Howard Kurtz tells us about this Tucker Carlson project, The Daily Caller, which begins today:
[Carlson's] $3 million in funding comes from Wyoming financier Foster Friess, a big-time GOP donor.
But Carlson insists this won't be a right-wing site: "I don't feel guilty about or ashamed in any way of saying we'll cover the people in power," he says, dismissing the capital's Republicans as "totally powerless."
"Our goal is not to get Republicans elected. Our goal is to explain what your government is doing. We're not going to suck up to people in power, the way so many have. There's been an enormous amount of throne-sniffing," he says, a sly grin beneath the mop of brown hair. It's disgusting."...
The focus will be on the White House and Congress; early stories will examine Medicare fraud and wasteful stimulus projects, along with a Carlson piece on the latest White House party-crasher, Carlos Allen....So I go to the website and here's the teaser for the top story:
That's what you decided to throw in my face on the morning of your first day?! I guess I'm way out of your target audience. Jeesh. That's lurid. And Carlos Allen means nothing to me. You've got an unknown black man posing with 3 breast-wielders, for no obviously apparent reason, making me reflexively assume you're trying to attract childish men and... uh... racists?
And the whole look of the place is old-fashioned and tabloid. HuffPo had a really great aesthetic from the start. Why did they make it look like that? Everyone on the staff must be design-blind. Or there's just something impossible about using Wyoming financier money to hire a great graphic designer.
Much as I like Jim Treacher — who has a blog over there — his logo is so atrocious I feel like...

... well, let's just say it makes the Pajamas Media bathrobe look chic.
८१ टिप्पण्या:
This reminds me of all the would be Rush Limbaugh of the Left types. You have to earn something like this. Like them or not, Huffpo earned their position.
Huffpo works because they attract a lot of content, even if some of it is crap. Some of almost everything is crap, but that's not what you lead with.
On the other hand, the chick on the right? Yow!
Some people preferred Mad Magazine and some people preferred Cracked. I never had a dog in that fight.
Is Carlos friends with Tiger?
And didn't Pajamas Media already do that?
Comparing, even loosely, the Daily Caller to Pajamas Media is like comparing HuffPo to Daily Kos. Yeah, they intersect on issues and world view, but one is the brainchild of an unknown blogger, and the other, the entrepreneurial roll of dice of a well-known political pundit.
The difference is the star quotient, which is not to be underestimated. People may or may not like Arianna Huffington and Tucker Carlson.
BUT THEY KNOW THEM. That's priceless in getting the word out, and getting a fair amount of eyeballs from Day 1.
"What entitles a website to be perceived as important from Day 1?"
The very deep pockets of their backers.
Incidentally, I'm already registered (same ID, obviously) and have posted about 5 comments at TheDC already. They all posted immediately, save ONE. Care to guess which?
The one underneath the Harold Ford Jr. running for Senate story. It's the only one which says "Awaiting moderation".
I wondered if it was due to overposting within 3 hours, or so. So I posted a quickie comment after the Ford one, and it went through just fine.
See if you can figure out what triggered need for moderation:
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
No less luminating Democratic lights than Vice-President Joe Biden and Senator Harry Reid would urge Harold Ford, Jr. to run for the NY seat. He’s “light-skinned”, “articulate”, “clean”, and doesn’t speak with that Negro patois (unless he wants to). What’s not to like?
Incidentally, is there a reverse Yankee term for carpetbagger? Just wonderin’.
If you guess my quoting of Senator Reid's "Negro" might be the answer, I think you might be right.
I've never liked Tucker Carlson. He's always struck me as the kind of conservative lightweight that gets hired by the networks to make their liberals look good.
You've got an unknown black man posing with 3 breast-wielders, for no obviously apparent reason
Hell I can think of at least 3-4 good reasons to be standing in his place.
Mulligan says she signed up because of Carlson's open-mindedness
I didn't think people still used that.. "open-mindedness".
Rush used to say it's code for 'I'm not going to be challenged'.
I've never liked Tucker Carlson. He's always struck me as the kind of conservative lightweight that gets hired by the networks to make their liberals look good.
Kinda like Alan Colmes but without the appearance of a ghoul.
And who the hell names their kid Tucker? Jesus.
You would think it was funny or ironic or somehow important if you, Queen of Posts Concerning Breasts, posted it.
Watch out Tucker, Althouse is already jealous. On day one!
Salamandyr, he's not a conservative, he's a libertarian. Unlike Andrew Breitbart, for example, I think he's not even a committed libertarian if cornered by a brighter one.
Or maybe it's just my dislike of the bow-tie affectation.
Phony Alexander Woolcott wannabe.
Ann are you saying the Huffpo was the same on day 1 as it is today ?
Its content has changed dramtically since it opened ...
"That's priceless in getting the word out, and getting a fair amount of eyeballs from Day 1."
Got my eyeballs and burned them on Day 1.
Actually I want to know how do you wield a breast? Are they removable that I don't know about? I'm trying to picture the headline: "Man beat to death by breast wielding maniac" but somehow I can't make it work.
"Ann are you saying the Huffpo was the same on day 1 as it is today?"
No, but I remember it vividly, and I was extremely impressed by the graphic design.
Both the Left and the Right has this kind of junk, and it's designed to appeal to the fringes on both sides. We need more thoughtful centrist blogs and publications, but it seems almost impossible to find one. Anyone have any ideas, concerning a good normal middle-of-the-road blog? Where people love their families, and their country, and don't hate their fellow voters?
Hoosier Daddy wrote:
And who the hell names their kid Tucker? Jesus.
The same kind of people who name their other kid, Buckley Swanson Peck Carlson.
Swanson, I hear you say? Yep. His mother is the frozen-food conglomerate heiress.
Tucker not only has the preppy name, the preppy looks, the preppy addiction (he was a heavy drinker), but he attended one of the Eton-Oxford equivalents in America -- prepped at St. George's in Rhode Island, and attended Trinity College in Hartford.
So you know, he's not only a celebrity journalist, but is vying to be the new William F. Buckley Jr.
Got my eyeballs and burned them on Day 1.
Is there any conservative-leaning website that launched with much hullabaloo that you ever liked from Day 1?
"Actually I want to know how do you wield a breast? Are they removable that I don't know about?"
Assuming you are a woman with breasts, here are a few very obvious and oft-used ideas:
1. Arch your back and stick your chest out. 2. Wear tight/low-cut clothing and a push up bra. 3. Insert falsies or implants. 4. Put them as close to a man's face as you can. 5. Touch men with them and rub....
Guys, you may like to play innocent, but women — unless they are quite dumb or naive -- know what they are doing with their breasts.
Guys, you may like to play innocent, but women — unless they are quite dumb or naive -- know what they are doing with their breasts.
Hey I was just wondering about the term 'breast wielding'. I mean when I hear wielding I conjure up swords or fighting staffs. It doesn't quite have the same effect when breast is inserted in there. Although if its cold enough I suppose you could poke out an eye.
Hoosier Daddy wrote: Hell I can think of at least 3-4 good reasons to be standing in his place.
Or 6.
Re "are they removable," I know some people have said -- and I famously criticized a well-known blogger for breast-wielding -- that women can't help having their breasts, and I'm acting as if breasts could be removed. But, again, don't be naive, women know what we are doing with our breasts. We dress differently in a professional setting than when we are going out to a party, for example. How do you play down your breasts? Here are some obvious and oft-used ideas?
1. Wear an extra layer, like a jacket, especially over any sort of clingy knit.
2. Wear a supportive bra that doesn't create an exaggerated profile.
3. Stand/sit with a normal, natural posture.
4. Don't brush or push up against anyone with your breasts.
5. Touch men with them and rub.....
LOL! What woman does this?
wv: STERN! Yes, Howard probably had many a boob pressed against him.
Seems petty going after The Daily Caller - except the part about breast implants, that is, the DC kicking off with what appears to be moonlighting, DNC hookers.
Meanwhile back at Althouse Central, there may be more mileage to be had in a contest: Obama's opening line(s) in his upcoming State Of The Union address; what can the man say that isn't simply recycled horse manure?
What is the state of the Union?
Incidentally, Arianna Huffington (whom Carlson called a "friend and neighbour") classily wrote a welcome to the web message on TheDC. She said that like Tucker, though she is a liberal, she is mostly an independent thinker not tied to excusing any one political party from scrutiny.
I like the gesture, but I find her words disingenuous. She has plenty of liberal backers, as does Tucker with Foster Friess, all of whom are bankrolling journalists who they know will be on their side.
But, again, don't be naive, women know what we are doing with our breasts.
This is true. Breasts are not independent agents. You know if you're waving your arms around; same with breasts.
And now, having looked at the site, I like the layout fine. I don't like that top story though. Why that?
Oh well, it gets a pass for now. It has Treacher.
I'm sorry but i like Carlson, at least I liked his brief PBS show. Maybe I'm a preppy at heart (there's treatment for that isn't there?) Maybe it was the bow tie (though I have to admit it wasn't in the Irvine R. Levine class)
"Both the Left and the Right has this kind of junk, and it's designed to appeal to the fringes on both sides. We need more thoughtful centrist blogs and publications, but it seems almost impossible to find one. Anyone have any ideas, concerning a good normal middle-of-the-road blog? Where people love their families, and their country, and don't hate their fellow voters?"
*Sigh.* Good luck with that, Ricardo. Everybody says they want that, but nobody reads sites that are like that. I've come to the conclusion that only two things are sure-fire hits on the web: a cult of personality, or downright nastiness.
It's sort of like with movies: there are a handful of surefire formulas for plots and stars, endlessly recycled. Nothing else reliably attracts the investors needed to make a hit.
Everybody complains about it, but somehow tickets are still sold.
Or there's just something impossible about using Wyoming financier money to hire a great graphic designer.
Maybe it's like Olin Foundation money - they used to forbid universities who were applying for grants from using expensive architects for the buildings.
In school, us geek guys used to talk about the girls who would "put their tits in your ear",.
They wouldn't usually talk to you, but when they wanted help with some homework problem, they would come up behind you and lean over, making sure their breasts were eye level.
Worked every time. Yes, I can help you!. Geeks are cheap and easy, but hardly anyone ever buys. Like store brand cola.
I love the sweet smell of competition.
Best of luck to you, Tucker!
But, again, don't be naive, women know what we are doing with our breasts. We dress differently in a professional setting than when we are going out to a party, for example
I agree totally with Ann on this one. Women use their breasts to their advantage just as described. Being somewhat 'endowed' myself, I play down the 'attributes' at work with much different clothing than I would when going out and looking sexy for my husband.
And to Victoria (not Pasadena) women will rub their breast lightly on a man to flirt. It happens all the time, especially in social settings and fueled by alcohol.
lean over to reach the chips or wine...oops...light brushing against the arm...."Oh...excuse me..have we met before" flirt flirt wink I caught a woman trying this on my husband at a party. Me: "Here you go honey.(Handing her the dip) I guess your arms are to short." Subliminal words: back off bitch before I rip your face off.
low cut dress, reach down to pick something up...full view of the breasts and possibly lacy bra..catch the eye of the guy who is gawking...blush and smile
More examples? Not that "I" personally have ever done such things. /wink
Women know full well what they are doing when they wield their breasts.
"5. Touch men with them and rub.....
LOL! What woman does this?"
Victoria, warm hugs are a suitable alternative for we shy girls. ;)
I'm surprised more people aren't discussing the graphic design here. I think it looks terrible and tacky. It reminds me of the website of the New York Post (and those of other tabloids). Just clicking over there, I feel a little embarrassed by the look of it.
Lynne: "*Sigh.* Good luck with that, Ricardo. Everybody says they want that, but nobody reads sites that are like that."
You're absolutely right. And my comment was kind of rhetorical. I think the answer is that real centrists never/seldom read political blogs, and walk away from all this rancor.
Hey Dust Bunny Queen if you need to drum up some business I am having a special on Prima Donna Bras this week.
The Champs Elysees and the Menton Deep plung are paticularly fetching.
If all the content seemed tabloidy, I'd be willing to criticize, but basically every other featured story is a pretty straightforward news or opinion piece. This seems like something they did to generate buzz on launch, not an indication of what the content will look like every day. I'm actually quite impressed with the site as a whole. It's got a really impressive crop of opinion writers and a lot more original reporting than I expected on day one.
I can't link to the Daily Caller. Not ready for prime time?
If you really want to seal the deal, then give a glimpse of your
Thrilling Thong!
There is a conservative HuffPo.
"Geeks are cheap and easy, but hardly anyone ever buys."
Have you not been following the Peter Orszag saga, Pogo?
He seems to be changing everyone's impression of geeks and nerds, for at least those who travel in elite circles.
He has coattails. Hang on!
Claiming Foster Friess is from Wyoming is like claiming Hillary Clinton is from NY.
Not ready for prime time?
Very likely. I emailed them about a glitch of when I'm logged in, I can't see the homepage, and yet I can when I'm not logged in.
I saw on Twitter that they launched it a few hours ahead of time (around midnight EST), due to excitement. Rookie mistake.
Wrong preposition! DC is perceived as important ON day one, not FROM day one. (Because of money and name recognition.) They will be perceived as important tomorrow if they come up with content that people want to read. And yes, as Huffpo (and Althouse) have figured out, that includes boobie coverage (or uncoverage or something).
I'm not as turned off by the front layout, but I definitely agree about Treacher's logo. Terrible. They have to be kidding.
BTW, pretty low class not to link to Huffpo in Ariana's post. It's called a WEB, Tucker.
DBQ wrote:
And to Victoria (not Pasadena) women will rub their breast lightly on a man to flirt. It happens all the time, especially in social settings and fueled by alcohol.
OH WELL. Sure, when drunk! But that's already a very specific kind of situation, not a daily one.
I once got out of a speeding ticket with a cop when I flashed my pearly whites, and flirted with him. I'm very well-endowed too, but I didn't think to rub my boobs up against him.
"I'm surprised more people aren't discussing the graphic design here."
Kurt, I guess I am also, but I have the opposite reaction to you. I'm pleased about that.
It is very much a web phenomena for commenters to spend as much time talking about the graphic design and the user interface of a site, as it is to comment on the content itself. That's always puzzled me, perhaps because I'm about as far away from being tech savvy as you can get.
Hoosier Daddy - my guess is several of those breasts in that photo are indeed removable.
Gah. Why are they using the Hobo font in that header?! Might as well just use Comic Sans.
Am I the only one who thinks of this Austin Powers scene when discussing breast wielding?
I always enjoyed the Jim Treacher bits linked by Insty, but when I explored his site further I found myself repulsed but the underlying current of sordidness. Happened twice. That was enough to keep me away. So many blogs. So little time.
This pic just continues to reinforce my opinion. Strikes me that there are a lot of middle aged, middle class women energizing the Tea Party. You think they are going to be enticed by that pic? I think they are going to roll their eyes and think "Politics as usual" and have none of it. JMHO.
Ann coined [?] "breast-wielders". Heh good one.
wv = obich
Callgirls on the Caller?
Fake boobs, fake tans, fake lips, fake eyebrows. They could have lightened the photo a bit, so the title person isn't in shadow.
NRO doesn't have comments.
WV - bicavelm - so they can handle two men at a time.
Whatever happened to Tucker Carlson's television program?
I can't imagine being interested in *reading his nonsense, when nobody was interested in watching it.
Putting a pic of a black man with white boobays on the front page as the introduction to his site, speaks volumes.
We just don't need another "conservative" reinventing the wheel that already fell off the cart 1000 times before.
There is a conservative HuffPo.
That's insulting to NRO.
a sly grin beneath the mop of brown hair
I won't be reading it, and Tucker Carlson is why. The quote above describes him perfectly, a grating persona poised above a bowtie.
And I read "Huffpo" only if something links to it and I end up there. What a collection of prattle! And she steals most of it.
And while I'm dwelling on shallow criteria, I don't read Pajamas Media because of that idiotic hat. Take off your damn hat and be an adult, Roger Simon. If it ain't a cowboy hat, it doesn't belong on your head indoors.
You call those women "breast wielders" as if that's a bad thing.
Hey Tucker, first of all you are a douchebag. A large bag of douche, okay? Second of all, if you aren't interested in getting conservatives elected, then what the fuck are you doing this for then? Oh that's right, keep your name in lights, you creepy, bow-tie wearing simp. Thirdly, Brietbart is already beating you to the punch, moron. Tucker Carlson is the conservative answer to laxatives at this point.
Ann, what disturbs you more, 3 hot womenz wit da black man or just their boobs?
I have really enjoyed Tucker Carlson over the years. I have watched and read him since he was at the Weekly Standard, in the early 90's. I actually do believe he will be an Independent voice. I will not always agree with what they say or post but am looking forward to hearing another viewpoint.
I tried to view the website and found it "Too Busy" for the human eye. They try to squeeze in way too much information in to little a space.
But Carlson insists...this won't be a right-wing site: "I don't feel guilty about or ashamed in any way of saying we'll cover the people in power," he says, dismissing the capital's Republicans as "totally powerless."
Tucker Carlson insisting something won't be "right-wing."
Now THAT'S funny.
When I see women thrusting their chests like that I always thing of dairy breed magazines, where that sort of posture is really important and also sells magazine covers.
You don't like the logo? Oh well. Thanks for checking out the blog!
It looks like you're sitting on the (tin)can.
Trad Guy:
I have the same reaction when I read the ESPN magazine. It has multiples boxes, stories on a page.
Way too busy for this old guy.
I did not look at the Daily Caller yet but I will because I like Carlson and Treacher has talent.
I liked the Jim Treacher Logo. But then I like things nautical.
Regards — Cliff
"breast wielders"
Isn't that pretty much every female on the planet over the age of 16?
Speaking of which, the word verification: undera
I think he's not even a committed libertarian if cornered by a brighter one.
Great line!
I suspect, then, that he's not a committed libertarian most of the time.
Guys, you may like to play innocent, but women — unless they are quite dumb or naive -- know what they are doing with their breasts.
Ann ... really!?
It would be the women who are "playing innocent" here.
There are too many pictures (picture overload!) and all the pictures are too tiny to have any impact. Plus the text is too small. What's important on that page? It just seems like a bunch of filler.
Daily Beast gets my vote for best design--and especially, layout--of a news site.
I agree, Daily Caller doesn't look very good. Kind of amateur, in fact. PJM isn't much better, but you know, they hang their hat on being on the fringes, don't they? So a less button-ed up look sort of suits them.
Count me amongst the few who will admit to liking Tucker Carlson. Yes, Crossfire would best be forgotten. But he's a libertarian, not a republican... why would he arbitrarily support their candidates?
"Gah. Why are they using the Hobo font in that header?! Might as well just use Comic Sans."
Yes! The use of Hobo is the thing that jumped out at me. It's one of those novelty fonts that really, really has to be used carefully if it is to be used at all (which it really shouldn't be).
I think the logo concept could work but it just needs to be redone with better spacing, better coloration, better composition and of course different typefaces.
It just seems like a bunch of filler.
I totally agree. Plus they have been updating their main headline story all day. First the boobies, then Reid, then Palin, now the Bammer.
I like Drudge because he sticks to one massive story - photo per day. It gives the site more impact.
The Treacher logo makes him look like a little boy.
I took a look at the site. This headline stuck out: One thing we know: This decade will be better than the last.
I wholeheartedly support this sentiment, but is it a claim a Republican wants to make?
I have the sinking feeling that this goes the way of Culture 11.
Jim Treacher deserves better, imho.
Let's take a closer look at those breasts...
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