose, including correct usage of the two "my fellow players and [personal pronoun]" constructs. Yay for Breesus; he's no Bolenciecwcz, but who is, really?

wv: bears. Ha! Da bears.

HT said...

Yea, Alabama! Drown 'em Tide!
Every 'Bama man's behind you;
Hit your stride!
Go teach the Bulldogs to behave,
Send the Yellow Jackets to a watery grave!
And if a man starts to weaken,
That's a shame!
For 'Bama's pluck and grit
Have writ her name in crimson flame!
Fight on, fight on, fight on, men!
Remember the Rose Bowl we'll win then!
Go, roll to victory,
Hit your stride,
You're Dixie's football pride, Crimson Tide!

Joan said...

Beth -- what a great op-ed! You have good reason to be proud of your QB.

Beth said...

Joan, we love that guy down here. I know he thinks adeptly when he's in the pocket, but who knew he's got that brain stirring all time?

raf said...

Only to be expected. Brees is a Purdude. High expectations pertain.

vbspurs said...

GLUELUBE!! It's not just for breakfast anymore.

vbspurs said...

Ah yes, I always thought Titus had to be an Althouse insider. Mystery solved? Maybe.

Lance said...

If you hold your hand over the left side, the remaining picture looks like the set of Star Trek, complete with uniformed actor.